2019-08-28 13:58:32 +02:00
# spec file for package pytorch
# Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
%define srcname pytorch
%define skip_python2 1
2019-11-04 15:27:49 +01:00
Name : python-torch
2019-08-28 13:58:32 +02:00
Version : 1.1.0
Release : 0
Summary : Deep learning framework aka pytorch/Caffe2
License : BSD-2-Clause and BSD-3-Clause and MIT and Zlib and BSL-1.0 and Apache-2.0
Group : Development/Languages/Python
Url : https://pytorch.org
Source0 : https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/archive/v%{version} .tar.gz#/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz
#License10: BSD-3-Clause
Source10 : https://github.com/facebookincubator/gloo/archive/670b4d4aa46886cc66874e2a4dc846f5cfc2a285.tar.gz#/gloo-670b4d4aa46886cc66874e2a4dc846f5cfc2a285.tar.gz
#License12: BSD-2-Clause
Source12 : https://github.com/pytorch/cpuinfo/archive/89fe1695edf9ee14c22f815f24bac45577a4f135.tar.gz#/cpuinfo-89fe1695edf9ee14c22f815f24bac45577a4f135.tar.gz
#License13: BSL-1.0
Source13 : https://github.com/zdevito/sleef/archive/191f655caa25526ae226cf88dd2529265176014a.tar.gz#/sleef-191f655caa25526ae226cf88dd2529265176014a.tar.gz
#License14: BSD-3-Clause
Source14 : https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/archive/25abf7efba0b2990f5a6dfb0a31bc65c0f2f4d17.tar.gz#/pybind11-25abf7efba0b2990f5a6dfb0a31bc65c0f2f4d17.tar.gz
# License15: MIT
Source15 : https://github.com/onnx/onnx/archive/22662bfd4dcc6baebf29e3b823a051676f991001.tar.gz#/onnx-22662bfd4dcc6baebf29e3b823a051676f991001.tar.gz
#License16: BSD-2-Clause
Source16 : https://github.com/Maratyszcza/pthreadpool/archive/13da0b4c21d17f94150713366420baaf1b5a46f4.tar.gz#/pthreadpool-13da0b4c21d17f94150713366420baaf1b5a46f4.tar.gz
# License17: MIT
Source17 : https://github.com/Maratyszcza/FXdiv/archive/b742d1143724d646cd0f914646f1240eacf5bd73.tar.gz#/FXdiv-b742d1143724d646cd0f914646f1240eacf5bd73.tar.gz
# License18: MIT
Source18 : https://github.com/Maratyszcza/psimd/archive/90a938f30ba414ada2f4b00674ee9631d7d85e19.tar.gz#/psimd-90a938f30ba414ada2f4b00674ee9631d7d85e19.tar.gz
# License19: MIT
Source19 : https://github.com/Maratyszcza/FP16/archive/febbb1c163726b5db24bed55cc9dc42529068997.tar.gz#/FP16-febbb1c163726b5db24bed55cc9dc42529068997.tar.gz
#License20: Apache-2.0
Source20 : https://github.com/google/gemmlowp/archive/8416bab644641a5c0a81ecf91a5cda804af0aee1.tar.gz#/gemmlowp-8416bab644641a5c0a81ecf91a5cda804af0aee1.tar.gz
#License21: MIT
Source21 : https://github.com/houseroad/foxi/archive/8f74bc4df3a4cfc69b1a3eadf62aa29d9961c72d.tar.gz#/foxi-8f74bc4df3a4cfc69b1a3eadf62aa29d9961c72d.tar.gz
Patch0 : fix-build-options.patch
Patch1 : removed-peachpy-depedency.patch
Patch2 : honor-PSIMD-env.patch
Patch3 : removed-some-tests.patch
BuildRequires : %{python_module devel}
BuildRequires : %{pythons}
BuildRequires : python-py-cpuinfo
BuildRequires : python-pybind11-devel
BuildRequires : %{python_module PeachPy}
BuildRequires : %{python_module opcodes}
BuildRequires : %{python_module PyYAML}
BuildRequires : %{python_module setuptools}
2019-09-04 10:17:31 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module typing_extensions}
2019-08-28 13:58:32 +02:00
BuildRequires : %{python_module typing}
BuildRequires : %{python_module numpy-devel}
BuildRequires : cmake
BuildRequires : eigen3-devel
BuildRequires : fdupes
BuildRequires : gcc-c++
BuildRequires : glog-devel
BuildRequires : gtest
BuildRequires : libopenblas_pthreads-devel
BuildRequires : libnuma-devel
BuildRequires : lmdb-devel
BuildRequires : leveldb-devel
BuildRequires : ninja
BuildRequires : memory-constraints
BuildRequires : openblas-devel
BuildRequires : protobuf-c
BuildRequires : protobuf-devel
BuildRequires : snappy-devel
BuildRequires : %{python_module future}
BuildRequires : %{python_module hypothesis}
BuildRequires : %{python_module protobuf}
BuildRequires : %{python_module psutil}
BuildRequires : %{python_module rpm-macros}
BuildRequires : %{python_module leveldb}
BuildRequires : %{python_module Gloo}
BuildRoot : %{_tmppath} /%{name} -%{version} -build
Requires : python-protobuf
Requires : python-six
Requires : python-future
Requires : python-numpy
Requires : python-leveldb
Provides : %{python_module caffe2 = %version}
Provides : %{python_module pytorch = %version}
PyTorch enables fast, flexible experimentation and efficient production through
a hybrid front-end, distributed training, and ecosystem of tools and libraries.
The library is developed by Facebook and other groups.
PyTorch provides two high-level features:
* Tensor computing (like NumPy) with strong acceleration via graphics
* processing units (GPU) Deep neural networks built on a tape-based autodiff
%package devel
Summary : Headers for C/C++, cmake build description and libraries needed for development
Group : Development/Languages/Python
Requires : %{name} = %{version}
%description devel
Although the Python interface is more polished and the primary focus of
development, PyTorch also has a C++ frontend. This package contains the header
to access the C/C++ interface.
%package -n %{name}-converters
Summary : Converters for onnx and caffe2
Group : Development/Languages/Python
%description -n %{name}-converters
Converter from caffe2 to onnx and from caffe2 to onnx formated files.
%package -n %{name}-examples
Summary : Examples which can be used for testing
Group : Development/Languages/Python
BuildArch : noarch
%description -n %{name}-examples
This example files can be used to start an own pytorch/caffe2 project.
%package -n libtorch
Summary : Library which used by %{name}
Group : Development/Libraries/Python
%description -n libtorch
Library which is used by %{name}
%define make_depend_src() test -e $(basename %1| sed 's/-.*//') && rmdir %{?2}%{!?2:$(basename %1| sed 's/-.*//')}; tar xzf %1; mv $(basename %1 | sed 's/\.tar\.gz//' ) %{?2}%{!?2:$(basename %1| sed 's/-.*//')}
%define make_depend_src_uppercase() rmdir -p $(basename %1| sed 's/-.*//'| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'); tar xzf %1; mv $(basename %1 | cut -f 1 -d '.' ) $(basename %1| sed 's/-.*//'| tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
%setup -q -n %{srcname} -%{version}
%patch0 -p 1
%patch1 -p 1
%patch2 -p 1
%patch3 -p 1
cd third_party
rmdir python-peachpy/
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE10}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE12}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE13}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE14}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE15}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE16}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE17}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE18}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE19}
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE20} gemmlowp/gemmlowp
%make_depend_src %{SOURCE21}
export NO_NNPACK=1
export NO_QNNPACK=1
export NO_CUDNN=1
export NO_MKLDNN=1
export NO_TEST=1
export USE_LMDB=ON
export USE_FBGEMM=0
export PSIMD_SOURCE_DIR=%{_topdir} /BUILD/%{srcname} -%{version} /third_party/psimd/
%limit_build -m 2000
export MAX_JOBS=%{?jobs}
%python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot} %{$python_sitearch}
install -m 644 -D caffe2/python/examples/* -t %{buildroot} %{_docdir} /%{name} /
install -m 644 -D %{buildroot} %{python_sitearch} /torch/lib/* %{buildroot} /%{_libdir}
rm -r %{buildroot} %{python_sitearch} /torch/lib
cd %{buildroot} /%{_libdir}
rm libtorch.so
ln -s libtorch.so.1 libtorch.so
cd -
for file in $(find %{buildroot} %{python_sitearch} -type f -name \*.py -perm 644 -size +1b); do
%{__grep} '/bin/env ' $file && sed -i 's@/bin/env python@/bin/python@' $file && chmod 755 $file
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%{buildroot} /%{_libdir}
%python_expand PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot} %{$python_sitearch} $python test/run_test.py
%post -n libtorch -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n libtorch -p /sbin/ldconfig
%files %{python_files}
%defattr (-,root,root)
%license LICENSE
%{python_sitearch} /torch/
%{python_sitearch} /caffe2/
%{python_sitearch} /torch-*.egg-info/
# excluding nearly all headersm except THNN.h and THCUNN.h as they
# are read in by the python init
%exclude %{python_sitearch} /torch/share
%exclude %{python_sitearch} /torch/include/TH
%exclude %{python_sitearch} /torch/include/c10
%exclude %{python_sitearch} /torch/include/ATen
%exclude %{python_sitearch} /torch/include/pybind11
%exclude %{python_sitearch} /torch/include/caffe2
%exclude %{python_sitearch} /torch/include/torch/csrc
%exclude %{python_sitearch} /torch/include/torch/*.h
%files %{python_files devel}
%{python_sitearch} /torch/share
%{python_sitearch} /torch/include/TH/
%{python_sitearch} /torch/include/c10
%{python_sitearch} /torch/include/ATen
%{python_sitearch} /torch/include/pybind11
%{python_sitearch} /torch/include/caffe2
%{python_sitearch} /torch/include/torch/csrc
%{python_sitearch} /torch/include/torch/*.h
%files -n %{name}-converters
%{_bindir} /convert-caffe2-to-onnx
%{_bindir} /convert-onnx-to-caffe2
%files -n %{name}-examples
%{_docdir} /%{name}
%files -n libtorch
%{_libdir} /*.so*