forked from pool/vim
Ismail Dönmez 25cece8c4e - Updated to revision 092, fixes the following problems
* Reading past end of the 'stl' string.
  * byteidx() does not work for composing characters.
  * set_last_cursor() may encounter w_buffer being NULL.  (Matt Mkaniaris)
  * Declaration has wrong return type for PyObject_SetAttrString().
  * Crash when using invalid key in Python dictionary.
  * When replacing a character in Visual block mode, entering a CR does not cause a repeated line break.
  * When recording, the character typed at the hit-enter prompt is recorded twice. (Urtica Dioica)
  * After inserting comment leader, CTRL-\ CTRL-O does move the cursor. (Wiktor Ruben)
  * Cannot right shift lines starting with #.
  * Passing limits around too often.
  * Crash when using Insert mode completion.
  * Setting undolevels for one buffer changes undo in another.
  * When undo'ing all changes and creating a new change the undo structure is incorrect. (Christian Brabandt)
  * Locally setting 'undolevels' is not tested.
  * "cgn" does not wrap around the end of the file. (Dimitrov Dimitrov)
  * A script cannot detect whether 'hlsearch' highlighting is actually displayed.
  * Missing documentation for v:hlsearch.
  * Wrong logic when ANALYZE is "yes".
  * Using "gf" in a changed buffer suggests adding "!", which is not possible. (Tim Chase)
  * It's hard to avoid adding a used pattern to the search history.
  * Python: interrupt not being properly discarded. (Yggdroot Chen)
  * When inserting text in Visual block mode and moving the cursor the wrong text gets repeated in other lines.
  * Skipping over an expression when not evaluating it does not work properly for dict members.
  * When spell checking is enabled Asian characters are always marked as error.
  * When editing a file in a directory mounted through sshfs Vim doesn't set the security context on a renamed file.

2013-11-14 09:34:41 +00:00

4 lines
130 B

oid sha256:639be2951084c463c4cc2de2b15c94c756f22643f8942c85c9bf59df83ca6c3c
size 84559