forked from pool/seahorse
GNOME 43.rc - let's get this into Staging to see what we break (e.g meson:test seems to be an issue already) OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
761 lines
28 KiB
761 lines
28 KiB
From ab2f253ca7ff65462c3f429cdeb9e58798f7091d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Niels De Graef <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 20:22:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] hkp: Port to libsoup3
|| | 2 +-
pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c | 436 +++++++++++++++++---------------------
2 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index ec83e64f..0e3c7b16 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ endif
if get_option('hkp-support')
add_project_arguments('-D', 'WITH_HKP', language: 'vala')
-libsoup = dependency('libsoup-2.4', version: '>= 2.33.92', required: get_option('hkp-support'))
+libsoup = dependency('libsoup-3.0', required: get_option('hkp-support'))
avahi_client = dependency('avahi-client', required: get_option('key-sharing'))
avahi_glib = dependency('avahi-glib', version: '>= 0.6', required: get_option('key-sharing'))
diff --git a/pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c b/pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c
index 515e0da4..1e906f90 100644
--- a/pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c
+++ b/pgp/seahorse-hkp-source.c
@@ -51,11 +51,6 @@
-#define SOUP_MESSAGE_IS_ERROR(msg) \
- (SOUP_STATUS_IS_TRANSPORT_ERROR((msg)->status_code) || \
- SOUP_STATUS_IS_CLIENT_ERROR((msg)->status_code) || \
- SOUP_STATUS_IS_SERVER_ERROR((msg)->status_code))
G_DEFINE_QUARK (seahorse-hkp-error, seahorse_hkp_error);
struct _SeahorseHKPSource {
@@ -64,33 +59,48 @@ struct _SeahorseHKPSource {
G_DEFINE_TYPE (SeahorseHKPSource, seahorse_hkp_source, SEAHORSE_TYPE_SERVER_SOURCE);
- * self: The SeahorseSource to use as server for the uri
- * path: The path to add to the SOUP uri
- *
- * Returns: A #SoupUri with server, port and paths
- */
-static SoupURI*
-get_http_server_uri (SeahorseHKPSource *self, const char *path)
+/* Helper method */
+static GUri *
+get_http_server_uri (SeahorseHKPSource *self,
+ const char *path,
+ GHashTable *query_hash)
- g_autoptr(SoupURI) uri = NULL;
- g_autofree char *conf_uri = NULL;
- conf_uri = seahorse_place_get_uri (SEAHORSE_PLACE (self));
- g_return_val_if_fail (conf_uri != NULL, NULL);
- if (strncasecmp (conf_uri, "hkp:", 4) == 0) {
- g_autofree char *t = g_strdup_printf ("http:%s", conf_uri + 4);
- uri = soup_uri_new (t);
- } else if (strncasecmp (conf_uri, "hkps:", 5) == 0) {
- g_autofree char *t = g_strdup_printf ("https:%s", conf_uri + 5);
- uri = soup_uri_new (t);
+ g_autofree char *uri = NULL;
+ gboolean parsed;
+ g_autofree char *scheme = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *host = NULL;
+ int port;
+ g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *query = NULL;
+ /* Take the (user-)configured URI */
+ uri = seahorse_place_get_uri (SEAHORSE_PLACE (self));
+ g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);
+ /* NOTE: seahorse_hkp_is_valid_uri already checked certain fields */
+ parsed = g_uri_split (uri, G_URI_FLAGS_NONE,
+ &scheme, NULL, &host, &port, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ &error);
+ if (!parsed) {
+ g_warning ("Bad URL for HKP server '%s': %s", uri, error->message);
+ return NULL;
- soup_uri_set_path (uri, path);
+ /* Fixup the scheme if needed */
+ if (g_strcmp0 (scheme, "hkp") == 0) {
+ g_free (scheme);
+ scheme = g_strdup ("http");
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (scheme, "hkps") == 0) {
+ g_free (scheme);
+ scheme = g_strdup ("https");
+ }
- g_debug ("HTTP Server URI: %s", soup_uri_to_string(uri, FALSE));
- return g_steal_pointer (&uri);
+ /* We assume people won't use a query (and validate that earlier also) */
+ if (query_hash != NULL)
+ query = soup_form_encode_hash (query_hash);
+ return g_uri_build (G_URI_FLAGS_NONE,
+ scheme, NULL, host, port, path, query, NULL);
static SoupSession *
@@ -99,7 +109,7 @@ create_hkp_soup_session (void)
SoupSession *session;
g_autoptr(SoupLogger) logger = NULL;
- const gchar *env;
+ const char *env;
session = soup_session_new ();
@@ -107,7 +117,7 @@ create_hkp_soup_session (void)
env = g_getenv ("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG");
if (env && strstr (env, "seahorse")) {
- logger = soup_logger_new (SOUP_LOGGER_LOG_BODY, -1);
+ logger = soup_logger_new (SOUP_LOGGER_LOG_BODY);
soup_session_add_feature (session, SOUP_SESSION_FEATURE (logger));
@@ -127,10 +137,10 @@ create_hkp_soup_session (void)
static void
-dehtmlize (gchar *line)
+dehtmlize (char *line)
int parsedindex = 0;
- gchar *parsed = line;
+ char *parsed = line;
g_return_if_fail (line);
@@ -230,10 +240,8 @@ parse_hkp_flags (char *flags)
GList *
seahorse_hkp_parse_lookup_response (const char *response)
- /*
- * Use The OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver Protocol (HKP) to search and get keys
- *
- */
+ /* Use The OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver Protocol (HKP) to search and get keys
+ * */
g_auto(GStrv) lines = NULL;
SeahorsePgpKey *key = NULL;
GList *keys = NULL;
@@ -377,7 +385,7 @@ seahorse_hkp_parse_lookup_response (const char *response)
seahorse_pgp_key_realize (SEAHORSE_PGP_KEY (k->data));
if (key_total != 0 && key_total != key_count) {
- g_message ("HKP Parse; Warning: Issue during HKP parsing, only %d keys were parsed out of %d", key_count, key_total);
+ g_warning ("HKP Parse: Could only parse %d keys out of %d", key_count, key_total);
} else {
g_debug ("HKP Parse: %d keys parsed successfully", key_count);
@@ -441,10 +449,7 @@ get_send_result (const char *response)
static gboolean
detect_key (const char *text, int len, const char **start, const char **end)
- const gchar *t;
- if (len == -1)
- len = strlen (text);
+ const char *t;
/* Find the first of the headers */
if ((t = g_strstr_len (text, len, PGP_KEY_BEGIN)) == NULL)
@@ -461,55 +466,9 @@ detect_key (const char *text, int len, const char **start, const char **end)
return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-hkp_message_propagate_error (SeahorseHKPSource *self,
- SoupMessage *message,
- GError **error)
- g_autofree char *uri = NULL;
- g_autofree char *text = NULL;
- if (!SOUP_MESSAGE_IS_ERROR (message))
- return FALSE;
- if (message->status_code == SOUP_STATUS_CANCELLED) {
- g_set_error_literal (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED,
- _("The operation was cancelled"));
- return TRUE;
- }
- uri = seahorse_place_get_uri (SEAHORSE_PLACE (self));
- /* Make the body lower case, and no tags */
- text = g_strndup (message->response_body->data, message->response_body->length);
- if (text != NULL) {
- char *text_lower;
- dehtmlize (text);
- text_lower = g_ascii_strdown (text, -1);
- g_free (text);
- text = text_lower;
- }
- if (text && strstr (text, "no keys"))
- return FALSE; /* not found is not an error */
- if (text && strstr (text, "too many")) {
- g_set_error (error, HKP_ERROR_DOMAIN, 0,
- _("Search was not specific enough. Server “%s” found too many keys."),
- uri);
- } else {
- g_set_error (error, HKP_ERROR_DOMAIN, message->status_code,
- _("Couldn’t communicate with server “%s”: %s"),
- uri, message->reason_phrase);
- }
- return TRUE;
static void
on_session_cancelled (GCancellable *cancellable,
- gpointer user_data)
+ void *user_data)
SoupSession *session = user_data;
soup_session_abort (session);
@@ -517,49 +476,54 @@ on_session_cancelled (GCancellable *cancellable,
typedef struct {
SeahorseHKPSource *source;
- GCancellable *cancellable;
- gulong cancelled_sig;
SoupSession *session;
+ SoupMessage *message;
+ GString *response;
int requests;
GcrSimpleCollection *results;
-} source_search_closure;
+} SearchClosure;
static void
-source_search_free (gpointer data)
+source_search_free (void *data)
- source_search_closure *closure = data;
- g_object_unref (closure->source);
- g_cancellable_disconnect (closure->cancellable, closure->cancelled_sig);
- g_clear_object (&closure->cancellable);
- g_object_unref (closure->session);
+ SearchClosure *closure = data;
+ g_clear_object (&closure->source);
+ g_clear_object (&closure->message);
+ if (closure->response != NULL)
+ g_string_free (closure->response, TRUE);
+ g_clear_object (&closure->session);
g_clear_object (&closure->results);
g_free (closure);
static void
-on_search_message_complete (SoupSession *session,
- SoupMessage *message,
- gpointer user_data)
+on_search_message_complete (GObject *object,
+ GAsyncResult *result,
+ void *user_data)
+ SoupSession *session = SOUP_SESSION (object);
g_autoptr(GTask) task = G_TASK (user_data);
- source_search_closure *closure = g_task_get_task_data (task);
+ SearchClosure *closure = g_task_get_task_data (task);
+ GCancellable *cancellable = g_task_get_cancellable (task);
+ g_autoptr(GBytes) response = NULL;
g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
- GList *keys, *l;
+ g_autolist(SeahorsePgpKey) keys = NULL;
- seahorse_progress_end (closure->cancellable, message);
+ seahorse_progress_end (cancellable, closure->message);
- if (hkp_message_propagate_error (closure->source, message, &error)) {
+ response = soup_session_send_and_read_finish (session, result, &error);
+ if (response == NULL) {
g_task_return_error (task, g_steal_pointer (&error));
- keys = seahorse_hkp_parse_lookup_response (message->response_body->data);
- for (l = keys; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
+ closure->response = g_string_new_len (g_bytes_get_data (response, NULL),
+ g_bytes_get_size (response));
+ keys = seahorse_hkp_parse_lookup_response (closure->response->str);
+ for (GList *l = keys; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
g_object_set (l->data, "place", closure->source, NULL);
gcr_simple_collection_add (closure->results, l->data);
- g_list_free_full (keys, g_object_unref);
g_task_return_boolean (task, TRUE);
@@ -589,24 +553,19 @@ seahorse_hkp_source_search_async (SeahorseServerSource *source,
void *user_data)
SeahorseHKPSource *self = SEAHORSE_HKP_SOURCE (source);
- source_search_closure *closure;
+ SearchClosure *closure;
g_autoptr(GTask) task = NULL;
g_autoptr(GHashTable) form = NULL;
- SoupMessage *message;
- g_autoptr(SoupURI) uri = NULL;
+ g_autoptr(GUri) uri = NULL;
g_autofree char *uri_str = NULL;
task = g_task_new (source, cancellable, callback, user_data);
- closure = g_new0 (source_search_closure, 1);
+ closure = g_new0 (SearchClosure, 1);
closure->source = g_object_ref (self);
- closure->cancellable = cancellable ? g_object_ref (cancellable) : NULL;
closure->session = create_hkp_soup_session ();
closure->results = g_object_ref (results);
g_task_set_task_data (task, closure, source_search_free);
- uri = get_http_server_uri (self, "/pks/lookup");
- g_return_if_fail (uri);
form = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
g_hash_table_insert (form, "op", "index");
g_hash_table_insert (form, "options", "mr");
@@ -622,22 +581,27 @@ seahorse_hkp_source_search_async (SeahorseServerSource *source,
g_hash_table_insert (form, "fingerprint", "on");
- soup_uri_set_query_from_form (uri, form);
- message = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", uri);
+ uri = get_http_server_uri (self, "/pks/lookup", form);
+ g_return_if_fail (uri);
+ closure->message = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", uri);
- seahorse_progress_prep_and_begin (cancellable, message, NULL);
+ seahorse_progress_prep_and_begin (cancellable, closure->message, NULL);
- uri_str = soup_uri_to_string (uri, TRUE);
+ uri_str = g_uri_to_string_partial (uri, G_URI_HIDE_PASSWORD);
g_debug ("Sending HKP search query to '%s'", uri_str);
- soup_session_queue_message (closure->session, g_steal_pointer (&message),
- on_search_message_complete,
- g_steal_pointer (&task));
+ soup_session_send_and_read_async (closure->session,
+ closure->message,
+ cancellable,
+ on_search_message_complete,
+ g_steal_pointer (&task));
if (cancellable)
- closure->cancelled_sig = g_cancellable_connect (cancellable,
- G_CALLBACK (on_session_cancelled),
- closure->session, NULL);
+ g_cancellable_connect (cancellable,
+ G_CALLBACK (on_session_cancelled),
+ closure->session, NULL);
static gboolean
@@ -654,45 +618,51 @@ seahorse_hkp_source_search_finish (SeahorseServerSource *source,
typedef struct {
SeahorseHKPSource *source;
GInputStream *input;
- GCancellable *cancellable;
- gulong cancelled_sig;
SoupSession *session;
+ SoupMessage *message;
int requests;
-} source_import_closure;
+} ImportClosure;
static void
-source_import_free (gpointer data)
+source_import_free (void *data)
- source_import_closure *closure = data;
+ ImportClosure *closure = data;
g_object_unref (closure->source);
g_object_unref (closure->input);
- g_cancellable_disconnect (closure->cancellable, closure->cancelled_sig);
- g_clear_object (&closure->cancellable);
+ g_object_unref (closure->message);
g_object_unref (closure->session);
g_free (closure);
static void
-on_import_message_complete (SoupSession *session,
- SoupMessage *message,
- gpointer user_data)
+on_import_message_complete (GObject *object,
+ GAsyncResult *result,
+ void *user_data)
+ SoupSession *session = SOUP_SESSION (object);
g_autoptr(GTask) task = G_TASK (user_data);
- source_import_closure *closure = g_task_get_task_data (task);
+ ImportClosure *closure = g_task_get_task_data (task);
+ GCancellable *cancellable = g_task_get_cancellable (task);
+ g_autoptr(GBytes) response = NULL;
+ g_autoptr(GString) response_str = NULL;
g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
- g_autofree gchar *errmsg = NULL;
+ g_autofree char *errmsg = NULL;
g_assert (closure->requests > 0);
- seahorse_progress_end (closure->cancellable, GUINT_TO_POINTER (closure->requests));
+ seahorse_progress_end (cancellable, GUINT_TO_POINTER (closure->requests));
- if (hkp_message_propagate_error (closure->source, message, &error)) {
+ response = soup_session_send_and_read_finish (session, result, &error);
+ if (!response) {
g_task_return_error (task, g_steal_pointer (&error));
- if ((errmsg = get_send_result (message->response_body->data)) != NULL) {
- g_task_return_new_error (task, HKP_ERROR_DOMAIN, message->status_code,
+ response_str = g_string_new_len (g_bytes_get_data (response, NULL),
+ g_bytes_get_size (response));
+ if ((errmsg = get_send_result (response_str->str)) != NULL) {
+ g_task_return_new_error (task, HKP_ERROR_DOMAIN,
+ soup_message_get_status (closure->message),
"%s", errmsg);
@@ -709,24 +679,22 @@ seahorse_hkp_source_import_async (SeahorseServerSource *source,
GInputStream *input,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
- gpointer user_data)
+ void *user_data)
SeahorseHKPSource *self = SEAHORSE_HKP_SOURCE (source);
g_autoptr(GTask) task = NULL;
- source_import_closure *closure;
- g_autoptr(GList) keydata = NULL;
- g_autoptr(GHashTable) form = NULL;
- g_autoptr(SoupURI) uri = NULL;
- GList *l;
+ ImportClosure *closure;
+ g_autoptr(GPtrArray) keydata = NULL;
+ g_autoptr(GUri) uri = NULL;
task = g_task_new (source, cancellable, callback, user_data);
- closure = g_new0 (source_import_closure, 1);
- closure->cancellable = cancellable ? g_object_ref (cancellable) : NULL;
+ closure = g_new0 (ImportClosure, 1);
closure->input = g_object_ref (input);
closure->source = g_object_ref (self);
closure->session = create_hkp_soup_session ();
g_task_set_task_data (task, closure, source_import_free);
+ keydata = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free);
for (;;) {
g_autoptr(GString) buf = g_string_sized_new (2048);
guint len;
@@ -737,53 +705,46 @@ seahorse_hkp_source_import_async (SeahorseServerSource *source,
if (len <= 0)
- keydata = g_list_prepend (keydata,
- g_string_free (g_steal_pointer (&buf), FALSE));
+ g_ptr_array_add (keydata, g_string_free (g_steal_pointer (&buf), FALSE));
- if (g_list_length (keydata) == 0) {
+ if (keydata->len == 0) {
g_task_return_pointer (task, NULL, NULL);
/* Figure out the URI we're sending to */
- uri = get_http_server_uri (self, "/pks/add");
+ uri = get_http_server_uri (self, "/pks/add", NULL);
g_return_if_fail (uri);
- /* New operation and away we go */
- keydata = g_list_reverse (keydata);
- form = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
- for (l = keydata; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
- g_autoptr(SoupMessage) message = NULL;
- gchar *key;
- g_assert (l->data != NULL);
- g_hash_table_remove_all (form);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keydata->len; i++) {
+ const char *keytext = g_ptr_array_index (keydata, i);
+ g_autofree char *key = NULL;
+ g_autoptr(GBytes) bytes = NULL;
- g_hash_table_insert (form, "keytext", l->data);
- key = soup_form_encode_urlencoded (form);
+ closure->message = soup_message_new_from_uri ("POST", uri);
- message = soup_message_new_from_uri ("POST", uri);
- soup_message_set_request (message, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
- SOUP_MEMORY_TAKE, key, strlen (key));
+ key = soup_form_encode ("keytext", keytext, NULL);
+ bytes = g_bytes_new_static (key, strlen (key));
+ soup_message_set_request_body_from_bytes (closure->message,
+ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ bytes);
- soup_session_queue_message (closure->session,
- g_steal_pointer (&message),
- on_import_message_complete,
- g_object_ref (task));
+ soup_session_send_and_read_async (closure->session,
+ closure->message,
+ cancellable,
+ on_import_message_complete,
+ g_steal_pointer (&task));
seahorse_progress_prep_and_begin (cancellable, GUINT_TO_POINTER (closure->requests), NULL);
if (cancellable)
- closure->cancelled_sig = g_cancellable_connect (cancellable,
- G_CALLBACK (on_session_cancelled),
- closure->session, NULL);
- for (l = keydata; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l))
- g_free (l->data);
+ g_cancellable_connect (cancellable,
+ G_CALLBACK (on_session_cancelled),
+ closure->session, NULL);
static GList *
@@ -801,46 +762,46 @@ typedef struct {
SeahorseHKPSource *source;
GString *data;
gsize data_len;
- GCancellable *cancellable;
- gulong cancelled_sig;
SoupSession *session;
+ SoupMessage *message;
int requests;
} ExportClosure;
static void
-export_closure_free (gpointer data)
+export_closure_free (void *data)
ExportClosure *closure = data;
- g_object_unref (closure->source);
+ g_clear_object (&closure->source);
if (closure->data)
g_string_free (closure->data, TRUE);
- g_cancellable_disconnect (closure->cancellable, closure->cancelled_sig);
- g_clear_object (&closure->cancellable);
- g_object_unref (closure->session);
+ g_clear_object (&closure->message);
+ g_clear_object (&closure->session);
g_free (closure);
static void
-on_export_message_complete (SoupSession *session,
- SoupMessage *message,
- gpointer user_data)
+on_export_message_complete (GObject *object,
+ GAsyncResult *result,
+ void *user_data)
+ SoupSession *session = SOUP_SESSION (object);
g_autoptr(GTask) task = G_TASK (user_data);
ExportClosure *closure = g_task_get_task_data (task);
+ GCancellable *cancellable = g_task_get_cancellable (task);
+ g_autoptr(GBytes) response = NULL;
g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
- const gchar *start, *end, *text;
- guint len;
+ const char *start, *end, *text;
+ size_t len;
- seahorse_progress_end (closure->cancellable, message);
+ seahorse_progress_end (cancellable, closure->message);
- if (hkp_message_propagate_error (closure->source, message, &error)) {
+ response = soup_session_send_and_read_finish (session, result, &error);
+ if (response == NULL) {
g_task_return_error (task, g_steal_pointer (&error));
- end = text = message->response_body->data;
- len = message->response_body->length;
+ end = text = g_bytes_get_data (response, &len);
for (;;) {
len -= end - text;
text = end;
@@ -865,23 +826,20 @@ on_export_message_complete (SoupSession *session,
static void
seahorse_hkp_source_export_async (SeahorseServerSource *source,
- const gchar **keyids,
+ const char **keyids,
GCancellable *cancellable,
GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
- gpointer user_data)
+ void *user_data)
SeahorseHKPSource *self = SEAHORSE_HKP_SOURCE (source);
ExportClosure *closure;
g_autoptr(GTask) task = NULL;
- SoupURI *uri;
- g_autoptr(GHashTable) form = NULL;
task = g_task_new (self, cancellable, callback, user_data);
closure = g_new0 (ExportClosure, 1);
closure->source = g_object_ref (self);
closure->data = g_string_sized_new (1024);
closure->session = create_hkp_soup_session ();
- closure->cancellable = cancellable ? g_object_ref (cancellable) : NULL;
g_task_set_task_data (task, closure, export_closure_free);
if (!keyids || !keyids[0]) {
@@ -889,17 +847,15 @@ seahorse_hkp_source_export_async (SeahorseServerSource *source,
- uri = get_http_server_uri (self, "/pks/lookup");
- g_return_if_fail (uri);
- form = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
for (int i = 0; keyids[i] != NULL; i++) {
const char *fpr = keyids[i];
size_t len;
g_autofree char *hexfpr = NULL;
- SoupMessage *message;
+ g_autoptr(GHashTable) form = NULL;
+ g_autoptr(GUri) uri = NULL;
- g_hash_table_remove_all (form);
+ form = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
/* Get the key id and limit it to 16 characters */
len = strlen (fpr);
@@ -912,25 +868,30 @@ seahorse_hkp_source_export_async (SeahorseServerSource *source,
/* The get key URI */
g_hash_table_insert (form, "op", "get");
g_hash_table_insert (form, "search", (char *)hexfpr);
- soup_uri_set_query_from_form (uri, form);
- message = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", uri);
+ uri = get_http_server_uri (self, "/pks/lookup", form);
+ g_return_if_fail (uri);
- soup_session_queue_message (closure->session, message,
- on_export_message_complete,
- g_object_ref (task));
+ closure->message = soup_message_new_from_uri ("GET", uri);
+ soup_session_send_and_read_async (closure->session,
+ closure->message,
+ cancellable,
+ on_export_message_complete,
+ g_steal_pointer (&task));
- seahorse_progress_prep_and_begin (cancellable, message, NULL);
+ seahorse_progress_prep_and_begin (cancellable, closure->message, NULL);
if (cancellable)
- closure->cancelled_sig = g_cancellable_connect (cancellable,
- G_CALLBACK (on_session_cancelled),
- closure->session, NULL);
+ g_cancellable_connect (cancellable,
+ G_CALLBACK (on_session_cancelled),
+ closure->session, NULL);
-static gpointer
+static void *
seahorse_hkp_source_export_finish (SeahorseServerSource *source,
GAsyncResult *result,
gsize *size,
@@ -987,35 +948,32 @@ seahorse_hkp_source_new (const char *uri)
* Returns: Whether the passed uri is valid for an HKP key source
-seahorse_hkp_is_valid_uri (const gchar *uri)
+seahorse_hkp_is_valid_uri (const char *uri)
- SoupURI *soup;
- gboolean ret = FALSE;
+ g_autoptr(GUri) parsed = NULL;
+ const char *scheme;
g_return_val_if_fail (uri && uri[0], FALSE);
- /* Replace 'hkp' with 'http' at the beginning of the URI */
- if (strncasecmp (uri, "hkp:", 4) == 0) {
- g_autofree char *t = g_strdup_printf ("http:%s", uri + 4);
- soup = soup_uri_new (t);
- /* Not 'hkp', but maybe 'http' */
- } else if (strncasecmp (uri, "hkps:", 5) == 0) {
- g_autofree char *t = g_strdup_printf ("https:%s", uri + 5);
- soup = soup_uri_new (t);
- } else {
- soup = soup_uri_new (uri);
- }
+ parsed = g_uri_parse (uri, G_URI_FLAGS_NONE, NULL);
+ if (!parsed)
+ return FALSE;
- if (soup) {
- /* Must be http or https, have a host. No querystring, user, path, passwd etc... */
- if ((soup->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTP || soup->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_HTTPS) &&
- !soup->user && !soup->password && !soup->query && !soup->fragment &&
- soup->host && soup->host[0] && g_str_equal (soup->path ? soup->path : "/", "/"))
- ret = TRUE;
- soup_uri_free (soup);
- }
+ scheme = g_uri_get_scheme (parsed);
+ if (g_strcmp0 (scheme, "hkp") && g_strcmp0 (scheme, "hkps") &&
+ g_strcmp0 (scheme, "http") && g_strcmp0 (scheme, "https"))
+ return FALSE;
+ if (g_uri_get_host (parsed) == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (g_uri_get_userinfo (parsed) != NULL && g_uri_get_userinfo (parsed)[0] != '\0')
+ return FALSE;
+ if (g_uri_get_path (parsed) != NULL && g_uri_get_path (parsed)[0] != '\0')
+ return FALSE;
+ if (g_uri_get_query (parsed) != NULL)
+ return FALSE;
- return ret;
+ return TRUE;
#endif /* WITH_HKP */