forked from pool/vim

523 Commits

Author SHA256 Message Date
Ismail Dönmez
e6ef350dfb Accepting request 876221 from home:lnussel:branches:editors
- install suse vimrc in /usr (boo#1182324, vim-8.0.1568-globalvimrc.patch).
  Add back some settings from defaults.vim that were in suse.vimrc before
- prevent double loading of spec.vim

2021-03-02 19:20:36 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
d614f5a310 Accepting request 876001 from home:mgerstner:branches:editors
  * use https:// URL for authenticity. For this URL needs to be changed to which is the actual server behind this and the SSL certificate
    only works for this URL.
  * Check for number of arguments.
  * Maintain leading zeroes in version arguments, otherwise things
    like ` 0007 0010` fail to work.

2021-03-01 16:43:07 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
c6d85ad3bb Accepting request 873512 from home:lnussel:branches:editors
- source correct suse.vimrc file (boo#1182324)

2021-02-19 06:34:04 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
c31105320c Accepting request 867668 from home:lnussel:usrmove
- remove forcing /usr/bin/vi -> vim symlink. Previous line linked to
  /etc/alternatives already. 

FTR this is a minimial change to fix the file list. I do believe
/usr/bin/vi as slave link is wrong though.
As long as all variants are vim anyways, we should just package
/usr/bin/vi in -common linking to vim as vim is already handled by
Alternatively, if we do want to prepare for different vi
implementations, vi actually would need to be master for other vi
packages that would obviously not handle vim as master.

2021-01-29 12:11:02 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
df204095ab Accepting request 867401 from home:DKarakasilis:branches:editors
Updated to version 8.2.2411, fixes the following problems
  * Debugging code included.
  * Some test files may not be deleted.
  * Not all ways Vim can be started are tested.
  * Vim9: crash when using :trow in a not executed block.
  * Vim9: wrong error when modifying dict declared with :final.
  * Vim9: missing :endif not reported when using :windo.
  * Vim9: warning for uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
  * Pascal-like filetypes not always detected.
  * Vim9: "silent return" does not restore command modifiers.
  * Vim9: it is not possible to extend a dictionary with different item types.
  * Configure test for GTK only says "no". (Harm te Hennepe)
  * Vim9: no error if using job_info() result wrongly.
  * Cannot get the type of a value as a string.
  * win_execute() unexpectedly returns number zero when failing.
  * Expression command line completion shows variables but not functions after
  "g:". (Gary Johnson)
  * "char" functions return the wront column in Insert mode when the cursor
  is beyond the end of the line.
  * Vim9: return type of readfile() is any.
  * Using inclusive index for slice is not always desired.
  * No focus events in a terminal.
  * Codecov reports every little coverage drop.
  * Build failure without GUI.
  * No check for modified files after focus gained. (Mathias Stearn)
  * Vim9: cannot handle line break after parenthesis at line end.
  * Using "void" for no reason.
  * Vim9: error message for "throw" in function that was called with "silent!".
  * If the focus lost/gained escape sequence is received twice it is not
  ignored. (Christ van Willigen)
  * Spartql files are not detected.
  * Crash with a weird combination of autocommands.
  * Stray test failure on Appveyor.
  * Vim9: ":put =expr" does not handle a list properly.
  * Vim9: crash when parsing function return type fails.
  * Wrong #ifdef for use_xterm_like_mouse().
  * Strange test failure with MS-Windows.
  * Test leaves file behind.
  * Vim9: no highlight for "s///gc" when using 'opfunc'.
  * Vim9: check of builtin function argument type is incomplete.
  * Vim9: line break in lambda accesses freed memory.
  * Vim9: no check for map() changing item type at script level.
  * When using ":sleep" the cursor is always displayed.
  * Test failures on some less often used systems.
  * Insufficient tests for setting options.
  * Vim9: functions return true/false but can't be used as bool.
  * Vim9: command fails in catch block.
  * Vim9: crash when using types in :for with unpack.
  * Confusing error message for wrong :let command.
  * Vim9: list assignment only accepts a number index.
  * Accessing uninitialized memory in test_undo.
  * Test for RGB color skipped in the terminal.
  * Vim9: crash when dividing by zero in compiled code using constants.
  * Vim9: crash when using a range after another expression.
  * Vim9: no error message for dividing by zero.
  * Finding spell suggestions twice if 'spellsuggest' contains number.
  * Vim9: occasional crash when using try/catch and a timer.
  * Vim9: divide by zero does not abort expression execution.
  * Build failure.
  * Focus escape sequences are not named in ":set termcap" output.
  * Turtle filetype not recognized.
  * "gj" and "gk" do not work correctly when inside a fold.
  * Vim9: crash when using ":silent! put".
  * Runtime type check does not mention argument index.
  * No easy way to get the maximum or mininum number value.
  * Test failure on a few systems.
  * Vim9: using positive offset is unexpected.
  * Memory leak when creating a global function with closure.
  * Fennel filetype not recognized.
  * Vim9: error message when script line starts with "[{".
  * Vim9: min() and max() return type is "any".
  * Vim9: error for wrong type may report wrong line number.
  * Vim9: no white space allowed before "->".
  * Vim9: "%%" not seen as alternate file name for commands with a buffer
  name argument.
  * Method test fails.
  * Fold test fails in wide terminal.
  * Vim9: compiled functions are not profiled.
  * Build fails without +profiling feature.
  * Some filetypes not detected.
  * Vim9: profiling if/elseif/endif not correct.
  * Vim9: profiling try/catch not correct.
  * Vim9: no need to allow white space before "(" for :def.
  * Vim9: profiled :def function leaks memory.
  * Old jumplist code is never used.
  * MinGW: "--preprocessor" flag no longer supported.
  * Vim9: profiling only works for one function.
  * Build failure without the +profiling feature.
  * Profile test fails on MS-Windows.

2021-01-28 12:22:22 +00:00
875af4b945 - Updated to version 8.2.2327, fixes the following problems
* Insert mode completion messages end up in message history.
  * Vim9: crash when lambda uses same var as assignment.
  * Padding not drawn properly for popup window with title.
  * Vim9: checking for a non-empty string is too strict.
  * Vim9: get E1099 when autocmd triggered in builtin function.
  * Vim9: #{ still seen as start of dict in some places.
  * Vim9: Using uninitialized variable.
  * Vim9: :echo and :execute give error for empty argument.
  * Vim9: "exit_cb" causes Vim to exit.
  * Vim9: unreachable code in assignment.
  * Build failure with tiny features.
  * A user command with try/catch may not catch an expression error.
  * Memory leak when heredoc is not terminated.
  * Vim9: dead code in compiling :unlet.
  * Vim9: some corner cases not tested.
  * Vim9: concatenating lists does not adjust type of result.
  * Vim9: automatic conversion of number to string for dict key.
  * Quickfix window title not updated in all tab pages.
  * Vim9: crash when user command doesn't match.
  * Popupwin test for latin1 sometimes fails.
  * Github actions CI isn't used for all available platforms.
  * $dir not expanded when configure checks for moonjit.
  * screenpos() does not include the WinBar offset.
  * Popupwin test for latin1 still fails sometimes.
  * Popupwin test for terminal buffer fails sometimes.
  * Warning from Github actions for code analysis.
  * Github actions run on pusing a tag.
  * Vim9: can delete a Vim9 script variable from a function.
  * CI on cirrus times out, coveralls doesn't always run.

2021-01-11 16:20:33 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
07b3835a74 Accepting request 855308 from home:badshah400:branches:editors
Update to version 8.2.2129 to fix multiple problems. Main issue fixed is, which caused the menubar text to become unreadable when using dark colorschemes.

2020-12-12 17:29:27 +00:00
e72cb585c1 - Updated to version 8.2.2105, fixes the following problems
* Viminfo is not written when creating a new file.
  * Terminal buffer disappears even when 'bufhidden' is "hide". (Sergey Vlasov)
  * Haskell filetype not optimally recognized.
  * Build failure with +profile but without +reltime.
  * GTK3: white border around text stands out.
  * Highlighting a character too much with incsearch.
  * Some test failures don't give a clear error.
  * Amiga: FEAT_ARP defined when it should not.
  * Amiga: obsolete code.
  * Amiga: obsolete function.
  * Search test contains unneeded sleeps.
  * Vim9: crash when aborting a user function call.
  * Vim9: "edit +4 fname" gives an error. (Naruhiko Nishino)
  * Vim9: lamba doesn't accept argument types.
  * Configure fails when building with the "implicit-function-declaration"
  error enabled, specifically on Mac.
  * Getting the selection may trigger TextYankPost autocmd.
  * Using mkview/loadview changes the jumplist.
  * Check for features implemented with "if".
  * Vim9: E1030 error when using empty string for term_sendkeys().
  * <Cmd> does not handle CTRL-V.
  * Vim9: only one level of indexing supported.
  * terminal: cursor is on while redrawing, causing flicker.
  * Using map() and filter() on a range() is inefficient.
  * Vim9: assignment with += doesn't work.
  * Cursor position in popup terminal is wrong.
  * Transparent syntax item uses start/end of containing region.
  * The quickfix window is not updated after setqflist().
  * Can't get the exit value in VimLeave or VimLeavePre autocommands.

2020-12-07 07:10:28 +00:00
1b66eac537 - Updated to version 8.2.2039, fixes the following problems
* Cannot backspace in prompt buffer after using cursor-left. (Maxim Kim)
  * Vim9: error for using a string in a condition is confusing.
  * Making a mapping work in all modes is complicated.
  * "term_opencmd" option of term_start() is truncated. (Sergey Vlasov)
  * Vim9: some tests are not done at the script level.
  * MinGW: parallel compilation might fail.
  * Quickfix window not updated when adding invalid entries.
  * ml_get error when using <Cmd> to open a terminal.
  * Cannot use :vimgrep in omni completion, causing C completion to fail.
  * Crash when closing terminal popup with <Cmd> mapping.
  * Expression test is flaky on Appveyor.
  * Still in Insert mode when opening terminal popup with a <Cmd> mapping
  in Insert mode.
  * Info popup triggers WinEnter and WinLeave autocommands.
  * Cursor position wrong in terminal popup with finished job.
  * Coverity warns for not using the ga_grow() return value.
  * Build fails with small features.
  * Occasional failure of the netbeans test.
  * The popup menu can cause too much redrawing.
  * Vim9: invalid error for argument of extend().
  * Window changes when using bufload() while in a terminal popup.
  * Terminal Cmd test sometimes fails to close popup.
  * Terminal popup test sometimes fails.
  * Vim9: dict.key assignment not implemented yet.
  * Vim9: :def function does not apply 'maxfuncdepth'.
  * Vim9: lambda argument shadowed by function name.
  * Build error with +conceal but without +popupwin.
  * Compiler warning for uninitialized variable.
  * Redoing a mapping with <Cmd> doesn't work properly.

2020-11-25 09:53:48 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
b0675d2f63 Accepting request 850581 from home:lnussel:usrmove
- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961)

2020-11-24 17:49:03 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
c3f2180e3b Accepting request 848116 from home:jgwang:branches:editors
version update to 8.2.1975

2020-11-12 14:51:53 +00:00
a25b8ef2c8 - Updated to version 8.2.1955, fixes the following problems
* Vim9: command modifiers do not work.
  * Variable completion does not work in command line window.
  * Default option values are changed when using :badd for an existing buffer.
  * Buffer test fails with normal features.
  * Still using default option values after using ":badd +1".
  * The wininfo list may contain stale entries.
  * Warning for signed/unsigned.
  * Complete_info().selected may be wrong.
  * Lua is initialized even when not used.
  * Number of status line items is limited to 80.
  * Reading past the end of the command line.
  * Tiny build fails.
  * With Python 3.9 some tests fail.
  * GTK GUI: rounding for the cell height is too strict.
  * Vim9: cannot put line break in expression for '=' register.
  * Vim9: error for wrong number of arguments is not useful.
  * Vim9: function call is aborted even when "silent!" is used.
  * No test for improved Man command.
  * Vim9: E1100 mentions :let.
  * Assert_fails() setting emsg_silent changes normal execution.
  * Listlbr test fails when run after another test.
  * Fuzzy matching does not recognize path separators.
  * Win32: scrolling doesn't work properly when part of window is off-screen.
  * Vim9: "filter" command modifier doesn't work.
  * Vim9: crash when indexing dict with NULL key.
  * List/dict test fails.
  * Cannot use a space in 'spellfile'. (Filipe Brandenburger)
  * Vim9: get unknown error with an error in a timer function.
  * Vim9: "silent!" not effective when list index is wrong.

2020-11-05 11:45:55 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
5b06fdbbc5 Accepting request 845542 from home:cboltz:branches:editors
- apparmor.vim: update from AppArmor 3.0
  - add capability checkpoint_restore

2020-11-03 10:08:09 +00:00
3e7041ca72 - Updated to version 8.2.1900, fixes the following problems
* Vim9: error message is not clear about compilation error.
  * Vim9: test for compilation error fails in normal build.
  * Crash when USE_FNAME_CASE is defined and using :browse.
  * Netbeans: with huge buffer number memory allocation may fail.
  * Using "q" at the more prompt doesn't stop a long message.
  * Vim9: function defined in a block can't use variables defined in that
  * Vim9: variables declared in a local block are not found in when a function
  is compiled.
  * Vim9: using negative value for unsigned type.
  * Crash when passing a NULL string or list to popup_settext().
  * Vim9: garbage collection frees block-local variables.
  * "vat" does not select tags correctly over line break.
  * Vim9: "!" followed by space incorrectly used.
  * map() returing zero for NULL list is unexpected.
  * "to_f" is recognized at "topleft" modifier.
  * Vim9: crash when throwing exception for NULL string. (Dhiraj Mishra)
  * Vim9: get error message when nothing is wrong.
  * "2resize" uses size of current window. (Daniel Steinberg)
  * Vim9: using job_status() on an unused var gives an error.
  * Vim9: filter functions return number instead of bool.
  * Vim9: crash in unpack assignment.
  * Vim9: memory leak when throwing empty string.
  * Vim9: no specific error when parsing lambda fails.
  * vim9: memory leak when compiling lambda fails.
  * Json code not sufficiently tested.
  * Vim9: no error for wrong list type.
  * Vim9: add() does not check type of argument.
  * Vim9: add() does not check type of argument.

2020-10-25 11:45:34 +00:00
d0b92dcc2e - Updated to version 8.2.1840, fixes the following problems
- refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_changes.patch and vim-8.0.1568-defaults.patch
  * Filetype.vim may be loaded twice.
  * Vim9: some assignment tests in the wrong file.
  * Vim9: returning from a partial call clears outer context, causing a crash.
  * Some debian changelog files are not recognized.
  * Statusline not updated when splitting windows.
  * Writing to prompt buffer interferes with insert mode.
  * Vim9: cannot pass boolean to mapset().
  * Try-catch test fails.
  * commits are not scanned for security problems
  * Compiler warning for strcp() out of bounds. (Christian Brabandt)
  * Various Normal mode commands not fully tested.
  * Crash with 'incsearch' and very long line.
  * Vim9: still allows :let for declarations.
  * Vim9: crash with invalid list constant. (Dhiraj Mishra)
  * Vim9: debugger test fails.
  * Configure does not recognize Racket 6.1+.
  * Not consistently giving the "is a directory" warning.
  * No falsy Coalescing operator.
  * Vim9: operators && and || have a confusing result.
  * Vim9: invalid memory access with weird function name. (Dhiraj Mishra)
  * Vim9: some parts of the code not tested.
  * Vim9: trinary operator condition is too permissive.
  * Some Normal mode commands not fully tested.
  * Vim9: memory leak if "if" condition is invalid.
  * Undo file not found when using ":args" or ":next".
  * Vim9: crash with unterminated dict. (Dhiraj Mishra)
  * A few failures are not tested.
  * resolve('/') returns an empty string.

2020-10-13 06:23:09 +00:00
Martin Pluskal
641c211d38 Accepting request 840335 from home:cboltz:branches:editors
- apparmor.vim: update from latest AppArmor 2.13 branch:
  - add capabilities bpf and perfmon

2020-10-09 07:50:23 +00:00
af7ab93988 - Updated to version 8.2.1775, fixes the following problems
- refreshed vim-7.3-sh_is_bash.patch
  * Vim9: no error if comma is missing in between arguments.
  * Vim9: memory leak with heredoc that isn't executed. (Dominique Pellé)
  * Vim9: cannot assign a lambda to a variable of type function.
  * Vim9: Variable argument name cannot start with underscore.
  * Vim9: assignment tests spread out.
  * Not all Pascal files are recognized.
  * Fuzzy matching only works on strings.
  * A popup created with "cursorline" will ignore "firstline".
  * Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. (John Marriott)
  * Endless loop when ":normal" feeds popup window filter.
  * Vim9: cannot use member of unknown type.
  * Vim9: cannot use += to append to empty NULL list.
  * Stuck when win_execute() for a popup causes an error.
  * Vim9: memory leaks when using nested function.
  * Vim9: cannot use a funcref for a closure twice.
  * Failure to compile a pattern not tested much.
  * Cursor line highlight in popup window is not always updated.
  * Mac: str2float() recognizes comma instead of decimal point.
  * Vim9: crash when compiling a manually defined function. (Antony Scriven)
  * Test fails without the terminal feature.
  * pathshorten() only supports using one character.
  * Test still fails without the terminal feature.
  * Cannot build without the eval feature.
  * Vim9: using ":const!" is weird.
  * Tiny version doesn't build.
  * Vim9: Cannot use "fina" for "finally". (Naruhiko Nishino)
  * Result of expand() unexpectedly depends on 'completeslash'.
  * Closing split window in other tab may cause a crash.

2020-09-30 09:56:48 +00:00
a8a7be792f - Updated to version 8.2.1719, fixes the following problems
* Vim9: error for argument type does not mention the number.
  * Warnings from asan with clang-11. (James McCoy)
  * Crash in edit test.
  * Crash in normal test.
  * Not all tests are executed on Github Actions.
  * Cursorline highlighting always overrules sign highlighting.
  * Crash in :vimgrep when started as "vim -n". (Raul Segura)
  * Signs test fails.
  * s390x tests work again.
  * Using NULL pointers in some code. (James McCoy)
  * Using NULL pointers in fold code.
  * Vim9: error when using "%" where a buffer is expected.
  * Vim9: error when using '%" with setbufvar() or getbufvar().
  * A few remaining errors from ubsan.
  * Spellfile test sometimes fails.
  * Not all Bazel files are recognized.
  * No example to use ubsan with clang.
  * prop_find() skips properties in the same line if "skipstart" is used.
  * Vim9: fixes for functions not tested; failure in getchangelist().
  * Configure check for dirfd() does not work on HPUX. (Michael Osipov)
  * Vim9: count() third argument cannot be "true".
  * Vim9: expand() does not take "true" as argument.
  * Vim9: getreg() does not take "true" as argument.
  * Vim9: glob() doesnot take "true" as argument.
  * Vim9: globpath() doesnot take "true" as argument.
  * Vim9: index() does not take "true" as argument.
  * Vim9: hasmapto(), mapcheck() and maparg() do not take "true" as argument.
  * Vim9: popup_clear() does not take "true" as argument.
  * Reports from asan are not optimal.

2020-09-21 08:21:53 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
270efa0204 Accepting request 834594 from home:dimstar:Factory
- Fix postun scriptlet of vim-small: do not unconditionally
  deregister vim-small as an alternative on uninstall (which
  happens on package upgrades too) (boo#1176549).

2020-09-15 11:44:21 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
77ec2c06eb Accepting request 830932 from home:dirkmueller:branches:editors
- Updated to version 8.2.1551, fixes the following problems
  * Vim: not operator does not result in boolean.
  * Previous tab page not usable from an Ex command.
  * Popupwindow missing last couple of lines when cursor is in the first line.
  * Closing a popup window with CTRL-C interrupts 'statusline' if it calls
  a function.
  * Vim9: boolean evaluation does not work as intended.
  * Test 49 is old style.
  * Vim9: invalid error for missing white space after function.
  * Vim9: not operator applied too early.
  * Test 49 is old style.
  * Vim9: handling "+" and "-" before number differs from Vim script.
  * The Mac GUI implementation is outdated and probably doesn't even work.
  * Vim9: find global function when looking for script-local.
  * Mac build fails.
  * Vim9: cannot use call() without :call.
  * Vim9: cannot call autoload function in :def function.
  * Vim9: cannot use a range with marks in :def function.
  * Vim9: :def function does not abort on nested function error.
  * Vim9: no error for missing white after : in dict.
  * Vim9: error for missing comma instead of extra white space.
  * Vim9: no error for white space before comma in dict.
  * Various inconsistencies in test files.
  * Vim9: cannot mingle comments in multi-line lambda.
  * Vim9: crash when lambda uses outer function argument.
  * Vim9: always converting to string for ".." leads to mistakes.
  * Function implementing :substitute has unexpected name.
  * Vim9: 'statusline' is evaluated using Vim9 script syntax.
  * Missing tests for interrupting script execution from debugger.
  * Tiny and small builds have no test coverage.

2020-09-05 10:31:52 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
5273f22482 Accepting request 831366 from home:kukuk:branches:editors
- Add vi as slave to update-alternatives so that every package
  has a matching "vi" symlink [bsc#1174564].

2020-09-05 10:31:34 +00:00
d2393766a8 - Updated to version 8.2.1412, fixes the following problems
- refreshed vim-7.4-highlight_fstab.patch
  * CTRL-K in Insert mode gets <CursorHold> inserted. (Roland Puntaier)
  * MS-Windows: regexp test may fail if 'iskeyword' set wrongly.
  * Cannot use a lambda with quickfix functions.
  * Vim9: type wrong after getting dict item in lambda.
  * Vim9: list unpack doesn't work at the script level.
  * CursorHold does not work well.a (Shane-XB-Qian)
  * Empty group in 'tabline' may cause using an invalid pointer.
  * There is no good test for CursorHold.
  * Vim9: common type of function not tested.
  * src/ex_cmds.c file is too big.
  * Vim9: comperators use 'ignorecase' in Vim9 script.
  * Terminal getwinpos() test is a bit flaky.
  * Crash with EXITFREE when split() fails.
  * Makefile preferences were accidentally included.
  * Vim9: no error for using double quote comment after :func or :def.
  * Language and locale code spread out.
  * Vim9: not skipping over function type declaration with only a return type.
  * Vim9: Error for Funcref function argument type.
  * Vim9: type not checked if declaration also assigns value.
  * Vim9: no error for missing white space in assignment at script level.
  * Vim9: compiler warning for buffer size.
  * Tests on Travis do not run with EXITFREE.
  * Vim9: line break after "->" only allowed in :def function.
  * Some tests on Travis have EXITFREE duplicated.
  * Ex command error cannot contain an argument.
  * The "trailing characters" error can be hard to understand.
  * Vim9: crash when using CheckScriptFailure() in

2020-08-10 09:09:09 +00:00
b6246a5b3e - Updated to version 8.2.1253, fixes the following problems
* Vim9: crash when using imported function.
  * Vim9: cannot handle line break inside lambda.
  * Vim9: No error for invalid command in compiled function.
  * Vim9: is not recognized as an expression.
  * Vim9: no error for missing space after a comma.
  * Vim9: memory leak in allocated types.
  * Vim9: using freed memory.
  * Text cleared by checking terminal properties not redrawn. (Alexey Radkov)
  * Insufficient testing for the Tcl interface.
  * Once mouse move events are enabled getchar() returns them.
  * Vim9: builtin function method call only supports first argument.
  * Wrong method argument for appendbufline().
  * Write NUL past allocated space using corrupted spell file. (Markus Vervier)
  * Cursor off by one with block paste while 'virtualedit' is "all".
  * Possible crash when out of memory.
  * Error messages when doing "make clean" in the runtime/doc or src/tee
  * Tee doesn't build on some systems.
  * No test for the "recording @x" message.
  * Vim9: Cannot split a line before ".member".
  * Vim9: not enough type checking in Vim9 script.
  * Terminal2 test sometimes hangs in the GUI.
  * Vim9: filter function recognized as command modifier, leading to a crash.
  * Test_termwinscroll() sometimes hangs in the GUI.
  * Build failure in small version.
  * Json code not fully tested.
  * Vim9: no check for whitespace after comma in lambda.
  * assert_fails() checks the last error message.
  * Some tests fail.

2020-07-20 11:28:43 +00:00
3e75535292 - Updated to version 8.2.1154, fixes the following problems
* Vim9 test fails without job feature.
  * Running channel tests may leave running process behind.
  * Vim9: closure cannot store value in outer context.
  * Vim9: memory leak in disassemble test.
  * Indent tests don't run on CI for FreeBSD.
  * Vim9: using assert_fails() causes function to finish.
  * Vim9 function test fails.
  * Vim9: constant expressions are not simplified.
  * Netbeans test sometimes fails.
  * With a long running Vim the temp directory might be cleared on some
  * Various code not fully tested.
  * The pam_environment file is not recognized.
  * Vim9: handling constant expression does not scale.
  * Vim9: leaking memory.
  * Vim9: another memory leak.
  * Vim9: postponed constant expressions does not scale.
  * Gcc warning for returning pointer to local variable. (John Marriott)
  * Vim9: more expressions can be evaluated at compile time
  * Occasional exit when encountering an X error. (Manfred Lotz)
  * Vim9: leaking memory when skipping.
  * Vim9: not handling constant expression for elseif.
  * Vim9: nested constant expression not evaluated compile time.
  * Vim9: appending to buffer/window/tab variable not tested
  * Vim9: cannot call a function declared later in Vim9 script.
  * Vim9: leaking memory when calling not compiled :def function.
  * Messages about a deadly signal are not left aligned.
  * Vim9: When reloading a script variables are not cleared.
  * Vim9: Assignment to dict member does not work.

2020-07-08 17:36:52 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
9e9385541e Accepting request 817920 from home:lnussel:branches:editors
- stop owning /etc/vimrc so the old, distro provided config actually
  gets removed. Leaving it around leads to a duplicated autocmd for
  *.spec, leading to spec file template inserted twice.

2020-07-01 10:57:16 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
b3d58285fe Accepting request 816524 from home:lnussel:branches:editors
- own some dirs in vim-data-common so installation of vim-small
  doesn't leave not owned directories (boo#1173256)

2020-06-23 08:44:43 +00:00
82210ee5ca Accepting request 811871 from home:lnussel:branches:editors
- remove duplicated settings in defaults.vim from SUSE vimrc
- move SUSE vim settings to /usr in data-common package so leave
  /etc/vimrc to the admin.
- require data-common in vim-small so it gets the settings
- install spec file template as plugin as vim-small doesn't support

2020-06-05 16:23:31 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
aa45c45e7f Accepting request 808013 from home:cboltz:branches:editors
- apparmor.vim: update from latest AppArmor 2.13 branch:
  - allow alias rules with leading whitespace
  - allow 'include if exists' rules

2020-05-21 15:19:40 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
b58d38f287 Accepting request 805626 from home:lnussel:branches:editors
- introduce vim-small package with reduced requirements for small
- BuildRequire pkg-config(krb5) instead of krb5-mini to be able to
  build against Tumbleweed repo

2020-05-14 15:24:57 +00:00
Martin Pluskal
574cc3457d Accepting request 800596 from home:polslinux:branches:editors
- Update to version 8.2.0701 (no changelog)
- Rebase no-common.patch
- Rebase disable-unreliable-tests.patch

2020-05-06 08:44:02 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
4206676734 Accepting request 797626 from home:AndreasStieger:branches:editors
- update spec.skeleton to current header generated by spec-cleaner

2020-04-25 12:11:34 +00:00
5e5f98e189 - Updated to version 8.2.0530, fixes the following problems
* Vim9: not all code tested.
  * Vim9: constant expression not well tested.
  * Vim9: expression tests don't use recognized constants.
  * Terminal in popup test is still a bit flaky.
  * Vim9: while loop not tested.
  * Python 3.9 does not define _Py_DEC_REFTOTAL. (Zdenek Dohnal)
  * Vim9: str_val is confusing, it's a number
  * Cannot delete a text property matching both id and type. (Axel Forsman)
  * Insufficient testing for indent.c.
  * popup_atcursor() may hang. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
  * Yaml files are only recognized by the file extension.
  * Internal error when using "0" for a callback.
  * Some Normal mode commands not tested.
  * Printf test failing on Haiku.
  * Tag kind can't be a multi-byte character. (Marcin Szamotulski)
  * Hardcopy command not tested enough.
  * Can use :pedit in a popup window.
  * Vim9: import that redefines local variable does not fail.
  * Various Normal mode commands not fully tested.
  * The typebuf_was_filled flag is sometimes not reset, which may cause a hang.
  * Crash with combination of terminal popup and autocmd.
  * Prop_find() may not find text property at start of the line.
  * Type of term_sendkeys() is unknown.
  * Using wrong printf directive for jump location.
  * Coverity warning for not using return value.
  * Nasty callback test fails on some systems.
  * No CI test for a big-endian system.
  * prop_find() does not find all props.
  * Gcc warns for ambiguous else.

2020-04-09 10:00:44 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
d9ed24658f - Disable more tests failing randomly on OBS:
* test_arglist
    * test_command_count
    * test_diffmode
    * test_mksession
    * test_startup
    * test_window_cmd

2020-03-31 14:30:46 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
6afa654f40 - Add no-common.patch to make longVersion extern in all cases,
fixes build with gcc10 bsc#1160418

2020-03-27 08:30:24 +00:00
Martin Pluskal
8cba39f26c Accepting request 785392 from home:cboltz:branches:editors
- apparmor.vim: fix typo in setfcap capability (taken from AppArmor 2.13.4)

2020-03-16 07:13:25 +00:00
4963255e74 - Updated to version 8.2.0348, fixes the following problems
* Short name not set for terminal buffer.
  * Build failure on HP-UX system.
  * ex_getln.c code has insufficient test coverage.
  * MSVC: _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE not defined on DEBUG build.
  * Vim9: types not sufficiently tested.
  * File missing in distribution, comments outdated.
  * No Haiku support.
  * Vim9: ":execute" does not work yet.
  * Vim9: error checks not tested.
  * Vim9: calling a function that is defined later is slow.
  * Text property not updated correctly when inserting/deleting.
  * Ex_getln.c code not covered by tests.
  * Compiler warning for using uninitialized variable. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
  * Crash when opening and closing two popup terminal windows.
  * No redraw when leaving terminal-normal mode in a terminal popup window.
  * Popup filter converts 0x80 bytes.
  * Build error with popup window but without terminal.
  * Internal error when using test_void() and test_unknown(). (Dominique Pelle)
  * Some code in ex_getln.c not covered by tests.
  * Terminal in popup test is flaky.
  * Abort called when using test_void(). (Dominique Pelle)
  * No completion for :disassemble.
  * Vim9: insufficient test coverage for compiling.
  * Build fails on a few systems.
  * Build failure without the channel feature.
  * Vim9: function return type may depend on arguments.
  * Vim9: function and partial types not tested.
  * Using ":for" in Vim9 script gives an error.
  * Some code in ex_getln.c not covered by tests.

2020-03-03 12:30:40 +00:00
eb9c617960 - Updated to version 8.2.0314, fixes the following problems
- refreshed vim-7.3-filetype_spec.patch 
  * Cannot recognize a terminal in a popup window.
  * ModifyOtherKeys cannot be temporarily disabled.
  * Terminal in popup test sometimes fails.
  * Several lines of code are duplicated.
  * Some code not covered by tests.
  * Fileformat test fails on MS-Windows.
  * A few new Vim9 messages are not localized.
  * Fileformat test still fails on MS-Windows.
  * "eval" after "if 0" doesn't check for following command.
  * Terminal in popup test sometimes fails on Mac.
  * No check for a following command when calling a function fails.
  * Trycatch test fails.
  * Vim9: operator after list index does not work. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
  * Some code not covered by tests.
  * The "num64" feature is available everywhere and building without it
  causes problems.
  * ":helptags ALL" gives error for directories without write
  permission. (Matěj Cepl)
  * Hang with combination of feedkeys(), Ex mode and :global. (Yegappan
  * Some Ex code not covered by tests.
  * Vim9: not allowing space before ")" in function call is too
  restrictive. (Ben Jackson)
  * Vim9: not all instructions covered by tests.
  * Channel test is flaky on Mac.
  * Vim9: no test for deleted :def function.
  * Vim9: throw in :def function not caught higher up.
  * Two placed signs in the same line are not combined.  E.g. in the terminal

2020-02-25 12:52:48 +00:00
e0a8227987 - Updated to version 8.2.0257, fixes the following problems
* Vim9 script commands not sufficiently tested.
  * Cannot assign to an imported variable.
  * When 'lazyredraw' is set the window title may not be updated.
  * :helptags and some other functionality not tested.
  * Crash when using winnr('j') in a popup window.
  * Error code E899 used twice.
  * Calling Vim9 function using default argument fails.
  * Crash when missing member type on list argument.
  * Fnamemodify() does not apply ":~" when followed by ":.".
  * Function a bit far away from where it's used.
  * Coverity complains about uninitialized field.
  * Test for ANSI colors fails without an "ls" command.
  * Missing search/substitute pattern hardly tested.
  * Configure does not recognize gcc 10.0 and later.
  * A popup window with a terminal can be made hidden.
  * Wrong file name shortening. (Ingo Karkat)
  * Several Vim9 instructions are not tested.
  * Terminal test fails on Mac.
  * Several Vim9 instructions are not tested.
  * Terminal test still fails on Mac.
  * Terminal test did pass on Mac.
  * No test for Vim9 += and ..=.
  * Vim9: optional function arguments don't work yet.
  * Some instructions not yet tested.
  * compiling :elseif not tested yet.
  * compiling lambda not tested yet.
  * Compiling for loop not tested.
  * Compiling a few instructions not tested.
  * Configure does not recognize gcc version on BSD.

2020-02-14 15:02:44 +00:00
2c5074a250 - Refreshed disable-unreliable-tests.patch and vim-7.3-help_tags.patch
- Updated to version 8.2.0200, fixes the following problems
  * Message test fails on some platforms. (Elimar Riesebieter)
  * virtcol() does not check arguments to be valid, which may lead to a crash.
  * filter() and map() on blob don't work.
  * complete_info() does not work when CompleteDone is triggered.
  * Compiler warnings for variable types.
  * :mode no longer works for any system.
  * Textprop test fails.
  * Some buffer commands work in a popup window.
  * Cannot list options one per line.
  * Python3 ranges are not tested.
  * Command line is not cleared when switching tabs and the command line
  height differs.
  * Script may be re-used when deleting and creating a new one.
  * Invalid memory access with search command.
  * Some map functionality not covered by tests.
  * Bracketed paste can still cause invalid memory access. (Dominique Pelle)
  * Stray ch_logfile() call.
  * Crash when using win_execute() from a new tab.
  * Memory leak when starting a job fails.
  * No swift filetype detection.
  * Possible to enter popup window with CTRL-W p. (John Devin)
  * Coverity warning for possible use of NULL pointer.
  * Some mapping code is not fully tested.
  * Using #error for compilation errors should be OK now.
  * Wrong indent when 'showbreak' and 'breakindent' are set and 'briopt'
  includes "sbr".
  * Block Visual mode operators not correct when 'linebreak' set.
  * Mapping related function in wrong source file.

2020-02-03 09:20:41 +00:00
9c88d7a120 - Updated to version 8.2.0119, fixes the following problems
* Printf formats are not exactly right.
  * Hgignore is out of sync from gitignore.
  * When sign text is changed a manual redraw is needed. (Pontus Lietzler)
  * Corrupted text properties when expanding spaces.
  * prop_find() is not implemented.
  * VAR_SPECIAL is also used for booleans.
  * Illegal memory access when using 'cindent'.
  * "make cmdidxs" fails.
  * Info about sourced scripts is scattered.
  * Byte2line() does not work correctly with text properties. (Billie Cleek)
  * BufEnter autocmd not triggered on ":tab drop". (Andy Stewart)
  * Crash when using gettabwinvar() with invalid arguments. (Yilin Yang)
  * Crash when cycling to buffers involving popup window .
  * Message test fails on some platforms. (Elimar Riesebieter)
  * Wrong size argument to vim_snprintf(). (Dominique Pelle)
  * Diffmode completion doesn't use per-window setting.
  * Some corners of vim_snprintf() are not tested.
  * ERROR_UNKNOWN clashes on some systems.
  * Crash when using Python 3 with "utf32" encoding. (Dominique Pelle)
  * ETYPE_ is used for two different enums.
  * Crash when using Python 3 with "debug" encoding. (Dominique Pelle)
  * Initializing globals with COMMA is clumsy.
  * Python 3 unicode test sometimes fails.
  * Python 3 unicode test still sometimes fails.
  * settagstack() cannot truncate at current index.
  * Expanding <sfile> works differently the second time.
  * Python 3 unicode test still fails on MS-Windows.
  * Globals using INIT4() are not in the tags file.
  * When reusing a buffer listeners are not cleared. (Axel Forsman)

2020-01-15 12:55:21 +00:00
20747e61d9 - Updated to version 8.2.0063, fixes the following problems
* #endif comments do not reflect corresponding #ifdef.
  * "dj" only deletes first line of closed fold.
  * Build file dependencies are incomplete.
  * Get E685 and E931 if buffer reload is interrupted.
  * Duplication in version info.
  * Test using long file name may fail. (Vladimir Lomov)
  * Popup menu positioned wrong with folding in two tabs.
  * Test72 is old style.
  * Test64 is old style.
  * Screen updating wrong when opening preview window.
  * Some undo functionality is not tested.
  * Not using a typedef for condstack.
  * Test69 and test95 are old style.
  * Not all modeline variants are tested.
  * Test name used twice, option not restored properly.
  * :join does not add white space where it should. (Zdenek Dohnal)
  * Cannot get number of lines of another buffer.
  * Mouse clicks in the command line not tested.
  * Click in popup window doesn't close it in the GUI. (Sergey Vlasov)
  * Command line editing not sufficiently tested.
  * Filetype Rego not recognized.
  * Repeated word in comment.
  * Still some /* */ comments.
  * Searchpairpos() is not tested.
  * "gF" does not work on output of "verbose command".
  * Crash when make_extmatch() runs out of memory.
  * Missing check for out of memory.
  * Saving and restoring called_emsg is clumsy.
  * Not enough test coverage for match functions.

2019-12-30 21:14:10 +00:00
fa4709c4f4 - Update to version 8.2.0000
* make depend" does not work correctly for libvterm.
 * Crash when calling popup_close() in win_execute()
 * With a long file name the hit-enter prompt appears.
 * bufnr('$') is wrong after recycling popup buffer.
 * loading menus sets v:errmsg.
 * popup menu flickers if an info popup is used.
 * Crash when evaluating expression with error.
 * Function argument copied unnecessarily.
 * syntax menu and build instructions outdated.
 * matchadd_conceal test fails under valgrind.
 * :cexpr does not handle | in expression.
 * Use // comments where appropriate.
 * 'wincolor' is not used for 'listchars'.
 * Opening cmdline window with feedkeys() does not work.

2019-12-13 11:10:26 +00:00
bc620d1439 - Updated to version 8.1.2383, fixes the following problems
+ refreshed patches: vim-7.3-help_tags.patch
  * Cannot get the Vim command line arguments.
  * get_short_pathname() fails depending on encoding.
  * "C" with 'virtualedit' set does not include multi-byte char.
  * Ml_get error if pattern matches beyond last line.
  * Mode() result after usign "r" depends on whether CURSOR_SHAPE is
  defined. (Christian Brabandt)
  * Error in docs tags goes unnoticed.
  * Popup window width changes when scrolling.
  * Match highlight does not combine with 'wincolor'.
  * Creating docs tags uses user preferences. (Tony Mechelynck)
  * 'wrapscan' is not used for "gn".
  * Third character of 'listchars' tab shows in wrong place when 'breakindent'
  is set.
  * Some tests are still in old style.
  * "make vimtags" does not work in runtime/doc.
  * CTRL-W dot does not work in a terminal when modifyOtherKeys is enabled.
  * "make vimtags" does not print any message.
  * CTRL-U and CTRL-D don't work in popup window.
  * ":term command" may not work without a shell.
  * Compiler warning for int size.
  * Using "which" to check for an executable is not reliable.
  * May get hit-enter prompt after entering a number. (Malcolm Rowe)
  * Running tests may leave XfakeHOME behind.
  * With modifyOtherKeys set 'noesckeys' doesn't work. (James McCoy)
  * Unpack assignment in function not recognized.
  * 'noesckeys' test fails in GUI.

2019-12-03 14:41:48 +00:00
f90f987446 - Updated to version 8.1.2233, fixes the following problems
- dropped python38-config.patch (upstream merged)
- refreshed  disable-unreliable-tests.patch and vim-8.0.1568-defaults.patch
  * No test for right click extending Visual area.
  * Crash when running out of memory very early.
  * No test for 'ttymouse' set from xterm version response.
  * State test is a bit flaky.
  * Combining text property and syntax highlight is wrong. (Nick Jensen)
  * Quickfix window height wrong when there is a tabline. (Daniel Hahler)
  * In a terminal window 'cursorlineopt' does not work properly.
  * First character after Tab is not highlighted.
  * Libvterm source files missing from distribution.
  * Terminal attributes missing in Terminal-normal mode.
  * Some mappings are listed twice.
  * Cannot build with +syntax but without +terminal.
  * Mapping test fails.
  * Popup resize test is flaky. (Christian Brabandt)
  * Cannot build with +spell but without +syntax.
  * Stuck when using "j" in a popupwin with popup_filter_menu if a line wraps.
  * Rubyeval() not tested as a method.
  * Mapping test fails on MS-Windows.
  * Heredoc assignment not skipped in if block.
  * Terminal flags are never reset.
  * Cannot build without the +termresponse feature.
  * Mouse support not always available.
  * Spell highlight is wrong at start of the line.
  * Searchit() has too many arguments.
  * Screen not recognized as supporting "sgr" mouse codes.
  * Meson files are not recognized.
  * Syntax attributes not combined with Visual highlighting. (Arseny Nasokin)

2019-10-29 12:35:13 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
d08536ff28 Accepting request 742141 from home:mcepl:branches:editors
- Add python38-config.patch to make vim buildable with new Python 3.8.

2019-10-23 13:05:12 +00:00
0da0e8a527 ? weir , different results on local build
2019-10-18 06:55:27 +00:00
e8b34c3040 - Updated to version 8.1.2148, fixes the following problems
* Using "x" before a closed fold may delete that fold.
  * SafeStateAgain not triggered if callback uses feedkeys().
  * Compiler test for Perl may fail.
  * Not easy to jump to function line from profile.
  * "make test" for indent files doesn't cause make to fail.
  * The screen.c file is much too big.
  * Function for ex command is named inconsistently.
  * Fix for "x" deleting a fold has side effects.
  * "precedes" in 'listchars' not used properly.
  * The mouse code is spread out.
  * Some tests fail when +balloon_eval_term is missing but _balloon_eval is
  present. (Dominique Pelle)
  * No tests for state().
  * No tests for SafeState and SafeStateAgain.
  * Test for SafeState and SafeStateAgain may fail.
  * Test for SafeStateAgain may still fail.
  * Mouse code is spread out.
  * When 'wincolor' is set text property changes highlighting. (Andy Stewart)
  * "gk" moves to start of line instead of upwards.
  * When editing a buffer 'colorcolumn' may not work.
  * Test for SafeState autocommand is a bit flaky.
  * Get many log messages when waiting for a typed character.
  * Crash when trying to put a terminal buffer in a popup window.
  * The ops.c file is too big.
  * Build error with +textprop but without +terminal. (Tony Mechelynck)
  * Popup window test fails without +terminal.
  * The terminal API is limited and can't be disabled.
  * The spell.c file is too big.
  * Some files have a weird name to fit in 8.3 characters.

2019-10-14 10:47:54 +00:00
361bccec8e - Updated to version 8.1.2052, fixes the following problems
- refreshed patches:
  * Cleared/added match highlighting not updated in other window. (Andi
  * Still some match functions in evalfunc.c.
  * 'hlsearch' and match highlighting in the wrong place.
  * Build error without the conceal feature.
  * Compiler warning for unused argument.
  * ":dl" is seen as ":dlist" instead of ":delete".
  * Compiler warning for unused variables. (Tony Mechelynck)
  * :args output is not aligned.
  * Coverity warns for using negative index.
  * Depending on the terminal width :version may miss a line break.
  * When redrawing popups plines_win() may be called often.
  * Resizing hashtable is inefficient.
  * Use of popup window mask is inefficient.
  * Build failure.
  * Leaking memory when using a popup window mask.
  * Autocommand that splits window messes up window layout.
  * Text added with appendbufline() to another buffer isn't displayed.
  * Count of g$ not used correctly when text is not wrapped.
  * No mode char for terminal mapping from maparg().
  * Extra line break for wrapping output of :args.
  * Filetype "vuejs" causes problems for some users.
  * Some filetype rules are in the wrong place.
  * Evalfunc.c is still too big.
  * ":browse oldfiles" is not tested.
  * get(func, dict, def) does not work properly.

2019-09-18 10:08:30 +00:00
Martin Pluskal
6e16e1be32 Accepting request 726616 from home:scarabeus_iv:branches:editors
- By default do not put group in specfile as it is optional

2019-08-28 02:14:27 +00:00
Martin Pluskal
21f9214d23 Accepting request 718271 from home:alarrosa:branches:editors
- Update to version 8.1.1741, fixes the following problems
  * Cleared/added match highlighting not updated in other window.
  * Exepath() doesn't work for "bin/cat".
  * Deleted match highlighting not updated in other window.
  * Testing lambda with timer is slow.
  * :args command that outputs one line gives more prompt.
  * Viminfo support is spread out.
  * Can't build with tiny features.
  * The evalfunc.c file is too big.
  * The man ftplugin leaves an empty buffer behind.
  * Completion in cmdwin does not work for buffer-local commands.
  * Command line history not read from viminfo on startup.
  * Wrong place for mark viminfo support.
  * Heredoc with trim not properly handled in function.
  * Wrong place for command line history viminfo support.
  * Code for viminfo support is spread out.
  * The eval.txt help file is too big.
  * MS-Windows: E325 message may use incorrect date format.
  * Too much overhead checking for CTRL-C while processing text.
  * Heredoc assignment has no room for new features.
  * Error when scriptversion is 2 a making a dictionary access.
  * Build failure with normal features without netbeans interface.
  * Crash with very long %[] pattern.
  * Popup too wide when 'showbreak' is set.
  * Popup menu highlighting does not look good.
  * Last char in menu popup window highlighted.
  * Old style comments are wasting space
  * Emoji characters are seen as word characters for spelling.
  * Cannot preview a file in a popup window.
  * Highlighting cursor line only works with popup_menu().

2019-07-24 14:24:02 +00:00