Fri Nov 29 08:12:42 UTC 2019 - Luigi Baldoni <aloisio@gmx.com>

- Update to version 1.4.2
  * Set additional CPACK variables for RPM generator (#1246).
    Thanks @tcraigtyler.
  * Fix compile when SPDLOG_WCHAR_FILENAMES is defined (#1249 ).
  * Fix stdout color sink under Windows to better handle cases
    when no console available (#1250).
  * Fix windows compile error where std::max is overriden by a
    macro. (#1251, #1252). Thanks @bsergean.
  * CMakeLists.txt: Moved the installed lib to
    CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR (#1253). Thanks @DasRoteSkelett.
  * CMakeLists.txt: Fixed pkg-config generation (cf2bf48,
    fb70eca). Thanks @SammyEnigma.
  version 1.4.1:
  * Added pkgconfig file to CMake install - Thanks @orbea for
    reporting and fixing (#1237 #1238).
  * Fix regression in wchar support under windows. Thanks
    @Bak-Jin-Hyeong for reporting and fixing (#1239 #1240).
  * CMake: Do not install bundled fmt if SPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL is
    defined. Thanks @orbea (#1241).
  version 1.4.0:
  * spdlog can now be compiled as a static or shared lib (thanks
    @DavidZemon for the help).
  * Using the compiled lib improves greatly compile times when
    using spdlog and is very recommended.
      $ cd spdlog && mkdir build && cd build
      # Build is static lib (pass -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=shared for building as shared lib)
      $ cmake .. && make -j
  * Upgraded to the latest and greatest fmt library version
    6.0.0. Thanks @tgpfeiffer (and to @vitaut for fmt!).
  * Support for -fno-exceptions (disabled by default). Enabling
    this will replace all throw() statements in spdlog with
    std::abort(). To enable, pass -DSPDLOG_NO_EXCEPTIONS=ON to CMake
    before building spdlog.
  * support for building spdlog with meson. Thanks @mensinda
  * Backtrace support - store debug/trace messages in a ring
    buffer to display later on demand. Very useful (thanks
    @MathijsV for the idea):
      spdlog::enable_backtrace(32); // create ring buffer with capacity of 32  messages
      // or my_logger->enable_backtrace(32)..
      for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         spdlog::debug("Backtrace message {}", i); // not logged yet..
      // e.g. if some error happened:
      spdlog::dump_backtrace(); // log them now! show the last 32 messages
      // or my_logger->dump_backtrace(32)..
  * Systemd support. Thanks @WarShoe (#1027)
  * Support for cleaning old files in daily_logger.
  * Numerous CMake build improvements. Thanks @DavidZemon ,
    @jktjkt , @ksergey , @mnemotic , @cneumann , @dpacbach ,
    @FrancoisChabot , @myd7349 , @matt77hias
  * Better support for various Unix BSDs (DragonFly, NetBSD,
    FreeBSD, OpenBSD). Thanks @jbeich (#1234)
  * Provide source location support for systemd sink. Thanks
    @jbelloncastro (#1122)
  * Added fmt::(w)string_view support. Thanks @matt77hias (#1139)
  * Add option to force color output without TTY . Thanks @psalz
  * Add more overloads to spdlog::log and spdlog::logger::log.
    Thanks @sylveon (@1169)
  * Add public API spdlog::initialize_logger for create loggers
    manually. Thanks @tt4g (#1035)
  * Expose should_do_colors_ in ansicolor_sink.h. Thanks Florian
    Wörter (#1022)
  * Add tweak support for user short level names. Thanks
    @MFornander (#996)
  * Add method to filesinks to return filename. Thanks
    @markniebur (#978)
  * rotating_sink: Add option to rotate on open. Thanks @pwm1234
  * Allow filename/line number at all levels. Add function name
    %! support. Thanks @possiblyhuman (#956)
  * New dups_filter sink -duplicate message removal sink. It
    will skip a message if previous one is identical and less
    than "max_skip_duration" old.
  * New '%o', '%i', '%u', '%O' format flags - Display elapsed
    time in mills/micros/nanos/seconds since previous message.
  * Some minor pattern formatter performance improvements.
  * Fix Wundef in os-inl.h. Thanks @AMS21 (#1189)
  * Fix use of old style cast in os-inl.h. Thanks @AMS21 (#1164)
  * Prevent NEAR and FAR macro definitions from leaking on
    Windows platforms. Thanks @PeterTh (#1142)
  * Fix syslog output. Thanks @mattiasj-axis (#1140)
  * Fix msg.time in daily_file_sink. Thanks @s-shin (#1129)
  * Fix missing include for null_mutex in rotating_file_sink.h.
    Thanks @casperevan (#1120)
  * Fix warning: redundant move in return statement. Thanks
    @MarkKoester (#1119)
  * Fix use of incomplete type in stdout sinks. Thanks
    @DanielChabrowski (#1118)
  * Fix deprecation warnings in filename_to_str and improve
    performance of wbuf_to_utf8buf. Thanks @sylveon (#1127)
  * Update README.md. Thanks @martinkrammer (#1057)
  * Remove extra semicolon. Thanks @Jerry-Ma (#1202)
  * Fix unexpected log macro expansion. Thanks @db-panda (#1055)
  * Namespace qualify stat functions. Thanks @p-po (#1045)
  * Fix typo in Android logger. Thanks @romainthomas (#994)
  * Remove unnecessary log function. Thanks @DanielChabrowski
  * Allow custom formatter in sink's ctor. Thanks
    @DanielChabrowski (#986)
  * Fix shadowed parameter. Thanks @ZGCDDoo (#984)
  * Update log_msg.h. Thanks @scribam (#969)
  * Fix #benchmark link error. Thanks @myd7349 (#962)
  * Fix typo in file_helper.h. Thanks @brridder (#955)

- Build as shared library and added pertinent subpackage

- Add systemd as build requirement

- Spec cleanup

Mon May 27 06:11:03 UTC 2019 - Dead Mozay <dead_mozay@opensuse.org>

- Added additional building options 

Tue Apr 16 13:33:41 UTC 2019 - Luigi Baldoni <aloisio@gmx.com>

- Fixed build on targets where gcc8 is available

Mon Feb 18 09:33:36 UTC 2019 - Luigi Baldoni <aloisio@gmx.com>

- Update to version 1.3.1
  * Fix google benchmark link error when compiling the
    bechmarks. Thanks @myd7349 (#961, f4c737e)
  * Fix spdlog not printing message if SPDLOG_NO_THREAD_ID is
    defined. Thanks @scribam (#970, f4c737e)
  * Fix depending on the order of inclusion of spdlog.h. Thanks
    @gocarlos (#959, 23fdc0e)
  Version 1.3.0
  * Upgraded to the latest and greatest fmt library version
  * New API for default logger spdlog::trace(..),
    spdlog::debug(..), spdlog::info(..), etc.
    For convenience, spdlog now creates a default global logger
    (to stdout, colored and multithreaded).
    It can be used easily by calling spdlog::info(..),
    spdlog::debug(..), etc directly without any preparations.
    Its instance can be replaced to any other logger
      spdlog::info("Use the new default logger");
  * Alignment support in log patterns.
    Each pattern flag can be aligned by prepending a width
    number(upto 128).
    Use-(left align) or = (center align) to control the align
      align            meaning               example result
      %<width><flag>   Align to the right    %8l     "    info"
      %-<width><flag>  Align to the left     %-8l    "info    "
      %=<width><flag>  Align to the center   %=8l    "  info  "
  * Support for logging source filename, line number, and
    function name (thanks @possiblyhuman for contributing to this
    flag  meaning                                  example
    %@    Source file and line (use
          SPDLOG_TRACE(..),SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc.)  my_file.cpp:123
    %s    Source file (use SPDLOG_TRACE(..),
          SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc.)                   my_file.cpp
    %#    Source line (use SPDLOG_TRACE(..),
          SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc.)                   123
    %!    Source function (use SPDLOG_TRACE(..),
          SPDLOG_INFO(...) etc. see tweakme for
          pretty-print)                            my_func
  * Support for compile time check of log levels using
    #define SPDLOG_ACTIVE_LEVEL <level>.
    Use LOG_TRACE(..), LOG_DEBUG(..), LOG_INFO(..), etc. to
    Those macros check at compile time the log level and
    translate to empty statement if the log level is not high
    enough. Even if a log macro evaluate to a log call, the
    macro will check at runtime the level before evaluating
    its arguments.
    So for example the following won't evaluate
    some_costly_function() because the logger's level is error:
      #include "spdlog/spdlog.h"
       SPDLOG_DEBUG("Some costly arg: {}",
  * CMake improvements. Thanks @dpacbach (85b4d7c, f5dc166 ).
  * Numerous small performance optimizations.
  * Global option that disables global registration of loggers
    set_automatic_registration(bool). Thanks @pabloariasal
  * Optimize logging of C strings by using string_view to avoid
    unnecessary copy. Thanks @peergynt (cb71fea).
  * Use google benchmark to test latencies.
  * logger::error_handler() should be const (#881, thanks
    @shoreadmin for reporting)
  * Cleanup header file: remove log_msg.h include from
    fmt_helper.h. Thanks @peergynt (1b391cc)
  * Fix log_msg constructor doesn't initialize all fields (#888.
    Thanks @curiouserrandy for reporting).
  * Change log_msg&& to log_msg& params. Thanks @rwen2012
  * Fix typo in Android example. Thanks @ZaMaZaN4iK (f5a2725)
  * Fix Compiling error VS2017 #902 (Thanks @JaNurz for
  * Fix thread id is prefixed with zeros #908 (Thanks
    @klrakiranpradeep for reporting).
  * Fix and optimize usage of fmt::internal::count_digits(..)
    for better support 32/64 bits. Thanks @DanielChabrowski
    (c7f42d1, f1ab6fe).
  * Better handling of rotation errors (b64e446).
  * Do not attempt to default operator= when it is implicitly
    deleted. Thanks @dpacbach (63a475d).
  * Make an implicit cast from int --> uint32_t explicit. Thanks
    @dpacbach (a6152eb).
  * Enable testing in the Travis config file. Thanks @dpacbach
  * Fix the text alignment in the example. Thanks @bzindovic
  * Fix typos. Thanks @peergynt (ce8cf1e).
  * Fix handling of external fmt lib in cmake. Thanks @cneumann
  * Fix typo in file_helper.h. Thanks @brridder (fb702f9).

- Use system fmt library

Mon Dec  3 12:03:20 UTC 2018 - Michał Rostecki <mrostecki@suse.de>

- Update to version 1.2.1:
  * Fix a compilation error of dist_sink.h

Sat Nov 17 10:27:21 UTC 2018 - Luigi Baldoni <aloisio@gmx.com>

- Update to version 1.2.1
  * This fixes a compilation error of dist_sink.h (#864) .
    Thanks @DimRochette !
  Version 1.2.0
  * Upgraded to latest fmt version 5.2.1.
  * Binary data logging using spdlog::to_hex(binary_data). Many
    types of std::container<char> can be logged in hex. See usage
  * Added logger->clone() to ease the creation of new loggers
    from an existing one.
  * Numerous micro optimizations across the lib.
  * Added set_sinks method to dist_sink for atomic updating set
    of sinks in dist_sink. Thanks @jwnimmer-tri .
  * Improved CmakeLists.txt to better handle third-party usage.
    Thanks @taketwo .
  * Fixed wchar logging (supported only in windows. #851 , #764).
  * Fixed registry test. Thanks @DanielChabrowski .
  * Removed invalid files from tests.sln. Thanks @yhchen .
  * Some fixes to console_globals.h includes. Thanks
  * Don't deny access to log files from other processes under
    windows. Thanks @eruiz.
  * Pessimizing move remove. Thanks @maciekgajewski
  * ansicolor_sink.h - add missing sink include. Thanks
    @AlexanderDalshov .
  * Improved rotating sink error handling.
  * Fixed Readme. Thanks @blackball .
  * Fixed some clang tidy warnings.

Thu Aug 16 11:22:45 UTC 2018 - mpluskal@suse.com

- Update to version 1.1.0:
  * Bug fixes:
    + Fixed race condition in async-factory.
    + Fixed bug in spdlog_ex implementation.
    + Fixed race condition in the unit tests.
  * Improvements:
    + Some micro optimizations.
    + Improve and fix CMake issues.
    + Added overrun_counter() to the async thread pool queue
    + Fixed some clang tidy warnings.
- Cleanup spec file from clutter

Mon Aug 13 08:32:18 UTC 2018 - windowskaput@gmail.com

- Update to version 1.0.0
- Highlights
  * Include what you need: Reduce compilation times by including
    only the minimum required. Users can now to include only
    the actual sinks/features they need from spdlog/sinks folder.
  * Upgrade to fmt lib version 5.1
  * Support for custom formatting per sink - each sink can have
    it's own formatting and level using sink->set_pattern(..) or
  * async logging - thread pool - async loggers now share a global
    thread pool by default.
  * periodic flusher: spdlog::flush_every(seconds) to periodically
    flush all registered loggers.
  * Improved performance - by caching some recently used values in
    the pattern formatter.
  * Ability to add sinks to a logger after its creation 
    (but it is not thread safe to do so - so use with caution).

- Breaking changes
  * Include what you need. For example to use basic_logger add
    #include "spdlog/sinks/basic_file_sink.h"
  * To use async loggers - include "spdlog/async.h"
  * Replaced set_async_mode(..) with factory template. 
  * Removed printf support.
  * Removed warmup/teardown functions from async.
  * Custom sinks inheriting from sinks::base_sink need to format
    (if needed) the message before sending to their target.
  * Added clone() virtual function to the formatter interface.
  * Removed support for #define SPDLOG_NO_REGISTRY_MUTEX

Tue Apr 17 12:41:25 UTC 2018 - jengelh@inai.de

- Remove excess hyping from description.

Mon Apr 16 08:54:14 UTC 2018 - adam.majer@suse.de

- run unit tests in the %check target
- install LICENSE as a %license, not a %doc

Sat Apr 14 11:36:10 UTC 2018 - aloisio@gmx.com

- Update to version 0.16.3
  * Fix sleep issue (#609) under MSVC that happens when changing
    the clock backwards (pull #610) - Thanks @joaomoreno
  * Ensure that marcos always expand to expressions (pull #604) -
    Thanks @sam-lunt
  * Add global flush_on function (pull #605) - Thanks @sam-lunt
  * Fix conversion warning (#595, pull #596) - Thanks @Broekman
  version 0.16.2
  * Fixed a bug in extracting log files extension (#589) - Thanks
  version 0.16.1
  * Fixed the version strings to 0.16.1 in spdlog.h and
  * Fixed compiler warning in tests - Thanks @horar
  version 0.16.0
  * Rotating and daily log files keep their extension (e.g
    "mylog.3.txt" and not "mylog.txt.3")
  * Optional support for printf formatting (enabled using #define
    SPDLOG_FMT_PRINTF) - Thanks @fogo
  * Async log: increased sleep to to 500ms the worker in loop
    when the queue is empty
  * Fixed thread safety bug in flush() - added lock on flush in
  * Breaking change: Removed all *_if functions (trace_if,
    debug_if, info_if,..) because they are redundant and
    confusing way to preform simple if
  * Swallow only std::exceptions. report about, and re-throw
    other, unexpected exception types.
  * Support msvc_sink on all windows compiler (windebug-sink) -
    Thanks @jpcima
  * Added facilty param for syslog - Thanks @adubovikov
  * correct include path for sink/syslog_sink.h - Thanks @jpcima
  * Fix include paths - Thanks @daylanKifky
  * Some fixes in the async queue size estimation - Thanks
  * Fixed cygwin support
  * Adding additional build environments for AppVeyor- Thanks
  * Fix warnings which are caused by C style cast - Thanks
  * Make short month names match in length - Thanks @berkus
  * Fix typos in code and comments - Thanks @berkus
  * Fixed missing i_formatter implementation
  * Fix SPDLOG_WCHAR_TO_UTF8_SUPPORT wchar_t logging - Thanks
  * Added formatter for unix epoch time in seconds (%E format
    flag) - Thanks @jasonbeach
  * Compiler-dependent line numbering in SPDLOG_TRACE - Thanks
  * Improved cmake and CMakeLists.txt - Thanks @mrpelotazo and
  version 0.14.0
  * Upgraded the bundled fmt lib to version 4.0.0
  * Fixed crash in async logger in older gcc version 4.8.5
  * Fixed various sanitizer warnings.
  * Improved Android support (#422, #427).
  * Add an optional final qualifier to types (#425) for potential
    compiler optimisations.
  * Support for Alpine Linux (#435, #436).
  * Add wide string to utf8 string support (#442).
  * Don't use color escape codes if terminal doesn't support them
    bd25f59 .
  * Optional message counter feature (#445).
  * Fix OSX builds of details/os.h (#447).
  * Fix vs 2015 build error (#449).
  * UTC support (#451).
  * MinGw build fix (#456).
  * Add create_async factory functions for async loggers (#459).
  * Conditional logging implementation (#460).
  * More meaningful thread id for OSX (#463).
  * Add set_color to ansicolor_sink (#465).
  * Ability to override log level names in the log messages
  * Added TRACE_IF and DEBUG_IF macro definitions when TRACE_ON
    and DEBUG.
  * Fixed background color bug in windows terminal (#484).
  * Gentoo support (#502).
  * Fixed warning for missing enumeration value in tests (#488,
  * Fixed numerous typos in code and comments.
  version 0.13.0
  * Bumped the bundled fmt library to version 3.0.1.
  * Fixed issue #333 (unexpected appending of "txt" at the end of
    a log filename).
  * Fixed issue #396 (custom error handler not called in async
  * Fixed issue #403 (ambiguous warnings on some compilers).
  * Use double-braces in std::array initialisation.
  version 0.12.0
  * Added %P (process Id) to format string
  * Exposed logger sinks via logger->sinks().
  * Windows native console color support.
  * Fixed vc warning on x64 build
  * Better support for for older win32 targets (WinXP/Win2003)
  * Fixed issue #300
  * Fix issue #315
  * Fix issue #317 (Build error on raspberry pi)
  * Better cmake support : list spdlog's content in IDEs
  * Fix compilation error C2664 on VS2013
  * Store thread_id in tls for better performance
  * Use the feature checking macros to detect thread_local
    support in clang.
  * Added option to prevent child processes from inheriting log
    file desciptors
  * Added SPDLOG_VERSION` macro to spdlog.h
  * Replaced static global std::string arrays by Meyer singletons
    for better thread safety
  version 0.11.0
  * sink log levels
  * various bug fixes
  version 0.10.0
  * No exceptions will be thrown while logging (with optional
    error handlers).
  * FreeBSD support.
  * Solaris support.
  * syslog disabled by default for faster compilation.
  * Bug fixes and improvements.
  version 0.9.0
  * cosmetic fix in utc_minutes_offset when throwing

Mon Feb  1 08:02:12 UTC 2016 - meissner@suse.com

- a c++ header only logging library