Index: xen-3.1-testing/tools/examples/
--- xen-3.1-testing.orig/tools/examples/
+++ xen-3.1-testing/tools/examples/
@@ -16,53 +16,21 @@
-# On SuSE it is necessary to run a command before transfering addresses and
-# routes from the physical interface to the virtual.  This command creates a
-# variable $HWD_CONFIG_0 that specifies the appropriate configuration for
-# ifup.
-# Gentoo doesn't have ifup/ifdown, so we define appropriate alternatives.
-# Other platforms just use ifup / ifdown directly.
+  # Ensure the interface has an IP to transfer
+  /sbin/ifrenew $1 -o rc || true
-# preiftransfer
-# @param $1 The current name for the physical device, which is also the name
-#           that the virtual device will take once the physical device has
-#           been renamed.
-if [ -e /etc/SuSE-release ]
-  preiftransfer()
-  {
-    eval `/sbin/getcfg -d /etc/sysconfig/network/ -f ifcfg- -- $1`
-  }
-  ifup()
-  {
-    /sbin/ifup ${HWD_CONFIG_0} $1
-  }
-elif ! which ifup >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-  preiftransfer()
-  {
-    true
-  }
-  ifup()
-  {
-    false
-  }
-  ifdown()
-  {
-    false
-  }
-  preiftransfer()
-  {
-    true
-  }
+  /sbin/ifup $1 -o rc || true
+  /sbin/ifdown $1 -o rc