Mon May 26 14:30:57 UTC 2014 - gber@opensuse.org

- update to version 0.4.3
  - new command /print
  - logical and/or for tags in /filter and hook_print
  - gaps in buffer numbers
  - support of italic text
  - new options to customize default text search in buffers
  - use of IRC monitor command for /notify (if available on server)
  - new IRC server option "ssl_fingerprint"
  - new option to smart-filter IRC mode messages
  - new option for default IRC ban mask
  - support of IPv6 for DCC chat/file
  - auto check CRC32 of files received with DCC
  - many bugs fixed
- add weechat-link-pthread.patch in order to link Weechat against
  libpthread fixing freezes/crashes with gnutls (backported from
  upstream git)

Mon Oct  7 10:09:38 UTC 2013 - gber@opensuse.org

- remove support for < 12.2

Mon Oct  7 07:34:16 UTC 2013 - gber@opensuse.org

- update to version 0.4.2
  * rename binary from "weechat-curses" to "weechat" (with symbolic
    link "weechat-curses" for compatibility)
  * add secured data (encryption of passwords or private data), new
    command /secure, new file sec.conf
  * search of regular expression in buffer with text emphasis, in
    prefixes, messages or both
  * add option "scroll_beyond_end" for command /window
  * add optional buffer context in bar items (for example to
    display bitlbee nicklist in a root bar)
  * new options weechat.look.hotlist_{prefix|suffix}
  * new option weechat.look.key_bind_safe to prevent any key
    binding error from user
  * new option weechat.network.proxy_curl to use a proxy when
    downloading URLs with curl
  * display day change message dynamically
  * support of wildcards in IRC commands (de)op/halfop/voice
  * new option irc.look.notice_welcome_redirect to redirect channel
    welcome notices to the channel buffer
  * new option irc.look.nick_color_hash: new hash algorithm to find
    nick colors (variant of djb2)
  * add info about things defined by a script in the detailed view
    of script (/script show)
  * support of "enchant" library in aspell plugin
  * many bugs fixed.
- rebased weechat-0.4.1-capath.diff and renamed to
- build aspell plugin with enchant support

Thu Sep  5 18:53:22 CEST 2013 - mls@suse.de

- add libperl_requires, as we link against libperl and thus
  need a specific version of perl

Tue Aug  6 13:57:58 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de

- use system's default certificate store instead of hardcoding the
  path to a bundle file (weechat-0.4.1-capath.diff, bnc#829471)

Tue May 21 07:31:45 UTC 2013 - gber@opensuse.org

- update to version 0.4.1
  * multiple layouts support
  * nick prefix/suffix are now dynamic (and managed by core instead
    of irc plugin)
  * unmask irc join if nick speaks some minutes after the join
  * new option irc.look.display_join_message to disable some
    messages after joining a channel
  * new option irc.look.pv_buffer to automatically merge private
  * add support of UHNAMES
  * add DH-AES encryption method for SASL
  * multiple irc servers allowed on same port for irc protocol in
    relay plugin
  * add WebSocket server support (RFC 6455) in relay plugin (for
    irc and weechat protocols)
  * send nicklist difference in relay plugin (weechat protocol)
  * add control of autoload for scripts
  * optimizations in aspell plugin
  * many bugs fixed.

Mon Jan 21 13:43:41 UTC 2013 - tchvatal@suse.com

- Version bump to version 0.4.0:
  * add option "diff" for command /set, display default values in output of /set
  * add color support in prefix options
  * add command /eval, use expression in conditions for bars
  * connect by default with IPv6 to servers with fallback to IPv4
  * add aspell suggestions
  * add support of tags in irc messages and "server-time" capability
  * add irc command /quiet
  * add support of IPv6 in relay plugin
  * add backlog for irc protocol in relay plugin
  * display remote IP address for DCC chat/file in xfer plugin
  * add git version in build
  * many bugs fixed.

Mon Nov 19 09:35:38 UTC 2012 - gber@opensuse.org

- update to version
  * fix possible shell injection vulnerability in hook_process
    function (bnc#790217)

Sat Nov 10 13:32:47 UTC 2012 - gber@opensuse.org

- update to version
  * fix buffer overflow when decoding IRC colors in strings

Sun Sep 30 07:41:09 UTC 2012 - gber@opensuse.org

- update to version 0.3.9:
  * add plugin "script" (replacement of weeget.py and script.pl)
  * add support of SSL in relay plugin
  * add color for offline nicks
  * add system resource limits for WeeChat process
  * add zoom on merged buffer (default key: alt+"x")
  * add "Day changed to" in logger backlog
  * add command line option "-r" (or "--run-command") to run
    command(s) after startup of WeeChat
  * add option "swap" for command /buffer
  * generate alternate IRC nicks dynamically (when all nicks are
    already in use)
  * fix rejoin of password protected IRC channels
  * fix freeze in irc and relay plugins with sockets
  * allow update for some variables of hdata
  * add japanese user's guide, scripting guide and tester's guide
  * many bugs fixed
- drop obsolete weechat-fix-cmake-guile.patch

Mon Jun  4 08:45:44 UTC 2012 - gber@opensuse.org

- enable guile scripting support introduced in 0.3.7
- dropped unnecessary weechat-0.3.3-fix-strftime.patch
- added weechat-fix-cmake-guile.patch which fixes the include dir
  for guile no being passed to the guild script plugin cmake file

Mon Jun  4 07:22:22 UTC 2012 - gber@opensuse.org

- update to version 0.3.8:
  * add terminal "bracketed paste mode"
  * add IRC "external" SASL mechanism
  * improve parsing of IRC channel modes (do not send extra command
    "MODE" to server)
  * follow symbolic links for configuration files (*.conf)
  * new option weechat.look.prefix_same_nick (hide same prefix for
    multiple consecutive messages from same nick)
  * add colors for backlog lines
  * redirect IRC messages from clients to hide output (relay
    plugin, IRC protocol)
  * add a connection timeout for child process in hook_connect
  * fix display bugs and crashs with small windows
  * fix truncated configuration files (zero-length) after system
  * many bugs fixed.

Mon May 21 11:49:18 UTC 2012 - badshah400@gmail.com

- Use BuildRequires: libgnutls-devel instead of gnutls-devel for
  Factory in keeping with gnutls package naming changes. 

Sun Feb 26 15:14:28 UTC 2012 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 0.3.7:
  * adds support for scheme scripts (with GNU guile)
  * adds support for Python 3.x
  * adds remote interfaces using a relay plugin (like QWeeChat, a Python/Qt remote interface)
  * adds URL transfers in the API
  * option `scroll_unread` has been moved from command `/input` to `/window`,
    therefore default command of key alt-u has been updated. To bind key with
    new default value: `/key bind meta-u /window scroll_unread`
  * extended regex is used in filters and irc ignore, so some chars that needed
    escape in past do not need any more (for example `[0-9]\+` becomes
    `[0-9]+`), filters and ignore have to be manually fixed
  * option 'weechat.look.highlight_regex' becomes case insensitive by default,
    to make it case sensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of string, for example:
  * option 'weechat.history.max_lines' has been renamed to

Sun Jan  8 15:37:44 UTC 2012 - gber@opensuse.org

- clean up build dependencies
- build against lua51 for > 12.1

Fri Dec  9 13:40:36 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com

- the COPYING says GPL-3.0+

Sun Oct 23 08:07:47 UTC 2011 - gber@opensuse.org

- removed weechat-remove_build_timestamp.patch and use previous
  code again to deal with timestamps

Sat Oct 22 22:33:19 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 0.3.6:
  * mouse support
  * cursor mode (free movement of cursor on screen)
  * contexts for keys (default, search, cursor, mouse)
  * hdata in API (direct access to WeeChat data)
  * "inactive" colors for inactive windows and lines in merged
  * support of merged buffers in /layout, save layout of
    buffers/windows on /upgrade
  * horizontal scrolling in buffers with free content
  * split of outgoing IRC messages
  * options for "more" chars in bars
  * bold not used any more for basic colors (if terminal has more
    than 16 colors)
  * automatic zoom on current window when terminal becomes too
    small for windows
  * new command /repeat
  * local variable "highlight_regex" in buffers
- added weechat-remove_build_timestamp.patch

Mon May 16 08:24:44 UTC 2011 - gber@opensuse.org

- update to version 0.3.5:
  * 256 colors support improved (dynamic allocation of colors)
  * attributes for colors (bold/reverse/underline)
  * better scroll of input (with long text)
  * output of /help improved for list of commands and their
  * remember scroll position of buffers in windows
  * list of buffers in filters
  * count of messages in hotlist buffers
  * swap buffers of windows
  * balance of windows
  * new API function to set help on plugin/script options
  * speller options in aspell plugin
  * option for SSL priorities in IRC servers
  * color nicks in nicklist and output of /names
- dropped weechat-0.3.4-fix-array-overflow.patch which has been
  included upstream

Wed Mar 23 23:38:19 UTC 2011 - gber@opensuse.org

- dropped weechat-0.3.4-remove-date-time.patch, use date/time from
  last changelog entry rather than removing it completely
- use %desktop_database_post/un

Mon Mar 21 16:49:05 UTC 2011 - coolo@novell.com

- licenses package is about to die

Wed Feb 17 08:02:54 UTC 2011 - gber@opensuse.org

- added weechat-0.3.4-fix-array-overflow.patch which fixes an
  array overflow

Sun Jan 16 15:08:54 UTC 2011 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 0.3.4:
  * adds 256-color support
  * adds IRC proxy support
  * adds redirection of IRC commands
  * adds new /notify command
  * adds the rmodifier plugin
  * adds regular expression support for highlights
  * adds sharing of the input line between buffers
  * many bugfixes

Mon Nov  8 11:48:18 UTC 2010 - gber@opensuse.org

- cleanup
  * added specfile header
  * added more accurate summary and description
  * removed support for obsolete openSUSE versions
  * split off -lang subpackage
  * added patch to remove __DATE__ and __TIME__ macros
  * enabled make output
  * build with $RPM_OPT_FLAGS

Mon Oct 11 19:16:10 UTC 2010 - gber@opensuse.org

- fixed build for Python > 2.6

Sun Aug  8 07:02:19 UTC 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 0.3.3:
  * new features:
    + keys to undo/redo changes on the command line
    + a better lag indicator
    + the /wallchops IRC command
    + display of messages in IRC private buffers when the nick is back on a server after a /quit
    + reverse regex in a filter
    + hash tables in the plugin API
  * many bugfixes

Sun Apr 18 20:18:36 UTC 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 0.3.2:
  * add SASL authentication with IRC servers
  * add new commands /mute and /map
  * add custom completion for aliases
  * add date format in log filenames
  * autoloading of plugins was improved
  * many bugs were fixed

Sun Jan 31 19:13:22 UTC 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to
  * fixes crashes with SSL connection and purge of old DCC chats

Sat Jan 23 20:18:34 UTC 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 0.3.1:
  * new features
  * options were added to customize CTCP replies and the target
    buffer for IRC messages
  * SSL certificates are now checked
  * CertFP was added for automatic identification on servers
  * anti-flood measures were improved
  * new expansions were added for alias arguments
  * many bugs were fixed

Mon Sep 14 00:00:00 CEST 2009 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to 0.3.0:
  * externalization of IRC as a plugin
  * new display engine (faster)
  * NES plugins
  * new plugin API
  * buffers with free content
  * dynamic filtering
  * smart join/part/quit filter
  * custom bars with custom items
  * buffer merging
  * group support in nicklist
  * less CPU usage

Sat Jun 13 00:00:00 CEST 2009 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to
  * fixes a bug with detection of the gnutls library

Sun Apr 19 00:00:00 CEST 2009 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to
  * fixes a charset decoding problem

Tue Mar 17 00:00:00 CET 2009 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- update to
  * fixes a crash with some special characters in IRC messages

Thu Sep  6 00:00:00 CEST 2007 - guru@unixtech.be

- update to 0.2.6

Sat Jun  9 00:00:00 CEST 2007 - guru@unixtech.be

- initial build service submission