forked from pool/xen

901 lines
31 KiB

Add entry points for handling hypercalls from and returning to
compatibility mode guests.
Index: 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/traps.c
--- 2006-12-18.orig/xen/arch/x86/traps.c 2006-12-18 09:37:45.000000000 +0100
+++ 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/traps.c 2006-12-18 09:43:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -139,6 +139,12 @@ static void show_guest_stack(struct cpu_
if ( is_hvm_vcpu(current) )
+ if ( IS_COMPAT(container_of(regs, struct cpu_info, guest_cpu_user_regs)->current_vcpu->domain) )
+ {
+ compat_show_guest_stack(regs, debug_stack_lines);
+ return;
+ }
if ( vm86_mode(regs) )
stack = (unsigned long *)((regs->ss << 4) + (regs->esp & 0xffff));
Index: 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/Makefile
--- 2006-12-18.orig/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/Makefile 2006-12-13 11:15:54.000000000 +0100
+++ 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/Makefile 2006-12-18 09:43:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -2,3 +2,9 @@ obj-y += entry.o
obj-y += gpr_switch.o
obj-y += mm.o
obj-y += traps.o
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_COMPAT),y)
+# extra dependencies
+entry.o: compat/entry.S
+traps.o: compat/traps.c
Index: 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/asm-offsets.c
--- 2006-12-18.orig/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/asm-offsets.c 2006-12-18 09:37:45.000000000 +0100
+++ 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/asm-offsets.c 2006-12-18 09:43:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ void __dummy__(void)
OFFSET(VCPU_processor, struct vcpu, processor);
+ OFFSET(VCPU_domain, struct vcpu, domain);
OFFSET(VCPU_vcpu_info, struct vcpu, vcpu_info);
OFFSET(VCPU_trap_bounce, struct vcpu, arch.trap_bounce);
OFFSET(VCPU_thread_flags, struct vcpu, arch.flags);
@@ -87,6 +88,10 @@ void __dummy__(void)
OFFSET(VCPU_vmx_cr2, struct vcpu, arch.hvm_vmx.cpu_cr2);
+ OFFSET(DOMAIN_domain_flags, struct domain, domain_flags);
+ DEFINE(_DOMF_compat, _DOMF_compat);
+ BLANK();
OFFSET(VMCB_rax, struct vmcb_struct, rax);
OFFSET(VMCB_tsc_offset, struct vmcb_struct, tsc_offset);
@@ -95,6 +100,7 @@ void __dummy__(void)
OFFSET(VCPUINFO_upcall_mask, vcpu_info_t, evtchn_upcall_mask);
+ OFFSET(CPUINFO_current_vcpu, struct cpu_info, current_vcpu);
DEFINE(CPUINFO_sizeof, sizeof(struct cpu_info));
Index: 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/compat/entry.S
--- /dev/null 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/compat/entry.S 2006-12-18 09:43:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+ * Compatibility hypercall routines.
+ */
+#include <asm/desc.h>
+ pushq $0
+ movl $TRAP_syscall,4(%rsp)
+ cmpl $NR_hypercalls,%eax
+ jae compat_bad_hypercall
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* Deliberately corrupt parameter regs not used by this hypercall. */
+ pushq UREGS_rbx(%rsp); pushq %rcx; pushq %rdx; pushq %rsi; pushq %rdi; pushq UREGS_rbp+5*8(%rsp)
+ leaq compat_hypercall_args_table(%rip),%r10
+ movq $6,%rcx
+ subb (%r10,%rax,1),%cl
+ movq %rsp,%rdi
+ movl $0xDEADBEEF,%eax
+ rep stosq
+ popq %r9 ; popq %r8 ; popq %rcx; popq %rdx; popq %rsi; popq %rdi
+ movl UREGS_rax(%rsp),%eax
+ pushq %rax
+ pushq UREGS_rip+8(%rsp)
+ movl %eax,%eax
+ movl %ebp,%r9d
+ movl %edi,%r8d
+ xchgl %ecx,%esi
+ movl UREGS_rbx(%rsp),%edi
+ leaq compat_hypercall_table(%rip),%r10
+ PERFC_INCR(PERFC_hypercalls, %rax)
+ callq *(%r10,%rax,8)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ /* Deliberately corrupt parameter regs used by this hypercall. */
+ popq %r10 # Shadow RIP
+ cmpq %r10,UREGS_rip+8(%rsp)
+ popq %rcx # Shadow hypercall index
+ jne compat_skip_clobber /* If RIP has changed then don't clobber. */
+ leaq compat_hypercall_args_table(%rip),%r10
+ movb (%r10,%rcx,1),%cl
+ movl $0xDEADBEEF,%r10d
+ testb %cl,%cl; jz compat_skip_clobber; movl %r10d,UREGS_rbx(%rsp)
+ cmpb $2, %cl; jb compat_skip_clobber; movl %r10d,UREGS_rcx(%rsp)
+ cmpb $3, %cl; jb compat_skip_clobber; movl %r10d,UREGS_rdx(%rsp)
+ cmpb $4, %cl; jb compat_skip_clobber; movl %r10d,UREGS_rsi(%rsp)
+ cmpb $5, %cl; jb compat_skip_clobber; movl %r10d,UREGS_rdi(%rsp)
+ cmpb $6, %cl; jb compat_skip_clobber; movl %r10d,UREGS_rbp(%rsp)
+ movl %eax,UREGS_rax(%rsp) # save the return value
+/* %rbx: struct vcpu */
+ cli # tests must not race interrupts
+ movl VCPU_processor(%rbx),%eax
+ shlq $IRQSTAT_shift,%rax
+ leaq irq_stat(%rip),%rcx
+ testl $~0,(%rcx,%rax,1)
+ jnz compat_process_softirqs
+ btrq $_VCPUF_nmi_pending,VCPU_flags(%rbx)
+ jc compat_process_nmi
+ movq VCPU_vcpu_info(%rbx),%rax
+ testb $0xFF,VCPUINFO_upcall_mask(%rax)
+ jnz compat_restore_all_guest
+ testb $0xFF,VCPUINFO_upcall_pending(%rax)
+ jz compat_restore_all_guest
+ sti
+ leaq VCPU_trap_bounce(%rbx),%rdx
+ movl VCPU_event_addr(%rbx),%eax
+ movl %eax,TRAPBOUNCE_eip(%rdx)
+ movl VCPU_event_sel(%rbx),%eax
+ movl %eax,TRAPBOUNCE_cs(%rdx)
+ movw $TBF_INTERRUPT,TRAPBOUNCE_flags(%rdx)
+ call compat_create_bounce_frame
+ jmp compat_test_all_events
+/* %rbx: struct vcpu */
+ sti
+ call do_softirq
+ jmp compat_test_all_events
+/* %rbx: struct vcpu */
+ movl VCPU_nmi_addr(%rbx),%eax
+ testl %eax,%eax
+ jz compat_test_all_events
+ btsq $_VCPUF_nmi_masked,VCPU_flags(%rbx)
+ jc 1f
+ sti
+ leaq VCPU_trap_bounce(%rbx),%rdx
+ movl %eax,TRAPBOUNCE_eip(%rdx)
+ movw $TBF_INTERRUPT,TRAPBOUNCE_flags(%rdx)
+ call compat_create_bounce_frame
+ jmp compat_test_all_events
+ btsq $_VCPUF_nmi_pending,VCPU_flags(%rbx)
+ jmp compat_test_guest_events
+ movl $-ENOSYS,UREGS_rax(%rsp)
+ jmp compat_test_all_events
+/* %rbx: struct vcpu, interrupts disabled */
+ addq $8,%rsp
+CFLT0: iretq
+.section .fixup,"ax"
+CFIX0: popq -15*8-8(%rsp) # error_code/entry_vector
+ SAVE_ALL # 15*8 bytes pushed
+ movq -8(%rsp),%rsi # error_code/entry_vector
+ sti # after stack abuse (-1024(%rsp))
+ pushq $__HYPERVISOR_DS # SS
+ leaq 8(%rsp),%rax
+ pushq %rax # RSP
+ pushfq # RFLAGS
+ pushq $__HYPERVISOR_CS # CS
+ leaq CDBLFLT0(%rip),%rax
+ pushq %rax # RIP
+ pushq %rsi # error_code/entry_vector
+ jmp handle_exception
+ jmp compat_test_all_events
+ leaq VCPU_trap_bounce(%rbx),%rdx
+ movl VCPU_failsafe_addr(%rbx),%eax
+ movl %eax,TRAPBOUNCE_eip(%rdx)
+ movl VCPU_failsafe_sel(%rbx),%eax
+ movl %eax,TRAPBOUNCE_cs(%rdx)
+ movw $TBF_FAILSAFE,TRAPBOUNCE_flags(%rdx)
+ btq $_VGCF_failsafe_disables_events,VCPU_guest_context_flags(%rbx)
+ jnc 1f
+ call compat_create_bounce_frame
+ jmp compat_test_all_events
+.section __pre_ex_table,"a"
+ .quad CFLT0,CFIX0
+.section __ex_table,"a"
+ .quad CDBLFLT0,compat_failsafe_callback
+/* %rdx: trap_bounce, %rbx: struct vcpu */
+ testb $TBF_EXCEPTION,TRAPBOUNCE_flags(%rdx)
+ jz compat_test_all_events
+ call compat_create_bounce_frame
+ jmp compat_test_all_events
+/* {[ERRCODE,] EIP, CS, EFLAGS, [ESP, SS]} */
+/* %rdx: trap_bounce, %rbx: struct vcpu */
+/* On return only %rbx is guaranteed non-clobbered. */
+ mov %fs,%edi
+ testb $2,UREGS_cs+8(%rsp)
+ jz 1f
+ /* Push new frame at registered guest-OS stack base. */
+ movl VCPU_kernel_sp(%rbx),%esi
+CFLT1: mov VCPU_kernel_ss(%rbx),%fs
+ subl $2*4,%esi
+ movl UREGS_rsp+8(%rsp),%eax
+CFLT2: movl %eax,%fs:(%rsi)
+ movl UREGS_ss+8(%rsp),%eax
+CFLT3: movl %eax,%fs:4(%rsi)
+ jmp 2f
+1: /* In kernel context already: push new frame at existing %rsp. */
+ movl UREGS_rsp+8(%rsp),%esi
+CFLT4: mov UREGS_ss+8(%rsp),%fs
+ movb TRAPBOUNCE_flags(%rdx),%cl
+ subl $3*4,%esi
+ movq VCPU_vcpu_info(%rbx),%rax
+ pushq VCPUINFO_upcall_mask(%rax)
+ testb $TBF_INTERRUPT,%cl
+ setnz %ch # TBF_INTERRUPT -> set upcall mask
+ orb %ch,VCPUINFO_upcall_mask(%rax)
+ popq %rax
+ shll $16,%eax # Bits 16-23: saved_upcall_mask
+ movw UREGS_cs+8(%rsp),%ax # Bits 0-15: CS
+CFLT5: movl %eax,%fs:4(%rsi) # CS / saved_upcall_mask
+ shrl $16,%eax
+ testb %al,%al # Bits 0-7: saved_upcall_mask
+ setz %ch # %ch == !saved_upcall_mask
+ movl UREGS_eflags+8(%rsp),%eax
+ andl $~X86_EFLAGS_IF,%eax
+ shlb $1,%ch # Bit 9 (EFLAGS.IF)
+ orb %ch,%ah # Fold EFLAGS.IF into %eax
+CFLT6: movl %eax,%fs:2*4(%rsi) # EFLAGS
+ movl UREGS_rip+8(%rsp),%eax
+CFLT7: movl %eax,%fs:(%rsi) # EIP
+ jz 1f
+ subl $4,%esi
+ movl TRAPBOUNCE_error_code(%rdx),%eax
+CFLT8: movl %eax,%fs:(%rsi) # ERROR CODE
+ testb $TBF_FAILSAFE,%cl
+ jz 2f
+ subl $4*4,%esi
+ movl %gs,%eax
+CFLT9: movl %eax,%fs:3*4(%rsi) # GS
+CFLT10: movl %edi,%fs:2*4(%rsi) # FS
+ movl %es,%eax
+CFLT11: movl %eax,%fs:1*4(%rsi) # ES
+ movl %ds,%eax
+CFLT12: movl %eax,%fs:0*4(%rsi) # DS
+ /* Rewrite our stack frame and return to guest-OS mode. */
+ /* IA32 Ref. Vol. 3: TF, VM, RF and NT flags are cleared on trap. */
+ movl $TRAP_syscall,UREGS_entry_vector+8(%rsp)
+ andl $~(X86_EFLAGS_VM|X86_EFLAGS_RF|\
+ X86_EFLAGS_NT|X86_EFLAGS_TF),UREGS_eflags+8(%rsp)
+ mov %fs,UREGS_ss+8(%rsp)
+ movl %esi,UREGS_rsp+8(%rsp)
+CFLT13: mov %edi,%fs
+ movzwl TRAPBOUNCE_cs(%rdx),%eax
+ /* Null selectors (0-3) are not allowed. */
+ testl $~3,%eax
+ jz domain_crash_synchronous
+ movl %eax,UREGS_cs+8(%rsp)
+ movl TRAPBOUNCE_eip(%rdx),%eax
+ movl %eax,UREGS_rip+8(%rsp)
+ movb $0,TRAPBOUNCE_flags(%rdx)
+ ret
+.section .fixup,"ax"
+ xorl %edi,%edi
+ jmp CFLT13
+.section __ex_table,"a"
+ .quad CFLT1,domain_crash_synchronous , CFLT2,compat_crash_page_fault
+ .quad CFLT3,compat_crash_page_fault_4 , CFLT4,domain_crash_synchronous
+ .quad CFLT5,compat_crash_page_fault_4 , CFLT6,compat_crash_page_fault_8
+ .quad CFLT7,compat_crash_page_fault , CFLT8,compat_crash_page_fault
+ .quad CFLT9,compat_crash_page_fault_12, CFLT10,compat_crash_page_fault_8
+ .quad CFLT11,compat_crash_page_fault_4 , CFLT12,compat_crash_page_fault
+ .quad CFLT13,CFIX13
+ addl $4,%esi
+ addl $4,%esi
+ addl $4,%esi
+CFLT14: mov %edi,%fs
+ movl %esi,%edi
+ call show_page_walk
+ jmp domain_crash_synchronous
+.section .fixup,"ax"
+ xorl %edi,%edi
+ jmp CFLT14
+.section __ex_table,"a"
+ .quad CFLT14,CFIX14
+.section .rodata, "a", @progbits
+#define compat_set_trap_table domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_mmu_update domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_set_gdt domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_stack_switch domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_fpu_taskswitch domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_arch_sched_op_compat domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_platform_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_set_debugreg domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_get_debugreg domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_update_descriptor domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_memory_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_multicall domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_update_va_mapping domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_set_timer_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_event_channel_op_compat domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_xen_version domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_console_io domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_physdev_op_compat domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_grant_table_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_vm_assist domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_update_va_mapping_otherdomain domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_vcpu_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_mmuext_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_acm_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_nmi_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_arch_sched_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_xenoprof_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_event_channel_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_physdev_op domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_sysctl domain_crash_synchronous
+#define compat_domctl domain_crash_synchronous
+ .quad compat_set_trap_table /* 0 */
+ .quad compat_mmu_update
+ .quad compat_set_gdt
+ .quad compat_stack_switch
+ .quad compat_set_callbacks
+ .quad compat_fpu_taskswitch /* 5 */
+ .quad compat_arch_sched_op_compat
+ .quad compat_platform_op
+ .quad compat_set_debugreg
+ .quad compat_get_debugreg
+ .quad compat_update_descriptor /* 10 */
+ .quad do_ni_hypercall
+ .quad compat_memory_op
+ .quad compat_multicall
+ .quad compat_update_va_mapping
+ .quad compat_set_timer_op /* 15 */
+ .quad compat_event_channel_op_compat
+ .quad compat_xen_version
+ .quad compat_console_io
+ .quad compat_physdev_op_compat
+ .quad compat_grant_table_op /* 20 */
+ .quad compat_vm_assist
+ .quad compat_update_va_mapping_otherdomain
+ .quad compat_iret
+ .quad compat_vcpu_op
+ .quad do_ni_hypercall /* 25 */
+ .quad compat_mmuext_op
+ .quad compat_acm_op
+ .quad compat_nmi_op
+ .quad compat_arch_sched_op
+ .quad compat_callback_op /* 30 */
+ .quad compat_xenoprof_op
+ .quad compat_event_channel_op
+ .quad compat_physdev_op
+ .quad do_ni_hypercall
+ .quad compat_sysctl /* 35 */
+ .quad compat_domctl
+ .rept NR_hypercalls-((.-compat_hypercall_table)/8)
+ .quad do_ni_hypercall
+ .endr
+ .byte 1 /* compat_set_trap_table */ /* 0 */
+ .byte 4 /* compat_mmu_update */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_set_gdt */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_stack_switch */
+ .byte 4 /* compat_set_callbacks */
+ .byte 1 /* compat_fpu_taskswitch */ /* 5 */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_arch_sched_op_compat */
+ .byte 1 /* compat_platform_op */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_set_debugreg */
+ .byte 1 /* compat_get_debugreg */
+ .byte 4 /* compat_update_descriptor */ /* 10 */
+ .byte 0 /* do_ni_hypercall */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_memory_op */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_multicall */
+ .byte 4 /* compat_update_va_mapping */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_set_timer_op */ /* 15 */
+ .byte 1 /* compat_event_channel_op_compat */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_xen_version */
+ .byte 3 /* compat_console_io */
+ .byte 1 /* compat_physdev_op_compat */
+ .byte 3 /* compat_grant_table_op */ /* 20 */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_vm_assist */
+ .byte 5 /* compat_update_va_mapping_otherdomain */
+ .byte 0 /* compat_iret */
+ .byte 3 /* compat_vcpu_op */
+ .byte 0 /* do_ni_hypercall */ /* 25 */
+ .byte 4 /* compat_mmuext_op */
+ .byte 1 /* compat_acm_op */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_nmi_op */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_arch_sched_op */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_callback_op */ /* 30 */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_xenoprof_op */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_event_channel_op */
+ .byte 2 /* compat_physdev_op */
+ .byte 0 /* do_ni_hypercall */
+ .byte 1 /* compat_sysctl */ /* 35 */
+ .byte 1 /* compat_domctl */
+ .rept NR_hypercalls-(.-compat_hypercall_args_table)
+ .byte 0 /* do_ni_hypercall */
+ .endr
Index: 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/compat/traps.c
--- /dev/null 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/compat/traps.c 2006-12-18 09:43:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#if 0 /* XXX */
+#include <compat/callback.h>
+struct compat_xen_callback {
+ unsigned int cs;
+ unsigned int eip;
+typedef struct compat_xen_callback xen_callback_compat_t;
+struct compat_callback_register {
+ uint16_t type;
+ uint16_t flags;
+ xen_callback_compat_t address;
+struct compat_callback_unregister {
+ uint16_t type;
+ uint16_t _unused;
+void compat_show_guest_stack(struct cpu_user_regs *regs, int debug_stack_lines)
+ unsigned int i, *stack, addr;
+ stack = (unsigned int *)(unsigned long)regs->_esp;
+ printk("Guest stack trace from esp=%08lx:\n ", (unsigned long)stack);
+ for ( i = 0; i < debug_stack_lines * 8; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( (((long)stack + 3) & (STACK_SIZE - 4)) == 0 )
+ break;
+ if ( get_user(addr, stack) )
+ {
+ if ( i != 0 )
+ printk("\n ");
+ printk("Fault while accessing guest memory.");
+ i = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( (i != 0) && ((i % 8) == 0) )
+ printk("\n ");
+ printk(" %08x", addr);
+ stack++;
+ }
+ if ( i == 0 )
+ printk("Stack empty.");
+ printk("\n");
+unsigned int compat_iret(void)
+ struct cpu_user_regs *regs = guest_cpu_user_regs();
+ u32 eflags;
+ /* Restore EAX (clobbered by hypercall). */
+ if ( unlikely(__get_user(regs->_eax, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp)) )
+ goto exit_and_crash;
+ /* Restore CS and EIP. */
+ if ( unlikely(__get_user(regs->_eip, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp + 1)) ||
+ unlikely(__get_user(regs->cs, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp + 2)) )
+ goto exit_and_crash;
+ /*
+ * Fix up and restore EFLAGS. We fix up in a local staging area
+ * to avoid firing the BUG_ON(IOPL) check in arch_getdomaininfo_ctxt.
+ */
+ if ( unlikely(__get_user(eflags, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp + 3)) )
+ goto exit_and_crash;
+ regs->_eflags = (eflags & ~X86_EFLAGS_IOPL) | X86_EFLAGS_IF;
+ if ( unlikely(eflags & X86_EFLAGS_VM) )
+ {
+ /*
+ * Cannot return to VM86 mode: inject a GP fault instead. Note that
+ * the GP fault is reported on the first VM86 mode instruction, not on
+ * the IRET (which is why we can simply leave the stack frame as-is
+ * (except for perhaps having to copy it), which in turn seems better
+ * than teaching create_bounce_frame() to needlessly deal with vm86
+ * mode frames).
+ */
+ const struct trap_info *ti;
+ u32 x, ksp = current->arch.guest_context.kernel_sp - 40;
+ unsigned int i;
+ int rc = 0;
+ gdprintk(XENLOG_ERR, "VM86 mode unavailable (ksp:%08X->%08X)\n",
+ regs->_esp, ksp);
+ if ( ksp < regs->_esp )
+ {
+ for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
+ {
+ rc |= __get_user(x, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp + i);
+ rc |= __put_user(x, (u32 __user *)(unsigned long)ksp + i);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( ksp > regs->_esp )
+ {
+ for (i = 9; i > 0; ++i)
+ {
+ rc |= __get_user(x, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp + i);
+ rc |= __put_user(x, (u32 __user *)(unsigned long)ksp + i);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( rc )
+ goto exit_and_crash;
+ regs->_esp = ksp;
+ regs->ss = current->arch.guest_context.kernel_ss;
+ ti = &current->arch.guest_context.trap_ctxt[13];
+ if ( TI_GET_IF(ti) )
+ eflags &= ~X86_EFLAGS_IF;
+ regs->_eflags = eflags & ~(X86_EFLAGS_VM|X86_EFLAGS_RF|
+ if ( unlikely(__put_user(0, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp)) )
+ goto exit_and_crash;
+ regs->_eip = ti->address;
+ regs->cs = ti->cs;
+ }
+ else if ( unlikely(ring_0(regs)) )
+ goto exit_and_crash;
+ else if ( !ring_1(regs) )
+ {
+ /* Return to ring 2/3: restore ESP and SS. */
+ if ( __get_user(regs->ss, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp + 5)
+ || __get_user(regs->_esp, (u32 __user *)regs->rsp + 4))
+ goto exit_and_crash;
+ }
+ else
+ regs->_esp += 16;
+ /* No longer in NMI context. */
+ clear_bit(_VCPUF_nmi_masked, &current->vcpu_flags);
+ /* Restore upcall mask from supplied EFLAGS.IF. */
+ current->vcpu_info->evtchn_upcall_mask = !(eflags & X86_EFLAGS_IF);
+ /*
+ * The hypercall exit path will overwrite EAX with this return
+ * value.
+ */
+ return regs->_eax;
+ exit_and_crash:
+ gdprintk(XENLOG_ERR, "Fatal error\n");
+ domain_crash(current->domain);
+ return 0;
+static long compat_register_guest_callback(struct compat_callback_register *reg)
+ long ret = 0;
+ struct vcpu *v = current;
+ fixup_guest_code_selector(v->domain, reg->address.cs);
+ switch ( reg->type )
+ {
+ case CALLBACKTYPE_event:
+ v->arch.guest_context.event_callback_cs = reg->address.cs;
+ v->arch.guest_context.event_callback_eip = reg->address.eip;
+ break;
+ case CALLBACKTYPE_failsafe:
+ v->arch.guest_context.failsafe_callback_cs = reg->address.cs;
+ v->arch.guest_context.failsafe_callback_eip = reg->address.eip;
+ if ( reg->flags & CALLBACKF_mask_events )
+ set_bit(_VGCF_failsafe_disables_events,
+ &v->arch.guest_context.flags);
+ else
+ clear_bit(_VGCF_failsafe_disables_events,
+ &v->arch.guest_context.flags);
+ break;
+ case CALLBACKTYPE_nmi:
+ ret = register_guest_nmi_callback(reg->address.eip);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static long compat_unregister_guest_callback(struct compat_callback_unregister *unreg)
+ long ret;
+ switch ( unreg->type )
+ {
+ case CALLBACKTYPE_nmi:
+ ret = unregister_guest_nmi_callback();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+long compat_callback_op(int cmd, XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(void) arg)
+ long ret;
+ switch ( cmd )
+ {
+ case CALLBACKOP_register:
+ {
+ struct compat_callback_register reg;
+ ret = -EFAULT;
+ if ( copy_from_guest(&reg, arg, 1) )
+ break;
+ ret = compat_register_guest_callback(&reg);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CALLBACKOP_unregister:
+ {
+ struct compat_callback_unregister unreg;
+ ret = -EFAULT;
+ if ( copy_from_guest(&unreg, arg, 1) )
+ break;
+ ret = compat_unregister_guest_callback(&unreg);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+long compat_set_callbacks(unsigned long event_selector,
+ unsigned long event_address,
+ unsigned long failsafe_selector,
+ unsigned long failsafe_address)
+ struct compat_callback_register event = {
+ .type = CALLBACKTYPE_event,
+ .address = {
+ .cs = event_selector,
+ .eip = event_address
+ }
+ };
+ struct compat_callback_register failsafe = {
+ .type = CALLBACKTYPE_failsafe,
+ .address = {
+ .cs = failsafe_selector,
+ .eip = failsafe_address
+ }
+ };
+ compat_register_guest_callback(&event);
+ compat_register_guest_callback(&failsafe);
+ return 0;
+#endif /* CONFIG_COMPAT */
+static void hypercall_page_initialise_ring1_kernel(void *hypercall_page)
+ char *p;
+ int i;
+ /* Fill in all the transfer points with template machine code. */
+ for ( i = 0; i < (PAGE_SIZE / 32); i++ )
+ {
+ p = (char *)(hypercall_page + (i * 32));
+ *(u8 *)(p+ 0) = 0xb8; /* mov $<i>,%eax */
+ *(u32 *)(p+ 1) = i;
+ *(u16 *)(p+ 5) = 0x82cd; /* int $0x82 */
+ *(u8 *)(p+ 7) = 0xc3; /* ret */
+ }
+ /*
+ * HYPERVISOR_iret is special because it doesn't return and expects a
+ * special stack frame. Guests jump at this transfer point instead of
+ * calling it.
+ */
+ p = (char *)(hypercall_page + (__HYPERVISOR_iret * 32));
+ *(u8 *)(p+ 0) = 0x50; /* push %eax */
+ *(u8 *)(p+ 1) = 0xb8; /* mov $__HYPERVISOR_iret,%eax */
+ *(u32 *)(p+ 2) = __HYPERVISOR_iret;
+ *(u16 *)(p+ 6) = 0x82cd; /* int $0x82 */
+ * Local variables:
+ * mode: C
+ * c-set-style: "BSD"
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * indent-tabs-mode: nil
+ * End:
+ */
Index: 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/entry.S
--- 2006-12-18.orig/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/entry.S 2006-12-18 09:36:35.000000000 +0100
+++ 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/entry.S 2006-12-18 09:43:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -337,7 +337,16 @@ domain_crash_synchronous:
movq %rax,%rsp
# create_bounce_frame() temporarily clobbers CS.RPL. Fix up.
+ movq CPUINFO_current_vcpu(%rax),%rax
+ movq VCPU_domain(%rax),%rax
+ btl $_DOMF_compat,DOMAIN_domain_flags(%rax)
+ setnc %al
+ leal (%rax,%rax,2),%eax
+ orb %al,UREGS_cs(%rsp)
orb $3,UREGS_cs(%rsp)
# printk(domain_crash_synchronous_string)
leaq domain_crash_synchronous_string(%rip),%rdi
xorl %eax,%eax
@@ -349,8 +358,15 @@ domain_crash_synchronous:
testb $3,UREGS_cs(%rsp)
- jnz test_all_events
- jmp restore_all_xen
+ jz restore_all_xen
+ jmp test_all_events
+ movq VCPU_domain(%rbx),%rax
+ btl $_DOMF_compat,DOMAIN_domain_flags(%rax)
+ jnc test_all_events
+ jmp compat_test_all_events
/* No special register assumptions. */
@@ -368,6 +384,11 @@ handle_exception:
testb $3,UREGS_cs(%rsp)
jz restore_all_xen
leaq VCPU_trap_bounce(%rbx),%rdx
+ movq VCPU_domain(%rbx),%rax
+ btl $_DOMF_compat,DOMAIN_domain_flags(%rax)
+ jc compat_post_handle_exception
jz test_all_events
call create_bounce_frame
@@ -625,3 +646,7 @@ ENTRY(hypercall_args_table)
.rept NR_hypercalls-(.-hypercall_args_table)
.byte 0 /* do_ni_hypercall */
+#include "compat/entry.S"
Index: 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/traps.c
--- 2006-12-18.orig/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/traps.c 2006-12-18 09:37:45.000000000 +0100
+++ 2006-12-18/xen/arch/x86/x86_64/traps.c 2006-12-18 09:43:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ unsigned long do_iret(void)
asmlinkage void syscall_enter(void);
+asmlinkage void compat_hypercall(void);
void __init percpu_traps_init(void)
char *stack_bottom, *stack;
@@ -257,6 +258,11 @@ void __init percpu_traps_init(void)
set_intr_gate(TRAP_double_fault, &double_fault);
idt_table[TRAP_double_fault].a |= 1UL << 32; /* IST1 */
idt_table[TRAP_nmi].a |= 2UL << 32; /* IST2 */
+ /* The hypercall entry vector is only accessible from ring 1. */
+ _set_gate(idt_table+HYPERCALL_VECTOR, 15, 1, &compat_hypercall);
stack_bottom = (char *)get_stack_bottom();
@@ -503,12 +509,16 @@ static void hypercall_page_initialise_ri
*(u16 *)(p+ 9) = 0x050f; /* syscall */
+#include "compat/traps.c"
void hypercall_page_initialise(struct domain *d, void *hypercall_page)
if ( is_hvm_domain(d) )
hvm_hypercall_page_initialise(d, hypercall_page);
- else
+ else if ( !IS_COMPAT(d) )
+ else
+ hypercall_page_initialise_ring1_kernel(hypercall_page);
Index: 2006-12-18/xen/include/asm-x86/processor.h
--- 2006-12-18.orig/xen/include/asm-x86/processor.h 2006-12-13 11:15:56.000000000 +0100
+++ 2006-12-18/xen/include/asm-x86/processor.h 2006-12-18 09:43:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -559,6 +559,12 @@ void show_execution_state(struct cpu_use
void show_page_walk(unsigned long addr);
asmlinkage void fatal_trap(int trapnr, struct cpu_user_regs *regs);
+void compat_show_guest_stack(struct cpu_user_regs *, int lines);
+#define compat_show_guest_stack(regs, lines) ((void)0)
/* Dumps current register and stack state. */
#define dump_execution_state() \
/* NB. Needs interrupts enabled else we end up in fatal_trap(). */ \