2022-05-21 11:58:51 +00:00
Sat May 21 04:07:29 UTC 2022 - socvirnyl.estela@gmail.com
- Update to version 20220408.101518.b908e2dd~232:
* dynamic: allow defaulting to None for enum struct fields
* quickselect: allow multiline matches
* wayland: fix weirdness with recent mutter and display scaling
* wayland: avoid noisy panic-within-panic on shutdown
* config: fix specifying numeric font weights
* quickselect: avoid jumping to bottom of viewport when activated
* mux: match workspace to local window when syncing panes
* ssh: avoid busy loop when all channels are closed on the session
* fix typo
* fixup win32 build
2022-05-06 07:50:33 +00:00
Thu May 5 10:36:05 UTC 2022 - Soc Virnyl Estela <socvirnyl.estela@gmail.com>
- Initial spec for wezterm (20220408-101518-b908e2dd~150)