forked from pool/userspace-rcu

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# vim: set sw=4 ts=4 et nu:
# spec file for package userspace-rcu
# Copyright (c) 2022 SUSE LLC
# Copyright (c) 2012 Pascal Bleser <pascal.bleser@opensuse.org>
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
- update to 0.12.1: * Fix: tls-compat.h exposes compiler-dependent public configuration * Fix: tap array subscript has type char warning * tls-compat.h: introduce DEFINE_URCU_TLS_INIT * Use _umtx_op for futex on FreeBSD * Add FreeBSD, DragonFly to syscall-compat.h * urcu-bp: perform thread registration on urcu_bp_register_thread * Require automake >= 1.12 * cds_lfht_is_node_deleted parameter can be marked const * Fix: provide errno as argument to urcu_die() * Fix: rculfhash worker needs to unblock to SIGRCU * Cleanup: test_perthreadlock_timing: handle pthread mutex errors * Fix: SONAME bump to 6.1.0 * Cleanup: remove unused variable from configure.ac check * Fix: urcu/futex.h: users of struct timespec should include time.h * Bump library version to 6:0:1 * Cleanup: update code layout to fix old gcc warning * Fix: typo CPPLAGS in examples Makefile * Harmonize pprint macro across projects * Check for TLS support after CC detection * Update macros from the autotools archive * tap-driver.sh: flush stdout after each test result * Update dead link in lgpl-relicensing.txt * Add multiflavor compat identifiers * Cleanup: missing sign compare fixes * Cleanup: enable signed/unsigned compare compiler warning * Cleanup: compiler warning on 32-bit architectures * config.h.in: rename CONFIG_RCU_MULTIFLAVOR to CONFIG_RCU_HAVE_MULTIFLAVOR * rculfhash: implement iterator debugging config option * Fix: examples silent rules on Solaris OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:libraries:c_c++/userspace-rcu?expand=0&rev=28
2020-08-25 12:47:33 +02:00
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
%define soname 8
Name: userspace-rcu
Version: 0.13.2
Release: 0
Summary: Userspace Read-Copy-Update Library
License: GPL-2.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later AND MIT AND GPL-3.0-or-later
Group: System/Libraries
URL: https://liburcu.org/
Source0: https://lttng.org/files/urcu/userspace-rcu-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1: https://lttng.org/files/urcu/userspace-rcu-%{version}.tar.bz2.asc
Source2: userspace-rcu.keyring
Source99: baselibs.conf
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: glibc-devel
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
liburcu is a LGPLv2.1 userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library. This data
synchronization library provides read-side access which scales linearly with
the number of cores. It does so by allowing multiples copies of a given data
structure to live at the same time, and by monitoring the data structure
accesses to detect grace periods after which memory reclamation is possible.
%package -n liburcu%{soname}
Summary: Userspace Read-Copy-Update Library
Group: System/Libraries
%description -n liburcu%{soname}
liburcu is a LGPLv2.1 userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library. This data
synchronization library provides read-side access which scales linearly with
the number of cores. It does so by allowing multiples copies of a given data
structure to live at the same time, and by monitoring the data structure
accesses to detect grace periods after which memory reclamation is possible.
- update to 0.12.1: * Fix: tls-compat.h exposes compiler-dependent public configuration * Fix: tap array subscript has type char warning * tls-compat.h: introduce DEFINE_URCU_TLS_INIT * Use _umtx_op for futex on FreeBSD * Add FreeBSD, DragonFly to syscall-compat.h * urcu-bp: perform thread registration on urcu_bp_register_thread * Require automake >= 1.12 * cds_lfht_is_node_deleted parameter can be marked const * Fix: provide errno as argument to urcu_die() * Fix: rculfhash worker needs to unblock to SIGRCU * Cleanup: test_perthreadlock_timing: handle pthread mutex errors * Fix: SONAME bump to 6.1.0 * Cleanup: remove unused variable from configure.ac check * Fix: urcu/futex.h: users of struct timespec should include time.h * Bump library version to 6:0:1 * Cleanup: update code layout to fix old gcc warning * Fix: typo CPPLAGS in examples Makefile * Harmonize pprint macro across projects * Check for TLS support after CC detection * Update macros from the autotools archive * tap-driver.sh: flush stdout after each test result * Update dead link in lgpl-relicensing.txt * Add multiflavor compat identifiers * Cleanup: missing sign compare fixes * Cleanup: enable signed/unsigned compare compiler warning * Cleanup: compiler warning on 32-bit architectures * config.h.in: rename CONFIG_RCU_MULTIFLAVOR to CONFIG_RCU_HAVE_MULTIFLAVOR * rculfhash: implement iterator debugging config option * Fix: examples silent rules on Solaris OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:libraries:c_c++/userspace-rcu?expand=0&rev=28
2020-08-25 12:47:33 +02:00
Accesses to detect grace periods after which memory reclamation is possible.
%package -n liburcu-devel
Summary: Userspace Read-Copy-Update Library
Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires: liburcu%{soname} = %{version}
%description -n liburcu-devel
liburcu is a LGPLv2.1 userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library. This data
synchronization library provides read-side access which scales linearly with
the number of cores. It does so by allowing multiples copies of a given data
structure to live at the same time, and by monitoring the data structure
accesses to detect grace periods after which memory reclamation is possible.
%setup -q
%configure --disable-silent-rules --disable-static
- update to 0.12.1: * Fix: tls-compat.h exposes compiler-dependent public configuration * Fix: tap array subscript has type char warning * tls-compat.h: introduce DEFINE_URCU_TLS_INIT * Use _umtx_op for futex on FreeBSD * Add FreeBSD, DragonFly to syscall-compat.h * urcu-bp: perform thread registration on urcu_bp_register_thread * Require automake >= 1.12 * cds_lfht_is_node_deleted parameter can be marked const * Fix: provide errno as argument to urcu_die() * Fix: rculfhash worker needs to unblock to SIGRCU * Cleanup: test_perthreadlock_timing: handle pthread mutex errors * Fix: SONAME bump to 6.1.0 * Cleanup: remove unused variable from configure.ac check * Fix: urcu/futex.h: users of struct timespec should include time.h * Bump library version to 6:0:1 * Cleanup: update code layout to fix old gcc warning * Fix: typo CPPLAGS in examples Makefile * Harmonize pprint macro across projects * Check for TLS support after CC detection * Update macros from the autotools archive * tap-driver.sh: flush stdout after each test result * Update dead link in lgpl-relicensing.txt * Add multiflavor compat identifiers * Cleanup: missing sign compare fixes * Cleanup: enable signed/unsigned compare compiler warning * Cleanup: compiler warning on 32-bit architectures * config.h.in: rename CONFIG_RCU_MULTIFLAVOR to CONFIG_RCU_HAVE_MULTIFLAVOR * rculfhash: implement iterator debugging config option * Fix: examples silent rules on Solaris OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:libraries:c_c++/userspace-rcu?expand=0&rev=28
2020-08-25 12:47:33 +02:00
- update to 0.12.1: * Fix: tls-compat.h exposes compiler-dependent public configuration * Fix: tap array subscript has type char warning * tls-compat.h: introduce DEFINE_URCU_TLS_INIT * Use _umtx_op for futex on FreeBSD * Add FreeBSD, DragonFly to syscall-compat.h * urcu-bp: perform thread registration on urcu_bp_register_thread * Require automake >= 1.12 * cds_lfht_is_node_deleted parameter can be marked const * Fix: provide errno as argument to urcu_die() * Fix: rculfhash worker needs to unblock to SIGRCU * Cleanup: test_perthreadlock_timing: handle pthread mutex errors * Fix: SONAME bump to 6.1.0 * Cleanup: remove unused variable from configure.ac check * Fix: urcu/futex.h: users of struct timespec should include time.h * Bump library version to 6:0:1 * Cleanup: update code layout to fix old gcc warning * Fix: typo CPPLAGS in examples Makefile * Harmonize pprint macro across projects * Check for TLS support after CC detection * Update macros from the autotools archive * tap-driver.sh: flush stdout after each test result * Update dead link in lgpl-relicensing.txt * Add multiflavor compat identifiers * Cleanup: missing sign compare fixes * Cleanup: enable signed/unsigned compare compiler warning * Cleanup: compiler warning on 32-bit architectures * config.h.in: rename CONFIG_RCU_MULTIFLAVOR to CONFIG_RCU_HAVE_MULTIFLAVOR * rculfhash: implement iterator debugging config option * Fix: examples silent rules on Solaris OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:libraries:c_c++/userspace-rcu?expand=0&rev=28
2020-08-25 12:47:33 +02:00
rm -rf "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/doc"
- update to 0.12.1: * Fix: tls-compat.h exposes compiler-dependent public configuration * Fix: tap array subscript has type char warning * tls-compat.h: introduce DEFINE_URCU_TLS_INIT * Use _umtx_op for futex on FreeBSD * Add FreeBSD, DragonFly to syscall-compat.h * urcu-bp: perform thread registration on urcu_bp_register_thread * Require automake >= 1.12 * cds_lfht_is_node_deleted parameter can be marked const * Fix: provide errno as argument to urcu_die() * Fix: rculfhash worker needs to unblock to SIGRCU * Cleanup: test_perthreadlock_timing: handle pthread mutex errors * Fix: SONAME bump to 6.1.0 * Cleanup: remove unused variable from configure.ac check * Fix: urcu/futex.h: users of struct timespec should include time.h * Bump library version to 6:0:1 * Cleanup: update code layout to fix old gcc warning * Fix: typo CPPLAGS in examples Makefile * Harmonize pprint macro across projects * Check for TLS support after CC detection * Update macros from the autotools archive * tap-driver.sh: flush stdout after each test result * Update dead link in lgpl-relicensing.txt * Add multiflavor compat identifiers * Cleanup: missing sign compare fixes * Cleanup: enable signed/unsigned compare compiler warning * Cleanup: compiler warning on 32-bit architectures * config.h.in: rename CONFIG_RCU_MULTIFLAVOR to CONFIG_RCU_HAVE_MULTIFLAVOR * rculfhash: implement iterator debugging config option * Fix: examples silent rules on Solaris OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:libraries:c_c++/userspace-rcu?expand=0&rev=28
2020-08-25 12:47:33 +02:00
find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" -delete -print
%post -n liburcu%{soname} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -n liburcu%{soname} -p /sbin/ldconfig
%files -n liburcu%{soname}
- update to 0.12.1: * Fix: tls-compat.h exposes compiler-dependent public configuration * Fix: tap array subscript has type char warning * tls-compat.h: introduce DEFINE_URCU_TLS_INIT * Use _umtx_op for futex on FreeBSD * Add FreeBSD, DragonFly to syscall-compat.h * urcu-bp: perform thread registration on urcu_bp_register_thread * Require automake >= 1.12 * cds_lfht_is_node_deleted parameter can be marked const * Fix: provide errno as argument to urcu_die() * Fix: rculfhash worker needs to unblock to SIGRCU * Cleanup: test_perthreadlock_timing: handle pthread mutex errors * Fix: SONAME bump to 6.1.0 * Cleanup: remove unused variable from configure.ac check * Fix: urcu/futex.h: users of struct timespec should include time.h * Bump library version to 6:0:1 * Cleanup: update code layout to fix old gcc warning * Fix: typo CPPLAGS in examples Makefile * Harmonize pprint macro across projects * Check for TLS support after CC detection * Update macros from the autotools archive * tap-driver.sh: flush stdout after each test result * Update dead link in lgpl-relicensing.txt * Add multiflavor compat identifiers * Cleanup: missing sign compare fixes * Cleanup: enable signed/unsigned compare compiler warning * Cleanup: compiler warning on 32-bit architectures * config.h.in: rename CONFIG_RCU_MULTIFLAVOR to CONFIG_RCU_HAVE_MULTIFLAVOR * rculfhash: implement iterator debugging config option * Fix: examples silent rules on Solaris OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:libraries:c_c++/userspace-rcu?expand=0&rev=28
2020-08-25 12:47:33 +02:00
%license LICENSE
%doc ChangeLog README.md *.txt doc/*.md
- update to 0.12.1: * Fix: tls-compat.h exposes compiler-dependent public configuration * Fix: tap array subscript has type char warning * tls-compat.h: introduce DEFINE_URCU_TLS_INIT * Use _umtx_op for futex on FreeBSD * Add FreeBSD, DragonFly to syscall-compat.h * urcu-bp: perform thread registration on urcu_bp_register_thread * Require automake >= 1.12 * cds_lfht_is_node_deleted parameter can be marked const * Fix: provide errno as argument to urcu_die() * Fix: rculfhash worker needs to unblock to SIGRCU * Cleanup: test_perthreadlock_timing: handle pthread mutex errors * Fix: SONAME bump to 6.1.0 * Cleanup: remove unused variable from configure.ac check * Fix: urcu/futex.h: users of struct timespec should include time.h * Bump library version to 6:0:1 * Cleanup: update code layout to fix old gcc warning * Fix: typo CPPLAGS in examples Makefile * Harmonize pprint macro across projects * Check for TLS support after CC detection * Update macros from the autotools archive * tap-driver.sh: flush stdout after each test result * Update dead link in lgpl-relicensing.txt * Add multiflavor compat identifiers * Cleanup: missing sign compare fixes * Cleanup: enable signed/unsigned compare compiler warning * Cleanup: compiler warning on 32-bit architectures * config.h.in: rename CONFIG_RCU_MULTIFLAVOR to CONFIG_RCU_HAVE_MULTIFLAVOR * rculfhash: implement iterator debugging config option * Fix: examples silent rules on Solaris OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:libraries:c_c++/userspace-rcu?expand=0&rev=28
2020-08-25 12:47:33 +02:00
%files -n liburcu-devel
- update to 0.12.1: * Fix: tls-compat.h exposes compiler-dependent public configuration * Fix: tap array subscript has type char warning * tls-compat.h: introduce DEFINE_URCU_TLS_INIT * Use _umtx_op for futex on FreeBSD * Add FreeBSD, DragonFly to syscall-compat.h * urcu-bp: perform thread registration on urcu_bp_register_thread * Require automake >= 1.12 * cds_lfht_is_node_deleted parameter can be marked const * Fix: provide errno as argument to urcu_die() * Fix: rculfhash worker needs to unblock to SIGRCU * Cleanup: test_perthreadlock_timing: handle pthread mutex errors * Fix: SONAME bump to 6.1.0 * Cleanup: remove unused variable from configure.ac check * Fix: urcu/futex.h: users of struct timespec should include time.h * Bump library version to 6:0:1 * Cleanup: update code layout to fix old gcc warning * Fix: typo CPPLAGS in examples Makefile * Harmonize pprint macro across projects * Check for TLS support after CC detection * Update macros from the autotools archive * tap-driver.sh: flush stdout after each test result * Update dead link in lgpl-relicensing.txt * Add multiflavor compat identifiers * Cleanup: missing sign compare fixes * Cleanup: enable signed/unsigned compare compiler warning * Cleanup: compiler warning on 32-bit architectures * config.h.in: rename CONFIG_RCU_MULTIFLAVOR to CONFIG_RCU_HAVE_MULTIFLAVOR * rculfhash: implement iterator debugging config option * Fix: examples silent rules on Solaris OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:libraries:c_c++/userspace-rcu?expand=0&rev=28
2020-08-25 12:47:33 +02:00