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Accepting request 681133 from home:luke_nukem:branches:devel:languages:rust - Update to version 1.33.0 + Language - You can now use the `cfg(target_vendor)` attribute. E.g. `#[cfg(target_vendor="linux")] fn main() { println!("Hello Linux!"); }` - Integer patterns such as in a match expression can now be exhaustive. E.g. You can have match statement on a `u8` that covers `0..=255` and you would no longer be required to have a `_ => unreachable!()` case. - You can now have multiple patterns in `if let` and `while let` expressions. You can do this with the same syntax as a `match` expression. E.g. ``` enum Creature { Crab(String), Lobster(String), Person(String), } fn main() { let state = Creature::Crab("Ferris"); if let Creature::Crab(name) | Creature::Person(name) = state { println!("This creature's name is: {}", name); } } ``` - You can now have irrefutable `if let` and `while let` patterns. Using this feature will by default produce a warning as this behaviour can be unintuitive. E.g. `if let _ = 5 {}` - You can now use `let` bindings, assignments, expression statements, and irrefutable pattern destructuring in const functions. - You can now call unsafe const functions. E.g. ``` const unsafe fn foo() -> i32 { 5 } const fn bar() -> i32 { unsafe { foo() } } ``` - You can now specify multiple attributes in a `cfg_attr` attribute. E.g. `#[cfg_attr(all(), must_use, optimize)]` - You can now specify a specific alignment with the `#[repr(packed)]` attribute. E.g. `#[repr(packed(2))] struct Foo(i16, i32);` is a struct with an alignment of 2 bytes and a size of 6 bytes. - You can now import an item from a module as an `_`. This allows you to import a trait's impls, and not have the name in the namespace. E.g. ``` use std::io::Read as _; // Allowed as there is only one `Read` in the module. pub trait Read {} ``` - extern` functions will now abort by default when panicking. This was previously undefined behaviour. + Compiler - You can now set a linker flavor for `rustc` with the `-Clinker-flavor` command line argument. - The mininum required LLVM version has been bumped to 6.0. - Added support for the PowerPC64 architecture on FreeBSD. - The `x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx` target support has been upgraded to tier 2 support. Visit the [platform support][platform-support] page for information on Rust's platform support. - Added support for the `thumbv7neon-linux-androideabi` and `thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` targets. - Added support for the `x86_64-unknown-uefi` target. + Libraries - The methods `overflowing_{add, sub, mul, shl, shr}` are now `const` functions for all numeric types. - The methods `rotate_left`, `rotate_right`, and `wrapping_{add, sub, mul, shl, shr}` are now `const` functions for all numeric types. - The methods `is_positive` and `is_negative` are now `const` functions for all signed numeric types. - The `get` method for all `NonZero` types is now `const`. - The methods `count_ones`, `count_zeros`, `leading_zeros`, `trailing_zeros`, `swap_bytes`, `from_be`, `from_le`, `to_be`, `to_le` are now `const` for all numeric types. - Ipv4Addr::new` is now a `const` function + Stabilized APIs - unix::FileExt::read_exact_at - unix::FileExt::write_all_at - Option::transpose - Result::transpose - convert::identity - pin::Pin - marker::Unpin - marker::PhantomPinned - Vec::resize_with - VecDeque::resize_with - Duration::as_millis - Duration::as_micros - Duration::as_nanos + Cargo - Cargo should now rebuild a crate if a file was modified during the initial build.][cargo/6484] + Compatibility Notes - The methods `str::{trim_left, trim_right, trim_left_matches, trim_right_matches}` are now deprecated in the standard library, and their usage will now produce a warning. Please use the `str::{trim_start, trim_end, trim_start_matches, trim_end_matches}` methods instead. OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2019-03-03 20:22:02 +00:00
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<!-- i586, armv6 and armv7 tend to run out of memory during builds -->
Accepting request 646330 from home:luke_nukem:branches:devel:languages:rust - Patch: require patching of src/librustc_llvm/ to ignore a flag that llvm-config --cxxflags outputs which GCC doesn't recognise. - Default to building using the distro LLVM where the version is >= 5.0, instead of the Rust bundled LLVM which requires compilation. This should decrease build times. SLE LLVM is too old. - Fixing various rpmlint warnings and errors: + ExclusiveArch instead of BuildArch for i686 + Remove conflicts with same package name + Remove a few hidden files during prep, does not touch '.clang-format' + Remove old patch macro in comment + Fix lint warning about bash and zsh completition files + Fix various script shebang warnings (incorrect or missing) + Adjust rpmlintrc to mask some 'invalid' warnings - Move Rust and its tools in to their own category under: + Development/Languages/Rust - Jump from version 1.26.2 to 1.30.0 due to a build issue with using 1.26.x to compile 1.27.x. This package release requires %{rust_bootstrap} to be set. - Enable extra rust tools to be built (cargo, rls, rustfmt, analysis) + cargo is now packaged with the same version number as the rust release, this may break any packages that relied on a cargo version number. - Remove ccache and ninja from BuildRequires. - Switch build configuration to use configure script, remove config.toml. - Include all bootstraps in source rpm to make bootstrapping easier to manage within OBS. - Remove unused patch: update-config-guess.patch Update to version 1.30.0 (2018-10-25) + Language - Procedural macros are now available.- These kinds of macros allow for more powerful code generation. There is a new chapter available in the Rust Programming Language book that goes further in depth. - You can now use keywords as identifiers using the raw identifiers syntax (`r#`),- e.g. `let r#for = true;` - Using anonymous parameters in traits is now deprecated with a warning and will be a hard error in the 2018 edition.- - You can now use `crate` in paths.- This allows you to refer to the crate root in the path, e.g. `use crate::foo;` refers to `foo` in `src/`. - Using a external crate no longer requires being prefixed with `::`.- Previously, using a external crate in a module without a use statement required `let json = ::serde_json::from_str(foo);` but can now be written as `let json = serde_json::from_str(foo);`. - You can now apply the `#[used]` attribute to static items to prevent the compiler from optimising them away, even if they appear to be unused,- e.g. `#[used] static FOO: u32 = 1;` - You can now import and reexport macros from other crates with the `use` syntax.- Macros exported with `#[macro_export]` are now placed into the root module of the crate. If your macro relies on calling other local macros, it is recommended to export with the `#[macro_export(local_inner_macros)]` attribute so users won't have to import those macros. - You can now catch visibility keywords (e.g. `pub`, `pub(crate)`) in macros using the `vis` specifier.- - Non-macro attributes now allow all forms of literals, not just strings.- Previously, you would write `#[attr("true")]`, and you can now write `#[attr(true)]`. - You can now specify a function to handle a panic in the Rust runtime with the `#[panic_handler]` attribute.- + Compiler - Added the `riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf` target.- - Added the `aarch64-unknown-netbsd` target- + Libraries - `ManuallyDrop` now allows the inner type to be unsized.- + Stabilized APIs - `Ipv4Addr::BROADCAST` - `Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST` - `Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED` - `Ipv6Addr::LOCALHOST` - `Ipv6Addr::UNSPECIFIED` - `Iterator::find_map` - The following methods are replacement methods for `trim_left`, `trim_right`, `trim_left_matches`, and `trim_right_matches`, which will be deprecated in 1.33.0: + `str::trim_end_matches` + `str::trim_end` + `str::trim_start_matches` + `str::trim_start` + Cargo - `cargo run` doesn't require specifying a package in workspaces.][cargo/5877] - `cargo doc` now supports `--message-format=json`.][cargo/5878] This is equivalent to calling `rustdoc --error-format=json`. - Cargo will now provide a progress bar for builds.][cargo/5995] + Misc - `rustdoc` allows you to specify what edition to treat your code as with the `--edition` option.- - `rustdoc` now has the `--color` (specify whether to output color) and `--error-format` (specify error format, e.g. `json`) options.- - We now distribute a `rust-gdbgui` script that invokes `gdbgui` with Rust debug symbols.- - Attributes from Rust tools such as `rustfmt` or `clippy` are now available,- e.g. `#[rustfmt::skip]` will skip formatting the next item. - Update to version 1.29.2 (2018-10-11) + Workaround for an aliasing-related LLVM bug, which caused miscompilation. + The `rls-preview` component on the windows-gnu targets has been restored. - Update to version 1.29.1 (2018-09-25) + Security Notes - The standard library's `str::repeat` function contained an out of bounds write caused by an integer overflow. This has been fixed by deterministically panicking when an overflow happens. - Update to version 1.29.0 (2018-09-13) + Compiler - Bumped minimum LLVM version to 5.0. - Added `powerpc64le-unknown-linux-musl` target. - Added `aarch64-unknown-hermit` and `x86_64-unknown-hermit` targets. + Libraries - `Once::call_once` no longer requires `Once` to be `'static`. - `BuildHasherDefault` now implements `PartialEq` and `Eq`. - `Box<CStr>`, `Box<OsStr>`, and `Box<Path>` now implement `Clone`. - Implemented `PartialEq<&str>` for `OsString` and `PartialEq<OsString>` for `&str`. - `Cell<T>` now allows `T` to be unsized. - `SocketAddr` is now stable on Redox. + Stabilized APIs - `Arc::downcast` - `Iterator::flatten` - `Rc::downcast` + Cargo - Cargo can silently fix some bad lockfiles.][cargo/5831] You can use `--locked` to disable this behavior. - `cargo-install` will now allow you to cross compile an install using `--target`.][cargo/5614] - Added the `cargo-fix` subcommand to automatically move project code from 2015 edition to 2018.][cargo/5723] - `cargo doc` can now optionally document private types using the `--document-private-items` flag.][cargo/5543] + Misc - `rustdoc` now has the `--cap-lints` option which demotes all lints above the specified level to that level. For example `--cap-lints warn` will demote `deny` and `forbid` lints to `warn`. - `rustc` and `rustdoc` will now have the exit code of `1` if compilation fails and `101` if there is a panic. - A preview of clippy has been made available through rustup. You can install the preview with `rustup component add clippy-preview`. + Compatibility Notes - `str::{slice_unchecked, slice_unchecked_mut}` are now deprecated. Use `str::get_unchecked(begin..end)` instead. - `std::env::home_dir` is now deprecated for its unintuitive behavior. Consider using the `home_dir` function from instead. - `rustc` will no longer silently ignore invalid data in target spec. - `cfg` attributes and `--cfg` command line flags are now more strictly validated. - Update to version 1.28.0 + Language - The `#[repr(transparent)]` attribute is now stable.- This attribute allows a Rust newtype wrapper (`struct NewType<T>(T);`) to be represented as the inner type across Foreign Function Interface (FFI) boundaries. - The keywords `pure`, `sizeof`, `alignof`, and `offsetof` have been unreserved and can now be used as identifiers.- - The `GlobalAlloc` trait and `#[global_allocator]` attribute are now stable.- This will allow users to specify a global allocator for their program. - Unit test functions marked with the `#[test]` attribute can now return `Result<(), E: Debug>` in addition to `()`.- - The `lifetime` specifier for `macro_rules!` is now stable.- This allows macros to easily target lifetimes. + Compiler - The `s` and `z` optimisation levels are now stable.- These optimisations prioritise making smaller binary sizes. `z` is the same as `s` with the exception that it does not vectorise loops, which typically results in an even smaller binary. - The short error format is now stable.- Specified with `--error-format=short` this option will provide a more compressed output of rust error messages. - Added a lint warning when you have duplicated `macro_export`s.- - Reduced the number of allocations in the macro parser.- This can improve compile times of macro heavy crates on average by 5%. + Libraries - Implemented `Default` for `&mut str`.- - Implemented `From<bool>` for all integer and unsigned number types.- - Implemented `Extend` for `()`.- - The `Debug` implementation of `time::Duration` should now be more easily human readable.- Previously a `Duration` of one second would printed as `Duration { secs: 1, nanos: 0 }` and will now be printed as `1s`. - Implemented `From<&String>` for `Cow<str>`, `From<&Vec<T>>` for `Cow<[T]>`, `From<Cow<CStr>>` for `CString`, `From<CString>, From<CStr>, From<&CString>` for `Cow<CStr>`, `From<OsString>, From<OsStr>, From<&OsString>` for `Cow<OsStr>`, `From<&PathBuf>` for `Cow<Path>`, and `From<Cow<Path>>` for `PathBuf`.- - Implemented `Shl` and `Shr` for `Wrapping<u128>` and `Wrapping<i128>`.- - `DirEntry::metadata` now uses `fstatat` instead of `lstat` when possible.- This can provide up to a 40% speed increase. - Improved error messages when using `format!`.- + Stabilized APIs - `Iterator::step_by` - `Path::ancestors` - `SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH` - `alloc::GlobalAlloc` - `alloc::Layout` - `alloc::LayoutErr` - `alloc::System` - `alloc::alloc` - `alloc::alloc_zeroed` - `alloc::dealloc` - `alloc::realloc` - `alloc::handle_alloc_error` - `btree_map::Entry::or_default` - `fmt::Alignment` - `hash_map::Entry::or_default` - `iter::repeat_with` - `num::NonZeroUsize` - `num::NonZeroU128` - `num::NonZeroU16` - `num::NonZeroU32` - `num::NonZeroU64` - `num::NonZeroU8` - `ops::RangeBounds` - `slice::SliceIndex` - `slice::from_mut` - `slice::from_ref` - `{Any + Send + Sync}::downcast_mut` - `{Any + Send + Sync}::downcast_ref` - `{Any + Send + Sync}::is` + Cargo - Cargo will now no longer allow you to publish crates with build scripts that modify the `src` directory.][cargo/5584] The `src` directory in a crate should be considered to be immutable. + Misc - The `suggestion_applicability` field in `rustc`'s json output is now stable.- This will allow dev tools to check whether a code suggestion would apply to them. + Compatibility Notes - Rust will consider trait objects with duplicated constraints to be the same type as without the duplicated constraint.- For example the below code will now fail to compile. ```rust trait Trait {} impl Trait + Send { fn test(&self) { println!("one"); } //~ ERROR duplicate definitions with name `test` } impl Trait + Send + Send { fn test(&self) { println!("two"); } } - Update to version 1.27.2: + Compatibility Notes - The borrow checker was fixed to avoid an additional potential unsoundness when using match ergonomics - Update to version 1.27.1: + Security Notes - rustdoc would execute plugins in the /tmp/rustdoc/plugins directory when running, which enabled executing code as some other user on a given machine. This release fixes that vulnerability; you can read more about this on the blog. The associated CVE is [CVE-2018-1000622]. Thank you to Red Hat for responsibily disclosing this vulnerability to us. + Compatibility Notes - The borrow checker was fixed to avoid an additional potential unsoundness when using match ergonomics - Update to version 1.27.0: + Language - Removed 'proc' from the reserved keywords list. This allows `proc` to be used as an identifier. - The dyn syntax is now available. This syntax is equivalent to the bare `Trait` syntax, and should make it clearer when being used in tandem with `impl Trait` because it is equivalent to the following syntax: `&Trait == &dyn Trait`, `&mut Trait == &mut dyn Trait`, and `Box<Trait> == Box<dyn Trait>`. - Attributes on generic parameters such as types and lifetimes are now stable. e.g. `fn foo<#[lifetime_attr] 'a, #[type_attr] T: 'a>() {}` - The `#[must_use]` attribute can now also be used on functions as well as types. It provides a lint that by default warns users when the value returned by a function has not been used. + Compiler - Added the `armvte-unknown-linux-musleabi` target. + Libraries - SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) on x/x_ is now stable. This includes arch::x & arch::x_ modules which contain SIMD intrinsics, a new macro called `is_x_feature_detected!`, the `#[target_feature(enable="")]` attribute, and adding `target_feature = ""` to the `cfg` attribute. - A lot of methods for `[u]`, `f`, and `f` previously only available in std are now available in core. - The generic `Rhs` type parameter on `ops::{Shl, ShlAssign, Shr}` now defaults to `Self`. - std::str::replace` now has the `#[must_use]` attribute to clarify that the operation isn't done in place. - Clone::clone`, `Iterator::collect`, and `ToOwned::to_owned` now have the `#[must_use]` attribute] to warn about unused potentially expensive allocations. + Stabilized APIs - DoubleEndedIterator::rfind - DoubleEndedIterator::rfold - DoubleEndedIterator::try_rfold - Duration::from_micros - Duration::from_nanos - Duration::subsec_micros - Duration::subsec_millis - HashMap::remove_entry - Iterator::try_fold - Iterator::try_for_each - NonNull::cast - Option::filter - String::replace_range - Take::set_limit - hint::unreachable_unchecked - os::unix::process::parent_id - ptr::swap_nonoverlapping - slice::rsplit_mut - slice::rsplit - slice::swap_with_slice + Cargo - `cargo-metadata` now includes `authors`, `categories`, `keywords`, `readme`, and `repository` fields. - `cargo-metadata` now includes a package's `metadata` table. - Added the `--target-dir` optional argument. This allows you to specify a different directory than `target` for placing compilation artifacts. - Cargo will be adding automatic target inference for binaries, benchmarks, examples, and tests in the Rust 2018 edition. If your project specifies specific targets, e.g. using `[[bin]]`, and have other binaries in locations where cargo would infer a binary, Cargo will produce a warning. You can disable this feature ahead of time by setting any of the following to false: `autobins`, `autobenches`, `autoexamples`, `autotests`. - Cargo will now cache compiler information. This can be disabled by setting `CARGO_CACHE_RUSTC_INFO=0` in your environment. + Compatibility Notes - Calling a `CharExt` or `StrExt` method directly on core will no longer work. e.g. `::core::prelude::v1::StrExt::is_empty("")` will not compile, `"".is_empty()` will still compile. - `Debug` output on `atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicIsize, AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize}` will only print the inner type. E.g. `print!("{:?}", AtomicBool::new(true))` will print `true`, not `AtomicBool(true)`. - The maximum number for `repr(align(N))` is now 2²⁹. Previously you could enter higher numbers but they were not supported by LLVM. Up to 512MB alignment should cover all use cases. - The `.description()` method on the `std::error::Error` trait has been soft-deprecated. It is no longer required to implement it. + Misc - Added “The Rustc book” into the official documentation. OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2018-11-05 08:18:23 +00:00
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<!-- x86_64 to use physical memory to speed builds up -->
Accepting request 862664 from home:manfred-h:devel:languages:rust:rust-1.49 FWIW, I've now used rust-1.49.0 successfully to build both MozillaFirefox-84.0.2 and firefox-esr-78.6.1! FWIW2, I raised the memory constraints for x86_64 from 8 to 11G, because otherwise a build got killed due to OOM too often. This SR contains everything which got accepted for 1.48 just recently. - Update to version 1.49.0 + Language - Unions can now implement Drop, and you can now have a field in a union with ManuallyDrop<T>. - You can now cast uninhabited enums to integers. - You can now bind by reference and by move in patterns. This allows you to selectively borrow individual components of a type. E.g. #[derive(Debug)] struct Person { name: String, age: u8, } let person = Person { name: String::from("Alice"), age: 20, }; // `name` is moved out of person, but `age` is referenced. let Person { name, ref age } = person; println!("{} {}", name, age); + Compiler - Added tier 1* support for aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. - Added tier 2 support for aarch64-apple-darwin. - Added tier 2 support for aarch64-pc-windows-msvc. - Added tier 3 support for mipsel-unknown-none. - Raised the minimum supported LLVM version to LLVM 9. - Output from threads spawned in tests is now captured. - Change os and vendor values to "none" and "unknown" for some targets * Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's tiered platform support. + Libraries - RangeInclusive now checks for exhaustion when calling contains and indexing. - ToString::to_string now no longer shrinks the internal buffer in the default implementation. - ops::{Index, IndexMut} are now implemented for fixed sized arrays of any length. + Stabilized APIs - slice::select_nth_unstable - slice::select_nth_unstable_by - slice::select_nth_unstable_by_key The following previously stable methods are now const. - Poll::is_ready - Poll::is_pending + Cargo - Building a crate with cargo-package should now be independently reproducible. - cargo-tree now marks proc-macro crates. - Added CARGO_PRIMARY_PACKAGE build-time environment variable. This variable will be set if the crate being built is one the user selected to build, either with -p or through defaults. - You can now use glob patterns when specifying packages & targets. + Compatibility Notes - Demoted i686-unknown-freebsd from host tier 2 to target tier 2 support. - Macros that end with a semi-colon are now treated as statements even if they expand to nothing. - Rustc will now check for the validity of some built-in attributes on enum variants. Previously such invalid or unused attributes could be ignored. - Leading whitespace is stripped more uniformly in documentation comments, which may change behavior. You read this post about the changes for more details. - Trait bounds are no longer inferred for associated types. + Internal Only These changes provide no direct user facing benefits, but represent significant improvements to the internals and overall performance of rustc and related tools. - rustc's internal crates are now compiled using the initial-exec Thread Local Storage model. - Calculate visibilities once in resolve. - Added system to the llvm-libunwind bootstrap config option. - Added --color for configuring terminal color support to bootstrap. - Rebased patches: + ignore-Wstring-conversion.patch (location) OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-01-14 02:48:46 +00:00
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<!-- aarch64 is a time consuming build, try to use RAM -->
Accepting request 877726 from home:Guillaume_G:branches:openSUSE:Factory:ARM - Update to version 1.50: * This fixes build on armv7 - boo#1181643 + Language - You can now use const values for x in [x; N] array expressions. This has been technically possible since 1.38.0, as it was unintentionally stabilized. - Assignments to ManuallyDrop<T> union fields are now considered safe. + Compiler - Added tier 3* support for the armv5te-unknown-linux-uclibceabi target. - Added tier 3 support for the aarch64-apple-ios-macabi target. - The x86_64-unknown-freebsd is now built with the full toolset. - Dropped support for all cloudabi targets. * Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's tiered platform support. + Libraries - proc_macro::Punct now implements PartialEq<char>. - ops::{Index, IndexMut} are now implemented for fixed sized arrays of any length. - On Unix platforms, the std::fs::File type now has a "niche" of -1. This value cannot be a valid file descriptor, and now means Option<File> takes up the same amount of space as File. + Stabilized APIs bool::then btree_map::Entry::or_insert_with_key f32::clamp f64::clamp hash_map::Entry::or_insert_with_key Ord::clamp RefCell::take slice::fill UnsafeCell::get_mut - The following previously stable methods are now const. IpAddr::is_ipv4 IpAddr::is_ipv6 IpAddr::is_unspecified IpAddr::is_loopback IpAddr::is_multicast Ipv4Addr::octets Ipv4Addr::is_loopback Ipv4Addr::is_private Ipv4Addr::is_link_local Ipv4Addr::is_multicast Ipv4Addr::is_broadcast Ipv4Addr::is_documentation Ipv4Addr::to_ipv6_compatible Ipv4Addr::to_ipv6_mapped Ipv6Addr::segments Ipv6Addr::is_unspecified Ipv6Addr::is_loopback Ipv6Addr::is_multicast Ipv6Addr::to_ipv4 Layout::size Layout::align Layout::from_size_align pow for all integer types. checked_pow for all integer types. saturating_pow for all integer types. wrapping_pow for all integer types. next_power_of_two for all unsigned integer types. checked_next_power_of_two for all unsigned integer types. + Cargo - Added the [build.rustc-workspace-wrapper] option. This option sets a wrapper to execute instead of rustc, for workspace members only. - cargo:rerun-if-changed will now, if provided a directory, scan the entire contents of that directory for changes. - Added the --workspace flag to the cargo update command. + Misc - The search results tab and the help button are focusable with keyboard in rustdoc. - Running tests will now print the total time taken to execute. + Compatibility Notes - The compare_and_swap method on atomics has been deprecated. It's recommended to use the compare_exchange and compare_exchange_weak methods instead. - Changes in how TokenStreams are checked have fixed some cases where you could write unhygenic macro_rules! macros. - #![test] as an inner attribute is now considered unstable like other inner macro attributes, and reports an error by default through the soft_unstable lint. - Overriding a forbid lint at the same level that it was set is now a hard error. - You can no longer intercept panic! calls by supplying your own macro. It's recommended to use the #[panic_handler] attribute to provide your own implementation. - Semi-colons after item statements (e.g. struct Foo {};) now produce a warning. - Add to ease download of bootstrap packages OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2021-03-08 12:49:24 +00:00
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