[Unit] Description=SSL tunnel for UUCP After=syslog.target network.target # The config needs to be adjusted by the admin, see example file in /etc/uucp/ # Just an proposal without any without obligation, without any warranty, and # at your own risk: # # Creation of /etc/uucp/stunnel.pem used in /etc/uucp/suucp-server.conf(.systemd) # > umask 066 # > cp -p /etc/uucp/suucp-server.conf.example /etc/uucp/suucp-server.conf # > openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -utf8 -nodes -keyout /etc/uucp/stunnel.pem -out /etc/uucp/stunnel.pem # > dd if=/dev/urandom count=4 | openssl dhparam -rand - 1024 >> /etc/uucp/stunnel.pem # # Fingerprint and hash # > openssl x509 -text -subject -dates -fingerprint -noout -in /etc/uucp/stunnel.pem # > ln -sf stunnel.pem /etc/uucp/$(openssl x509 -hash -noout -in /etc/uucp/stunnel.pem).0 # ConditionPathExists=/etc/uucp/suucp-server.conf [Service] # As long as forking is off in configuration of stunnel Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/sbin/stunnel /etc/uucp/suucp-server.conf TimeoutSec=600 PrivateTmp=true # added automatically, for details please see # https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Security_Features#Systemd_hardening_effort ProtectSystem=full ProtectHome=true PrivateDevices=true ProtectHostname=true ProtectClock=true ProtectKernelTunables=true ProtectKernelModules=true ProtectKernelLogs=true ProtectControlGroups=true RestrictRealtime=true # end of automatic additions [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target