------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 21 08:47:36 UTC 2014 - dmueller@suse.com - use pycrypto, not python-rsa ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 20 10:22:53 UTC 2014 - speilicke@suse.com - Add pycrypto requirement for "rsa" submodule ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 1 11:22:43 UTC 2013 - p.drouand@gmail.com - Update to version 0.6.0 + All endpoint methods change contract to return 3 values instead of 4. The new signature is `headers`, `body`, `status code` where the initial `redirect_uri` has been relocated to its rightful place inside headers as `Location`. + OAuth 1 Access Token Endpoint has a new required validator method `invalidate_request_token`. + OAuth 1 Authorization Endpoint now returns a 200 response instead of 302 on `oob` callbacks. - Changes from version 0.5.1 + OAuth 1 provider fix for incorrect token param in nonce validation. - Changes from version 0.5.0 + OAuth 1 provider refactor. OAuth 2 refresh token validation fix. - Changes from version 0.4.2 + OAuth 2 draft to RFC. Removed OAuth 2 framework decorators. - Changes from version 0.4.1 + Documentation corrections and various small code fixes. - Changes from version 0.4.0 + OAuth 2 Provider support (experimental). - Changes from version 0.3.8 + OAuth 2 Client now uses custom errors and raise on expire - Changes from version 0.3.7 + OAuth 1 optional encoding of Client.sign return values - Changes from version 0.3.6 + Revert default urlencoding. - Changes from version 0.3.5 + Default unicode conversion (utf-8) and urlencoding of input. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 24 11:09:35 UTC 2013 - speilicke@suse.com - Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 23 11:19:03 UTC 2012 - saschpe@suse.de - Update to version 0.3.4: + A number of small features and bug fixes. - Changes from version 0.3.3: + OAuth 1 Provider verify now return useful params - Changes from version 0.3.2: + Fixed #62, all Python 3 tests pass. - Changes from version 0.3.1: + Python 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 support (experimental) - Changes from version 0.3.0: + Initial OAuth 2 client support - Changes from version 0.2.1: + Exclude non urlencoded bodies during request verification - Changes from version 0.2.0: + OAuth provider support - Changes from version 0.1.4: + soft dependency on PyCrypto ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 18 00:49:08 UTC 2012 - jfunk@funktronics.ca - Initial release