forked from pool/vim

438 Commits

Author SHA256 Message Date
Ismail Dönmez
893b362990 - Updated to revision 1826, fixes the following problems
* Callbacks are invoked when it's not safe.

2016-05-09 15:55:03 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
9f268ee228 - Updated to revision 1825, fixes the following problems
* The screen is not updated if a callback is invoked when closing
    a channel.
  * Help completion adds @en to all matches except the first one.
  * Compiler warnings when sprintf() is a macro.
  * Removing language from help tags too often.
  * Redirecting stdout of a channel to "null" doesn't work.
  * When a job is no longer referenced and does not have an exit
    callback the process may hang around in defunc state.
  * When job writes to buffer nothing is written.

2016-05-09 09:49:34 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
2bc4674faa - Updated to revision 1816, fixes the following problems
* 'guicolors' is a confusing option name.
  * Quickfix doesn't handle long lines well, they are split.
  * GTK3 doesn't handle menu separaters properly.
  * Can't use Vim as MANPAGER.
  * Running tests in shadow dir fails.
  * 'termguicolors' option missing from the options window.
  * Test_out_close_cb sometimes fails.
  * Using wrong feature name to check for 'termguicolors'.
  * Using wrong short option name for 'termguicolors'.
  * Sending DETACH after a channel was closed isn't useful.
  * Netbeans channel gets garbage collected.
  * Memory access error when running test_quickfix.
  * A channel may be garbage collected while it's still being used by a job.
  * Looping over a null list throws an error.
- Refresh vim-7.4-filetype_mine.patch

2016-05-02 07:31:36 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
81322d500b - Updated to revision 1796, fixes the following problems
* Cannot use ch_read() in the close callback.
  * Leading white space in a job command matters.
  * Channel could be garbage collected too early.
  * Color name decoding is implemented several times.
  * Some character classes may differ between systems.

2016-04-28 07:38:41 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
44e1af5d19 - Updated to revision 1786, fixes the following problems
* When using the term truecolor feature, the t_8f and t_8b termcap
    options are not set by default.
  * Using negative index in strcharpart().
  * Warnings reported by cppcheck.
  * synIDattr() does not respect 'guicolors'.
  * strcharpart() does not work properly with some multi-byte characters.
  * The old regexp engine doesn't handle character classes correctly.
  * Compiled-in colors do not match rgb.txt.

2016-04-24 16:18:24 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
d55887285a -
2016-04-23 10:41:55 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
56eeb02703 - Updated to revision 1778, fixes the following problems
* When using complete() it may set 'modified' even though nothing
    was inserted.
  * When using feedkeys() in a timer the inserted characters are not
    used right away.
  * Undo options are not together in the options window.
  * Arguments of setqflist() are not checked properly.
  * No "closed", "errors" and "encoding" attribute on Python output.
  * Cannot use true color in the terminal.
  * Newly added features can escape the sandbox.
  * When using the term truecolor feature, the t_8f and t_8b termcap
    options are not set by default.

2016-04-23 10:12:45 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
c017800302 - Updated to revision 1754, fixes the following problems
* "noinsert" in 'completeopt' is sometimes ignored
  * syntax not set when using ":buf" and 'filetype' set manually

2016-04-20 11:20:56 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
2cf6d444a3 - Updated to revision 1752, fixes the following problems
* When a buffer gets updated while in command line mode, the screen
    may be messed up.
  * Crash when 'tagstack' is off. (Dominique Pelle)
  * When adding to the quickfix list the current position is reset.

2016-04-19 12:03:26 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
cb34494a93 - Updated to revision 1749, fixes the following problems
* Cannot detect a crash in tests when caused by garbagecollect().
  * The help for functions require a space after the "(".
  * The Perl interface cannot use 'print' operator for writing
    directly in standard IO.
  * It is not easy to get a character out of a string.
  * Python: turns partial into simple funcref.
  * Folds may close when using autocomplete.
  * Test fails when not using utf-8.
  * It is not possible to only see part of the message history.
    It is not possible to clear messages.
  * Count for ":messages" depends on number of lines.
  * syn-cchar defined with matchadd() does not appear if there are no
    other syntax definitions which matches buffer text.
  * Not testing utf-8 characters.
  * strgetchar() does not work correctly.
  * Clang warns for uninitialzed variable. (Michael Jarvis)
  * Python: Converting a sequence may leak memory.
  * Memory leak in Perl.
  * Coverity: missing check for NULL pointer.
  * "gD" does not find match in first column of first line.
  * When using GTK 3.20 there are a few warnings.

2016-04-18 07:53:50 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
31b523cb90 - Updated to revision 1726, fixes the following problems
* Crash when calling garbagecollect() after starting a job.
  * When using try/catch in 'tabline' it is still considered an error
    and the tabline will be disabled.
  * Tabline test fails in GUI.
  * Compiler errors for non-ANSI compilers.
  * ANSI compiler complains about string length.

2016-04-14 08:17:26 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
d4f573c9f9 - Updated to revision 1721, fixes the following problems
* Leaking memory when opening a channel fails.
  * Coverity: not using return value of set_ref_in_item().
  * Leaking memory when there is a cycle involving a job and a partial.
  * Tests fail without the job feature.

2016-04-11 07:56:24 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
a0ea3336cc - Updated to revision 1716, fixes the following problems
* When using try/catch in 'statusline' it is still considered an
    error and the status line will be disabled.
  * For plugins in packages, plugin authors need to take care of all
  * GTK GUI doesn't work on Wayland.
  * Non-GUI specific settings in the gvimrc_example file.
  * Double free when a partial is in a cycle with a list or dict.
  * 'autochdir' doesn't work for the first file.

2016-04-07 06:23:21 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
737f55d716 - Updated to revision 1710, fixes the following problems
* feedkeys('i', 'x') gets stuck, waits for a character to be typed.
  * Building the Perl interface gives compiler warnings.
  * ":syn reset" clears the effect ":syn iskeyword". (James McCoy)
  * When using :stopinsert in a silent mapping the "INSERT" message
    isn't cleared.
  * Display problems when the 'ambiwidth' and 'emoji' options are not
    set properly or the terminal doesn't behave as expected.
  * :packadd does not work the same when used early or late.
  * Using freed memory when parsing 'printoptions' fails.
  * Using freed memory with "wincmd p". (Dominique Pelle)
  * Cannot use empty dictionary key, even though it can be useful.
  * New regexp engine does not work properly with EBCDIC.
  * Not all output of an external command is read.

2016-04-05 09:28:29 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
1bf5b60e2c - Updated to revision 1691, fixes the following problems
* When reading JSON from a channel all readahead is used.
  * channel_get_all() does multiple allocations.
  * When writing buffer lines to a pipe Vim may block.
  * Completion doesn't work well for a variable containing "#".
  * When help exists in multiple languages, adding @ab while "ab"
    is the default help language is unnecessary.
  * The Dvorak support is a bit difficult to install.
  * The justify plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used.
  * The editexisting plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used.
  * The swapmous plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used.
  * The shellmenu plugin has to be copied or sourced to be used.
  * A reference to the removed file_select plugin remains.
  * Coverity: copying value of v_lock without initializing it.
  * Coverity warns for not checking name length (false positive).
  * Coverity warns for fixed size buffer length (false positive).
  * Coverity: no check for NULL.
  * README text is slightly outdated.
  * There is no easy way to get all the information about a match.
  * When running tests $HOME/.viminfo is written.
  * The channel close_cb option does not work.
  * MzScheme does not support partial.
  * Ruby interface has inconsistent coding style.
  * Can't compile with the conceal feature but without multi-byte.
  * When switching to a new buffer and an autocommand applies syntax
    highlighting an ml_get error may occur.

2016-04-01 08:38:11 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
f59bbd7393 -
2016-03-28 09:42:01 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
9c1e59fad3 -
2016-03-28 09:32:31 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
0f4bc67b43 - Updated to revision 1665, fixes the following problems
* When 'F' is in 'shortmess' the prompt for the encryption key
    isn't displayed.
  * When binding a function to a dict the reference count is wrong.
  * Invoking garbage collection may cause a double free.
  * Crash when an autocommand changes a quickfix list.
  * Handling emoji characters as full width has problems with
    backwards compatibility.
  * Terminating file name has side effects.
  * Using string() on a partial that exists in the dictionary it binds
    results in an error.
  * When a dict contains a partial it can't be redefined as a function.
  * Using Python vim.bindeval() on a partial doesn't work.
  * Using freed memory after setqflist() and ":caddbuffer".
  * Compiler has a problem copying a string into di_key[].
  * The matchit plugin needs to be copied to be used.
  * Quickfix test fails.
  * Old style test for fnamemodify().
  * Users who loaded matchit.vim manually have to change their startup.
  * Crash when using expand('%:S') in a buffer without a name.
  * remote_expr() hangs.
  * Crash when using partial with a timer.
  * On Unix in a terminal: channel messages are not handled right away.
  * A plugin does not know when VimEnter autocommands were already triggered.
  * has('patch-7.4.1') doesn't work.
  * No test for special characters in channel eval command.
  * No test for an invalid Ex command on a channel.
  * Crash in :cgetexpr.
  * Crash when calling job_start() with a NULL string.

2016-03-28 07:37:06 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
f2a06f09c8 -
2016-03-22 11:35:50 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
629e766aa1 - Updated to revision 1635, fixes the following problems
* Quickfix code using memory after being freed.
  * Using channel timeout instead of request timeout.
  * Timers don't work on Unix.
  * Not checking for failed open().
  * Memory leak when out of memory.
  * When starting the GUI fails a swap file is left behind.
  * Timer with an ":echo" command messes up display.
  * Although emoji characters are ambiguous width, best is to treat
    them as full width.
  * Catching exception that won't be thrown.
  * Having type() handle a Funcref that is or isn't a partial differently
    causes problems for existing scripts.
  * Comparing a function that exists on two dicts is not backwards compatible.
  * string() doesn't handle a partial.
  * Contents file is only for Amiga distro.
  * Compiler warnings for non-virtual destructor.
  * The versplit feature makes the code uneccessary complicated.
  * Can't build with small features.
  * Still can't build with small features.
  * Still quickfix test in old style.
  * Build fails with tiny features.
  * Malformed channel request causes a hang.
  * When a JSON message is split it isn't decoded.
  * Starting job with output to buffer changes options in the current buffer.
  * When 'fileformats' is set in the vimrc it applies to new buffers
    but not the initial buffer.
  * Emoji characters are not considered as a kind of word character.
  * Channel test doesn't work with Python 2.6.
  * Channel demo doesn't work with Python 2.6.

2016-03-22 11:06:31 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
38f0000e57 -
2016-03-19 06:49:10 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
db817d994d - Updated to revision 1591, fixes the following problems
* Crash when using function reference.
  * Using ":call dict.func()" where the function is a partial
    does not work.
  * Get E923 when using function(dict.func, [], dict).
  * Warning for unitinialized variable.
  * Partial is not recognized everywhere.
  * Nesting partials doesn't work.
  * Compiler warnings with 64 bit compiler.
  * Old style test for quickfix.
  * Combining dict and args with partial doesn't always work.
  * Warning for shadowed variable.
  * The quickfix title is truncated.

2016-03-19 06:48:59 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
3aa66c76e1 - Updated to revision 1579, fixes the following problems
* Passing cookie to a callback is clumsy.
  * Dict options with a dash are more difficult to use.
  * Missing update to proto file.
  * ":helptags ALL" crashes.
  * An empty list in function() causes an error.
  * Crash when assert_equal() runs into a NULL string.
  * Crash in assert_fails().
  * Using CTRL-] in help on option in parentheses doesn't work.
  * Using old style tests for quickfix.
  * There is no way to avoid the message when editing a file.
  * No test for ":help".
  * Setting 'compatible' in test influences following tests.
  * Tests get stuck at the more prompt.
  * ":undo 0" does not work.
  * Write error of viminfo file is not handled properly.
  * Cannot pass "dict.Myfunc" around as a partial.
  * There is no way to invoke a function later or periodically.

2016-03-16 11:22:21 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
ec6c7bba54 - Updated to revision 1558, fixes the following problems
* Using "ever" for packages is confusing.
  * Specifying buffer number for channel not implemented yet.
  * MS-Windows job_start() closes wrong handle.
  * Compiler warning for unitinialized variable.
  * MS-Windows channel leaks file descriptor.
  * Using feedkeys() with an empty string disregards 'x' option.
  * Compiler warning for shadowed variable.
  * The feedkeys test has a one second delay.
  * Cannot re-use a channel for another job.
  * Too many feature flags for pipes, jobs and channels.
  * Selection with the mouse does not work in command line mode.
  * Too much code in eval.c.
  * Channel test is a bit flaky.
  * Missing job_info().
  * job_start() with a list is not tested.
  * Channel log methods are not tested.
  * On Win32 escaping the command does not work properly.
  * GTK3: horizontal cursor movement in Visual selection not good.
  * Sticky type checking is more annoying than useful.
  * Getting a cterm highlight attribute that is not set results in the string "-1".
  * Two tests fail.
  * Cannot load packages early.
  * Cannot generate help tags in all doc directories.
  * ":colorscheme" does not use 'packpath'.
  * ":runtime" does not use 'packpath'.
  * Completion for :colorscheme does not use 'packpath'.
  * List of test targets incomplete.
  * "make install" changes the help tags file, causing it to differ from the repository.
  * Windows cannot be identified.

2016-03-14 08:24:50 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
d4df412858 - Switch back to GTK+2 because GTK+3 interface seems to be slower.
2016-03-10 09:53:08 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
2aa3e3070b - Updated to revision 1525, fixes the following problems
* Statusline highlighting is sometimes wrong.
  * "J" fails if there are not enough lines.
  * Channel output to file not implemented yet.
  * Channel test is a bit flaky.
  * Channel with disconnected in/out/err is not supported.
  * Channel test: Waiting for a file to appear doesn't work.
  * Cannot write channel err to a buffer.
  * On a high resolution screen the toolbar icons are too small.

2016-03-09 08:19:24 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
c69b6d7259 - Updated to revision 1510, fixes the following problems
* Crash when starting a job fails.
  * Keeping both a variable for a job and the channel it refers to is a hassle.
  * Channel test fails on AppVeyor.

2016-03-08 08:14:34 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
55334b9bd2 - Updated to revision 1506, fixes the following problems
* No error message when :packadd does not find anything.
  * Garbage collection with an open channel is not tested.
  * Writing last-but-one line of buffer to a channel isn't implemented yet.
  * Crash when using ch_getjob().
  * No test for reading last-but-one line.
  * When channel log is enabled get too many "looking for messages" log entries.
  * Job cannot read from a file.

2016-03-07 08:18:20 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
c38fcecde8 -
2016-03-06 08:31:46 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
06a357eaca - Updated to revision 1485, fixes the following problems
* When using hangulinput with utf-8 a CSI character is misintepreted.
  * Function arguments marked as unused while they are not.
  * Test_reltime is flaky, it depends on timing.
  * ":loadplugin" doesn't take care of ftdetect files.
  * No test for ":loadplugin".
  * Cannot add a pack direcory without loading a plugin.
  * "timeout" option not supported on ch_eval*().
  * A one-time callback is not used for a raw channel.
  * Channel "err-io" value "out" is not supported.
  * Job input from buffer is not implemented.

2016-03-04 11:12:24 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
f9ded1e4ff - Updated to revision 1474, fixes the following problems
* Sort test doesn't test with "1" argument.
  * Channel test sometimes fails, especially on OS/X.
  * Coverity reports missing restore.
  * Missing out-of-memory check.  And Coverity warning.
  * Can't build without the autocommand feature.
  * Compiler warnings without the float feature.

2016-03-03 07:59:00 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
473c82d113 -
2016-03-01 11:10:33 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
0a29cbb6dc - Updated to revision 1467, fixes the following problems
* Error when reading fails uses wrong errno.  Keeping channel open
    after job stops results in test failing.
  * The "out-io" option for jobs is not implemented yet.
  * When encoding JSON, turning NaN and Infinity into null without
    giving an error is not useful.
  * JSON encoding doesn't handle surrogate pair.
  * Can't get buffer number of a channel.
  * Using empty name instead of no name for channel buffer.
  * Memory corruption when 'encoding' is not utf-8.
  * Crash when using json_decode().
  * Memory leak when using ch_read().
  * JSON tests fail if 'encoding' is not utf-8.
  * Json encoding still fails when encoding is not utf-8.
  * Vim hangs when a channel has a callback but isn't referenced.
  * Test 87 fails with Python 3.5.
  * Opening a channel with select() is not done properly.
  * When a JSON channel has a callback it may never be cleared.
  * When the argument of sort() is zero or empty it fails.

2016-03-01 08:44:43 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
95d0908564 -
2016-02-26 11:53:42 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
e9c32e6337 - Updated to revision 1421, fixes the following problems
* When calling ch_close() the close callback is invoked,
    even though the docs say it isn't.
  * Using "u_char" intead of "char_u", which doesn't work everywhere.
  * Tests slowed down because of the "not a terminal" warning.
  * May free a channel when a callback may need to be invoked.

2016-02-26 08:22:38 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
dd3d44bcba - Disable sniff support, its unmaintained.
2016-02-24 19:56:17 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
87f1939bc6 -
2016-02-24 09:46:37 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
7389e26595 -
2016-02-24 09:11:31 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
2a18ba572f -
2016-02-23 08:30:20 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
0bcdcbe57b - Drop vim-7.1.314-CVE-2009-0316-debian.patch, Python 2.7 has
the appropriate fix.

2016-02-22 13:18:20 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
8099e65826 -
2016-02-22 09:58:43 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
030d150c11 -
2016-02-19 08:55:59 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
54a2adcb32 - Updated to revision 1353, fixes the following problems
* Compiler warnings in build with -O2.
  * When there is any error Vim will use a non-zero exit code.
  * When the test server fails to start Vim hangs.
  * When the port isn't opened yet when ch_open() is called it may
    fail instead of waiting for the specified time.
  * The test script lists all functions before executing them.

2016-02-19 08:41:52 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
f3ec0c0e1d -
2016-02-18 11:13:27 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
2c6170b24e - Updated to revision 1328, fixes the following problems
* Cursor changes column with up motion when the matchparen
    plugin saves and restores the cursor position. (Martin Kunev)
  * "\%1l^#.*" does not match on a line starting with "#".
  * Channel with pipes doesn't work in GUI.
  * Crash when unletting the variable that holds the channel
    in a callback function.
  * Can't compile with +job but without +channel.

2016-02-16 10:03:07 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
7f2f41c1b4 - Updated to revision 1294, fixes the following problems
* copy() and deepcopy() fail with special variables.
  * Encoding {'key':} to JSON doesn't give an error.
  * assert_false(v:false) reports an error.
  * When jsonencode() fails it still returns something.
  * jsonencode() is not producing strict JSON.
  * Crash when evaluating the pattern of ":catch" causes an error.
  * The job feature isn't available on MS-Windows.
  * ch_open() with a timeout doesn't work correctly.
  * ch_sendexpr() does not use JS encoding.
- Temporarily disable vim-7.3-diff_check.patch

2016-02-09 12:42:54 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
043cba3d5a -
2016-01-29 09:26:03 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
a9ad12fddf - Updated to revision 1194, fixes the following problems
* New lines in the viminfo file are dropped.
  * Old style tests for the argument list.
  * Generated function prototypes still have __ARGS().
  * Wrong argument to assert_exception() causes a crash.
  * Illegal memory access when using :copen and :cclose.
  * When running gvim in the foreground some icons are missing.
  * Recognizing <sid> does not work when the language is Turkish.
  * Using searchpair() with a skip expression that uses syntax
    highlighting sometimes doesn't work.
  * Cannot define keyword characters for a syntax file.
  * Can't sort on floating point numbers.
  * Default features are conservative.
  * Conflict for "chartab".
  * Using the local value of 'errorformat' causes more problems than it solves.
  * 'langmap' applies to the first character typed in Select mode.
  * Langmap test fails with normal build.
  * Autocommands triggered by quickfix cannot always get the current title value.
  * No support for JSON.
  * Build with normal features fails.
  * Coverity warns for NULL pointer and ignoring return value.
  * type() does not work for v:true, v:none, etc.
  * Automatically generated function prototypes use __ARGS.
  * No error for jsondecode('"').
  * ":argadd" without argument is supposed to add the current buffer name to the arglist.
  * Missing error number in MzScheme.
  * Expressions "0 + v:true" and "'' . v:true" cause an error.
  * No tests for "is" and "isnot" with the new variables.
  * This doesn't give the right result: eval(string(v:true)).
  * No test for new behavior of v:true et al.

2016-01-29 08:52:11 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
970e634657 - Updated to revision 1130, fixes the following problems
* Repeating CTRL-A doesn't work.
  * No tests for :hardcopy and related options.
  * When making a change while need_wait_return is set there is a two second delay.
  * With 'rightleft' and concealing the cursor may move to the wrong position.
  * Vim can create a directory but not delete it.
  * When using ":next" with an illegal file name no error is reported.
  * Using {ns} in variable name does not work. (lilydjwg)
  * delete() does not work well with symbolic links.
  * delete(x, 'rf') does not delete files starting with a dot.
  * No longer get "." and ".." in directory list.
  * argidx() has a wrong value after ":%argdelete". (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
  * delete(x, 'rf') fails if a directory is empty. (Lcd)
  * Using ":argadd" when there are no arguments results in the second
    argument to be the current one. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
  * There is no perleval().
  * Can only get the directory of the current window.
  * Python None value can't be converted to a Vim value.
  * Memory leak in :vimgrep.

2016-01-18 20:38:30 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
d737a42de9 - Updated to revision 1087, fixes the following problems
* CTRL-A and CTRL-X work badly with blockwise visual selection

2016-01-11 08:11:36 +00:00