From aab0b4e004c22f058efa412f39b54aff12e573880deff6ac164277f67e4aa2e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matej Cepl <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2021 11:26:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Accepting request 920383 from
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- Update to version 1.3.3
  * Fixed regression in DataFrame constructor failing to broadcast
    for defined Index and len one list of Timestamp (GH42810)
  * Fixed regression in GroupBy.agg() incorrectly raising in some
    cases (GH42390)
  * Fixed regression in GroupBy.apply() where nan values were
    dropped even with dropna=False (GH43205)
  * Fixed regression in GroupBy.quantile() which was failing with
    pandas.NA (GH42849)
  * Fixed regression in merge() where on columns with
    ExtensionDtype or bool data types were cast to object in right
    and outer merge (GH40073)
  * Fixed regression in RangeIndex.where() and RangeIndex.putmask()
    raising AssertionError when result did not represent a
    RangeIndex (GH43240)
  * Fixed regression in read_parquet() where the fastparquet engine
    would not work properly with fastparquet 0.7.0 (GH43075)
  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.loc.__setitem__() raising
    ValueError when setting array as cell value (GH43422)
  * Fixed regression in is_list_like() where objects with __iter__
    set to None would be identified as iterable (GH43373)
  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.__getitem__() raising error for
    slice of DatetimeIndex when index is non monotonic (GH43223)
  * Fixed regression in Resampler.aggregate() when used after
    column selection would raise if func is a list of aggregation
    functions (GH42905)
  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.corr() where Kendall correlation
    would produce incorrect results for columns with repeated
    values (GH43401)
  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.groupby() where aggregation on
    columns with object types dropped results on those columns
    (GH42395, GH43108)
  * Fixed regression in Series.fillna() raising TypeError when
    filling float Series with list-like fill value having a dtype
    which couldn’t cast lostlessly (like float32 filled with
    float64) (GH43424)
  * Fixed regression in read_csv() raising AttributeError when the
    file handle is an tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile object
  * Fixed performance regression in core.window.ewm.
    ExponentialMovingWindow.mean() (GH42333)
  * Performance improvement for DataFrame.__setitem__() when the
    key or value is not a DataFrame, or key is not list-like
  * Fixed bug in DataFrameGroupBy.agg() and DataFrameGroupBy.
    transform() with engine="numba" where index data was not being
    correctly passed into func (GH43133)
- Release 1.3.2
  * Performance regression in DataFrame.isin() and Series.isin()
    for nullable data types (GH42714)
  * Regression in updating values of Series using boolean index,
    created by using DataFrame.pop() (GH42530)
  * Regression in DataFrame.from_records() with empty records
  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.shift() where TypeError occurred
    when shifting DataFrame created by concatenation of slices and
    fills with values (GH42719)
  * Regression in DataFrame.agg() when the func argument returned
    lists and axis=1 (GH42727)
  * Regression in DataFrame.drop() does nothing if MultiIndex has
    duplicates and indexer is a tuple or list of tuples (GH42771)
  * Fixed regression where read_csv() raised a ValueError when
    parameters names and prefix were both set to None (GH42387)
  * Fixed regression in comparisons between Timestamp object and
    datetime64 objects outside the implementation bounds for
    nanosecond datetime64 (GH42794)
  * Fixed regression in Styler.highlight_min() and Styler.
    highlight_max() where pandas.NA was not successfully ignored
  * Fixed regression in concat() where copy=False was not honored
    in axis=1 Series concatenation (GH42501)
  * Regression in Series.nlargest() and Series.nsmallest() with
    nullable integer or float dtype (GH42816)
  * Fixed regression in Series.quantile() with Int64Dtype (GH42626)
  * Fixed regression in Series.groupby() and DataFrame.groupby()
    where supplying the by argument with a Series named with a
    tuple would incorrectly raise (GH42731)
  * Bug in read_excel() modifies the dtypes dictionary when reading
    a file with duplicate columns (GH42462)
  * 1D slices over extension types turn into N-dimensional slices
    over ExtensionArrays (GH42430)
  * Fixed bug in Series.rolling() and DataFrame.rolling() not
    calculating window bounds correctly for the first row when
    center=True and window is an offset that covers all the rows
  * Styler.hide_columns() now hides the index name header row as
    well as column headers (GH42101)
  * Styler.set_sticky() has amended CSS to control the column/index
    names and ensure the correct sticky positions (GH42537)
  * Bug in de-serializing datetime indexes in PYTHONOPTIMIZED mode

 pandas-1.3.1.tar.gz   |  3 --
 pandas-1.3.3.tar.gz   |  3 ++
 python-pandas.changes | 95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 python-pandas.spec    |  8 ++--
 4 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 pandas-1.3.1.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 pandas-1.3.3.tar.gz

diff --git a/pandas-1.3.1.tar.gz b/pandas-1.3.1.tar.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 0659b4c..0000000
--- a/pandas-1.3.1.tar.gz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-oid sha256:341935a594db24f3ff07d1b34d1d231786aa9adfa84b76eab10bf42907c8aed3
-size 4724471
diff --git a/pandas-1.3.3.tar.gz b/pandas-1.3.3.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6ad04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pandas-1.3.3.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:272c8cb14aa9793eada6b1ebe81994616e647b5892a370c7135efb2924b701df
+size 4730758
diff --git a/python-pandas.changes b/python-pandas.changes
index 404407a..4f24213 100644
--- a/python-pandas.changes
+++ b/python-pandas.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,98 @@
+Mon Sep 20 18:28:29 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
+- Update to version 1.3.3
+  * Fixed regression in DataFrame constructor failing to broadcast
+    for defined Index and len one list of Timestamp (GH42810)
+  * Fixed regression in GroupBy.agg() incorrectly raising in some
+    cases (GH42390)
+  * Fixed regression in GroupBy.apply() where nan values were
+    dropped even with dropna=False (GH43205)
+  * Fixed regression in GroupBy.quantile() which was failing with
+    pandas.NA (GH42849)
+  * Fixed regression in merge() where on columns with
+    ExtensionDtype or bool data types were cast to object in right
+    and outer merge (GH40073)
+  * Fixed regression in RangeIndex.where() and RangeIndex.putmask()
+    raising AssertionError when result did not represent a
+    RangeIndex (GH43240)
+  * Fixed regression in read_parquet() where the fastparquet engine
+    would not work properly with fastparquet 0.7.0 (GH43075)
+  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.loc.__setitem__() raising
+    ValueError when setting array as cell value (GH43422)
+  * Fixed regression in is_list_like() where objects with __iter__
+    set to None would be identified as iterable (GH43373)
+  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.__getitem__() raising error for
+    slice of DatetimeIndex when index is non monotonic (GH43223)
+  * Fixed regression in Resampler.aggregate() when used after
+    column selection would raise if func is a list of aggregation
+    functions (GH42905)
+  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.corr() where Kendall correlation
+    would produce incorrect results for columns with repeated
+    values (GH43401)
+  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.groupby() where aggregation on
+    columns with object types dropped results on those columns
+    (GH42395, GH43108)
+  * Fixed regression in Series.fillna() raising TypeError when
+    filling float Series with list-like fill value having a dtype
+    which couldn’t cast lostlessly (like float32 filled with
+    float64) (GH43424)
+  * Fixed regression in read_csv() raising AttributeError when the
+    file handle is an tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile object
+    (GH43439)
+  * Fixed performance regression in core.window.ewm.
+    ExponentialMovingWindow.mean() (GH42333)
+  * Performance improvement for DataFrame.__setitem__() when the
+    key or value is not a DataFrame, or key is not list-like
+    (GH43274)
+  * Fixed bug in DataFrameGroupBy.agg() and DataFrameGroupBy.
+    transform() with engine="numba" where index data was not being
+    correctly passed into func (GH43133)
+- Release 1.3.2
+  * Performance regression in DataFrame.isin() and Series.isin()
+    for nullable data types (GH42714)
+  * Regression in updating values of Series using boolean index,
+    created by using DataFrame.pop() (GH42530)
+  * Regression in DataFrame.from_records() with empty records
+    (GH42456)
+  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.shift() where TypeError occurred
+    when shifting DataFrame created by concatenation of slices and
+    fills with values (GH42719)
+  * Regression in DataFrame.agg() when the func argument returned
+    lists and axis=1 (GH42727)
+  * Regression in DataFrame.drop() does nothing if MultiIndex has
+    duplicates and indexer is a tuple or list of tuples (GH42771)
+  * Fixed regression where read_csv() raised a ValueError when
+    parameters names and prefix were both set to None (GH42387)
+  * Fixed regression in comparisons between Timestamp object and
+    datetime64 objects outside the implementation bounds for
+    nanosecond datetime64 (GH42794)
+  * Fixed regression in Styler.highlight_min() and Styler.
+    highlight_max() where pandas.NA was not successfully ignored
+    (GH42650)
+  * Fixed regression in concat() where copy=False was not honored
+    in axis=1 Series concatenation (GH42501)
+  * Regression in Series.nlargest() and Series.nsmallest() with
+    nullable integer or float dtype (GH42816)
+  * Fixed regression in Series.quantile() with Int64Dtype (GH42626)
+  * Fixed regression in Series.groupby() and DataFrame.groupby()
+    where supplying the by argument with a Series named with a
+    tuple would incorrectly raise (GH42731)
+  * Bug in read_excel() modifies the dtypes dictionary when reading
+    a file with duplicate columns (GH42462)
+  * 1D slices over extension types turn into N-dimensional slices
+    over ExtensionArrays (GH42430)
+  * Fixed bug in Series.rolling() and DataFrame.rolling() not
+    calculating window bounds correctly for the first row when
+    center=True and window is an offset that covers all the rows
+    (GH42753)
+  * Styler.hide_columns() now hides the index name header row as
+    well as column headers (GH42101)
+  * Styler.set_sticky() has amended CSS to control the column/index
+    names and ensure the correct sticky positions (GH42537)
+  * Bug in de-serializing datetime indexes in PYTHONOPTIMIZED mode
+    (GH42866)
 Tue Aug 17 09:09:49 UTC 2021 - Fabian Vogt <>
diff --git a/python-pandas.spec b/python-pandas.spec
index 8b736ad..ea5d60f 100644
--- a/python-pandas.spec
+++ b/python-pandas.spec
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
+%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python3-%{**}}
 %define         skip_python2 1
 %define         skip_python36 1
 %global flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil}
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 %bcond_with test
 Name:           python-pandas%{psuffix}
-Version:        1.3.1
+Version:        1.3.3
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Python data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics
 License:        BSD-3-Clause
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ BuildRequires:  %{python_module numpy >= 1.17.3}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module numpy-devel >= 1.16.5}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module python-dateutil >= 2.7.3}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytz >= 2017.3}
-BuildRequires:  %{python_module setuptools >= 38.6.0}
+BuildRequires:  %{python_module setuptools >= 51.0.0}
 BuildRequires:  fdupes
 BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
 BuildRequires:  python-rpm-macros
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ xvfb-run pytest-%{$python_bin_suffix} -v -n 4 \
 %license LICENSE