forked from pool/vim

36 lines
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- Use mercurial tags instead of applying patches one by one. This reduces unexpected failures. - Updated to revision 417, fixes the following problems * Can't build with Perl on Fedora 20. * Fold does not open after search when there is a CmdwinLeave autocommand. * "foo bar" sorts before "foo" with sort(). (John Little) * Cannot define a command only when it's used. * Cannot build. Warning for shadowed variable. (John Little) * Problem with breakindent/showbreak and tabs. * After splitting a window and setting 'breakindent' the default minimum with is not respected. * Screen updating is slow when using matches. * Inserting text for Visual block mode, with cursor movement, repeats the wrong text. (Aleksandar Ivanov) * Visual block insert breaks a multi-byte character. * Compiler warning for unused argument and unused variable. * Character after "fb" command not mapped if it might be a composing character. * Test 63 fails when run with GUI-only Vim. * Popup menu flickers too much. * When 'equalalways' is set a split may report "no room" even though there is plenty of room. * Title of quickfist list is not kept for setqflist(list, 'r'). * Accessing freed memory after using setqflist(list, 'r'). (Lcd) * Loading python may cause Vim to exit. * Get u_undo error when backspacing in Insert mode deletes more than one line break. (Ayberk Ozgur) * Mapping characters may not work after typing Esc in Insert mode. * Bad interaction between preview window and omnifunc. OBS-URL:
2014-08-25 13:50:01 +02:00
Index: vim/runtime/filetype.vim
--- vim.orig/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ vim/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ endfunc
" Spec (Linux RPM)
-au BufNewFile,BufRead *.spec setf spec
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.spec,* setf spec
" Speedup (AspenTech plant simulator)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.speedup,*.spdata,*.spd setf spup
- Use mercurial tags instead of applying patches one by one. This reduces unexpected failures. - Updated to revision 417, fixes the following problems * Can't build with Perl on Fedora 20. * Fold does not open after search when there is a CmdwinLeave autocommand. * "foo bar" sorts before "foo" with sort(). (John Little) * Cannot define a command only when it's used. * Cannot build. Warning for shadowed variable. (John Little) * Problem with breakindent/showbreak and tabs. * After splitting a window and setting 'breakindent' the default minimum with is not respected. * Screen updating is slow when using matches. * Inserting text for Visual block mode, with cursor movement, repeats the wrong text. (Aleksandar Ivanov) * Visual block insert breaks a multi-byte character. * Compiler warning for unused argument and unused variable. * Character after "fb" command not mapped if it might be a composing character. * Test 63 fails when run with GUI-only Vim. * Popup menu flickers too much. * When 'equalalways' is set a split may report "no room" even though there is plenty of room. * Title of quickfist list is not kept for setqflist(list, 'r'). * Accessing freed memory after using setqflist(list, 'r'). (Lcd) * Loading python may cause Vim to exit. * Get u_undo error when backspacing in Insert mode deletes more than one line break. (Ayberk Ozgur) * Mapping characters may not work after typing Esc in Insert mode. * Bad interaction between preview window and omnifunc. OBS-URL:
2014-08-25 13:50:01 +02:00
Index: vim/runtime/syntax/spec.vim
--- vim.orig/runtime/syntax/spec.vim
+++ vim/runtime/syntax/spec.vim
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ syn case ignore
"%% PreAmble Section %%
"Copyright and Serial were deprecated by License and Epoch
syn region specPreAmbleDeprecated oneline matchgroup=specError start='^\(Copyright\|Serial\)' end='$' contains=specEmail,specURL,specURLMacro,specLicense,specColon,specVariables,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier
-syn region specPreAmble oneline matchgroup=specCommand start='^\(Prereq\|Summary\|Name\|Version\|Packager\|Requires\|Icon\|URL\|Source\d*\|Patch\d*\|Prefix\|Packager\|Group\|License\|Release\|BuildRoot\|Distribution\|Vendor\|Provides\|ExclusiveArch\|ExcludeArch\|ExclusiveOS\|Obsoletes\|BuildArch\|BuildArchitectures\|BuildRequires\|BuildConflicts\|BuildPreReq\|Conflicts\|AutoRequires\|AutoReq\|AutoReqProv\|AutoProv\|Epoch\)' end='$' contains=specEmail,specURL,specURLMacro,specLicense,specColon,specVariables,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier
+syn region specPreAmble oneline matchgroup=specCommand start='^\(Prereq\|Summary\|Name\|Version\|Packager\|Requires\|Icon\|URL\|Source\d*\|Patch\d*\|Prefix\|Packager\|Group\|License\|Release\|BuildRoot\|Distribution\|Vendor\|Provides\|ExclusiveArch\|ExcludeArch\|ExclusiveOS\|Obsoletes\|BuildArch\|BuildArchitectures\|BuildRequires\|BuildConflicts\|BuildPreReq\|Conflicts\|AutoRequires\|AutoReq\|AutoReqProv\|AutoProv\|Epoch\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Freshens\|EssentialFor\|Supplements\|Enhances\)' end='$' contains=specEmail,specURL,specURLMacro,specLicense,specColon,specVariables,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier
"%% Description Section %%
syn region specDescriptionArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%description' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specDescriptionOpts,specEmail,specURL,specNumber,specMacroIdentifier,specComment
- Use mercurial tags instead of applying patches one by one. This reduces unexpected failures. - Updated to revision 417, fixes the following problems * Can't build with Perl on Fedora 20. * Fold does not open after search when there is a CmdwinLeave autocommand. * "foo bar" sorts before "foo" with sort(). (John Little) * Cannot define a command only when it's used. * Cannot build. Warning for shadowed variable. (John Little) * Problem with breakindent/showbreak and tabs. * After splitting a window and setting 'breakindent' the default minimum with is not respected. * Screen updating is slow when using matches. * Inserting text for Visual block mode, with cursor movement, repeats the wrong text. (Aleksandar Ivanov) * Visual block insert breaks a multi-byte character. * Compiler warning for unused argument and unused variable. * Character after "fb" command not mapped if it might be a composing character. * Test 63 fails when run with GUI-only Vim. * Popup menu flickers too much. * When 'equalalways' is set a split may report "no room" even though there is plenty of room. * Title of quickfist list is not kept for setqflist(list, 'r'). * Accessing freed memory after using setqflist(list, 'r'). (Lcd) * Loading python may cause Vim to exit. * Get u_undo error when backspacing in Insert mode deletes more than one line break. (Ayberk Ozgur) * Mapping characters may not work after typing Esc in Insert mode. * Bad interaction between preview window and omnifunc. OBS-URL:
2014-08-25 13:50:01 +02:00
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ syn region specDescriptionArea matchgrou
syn region specPackageArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%package' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specPackageOpts,specPreAmble,specComment
"%% Scripts Section %%
- Use mercurial tags instead of applying patches one by one. This reduces unexpected failures. - Updated to revision 417, fixes the following problems * Can't build with Perl on Fedora 20. * Fold does not open after search when there is a CmdwinLeave autocommand. * "foo bar" sorts before "foo" with sort(). (John Little) * Cannot define a command only when it's used. * Cannot build. Warning for shadowed variable. (John Little) * Problem with breakindent/showbreak and tabs. * After splitting a window and setting 'breakindent' the default minimum with is not respected. * Screen updating is slow when using matches. * Inserting text for Visual block mode, with cursor movement, repeats the wrong text. (Aleksandar Ivanov) * Visual block insert breaks a multi-byte character. * Compiler warning for unused argument and unused variable. * Character after "fb" command not mapped if it might be a composing character. * Test 63 fails when run with GUI-only Vim. * Popup menu flickers too much. * When 'equalalways' is set a split may report "no room" even though there is plenty of room. * Title of quickfist list is not kept for setqflist(list, 'r'). * Accessing freed memory after using setqflist(list, 'r'). (Lcd) * Loading python may cause Vim to exit. * Get u_undo error when backspacing in Insert mode deletes more than one line break. (Ayberk Ozgur) * Mapping characters may not work after typing Esc in Insert mode. * Bad interaction between preview window and omnifunc. OBS-URL:
2014-08-25 13:50:01 +02:00
-syn region specScriptArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%\(prep\|build\|install\|clean\|pre\|postun\|preun\|post\|posttrans\)\>' skip='^%{\|^%\(define\|patch\d*\|configure\|GNUconfigure\|setup\|find_lang\|makeinstall\|make_install\)\>' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specSpecialVariables,specVariables,@specCommands,specVariables,shDo,shFor,shCaseEsac,specNoNumberHilite,specCommandOpts,shComment,shIf,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier,specSectionMacroArea,specSectionMacroBracketArea,shOperator,shQuote1,shQuote2
+syn region specScriptArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%\(prep\|build\|check\|install\|clean\|pre\|postun\|preun\|post\|posttrans\)\>' skip='^%{\|^%\(define\|patch\d*\|configure\|GNUconfigure\|setup\|find_lang\|makeinstall\|make_install\)\>' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specSpecialVariables,specVariables,@specCommands,specVariables,shDo,shFor,shCaseEsac,specNoNumberHilite,specCommandOpts,shComment,shIf,specSpecialChar,specMacroIdentifier,specSectionMacroArea,specSectionMacroBracketArea,shOperator,shQuote1,shQuote2
"%% Changelog Section %%
syn region specChangelogArea matchgroup=specSection start='^%changelog' end='^%'me=e-1 contains=specEmail,specURL,specWeekday,specMonth,specNumber,specComment,specLicense