from datetime import datetime import importlib.machinery import os from os.path import join, dirname, abspath import platform import sys import unittest def add_to_path(): """ Prepends the build directory to the path so that newly built pyodbc libraries are used, allowing it to be tested without pip-installing it. """ # look for the suffixes used in the build filenames, e.g. ".cp38-win_amd64.pyd", # "", "", etc. library_exts = [ext for ext in importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES if ext != '.pyd'] # generate the name of the pyodbc build file(s) library_names = ['pyodbc%s' % ext for ext in library_exts] # the build directory is assumed to be one directory up from this file build_dir = join(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))), 'build') # find all the relevant pyodbc build files, and get their modified dates file_info = [ (os.path.getmtime(join(dirpath, file)), join(dirpath, file)) for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir) for file in files if file in library_names ] if file_info: file_info.sort() # put them in chronological order library_modified_dt, library_path = file_info[-1] # use the latest one # add the build directory to the Python path sys.path.insert(0, dirname(library_path)) print('Library: {} (last modified {})'.format(library_path, datetime.fromtimestamp(library_modified_dt))) else: print('Did not find the pyodbc library in the build directory. Will use the installed version.') def print_library_info(cnxn): import pyodbc print('python: %s' % sys.version) print('pyodbc: %s %s' % (pyodbc.version, os.path.abspath(pyodbc.__file__))) print('odbc: %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_ODBC_VER)) print('driver: %s %s' % (cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_NAME), cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_VER))) print(' supports ODBC version %s' % cnxn.getinfo(pyodbc.SQL_DRIVER_ODBC_VER)) print('os: %s' % platform.system()) print('unicode: SQLWCHAR=%s' % pyodbc.SQLWCHAR_SIZE) cursor = cnxn.cursor() for typename in ['VARCHAR', 'WVARCHAR', 'BINARY']: t = getattr(pyodbc, 'SQL_' + typename) cursor.getTypeInfo(t) row = cursor.fetchone() print('Max %s = %s' % (typename, row and row[2] or '(not supported)')) if platform.system() == 'Windows': print(' %s' % ' '.join([s for s in platform.win32_ver() if s])) def discover_and_run(top_level_dir='.', start_dir='.', pattern='test*.py', verbosity=0): """Finds all the test cases in the start directory and runs them""" tests =, start_dir=start_dir, pattern=pattern) runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity) result = return result def load_tests(testclass, name, *args): """ Returns a TestSuite for tests in `testclass`. name Optional test name if you only want to run 1 test. If not provided all tests in `testclass` will be loaded. args Arguments for the test class constructor. These will be passed after the test method name. """ if name: if not name.startswith('test_'): name = 'test_%s' % name names = [ name ] else: names = [ method for method in dir(testclass) if method.startswith('test_') ] return unittest.TestSuite([ testclass(name, *args) for name in names ]) def load_setup_connection_string(section): """ Attempts to read the default connection string from the setup.cfg file. If the file does not exist or if it exists but does not contain the connection string, None is returned. If the file exists but cannot be parsed, an exception is raised. """ from os.path import exists, join, dirname from configparser import ConfigParser FILENAME = 'setup.cfg' KEY = 'connection-string' path = dirname(abspath(__file__)) while True: fqn = join(path, 'tmp', FILENAME) if exists(fqn): break parent = dirname(path) print('{} --> {}'.format(path, parent)) if parent == path: return None path = parent try: p = ConfigParser() except: raise SystemExit('Unable to parse %s: %s' % (path, sys.exc_info()[1])) if p.has_option(section, KEY): return p.get(section, KEY)