# # spec file for package qemu # # Copyright (c) 2021 SUSE LLC # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. # Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # !! IMPORTANT !! See README.PACKAGING before modifying package in any way #!ForceMultiversion # qemu and qemu-linux-user "flavors" are enabled via OBS Multibuild %global flavor @BUILD_FLAVOR@%{nil} %define name_suffix %{nil} %if "%flavor" == "linux-user" %define name_suffix -linux-user %define summary_string CPU emulator for user space %else %define summary_string Machine emulator and virtualizer %endif %define _buildshell /bin/bash %define srcdir %{_builddir}/%buildsubdir %define blddir %srcdir/build %define build_x86_firmware 0 %define build_ppc_firmware 0 %define build_opensbi_firmware 0 %define kvm_available 0 %define legacy_qemu_kvm 0 %define force_fit_virtio_pxe_rom 1 %if "%{?distribution}" == "" %define distro private-build %else %define distro %{distribution} %endif # So, we have openSUSE:Factory, and we have "ports". In openSUSE:Factory, we # have i586 and x86_64. In the :ARM port, we have aarch64, armv6l and armv7l. # In the :PowerPC port, we have ppc64, ppc and ppc64le. In the :zSystems port # we have s390x. And in the :RISCV we have riscv. # # Ideally, we'd want to build the firmwares at least once per port, and then # share the resulting packages among the arch-es within each port (check the # `ExportFilter` directives in the project config). # # Of course, we always build the "native fimrwares" (e.g., x86 firmwares on # x86_64, PPC firmwares on ppc64le, etc). But we also cross compile as much # firmwares as we can (e.g., both x86 and PPC firmwares on aarch64) so they'll # be available in as many ports as possible (as noarch packages). %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 %define build_ppc_firmware 1 # Currently, opensbi does not cross build cleanly on 15.3 and 15.4 %if ! 0%{?sle_version} %define build_opensbi_firmware 1 %endif %define build_x86_firmware 1 %endif %ifarch ppc64 ppc64le %define build_ppc_firmware 1 %if ! 0%{?sle_version} %define build_opensbi_firmware 1 %endif # FIXME: Try to enable cross building of x86 firmwares here on PPC %endif %ifarch riscv64 %define build_opensbi_firmware 1 %endif %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390x armv7hl aarch64 %define kvm_available 1 %define with_uring 1 %define liburing_min_version 1.0 %endif %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 s390x %define legacy_qemu_kvm 1 %endif %ifarch x86_64 aarch64 ppc64le s390x %define with_rbd 1 %endif %ifarch x86_64 ppc64le %define with_daxctl 1 %endif # Enforce pxe rom sizes for migration compatability from SLE 11 SP3 forward. # The following ones need to be > 64K %define supported_nics_large {e1000 rtl8139} # The following ones need to be <= 64K %define supported_nics_small {virtio} # Though not required, make unsupported pxe roms migration compatable as well %define unsupported_nics {eepro100 ne2k_pci pcnet} %define generic_qemu_description \ QEMU provides full machine emulation and cross architecture usage. \ It closely integrates with KVM and Xen virtualization, allowing for \ excellent performance. Many options are available for defining the \ emulated environment, including traditional devices, direct host device \ access, and interfaces specific to virtualization. %bcond_with system_membarrier INSERT_VERSIONING_DO_NOT_TOUCH_THIS_LINE %define srcname qemu Name: qemu%{name_suffix} URL: https://www.qemu.org/ Summary: %{summary_string} License: BSD-2-Clause AND BSD-3-Clause AND GPL-2.0-only AND GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later AND MIT Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %qemuver Release: 0 Source: https://wiki.qemu.org/download/%{srcname}-%{srcver}.tar.xz Source100: %{srcname}.keyring Source1: 80-kvm.rules Source2: kvm.conf Source3: qemu-ifup Source4: bridge.conf Source5: qemu-kvm.1.gz Source6: ksm.service Source7: qemu-guest-agent.service Source8: 80-qemu-ga.rules Source9: qemu-supportconfig Source10: supported.arm.txt Source11: supported.ppc.txt Source12: supported.x86.txt Source13: supported.s390.txt Source14: 50-seabios-256k.json Source15: 60-seabios-128k.json Source200: qemu-rpmlintrc Source201: pkg-split.txt Source202: DSDT.pcie Source300: bundles.tar.xz Source301: update_git.sh Source302: config.sh Source303: README.PACKAGING # Upstream First -- https://wiki.qemu.org/Contribute/SubmitAPatch PATCH_FILES_DO_NOT_TOUCH_THIS_LINE BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build # Build dependencies common to qemu and qemu-linux-user packages BuildRequires: fdupes BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: meson BuildRequires: ninja >= 1.7 BuildRequires: python3-base >= 3.6 BuildRequires: python3-setuptools %if "%{name}" == "qemu-linux-user" # Build dependencies exclusive to the qemu-linux-user package BuildRequires: glib2-devel-static >= 2.56 BuildRequires: glibc-devel-static BuildRequires: pcre-devel-static BuildRequires: zlib-devel-static # we must not install the qemu-linux-user package when under QEMU build %if 0%{?qemu_user_space_build:1} #!BuildIgnore: post-build-checks %endif # End of build dependencies for qemu-linux-user %else # Build dependencies exclusive to the qemu package %if %{build_x86_firmware} BuildRequires: acpica BuildRequires: binutils-devel BuildRequires: dos2unix BuildRequires: glibc-devel-32bit BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblzma) %ifnarch %ix86 x86_64 # We must cross-compile on non-x86* BuildRequires: cross-x86_64-binutils BuildRequires: cross-x86_64-gcc%gcc_version %endif %endif %if %{build_opensbi_firmware} %ifnarch riscv64 BuildRequires: cross-riscv64-binutils BuildRequires: cross-riscv64-gcc%gcc_version %endif %endif %if %{build_ppc_firmware} %ifnarch ppc64 ppc64le BuildRequires: cross-ppc64-binutils BuildRequires: cross-ppc64-gcc%gcc_version %endif %endif %if 0%{?with_daxctl} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libndctl) %endif %ifnarch %arm s390x BuildRequires: libnuma-devel %endif %ifarch x86_64 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpmem) %endif %if 0%{?with_rbd} BuildRequires: librbd-devel %endif %if 0%{?with_uring} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liburing) >= %liburing_min_version %endif %if %{kvm_available} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(udev) %endif %ifarch x86_64 BuildRequires: xen-devel >= 4.2 %endif BuildRequires: Mesa-devel BuildRequires: bison BuildRequires: brlapi-devel BuildRequires: flex BuildRequires: libaio-devel BuildRequires: libattr-devel BuildRequires: libbz2-devel BuildRequires: libfdt-devel >= 1.4.2 BuildRequires: libgcrypt-devel >= 1.8.0 BuildRequires: lzfse-devel BuildRequires: multipath-tools-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: pkgconfig(alsa) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(epoxy) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gbm) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) >= 2.56 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glusterfs-api) >= 3 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gnutls) >= 3.5.18 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) >= 3.22 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(jack) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcacard) >= 2.5.1 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcap-ng) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcurl) >= 7.29 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdrm) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libiscsi) >= 1.9.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libjpeg) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libnfs) >= 1.9.3 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpng) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpulse) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsasl2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libseccomp) >= 2.3.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libssh) >= 0.8.7 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libudev) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libusb-1.0) >= 1.0.13 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libzstd) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(lzo2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ncurses) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(pixman-1) >= 0.21.8 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(slirp) >= 4.2.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(spice-protocol) >= 0.12.3 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(spice-server) >= 0.12.5 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(vdeplug) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(virglrenderer) >= 0.4.1 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(vte-2.91) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xkbcommon) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib) BuildRequires: python3-Sphinx BuildRequires: rdma-core-devel BuildRequires: snappy-devel BuildRequires: update-desktop-files BuildRequires: usbredir-devel >= 0.6 BuildRequires: xfsprogs-devel %{?systemd_ordering} # End of build dependencies for qemu %endif %if "%{name}" == "qemu" # Required, recommended, etc for the qemu package (note that there's basically # none of these for the qemu-linux-user package). Requires: group(kvm) Requires: group(qemu) Requires: user(qemu) Requires(post): coreutils %if %{kvm_available} Requires(post): acl Requires(post): udev %ifarch s390x Requires(post): procps %endif %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 Requires: qemu-x86 %else Suggests: qemu-x86 %endif %ifarch ppc ppc64 ppc64le Requires: qemu-ppc %else Suggests: qemu-ppc %endif %ifarch s390x Requires: qemu-s390x %else Suggests: qemu-s390x %endif %ifarch %arm aarch64 Requires: qemu-arm %else Suggests: qemu-arm %endif Recommends: kvm_stat # End of "if kvm_available" %endif %ifarch s390x Recommends: qemu-hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw %else Recommends: qemu-hw-display-qxl Recommends: qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu Recommends: qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci Recommends: qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga Recommends: qemu-hw-usb-host Recommends: qemu-hw-usb-redirect Recommends: qemu-hw-usb-smartcard Recommends: qemu-ui-gtk Recommends: qemu-ui-spice-app # End of "ifarch s390x" %endif %if 0%{?with_rbd} Suggests: qemu-block-rbd %endif Recommends: qemu-block-curl Recommends: qemu-ksm = %{qemuver} Recommends: qemu-tools Recommends: qemu-ui-curses Suggests: qemu-accel-qtest Suggests: qemu-block-dmg Suggests: qemu-block-gluster Suggests: qemu-block-iscsi Suggests: qemu-block-nfs Suggests: qemu-block-ssh Suggests: qemu-chardev-baum Suggests: qemu-extra Suggests: qemu-lang Suggests: qemu-microvm Suggests: qemu-skiboot Suggests: qemu-vhost-user-gpu Obsoletes: qemu-audio-oss < %{qemuver} Obsoletes: qemu-audio-sdl < %{qemuver} Obsoletes: qemu-ui-sdl < %{qemuver} # End of Requires:, Recommends, Suggests: and Obsoletes: for qemu %endif %if "%{name}" == "qemu-linux-user" # Description and files for the qemu-linux-user package %description QEMU provides CPU emulation along with other related capabilities. This package provides programs to run user space binaries and libraries meant for another architecture. The syscall interface is intercepted and execution below the syscall layer occurs on the native hardware and operating system. %files %defattr(-, root, root) %doc README.rst VERSION %license COPYING COPYING.LIB LICENSE %_bindir/qemu-aarch64 %_bindir/qemu-aarch64_be %_bindir/qemu-alpha %_bindir/qemu-arm %_bindir/qemu-armeb %_bindir/qemu-cris %_bindir/qemu-hexagon %_bindir/qemu-hppa %_bindir/qemu-i386 %_bindir/qemu-m68k %_bindir/qemu-microblaze %_bindir/qemu-microblazeel %_bindir/qemu-mips %_bindir/qemu-mips64 %_bindir/qemu-mips64el %_bindir/qemu-mipsel %_bindir/qemu-mipsn32 %_bindir/qemu-mipsn32el %_bindir/qemu-nios2 %_bindir/qemu-or1k %_bindir/qemu-ppc %_bindir/qemu-ppc64 %_bindir/qemu-ppc64le %_bindir/qemu-riscv32 %_bindir/qemu-riscv64 %_bindir/qemu-s390x %_bindir/qemu-sh4 %_bindir/qemu-sh4eb %_bindir/qemu-sparc %_bindir/qemu-sparc32plus %_bindir/qemu-sparc64 %_bindir/qemu-x86_64 %_bindir/qemu-xtensa %_bindir/qemu-xtensaeb %_bindir/qemu-binfmt %_bindir/qemu-*-binfmt %_sbindir/qemu-binfmt-conf.sh # End of package description and files for qemu-linux-user %else # Description and files for the qemu package and for all its subpackages # Modules need to match {qemu-system-*,qemu-img} version. # We cannot have qemu and qemu-tools require them in the right version, # as that would drag in the dependencies the modules are supposed to avoid. # Nor can we have modules require the right version of qemu and qemu-tools # as Xen reuses our qemu-tools but does not want our qemu and qemu-x86. # FIXME: Is it still true that Xen does not want our qemu and qemu-x86 ?!? %define qemu_module_conflicts \ Conflicts: %name < %{qemuver}-%{release} \ Conflicts: %name > %{qemuver}-%{release} \ Conflicts: qemu-tools < %{qemuver}-%{release} \ Conflicts: qemu-tools > %{qemuver}-%{release} %description %{generic_qemu_description} This package acts as an umbrella package to the other QEMU sub-packages. %if %{kvm_available} %post # Do not execute operations affecting host devices while running in a chroot if [ $(stat -L -c "%i" /proc/1/root/) = $(stat -L -c "%i" /) ]; then setfacl --remove-all /dev/kvm &> /dev/null || : %ifarch s390x if [ -c /dev/kvm ]; then %_bindir/chmod 0666 /dev/kvm %_bindir/chgrp kvm /dev/kvm fi %endif %udev_rules_update %_bindir/udevadm trigger -y kvm || : %ifarch s390x sysctl vm.allocate_pgste=1 || : %endif fi # End of "if kvm_available" %endif %files %defattr(-, root, root) %doc README.rst VERSION %license COPYING COPYING.LIB LICENSE %dir %_datadir/icons/hicolor %dir %_datadir/icons/hicolor/*/ %dir %_datadir/icons/hicolor/*/apps %_datadir/applications/qemu.desktop %_datadir/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/qemu.png %_datadir/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/qemu.png %_datadir/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/qemu.bmp %_datadir/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/qemu.png %_datadir/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/qemu.png %_datadir/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/qemu.png %_datadir/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/qemu.png %_datadir/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/qemu.png %_datadir/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/qemu.png %_datadir/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/qemu.svg %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/firmware %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/17 %_datadir/%name/forsplits/18 %_datadir/%name/forsplits/19 %_datadir/%name/forsplits/pkg-split.txt %_datadir/%name/keymaps %_datadir/%name/qemu-ifup %_datadir/%name/qemu-nsis.bmp %_datadir/%name/trace-events-all %dir %_datadir/%name/vhost-user %_datadir/%name/vhost-user/50-qemu-virtiofsd.json %doc %_docdir/%name/_static %dir %_docdir/%name/about %dir %_docdir/%name/devel %dir %_docdir/%name/interop %dir %_docdir/%name/specs %dir %_docdir/%name/system %dir %_docdir/%name/system/arm %dir %_docdir/%name/system/devices %dir %_docdir/%name/system/i386 %dir %_docdir/%name/system/ppc %dir %_docdir/%name/system/riscv %dir %_docdir/%name/system/s390x %dir %_docdir/%name/tools %dir %_docdir/%name/user %_docdir/%name/.buildinfo %if %{legacy_qemu_kvm} %_docdir/%name/supported.html %endif %_docdir/%name/about/build-platforms.html %_docdir/%name/about/deprecated.html %_docdir/%name/about/index.html %_docdir/%name/about/license.html %_docdir/%name/about/removed-features.html %_docdir/%name/dbus-dbusindex.html %_docdir/%name/devel/atomics.html %_docdir/%name/devel/bitops.html %_docdir/%name/devel/block-coroutine-wrapper.html %_docdir/%name/devel/build-system.html %_docdir/%name/devel/ci.html %_docdir/%name/devel/clocks.html %_docdir/%name/devel/code-of-conduct.html %_docdir/%name/devel/conflict-resolution.html %_docdir/%name/devel/control-flow-integrity.html %_docdir/%name/devel/decodetree.html %_docdir/%name/devel/ebpf_rss.html %_docdir/%name/devel/fuzzing.html %_docdir/%name/devel/index-api.html %_docdir/%name/devel/index-build.html %_docdir/%name/devel/index-internals.html %_docdir/%name/devel/index-process.html %_docdir/%name/devel/index-tcg.html %_docdir/%name/devel/index.html %_docdir/%name/devel/kconfig.html %_docdir/%name/devel/loads-stores.html %_docdir/%name/devel/memory.html %_docdir/%name/devel/migration.html %_docdir/%name/devel/modules.html %_docdir/%name/devel/multi-process.html %_docdir/%name/devel/multi-thread-tcg.html %_docdir/%name/devel/qapi-code-gen.html %_docdir/%name/devel/qgraph.html %_docdir/%name/devel/qom.html %_docdir/%name/devel/qtest.html %_docdir/%name/devel/reset.html %_docdir/%name/devel/s390-dasd-ipl.html %_docdir/%name/devel/secure-coding-practices.html %_docdir/%name/devel/stable-process.html %_docdir/%name/devel/style.html %_docdir/%name/devel/submitting-a-patch.html %_docdir/%name/devel/submitting-a-pull-request.html %_docdir/%name/devel/tcg-icount.html %_docdir/%name/devel/tcg-plugins.html %_docdir/%name/devel/tcg.html %_docdir/%name/devel/testing.html %_docdir/%name/devel/tracing.html %_docdir/%name/devel/trivial-patches.html %_docdir/%name/devel/ui.html %_docdir/%name/devel/vfio-migration.html %_docdir/%name/devel/writing-monitor-commands.html %_docdir/%name/genindex.html %_docdir/%name/index.html %_docdir/%name/interop/barrier.html %_docdir/%name/interop/bitmaps.html %_docdir/%name/interop/dbus-display.html %_docdir/%name/interop/dbus-vmstate.html %_docdir/%name/interop/dbus.html %_docdir/%name/interop/index.html %_docdir/%name/interop/live-block-operations.html %_docdir/%name/interop/pr-helper.html %_docdir/%name/interop/qemu-ga-ref.html %_docdir/%name/interop/qemu-qmp-ref.html %_docdir/%name/interop/qemu-storage-daemon-qmp-ref.html %_docdir/%name/interop/vhost-user-gpu.html %_docdir/%name/interop/vhost-user.html %_docdir/%name/interop/vhost-vdpa.html %_docdir/%name/interop/virtio-balloon-stats.html %_docdir/%name/objects.inv %_docdir/%name/search.html %_docdir/%name/searchindex.js %_docdir/%name/specs/acpi_cpu_hotplug.html %_docdir/%name/specs/acpi_erst.html %_docdir/%name/specs/acpi_hest_ghes.html %_docdir/%name/specs/acpi_hw_reduced_hotplug.html %_docdir/%name/specs/acpi_mem_hotplug.html %_docdir/%name/specs/acpi_nvdimm.html %_docdir/%name/specs/acpi_pci_hotplug.html %_docdir/%name/specs/index.html %_docdir/%name/specs/ppc-spapr-hcalls.html %_docdir/%name/specs/ppc-spapr-hotplug.html %_docdir/%name/specs/ppc-spapr-numa.html %_docdir/%name/specs/ppc-spapr-uv-hcalls.html %_docdir/%name/specs/ppc-spapr-xive.html %_docdir/%name/specs/ppc-xive.html %_docdir/%name/specs/sev-guest-firmware.html %_docdir/%name/specs/tpm.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/aspeed.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/collie.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/cpu-features.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/cubieboard.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/digic.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/emcraft-sf2.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/emulation.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/gumstix.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/highbank.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/imx25-pdk.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/integratorcp.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/kzm.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/mainstone.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/mps2.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/musca.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/musicpal.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/nrf.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/nseries.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/nuvoton.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/orangepi.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/palm.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/raspi.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/realview.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/sabrelite.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/sbsa.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/stellaris.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/stm32.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/sx1.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/versatile.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/vexpress.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/virt.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/xlnx-versal-virt.html %_docdir/%name/system/arm/xscale.html %_docdir/%name/system/authz.html %_docdir/%name/system/barrier.html %_docdir/%name/system/bootindex.html %_docdir/%name/system/confidential-guest-support.html %_docdir/%name/system/cpu-hotplug.html %_docdir/%name/system/device-emulation.html %_docdir/%name/system/devices/can.html %_docdir/%name/system/devices/ivshmem.html %_docdir/%name/system/devices/net.html %_docdir/%name/system/devices/nvme.html %_docdir/%name/system/devices/usb.html %_docdir/%name/system/devices/vhost-user-rng.html %_docdir/%name/system/devices/vhost-user.html %_docdir/%name/system/devices/virtio-pmem.html %_docdir/%name/system/gdb.html %_docdir/%name/system/generic-loader.html %_docdir/%name/system/guest-loader.html %_docdir/%name/system/i386/amd-memory-encryption.html %_docdir/%name/system/i386/cpu.html %_docdir/%name/system/i386/kvm-pv.html %_docdir/%name/system/i386/microvm.html %_docdir/%name/system/i386/pc.html %_docdir/%name/system/i386/sgx.html %_docdir/%name/system/images.html %_docdir/%name/system/index.html %_docdir/%name/system/invocation.html %_docdir/%name/system/keys.html %_docdir/%name/system/linuxboot.html %_docdir/%name/system/managed-startup.html %_docdir/%name/system/monitor.html %_docdir/%name/system/multi-process.html %_docdir/%name/system/mux-chardev.html %_docdir/%name/system/ppc/embedded.html %_docdir/%name/system/ppc/powermac.html %_docdir/%name/system/ppc/powernv.html %_docdir/%name/system/ppc/ppce500.html %_docdir/%name/system/ppc/prep.html %_docdir/%name/system/ppc/pseries.html %_docdir/%name/system/pr-manager.html %_docdir/%name/system/qemu-block-drivers.html %_docdir/%name/system/qemu-cpu-models.html %_docdir/%name/system/qemu-manpage.html %_docdir/%name/system/quickstart.html %_docdir/%name/system/riscv/microchip-icicle-kit.html %_docdir/%name/system/riscv/shakti-c.html %_docdir/%name/system/riscv/sifive_u.html %_docdir/%name/system/riscv/virt.html %_docdir/%name/system/s390x/3270.html %_docdir/%name/system/s390x/bootdevices.html %_docdir/%name/system/s390x/css.html %_docdir/%name/system/s390x/protvirt.html %_docdir/%name/system/s390x/vfio-ap.html %_docdir/%name/system/s390x/vfio-ccw.html %_docdir/%name/system/secrets.html %_docdir/%name/system/security.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-arm.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-avr.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-i386.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-m68k.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-mips.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-ppc.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-riscv.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-rx.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-s390x.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-sparc.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-sparc64.html %_docdir/%name/system/target-xtensa.html %_docdir/%name/system/targets.html %_docdir/%name/system/tls.html %_docdir/%name/system/virtio-net-failover.html %_docdir/%name/system/vnc-security.html %_docdir/%name/tools/index.html %_docdir/%name/tools/qemu-img.html %_docdir/%name/tools/qemu-nbd.html %_docdir/%name/tools/qemu-pr-helper.html %_docdir/%name/tools/qemu-storage-daemon.html %_docdir/%name/tools/qemu-trace-stap.html %_docdir/%name/tools/virtfs-proxy-helper.html %_docdir/%name/tools/virtiofsd.html %_docdir/%name/user/index.html %_docdir/%name/user/main.html %_mandir/man1/%name.1.gz %_mandir/man1/qemu-storage-daemon.1.gz %_mandir/man1/virtiofsd.1.gz %_mandir/man7/qemu-block-drivers.7.gz %_mandir/man7/qemu-cpu-models.7.gz %_mandir/man7/qemu-qmp-ref.7.gz %_mandir/man7/qemu-ga-ref.7.gz %_mandir/man7/qemu-storage-daemon-qmp-ref.7.gz %dir %_sysconfdir/%name %dir %_sysconfdir/%name/firmware %dir /usr/lib/supportconfig %dir /usr/lib/supportconfig/plugins /usr/lib/supportconfig/plugins/%name %if %{kvm_available} %ifarch s390x %{_prefix}/lib/modules-load.d/kvm.conf %endif /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/80-kvm.rules %endif %package x86 Summary: Machine emulator and virtualizer for x86 architectures Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: %name = %{qemuver} Requires: qemu-accel-tcg-x86 Requires: qemu-ipxe Requires: qemu-seabios Requires: qemu-sgabios Requires: qemu-vgabios Recommends: ovmf Recommends: qemu-microvm Recommends: qemu-ovmf-x86_64 %description x86 %{generic_qemu_description} This package provides i386 and x86_64 emulation. %files x86 %defattr(-, root, root) %_bindir/qemu-system-i386 %_bindir/qemu-system-x86_64 %_datadir/%name/kvmvapic.bin %_datadir/%name/linuxboot.bin %_datadir/%name/linuxboot_dma.bin %_datadir/%name/multiboot.bin %_datadir/%name/multiboot_dma.bin %_datadir/%name/pvh.bin %dir %_docdir/qemu-x86 %_docdir/qemu-x86/supported.txt %package ppc Summary: Machine emulator and virtualizer for Power architectures Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: %name = %{qemuver} Requires: qemu-SLOF Recommends: qemu-ipxe Recommends: qemu-vgabios %description ppc %{generic_qemu_description} This package provides ppc and ppc64 emulation. %files ppc %defattr(-, root, root) %_bindir/qemu-system-ppc %_bindir/qemu-system-ppc64 %_datadir/%name/bamboo.dtb %_datadir/%name/canyonlands.dtb %_datadir/%name/openbios-ppc %_datadir/%name/qemu_vga.ndrv %_datadir/%name/u-boot.e500 %_datadir/%name/u-boot-sam460-20100605.bin %_datadir/%name/vof*.bin %dir %_docdir/qemu-ppc %_docdir/qemu-ppc/supported.txt %package s390x Summary: Machine emulator and virtualizer for S/390 architectures Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: %name = %{qemuver} Provides: qemu-s390 = %{qemuver} Obsoletes: qemu-s390 < %{qemuver} %description s390x %{generic_qemu_description} This package provides s390x emulation. %files s390x %defattr(-, root, root) %_bindir/qemu-system-s390x %_datadir/%name/s390-ccw.img %_datadir/%name/s390-netboot.img %dir %_docdir/qemu-s390x %_docdir/qemu-s390x/supported.txt %package arm Summary: Machine emulator and virtualizer for ARM architectures Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: %name = %{qemuver} Recommends: ovmf Recommends: qemu-ipxe Recommends: qemu-uefi-aarch64 Recommends: qemu-vgabios %description arm %{generic_qemu_description} This package provides arm emulation. %files arm %defattr(-, root, root) %_bindir/qemu-system-arm %_bindir/qemu-system-aarch64 %_datadir/%name/npcm7xx_bootrom.bin %dir %_docdir/qemu-arm %_docdir/qemu-arm/supported.txt %package extra Summary: Machine emulator and virtualizer for "extra" architectures Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: %name = %{qemuver} Recommends: qemu-ipxe Recommends: qemu-skiboot Recommends: qemu-vgabios %description extra %{generic_qemu_description} This package provides some lesser used emulations, including alpha, m68k, mips, sparc, and xtensa. (The term "extra" is juxtapositioned against more popular QEMU packages which are dedicated to a single architecture.) %files extra %defattr(-, root, root) %_bindir/qemu-system-alpha %_bindir/qemu-system-avr %_bindir/qemu-system-cris %_bindir/qemu-system-hppa %_bindir/qemu-system-m68k %_bindir/qemu-system-microblaze %_bindir/qemu-system-microblazeel %_bindir/qemu-system-mips %_bindir/qemu-system-mipsel %_bindir/qemu-system-mips64 %_bindir/qemu-system-mips64el %_bindir/qemu-system-nios2 %_bindir/qemu-system-or1k %_bindir/qemu-system-riscv32 %_bindir/qemu-system-riscv64 %_bindir/qemu-system-rx %_bindir/qemu-system-sh4 %_bindir/qemu-system-sh4eb %_bindir/qemu-system-sparc %_bindir/qemu-system-sparc64 %_bindir/qemu-system-tricore %_bindir/qemu-system-xtensa %_bindir/qemu-system-xtensaeb %_datadir/%name/hppa-firmware.img %_datadir/%name/openbios-sparc32 %_datadir/%name/openbios-sparc64 %_datadir/%name/opensbi-riscv32-generic-fw_dynamic.bin %_datadir/%name/opensbi-riscv64-generic-fw_dynamic.bin %_datadir/%name/palcode-clipper %_datadir/%name/petalogix-ml605.dtb %_datadir/%name/petalogix-s3adsp1800.dtb %_datadir/%name/QEMU,cgthree.bin %_datadir/%name/QEMU,tcx.bin %if %{legacy_qemu_kvm} %package kvm Summary: Wrapper to enable KVM acceleration under QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 Requires: qemu-x86 = %{qemuver} %endif %ifarch s390x Requires: qemu-s390x = %{qemuver} %endif Provides: kvm = %{qemuver} Obsoletes: kvm < %{qemuver} %description kvm %{generic_qemu_description} This package provides a symlink to the main QEMU emulator used for KVM virtualization. The symlink is named qemu-kvm, which causes the QEMU program to enable the KVM accelerator, due to the name reference ending with 'kvm'. This package is an artifact of the early origins of QEMU, and is deprecated. %files kvm %defattr(-,root,root) %_bindir/qemu-kvm %dir %_docdir/qemu-kvm %_docdir/qemu-kvm/kvm-supported.html %_docdir/qemu-kvm/kvm-supported.txt %_mandir/man1/qemu-kvm.1.gz # End of "if legacy_qemu_kvm" %endif %package lang Summary: Translations for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %description lang This package contains a few language translations, particularly for the graphical user interface components that come with QEMU. The bulk of strings in QEMU are not localized. %files lang -f %blddir/%name.lang %defattr(-, root, root) %package audio-alsa Summary: ALSA based audio support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description audio-alsa This package contains a module for ALSA based audio support for QEMU. %files audio-alsa %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/audio-alsa.so %package audio-dbus Summary: D-Bus based audio support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description audio-dbus This package provides a module for D-Bus based audio support for QEMU. %files audio-dbus %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/audio-dbus.so %package audio-pa Summary: Pulse Audio based audio support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description audio-pa This package contains a module for Pulse Audio based audio support for QEMU. %files audio-pa %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/audio-pa.so %package audio-jack Summary: JACK based audio support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description audio-jack This package contains a module for JACK based audio support for QEMU. %files audio-jack %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/audio-jack.so %package audio-spice Summary: Spice based audio support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/05 Requires: qemu-ui-spice-core %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description audio-spice This package contains a module for Spice based audio support for QEMU. %files audio-spice %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/05 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/audio-spice.so %package audio-oss Summary: OSS based audio support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description audio-oss This package contains a module for OSS based audio support for QEMU. %files audio-oss %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/audio-oss.so %package block-curl Summary: cURL block support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description block-curl This package contains a module for accessing network-based image files over a network connection from qemu-img tool and QEMU system emulation. %files block-curl %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/block-curl.so %package block-dmg Summary: DMG block support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description block-dmg This package contains a module for accessing Mac OS X image files from qemu-img tool and QEMU system emulation. %files block-dmg %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/block-dmg-bz2.so %_libdir/%name/block-dmg-lzfse.so %package block-gluster Summary: GlusterFS block support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description block-gluster This package contains a module for accessing network-based image files over a GlusterFS network connection from qemu-img tool and QEMU system emulation. %files block-gluster %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/block-gluster.so %package block-iscsi Summary: iSCSI block support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description block-iscsi This package contains a module for accessing network-based image files over an iSCSI network connection from qemu-img tool and QEMU system emulation. %files block-iscsi %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/block-iscsi.so %package block-nfs Summary: direct Network File System support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description block-nfs This package contains a module for directly accessing nfs based image files for QEMU. %files block-nfs %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/block-nfs.so %if 0%{?with_rbd} %package block-rbd Summary: Rados Block Device (Ceph) support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description block-rbd This package contains a module for accessing ceph (rbd,rados) image files for QEMU. %files block-rbd %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/block-rbd.so # End of "if with_rbd" %endif %package block-ssh Summary: SSH (SFTP) block support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description block-ssh This package contains a module for accessing network-based image files over an SSH network connection from qemu-img tool and QEMU system emulation. %files block-ssh %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/block-ssh.so %package chardev-baum Summary: Baum braille chardev support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/00 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description chardev-baum This package contains a module for baum braille chardev support for QEMU. %files chardev-baum %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/00 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/chardev-baum.so %package chardev-spice Summary: Spice vmc and port chardev support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/08 Requires: qemu-ui-spice-core %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description chardev-spice This package contains a module for Spice chardev support for QEMU. %files chardev-spice %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/08 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/chardev-spice.so %package hw-display-qxl Summary: QXL display support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/01 Requires: qemu-ui-spice-core %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description hw-display-qxl This package contains a module for QXL display support for QEMU. %files hw-display-qxl %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/01 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/hw-display-qxl.so %package hw-display-virtio-gpu Summary: Virtio GPU display support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/04 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description hw-display-virtio-gpu This package contains a module for Virtio GPU display support for QEMU. %files hw-display-virtio-gpu %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/04 %_libdir/%name/hw-display-virtio-gpu.so %_libdir/%name/hw-display-virtio-gpu-gl.so %package hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci Summary: Virtio-gpu pci device for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/11 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci This package contains a module providing the virtio gpu pci device for QEMU. %files hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/11 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci.so %_libdir/%name/hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci-gl.so %package hw-display-virtio-vga Summary: Virtio vga device for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/12 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description hw-display-virtio-vga This package contains a module providing the virtio vga device for QEMU. %files hw-display-virtio-vga %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/12 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/hw-display-virtio-vga.so %_libdir/%name/hw-display-virtio-vga-gl.so %package hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw Summary: S390x virtio-gpu ccw device for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/13 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw This package contains a module providing the s390x virtio gpu ccw device for QEMU. %files hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/13 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/hw-s390x-virtio-gpu-ccw.so %package hw-usb-redirect Summary: USB redirection support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/02 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description hw-usb-redirect This package contains a module for USB redirection support for QEMU. %files hw-usb-redirect %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/02 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/hw-usb-redirect.so %package hw-usb-smartcard Summary: USB smartcard support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/03 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description hw-usb-smartcard This package contains a modules for USB smartcard support for QEMU. %files hw-usb-smartcard %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/03 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/hw-usb-smartcard.so %package hw-usb-host Summary: USB passthrough driver support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/14 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description hw-usb-host This package contains a modules for USB passthrough driver for QEMU. %files hw-usb-host %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/14 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/hw-usb-host.so %package ui-dbus Summary: D-Bus based UI support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description ui-dbus This package contains a module for doing D-Bus based UI for QEMU. %files ui-dbus %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/ui-dbus.so %package ui-curses Summary: Curses based UI support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description ui-curses This package contains a module for doing curses based UI for QEMU. %files ui-curses %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/ui-curses.so %package ui-gtk Summary: GTK based UI support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: qemu-ui-opengl %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description ui-gtk This package contains a module for doing GTK based UI for QEMU. %files ui-gtk %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/ui-gtk.so %package ui-opengl Summary: OpenGL based UI support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/10 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description ui-opengl This package contains a module for doing OpenGL based UI for QEMU. %files ui-opengl %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/10 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/ui-egl-headless.so %_libdir/%name/ui-opengl.so %package ui-spice-app Summary: Spice UI support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: qemu-chardev-spice Requires: qemu-ui-spice-core %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description ui-spice-app This package contains a module for doing Spice based UI for QEMU. %files ui-spice-app %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/ui-spice-app.so %package ui-spice-core Summary: Core Spice support for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/09 Requires: qemu-ui-opengl # This next Requires is only since virt-manager expects audio support Requires: qemu-audio-spice %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description ui-spice-core This package contains a module with core Spice support for QEMU. %files ui-spice-core %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/09 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/ui-spice-core.so %package vhost-user-gpu Summary: Vhost user mode virtio-gpu 2D/3D rendering backend for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description vhost-user-gpu This package contains a vhost user mode virtio-gpu 2D/3D rendering backend for QEMU. %files vhost-user-gpu %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name/vhost-user %_datadir/%name/vhost-user/50-qemu-gpu.json %_libexecdir/vhost-user-gpu %package tools Summary: Tools for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires(pre): permissions Requires: group(kvm) Recommends: multipath-tools Recommends: qemu-block-curl %if 0%{?with_rbd} Recommends: qemu-block-rbd %endif %description tools This package contains various QEMU related tools, including a bridge helper, a virtfs helper, ivshmem, disk utilities and scripts for various purposes. %post tools %set_permissions %_libexecdir/qemu-bridge-helper %verifyscript tools %verify_permissions %_libexecdir/qemu-bridge-helper %files tools %defattr(-, root, root) %_bindir/analyze-migration.py %_bindir/qemu-edid %_bindir/qemu-img %_bindir/qemu-io %_bindir/qemu-keymap %_bindir/qemu-nbd %_bindir/qemu-pr-helper %_bindir/qemu-storage-daemon %_bindir/vmstate-static-checker.py %_bindir/vmxcap %verify(not mode) %attr(4750,root,kvm) %_libexecdir/qemu-bridge-helper %_libexecdir/virtfs-proxy-helper %_libexecdir/virtiofsd %_mandir/man1/qemu-img.1.gz %_mandir/man1/virtfs-proxy-helper.1.gz %_mandir/man8/qemu-nbd.8.gz %_mandir/man8/qemu-pr-helper.8.gz %dir %_sysconfdir/%name %config %_sysconfdir/%name/bridge.conf %package ivshmem-tools Summary: Inter-VM Shared Memory Tools for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/07 %description ivshmem-tools This package contains a sample shared memory client and server which utilize QEMU's Inter-VM shared memory device as specified by the ivshmem client-server protocol specification documented in docs/specs/ivshmem-spec.txt in QEMU source code. %files ivshmem-tools %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/07 %_bindir/ivshmem-client %_bindir/ivshmem-server %package guest-agent Summary: Guest agent for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires: group(kvm) Requires(post): udev Supplements: modalias(acpi*:QEMU0002%3A*) Supplements: modalias(pci:v00005853d00000001sv*sd*bc*sc*i*) Supplements: modalias(pci:v0000FFFDd00000101sv*sd*bc*sc*i*) %{?systemd_ordering} %description guest-agent This package contains the QEMU guest agent. It is installed in the linux guest to provide information and control at the guest OS level. %pre guest-agent %service_add_pre qemu-guest-agent.service %post guest-agent %service_add_post qemu-guest-agent.service if [ -e /dev/virtio-ports/org.qemu.guest_agent.0 ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl start qemu-guest-agent.service || : fi %preun guest-agent if [ -e /dev/virtio-ports/org.qemu.guest_agent.0 ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl stop qemu-guest-agent.service || : fi %postun guest-agent %service_del_postun_without_restart qemu-guest-agent.service if [ "$1" = "1" ] ; then if [ -e /dev/virtio-ports/org.qemu.guest_agent.0 ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl restart qemu-guest-agent.service || : fi fi %files guest-agent %defattr(-, root, root) %attr(0755,root,kvm) %_bindir/qemu-ga %dir %_docdir/%name/interop %_docdir/%name/interop/qemu-ga.html %_mandir/man8/qemu-ga.8.gz %{_unitdir}/qemu-guest-agent.service /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/80-qemu-ga.rules %package ksm Summary: Kernel Samepage Merging services Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Requires(pre): coreutils Requires(post): coreutils %description ksm Kernel Samepage Merging (KSM) is a memory-saving de-duplication feature, that merges anonymous (private) pages (not pagecache ones). This package provides a service file for starting and stopping KSM. %pre ksm %service_add_pre ksm.service %post ksm %service_add_post ksm.service %preun ksm %service_del_preun ksm.service %postun ksm %service_del_postun ksm.service %files ksm %defattr(-, root, root) %{_unitdir}/ksm.service %package accel-tcg-x86 Summary: TCG accelerator for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/15 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description accel-tcg-x86 TCG is the QEMU binary translator, responsible for converting from target to host instruction set. This package provides the TCG accelerator for QEMU. %files accel-tcg-x86 %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/15 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/accel-tcg-i386.so %_libdir/%name/accel-tcg-x86_64.so %package accel-qtest Summary: QTest accelerator for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/16 %{qemu_module_conflicts} %description accel-qtest QTest is a device emulation testing framework. It is useful to test device models. This package provides QTest accelerator for testing QEMU. %files accel-qtest %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/16 %dir %_libdir/%name %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-aarch64.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-alpha.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-arm.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-avr.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-cris.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-hppa.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-i386.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-m68k.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-microblaze.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-microblazeel.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-mips.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-mips64.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-mips64el.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-mipsel.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-nios2.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-or1k.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-ppc.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-ppc64.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-riscv32.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-riscv64.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-rx.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-s390x.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-sh4.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-sh4eb.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-sparc.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-sparc64.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-tricore.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-x86_64.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-xtensa.so %_libdir/%name/accel-qtest-xtensaeb.so %if %{build_x86_firmware} %package microvm Summary: x86 MicroVM firmware for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 BuildArch: noarch %description microvm This package provides minimal x86 firmware for booting certain guests under QEMU. qboot provides the minimum resources needed to boot PVH and bzImages. bios-microvm, created from a minimal seabios configuration, provides slightly wider support than qboot, but still focuses on quick boot up. %files microvm %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %_datadir/%name/bios-microvm.bin %_datadir/%name/qboot.rom %package seabios Summary: x86 Legacy BIOS for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{sbver} Release: 0 BuildArch: noarch Conflicts: %name < 1.6.0 %description seabios SeaBIOS is an open source implementation of a 16bit x86 BIOS. SeaBIOS is the default and legacy BIOS for QEMU. %files seabios %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %_datadir/%name/bios.bin %_datadir/%name/bios-256k.bin %_datadir/%name/firmware/50-seabios-256k.json %_datadir/%name/firmware/60-seabios-128k.json %package vgabios Summary: VGA BIOSes for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{sbver} Release: 0 BuildArch: noarch Conflicts: %name < 1.6.0 %description vgabios VGABIOS provides the video ROM BIOSes for the following variants of VGA emulated devices: Std VGA, QXL, Cirrus CLGD 5446 and VMware emulated video card. For use with QEMU. %files vgabios %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %_datadir/%name/vgabios.bin %_datadir/%name/vgabios-ati.bin %_datadir/%name/vgabios-bochs-display.bin %_datadir/%name/vgabios-cirrus.bin %_datadir/%name/vgabios-qxl.bin %_datadir/%name/vgabios-ramfb.bin %_datadir/%name/vgabios-stdvga.bin %_datadir/%name/vgabios-virtio.bin %_datadir/%name/vgabios-vmware.bin %package sgabios Summary: Serial Graphics Adapter BIOS for QEMU Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: 8 Release: 0 BuildArch: noarch Conflicts: %name < 1.6.0 %description sgabios The Google Serial Graphics Adapter BIOS or SGABIOS provides a means for legacy x86 software to communicate with an attached serial console as if a video card were attached. For use with QEMU. %files sgabios %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %_datadir/%name/sgabios.bin %package ipxe Summary: PXE ROMs for QEMU NICs Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: 1.0.0+ Release: 0 BuildArch: noarch Conflicts: %name < 1.6.0 %description ipxe Provides Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) ROM support for various emulated network adapters available with QEMU. %files ipxe %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %_datadir/%name/efi-e1000.rom %_datadir/%name/efi-e1000e.rom %_datadir/%name/efi-eepro100.rom %_datadir/%name/efi-ne2k_pci.rom %_datadir/%name/efi-pcnet.rom %_datadir/%name/efi-rtl8139.rom %_datadir/%name/efi-virtio.rom %_datadir/%name/efi-vmxnet3.rom %_datadir/%name/pxe-e1000.rom %_datadir/%name/pxe-eepro100.rom %_datadir/%name/pxe-ne2k_pci.rom %_datadir/%name/pxe-pcnet.rom %_datadir/%name/pxe-rtl8139.rom %_datadir/%name/pxe-virtio.rom # End of "if build_x86_firmware %endif %if %{build_ppc_firmware} %package skiboot Summary: OPAL firmware (aka skiboot), used in booting OpenPOWER systems Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 BuildArch: noarch Requires(post): update-alternatives Requires(postun):update-alternatives Provides: %name:%_datadir/%name/forsplits/06 %description skiboot Provides OPAL (OpenPower Abstraction Layer) firmware, aka skiboot, as traditionally packaged with QEMU. %post skiboot update-alternatives --install \ %{_datadir}/%name/skiboot.lid skiboot.lid %{_datadir}/%name/skiboot.lid.qemu 15 %preun skiboot if [ ! -f %{_datadir}/%name/skiboot.lid.qemu ] ; then update-alternatives --remove skiboot.lid %{_datadir}/%name/skiboot.lid.qemu fi %files skiboot %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %dir %_datadir/%name/forsplits %_datadir/%name/forsplits/06 %_datadir/%name/skiboot.lid %_datadir/%name/skiboot.lid.qemu %ghost %_sysconfdir/alternatives/skiboot.lid %package SLOF Summary: Slimline Open Firmware - SLOF Group: System/Emulators/PC Version: %{qemuver} Release: 0 BuildArch: noarch %description SLOF Slimline Open Firmware (SLOF) is an implementation of the IEEE 1275 standard. It can be used as partition firmware for pSeries machines running on QEMU or KVM. %files SLOF %defattr(-, root, root) %dir %_datadir/%name %_datadir/%name/slof.bin # End of "if build_ppc_firmware %endif # End of descriptions and files for qemu and its subpackages %endif %prep %autosetup -p1 -n %{srcname}-%{expand:%%(SV=%{srcver};echo ${SV%%%%+git*})} %if "%{name}" == "qemu" # Firmwares handling for package qemu (for qemu-linux-user, there's nothing # that we need to do in this regard). # For the record, this set of firmware files is installed, but we don't # build them (yet): bamboo.dtb canyonlands.dtb hppa-firmware.img openbios-ppc # openbios-sparc32 openbios-sparc64 palcode-clipper petalogix-ml605.dtb # petalogix-s3adsp1800.dtb QEMU,cgthree.bin QEMU,tcx.bin qemu_vga.ndrv # u-boot.e500 u-boot-sam460-20100605.bin opensbi-riscv32-generic-fw_dynamic.bin # opensbi-riscv32-generic-fw_dynamic.elfnpcm7xx_bootrom.bin vof.bin # vof-nvram.bin # Note that: # - default firmwares are built "by default", i.e., they're built automatically # during the process of building QEMU (on each specific arch) # - extra firmwares are built "manually" (see below) from their own sources # (which, typically, are submodules checked out in the {srcdi}r/roms directory) %define ppc_default_firmware %{nil} %define ppc_extra_firmware {skiboot.lid slof.bin} %define riscv64_default_firmware %{nil} %define riscv64_extra_firmware {opensbi-riscv64-generic-fw_dynamic.bin} %define s390x_default_firmware {s390-ccw.img s390-netboot.img} %define s390x_extra_firmware %{nil} %define x86_default_firmware {linuxboot.bin linuxboot_dma.bin multiboot.bin \ multiboot_dma.bin kvmvapic.bin pvh.bin} %define x86_extra_firmware {bios.bin bios-256k.bin bios-microvm.bin qboot.rom \ pxe-e1000.rom pxe-eepro100.rom pxe-ne2k_pci.rom pxe-pcnet.rom pxe-rtl8139.rom \ pxe-virtio.rom sgabios.bin vgabios-ati.bin vgabios-bochs-display.bin \ vgabios.bin vgabios-cirrus.bin vgabios-qxl.bin vgabios-ramfb.bin \ vgabios-stdvga.bin vgabios-virtio.bin vgabios-vmware.bin \ efi-e1000.rom efi-e1000e.rom efi-eepro100.rom efi-ne2k_pci.rom efi-pcnet.rom \ efi-rtl8139.rom efi-virtio.rom efi-vmxnet3.rom} # Complete list of all the firmwares that we build, if we consider # all the builds, on all the arches. %define firmware { \ %{ppc_default_firmware} %{ppc_extra_firmware} \ %{riscv64_default_firmware} %{riscv64_extra_firmware} \ %{s390x_default_firmware} %{s390x_extra_firmware} \ %{x86_default_firmware} %{x86_extra_firmware} } # Note that: # - {arch}_default_built_firmware are the firmwares that we will be built by # default in this particular build, on the arch where we currently are on # - {arch}_extra_built_fimrware, likewise, but for extra firmwares, built manually %ifarch ppc64 ppc64le %define ppc_default_built_firmware %{ppc_default_firmware} %endif %ifarch riscv64 %define riscv64_default_built_firmware %{riscv64_default_firmware} %endif %ifarch s390x %define s390x_default_built_firmware %{s390x_default_firmware} %endif %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 %define x86_default_built_firmware %{x86_default_firmware} %endif %if %{build_opensbi_firmware} %define riscv64_extra_built_firmware %{riscv64_extra_firmware} %endif %if %{build_ppc_firmware} %define ppc_extra_built_firmware %{ppc_extra_firmware} %endif %if %{build_x86_firmware} %define x86_extra_built_firmware %{x86_extra_firmware} %endif # List of only firmwares that will actually be built, in this instance %define built_firmware { \ %{?ppc_default_built_firmware} %{?ppc_extra_built_firmware} \ %{?riscv64_default_built_firmware} %{?riscv64_extra_built_firmware} \ %{?s390x_default_built_firmware} %{?s390x_extra_built_firmware} \ %{?x86_default_built_firmware} %{?x86_extra_built_firmware} } # End of firmware handling for package qemu %endif %build # non-x86 archs still seem to have some issues with Link Time Optimization %ifnarch %ix86 x86_64 %define _lto_cflags %{nil} %endif %if %{legacy_qemu_kvm} %ifarch s390x cp %{SOURCE13} docs/supported.rst %else # FIXME: So... We always put this same document there... Why the ifarch then ? cp %{SOURCE13} docs/supported.rst %endif # End of "if legacy_qemu_kvm" %endif mkdir -p %blddir cd %blddir # Configure options for qemu and qemu-linux-user packages %srcdir/configure \ --prefix=%_prefix \ --sysconfdir=%_sysconfdir \ --libdir=%_libdir \ --libexecdir=%_libexecdir \ --localstatedir=%_localstatedir \ --docdir=%_docdir \ --firmwarepath=%_datadir/%name \ --python=%_bindir/python3 \ --extra-cflags="%{optflags}" \ --with-git-submodules=ignore \ --with-pkgversion="%(echo '%{distro}' | sed 's/ (.*)//')" \ --disable-fuzzing \ --disable-multiprocess \ --disable-stack-protector \ --disable-strip \ --disable-tcg-interpreter \ --disable-qom-cast-debug \ --enable-coroutine-pool \ %if "%{_lto_cflags}" != "%{nil}" --enable-lto \ %endif %if %{with system_membarrier} --enable-membarrier \ %else --disable-membarrier \ %endif %if "%{name}" == "qemu-linux-user" --disable-blobs \ --disable-bochs \ --disable-capstone \ --disable-cloop \ --disable-dmg \ --disable-docs \ --disable-fdt \ --disable-gio \ --disable-guest-agent \ --disable-iconv \ --disable-kvm \ --disable-libdaxctl \ --disable-linux-io-uring \ --disable-malloc-trim \ --disable-modules \ --disable-parallels \ --disable-pie \ --disable-plugins \ --disable-qcow1 \ --disable-qed \ --disable-replication \ --disable-safe-stack \ --disable-slirp \ --disable-system \ --disable-tools \ --disable-tpm \ --disable-vdi \ --disable-vhost-crypto \ --disable-vhost-kernel \ --disable-vhost-net \ --disable-vhost-scsi \ --disable-vhost-user \ --disable-vhost-user-blk-server \ --disable-vhost-vsock \ --disable-vnc \ --disable-vvfat \ --disable-vhost-user-fs \ --disable-xkbcommon \ --enable-linux-user \ --static \ --without-default-devices \ %else %if %{kvm_available} --enable-kvm \ %else --disable-kvm \ %endif %if 0%{?with_daxctl} --enable-libdaxctl \ %else --disable-libdaxctl \ %endif %ifarch x86_64 --enable-libpmem \ %else --disable-libpmem \ %endif %if 0%{?with_uring} --enable-linux-io-uring \ %else --disable-linux-io-uring \ %endif %ifarch %arm s390x --disable-numa \ %else --enable-numa \ %endif %if 0%{?with_rbd} --enable-rbd \ %else --disable-rbd \ %endif %ifarch x86_64 --enable-xen \ --enable-xen-pci-passthrough \ %else --disable-xen \ %endif --disable-auth-pam \ --disable-capstone \ --disable-crypto-afalg \ --disable-hax \ --disable-hvf \ --disable-linux-user \ --disable-malloc-trim \ --disable-module-upgrades \ --disable-netmap \ --disable-nettle \ --disable-safe-stack \ --disable-sanitizers \ --disable-sdl \ --disable-sdl-image \ --disable-plugins \ --disable-whpx \ --enable-attr \ --enable-bochs \ --enable-brlapi \ --enable-bzip2 \ --enable-cap-ng \ --enable-cloop \ --enable-curl \ --enable-curses \ --enable-dmg \ --enable-docs \ --enable-fdt \ --enable-gcrypt \ --enable-gio \ --enable-glusterfs \ --enable-gnutls \ --enable-gtk \ --enable-guest-agent \ --enable-iconv \ --enable-libiscsi \ --enable-libnfs \ --enable-libssh \ --enable-libusb \ --enable-linux-aio \ --enable-lzfse \ --enable-lzo \ --enable-modules \ --enable-mpath \ --enable-opengl \ --enable-parallels \ --enable-pie \ --enable-pvrdma \ --enable-qcow1 \ --enable-qed \ --enable-rdma \ --enable-replication \ --enable-seccomp \ --enable-slirp=system \ --enable-smartcard \ --enable-snappy \ --enable-spice \ --enable-system \ --enable-tools \ --enable-tpm \ --enable-usb-redir \ --enable-vde \ --enable-vdi \ --enable-vhost-crypto \ --enable-vhost-kernel \ --enable-vhost-net \ --enable-vhost-scsi \ --enable-vhost-user \ --enable-vhost-user-blk-server \ --enable-vhost-vdpa \ --enable-vhost-vsock \ --enable-virglrenderer \ --enable-virtfs \ --enable-vnc \ --enable-vnc-jpeg \ --enable-vnc-png \ --enable-vnc-sasl \ --enable-vte \ --enable-vvfat \ --enable-werror \ --enable-zstd \ --enable-vhost-user-fs \ --enable-xkbcommon \ --with-default-devices \ %endif # End of configure options for packages qemu and qemu-linux-user %if "%{name}" == "qemu" # If we are building the qemu package, we first need to delete, from the # pc-bios directory, all the binary firmware files that we are going to build # ourselves. We will reinstate their built version later. for i in %built_firmware do unlink %srcdir/pc-bios/$i done %endif %make_build #V=1 VERBOSE=1 %if "%{name}" == "qemu" # Second part of the firmware handling process for the qemu package. We have # already built QEMU (see make_build above), which means we have also built # all the "default" (see above) firmwares. Therefore, we can copy them to the # pc-bios directory, since we want them to be there for the install phase. for i in %{?s390x_default_built_firmware} do cp pc-bios/s390-ccw/$i %srcdir/pc-bios/ done for i in %{?x86_default_built_firmware} do cp pc-bios/optionrom/$i %srcdir/pc-bios/ done # The last step is building the "extra" (see above) firmwares. The binaries # will just end up in the pc-bios directory by themselves, so there's no need # to manually copy them there. Note also that the Makefile in {srcdir}/roms # does some cross-compiler auto detection. So we often don't need to define # or pass CROSS= and CROSS_COMPILE ourselves, when we're cross compiling. %if %{build_ppc_firmware} # FIXME: check if we can upstream: Makefile-define-endianess-for-cross-buil.patch %make_build -C %srcdir/roms skiboot %make_build -C %srcdir/roms slof %endif %if %{build_opensbi_firmware} %make_build -C %srcdir/roms opensbi64-generic %endif %if %{build_x86_firmware} %make_build %{?_smp_mflags} -C %srcdir/roms bios SEABIOS_EXTRAVERSION="-rebuilt.opensuse.org" # FIXME: check if we can upstream: roms-Makefile-add-cross-file-to-qboot-me.patch # and qboot-add-cross.ini-file-to-handle-aarch.patch %make_build -C %srcdir/roms qboot %make_build -C %srcdir/roms seavgabios %make_build -C %srcdir/roms seavgabios-ati %make_build -C %srcdir/roms pxerom %make_build -C %srcdir/roms efirom EDK2_BASETOOLS_OPTFLAGS='-fPIE' # We're currently not building firmware on ix86, but let's make sure this works # fine if one enables it, e.g., locally (for debugging or something). # FIXME: check if we can get rid or upstream: roms-sgabios-Fix-csum8-to-be-built-by-ho.patch make -C %srcdir/roms sgabios HOSTCC=cc \ %ifnarch %ix86 x86_64 CC=x86_64-suse-linux-gcc LD=x86_64-suse-linux-ld \ %endif %{nil} %if %{force_fit_virtio_pxe_rom} pushd %srcdir patch -p1 < %_sourcedir/stub-out-the-SAN-req-s-in-int13.patch popd %make_build -C %srcdir/roms pxerom_variants=virtio pxerom_targets=1af41000 pxerom %endif for i in %supported_nics_large %unsupported_nics do if test "`stat -c '%s' %srcdir/pc-bios/pxe-$i.rom`" -gt "131072" ; then echo "pxe rom is too large" exit 1 fi if test "`stat -c '%s' %srcdir/pc-bios/pxe-$i.rom`" -le "65536" ; then ./%srcdir/roms/ipxe/src/util/padimg.pl %srcdir/pc-bios/pxe-$i.rom -s 65536 -b 255 echo -ne "SEGMENT OVERAGE\0" >> %srcdir/pc-bios/pxe-$i.rom fi done for i in %supported_nics_small do if test "`stat -c '%s' %srcdir/pc-bios/pxe-$i.rom`" -gt "65536" ; then echo "pxe rom is too large" exit 1 fi done # End of "if build_x86_firmware" %endif # Done handling firmwares for qemu %endif %install cd %blddir %make_build install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %if "%{name}" == "qemu-linux-user" # Adjust the content of the buildroot for the qemu-linux-user package rm -rf %{buildroot}%_datadir/qemu/keymaps unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/qemu/trace-events-all install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%_sbindir # FIXME: All the following symlinking is just legacy and should go away! install -m 755 scripts/qemu-binfmt-conf.sh %{buildroot}%_sbindir ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-aarch64-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-aarch64_be-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-alpha-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-arm-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-armeb-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-cris-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-hexagon-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-hppa-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-i386-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-m68k-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-microblaze-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-microblazeel-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-mips-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-mips64-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-mips64el-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-mipsel-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-mipsn32-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-mipsn32el-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-nios2-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-or1k-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-ppc-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-ppc64-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-ppc64le-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-riscv32-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-riscv64-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-s390x-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-sh4-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-sh4eb-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-sparc-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-sparc32plus-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-sparc64-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-x86_64-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-xtensa-binfmt ln -s qemu-binfmt %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-xtensaeb-binfmt # Done setting up the buildroot for qemu-linux-user %else # Adjust the content of the buildroot for the qemu and all its subpackages %find_lang %name install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}/usr/lib/supportconfig/plugins install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%_sysconfdir/%name/firmware install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%_sysconfdir/%name/bridge.conf install -D -m 0755 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/qemu-ifup install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE8} %{buildroot}/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/80-qemu-ga.rules install -D -m 0755 scripts/analyze-migration.py %{buildroot}%_bindir/analyze-migration.py install -D -m 0755 scripts/vmstate-static-checker.py %{buildroot}%_bindir/vmstate-static-checker.py install -D -m 0755 scripts/kvm/vmxcap %{buildroot}%_bindir/vmxcap install -D -m 0755 %{SOURCE9} %{buildroot}/usr/lib/supportconfig/plugins/%name install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE10} %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-arm/supported.txt install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE11} %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-ppc/supported.txt install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE12} %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-x86/supported.txt install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE13} %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-s390x/supported.txt %if %{legacy_qemu_kvm} install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE5} %{buildroot}%_mandir/man1/qemu-kvm.1.gz install -d %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-kvm %ifarch s390x ln -s qemu-system-s390x %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-kvm ln -s ../qemu-s390x/supported.txt %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-kvm/kvm-supported.txt rst2html --exit-status=2 %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-s390x/supported.txt %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-kvm/kvm-supported.html %else ln -s qemu-system-x86_64 %{buildroot}%_bindir/qemu-kvm ln -s ../qemu-x86/supported.txt %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-kvm/kvm-supported.txt rst2html --exit-status=2 %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-x86/supported.txt %{buildroot}%_docdir/qemu-kvm/kvm-supported.html %endif # End of "if legacy_qemu_kvm" %endif %if %{kvm_available} install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/80-kvm.rules %endif install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE7} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/qemu-guest-agent.service install -D -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE6} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/ksm.service %ifarch s390x install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/modules-load.d/kvm.conf %endif # We rely on a separate project / package to provide edk2 firmware unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-licenses.txt unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware/50-edk2-i386-secure.json unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware/50-edk2-x86_64-secure.json unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware/60-edk2-aarch64.json unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware/60-edk2-arm.json unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware/60-edk2-i386.json unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware/60-edk2-x86_64.json unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-aarch64-code.fd unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-arm-code.fd unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-arm-vars.fd unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-i386-code.fd unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-i386-secure-code.fd unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-i386-vars.fd unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-x86_64-code.fd unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/edk2-x86_64-secure-code.fd # this was never meant for customer consumption - delete even though installed unlink %{buildroot}%_bindir/elf2dmp install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE201} %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/forsplits/pkg-split.txt for X in 00 01 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 do ln -s pkg-split.txt %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/forsplits/$X done # For PPC and x86 firmwares, there are a few extra install steps necessary. # In general, if we know that we have not built a firmware, we must remove it # from the install base. In fact, the one that we have there is the upstream # provided binary, which we don't want to ship. %if %{build_ppc_firmware} # in support of update-alternatives mv %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/skiboot.lid %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/skiboot.lid.qemu # create a dummy target for /etc/alternatives/skiboot.lid mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/alternatives ln -s -f %{_sysconfdir}/alternatives/skiboot.lid %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%name/skiboot.lid ln -s pkg-split.txt %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/forsplits/06 %else for f in %{ppc_extra_firmware} ; do unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/$f done # End of "if build_ppc_firmware" %endif %if %{build_x86_firmware} install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE14} %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware/50-seabios-256k.json install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE15} %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/firmware/60-seabios-128k.json %else for f in %{x86_extra_firmware} ; do unlink %{buildroot}%_datadir/%name/$f done # Enf of "if build_x86_firmware" %endif # For riscv64 firmwares (currently, only opensbi), we actuallly leave the # upstream provided binaries there, as they're part of the qemu-extra package # (and riscv is a bit special in many ways already). %suse_update_desktop_file qemu # End of setting up the buildroot for qemu and its subpackages %endif # Get rid of dupes (NB: this is common to qemu and qemu-linux-user) %fdupes -s %{buildroot} %check cd %blddir %if "%{name}" == "qemu" # Let's try to run 'make check' for the qemu package # Patch 'increase x86_64 physical bits to 42' requires that the DSDT used for # acpi [q]tests is modified too. But it's binary, and that means we cannot # do that in the patch itself. Instead, we keep a copy of the binary in the # package sources, and put it in place now, before the tests themselves. # If that patch is removed, the following line needs to go as well. cp %{SOURCE202} %{srcdir}/tests/data/acpi/microvm/ # Compile the QOM test binary first, so that ... %make_build tests/qtest/qom-test # ... make comes in fresh and has lots of address space (needed for 32bit, bsc#957379) # FIXME: is this still a problem? # Let's build everything first %make_build check-build # Let's run the 'make check' component individually, so we have more # control on the options (like -j, etc) %make_build check-unit %make_build check-qapi-schema # iotests are not reliable if ran in parallel in OBS %make_build -j1 check-block %make_build check-softfloat %make_build check-qtest # FIXME: does it make sense to give it a run to, as a recap: #make_build check-report.junit.xml ? # End of checks for qemu %else # Let's run the relevant check for the qemu-linux-user package %ifarch %ix86 %define qemu_arch i386 %endif %ifarch x86_64 %define qemu_arch x86_64 %endif %ifarch %arm %define qemu_arch arm %endif %ifarch aarch64 %define qemu_arch aarch64 %endif %ifarch ppc %define qemu_arch ppc %endif %ifarch ppc64 %define qemu_arch ppc64 %endif %ifarch ppc64le %define qemu_arch ppc64le %endif %ifarch s390x %define qemu_arch s390x %endif %ifarch %ix86 x86_64 %arm aarch64 ppc ppc64 ppc64le s390x %ifnarch %arm %{qemu_arch}-linux-user/qemu-%{qemu_arch} %_bindir/ls > /dev/null %endif %endif %make_build check-softfloat # Done with checks for qemu-linux-user %endif %changelog