Index: xen-unstable/tools/examples/xend-config.sxp
--- xen-unstable.orig/tools/examples/xend-config.sxp
+++ xen-unstable/tools/examples/xend-config.sxp
@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@
 # (network-script 'network-bridge netdev=eth1')
-# The bridge is named xenbr0, by default.  To rename the bridge, use
+# The bridge is named to match the outgoing interface, by default.  For example,
+# eth1 is on xenbr1.  To rename the bridge, use
 # (network-script 'network-bridge bridge=<name>')
Index: xen-unstable/tools/ioemu/vl.c
--- xen-unstable.orig/tools/ioemu/vl.c
+++ xen-unstable/tools/ioemu/vl.c
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@
 #include <xen/hvm/params.h>
 #define DEFAULT_NETWORK_SCRIPT "/etc/xen/qemu-ifup"
-#define DEFAULT_BRIDGE "xenbr0"
 //#define DEBUG_IOPORT
@@ -3843,10 +3842,10 @@ int net_client_init(const char *str)
             if (get_param_value(setup_script, sizeof(setup_script), "script", p) == 0) {
                 pstrcpy(setup_script, sizeof(setup_script), DEFAULT_NETWORK_SCRIPT);
-            if (get_param_value(bridge, sizeof(bridge), "bridge", p) == 0) {
-                pstrcpy(bridge, sizeof(bridge), DEFAULT_BRIDGE);
-            }
-            ret = net_tap_init(vlan, ifname, setup_script, bridge);
+            if (get_param_value(bridge, sizeof(bridge), "bridge", p) == 0)
+                ret = net_tap_init(vlan, ifname, setup_script, NULL);
+            else
+                ret = net_tap_init(vlan, ifname, setup_script, bridge);
     } else
Index: xen-unstable/tools/python/xen/xend/
--- xen-unstable.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/
+++ xen-unstable/tools/python/xen/xend/
@@ -352,13 +352,16 @@ class HVMImageHandler(ImageHandler):
             mac = devinfo.get('mac')
             if mac is None:
                 mac = randomMAC()
-            bridge = devinfo.get('bridge', 'xenbr0')
+            bridge = devinfo.get('bridge', None)
             model = devinfo.get('model', 'rtl8139')
             ret.append("nic,vlan=%d,macaddr=%s,model=%s" %
                        (nics, mac, model))
-            ret.append("tap,vlan=%d,bridge=%s" % (nics, bridge))
+            net = "tap,vlan=%d" % (nics,)
+            if bridge:
+                net += ",bridge=%s" % (bridge,)
+            ret.append(net)
Index: xen-unstable/tools/ioemu/target-i386-dm/qemu-ifup
--- xen-unstable.orig/tools/ioemu/target-i386-dm/qemu-ifup
+++ xen-unstable/tools/ioemu/target-i386-dm/qemu-ifup
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
-#ulimit -c unlimited
-echo 'config qemu network with xen bridge for ' $*
+if [ -z "$bridge" ]; then
+    brnum=$(ip route list | awk '/^default / { print $NF }' | sed 's/^[^0-9]*//')
+    brnum=${brnum:-0}
+    bridge=xenbr${brnum}
 ifconfig $1 up
-brctl addif $2 $1
+brctl addif $bridge $1