2008-04-17 02:52:37 +00:00
# vim:sw=4:et
# File : CheckInitScripts.py
# Package : rpmlint
# Author : Dirk Mueller
# Purpose : Check for common mistakes in init scripts
from Filter import *
import AbstractCheck
import rpm
import re
import commands
import stat
import Config
import os
import string
insserv_regex=re.compile('^\s*sbin/insserv', re.MULTILINE)
preun_regex=re.compile('^\s*/etc/init.d/\S+ stop', re.MULTILINE)
2009-08-21 16:19:06 +00:00
class CheckInitScripts(AbstractCheck.AbstractFilesCheck):
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def __init__(self):
2009-08-21 16:19:06 +00:00
AbstractCheck.AbstractFilesCheck.__init__(self, "CheckInitScripts", "/etc/init.d/.*")
2008-04-17 02:52:37 +00:00
def check(self, pkg):
if pkg.isSource():
files = pkg.files()
bins_list = filter(lambda f: (f.startswith("/usr/bin") \
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or f.startswith("/usr/sbin")) and stat.S_ISREG(files[f].mode), files.keys())
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2009-08-21 16:19:06 +00:00
for f, pkgfile in files.items():
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2009-08-21 16:19:06 +00:00
if f in pkg.ghostFiles() or not stat.S_ISREG(pkgfile.mode) or not f.startswith("/etc/init.d/"):
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boot_script = f.startswith('/etc/init.d/boot.')
input_f = file(pkg.dirName() + '/' + f, "r")
found_remote_fs = False
for l in input_f:
if l.startswith('# Required-Start') or l.startswith('# Should-Start'):
for dep in l.split()[2:]:
if dep.startswith('$') and dep not in ('$local_fs',
'$time', '$ALL'):
printError(pkg, "init-script-undefined-dependency", f, dep)
if dep in ('portmap', 'syslog', 'named', 'network', 'xntpd'):
printWarning(pkg, "init-script-non-var-dependency", f, dep)
if dep in ('$remote_fs'):
found_remote_fs = True
if l.startswith('# X-UnitedLinux-Should'):
printWarning(pkg, "obsolete-init-keyword", f, l)
if l.startswith('# Default-Start'):
for dep in l.split()[2:]:
if boot_script and dep not in ('B', 'S'):
printError(pkg, "init-script-wrong-start-level", f, dep)
if not boot_script and dep in ('B'):
printError(pkg, "init-script-wrong-start-level", f, dep)
if not found_remote_fs and bins_list:
printWarning(pkg, "non-remote_fs-dependency", f)
2009-08-21 16:19:06 +00:00
2008-04-17 02:52:37 +00:00
if Config.info:
"""Your package contains a /etc/init.d script that specifies a
dependency that is not listed in /etc/insserv.conf. Check for
"""Your package contains a /etc/init.d script that specifies
a hardcoded dependency that likely should be a variable dependency.
For example portmap should actually be $portmap, and similar.""",
"""Your package contains a /etc/init.d script that specifies
an obsolete keyword, like X-UnitedLinux-Should-Start. Consider
using the LSB equivalent Should-Start instead.""",
"""Your package contains a /etc/init.d script that specifies
that it should be run in boot level but isn't named with a boot prefix
or specifies a non-boot level but has boot prefix. Fix your script.""",
"""Your package contains a /etc/init.d script that does not specify
$remote_fs as a start dependency, but the package also contains
files packaged in /usr. Make sure that your start script does not
call any of them, or add the missing $remote_fs dependency."""