#!/bin/sh echo 'config qemu network with bridge for ' $* # If bridge is not specified, try device with default route. bridge=$2 if [ -z "$bridge" ]; then bridge=$(ip route list | awk '/^default / { print $NF }') fi # Exit if $bridge is not a bridge. Exit with 0 status # so qemu-dm process is not terminated. No networking in # vm is bad but not catastrophic. The vm could still run # cpu and disk IO workloads. # Include an useful error message in qemu-dm log file. if [ ! -e "/sys/class/net/${bridge}/bridge" ] then echo "WARNING! ${bridge} is not a bridge. qemu-ifup exiting. VM may not have a functioning networking stack." exit 0 fi ifconfig $1 up brctl addif $bridge $1 || true