[Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/) is a systems programming language sponsored by Mozilla Research. It is designed to be a safe, concurrent, practical language, supporting functional and imperative-procedural paradigms. While syntactically similar to C++, Rust is designed for better memory safety without performance penalty.
## Usage
To compile and deploy an application, copy the sources, fetch dependencies, and build the binary:
# Build the application using the Rust 1.78 container image
FROM registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/bci/rust:1.78 as build
COPY . ./
RUN cargo build --release
# Bundle the application into a BCI micro (or other BCI image)
**Note:** The Rust image is intended to be used as a build environment. For runtime, use smaller images such as `bci-base`, `bci-micro`, or `bci-minimal`.