forked from pool/rabbitmq-server
* Quorum queue declared when one of cluster nodes was down could trigger connection exceptions. * Avoids a rare exception that could stop TCP socket writes on a client connection. * `queue_deleted` and `queue_created` internal events now include queue type as a module name, and not an inconsistent (with the other queue and stream types) value `classic`. * Definition files that are virtual host-specific cannot be imported on boot. Such files will now be detected early and the import process will terminate after logging a more informative message. * Several AMQP 1.0 application properties are now more correctly converted to AMQP 0-9-1 headers by cross-protocol Shovels. * The priority property now populates an AMQP 1.0 header with the same name, per AMQP 1.0 spec. * Metric label values now escape certain non-ASCII characters. * Avoids an exception when an MQTT client that used a QoS 0 subscription reconnects and its original connection node is down. * Avoids an exception when an MQTT client connection was force- closed via the HTTP API. * Certain CLI commands could not be run in a shell script loop, unless the script explicitly redirected standard input. * `rabbitmq-diagnostics cluster_status` now responds much quicker when a cluster node has gone down, were shut down, or otherwise has become unreachable by the rest of the cluster. * Reverted a change to `DELETE /api/queues/{vhost}/{name}` that allowed removal of exclusive queues and introduced OBS-URL:
RabbitMQ and EPMD =================== RabbitMQ requires epmd to listen on more interfaces than just localhost. The easiest solution is to set the listening address to "". But you can also limit it to certain interfaces/IPs. For non systemd based distributions you can set EPMD_ADDRESSES in /etc/sysconfing/erlang. For systemd based distributions please follow /usr/share/doc/packages/erlang/README.SUSE
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