Index: src/input/input_dvd.c
--- src/input/input_dvd.c.orig
+++ src/input/input_dvd.c
@@ -1393,7 +1393,12 @@
 static int dvd_parse_try_open(dvd_input_plugin_t *this, const char *locator)
-  const char *intended_dvd_device;
+  const char        *intended_dvd_device;
+  dvd_input_class_t *class = (dvd_input_class_t *)
+                               this->input_plugin.input_class;
+  xine_sarray_t    **plgs  = class->xine->plugin_catalog->plugin_lists;
+  plugin_node_t     *node;
+  int                i;
   /* FIXME: we temporarily special-case "dvd:/" for compatibility;
    * actually "dvd:/" should play a DVD image stored in /, but for
@@ -1409,7 +1414,6 @@
     xine_setenv("DVDCSS_RAW_DEVICE", "", 1);
   } else {
     /* use default DVD device */
-    dvd_input_class_t *class = (dvd_input_class_t*)this->input_plugin.input_class;
     xine_cfg_entry_t raw_device;
     if (xine_config_lookup_entry(this->stream->xine,
 	"media.dvd.raw_device", &raw_device))
@@ -1417,6 +1421,23 @@
     intended_dvd_device = class->dvd_device;
+  for (i = 0; (node = xine_sarray_get (plgs[PLUGIN_VIDEO_DECODER-1], i)); i++)
+    if (strcmp (node->info->id, "mpeg2") == 0)
+      break;
+  if (node)
+    for (i = 0; (node = xine_sarray_get (plgs[PLUGIN_SPU_DECODER-1], i)); i++)
+      if (strcmp (node->info->id, "spudec") == 0)
+        break;
+  if (! node) {
+      _x_message (this->stream, XINE_MSG_GENERAL_WARNING,
+                  "This version of Xine lacks support for playing DVD discs "
+		  "for legal reasons.\n"
+		  "Please go to "
+		  "for further details.",
+		  NULL);
+      return 0;
+  }
   /* attempt to open DVD */
   if (this->opened) {
     if (intended_dvd_device == this->current_dvd_device) {
@@ -1479,8 +1500,11 @@
 static int dvd_plugin_open (input_plugin_t *this_gen) {
-  dvd_input_plugin_t    *this = (dvd_input_plugin_t*)this_gen;
+  dvd_input_plugin_t    *this  = (dvd_input_plugin_t*)this_gen;
   dvd_input_class_t     *class = (dvd_input_class_t*)this_gen->input_class;
+  xine_sarray_t        **plgs  = class->xine->plugin_catalog->plugin_lists;
+  plugin_node_t         *node;
+  int                    i;
   char                  *locator, *locator_orig;
   char                  *title_part;
@@ -1489,6 +1513,23 @@
+  for (i = 0; (node = xine_sarray_get (plgs[PLUGIN_VIDEO_DECODER-1], i)); i++)
+    if (strcmp (node->info->id, "mpeg2") == 0)
+      break;
+  if (node)
+    for (i = 0; (node = xine_sarray_get (plgs[PLUGIN_SPU_DECODER-1], i)); i++)
+      if (strcmp (node->info->id, "spudec") == 0)
+        break;
+  if (! node) {
+      _x_message (this->stream, XINE_MSG_GENERAL_WARNING,
+                  "This version of Xine lacks support for playing DVD discs "
+		  "for legal reasons.\n"
+		  "Please go to "
+		  "for further details.",
+		  NULL);
+      return 0;
+  }
   /* we already checked the "dvd:/" MRL before */
   locator_orig = locator = strdup (this->mrl + (sizeof("dvd:") - 1));