# Allow squid to connect to all ports, not justHTTP, FTP, and Gopher ports.
squid_connect_any = false
# Support NFS home directories
use_nfs_home_dirs = true
# Support SAMBA home directories
use_samba_home_dirs = false
# Control users use of ping and traceroute
user_ping = false
# allow host key based authentication
ssh_keysign = false
# Allow pppd to be run for a regular user
pppd_for_user = false
# Allow spamd to write to users homedirs
spamd_enable_home_dirs = false
# Allow user to r/w files on filesystemsthat do not have extended attributes (FAT, CDROM, FLOPPY)
user_rw_noexattrfile = true
# Allow users to run TCP servers (bind to ports and accept connection fromthe same domain and outside users) disabling this forces FTP passive modeand may change other protocols.
user_tcp_server = false
# Allow all domains to talk to ttys
daemons_use_tty = false
# Allow login domains to polyinstatiate directories
polyinstantiation_enabled = false
# Allow all domains to dump core
daemons_dump_core = true
# Allow samba to act as the domain controller
samba_domain_controller = false
# Allow samba to export user home directories.
samba_run_unconfined = false
# Allows XServer to execute writable memory
xserver_execmem = false
# disallow guest accounts to execute files that they can create
guest_exec_content = false
xguest_exec_content = false
# Allow postfix locat to write to mail spool
postfix_local_write_mail_spool = false
# Allow common users to read/write noexattrfile systems