2008-07-09 21:40:11 +00:00
Tue Jun 8 10:34:12 CEST 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: bnc#396365 vym cannot load maps saved with Qt 4.4
2008-05-22 03:13:37 +00:00
Wed May 14 17:00:36 CEST 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.12.0 RC 2
- Feature: Russian translation
Wed May 7 10:30:21 CEST 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: bnc#327078
Tue May 6 11:45:46 CEST 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.12.0
Wed Apr 30 18:13:43 CEST 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.9
- Bugfix: Some minor code cleanup
Thu Apr 10 22:45:55 CEST 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.8
- Feature: Copy to new map now also in branch context menu
Thu Apr 10 17:11:14 CEST 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: New map is not autosaved, if no filename is known yet
Tue Apr 8 09:59:11 CEST 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.7
- Bugfix: Hangup when find function did not find anything
Thu Mar 13 02:06:59 CET 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: vym no longer forgets that a map is zipped
Sun Mar 9 13:36:20 CET 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Segfault when pressing Home or End on MapCenter
Wed Mar 5 17:54:12 CET 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Broken paths to floatimages
Wed Feb 27 17:07:57 CET 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Fixed some issues with autosave and regulard file checks
Mon Feb 11 12:22:58 CET 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.6
- Feature: vym now checks regulary if map has changed on disk and
asks for reload if necessary
Mon Jan 21 22:52:18 CET 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: No more warning dialog for overwriting note, when note is
Tue Jan 8 22:20:29 CET 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.5
- Feature: Started to implement multiple MapCenters in one map
Mon Jan 7 14:59:56 CET 2008 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: vym.pro includes french translation now
Mon Dec 17 16:32:48 CET 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: bnc#341952 corrupted positions of mainbranches after updating to
newer vym
Wed Dec 12 17:12:50 CET 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Overloaded key shortcut for Alt-N (Network and Next window)
Tue Dec 4 11:46:02 CET 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Temporary hide stuff during export
- Bugfix: Save parts of map
Mon Dec 3 20:57:15 CET 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: (Maint.) Exchanged pre- and postscript in XHTML Export dialog
Fri Nov 9 10:44:59 CET 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.3
- Feature: Added patches for better windows support by Andrew Ng
Tue Nov 6 22:36:38 CET 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.2
- Feature: Split up helper functions, started to write attributes
Tue Nov 6 14:36:38 CET 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.1
- Bugfix: sort branches has undo/redo now
Fri Oct 26 11:22:20 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: zip state is changed now, when a .xml is save as .vym
2007-10-25 23:57:21 +00:00
Wed Oct 24 14:11:36 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Feature: Improved ascii export
- Bugfix: Present flag now does not set down arrows any longer
Tue Oct 23 13:11:52 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: included more <typeinfo> for compiling with new gcc 4.3
Fri Oct 19 18:08:27 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.11.0
- Feature: Added patches from Till Maas for better path handling to ease
integration into various operating systems
- Feature: Added patch from Till Maas to use xdg-open as default browser
- Feature: Added patch from ????? to sort branches lexically
- Feature: Added patches from Juha Ruotsalainen for compiling on win32
2007-10-17 15:35:54 +00:00
Tue Oct 16 11:51:43 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: included <typeinfo> for compiling in beta
Wed Oct 04 12:43:48 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.10.1
- Bugfix: Missing action for editing URL in context menu
- Bugfix: "Hide in Export" didn't work
2007-09-06 20:28:06 +00:00
Tue Sep 4 15:51:57 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: xLinks were not loaded from previously saved maps
2007-08-24 00:10:54 +00:00
2007-08-28 17:23:38 +00:00
Mon Aug 27 13:11:22 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Find manual in /usr/share/doc/packages/vym
- Bugfix: Updated README.txt
Mon Aug 20 17:09:28 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
2007-08-24 00:10:54 +00:00
- Version: 1.10.0
- Bugfix: Added missing standard flag (one of the smileys got lost)
- Bugfix: Wrong parsing of relative positions after load of
previously zoomed map
2007-08-28 17:23:38 +00:00
Tue Jul 31 22:09:01 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
2007-08-24 00:10:54 +00:00
- Bugfix: Smother parabel links (Alexander Rettig)
2007-08-28 17:23:38 +00:00
Fri Jul 27 13:31:41 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
2007-08-24 00:10:54 +00:00
- Version: 1.9.4
- Feature: Restructured internal handling of XML based maps
- Feature: Switched from QSimpleTextItem to QTextItem for Freemind
2007-08-28 17:23:38 +00:00
Mon Jul 23 14:40:38 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
2007-08-24 00:10:54 +00:00
- Version: 1.9.3
- Feature: Import of Freemind maps
2007-08-28 17:23:38 +00:00
Tue Jul 17 13:16:25 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
2007-08-24 00:10:54 +00:00
- Version: 1.9.2
- Bugfix: Workaround for wrong XML generated by QT with in QRichText
list items
- Bugfix: No output from <span> tags in ASCII export any longer
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
2007-07-13 20:36:21 +00:00
Wed Jul 11 15:51:52 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.9.1
- Bugfix: Don't ask for directory in XML-based exports like
Wed Jul 11 09:42:44 CEST 2007 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.9.0
- Feature: Extended fileformat with object IDs to ease export from
tomboy to vym
- Feature: Completed german translation
- Feature: Center on selection with "."
- Feature: Most important exports can be scripted now
- Feature: Creating new map with selection as MapCenter
- Feature: Simple export to CSV spreadsheet
- Feature: Copy from past steps in history to current one
- Feature: Editing of frame attributes in branch property window
- Feature: autosave
- Feature: number of undo/redo levels can be changed in settings
- Feature: branch property window settings are saved
- Feature: Added basic macros and documentation
- Feature: Color of selection can be changed now
- Feature: Pen and brush for frames can be set
- Feature: Simple Editor for scripts
- Feature: Added syntax highlighting for editor
- Feature: Unscroll all now only affects selected subtree
- Feature: Modifier Modes now change cursor when CTRL is pressed
- Feature: vym opens spanish documentation, if locale is es*
- Feature: New Frame format
- Feature: Properties dialog for branches instead of context menu entries
- Feature: Only one history window for all editors. State is saved.
- Feature: Canvas ported to QT 4.2 GraphicsView
- Feature: Options to use AntiaAliasing and smooth pixmap
- Feature: Thick links use polygons now, less objects in scene
- Feature: More undo commands (and fixes there)
- Feature: Note Editor completly based on QT4 now.
- Feature: Opening of all URLs in a subtree
- Feature: Opening of all vymLinks in a subtree
- Feature: Changed format of configuration file a bit (new file anyway
with introduction of QT4)
- Feature: Toolbar Layout is saved now
- Feature: Moved floats in XML Export, e.g. XHTML shows floatimages at
- Bugfix: auto-select/auto-edit new branches
- Bugfix: Visibility of BranchProperty window is saved now
- Bugfix: Undo/Redo dropping images into map
- Bugfix: Undo/Redo of copy/paste steps
- Bugfix: NoteEditor now appears on first click (not 2nd)
- Bugfix: Disable autosave while there are redos available
- Bugfix: After changing link color, that color is applied to all links
- Bugfix: Pasting of FIOs
- Bugfix: No selection of branches while editing heading
- Bugfix: geometry of selection box gets updated while setting scroll or
hide flag
- Bugfix: Possible segfault when redoing deleteChilds()
- Bugfix: autosave timeout now read from settings file
- Bugfix: Settings for historywindow correclty read now
- Bugfix: Closing property window toggle corresponding button
- Bugfix: Unscroll all childs has saveState now
- Bugfix: Invisible selection after switching mapeditor
- Bugfix: For frames the links always were drawn at bottom of heading
- Bugfix: BranchPropertyWindow updates when selection is changed
- Bugfix: Crash when trying to temporary link to floatimage
- Bugfix: Drawing error when temporary linking subtrees
- Bugfix: Import of KDE Bookmarks
- Bugfix: Export to KDE Bookmarks
- Bugfix: Export to XHTML
- Bugfix: Drag and Drop of URLs now only creates one branch
- Bugfix: Remember last directory before ASCII/LaTeX export
- Bugfix: Editing in NoteEditor now updates actions (save) again
- Bugfix: Deleting last branch automatically unscrolls parent now
- Bugfix: Scroll/Unscroll has undo/redo now
- Bugfix: xml-parsing code simplified
- Bugfix: Fixed pretty annoying repositioning of view after editing a
heading. (don't call show() before positioning in heading...)
- Bugfix: Wrong Cursors after pressing CTRL and inserting/relinking
- Bugfix: Save PNG images with quality 100 to workaround image problems
- Bugfix: Remember last directory before XML export
- Bugfix: move branch up/down calls scene()->update() now => much faster
- Bugfix: Relinking of floatimages undo/redo
- Bugfix: printing scales correctly again
- Bugfix: Drag & Drop (basically) works again
- Bugfix: Crash caused by BranchObj::getLastSelected
- Bugfix: Signal handling by changes in TextEditor: Much faster now
- Bugfix: printing is working again
- Bugfix: move up/down to next subtree is working again
- Bugfix: Flags are working again
- Bugfix: Floatimages have correct select box again
- Bugfix: Image format is saved with floatimage
- Bugfix: New recent file handling, fixes crash on Mac OS X
- Bugfix: Position of floatimages is saved again
- Bugfix: Position of floatimages survives adjustCanvasSize()
- Bugfix: Adding branch to scrolled branch unscroll the former
- Bugfix: More undo commands (removed saveStateComplete)
- Bugfix: No more hopping around of floats, when canvas is resized
(by using relative positions for mainbranches. This might
confuse parsing 1.8.56 documents with vym <= 1.8.1
- Bugfix: Mac - XSL stylesheets are found
- Bugfix: Mac - fonts are scaling
- Bugfix: Mac - hand cursor is shown correctly
- Bugfix: Undo/Redo moving floatimages
- Bugfix: Shortcuts for scrolling branches/removing branch
- Bugfix: update-bookmarks script is not only executed, but
also found now...
- Bugfix: More undo/redo (move of floatimages, relinking of branches)
- Bugfix: More undo/redo commands
- Bugfix: Actions updated after moving a branch now
- Bugfix: vym refuses to start if vymTmpDir can't be created
- Bugfix: Editing headings now works both on Mac and Linux
beginning of export now
- Bugfix: Floatimages internally are saved as png, preserving the alpha
- Bugfix: Fixed broken check for non-existent OO-export configuration
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
Wed Jan 3 17:37:25 CET 2007 - stbinner@suse.de
- cleanup BuildRequires to fix build for < 10.1
2007-07-13 20:36:21 +00:00
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
Thu Jul 13 10:51:50 CEST 2006 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.8.1
- Bugfix: Fixed broken check for non-existent OO-export configuration
Fri Jun 22 10:26:01 CET 2006 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version 1.8.0
- Feature: Added icon for creating a new branch to toolbar
- Feature: Opening of tabs in Firefox or Mozilla
- Feature: Documentation is up to date now
- Feature: More icons
- Feature: New environment variable VYMHOME
- Bugfix: Saving original filename of floatimages finally works
- Bugfix: Positioning of floatimages while adjusting canvas size (also
optimized code a bit)
- Bugfix: Right click e.g. on URL Flag opened URL _and_ context menu
- Bugfix: Deleting selection works also if Delkey is disabled.
- Bugfix: Exclusive flags did not work properly.
- Bugfix: Wrong icon in texteditor for text underline
- Bugfix: Changed screenshots in docu to represent new look
- Bugfix: Fixed z-plane of floatimage. Images did hide flags.
2008-05-22 03:13:37 +00:00
- Bugfix: wrong paths in XHTML export (bnc#168033), caused by wrong
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
Wed Jun 21 12:37:05 CEST 2006 - adrian@suse.de
- remove libdrm-devel to fix build for < 10.1 (not needed)
Mon Apr 24 13:50:42 CET 2006 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version: 1.7.15
2008-05-22 03:13:37 +00:00
- Bugfix: wrong paths in XHTML export (bnc#168033), caused by wrong
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
2008-05-22 03:13:37 +00:00
- Bugfix: Problem with vymlinks pointing to higher directories (bnc#159770)
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
- Bugfix: All exports support hiding of objects now
- Bugfix: exportDir in XHTML export is correctly saved in map and
defaults to current directory
- Bugfix: Workaround QT problem, where QT writes invalid XML code by not
2008-05-22 03:13:37 +00:00
escaping & in fontnames (bnc#62283)
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
- Bugfix: Images preview in filedialog works again. Seemed to be a QT
issue when multiple fileselections were allowed.
- Bugfix: Canvas Size corrected when flag is toggled
- Bugfix: Include Images Vertically was not read from saved file
- Feature: More icons
- Feature: New environment variable VYMHOME
- Feature: New icons. Icons and flags are not longer linked statically.
- Feature: Konqueror can open URLs in new tabs now.
- Feature: Hide Export Flag lets you hide objects in exports
- Feature: Floatimages now are basically ornamented objects. They could
have e.g. an URL later
- Feature: On error the XML Parser shows the line which is causing the
- Feature: Added export to Taskjuggler. xslt by Matt.
- Feature: Include Images Horizontally
- Feature: rudimentary import mmaps
- Feature: Import KDE bookmarks
- Feature: Own class xsltproc for doing xml transformations
Tue Jan 25 16:07:53 CET 2006 - uwedr
- Version 1.7.7
- Feature: Export to Open Office 2.x (Open Document) basically works
- Feature: Export to XHTML uses smaller icon for URLs now
Wed Jan 18 13:29:52 CET 2006 - uwedr
- Feature: Multiple File selection while loading maps and images
Tue Jan 3 12:20:08 CET 2006 - uwe
- Feature: Small optimization in zip/unzip functions
Mon Jan 2 21:03:05 CET 2006 - uwe
- Feature: FATE support for URLs
Wed Dec 28 12:09:59 CET 2005 - uwe
- Version 1.7.6
- Feature: Added idAttr to BranchObj::saveToDir
- Bugfix: FloatObjects now use hideLinkIfUnselected, no more drawing
errors, if FO is selected (undefined link)
- Bugfix: FloatImages don't get lost during save after they have been
relinked to new parent
- Bugfix: Editing heading of mapcenter now also corrects position
Mon Oct 10 13:18:29 CEST 2005 - uwedr
- Bugfix: Copy/Paste was currently not possible for images. Now
completly rewrote mechanism. Instead of invisible map now XML import
is used (Multiple clipboards should be not difficult now)
Mon Oct 3 10:33:09 CEST 2005 - uwe
- Bugfix: Added small fix from Khaled Ahmed needed for display of
arabic languages
Mon Sep 12 21:39:38 CEST 2005 - uwedr
- Version 1.7.5
- Feature: Currently 15 levels of undo (GUI to set value still missing)
- Feature: Experimental LaTeX Export (without headers and opions so far)
Sun Sep 5 10:26:15 CEST 2005 - uwedr
- Version 1.7.4
- Feature: Link of a branch can be hidden, if object is not selected
- Bugfix: Zoomed map no longer "jumps around" when branch is selected
or moved.
- Bugfix: TextEditor now has grey background again, if it is empty
- Bugfix: BranchObj no longer need to connect to TextEditor, BranchObj
is no longer a QOBJECT
Thu Sep 1 12:26:24 CEST 2005 - uwedr
- Bugfix: Some minor changes so that translations use arguments now
instead of several calls to tr()
Tue Aug 30 13:38:31 CEST 2005 - uwedr
- Bugfix: Fixed pasting vymlinks: Pasting a branch to a target in
another map caused vym to go into an endless loop, if the vymlink of the
branch pointed to the new map.
- Bugfix: Invisible floatimages (which have a scrolled parent) no longer
can be selected
Fri Aug 19 09:12:49 CEST 2005 - uwedr
- Feature: added debian subdirectory created by Steffen Joeris
- Feature: added license to new aboutwindow
Tue Aug 16 19:22:56 CEST 2005 - jhilmer
- Bugfix: Fixed link handling in aboutdialog.
Tue Aug 16 12:25:09 CEST 2005 - uwedr
- Feature: Added keyboard shortcut to reset zoom factor
- Bugfix: Added "..." to menu entries leading to another dialog
- Bugfix: The setting option "Delete Key" is working again
- Bugfix: A branch moved from left side to right had wrong orienation
Tue Aug 2 09:59:24 CEST 2005 - uwedr
- Bugfix: Heading sizes now correct after moving e.g. mainbranch to
a branch
Mon Aug 1 22:40:29 CEST 2005 - jhilmer
- Bugfix: Problems with closing of note editor when text was modified.
- Feature: Added subscript and superscript to note editor
Thu Jul 28 11:57:38 CEST 2005
- Version 1.7.3
- Bugfix: Frames didn't become invisible if scrolled
Thu Jul 28 11:57:38 CEST 2005
- Version 1.7.2
- Bugfix: if selection changed before undo, undo worked on wrong
- included math.h again to enable compiling with gcc4
Mi Jul 27 17:27:14 CEST 2005
- Bugfix: if selection changed before undo, undo worked on wrong branch
Mon Jul 25 22:22:21 CEST 2005
- Bugfix: changed MapEditor::undo and ::saveState to also save selection
Di Jul 19 16:42:31 CEST 2005
- Version: 1.7.1
- Feature: Drag and Drop also for .vym and files (Jakob Hilmer)
- Feature: More speedup on moving/relinking branches
Mi Jul 13 11:44:10 CEST 2005
- Drag and Drop also for URLs
Di Jul 12 20:56:09 CEST 2005
- Version: 1.7.0
Mon Jul 4 21:13:42 CEST 2005
- Version: 1.6.9
- Bugfix: TextEditor doesn't get minimized in KDE any longer (KDE-bug?)
Tue Jun 14 11:43:44 CEST 2005
- Feature: printer name is saved in vymrc now
- Feature: added image drag/drop (by Jakob Hilmer)
- Bugfix: Importing map into new map now has correct (empty) filename
- Version: 1.6.8
- Feature: Dramatic speedup in some operations
(e.g. move branch up/down) due to extended
undo engine
- Version: 1.6.7
- Feature:Changed default pdf-reader for Mac OSX
- Bugfix: xLinks stopped working in 1.6.6
- Bugfix: drawing error when using modModeCopy
- Bugfix: replaced lrint by qRound for BSD port
- Version 1.6.6
- Feature: Exclusive standard flags
- Version: 1.6.5
- Feature: removing a branch and keeping its childs
- Feature: removing childs of a branch
- Feature: insert branch and make selection its child
- Feature: restructured branch context menu
in a basic version (straight line)
- Feature: New shortcuts for use on Mac OS X
- Feature: Importing directories generates vymlinks now
- Bugfix: Changing linkstyle now automatically redraws all
links again
- Bugfix: Paste icon is disabled if clipboard is empty
- Version: 1.6.4
- Feature: xLinks (connection between 2 branches) works
in a basic version (straight line)
- Version: 1.6.3
- Bugfix: Saving of selection to a vym part (.vyp)
- Bugfix: Closing the noteeditor by closing its window now
also toggles the responding toolbar button. &
- Version: 1.6.2
- Feature: Introduced Modifier modes: color, link, copy
- Feature: Linking branches is basically possible, though it can't be
edited/saved yet
- Version: 1.6.1
- Feature: Optimized moving of branches: much faster especially
with huge subtrees
- Bugfix: Segfault when loading vym part
- Bugfix: ugly unitialized lines, when temporary drawn link
was moved from a temporary parent back to canvas
- Version: 1.6.0
- Feature: Added saving of xhtml settings in map
- Version: 1.5.2
- Feature: Added Import of maps with two modes:
- Feature: Added export of part of maps
- Feature: Added joining of paragraphs in text editor
- Feature: Optimized undo: Only relevant parts are saved, which
dramatically improves e.g. moving branches up/down in most maps
- Bugfix: QTextEdit generates invalid XML code, which could lead to a
parse error, if font name contains a \&
- Bugfix: Wrong order of mainbranches in Export
- Bugfix: zip archive was not deleted before save, which could lead to
much bigger files, e.g. when working on older \vym maps or deleted
- Bugfix: Printing in Texteditor
- Bugfix: Wrong URLs in xhtml output
- Bugfix: Segfault fixed at Cursor left/right in empty map
- Version: 1.5.1
- Feature: More options in xhtml export: external scripts
- Version: 1.5.0
- Public release of all changes since 1.4.1
- Feature: New function to replace paragraphs in note editor
by linebreaks, this makes pasted text much nicer
- Feature: New option to toggle exporting of of floatimages
- Feature: z-plane of floatimages can be set (manually only)
- Bugfix: Wrong ordering of branches, if mainbranch is exactly left of
- Version: 1.4.7
- Feature: New Export to XHTML (by Thomas Schraitle)
- Bugfix: vymLink
- Bugfix: spaces and dots in filenames
- Bugfix: Error message if xsltproc is not installed
- Version: 1.4.6
- Feature: New file format: notes are saved as part of the .xml file
- Feature: Note Editor supports Rich Text now.
- Feature: Parser now also nows {\tt standardflag} (all letters lowercase)
- Version: 1.4.5
- Feature: Correct handling of font size in Heading
- Version: 1.4.4
- Selecting with cursor now works between subtrees
- Bugfix: vymLink was set to temporary dir in 1.4.3
- Version: 1.4.3
- Optimisation: Reduced canvas objects by only creating objects for used
- Better visualization of moving branch above/below target
- Find Window informs with dialog, if the search failed
- System Flags are clickable now
- Reworked CSS and XST stylsheets (comments, indent, browser
- vymLinks are shown in statusbar
- current directory is save
- Rewritten load/save to improve multimap handling and unzipped files
- Bugfix: vymLinks don't get deleted when Cancel is pressed
- Bugfix: Fixed a bunch of bugs in XSL for HTML export
- Bugfix: More toolbar buttons disabled, if action not possible
- Bugfix: Renaming .vymfile now works
- Bugfix: mapChanged set when toggling flags
- Bugfix: CTRL-N was used twice
- Bugfix: Del didn't work on floatimage
- Version: 1.4.2
- Bugfix: Float image could not be deleted
- Version: 1.4.1
- Bugfix: Color of branch not saved
- Bugfix: wrong path at HTML export
- Bugfix: map is not save with special characters in path
- Version: 1.4.0
- Ask for confirmation before opening
a map in multiple editors
- Save state of note editor (visible/minimized)
- Export to HTML
- Author and Comment is saved in map
- Stats are shown in Edit MapInfo
- Changes for OS X port (QCursor, QContextMenuEvent)
- Bugfix: Fonts from note editor are save now
- Bugfix: invisible image when parent is scrolled
- Bugfix: Segfault pressing "enter" for floatimage
- Bugfix: Images can't be outside of exported area
- Bugfix: Filenames with blanks
- Bugfix: Old maplink is shown when editing maplink
- Bugfix: always show cursor while editing heading
- Version: 1.3.5
- Export map to dir
- Export to any of QTs image formats
- Also right side of selection is always visible now.
- Version: 1.3.4
- Load last maps in file menu
- save last image path for loading
- Also export standard flags to dir.
- Version: 1.3.3
- Enabled <br> in headings as manual linebreak
- Heading can be copied to URL
- Bugfix: GIFs are automatically converted to PNG now
- Version: 1.3.2
- Add and move branches above/below selection, Texteditor copy all,
- Version: 1.3.1
- Export to directory, changed naming in .vym
- Version: 1.3.0
- Bugfix: Check if map can be saved at all
- Version: 1.2.12
- Select image format before saving image
- Version: 1.2.11
- Selecting mainbranches by up/down
- Export ASCII (experimental)
- Each map can be saved individually at quit
- Bugfix: Opening VymLink crashes QT
- Bugfix: 50\% less objects on canvas
- Bugfix: Ignoring LANG, now always written as UTF8
- Version: 1.2.10
- Sort Mainbranches by angle to y-axis
- Import directory structure
- Bugfix: Set FrameType of MapCenter while loading map
- Version: 1.2.9
- Jump to another vym map
- Mainbranches are alwas ordered clockwise
- Version: 1.2.8
- Change frame types in context menu
- Version: 1.2.7
- Copy / Paste and save Floatimages
- Version: 1.2.6
- Closing vym in KDE now asks for save, too
- Context menu for branches
- Selection is saved in .vym file
- Version: 1.2.5
- URLs to external links can be added
- All actions are deactived if not possible
- Version: 1.2.4
- Images: Can be loaded, saved, relinked to other parents
- Version: 1.2.3
- Zoom: Reset and finer steps shrinking/enlarging
- Version: 1.2.2
- Editing of links (style and color)
- Version: 1.2.1
- Bugfix: LineEdit when adding branch has correct position again.
- Version: 1.2.0
- Scrolled parts are automatically unscrolled when selected and scrolled
again later.
- Bugfix: Save flag is updated when multiple maps are opened
- Bugfix: Moving of branches is faster and more accurat when adding to
- Version: 1.1.7
- Bugfix: Remember filename of note in noteeditor
- Version: 1.1.6
- Find Text also in Notes.
- Version: 1.1.5
- Bugfix: Correct setting and positioning when relinking branches
- Version: 1.1.4
- Scroll mode added (folding of subtrees).
- Bugfix: Wrong position of linedit in zoomed view
- Version: 1.1.3
- Added clear button in find window, bugfixes
- Version: 1.1.2
- Links can be colored with color of heading
- Version: 1.1.1
- Improved visualization of linking to new branch
- Version: 1.1.0
- Find Function
- Selection always stays in view
- Version: 1.0.1
- Find function scrolls to result now
- Bugfix: Adding branch with midmouse
- Bugfix: multiple repositioning of map, when noteeditor was changed
- New Linestyles (still hardcoded)
- Version: 1.0.0
- First public stable release
- Version: 0.9.0
- added quick color picker (CTRL + Left Mouse) ?
- Version: 0.8.0
- added automatic canvas resizer, removed manual resizing of canvas
- added settings option to paste text into new branch
- simplified code
- Added heart flag
- Choose and switch between fixed and variable width fonts
- note editor
- Fixed segfault caused by undo and a call of updateNoteFlag of note
- Added settings menu to configure autoselect and autoedit mode
- autoedit and autoselect mode
- Fixed ugly display problem with QT Palette (Klaas Freitag)
- Reduced temporary directories from 4 to 1
- Added wordwrap in printing of notes
- New toolbar buttons in texteditor
- Set background color
- Fixed bug: Flags in toolbar not updated when selecting map center
- Version: 0.7.0
- No more segfault, when an object is deleted while being edited
- Keep focus constant when zooming in/out
- Export as png graphic
- Keep Center of map where it is while zooming
- Added Standard Flags (Smiley, Hook, Stopsign, ...)
- MDI: Multi Document Interface enables working on several maps
- Enabled creating a new map via argument on commandline
- Changed file extension from .mmap to .vym
- noteeditor changes color, if empty or nothing is selected
- Changes in NoteEditor window are recognized by main window, too, thus
preventing loosing data when quitting the program.
- Version: 0.6.0
- New rendering engine: Faster, no flickering
- Version: 0.5.0
- Changed printing to use maximum space on paper
- Note editor is hidden, too, when mapeditor is minimized
- New (compressed) file format
- Version: 0.4.0
- Size of map is saved
- Multi Line Headings
- Reworked Rendering Engine: Much faster now.
- Reworked Undo: Much faster now.
- Enabled moving of map center
- Multi-line headings
- Version: 0.3.0
- Introduced Undo
- Fixed some bugs
- Version: 0.2.0
- Moving view of map improved:
- New handling (acrobat reader style)
- New mousepointer
- Several tools to color a map
- Version: 0.1.0
- Inital version, basic map layout
- Data is stored in XML
Fri Jan 27 02:31:26 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
Wed Jan 25 14:27:26 CET 2006 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version 1.7.7
- Feature: Export to Open Office 2.x (Open Document) basically works
- Feature: Export to XHTML uses smaller icon for URLs now
- Feature: Multiple File selection while loading maps and images
- Feature: Small optimization in zip/unzip functions
- Feature: FATE support for URLs
- Feature: Added idAttr to BranchObj::saveToDir
- Bugfix: FloatObjects now use hideLinkIfUnselected, no more drawing
errors, if FO is selected (undefined link)
- Bugfix: FloatImages don't get lost during save after they have been
relinked to new parent
- Bugfix: Editing heading of mapcenter now also corrects position
- Bugfix: Copy/Paste was currently not possible for images. Now
completly rewrote mechanism. Instead of invisible map now XML import
is used (Multiple clipboards should be not difficult now)
- Bugfix: Added small fix from Khaled Ahmed needed for display of
arabic languages
- Feature: Currently 15 levels of undo (GUI to set value still missing)
- Feature: Experimental LaTeX Export (without headers and opions so far)
Sat Jan 14 20:31:48 CET 2006 - schwab@suse.de
- Don't strip binaries.
Thu Oct 20 12:44:06 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Copying a branch to clipboard lead to loss of note.
- Bugfix: vymLink and URL for MapCenter were not saved
Mon Oct 17 12:38:15 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Removed extra qualification in xml.h
Sun Sep 5 10:26:15 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version 1.7.4
- Feature: Link of a branch can be hidden, if object is not selected
- Bugfix: Zoomed map no longer "jumps around" when branch is selected
or moved.
- Bugfix: TextEditor now has grey background again, if it is empty
- Bugfix: BranchObj no longer need to connect to TextEditor, BranchObj
is no longer a QOBJECT
Thu Sep 1 12:26:24 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Some minor changes so that translations use arguments now
instead of several calls to tr()
Tue Aug 30 13:38:31 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Fixed pasting vymlinks: Pasting a branch to a target in
another map caused vym to go in an endless loop, if the vymlink of the
branch pointed to the new map.
- Bugfix: Invisible floatimages (which have a scrolled parent) can
no longer can be selected
Fri Aug 19 09:12:49 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Feature: added debian subdirectory created by Steffen Joeris
- Feature: added license to new aboutwindow
Tue Aug 16 19:22:56 CEST 2005 - jhilmer
- Bugfix: Fixed link handling in aboutdialog.
Tue Aug 16 12:25:09 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Feature: Added keyboard shortcut to reset zoom factor
- Bugfix: Added "..." to menu entries leading to another dialog
- Bugfix: The setting option "Delete Key" is working again
- Bugfix: A branch moved from left side to right had wrong orienation
Tue Aug 2 09:59:24 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Heading sizes now correct after moving e.g. mainbranch to
a branch
Mon Aug 1 22:40:29 CEST 2005 - jhilmer
- Bugfix: Problems with closing of note editor when text was modified.
- Feature: Added subscript and superscript to note editor
Thu Jul 28 11:57:38 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version 1.7.3
- Bugfix: Frames didn't become invisible if scrolled
Thu Jul 28 11:57:38 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version 1.7.2
- Bugfix: if selection changed before undo, undo worked on wrong
Wed Jul 27 18:32:09 CEST 2005 - ro@suse.de
- include math.h in linkablemapobj.cpp and misc.cpp
Thu Jul 14 12:13:39 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Version 1.7.0
Fri Apr 15 12:49:17 CEST 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Update to 1.6.4
- Compiles on gcc4 now
Tue Feb 8 15:33:58 CET 2005 - joe@suse.de
- Change menu category
- Add .desktop files for KDE mimetypes
Fri Jan 21 16:08:19 CET 2005 - uwedr@suse.de
- Update to 1.6.0
Fri Jan 7 10:39:02 CET 2005 - adrian@suse.de
- fix build, qmake isn't anymore in $PATH by default
Wed Sep 29 16:22:52 CEST 2004 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: pdf documentation was not found
Tue Sep 28 17:17:15 CEST 2004 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: Import from old map generated unbreakable spaces (ugly)
- Bugfix: No warning message (even if set) before overwriting dirs (ugly)
Sun Sep 26 22:51:58 CEST 2004 - uwedr@suse.de
- Update to 1.5.0
Fri May 28 11:46:01 CEST 2004 - adrian@suse.de
2008-05-22 03:13:37 +00:00
- use "Development Design" Categories to match the menu definition (bnc#41338)
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
Tue May 25 22:16:49 CEST 2004 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: map is not saved with special characters in path
- Bugfix: color of branch not saved sometimes
- Bugfix: wrong path at HTML export
Tue May 18 18:24:26 CEST 2004 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: invisible image when parent is scrolled
- Bugfix: Segfault pressing "enter" for floatimage
- Bugfix: Images can't be outside of exported area anymore
- Bugfix: Filenames with blanks
- Bugfix: Old maplink is shown when editing maplink
- Bugfix: always show cursor while editing heading
Wed Apr 28 00:44:10 CEST 2004 - uwedr@suse.de
- Update to 1.4.0
Tue Mar 23 15:43:44 CET 2004 - uwedr@suse.de
- Bugfix: New maps were not saved
- Bugfix: Check if file is writable before saving.
Mon Mar 22 14:57:36 CET 2004 - uwedr@suse.de
- Update to 1.3.0
Wed Feb 25 17:09:18 CET 2004 - hmacht@suse.de
- building as non-root user
Thu Sep 18 15:20:30 CEST 2003 - uwedr@suse.de
2008-05-22 03:13:37 +00:00
- Fixed bnc#31291 (drawing error, unnecessary files)
2007-01-04 01:08:41 +00:00
Tue Sep 16 16:11:23 CEST 2003 - uwedr@suse.de
- Update to 1.0.0
+ automatic resizing of canvas
+ Options
+ docs
+ Bugfixing
Thu Jul 10 16:35:23 CEST 2003 - uwedr@suse.de
- Update to 0.7.9:
+ graphical flags
+ export as png
+ fixed rare segfault
Thu Jun 5 16:51:00 CEST 2003 - uwedr@suse.de
- Initial version.