* Enhancements
* Add support for PEP 696 syntax
* Preview features
* [refurb] Use function range for reimplemented-operator diagnostics
* [refurb] Ignore methods in reimplemented-operator (FURB118)
* [refurb] Implement fstring-number-format (FURB116)
* [ruff] Implement redirected-noqa (RUF101)
* [pyflakes] Distinguish between first-party and third-party imports for fix suggestions
* Rule changes
* [flake8-bugbear] Ignore non-abstract class attributes when enforcing B024
* [flake8-logging] Include inline instantiations when detecting loggers
* [pylint] Also emit PLR0206 for properties with variadic parameters
* [ruff] Detect duplicate codes as part of unused-noqa (RUF100)
* [flake8-pyi] Allow for overloaded __exit__ and __aexit__ definitions (PYI036)
* [pyupgrade] Catch usages of "%s" % var and provide an unsafe fix (UP031)
* [refurb] Implement new rule that suggests min/max over sorted() (FURB192)
* Formatter
* Avoid multiline expression if format specifier is present
* Write ruff server setup guide for Helix
* ruff server no longer hangs after shutdown
* ruff server reads from a configuration TOML file in the user configuration directory if no local configuration exists
* ruff server respects per-file-ignores configuration
* ruff server: Support a custom TOML configuration file
* ruff server: Support setting to prioritize project configuration over editor configuration
* Fix an issue with missing diagnostics for Neovim and Helix
* Implement hover documentation for noqa codes
* Introduce common Ruff configuration options with new server settings
* Bug fixes
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=58
* A new, hand-written parser
* A new language server in Rust
* ruff server is only in alpha, but it has a lot of features that you can try out today:
* Lints Python files automatically and shows quick-fixes when available
* Formats Python files, with support for range formatting
* Comes with commands for quickly performing actions: ruff.applyAutofix, ruff.applyFormat, and ruff.applyOrganizeImports
* Supports source.fixAll and source.organizeImports source actions
* Automatically reloads your project configuration when you change it
* To setup ruff server with your editor, refer to the README.md.
* Preview features
* [pylint] Implement invalid-hash-returned (PLE0309)
* [pylint] Implement invalid-index-returned (PLE0305)
* [pycodestyle] Do not trigger E3 rules on defs following a function/method with a dummy body
* [pylint] Implement invalid-bytes-returned (E0308)
* [pylint] Implement invalid-length-returned (E0303)
* [pylint] Implement self-cls-assignment (W0642)
* [pylint] Omit stubs from invalid-bool and invalid-str-return-type
* [ruff] New rule unused-async (RUF029) to detect unneeded async keywords on functions
* Rule changes
* [flake8-bandit] Allow urllib.request.urlopen calls with static Request argument (S310)
* [flake8-bugbear] Treat raise NotImplemented-only bodies as stub functions (B006)
* [flake8-slots] Respect same-file Enum subclasses (SLOT000)
* [pylint] Support inverted comparisons (PLR1730)
* Linter
* Improve handling of builtin symbols in linter rules
* Improve display of rules in --show-settings
* Improve inference capabilities of the BuiltinTypeChecker
* Resolve classes and functions relative to script name
* Improve performance of RuleTable::any_enabled
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=56
* Preview features
* [pylint] Implement modified-iterating-set (E4703)
* [refurb] Implement for-loop-set-mutations (FURB142)
* [refurb] Implement unnecessary-from-float (FURB164)
* [refurb] Implement verbose-decimal-constructor (FURB157)
* Rule changes
* [flake8-comprehensions] Handled special case for C401 which also matches C416
* [flake8-pyi] Mark unaliased-collections-abc-set-import fix as "safe" for more cases in stub files (PYI025)
* [numpy] Add row_stack to NumPy 2.0 migration rule
* [pycodestyle] Allow cell magics before an import (E402)
* [pycodestyle] Avoid blank line rules for the first logical line in cell
* Configuration
* Respected nested namespace packages
* [flake8-boolean-trap] Add setting for user defined allowed boolean trap
* Bug fixes
* Correctly handle references in __all__ definitions when renaming symbols in autofixes
* Track ranges of names inside __all__ definitions
* [flake8-bugbear] Avoid false positive for usage after continue (B031)
* [flake8-copyright] Accept commas in default copyright pattern
* [flake8-datetimez] Allow f-strings with %z for DTZ007
* [flake8-pytest-style] Fix PT014 autofix for last item in list
* [flake8-quotes] Ignore Q000, Q001 when string is inside forward ref
* [isort] Always place non-relative imports after relative imports
* [isort] Respect Unicode characters in import sorting
* [pyflakes] Fix F821 false negatives when from __future__ import annotations is active (attempt 2)
* [pyflakes] Make unnecessary-lambda an always-unsafe fix
* [pylint] Fixed false-positive on the rule PLW1641 (eq-without-hash)
* [ruff] Fix panic in unused # noqa removal with multi-byte space (RUF100)
* Documentation
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=52
* Preview features
* [flake8-simplify] Detect implicit else cases in needless-bool (SIM103)
* [pylint] Implement nan-comparison (PLW0117)
* [pylint] Implement nonlocal-and-global (E115)
* [pylint] Implement singledispatchmethod-function (PLE5120)
* [refurb] Implement list-reverse-copy (FURB187)
* Rule changes
* [flake8-pytest-style] Add automatic fix for pytest-parametrize-values-wrong-type (PT007)
* [pycodestyle] Allow SPDX license headers to exceed the line length (E501)
* Formatter
* Fix unstable formatting for trailing subscript end-of-line comment
* Bug fixes
* Avoid code comment detection in PEP 723 script tags
* Avoid incorrect tuple transformation in single-element case (C409)
* Bug fix: Prevent fully defined links name from being reformatted
* Consider raw source code for W605
* Docs: Link inline settings when not part of options section
* Don't treat annotations as redefinitions in .pyi files
* Fix E231 bug: Inconsistent catch compared to pycodestyle, such as when dict nested in list
* Fix pylint upstream categories not showing in docs
* Add missing Options references to blank line docs
* 'Revert "F821: Fix false negatives in .py files when from __future__ import annotations is active "'
* Apply NFKC normalization to unicode identifiers in the lexer
* Avoid failures due to non-deterministic binding ordering
* [flake8-bugbear] Allow tuples of exceptions (B030)
* [flake8-quotes] Avoid syntax errors due to invalid quotes (Q000, Q002)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=50
* Preview features
* [flake8-bandit]: Implement S610 rule
* [pycodestyle] Implement blank-line-at-end-of-file (W391)
* [pycodestyle] Implement redundant-backslash (E502)
* [pylint] - implement redeclared-assigned-name (W0128)
* Rule changes
* [flake8_comprehensions] Handled special case for C400 which also matches C416
* [flake8-bandit] Implement upstream updates for S311, S324 and S605
* [pyflakes] Remove F401 fix for __init__ imports by default and allow opt-in to unsafe fix
* [pylint] Implement invalid-bool-return-type (E304)
* [pylint] Include builtin warnings in useless-exception-statement (PLW0133)
* Add message on success to ruff check
* Bug fixes
* [PIE970] Allow trailing ellipsis in typing.TYPE_CHECKING
* Avoid TRIO115 if the argument is a variable
* [F811] Avoid removing shadowed imports that point to different symbols
* Fix F821 and F822 false positives in .pyi files
* Fix F821 false negatives in .py files when from __future__ import annotations is active
* Fix case where Indexer fails to identify continuation preceded by newline #10351
* Sort hash maps in Settings display
* Track conditional deletions in the semantic model
* [C413] Wrap expressions in parentheses when negating
* [pycodestyle] Do not ignore lines before the first logical line in blank lines rules.
* [pycodestyle] Do not trigger E225 and E275 when the next token is a ')'
* [pylint] Avoid false-positive slot non-assignment for __dict__ (PLE0237)
* Gate f-string struct size test for Rustc < 1.76
* Documentation
* Use ruff.toml format in README
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=48
* Preview features
* Improve single-with item formatting for Python 3.8 or older
* Rule changes
* [pyupgrade] Allow fixes for f-string rule regardless of line length (UP032)
* [pycodestyle] Include actual conditions in E712 diagnostics
* Bug fixes
* Fix trailing kwargs end of line comment after slash
* Fix unstable with items formatting
* Avoid repeating function calls in f-string conversions
* Fix E203 false positive for slices in format strings
* Fix incorrect Parameter range for *args and **kwargs
* Treat typing.Annotated subscripts as type definitions
* 0.3.1
* Preview features
* [pycodestyle] Fix E301 not triggering on decorated methods.
* [pycodestyle] Respect isort settings in blank line rules (E3*)
* [pycodestyle] Make blank lines in typing stub files optional (E3*)
* [pylint] Implement singledispatch-method (E1519)
* [pylint] Implement useless-exception-statement (W0133)
* Rule changes
* [flake8-debugger] Check for use of debugpy and ptvsd debug modules
* [pyupgrade] Generate diagnostic for all valid f-string conversions regardless of line length (UP032)
* [pep8_naming] Add fixes for N804 and N805
* Colorize the output of ruff format --diff
* Make --config and --isolated global flags
* Correctly expand tildes and environment variables in paths passed to --config
* Configuration
* Accept a PEP 440 version specifier for required-version
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=46
* Highlights include:
* Initial support formatting f-strings (in --preview).
* Support for overriding arbitrary configuration options via the CLI
through an expanded --config argument (e.g., --config "lint.isort.combine-as-imports=false").
* Significant performance improvements in Ruff's lexer, parser, and lint rules.
* Preview features
* Implement minimal f-string formatting
* [pycodestyle] Add blank line(s) rules (E301, E302, E303, E304, E305, E306)
* [refurb] Implement readlines_in_for (FURB129)
* Rule changes
* [ruff] Ensure closing parentheses for multiline sequences are always on their own line (RUF022, RUF023)
* [numpy] Add missing deprecation violations (NPY002)
* [flake8-bandit] Detect mark_safe usages in decorators
* [ruff] Expand asyncio-dangling-task (RUF006) to include new_event_loop
* [flake8-pyi] Ignore 'unused' private type dicts in class scopes
* Formatter
* Docstring formatting: Preserve tab indentation when using indent-style=tabs
* Disable top-level docstring formatting for notebooks
* Stabilize quote-style's preserve mode
* Allow arbitrary configuration options to be overridden via the CLI
* Bug fixes
* Make show-settings filters directory-agnostic
* Respect duplicates when rewriting type aliases
* Respect tuple assignments in typing analyzer
* Use atomic write when persisting cache
* Use non-parenthesized range for DebugText
* [flake8-simplify] Avoid false positive with async for loops (SIM113)
* [flake8-trio] Respect async with in timeout-without-await
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=40
* This release includes support for range formatting
(i.e., the ability to format specific lines within a source file).
* Preview features
* [refurb] Implement missing-f-string-syntax (RUF027)
* Format module-level docstrings
* Formatter
* Add --range option to ruff format
* Don't trim last empty line in docstrings
* Bug fixes
* Skip empty lines when determining base indentation
* Drop __get__ and __set__ from unnecessary-dunder-call
* Respect generic Protocol in ellipsis removal
* Revert "Use publicly available Apple Silicon runners"
* Performance
* Skip LibCST parsing for standard dedent adjustments
* Remove CST-based fixer for C408
* Add our own ignored-names abstractions
* Remove CST-based fixers for C400, C401, C410, and C418
* Use AhoCorasick to speed up quote match
* Remove CST-based fixers for C405 and C409
* Add fast-path for comment detection
* Invert order of checks in zero-sleep-call
* Short-circuit typing matches based on imports
* Run dunder method rule on methods directly
* Track top-level module imports in the semantic model
* Slight speed-up for lowercase and uppercase identifier checks
* Remove LibCST-based fixer for C403
* Documentation
* Update max-pos-args example to max-positional-args
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=38
* Breaking changes
* The NURSERY selector cannot be used anymore
* Legacy selection of nursery rules by exact codes is no longer allowed without preview enabled
* See also, the "Remapped rules" section which may result in disabled rules.
* Deprecations
* The following rules are now deprecated:
* missing-type-self (ANN101)
* missing-type-cls (ANN102)
* The following command line options are now deprecated:
* --show-source; use --output-format full instead
* --no-show-source; use --output-format concise instead
* --output-format text; use full or concise instead
* The following settings have moved and the previous name is deprecated:
* ruff.allowed-confusables → ruff.lint.allowed-confusables
* ruff.dummy-variable-rgx → ruff.lint.dummy-variable-rgx
* ruff.explicit-preview-rules → ruff.lint.explicit-preview-rules
* ruff.extend-fixable → ruff.lint.extend-fixable
* ruff.extend-ignore → ruff.lint.extend-ignore
* ruff.extend-per-file-ignores → ruff.lint.extend-per-file-ignores
* ruff.extend-safe-fixes → ruff.lint.extend-safe-fixes
* ruff.extend-select → ruff.lint.extend-select
* ruff.extend-unfixable → ruff.lint.extend-unfixable
* ruff.extend-unsafe-fixes → ruff.lint.extend-unsafe-fixes
* ruff.external → ruff.lint.external
* ruff.fixable → ruff.lint.fixable
* ruff.flake8-annotations → ruff.lint.flake8-annotations
* ruff.flake8-bandit → ruff.lint.flake8-bandit
* ruff.flake8-bugbear → ruff.lint.flake8-bugbear
* ruff.flake8-builtins → ruff.lint.flake8-builtins
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=36
* Preview features
* [flake8-bugbear] Add fix for duplicate-value (B033)
* [flake8-simplify] Implement enumerate-for-loop (SIM113)
* [pygrep_hooks] Add fix for deprecated-log-warn (PGH002)
* [pylint] Implement import-private-name (C2701)
* [refurb] Implement regex-flag-alias with fix (FURB167)
* [ruff] Add rule and fix to sort contents of __all__ (RUF022)
* [tryceratops] Add fix for error-instead-of-exception (TRY400)
* Rule changes
* [flake8-pyi] Fix PYI047 false negatives on PEP-695 type aliases
* [flake8-pyi] Fix PYI049 false negatives on call-based TypedDicts
* [pylint] Exclude self and cls when counting method arguments (PLR0917)
* --show-settings displays active settings in a far more readable format
* Add --extension support to the formatter
* Configuration
* Ignore preview status for fixable and unfixable selectors
* [pycodestyle] Use the configured tab size when expanding indents
* Bug fixes
* Recursively visit deferred AST nodes
* Visit deferred lambdas before type definitions
* [flake8-simplify] Avoid some more enumerate-for-loop false positives (SIM113)
* [pandas-vet] Limit inplace diagnostics to methods that accept inplace
* [pylint] Add the __prepare__ method to the list of recognized dunder method
* [pylint] Ignore unnecessary dunder calls within dunder definitions
* [refurb] Avoid bailing when reimplemented-operator is called on function (FURB118)
* [ruff] Avoid treating named expressions as static keys (RUF011)
* Documentation
* Add instructions on using noqa with isort rules
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=32
* Bug fixes
* Include base pyproject when initializing cache settings
* [flake8-simplify] Account for possibly-empty f-string values in truthiness logic
* [pylint] Add the missing period in unnecessary-dunder-call
* [pylint] Fix __aenter__ message in unnecessary-dunder-call
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=30
* [pylint] Implement super-without-brackets (W0245)
* Check path string properly in python -m ruff invocations
* Documentation
* Tweak relative-imports message
* Add fix safety note for yield-in-for-loop
* 0.1.10
* Preview features
* Improve dummy_implementations preview style formatting
* Normalise Hex and unicode escape sequences in strings
* Parenthesize long type annotations in annotated assignments
* Parenthesize multi-context managers in with statements
* [flake8-pyi] Implement generator-return-from-iter-method (PYI058)
* [pylint] Implement empty-comment (PLR2044)
* [refurb] Implement bit-count (FURB161)
* [ruff] Add never-union rule to detect redundant typing.NoReturn and typing.Never
* Add paths to TOML parse errors
* Add row and column numbers to formatter parse errors
* Improve responsiveness when invoked via Python
* Short rule messages should not end with a period
* Configuration
* Respect runtime-required decorators on functions
* Bug fixes
* Avoid asyncio-dangling-task for nonlocal and global bindings
* Escape trailing placeholders in rule documentation
* Fix continuation detection following multi-line strings
* Fix scoping for generators in named expressions in classes
* Port from obsolete wsl crate to is-wsl
* Remove special pre-visit for module docstrings
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=26
* Breaking changes
* Add site-packages to default exclusions
* Preview features
* Fix: Avoid parenthesizing subscript targets and values
* [pylint] Implement too-many-locals (PLR0914)
* Implement reimplemented_operator (FURB118)
* Add a rule to detect string members in runtime-evaluated unions
* Implement no_blank_line_before_class_docstring preview style
* Rule changes
* CONSTANT_CASE variables are improperly flagged for yoda violation (SIM300)
* [flake8-pyi] Cover ParamSpecs and TypeVarTuples (PYI018)
* [flake8-bugbear] Add fix for zip-without-explicit-strict (B905)
* Add fix to automatically remove print and pprint statements (T201, T203)
* Prefer Never to NoReturn in auto-typing in Python >= 3.11 (ANN201)
* Formatter
* can_omit_optional_parentheses: Exit early for unparenthesized expressions
* Fix dynamic mode with doctests so that it doesn't exceed configured line width
* Fix can_omit_optional_parentheses for expressions with a right most fstring
* Add target_version to formatter options
* Update ruff format --check to display message for already formatted files
* Bug fixes
* Reverse order of arguments for operator.contains
* Iterate over lambdas in deferred type annotations
* Fix panic in D208 with multibyte indent
* Add support for NoReturn in auto-return-typing
* Allow removal of typing from exempt-modules
* Avoid mutable-class-default violations for Pydantic subclasses
* Fix dropped union expressions for piped non-types in PYI055 autofix
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=24
* Preview features
* Implement multiline dictionary and list hugging for preview style
* Implement the fix_power_op_line_length preview style
* Use Python version to determine typing rewrite safety
* [flake8-annotations] Enable auto-return-type involving Optional and Union annotations
* [flake8-bandit] Implement django-raw-sql (S611)
* [flake8-bandit] Implement tarfile-unsafe-members (S202)
* [flake8-pyi] Implement fix for unnecessary-literal-union (PYI030)
* [flake8-simplify] Extend dict-get-with-none-default (SIM910) to non-literals
* [pylint] - add unnecessary-list-index-lookup (PLR1736) + autofix
* [pylint] - implement R0202 and R0203 with autofixes
* [pylint] Implement repeated-keyword (PLe1132)
* [pylint] Implement too-many-positional (PLR0917)
* [pylint] Implement unnecessary-dict-index-lookup (PLR1733)
* [refurb] Implement redundant-log-base (FURB163)
* Rule changes
* [flake8-boolean-trap] Allow booleans in @override methods
* [flake8-bugbear] Avoid B015,B018 for last expression in a cell
* [flake8-pie] Allow ellipses for enum values in stub files
* [flake8-pyi] Check PEP 695 type aliases for snake-case-type-alias and t-suffixed-type-alias
* [flake8-pyi] Check for kwarg and vararg NoReturn type annotations
* [flake8-simplify] Omit select context managers from SIM117
* [pep8-naming] Allow Django model loads in non-lowercase-variable-in-function (N806)
* [pycodestyle] Avoid E703 for last expression in a cell
* [pycodestyle] Update E402 to work at cell level for notebooks
* [pydocstyle] Avoid D100 for Jupyter Notebooks
* [pylint] Implement fix for unspecified-encoding (PLW1514)
* Formatter
* Avoid unstable formatting in ellipsis-only body with trailing comment
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=20
* Preview features
* [flake8-bandit] Implement mako-templates (S702)
* [flake8-trio] Implement TRIO105
* [flake8-trio] Implement TRIO109
* [flake8-trio] Implement TRIO110
* [flake8-trio] Implement TRIO115
* [refurb] Implement type-none-comparison (FURB169)
* Flag all comparisons against builtin types in E721
* Make SIM118 fix as safe when the expression is a known dictionary
* Formatter
* Fix multiline lambda expression statement formatting
* Add hidden --extension to override inference of source type from file extension
* Configuration
* Account for selector specificity when merging extend_unsafe_fixes and override extend_safe_fixes
* Add support for disabling cache with RUFF_NO_CACHE environment variable
* Bug fixes
* [E721] Flag comparisons to memoryview
* Allow collapsed-ellipsis bodies in other statements
* Avoid D301 autofix for u prefixed strings
* Only flag flake8-trio rules when trio import is present
* Reject more syntactically invalid Python programs
* Avoid raising TRIO115 violations for trio.sleep(...) calls with non-number values
* Fix F841 false negative on assignment to multiple variables
* Documentation
* Fix link to isort known-first-party
* Add notes on fix safety to a few rules
* Add missing toml config tabs
* Add instructions for configuration of Emacs
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=16
* Preview features
* [flake8-trio] Implement timeout-without-await (TRIO001)
* [numpy] Implement NumPy 2.0 migration rule (NPY200)
* [pylint] Implement bad-open-mode (W1501)
* [pylint] Implement import-outside-toplevel (C0415) rule
* [pylint] Implement useless-with-lock (W2101)
* [pyupgrade] Implement timeout-error-alias (UP041)
* [refurb] Implement isinstance-type-none (FURB168)
* Detect confusable Unicode-to-Unicode units in RUF001, RUF002, and RUF003
* Add newline after module docstrings in preview style
* Formatter
* Add a note on line-too-long to the formatter docs
* Preserve trailing statement semicolons when using fmt: skip
* Preserve trailing semicolons when using fmt: off
* Avoid duplicating linter-formatter compatibility warnings
* Avoid inserting a newline after function docstrings
* Insert newline between docstring and following own line comment
* Split tuples in return positions by comma first
* Avoid treating byte strings as docstrings
* Add --line-length option to format command
* Avoid parenthesizing unsplittable because of comments
* Add --output-format to ruff rule and ruff linter
* Bug fixes
* Respect --force-exclude in lint.exclude and format.exclude
* Respect --extend-per-file-ignores on the CLI
* Extend bad-dunder-method-name to permit __index__
* Fix panic with 8 in octal escape
* Avoid raising D300 when both triple quote styles are present
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=14
* Formatter
* Avoid space around pow for None, True and False
* Avoid sorting all paths in the format command
* Insert necessary blank line between class and leading comments
* Avoid introducing new parentheses in annotated assignments
* Refine the warnings about incompatible linter options
* Add test and basic implementation for formatter preview mode
* Refine warning about incompatible isort settings
* Only omit optional parentheses for starting or ending with parentheses
* Use source type to determine parser mode for formatting
* Don't warn about magic trailing comma when isort.force-single-line is true
* Use SourceKind::diff for formatter
* Fix fmt:off with trailing child comment
* Formatter parentheses support for IpyEscapeCommand
* Linter
* [pylint] Add buffer methods to bad-dunder-method-name (PLW3201) exclusions
* Match rule prefixes from external codes setting in unused-noqa
* Use line-length setting for isort in lieu of pycodestyle.max-line-length
* Update fix for unnecessary-paren-on-raise-exception to unsafe for unknown types
* Correct quick fix message for W605
* Documentation
* Fix typo in max-doc-length documentation
* Improve documentation around linter-formatter conflicts
* Fix link to error suppression documentation in unused-noqa
* Add external option to unused-noqa documentation
* Add title attribute to icons
* Clarify unsafe case in RSE102
* Fix skipping formatting examples
* docs: fix name of magic-trailing-comma option in README
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=12
* This release includes the Beta version of the Ruff formatter — an extremely
fast, Black-compatible Python formatter
* Preview features
* [pylint] Implement non-ascii-module-import (C2403)
* [pylint] implement non-ascii-name (C2401)
* [pylint] Implement unnecessary-lambda (W0108)
* [refurb] Implement read-whole-file (FURB101)
* Add fix for E223, E224, and E242
* Add fix for E225, E226, E227, and E228
* Add fix for E252
* Add fix for E261
* Add fix for E273 and E274
* Add fix for E275
* Update SIM401 to catch ternary operations
* Update E721 to allow is and is not for direct type comparisons
* Rule changes
* Add backports.strenum to deprecated-imports
* Update SIM112 to ignore https_proxy, http_proxy, and no_proxy
* Update fix for literal-membership (PLR6201) to be unsafe
* Update fix for mutable-argument-defaults (B006) to be unsafe
* Formatter
* Change line-ending default to auto
* Respect parenthesized generators in has_own_parentheses
* Add caching to formatter
* Remove --line-length option from format command
* Add formatter to line-length documentation
* Warn about incompatible formatter options
* Fix range of unparenthesized tuple subject in match statement
* Remove experimental formatter warning
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=9
* Rule changes
* Add unsafe fix for escape-sequence-in-docstring (D301)
* Configuration
* Respect #(deprecated) attribute in configuration options
* Add [format|lint].exclude options
* Respect tab-size setting in formatter
* Add lint.preview
* Preview features
* [pylint] Implement literal-membership (PLR6201)
* [pylint] Implement too-many-boolean-expressions (PLR0916)
* [pylint] Implement misplaced-bare-raise (E0704)
* [pylint] Implement global-at-module-level (W0604)
* [pylint] Implement unspecified-encoding (PLW1514)
* Add fix for triple-single-quotes (D300)
* Formatter
* New code style badge for ruff format
* Fix comments outside expression parentheses
* Add --target-version to ruff format
* Skip over parentheses when detecting in keyword
* Add --diff option to ruff format
* Insert newline after nested function or class statements
* Use pass over ellipsis in non-function/class contexts
* Bug fixes
* Lazily evaluate all PEP 695 type alias values
* Avoid failed assertion when showing fixes from stdin
* Avoid flagging HTTP and HTTPS literals in urllib-open
* Avoid flagging bad-dunder-method-name for _
* Remove Python 2-only methods from URLOpen audit
* Use set bracket replacement for iteration-over-set to preserve whitespace and comments
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=7
* Breaking changes
+ Unsafe fixes are no longer displayed or applied without opt-in
+ Drop formatting specific rules from the default set
+ The deprecated format setting has been removed
+ The format setting cannot be used to configure the output format, use output-format instead
+ The RUFF_FORMAT environment variable is ignored, use RUFF_OUTPUT_FORMAT instead
+ The --format option has been removed from ruff check, use --output-format instead
* Rule changes
+ Extend reimplemented-starmap (FURB140) to catch calls with a single and starred argument
+ Improve cases covered by RUF015
+ Update SIM15 to allow open followed by close
+ Respect msgspec.Struct default-copy semantics in RUF012
+ Add sqlalchemy methods to `flake8-boolean-trap`` exclusion list
+ Add fix for PLR1714
+ Add fix for PIE804
+ Add fix for PLC0208
+ Add fix for PYI055
+ Update non-pep695-type-alias to require --unsafe-fixes outside of stub files
+ Improve fix message for UP018
+ Update PLW3201 to support Enum sunder names
* Preview features
+ Only show warnings for empty preview selectors when enabling rules
+ Add unnecessary-key-check to simplify key in dct and dct[key] to dct.get(key)
+ Add assignment-in-assert to prevent walrus expressions in assert statements
+ [refurb] Add single-item-membership-test (FURB171)
+ [pylint] Add and-or-ternary (R1706)
+ New rules are added in preview.
* Configuration
+ Add unsafe-fixes setting
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:python/python-ruff?expand=0&rev=5