forked from pool/python-numpy

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Tue Oct 13 08:24:51 UTC 2015 -
- Update to 1.10.1
+ Bugfix for build problems
* Compiling with msvc9 or msvc10 for 32 bit Windows now requires SSE2.
This was the easiest fix for what looked to be some miscompiled code when
SSE2 was not used. If you need to compile for 32 bit Windows systems
without SSE2 support, mingw32 should still work.
* Make compiling with VS2008 python2.7 SDK easier
* Change Intel compiler options so that code will also be generated to
support systems without SSE4.2.
* Some _config test functions needed an explicit integer return in
order to avoid the openSUSE rpmlinter erring out.
* We ran into a problem with pipy not allowing reuse of filenames and a
resulting proliferation of *.*.*.postN releases. Not only were the names
getting out of hand, some packages were unable to work with the postN
- Remove upstream-included numpy-1.10.0-remove_Wreturn_type_warnings.patch
Tue Oct 6 09:30:18 UTC 2015 -
- Update to version 1.10.0
+ Highlights
* numpy.distutils now supports parallel compilation via the --parallel/-j
argument passed to build
* numpy.distutils now supports additional customization via site.cfg to
control compilation parameters, i.e. runtime libraries, extra
linking/compilation flags.
* Addition of *np.linalg.multi_dot*: compute the dot product of two or more
arrays in a single function call, while automatically selecting the
fastest evaluation order.
* The new function `np.stack` provides a general interface for joining a
sequence of arrays along a new axis, complementing `np.concatenate` for
joining along an existing axis.
* Addition of `nanprod` to the set of nanfunctions.
* Support for the '@' operator in Python 3.5.
+ Dropped Support:
* The _dotblas module has been removed. CBLAS Support is now in
* The file has been removed.
* The file has been removed.
* npy_PyFile_Dup and npy_PyFile_DupClose have been removed from
* splitcmdline has been removed from numpy/distutils/
* try_run and get_output have been removed from
* The a._format attribute is no longer supported for array printing.
* Keywords ``skiprows`` and ``missing`` removed from np.genfromtxt.
* Keyword ``old_behavior`` removed from np.correlate.
+ Future Changes:
* In array comparisons like ``arr1 == arr2``, many corner cases
involving strings or structured dtypes that used to return scalars
now issue ``FutureWarning`` or ``DeprecationWarning``, and in the
future will be change to either perform elementwise comparisons or
raise an error.
* The SafeEval class will be removed.
* The alterdot and restoredot functions will be removed.
- Rebase numpy-1.9.0-remove-__declspec.patch
- Add numpy-1.10.0-remove_Wreturn_type_warnings.patch
This patch is already merged upstream and should be present in
Wed Sep 23 07:31:55 UTC 2015 -
- update to version 1.9.3:
* #5866: fix error finding Python headers when build_ext --include-dirs is set;
* #6016: fix np.loadtxt error on Python 3.5 when reading from gzip files;
* #5555: Replace deprecated options for ifort;
* #6096: remove /GL for VS2015 in check_long_double_representation;
* #6141: enable Visual Studio 2015 C99 features;
* #6171: revert C99 complex for MSVC14.
Mon Mar 2 15:38:20 UTC 2015 -
- Update to 1.9.2: Bugfix release
* #5316: fix too large dtype alignment of strings and complex types
* #5424: fix ma.median when used on ndarrays
* #5481: Fix astype for structured array fields of different byte order
* #5354: fix segfault when clipping complex arrays
* #5524: allow np.argpartition on non ndarrays
* #5612: Fixes ndarray.fill to accept full range of uint64
* #5155: Fix loadtxt with comments=None and a string None data
* #4476: Masked array view fails if structured dtype has datetime component
* #5388: Make RandomState.set_state and RandomState.get_state threadsafe
* #5390: make seed, randint and shuffle threadsafe
* #5374: Fixed incorrect assert_array_almost_equal_nulp documentation
* #5393: Add support for ATLAS > 3.9.33.
* #5313: PyArray_AsCArray caused segfault for 3d arrays
* #5492: handle out of memory in rfftf
* #4181: fix a few bugs in the random.pareto docstring
* #5359: minor changes to linspace docstring
* #4723: fix a compile issues on AIX
Thu Nov 6 11:38:20 UTC 2014 -
- Update to 1.9.1: Bugfix release
* gh-5184: restore linear edge behaviour of gradient to as it was in < 1.9.
The second order behaviour is available via the `edge_order` keyword
* gh-4007: workaround Accelerate sgemv crash on OSX 10.9
* gh-5100: restore object dtype inference from iterable objects without
* gh-5163: avoid gcc-4.1.2 (red hat 5) miscompilation causing a crash
* gh-5138: fix nanmedian on arrays containing inf
* gh-5203: copy inherited masks in MaskedArray.__array_finalize__
* gh-2317: genfromtxt did not handle filling_values=0 correctly
* gh-5067: restore api of npy_PyFile_DupClose in python2
* gh-5063: cannot convert invalid sequence index to tuple
* gh-5082: Segmentation fault with argmin() on unicode arrays
* gh-5095: don't propagate subtypes from np.where
* gh-5104: np.inner segfaults with SciPy's sparse matrices
* gh-5136: Import dummy_threading if importing threading fails
* gh-5148: Make numpy import when run with Python flag '-OO'
* gh-5147: Einsum double contraction in particular order causes ValueError
* gh-479: Make f2py work with intent(in out)
* gh-5170: Make python2 .npy files readable in python3
* gh-5027: Use 'll' as the default length specifier for long long
* gh-4896: fix build error with MSVC 2013 caused by C99 complex support
* gh-4465: Make PyArray_PutTo respect writeable flag
* gh-5225: fix crash when using arange on datetime without dtype set
* gh-5231: fix build in c99 mode
Mon Sep 8 10:01:09 UTC 2014 -
- Update to 1.9.0
* Numerous performance improvements in various areas, most
notably indexing and operations on small arrays are
significantly faster. Indexing operations now also release the
* Addition of nanmedian and nanpercentile rounds out the
nanfunction set.
- Remove upstreamed numpy-double-double-le.patch
- Add numpy-1.9.0-remove-__declspec.patch
Fixes spurious warnings during build. These warnings are related
to a windows-specific function that is not built, so the patch
just removed the function.
- Added patch tag for numpy-buildfix.patch
Mon Aug 11 10:09:38 UTC 2014 -
- Update to 1.8.2: Bugfix release
* gh-4836: partition produces wrong results for multiple selections in equal ranges
* gh-4656: Make fftpack._raw_fft threadsafe
* gh-4628: incorrect argument order to _copyto in in np.nanmax, np.nanmin
* gh-4642: Hold GIL for converting dtypes types with fields
* gh-4733: fix np.linalg.svd(b, compute_uv=False)
* gh-4853: avoid unaligned simd load on reductions on i386
* gh-4722: Fix seg fault converting empty string to object
* gh-4613: Fix lack of NULL check in array_richcompare
* gh-4774: avoid unaligned access for strided byteswap
* gh-650: Prevent division by zero when creating arrays from some buffers
* gh-4602: ifort has issues with optimization flag O2, use O1
- Switch to pypi download location
- Changed Url to current home page
- Minor spec file cleanups
Mon Apr 14 05:23:39 UTC 2014 -
- bugfix release 1.8.1
Thu Dec 5 11:17:52 CET 2013 -
- add numpy-double-double-le.patch for ppc64le
Thu Oct 31 10:17:25 UTC 2013 -
- Update to 1.8.0
* New, no 2to3, Python 2 and Python 3 are supported by a common code base.
* New, gufuncs for linear algebra, enabling operations on stacked arrays.
* New, inplace fancy indexing for ufuncs with the ``.at`` method.
* New, ``partition`` function, partial sorting via selection for fast median.
* New, ``nanmean``, ``nanvar``, and ``nanstd`` functions skipping NaNs.
* New, ``full`` and ``full_like`` functions to create value initialized arrays.
* New, ``PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr``, better ufunc support for user dtypes.
* Numerous performance improvements in many areas.
- Add a new flag to easily enable/disable atlas support for if it
ever gets fixed in the future
- Rebase numpy-buildfix.patch
Fri May 3 22:27:24 UTC 2013 -
- Update to 1.7.1
* Bugfixes
Fri Apr 5 13:20:14 UTC 2013 -
- Add Source URL, see
Tue Mar 12 06:21:52 UTC 2013 -
- update to 1.7.0
* This release includes several new features as well as numerous
bug fixes and refactorings
- ``where=`` parameter to ufuncs (allows the use of boolean
arrays to choose where a computation should be done)
- ``vectorize`` improvements (added 'excluded' and 'cache'
keyword, general cleanup and bug fixes)
- ``numpy.random.choice`` (random sample generating function)
New Features:
- Reduction UFuncs Generalize axis= Parameter
- Reduction UFuncs New keepdims= Parameter
- Datetime support
- Custom formatter for printing arrays
- New function numpy.random.choice
- New function isclose
- Preliminary multi-dimensional support in the polynomial package
- Ability to pad rank-n arrays
- New argument to searchsorted
- Added experimental support for the AArch64 architecture.
* For additional details check release notes at
- numpy-aarch64.diff: removed, now upstream
Tue Mar 5 22:25:53 UTC 2013 -
- add numpy-aarch64.diff:
* Fix build for AArch64
Fri Aug 17 08:20:36 UTC 2012 -
- Disable atlas buildrequires until the problems with atlas are
worked out
Mon Jun 4 15:30:34 UTC 2012 -
- Add libatlas2 buildrequires
Fri Jun 1 12:08:16 UTC 2012 -
- Remove blas/lapack tests since these build successfully on all
targets now
- Add documentation packages
These are separate packages because a lot of packages depend on
numpy, so building the documentation inside the base spec file
would slow down the build process for the entire project
Fri Jun 1 11:46:41 CEST 2012 -
- Old products don't provide python(abi).
Mon May 21 08:03:11 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 1.6.2:
* bugfixes
Fri May 18 08:46:22 UTC 2012 -
- Fix rpmlint warnings
Mon Apr 30 15:17:34 UTC 2012 -
- Removed tests for unsupported openSUSE versions
Mon Apr 23 16:25:57 UTC 2012 -
- Add python 3 package
- devel package BuildRequires -> Requires
Sun Apr 15 19:23:41 UTC 2012 -
- Fix SLE_11 build
Fri Apr 13 02:56:50 UTC 2012 -
- Modify BuildRequires to match recent name changes of lapack and
blas in project.
Sat Oct 01 13:49:14 UTC 2011 -
- Added static lib to devel package for scipy build
Wed Sep 21 13:04:54 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 1.6.1:
* Please see
- Spec file cleanup:
* Set license to BSD-3-Clause (SPDX style)
* Removed testsuite from packages
* Removed rpmlintrc file and actually fixed the issues
Mon Jan 23 15:07:08 UTC 2011 -
- update to 1.5.1
Numpy 1.5.1 is a bug-fix release with no new
features compared to 1.5.0.
Relevant bugs fixed:
* linalg: lstsq should always return real residual
* lib: fix negative indices in s_ and index_exp
* core: fix uint64 -> Python int cast
* core: richcompare should return Py_NotImplemented when undefined
* lib: close file handles after use in numpy.lib.npyio.*
* core: ensure PEP 3118 buffers can be released in exception handler
* core: fix clongdouble cast to Python complex()
* core: fix detection for ``isfinite`` routine
Mon Sep 6 08:32:07 UTC 2010 -
- update to 1.5.0 to fix build against python 2.7
highlights 1.3 -> 1.4:
* New datetime dtype support to deal with dates in arrays
* Faster import time
* Extended array wrapping mechanism for ufuncs
* New Neighborhood iterator (C-level only)
* C99-like complex functions in npymath
highlights 1.4 -> 1.5:
* support for python3 and python 2.7
Mon May 31 07:14:03 UTC 2010 -
- fix build for hppa
Fri Jan 15 12:00:00 CET 2010 -
- re-enable build on non-SUSE distros
- do not provide python-numeric on Fedora, since a package by that
name exists
Wed Jan 13 16:29:10 UTC 2010 -
- use a more generic way to define py_sitedir on all targets
Mon Jan 11 14:57:01 UTC 2010 -
- remerge d:l:p version with O:F version
- split -devel package and add support for !suse targets
Wed Apr 8 19:43:27 CEST 2009 -
- update to 1.3.0
* official python 2.6 support (although it did (mostly)
work before)
* new multiarray APIs
Wed Feb 11 01:31:36 CET 2009 -
- fix filelist by using "--record-rpm" instead of "--record"
(and do not quote lines starting with "%dir ")
Wed Feb 4 17:10:04 CET 2009 -
- package taken directly from devel:languages:python repository,
original changelog follows:
* Tue Dec 02 2008 - James Oakley <> - 1.2.1-1
- Update to 1.2.1
* Mon Aug 11 2008 - James Oakley <> - 1.1.1-1
- Update to 1.1.1:
- Python 2.3.x fixes
* Robert Kern -- remove development branch of f2py.
* Pierre GM -- masked array, fix dictionary update.
* Pierre GM -- masked array, fix itertools groupby dependency.
* Pierre GM -- masked array, fix use of iterators.
* Neil Muller -- fix test dependency on pretty print (#828).
- General improvements
* David Cournapeau -- scons build fixes/improvements.
* Stefan van der Walt -- Howto document updates.
* Fernando Perez -- cython updates.
* Robert Kern -- PyPI metadata fixes.
- Bug fixes
* #791 -- Travis Oliphant, std/var not properly calling array_finalize.
* #798 -- Stefan van der Walt, piecewise exposes raw memory.
* #810 -- David Huard, Verbose argument not effective for ndarrays in assert_equal.
* #828 -- Neil Muller, numpy file format format test failures on Solaris.
* #825 -- Neil Muller/Charles Harris, SIGBUS in UNICODE_getattr on Sparc Linux.
* #837 -- Pauli Virtanen, Infinite loop in fromfile & fromstring
* #841 -- Charles Harris, make numpy complex types print like Python.
* #843 -- Michael Abbott, reference count error in PyArray_CanCoerceScalar
* #844 -- David Cournapeau, failure with numpy inner.
* #848 -- Michael Abbott/Charles Harris/Travis Oliphant, reference leak.
* #849 -- Michael Abbott, reference to deallocated object.
* #850 -- Michael Abbott, memory leak.
* #854 -- Pauli Virtanen, Non-standard branch cuts (arccosh).
* #857 -- Pierre GM, dividing masked array with newaxis fails.
* ------- David Cournapeau, ctypes load_library fix.
* ------- Ryan May, Stefan van der Walt, fix loadtxt.
* ------- Robert Kern, make functions return booleans.
* ------- Robert Kern, correct old numeric typecodes.
* ------- Robert Kern, fix raising exception in tests.
* ------- Robert Kern, make sure Zipf results are in allowable range.
* ------- Robert Kern, fix c++ style comment.