<?xml version="1.0"?>
 Copyright (c) 2006 Novell, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Service Description XML Document for vsftpd.
This file should be placed in /etc/omc/svcinfo.d

Note: The name of the service is the name of this file without the .xml
file extension.

<serviceDescription version="1.0">

	<!-- Caption for display purposes -->
	<caption>vsftpd Server</caption>

	<!-- Description of this service -->
		vsftpd Server

		The startCommand tag specifies the command line that will be
		invoked to start the service. The return code from this command
		must be as follows:
			0 - success
			1 - generic or unspecified error
			2 - invalid or excess argument(s)
			3 - unimplemented feature (e.g. "reload")
			4 - user had insufficient privileges
			5 - program is not installed
			6 - program is not configured
			7 - program is not running
	<startCommand>/usr/sbin/rcvsftpd start</startCommand>

		The reStartCommand tag specifies the command line that will be
		invoked to restart the service. The return code from this command
		must be as specified in the startCommand tag.
	<reStartCommand>/usr/sbin/rcvsftpd restart</reStartCommand>

		The stopCommand tag specifies the command line that will be
		invoked to stop the service. The return code from this command
		must be as specified in the startCommand tag.
	<stopCommand>/usr/sbin/rcvsftpd stop</stopCommand>

		The statusCommand specifies the command line that can be run
		that will report on the status of the service. The return code
		from this command line should be as follows:
			0 - service up and running
			1 - service dead, but /var/run/  pid  file exists
			2 - service dead, but /var/lock/ lock file exists
			3 - service not running (unused)
			4 - service status unknown :-(
	<statusCommand>/usr/sbin/rcvsftpd status</statusCommand>
                The processInformation tag allows the XML Service provider to
                identify the processes that belong to the service. This allows
                the ServiceProcess associations to be instrumented.
                If the process_information tag is not specifed, the will be no
                ServiceProcess association for the service.


                Define the services that this service has a dependency on.
                There must be a corresponding Service Description XML file
                for the antecedent service in the /etc/omc/svcinfo.d directory.
