forked from pool/trufflehog
Jeff Kowalczyk 97db54b9ca Accepting request 1088795 from home:ph03nix
Update trufflehog to version 3.36.0

- trufflehog-v3.36.0
  * Check to see if StructuredData exists before attempting to print it by @trufflesteeeve in 
- trufflehog-v3.35.0
  * added pulumi cloud Access token detector by @vickygoel in 
  * Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.3.3 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.114.0 to 0.122.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 by @dependabot in 
  * [chore] - move objectManager interface by @ahrav in 
  * use md5 hash for checking if key exists by @ahrav in 
  * Add buildkitev2 detector for newer tokens by @ahrav in 
  * GitHub basic auth by @dustin-decker in 
  * Add extra data and structured data to plain output by @nyanshak in 
  * [oc-313] - Add GitHub metrics by @ahrav in 
  * Updating generic.go by @RuchitaKshirsagarTR in 
  * Add Base64URLSafe decoder by @nyanshak in 
- trufflehog-v3.34.0
  * Fixed contentfulpersonalaccesstoken regex by @amansakhuja in 
  * Add max object size flag for s3 bucket scanning by @nyanshak in 
  * add scripts to benchmark and plot performance across tags by @dustin-decker in 
  * Implement EndpointCustomizer by @mcastorina in 
  * add additional logging by @ahrav in 
  * [chore] - format log msg by @ahrav in 
  * Bump from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 by @dependabot in 
  * add tineswebhook detector by @jsolis in 
  * Bump from 4.0.0-alpha.7 to 4.0.0-alpha.8 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.10.8 to 1.10.9 by @dependabot in 
  * Scan only for verified secrets in our CI by @dustin-decker in 
  * add performance test by @zricethezav in 
  * Add log to track git log size by @ahrav in 
  * Extend cache interface by @ahrav in 
  * Normalize GitHub repos during enumeration by @ahrav in 
  * Output git timestamps as UTC times by @nyanshak in 
  * Fix how we scan orgs by @ahrav in 
  * [bug] - Update regex for ipstack by @ahrav in 
  * Fix SquareApp detector type return value by @nyanshak in 
  * Generate protos by @mcastorina in 
  * Make sure context lines are properly handled by @bill-rich in 
  * Do extraction after decompression by @nyanshak in 
  * git worktree scanning fix for  by @nyanshak in 
  * Support line numbers in filesystem source by @nyanshak in 
- trufflehog-v3.33.0
  * improve sqlserver detection and testing by @dustin-decker in 
  * Added a new detector for by @shabbirbs in 
  * update jira detector by @ahrav in 
  * update proto to allow for ignoring projects by @ahrav in 
  * Fix include and exclude detector logic by @mcastorina in 
  * Updated BrowserStack verified detector endpoint by @shabbirbs in 
- trufflehog-v3.32.2
  * Bump from 0.118.0 to 0.119.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.10.1 to 1.0.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.29.0 to 1.30.1 by @dependabot in 
  * Small optimizations for the base64 decoder by @ahrav in 
- trufflehog-v3.32.1
  * Add RawV2 Results to the JSON Output by @yilmi in 
  * optimize utf-8 decoder by @ahrav in 
  * optimize base64 decoder by @ahrav in 
- trufflehog-v3.32.0
  * Use md5 hash for resuming key by @ahrav in 
  * [chore] - use hex encode vs base64 by @ahrav in 
  * Remove toLower call on decoded chunk by @zricethezav in 
  * git output []bytes were being logged as b64ed string by @dustin-decker in 
  * Add team name to proto by @ahrav in 
  * Only add detectors once by @bill-rich in 
  * Bump from 0.114.0 to 0.118.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.81.0 to 0.82.0 by @dependabot in 
  * [chore] Log possible duplicate detectors by @mcastorina in 
  * Bump from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.81.0 to 0.83.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Adding Google drive to MetaData proto by @0x1 in 
  * Allow multiple team IDs for MS Teams by @ahrav in 
  * Switch Endpoint Field to Client ID by @zubairk14 in 
  * Add configurable detectors by @bill-rich in 
  * Add utf16 decoder by @ahrav in 
  * Ensure multipart credentials are deduplicated correctly by @dustin-decker in 
  * Add utf16 decoder proto by @ahrav in 
- trufflehog-v3.31.6
  * optimize gitparse handling of diffs by @zricethezav in 
- trufflehog-v3.31.5
  * Use persistable cache for GCS progress tracking by @ahrav in 
  * Bump from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.11.3 to 1.11.4 by @dependabot in 
  * THOG-920/add oss proto by @zubairk14 in 
  * Generate protos by @mcastorina in 
  * update circle test because workflows expire and need re-running by @dustin-decker in 
- trufflehog-v3.31.4
  * fix linting step by @dustin-decker in 
  * Resolve  by adding support for the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN by @iamjpotts in 
  * Use default endpoints when no custom verifier provided by @ahrav in 
- trufflehog-v3.31.3
  * Run golang lint on entire repo instead of patches by @zricethezav in 
  * add CLI switch to actions config by @codevbus in 
  * Update verification endpoint - BrowserStack Detector by @gobind-singh in 
  * Allow for custom verifier by @ahrav in 
  * Add oauth2 cred as auth type for Teams. by @ahrav in 
  * Use OAuth2 http client with GCS by @ahrav in 
  * Add DetectorName to Result by @bill-rich in 
  * Bump from 0.9.1 to 0.10.1 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.109.0 to 0.114.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump go from 1.18 to 1.20 by @bceylan in 
  * Bump from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.29.0 to 1.30.1 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0 by @dependabot in 
  * forager requires direct access to gitparse.FromReader by @dustin-decker in 
  * Add lint for exporting loop references by @mcastorina in 
  * readme improvements by @dustin-decker in 
- trufflehog-v3.31.2
  * revert to original entrypoint config by @codevbus in 
- trufflehog-v3.31.1
  * ensure stdout is still provided by @codevbus in 
- trufflehog-v3.31.0
  * Bump from 1.30.0 to 1.30.1 by @dependabot in 
  * Support for exclude globs at the git log level by @zricethezav in 
  * Add GitHub Actions output by @dustin-decker in 
- trufflehog-v3.30.0
  * update integration test excludes by @dustin-decker in 
  * Bump from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.13.0 to 1.15.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.80.2 to 0.81.0 by @dependabot in 
  * [chore] - Add unauth GCS source type by @ahrav in 
  * Fix git commit date string formatting by @fearnoeval in 
  * Bump from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 by @dependabot in 
  * [chore] Log git output on error by @mcastorina in 
  * [chore] Add a break statement when iterating through keywords by @zricethezav in 
  * [chore] Ignore errors from CustomRegex so the channel doesn't leak by @mcastorina in 
  * updating browserstack detector user and key PrefixRegex strings by @raju-kamble in 
  * [chore] - add support for json service account and service account file by @ahrav in 
  * Add resuming capability to GCS source by @ahrav in 
  * Add OpenAI API Tokens detector by @yilmi in 
  * added new detectors and fixed mesibo detector by @garg472 in 
  * Bump from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.29.0 to 1.30.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 5.6.0 to 5.6.1 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.29.1 to 1.30.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 2.7.1 to 2.8.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Add in-memory caching pkg by @ahrav in 
  * [chore] - log enumeration duration by @ahrav in 
  * Bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in 
  * Fix OpenAI test by @dustin-decker in 
  * Bump from 0.111.0 to 0.114.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 by @dependabot in 
  * [bug] - Use correct date format for Date posted by @ahrav in 
  * Add Oauth creds to GCS by @ahrav in 
  * Delete progress tracking from GCS source by @ahrav in 
- trufflehog-v3.29.1
  * Make slack webhook detector regex more specific by @trufflesteeeve in 
- trufflehog-v3.29.0
  * Remove period from file extension by @ahrav in 
  * Bump from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 5.5.2 to 5.6.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Bump from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 by @dependabot in 
  * Add gcs scanning integration by @ahrav in 
- trufflehog-v3.28.7
Support filtering detectors by version by @mcastorina in 
- trufflehog-v3.28.6
  * Rename .pre-commit-hooks.yml to .pre-commit-hooks.yaml by @zhuwenxing in 
  * Keyword optimization by @zricethezav in 
  * Release should only run on tags by @dustin-decker in 
- trufflehog-v3.28.5
[chore] - Only scanned staged git changes by @ahrav in 
- trufflehog-v3.28.4
  * [chore] Address more linter errors by @mcastorina in 
  * Custom regex parallel verify by @0x1 in 
  * [chore] Close response bodies by @mcastorina in 
  * Bump from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 by @dependabot in 
  * Add pre-commit yml config by @ahrav in 
  * Disable profiler in debug mode and add profile switch by @yilmi in 
- trufflehog-v3.28.3
  * Support file scanning in filesystem source by @mcastorina in 
  * Add ability to include and exclude detectors by @mcastorina in 
  * [chore] Implement String for ScanErrors by @mcastorina in 
  * [chore] Update docs for individual file scanning by @mcastorina in 
  * [chore] Address lint errors by @mcastorina in 
- trufflehog-v3.28.2
  * Bump from 0.78.0 to 0.80.2 by @dependabot in 
  * Gitparse message fix by @bill-rich in 
- trufflehog-v3.28.1
  * Bump from 0.78.0 to 0.80.2 by @dependabot in 
  * Gitparse message fix by @bill-rich in 

2023-05-24 11:23:25 +00:00

4 lines
132 B

oid sha256:6cd947f60161186ea13432471634e0bd69a639129a86500dec97ba2310716d41
size 6213645