Enhance tcsh completions
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/shells/tcsh?expand=0&rev=131
This commit is contained in:
@ -442,7 +442,18 @@ skip_mh:
# from George Cox
complete acroread 'p/*/f:*.{pdf,fdf,PDF,FDF}/'
complete xpdf 'p/*/f:*.{pdf,fdf,PDF,FDF}/'
complete xpdf c/-/"(z g remote raise quit cmap rgb papercolor \
eucjp t1lib freetype ps paperw paperh level1 \
upw fullscreen cmd q v h help)"/ \
n/-z/x:'<zoom (-5 .. +5) or "page" or "width">'/ \
n/-g/x:'<geometry>'/ n/-remote/x:'<name>'/ \
n/-rgb/x:'<number>'/ n/-papercolor/x:'<color>'/ \
n/-{t1lib,freetype}/x:'<font_type>'/ \
n/-ps/x:'<PS_file>'/ n/-paperw/x:'<width>'/ \
n/-paperh/x:'<height>'/ n/-upw/x:'<password>'/ \
n/-/f:*.{pdf,PDF}/ \
N/-{z,g,remote,rgb,papercolor,t1lib,freetype,ps,paperw,paperh,upw}/f:*.{pdf,PDF}/ \
N/-/x:'<page>'/ p/1/f:*.{pdf,PDF}/ p/2/x:'<page>'/
complete kpdf 'p/*/f:*.{pdf,fdf,PDF,FDF}/'
complete qpdf 'p/*/f:*.{pdf,fdf,PDF,FDF}/'
complete evince 'p/*/f:*.{pdf,fdf,PDF,FDF}/'
@ -536,7 +547,7 @@ skip_mh:
complete {gmake,make} \
'c/{--directory,--include-dir}=/d/' 'c/{-C,-I}/d/' \
'c/{--assume-new,--assume-old,--makefile,--new-file,--what-if,--file}=/f/' \
'c/{-W,-o,-f}/f/' \
'c/{-W,-o,-f}/f/' 'c/*=/f/' \
'c/--/(assume-new= assume-old= debug directory= \
dry-run environment-overrides file= help \
ignore-errors include-dir= jobs[=N] just-print \
@ -699,14 +710,72 @@ skip_mh:
complete xhost c/[+-]/\$hosts/ n/*/\$hosts/
complete emacs c/-/"(batch d f funcall i insert kill l load \
no-init-file nw q t u user)"/ c/+/x:'<line_number>'/ \
n/-d/x:'<display>'/ n/-f/x:'<lisp_function>'/ n/-i/f/ \
n@-l@F:/usr/share/emacs/@ \
n/-t/x:'<terminal>'/ \
n/-u/u/ n/*/f:^*{[\#~],.dvi,.o,.gz,.Z,.z,.zip}/
complete tcsh c/-D*=/'x:<value>'/ c/-D/'x:<name>'/ \
c/-/"(b c d D e f F i l m n q s t v V x X -version)"/ \
n/-c/c/ n/{-l,--version}/n/ n/*/'f:*.{,t}csh'/
complete zcat c/--/"(force help license quiet version)"/ \
complete rpm c/--/"(query verify nodeps nofiles nomd5 noscripts \
nogpg nopgp install upgrade freshen erase allmatches \
notriggers repackage test rebuild recompile initdb \
rebuilddb addsign resign querytags showrc setperms \
setugids all file group package querybynumber qf \
triggeredby whatprovides whatrequires changelog \
configfiles docfiles dump filesbypkg info last list \
provides queryformat requires scripts state triggers \
triggerscripts allfiles badreloc excludepath checksig \
excludedocs force hash ignoresize ignorearch ignoreos \
includedocs justdb noorder oldpackage percent prefix \
relocate replace-files replacepkgs buildroot clean \
nobuild rmsource rmspec short-circuit sign target \
help version quiet rcfile pipe dbpath root specfile)"/\
c/-/"(q V K i U F e ba bb bp bc bi bl bs ta tb tp tc \
ti tl ts a f g p c d l R s h ? v vv -)"/ \
n/{-f,--file}/f/ n/{-g,--group}/g/ n/--pipe/c/ n/--dbpath/d/ \
n/--querybynumber/x:'<number>'/ n/--triggeredby/x:'<package>'/\
n/--what{provides,requires}/x:'<capability>'/ n/--root/d/ \
n/--{qf,queryformat}/x:'<format>'/ n/--buildroot/d/ \
n/--excludepath/x:'<oldpath>'/ n/--prefix/x:'<newpath>'/ \
n/--relocate/x:'<oldpath=newpath>'/ n/--target/x:'<platform>'/\
n/--rcfile/x:'<filelist>'/ n/--specfile/x:'<specfile>'/ \
if (-X emacs) then
complete emacs c/--/"(batch terminal display no-windows no-init-file \
user debug-init unibyte multibyte version help \
no-site-file funcall load eval insert kill)"/ \
c/-/"(t d nw q u f l -)"/ c/+/x:'<line_number>'/ \
n/{-t,--terminal}/x:'<terminal>'/ n/{-d,--display}/x:'<display>'/ \
n/{-u,--user}/u/ n/{-f,--funcall}/x:'<lisp_function>'/ \
n@{-l,--load}@F:/usr/share/emacs/@ \
n/--eval/x:'<expression>'/ n/--insert/f/ n/*/f:^*{[\#~],.dvi,.o}/
if (-X gpg) then
set _gpg_hash=(`gpg --version | sed -rn '/^Supported algorithms:/,$ {:join; /,$/{N; s/\n//; b join};/^Hash:/{s/(,|.*: )//g;s/.*/\L&/p}}'`)
set _gpg_cipher=(`gpg --version | sed -rn '/^Supported algorithms:/,$ {:join; /,$/{N; s/\n//; b join};/^Cipher:/{s/(,|.*: )//g;s/.*/\L&/p}}'`)
complete gpg c/--/'(sign clearsign detach-sign encrypt symmetric \
store decrypt verify list-keys list-sigs check-sigs \
fingerprint list-secret-keys gen-key delete-key \
delete-secret-key sign-key lsign-key edit-key gen-revoke \
export send-keys recv-keys import list-packets \
export-ownertrust import-ownertrust update-trustdb \
check-trustdb fix-trustdb dearmor enarmor print-md armor\
recipient default-recipient default-recipient-self \
local-user textmode output verbose quiet no-tty \
force-v3-sigs force-mdc dry-run batch yes no keyring \
secret-keyring default-key keyserver charset options \
status-fd load-extension rfc1991 openpgp s2k-mode \
s2k-digest-algo s2k-cipher-algo cipher-algo digest-algo \
compress-algo throw-keyid notation-data help)'/ \
c/-/'(s b e c d a r u z o v q n N -)'/\
n/{-z,--s2k-mode,--compress-algo}/'(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)'/ \
n/{--digest-algo,--print-md,--s2k-digest-algo}/"($_gpg_hash)"/ \
n/{-u,--local-user}/u/ \
n/{--cipher-algo,--s2k-cipher-algo}/"($_gpg_cipher)"/ \
unset _gpg_cipher
unset _gpg_hash
complete {gzcat,zcat} c/--/"(force help license quiet version)"/ \
c/-/"(f h L q V -)"/ n/*/f:*.{gz,Z,z,zip}/
complete gzip c/--/"(stdout to-stdout decompress uncompress \
force help list license no-name quiet recurse \
@ -739,6 +808,10 @@ skip_mh:
complete ztouch n/*/f:*.{gz,Z,z,zip,taz,tgz}/
complete zforce n/*/f:^*.{gz,taz,tgz}/
complete dcop 'p/1/`$:0`/ /' \
'p/2/`$:0 $:1 | awk \{print\ \$1\}`/ /' \
'p/3/`$:0 $:1 $:2 | sed "s%.* \(.*\)(.*%\1%"`/ /'
complete grep c/-*A/x:'<#_lines_after>'/ c/-*B/x:'<#_lines_before>'/ \
c/--/"(extended-regexp fixed-regexp basic-regexp \
regexp file ignore-case word-regexp line-regexp \
@ -773,6 +846,11 @@ skip_mh:
p/1/x:'<fixed_string>'/ N/-*e/f/ \
n/-*e/x:'<fixed_string>'/ n/-*f/f/ n/*/f/
complete sed c/--/"(quiet silent version help expression file)"/ \
c/-/"(n V e f -)"/ n/{-e,--expression}/x:'<script>'/ \
n/{-f,--file}/f:*.sed/ N/-{e,f,-{file,expression}}/f/ \
n/-/x:'<script>'/ N/-/f/ p/1/x:'<script>'/ p/2/f/
complete users c/--/"(help version)"/ p/1/x:'<accounting_file>'/
complete who c/--/"(heading mesg idle count help message version \
writable)"/ c/-/"(H T w i u m q s -)"/ \
@ -898,7 +976,15 @@ skip_mh:
# there's no need to clutter the user's shell with these
unset _maildir _ypdir _domain
if ( -r /etc/printcap ) then
if ( -X lpstat ) then
set printers=(`lpstat -p -d | sed -rn '/^printer/{ s/^printer ([^\s]+) .*/\1/p }'`)
complete lpr 'c/-P/$printers/'
complete lpq 'c/-P/$printers/'
complete lprm 'c/-P/$printers/'
complete dvips 'c/-P/$printers/' 'n/-o/f:*.{ps,PS}/' 'n/*/f:*.dvi/'
complete dvilj 'p/*/f:*.dvi/'
else if ( -r /etc/printcap ) then
set printers=(`sed -n -e '/^[^ #][^:]*:/{s/|.*:.*//p;}' /etc/printcap | sort -u`)
complete lpr 'c/-P/$printers/'
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
Fri Nov 4 10:37:17 UTC 2022 - Dr. Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
- Enhance completion that is add sed, gpg and rpm support as well
as extend some other commands
Tue Oct 4 06:48:42 UTC 2022 - Fabian Vogt <fvogt@suse.com>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user