Subject: src/ Fix kernel filtering for aarch64 architecture From: Simon Fischer Wed Jul 12 17:10:53 2023 +0200 Date: Wed Jul 12 17:10:53 2023 +0200: Git: 4b3922feb65150f3423d0877038c5ba6e16d910c Add appropriate globs for arm based kernels. The file names end in -arm64 but the architecture is named aarch64. diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 6d2e699..4589552 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ and patt_of_cpu host_cpu = | "amd64" | "x86_64" -> ["amd64"; "x86_64"] | "parisc" | "parisc64" -> ["hppa"; "hppa64"] | "ppc64el" -> ["powerpc64le"] + | "aarch64" -> ["aarch64"; "arm64"] | _ when host_cpu.[0] = 'i' && host_cpu.[2] = '8' && host_cpu.[3] = '6' -> ["?86"] | _ when String.length host_cpu >= 5 && String.sub host_cpu 0 5 = "armv7" -> ["armmp"] | _ -> [host_cpu]