2017-08-14 07:58:20 +00:00
Fri Aug 11 16:35:14 UTC 2017 - tbechtold@suse.com
- update to 0.3.1:
* INET-ADDRESS-MIB configured as pre-built at pysnmp codegen
* JSON codegen produces "nodetype" element for OBJECT-TYPE
* Fix to mibdump.py --destination-directory option
* Fix to pysnmp and JSON code generators to properly refer to MIB module
defining particular MIB object
* The @mib@ magic in reader's URL template made optional. If it is not present,
MIB module name is just appended to URL template
* Send User-Agent containing pysmi and Python versions as well as platform name.
* Fixed missing STATUS/DISPLAY-HINT/REFERENCE/etc fields generation at pysnmp
backend when running in the non-full-text mode
* Fixed broken `ordereddict` dependency on Python 2.6-
* Generate REFERENCE and STATUS fields at various SMI objects
* Generate DESCRIPTION field followed REVISION field at MODULE-IDENTITY objects
* Generated Python source aligned with PEP8
* MIB texts cleaned up by default, --keep-texts-layout preserves original formatting
* Fix to the `ordereddict` conditional dependency
* Missing test module recovered
* Failing tests fixed
* JSON code generating backend implemented
* Experimental JSON OID->MIB indices generation implemented
* Package structure flattened for easier use
* Minor refactoring to the test suite
* Source code statically analyzed, hardened and PEP8-ized
* Files closed explicitly to mute ResourceWarnings
* Fixed to Python 2.4 (and aged ply) compatibility
* Added a workaround to avoid generating pysnmp TextualConvention classes
inheriting from TextualConvention (when MIB defines a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
based on another TEXTUAL-CONVENTION as SYNTAX)
* Author's e-mail changed, copyright extended to year 2017
- convert to singlespec
2016-08-10 17:55:40 +00:00
Mon Aug 1 20:59:32 UTC 2016 - mardnh@gmx.de
- Update to version 0.0.07
* Crash on existing .py file handling fixed.
* Fix to __doc__ use in setup.py to make -O0 installation mode working.
* Fix to PyPackageSearcher not to fail on broken Python packages.
* Source code pep8'ed
* Copyright added to source files.
2015-12-03 12:30:16 +00:00
Sat Nov 21 15:33:19 UTC 2015 - bwiedemann@suse.com
- initial package of version 0.0.6