------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 25 12:36:58 UTC 2015 - seife+obs@b1-systems.com - fix rhel build by conditionalizing "Recommends:" tags - do not hardcode /usr/share/doc/packages but use %_docdir ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 29 14:25:15 UTC 2015 - tbechtold@suse.com - Don't BuildRequires python-pygraphviz. It's not needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 30 10:46:52 UTC 2014 - tbechtold@suse.com - update to version 1.9.1: * Bugfix release for minor installation and documentation issues - Don't BuildRequire/Recommend matplotlib and scipy on SLE11 and SLE12. Both are not available there. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 24 09:35:49 UTC 2014 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Add python-decorator in requires to buildrequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 15 14:49:41 UTC 2014 - tbechtold@suse.com - update to version 1.9: * The flow package (networkx.algorithms.flow) is completely rewritten with backward incompatible changes. It introduces a new interface to flow algorithms. Existing code that uses the flow package will not work unmodified with NetworkX 1.9. * We added two new maximum flow algorithms (preflow_push and shortest_augmenting_path) and rewrote All maximum flow algorithm implementations (including the legacy ford_fulkerson) output now a residual network (i.e., a DiGraph) after computing the maximum flow. See maximum_flow documentation for the details on the conventions that NetworkX uses for defining a residual network. * We removed the old max_flow and min_cut functions. The main entry points to flow algorithms are now the functions maximum_flow, maximum_flow_value, minimum_cut and minimum_cut_value, which have new parameters that control maximum flow computation: flow_func for specifying the algorithm that will do the actual computation (it accepts a function as argument that implements a maximum flow algorithm), cutoff for suggesting a maximum flow value at which the algorithm stops, value_only for stopping the computation as soon as we have the value of the flow, and residual that accepts as argument a residual network to be reused in repeated maximum flow computation. * All flow algorithms are required to accept arguments for these parameters but may selectively ignored the inapplicable ones. For instance, preflow_push algorithm can stop after the preflow phase without computing a maximum flow if we only need the flow value, but both edmonds_karp and shortest_augmenting_path always compute a maximum flow to obtain the low value. * The new function minimum_cut returns the cut value and a node partition that defines the minimum cut. The function minimum_cut_value returns only the value of the cut, which is what the removed min_cut function used to return before 1.9. * The functions that implement flow algorithms (i.e., preflow_push, edmonds_karp, shortest_augmenting_path and ford_fulkerson) are not imported to the base NetworkX namespace. You have to explicitly import them from the flow package. * We also added a capacity-scaling minimum cost flow algorithm: capacity scaling. It supports MultiDiGraph and disconnected networks. - Add python-decorator as Requires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Dec 9 13:26:37 UTC 2013 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Add optional dependencies as Recommends ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Dec 8 13:49:40 UTC 2013 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Update to version 1.8.1 + No changelog available ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 31 14:42:25 UTC 2012 - saschpe@suse.de - Don't package INSTALL.txt and other docs twice ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 12 14:52:26 UTC 2012 - saschpe@suse.de - Spec file cosmetics ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 11 14:56:08 UTC 2012 - toddrme2178@gmail.com - Cleaned up spec file - Renamed package from python-NetworkX to python-networkx to match the module name ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Sep 8 20:27:43 UTC 2011 - alinm.elena@gmail.com - initial commit ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 6 00:00:00 UTC 2009 - urs.beyerle@env.ethz.ch - update to 0.99 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 26 00:00:00 UTC 2008 - ti.eugene@gmail.com - Initial build