#!/bin/bash # Trytond installation script for openSUSE # Version agnostic to Tryton (more or less) ############################################################################## # # Tryto Server Installer for openSUSE # # Copyright (C) 2021 Axel Braun <DocB@openSUSE.org> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change log #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # V 0.33 20210803 Axel Initial version #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables declaration #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Tryton Server installer for openSUSE version VERSION="0.33" # Colors constants NONE="$(tput sgr0)" RED="$(tput setaf 1)" GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)" YELLOW="\n$(tput setaf 3)" WHITE="\n$(tput setaf 7)" # Params #ROOT_PW="root" DB_NAME="Tryton6" DB_ADMIN_PWD="admin" DB_USER="tryton" DB_CONFIG="/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf" GH_START="y" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- message() { local UTC="$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" case $1 in ERROR ) echo -e "\e[00;31m${UTC} [ERROR] $2\e[00m";; WARNING ) echo -e "\e[0;33m${UTC} [WARNING] $2\e[m" ;; INFO ) echo -e "\e[0;36m${UTC} [INFO] $2\e[m" ;; esac } help() { cat << EOF This is Tryton Server Setup for openSUSE ${VERSION} usage: `basename $0` command Command: version : Show version setup : Setup a Tryton Server help : shows this message EOF exit 0 } show_version () { case $1 in version) message "INFO" "This is the Tryton Server setup for openSUSE V ${VERSION}"; exit 0;; esac } bailout() { message "INFO" "Bailing out !" message "INFO" "Cleaning up temporary file" rm -rf /tmp/pw exit 1 } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # go-ahead: perform update #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- go_ahead() { # login as root, start postgres echo "Starting database...." systemctl start postgresql || bailout echo "Database started" # su -postgres || bailout #then as postgres, and change parameter echo "Changing postgres trust method" sudo -u postgres sed -i -e 's/\(\(local\|host\).*all.*all.*\)\(peer\|ident\)/\1trust/g' ${DB_CONFIG} || bailout echo "Postgres trust method changed" echo "Create database user" #create user sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER ${DB_USER} WITH SUPERUSER;" echo "Database user created" echo "Creating database ${DB_NAME}" # create database sudo -u postgres createdb ${DB_NAME} --encoding='UTF8' --owner=${DB_USER} || bailout echo "Database created" #exit as postgres #exit echo "Restarting database" systemctl restart postgresql || bailout # login as user tryton #su tryton -s /bin/bash echo "Initializing database - this may take a while" echo ${DB_ADMIN_PWD} > /tmp/pw || bailout sudo -u tryton env TRYTONPASSFILE=/tmp/pw trytond-admin -c /etc/tryton/trytond.conf --all -d ${DB_NAME} --password || bailout rm /tmp/pw || bailout if [ $GH_START = "y" ]; then echo "Enabling Tryton Server at boot time" systemctl enable postgresql systemctl enable trytond # ...and start trytond in that case systemctl start trytond fi echo "All done" message "WARNING" "Please review your setup before using the system in production!" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Call user parameter #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- get_root_pw() { Y='' read -p "Please enter root-password [$ROOT_PW] " Y if [ ! -e $Y ]; then ROOT_PW=$Y fi message "INFO" "root-password is $ROOT_PW" } get_db_name() { Y='' read -p "Please enter name for new database [$DB_NAME] " Y if [ ! -e $Y ]; then DB_NAME=$Y fi message "INFO" "DB-Name is $DB_NAME" } get_db_admin() { Y='' read -p "Please enter admin-password for new database [$DB_ADMIN_PWD] " Y if [ ! -e $Y ]; then DB_ADMIN_PWD=$Y fi message "INFO" "DB Admin password is $DB_ADMIN_PWD" } get_db_user() { Y='' read -p "Please enter database user [$DB_USER] " Y if [ ! -e $Y ]; then DB_USER=$Y fi message "INFO" "DB User is $DB_USER" } get_db_file() { Y='' read -p "Please enter database config file [$DB_CONFIG] " Y if [ ! -e $Y ]; then DB_CONFIG=$Y fi message "INFO" "DB config path & file $DB_CONFIG" } get_GH_start() { Y='' read -p "Shall Tryton Server start automatically? [$GH_START] " Y if [ ! -e $Y ]; then GH_START=$Y fi message "INFO" "Tryton Server start at boot $GH_START" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # verify input #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- verify_input() { echo ; message "INFO" "DB Name is ..............$DB_NAME" message "INFO" "DB Admin password is ....$DB_ADMIN_PWD" message "INFO" "DB User is ..............$DB_USER" message "INFO" "DB config path & file is $DB_CONFIG" message "INFO" "Server start at boot.... $GH_START" read -p "Are these values correct? [y]es/[n]o/[a]bort " VAL } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup() { # check is it runs as root wai=`whoami` if [ $wai != "root" ]; then message "ERROR" " This script must run as user 'root'" bailout fi VAL="n" message "INFO" "Starting Tryton Server setup for openSUSE V ${VERSION} ..." message "INFO" "If the value displayed is OK, just hit <ENTER> to confirm" while [ ${VAL} != "y" ]; do # (1) Get root password # get_root_pw # (2) get Database name get_db_name # (3) change login get_db_admin message "WARNING" "Change the following parameter only if you know what you are doing..." # (4) DB user get_db_user # (5) DB config file and path get_db_file # (6) enable GNUHealth at start? get_GH_start # (7) check if all are valid verify_input # request input until all is OK: if [ -e ${VAL} ]; then message "ERROR" "Please enter y, n or a" verify_input else if [ ${VAL} = "y" ]; then go_ahead exit 0 fi if [ ${VAL} = "a" ]; then exit 1 fi fi done } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse command line #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- parse_command_line() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then help fi case $1 in version) show_version $@;; update-deps) install_python_dependencies $@;; setup) setup $@;; help) help;; *) echo $1: Unrecognized command; exit 1;; esac } parse_command_line "$@"