# # spec file for package xorg-x11-server (Version 7.3) # # Copyright (c) 2007 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine # package are under the same license as the package itself. # # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/ # # norootforbuild Name: xorg-x11-server %define dirsuffix 1.4 %define fglrx_driver_hack 0 %define vnc 1 BuildRequires: Mesa-devel fontconfig-devel freetype2-devel ghostscript-library glitz-devel libdrm-devel pkgconfig xorg-x11 xorg-x11-devel xorg-x11-libICE-devel xorg-x11-libSM-devel xorg-x11-libX11-devel xorg-x11-libXau-devel xorg-x11-libXdmcp-devel xorg-x11-libXext-devel xorg-x11-libXfixes-devel xorg-x11-libXmu-devel xorg-x11-libXp-devel xorg-x11-libXpm-devel xorg-x11-libXprintUtil-devel xorg-x11-libXrender-devel xorg-x11-libXt-devel xorg-x11-libXv-devel xorg-x11-libfontenc-devel xorg-x11-libxkbfile-devel xorg-x11-proto-devel xorg-x11-xtrans-devel %if %vnc BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel %endif Url: http://xorg.freedesktop.org/ %define EXPERIMENTAL 0 Version: 7.3 Release: 31 License: X11/MIT BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build Group: System/X11/Servers/XF86_4 Requires: pkgconfig xorg-x11-fonts-core xorg-x11 %if %suse_version > 1010 %ifnarch s390 s390x Requires: xorg-x11-driver-input xorg-x11-driver-video %endif %endif Provides: xorg-x11-server-glx Obsoletes: xorg-x11-server-glx Summary: X.Org Server Source: xorg-server-%{dirsuffix}.tar.bz2 Source1: MesaLib-7.0.2.tar.bz2 Source3: README.updates Source4: xorgcfg.tar.bz2 %if %suse_version > 1010 Source5: modprobe.nvidia %endif Source7: xorg-docs-1.4.tar.bz2 Source8: xorg.conf.man-070818.tar Source9: ia64Pci.h Patch: 64bit.diff Patch1: fpic.diff Patch2: p_default-module-path.diff Patch3: p_ValidatePci.diff Patch4: xprint.diff Patch5: xorg-server.diff Patch6: pu_fixes.diff Patch7: p_mouse_misc.diff Patch8: p_bug96328.diff Patch9: p_vga-crashfix.diff Patch11: ps_showopts.diff Patch12: p_xf86Mode.diff Patch13: p_xorg_acpi.diff Patch14: p_xkills_wrong_client.diff Patch16: p_xnest-ignore-getimage-errors.diff Patch18: p_ia64-console.diff Patch19: disable-aiglx.diff Patch22: disable-root-xorg_conf.diff Patch23: disable-fbblt-opt.diff Patch25: glx-align.patch Patch27: mouse.diff Patch29: xephyr.diff Patch30: p_ppc_domain_workaround.diff Patch32: acpi_events.diff Patch34: p_pci-off-by-one.diff.ia64 Patch36: libdrm.diff %if %vnc Patch39: xorg-server-1.4-vnc.patch Patch40: xorg-server-1.4-vnc-fix.patch Patch43: xorg-server-1.4-vnc-64bit.diff %endif Patch41: loadmod-bug197195.diff Patch42: bug227111-ddc_screensize.diff Patch45: bug-197858_dpms.diff Patch63: xorg-x11-server-1.2.99-unbreak-domain.patch Patch67: xorg-docs.diff Patch69: xserver-mode-fuzzy-check.diff Patch72: randr12-8d230319040f0a7f72231da2bf5ec97dc3612e21.diff Patch77: fbdevhw.diff Patch79: edit_data_sanity_check.diff Patch81: xserver-1.3.0-xkb-and-loathing.patch Patch83: ia64linuxPciInit.diff Patch84: commit-feac075.diff Patch85: commit-29e0e18.diff Patch86: mfb_without_xorg.diff %description This package contains the X.Org Server. %package extra Summary: Additional Xservers (Xdmx, Xephyr, Xnest, Xvfb) Group: System/X11/Servers/XF86_4 Provides: xorg-x11-Xnest xorg-x11-Xvfb xorg-x11-server:/usr/bin/Xdmx Obsoletes: xorg-x11-Xnest xorg-x11-Xvfb Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-core xorg-x11 AutoReqProv: on %description extra This package contains additional Xservers (Xdmx, Xephyr, Xnest, Xvfb). %ifnarch s390 s390x %package sdk Summary: X.Org Server SDK. Group: System/Libraries Provides: xorg-x11-sdk Obsoletes: xorg-x11-sdk Requires: xorg-x11-proto-devel xorg-x11-xtrans-devel xorg-x11-libXau-devel xorg-x11-libXdmcp-devel xorg-x11-libX11-devel xorg-x11-libXext-devel xorg-x11-libXp-devel xorg-x11-libXpm-devel xorg-x11-libXrender-devel xorg-x11-libICE-devel xorg-x11-libSM-devel xorg-x11-libXt-devel xorg-x11-libXmu-devel xorg-x11-libXfixes-devel xorg-x11-libxkbfile-devel xorg-x11-libfontenc-devel xorg-x11-libXv-devel xorg-x11-libXprintUtil-devel xorg-x11-devel freetype2-devel fontconfig-devel libdrm-devel glitz-devel xorg-x11-server AutoReqProv: on %description sdk This package contains the X.Org Server SDK. %endif %if %vnc %package -n xorg-x11-Xvnc Summary: VNC Server for the X Window System Group: System/X11/Servers/XF86_4 Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-core xorg-x11 Provides: vnc:/usr/X11R6/bin/Xvnc XFree86-Xvnc Obsoletes: XFree86-Xvnc %ifarch ia64 Provides: vnc-x86 Obsoletes: vnc-x86 %endif AutoReqProv: on %description -n xorg-x11-Xvnc An X Window System server for Virtual Network Computing (VNC). %endif %prep %setup -q -n xorg-server-%{dirsuffix} -b1 -a4 -a7 -a8 test -s hw/xfree86/os-support/shared/ia64Pci.h || \ cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/ia64Pci.h hw/xfree86/os-support/shared/ia64Pci.h # make legal department happy (Bug #204110) test -f ../Mesa-7.0.2/src/mesa/drivers/directfb/idirectfbgl_mesa.c && exit 1 test -f ../Mesa-7.0.2/progs/ggi/asc-view.c && exit 1 # remove wrongly prebuilt files (Bug #328201) mv hw/xfree86/xf1bpp/mfbmodule.c . rm hw/xfree86/xf1bpp/*.c mv mfbmodule.c hw/xfree86/xf1bpp %patch %patch1 %patch2 %patch3 %patch4 %patch5 %patch6 %patch7 -p2 %patch8 -p0 %patch9 -p2 %patch11 #%patch12 -p2 %patch13 %patch14 -p2 %patch16 -p2 pushd hw/xfree86/os-support %patch18 popd %patch19 %patch22 %patch23 %patch25 -p1 %patch27 %patch29 ### Bug 197572: X.Org PCI/IA64 patches %patch30 %patch32 -p1 %patch34 -p0 %patch36 -p0 %if %vnc %patch39 -p1 %patch40 -p1 %patch43 -p0 chmod 755 hw/vnc/symlink-vnc.sh %endif %patch41 -p1 %patch42 -p0 %patch45 -p0 %patch63 -p1 pushd xorg-docs-* %patch67 popd %patch69 -p1 %patch72 -p1 %patch77 %patch79 -p1 %patch81 -p1 %patch83 %patch84 -p1 %patch85 -p1 %patch86 -p0 %build pushd xorg-docs-* autoreconf -fi ./configure CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" \ --prefix=/usr --libdir=%{_libdir} --mandir=%{_mandir} make popd autoreconf -fi ./configure CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" \ %if %fglrx_driver_hack --with-release-major=7 \ --with-release-minor=2 \ --with-release-patch=0 \ --with-release-snap=0 \ --with-release-date="%(date)" \ --with-release-version= \ %endif %if %vnc %ifnarch s390 s390x --enable-xcliplist \ %endif --enable-vnc \ %endif --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --libdir=%{_libdir} \ --mandir=%{_mandir} \ --enable-builddocs \ %ifarch s390 s390x --disable-install-libxf86config \ %else --enable-install-libxf86config \ %endif %ifarch %EXPERIMENTAL --enable-glx-tls \ --enable-multibuffer \ %endif %ifarch s390 s390x --disable-aiglx \ %else --enable-aiglx \ %endif --enable-lbx \ --enable-xdmcp \ --enable-xdm-auth-1 \ %ifarch s390 s390x --disable-dri \ --disable-xorg \ --enable-mfb \ %else --enable-dri \ --enable-xorg \ %endif --enable-dmx \ --enable-xnest \ --enable-kdrive \ --enable-xephyr \ --disable-xsdl \ --enable-xprint \ --disable-kbd_mode \ --disable-xprint \ --with-log-dir="/var/log" \ --with-os-name="openSUSE" \ --with-os-vendor="SUSE LINUX" \ --with-mesa-source=$RPM_BUILD_DIR/Mesa-7.0.2 \ --with-fontdir="/usr/share/fonts" \ --with-xkb-path="/usr/share/X11/xkb" \ --with-xkb-output="/var/lib/xkb/compiled" #make %{?jobs:-j %jobs} make make -C hw/kdrive %{?jobs:-j %jobs} %install make -C xorg-docs-* install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT make -C hw/kdrive install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %ifnarch s390 s390x # remove .la files find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}/xorg/modules/ -name "*.la" | \ xargs rm install -m 644 hw/xfree86/parser/{xf86Parser.h,xf86Optrec.h} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/xorg # add compatibility symlinks for SUSE <= 10.1 %if %suse_version <= 1010 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/bin ln -snf ../../bin/X $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/bin/X ln -snf ../../bin/Xorg $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg %endif chmod u+s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/Xorg mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/X11R6/bin ln -snf ../../../usr/bin/Xorg $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/X11R6/bin/X ln -snf ../../var/X11R6/bin/X $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/X mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}/xorg/modules/updates/{fonts,input,linux,drivers,multimedia,extensions} install -m 644 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/README.updates $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}/xorg/modules/updates %if %suse_version <= 1010 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/permissions.d cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/permissions.d/xorg-x11-server.easy << EOF /usr/bin/Xorg root:root 4711 EOF cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/permissions.d/xorg-x11-server.paranoid << EOF /usr/bin/Xorg root:root 0711 EOF cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/permissions.d/xorg-x11-server.secure << EOF /usr/bin/Xorg root:root 0711 EOF %endif %else rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/aclocal/*.m4 %endif %if %suse_version > 1010 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/modprobe.d install -m 644 $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/modprobe.nvidia $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia %endif %if %vnc %ifarch s390 s390x rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/mfb.h %endif %endif %clean rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" %ifnarch s390 s390x %verifyscript %verify_permissions -e /usr/bin/Xorg %endif %pre test -L usr/lib/X11 && rm usr/lib/X11 rm -rf etc/X11/xserver/ exit 0 %post %ifnarch s390 s390x %run_permissions rm -f var/log/XFree86.*.log* # SaX2 writes xorg.conf since SuSE 9.3 # - create backup of XF86Config # - copy XF86Config to xorg.conf # - set XF86Config symlink to xorg.conf pushd etc/X11 &> /dev/null # get rid of symlinks for file in xorg.conf XF86Config; do if [ -L $file ]; then symlink=$file while test -L $symlink; do tmp=$(readlink $symlink) rm -f $symlink symlink=$tmp done mv $symlink $file fi done if [ ! -f xorg.conf -a -f XF86Config ]; then cp XF86Config xorg.conf fi if [ -f xorg.conf ]; then #test -f XF86Config && old XF86Config ln -snf xorg.conf XF86Config fi popd &> /dev/null if [ -f etc/X11/xorg.conf ]; then # keyboard driver specification seems to be case-sensitive now :-( # SLES9 SPx --> SLES10: i915 --> i810 driver # SuSE 9.3 --> SuSE 10.0: xgi --> sis driver # SuSE 9.3 --> SuSE 10.0: cz_qwerty,us --> cz(qwerty,basic) keyboard map # SuSE 9.3 --> SuSE 10.0: sk_qwerty,us --> sk(qwerty,basic) keyboard map # SuSE 9.3 --> SuSE 10.0: el --> gr keyboard map # SuSE 10.0 --> SuSE 10.1: r128 --> ati driver # SuSE 9.0 --> SuSE 9.1: /dev/mouse --> /dev/input/mice (Bug #172260) # SuSE 10.1 --> SuSE 10.2: X11 fonts have moved to /usr/share/fonts # SuSE 10.1 --> SuSE 10.2: radeonold/radeon10b --> radeon # SuSE 10.2 --> SUSE 10.3: i810beta --> intel if grep -q -e \"[kK]eyboard\" \ -e \"i915\" \ -e \"xgi\" \ -e \"r128\" \ -e \"radeonold\" \ -e \"radeon10b\" \ -e \"i810beta\" \ -e \"/dev/mouse\" \ -e /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/ \ -e /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/ \ -e /usr/lib/X11/fonts/ \ -e _qwerty \ -e \"el\" \ etc/X11/xorg.conf; then sed -i.post_xorg-x11-server \ -e 's/\"[kK]eyboard\"/\"kbd\"/g' \ -e 's/\"i915\"/\"i810\"/g' \ -e 's/\"xgi\"/\"sis\"/g' \ -e 's/\"r128\"/\"ati\"/g' \ -e 's/\"radeonold\"/\"radeon\"/g' \ -e 's/\"radeon10b\"/\"radeon\"/g' \ -e 's/\"i810beta\"/\"intel\"/g' \ -e 's+/dev/mouse+/dev/input/mice+g' \ -e 's+/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/+/usr/share/fonts/+g' \ -e 's+/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/+/usr/share/fonts/+g' \ -e 's+/usr/lib/X11/fonts/+/usr/share/fonts/+g' \ -e ' /\"XkbLayout\".*\".*_qwerty,us\"/{ h g a\ Option\t"XkbVariant" "qwerty,basic" } ' \ -e s/_qwerty//g \ -e s/\"el\"/\"gr\"/g \ etc/X11/xorg.conf fi fi %endif # Installation of init script seems to be disabled by default # Create symbolic run level links for xprint start script if false; then %{fillup_and_insserv -p xprint} fi exit 0 %preun # Installation of init script seems to be disabled by default if false; then %stop_on_removal xprint fi exit 0 %postun # installation of init script seems to be disabled by default # Rearrange run level symlinks after removing the xprint init script if false; then %{insserv_cleanup} fi exit 0 %ifnarch s390 s390x %pre sdk test -L usr/include/X11 && rm usr/include/X11 exit 0 %endif %files %defattr(-,root,root) %if %suse_version > 1010 %dir /etc/modprobe.d /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia %endif %ifnarch s390 s390x %dir /usr/%{_lib}/xorg %dir /var/X11R6/bin %endif %dir /var/lib/xkb %dir /var/lib/xkb/compiled %ifnarch s390 s390x %if %suse_version <= 1010 /etc/permissions.d/%name.* %endif %if %suse_version <= 1010 /usr/X11R6/bin/X /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg %endif /usr/bin/X %endif %ifnarch s390 s390x %verify(not mode) /usr/bin/Xorg %endif %ifnarch s390 s390x /usr/bin/cvt %endif /usr/bin/dmxaddinput /usr/bin/dmxaddscreen /usr/bin/dmxreconfig /usr/bin/dmxresize /usr/bin/dmxrminput /usr/bin/dmxrmscreen /usr/bin/dmxtodmx /usr/bin/dmxwininfo %ifnarch s390 s390x /usr/bin/gtf /usr/bin/inb /usr/bin/inl /usr/bin/inw /usr/bin/ioport /usr/bin/outb /usr/bin/outl /usr/bin/outw /usr/bin/pcitweak /usr/bin/scanpci %endif /usr/bin/vdltodmx /usr/bin/xdmx /usr/bin/xdmxconfig %ifnarch s390 s390x /usr/bin/xorgconfig /usr/%{_lib}/X11/* /usr/%{_lib}/xorg/modules/ %{_mandir}/man4/* %endif /usr/%{_lib}/pkgconfig/*.pc /usr/%{_lib}/xserver/ %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_mandir}/man5/* %{_mandir}/man7/* %ifnarch s390 s390x /var/X11R6/bin/X %endif /var/lib/xkb/compiled/README.compiled %files extra %defattr(-,root,root) /usr/bin/Xdmx /usr/bin/Xephyr /usr/bin/Xnest /usr/bin/Xvfb %ifnarch s390 s390x %files sdk %defattr(-,root,root) /usr/include/xorg/ /usr/%{_lib}/*.a /usr/share/aclocal/*.m4 %endif %if %vnc %files -n xorg-x11-Xvnc %defattr(-, root, root) /usr/bin/Xvnc %endif %changelog * Thu Nov 22 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - pixman.diff no longer required * Sun Nov 18 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - s390(x): allow mfb build without Xorg server being built * Thu Nov 15 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - commit-29e0e18.diff * Make config file preferred mode override monitor preferred mode. - commit-feac075.diff * Leave hardware-specified preferred modes alone when user preference exists. - obsoletes preferred_mode-fix.diff * Thu Nov 15 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - added xorg-x11-fonts-core/xorg-x11 to Requires (Bug #341312) * Wed Nov 14 2007 - schwab@suse.de - ia64linuxPciInit: allocate extra space for fake devices. * Sat Nov 10 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated to Mesa 7.0.2 (final) sources * Wed Oct 31 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated to Mesa 7.0.2 RC1 sources * Tue Oct 23 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xorg-server-1.4-vnc-64bit.diff * fixes segfault on 64bit during Xserver start; make sure to define _XSERVER64 by having HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H defined and therefore including dix-config.h, so Atom is CARD32 instead of unsigned long before and no longer messes up the pInfo structure in xf86rfbMouseInit/xf86rfbKeybInit - finally enabled build of xf4vnc (standalone Xvnc and VNC Xserver module) * Fri Oct 19 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated xf4vnc patch; still disabled due to problematic vnc module * Tue Oct 09 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - preferred_mode-fix.diff * more reasonable patch (Bug #329724) * Thu Oct 04 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - preferred_mode-fix.diff * fixed endless loop if PreferredMode is set (Bug #329724) * Wed Oct 03 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - removed obsolete patch p_pci-domain.diff (Bug #308693, comment #26) - apply p_pci-off-by-one.diff.ia64 on all platforms since it clearly only affects platforms, where INCLUDE_XF86_NO_DOMAIN is *not* set; this still not explains why we have seen Xserver hangups with the patch in place on at least some %%ix86/x86_64 machines with fglrx/ nvidia driver IIRC; it needs to verified if this problem is still reproducable ... (Bug #308693, comment #25) * Wed Oct 03 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver-1.3.0-xkb-and-loathing.patch * Ignore (not just block) SIGALRM around calls to Popen()/Pclose(). Fixes a hang in openoffice when opening menus. (Bug #245711) * Wed Oct 03 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - added missing ia64Pci.h; required for IA64 * Wed Oct 03 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - recreated p_pci-off-by-one.diff.ia64; the default fuzz factor of patch (2) resulted in a hunk applied to the wrong function and therefore broke the build :-( * Sat Sep 29 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xorg-server 1.4 * Welcome to X.Org X Server 1.4, now with hotplugging input to go with the hotplugging output. Also included in this release are many performance and correctness fixes to the EXA acceleration architecture, support for DTrace profiling of the X Server, accelerated GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap with supporting DRI drivers, and many improvements to the RandR 1.2 support that was added in xorg-server-1.3. The X Server now relies on the pixman library, which replaces the fb/fbcompose.c and accelerated implementations that were previously shared through code-duplication with the cairo project. * obsolete patches: - bug-259290_trapfault.diff - cfb8-undefined.diff - commit-c09e68c - i810_dri_fix_freeze.diff - p_bug159532.diff - p_enable-altrix.diff - p_pci-ce-x.diff - p_pci-off-by-one.diff - p_xorg_rom_read.diff - randr12-2926cf1da7e4ed63573bfaecdd7e19beb3057d9b.diff - randr12-5b424b562eee863b11571de4cd0019cd9bc5b379.diff - randr12-aec0d06469a2fa7440fdd5ee03dc256a68704e77.diff - randr12-b2dcfbca2441ca8c561f86a78a76ab59ecbb40e4.diff - randr12-b4193a2eee80895c5641e77488df0e72a73a3d99.diff - remove__GLinterface.patch - support_mesa6.5.3.patch - use-composite-for-unequal-depths.patch - x86emu.diff - xephyr-sig11-fix.diff * adjusted patches: - 64bit.diff - bug-197858_dpms.diff - bug227111-ddc_screensize.diff - disable-root-xorg_conf.diff - fpic.diff - glx-align.patch - libdrm.diff - p_bug96328.diff - p_ia64-console.diff - p_vga-crashfix.diff - xephyr.diff - pixman.diff: * search for pixman instead of pixman-1 - bumped version to 7.3 * Tue Sep 25 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - remove wrongly prebuilt xf1bpp files after extracting tarball; fixes vga module loading (Bug #328201) - do not use "make -j" to (quick)fix xf1bpp build - do not apply p_pci-domain.diff on IA64 - use updated off-by-one patch by schwab for IA64 * Fri Sep 21 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - edit_data_sanity_check.diff: * added sanity check for monitor EDID data (Bug #326454) * Tue Sep 11 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - reverted changes by schwab on Fri Sep 7; these resulted i a black screen during Xserver start with any driver on non-IA64 platforms * Mon Sep 10 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - use-composite-for-unequal-depths.patch: * Use Composite when depths don't match (Bug #309107, X.Org Bug [#7447]) * Fri Sep 07 2007 - schwab@suse.de - Update off-by-one patch. - Remove empty patch. * Mon Sep 03 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - fbdevhw.diff: * ignore pixclock set to 0 by Xen kernel (Bug #285523) * Fri Aug 31 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - added several RANDR 1.2 fixes (Bug #306699) * randr12-2926cf1da7e4ed63573bfaecdd7e19beb3057d9b.diff Allocate the right number of entries for saving crtcs * randr12-5b424b562eee863b11571de4cd0019cd9bc5b379.diff Set the crtc before the output change is notified. Set the new randr crtc of the output before the output change notification is delivered to the clients. Remove RROutputSetCrtc as it is not really necessary. All we have to do is set the output's crtc on RRCrtcNotify * randr12-8d230319040f0a7f72231da2bf5ec97dc3612e21.diff Fix the output->crtc initialization in the old randr setup * randr12-aec0d06469a2fa7440fdd5ee03dc256a68704e77.diff Fix a crash when rotating the screen. Remember output->crtc before setting a NULL mode because RRCrtcNotify now sets output->crtc to NULL. Use the saved crtc to set the new mode. * randr12-b2dcfbca2441ca8c561f86a78a76ab59ecbb40e4.diff RRScanOldConfig cannot use RRFirstOutput before output is configured. RRFirstOutput returns the first active output, which won't be set until after RRScanOldConfig is finished running. Instead, just use the first output (which is the only output present with an old driver, after all). * randr12-b4193a2eee80895c5641e77488df0e72a73a3d99.diff RRScanOldConfig wasn't getting crtcs set correctly. The output crtc is set by RRCrtcNotify, which is called at the end of RRScanOldConfig. Several uses of output->crtc in this function were wrong. * Thu Aug 23 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - i810_dri_fix_freeze.diff: * fixes freeze after pressing Ctrl-Alt-BS (X.Org Bug #10809) * Thu Aug 23 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver-mode-fuzzy-check.diff: * Fix for Xserver being more fuzzy about mode validation (Bug #270846) * Sat Aug 18 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - disable AIGLX by default; without enabled Composite extension (still problematic on many drivers) it's rather useless anyway - updated xorg.conf manual page * Sat Aug 11 2007 - dmueller@suse.de - fix fileconflict over doc/MAINTAINERS - build parallel * Sat Aug 04 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated Mesa source to bugfix release 7.0.1 * Fri Jul 20 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xephyr-sig11-fix.diff: * long vs. CARD32 mismatch in KeySym definitions between client and server code - this patch seems to fix it (and the input rework in head fixed it as well in a different way) (Bug #235320) * Sat Jul 14 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - fixed build on s390(x) * Tue Jul 03 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - added X(7) and security(7) manual pages * Sat Jun 23 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated Mesa source to final release 7.0 * Thu Jun 21 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated Mesa source to release 7.0 RC1 * Mesa 7.0 is a stable, follow-on release to Mesa 6.5.3. The only difference is bug fixes. The major version number bump is due to OpenGL 2.1 API support. * Wed Jun 06 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - simplified p_default-module-path.diff * Tue May 22 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - disabled build of Xprt - moved Xdmx, Xephyr, Xnest and Xvfb to new subpackage xorg-x11-server-extra * Wed May 02 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - commit-c09e68c: * Paper over a crash at exit during GLX teardown * Mon Apr 30 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated to Mesa 6.5.3 sources - obsoletes the following patches: * bug-211314_mesa-destroy_buffers.diff * bug-211314_mesa-framebuffer-counting.diff * bug-211314-patch-1.diff * bug-211314-patch-2.diff * bug-211314-patch-3.diff * bug-211314-patch-4.diff * bug-211314-patch-5.diff * bug-211314-patch-6.diff * bug-211314-patch-7.diff * bug-211314-patch-8.diff * bug-211314-patch-9.diff * bug-211314-patch-10.diff * bug-211314-patch-11.diff * bug-211314_mesa-refcount-memleak-fixes.diff * Mesa-6.5.2-fix_radeon_cliprect.diff - remove__GLinterface.patch/ support_mesa6.5.3.patch * required Xserver changes for Mesa 6.5.3 * Sat Apr 28 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xorg-x11-server-1.2.99-unbreak-domain.patch: * This patch fixes some multi-domain systems such as Pegasos with xorg-server 1.3. Since pci-rework should get merged soon and this patch is a bit of a hack, it never got pushed upstream. (X.Org Bug #7248) * Fri Apr 27 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - back to Mesa 6.5.2 (Bug #269155/269042) * Wed Apr 25 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - Mesa update: 4th RC ready * This fixes some breakage in RC3. * Tue Apr 24 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - Mesa update: 3rd release candidate * updated Windows/VC8 project files. * Sun Apr 22 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated to Mesa 6.5.3rc2 sources * a number of bug fixes since the first RC * Sat Apr 21 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated to Mesa 6.5.3rc1 sources - obsoletes the following patches: * bug-211314_mesa-destroy_buffers.diff * bug-211314_mesa-framebuffer-counting.diff * bug-211314-patch-1.diff * bug-211314-patch-2.diff * bug-211314-patch-3.diff * bug-211314-patch-4.diff * bug-211314-patch-5.diff * bug-211314-patch-6.diff * bug-211314-patch-7.diff * bug-211314-patch-8.diff * bug-211314-patch-9.diff * bug-211314-patch-10.diff * bug-211314-patch-11.diff * bug-211314_mesa-refcount-memleak-fixes.diff * Mesa-6.5.2-fix_radeon_cliprect.diff - GL-Mesa-6.5.3.diff: * adjusted GL subdir to Mesa 6.5.3rc1 * Fri Apr 20 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver release * Syncmaster 226 monitor needs 60Hz refresh (#10545). * In AIGLX EnterVT processing, invoke driver EnterVT before resuming glx. * Disable CRTC when SetSingleMode has no matching mode. Update RandR as well. * Rotate screen size as needed from RandR 1.1 change requests. * Add quirk for Acer AL1706 monitor to force 60hz refresh. * RandR 1.2 spec says CRTC info contains screen-relative geometry * typo in built-in module log message * Use default screen monitor for one of the outputs. * Allow outputs to be explicitly enabled in config, overriding detect. * Was accidentally disabling rotation updates in mode set. * Disable SourceValidate in rotation to capture cursor. * Tue Apr 10 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - Mesa-6.5.2-fix_radeon_cliprect.diff: * fixes X.Org Bug #9876 * Fri Apr 06 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug-259290_trapfault.diff: * fixes crash caused by bug in XRender code (Bug #259290) * Fri Apr 06 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver release: * CVE-2007-1003: XC-MISC Extension ProcXCMiscGetXIDList() Memory Corruption * X.Org Bug #10296: Fix timer rescheduling - obsoletes bug-243978_xcmisc.diff * Fri Apr 06 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver release: * Don't erase current crtc for outputs on CloseScreen * Thu Apr 05 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug-243978_xcmisc.diff: * mem corruption in ProcXCMiscGetXIDList (CVE-2007-1003, Bug #243978) * Wed Apr 04 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug-211314_mesa-refcount-memleak-fixes.diff: * Fix for memleaks and refount bugs (Bug #211314) * Fri Mar 30 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - p_default-module-path.diff: * only return /usr/%%lib/xorg/modules in "-showDefaultModulePath" Xserver option (Bug #257360) - set Xserver version to 7.2.0 with configure option (Bugs #257360, #253702) * Tue Mar 27 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver release: * Create driver-independent CRTC-based cursor layer. * Allow xf86_reload_cursors during server init. * Don't wedge when rotating more than one CRTC. * Correct ref counting of RRMode structures * Remove extra (and wrong) I2C ByteTimeout setting in DDC code. * Slow down DDC I2C bus using a RiseFallTime of 20us for old monitors. * Clean up Rotate state on server reset. * Clear allocated RandR screen private structure. * Clean up xf86CrtcRec and xf86OutputRec objects at CloseScreen. * Make sure RandR events are delivered from RRCrtcSet. * Fix Pending property API, adding RRPostPendingProperty. * Incorrect extra memory copy in RRChangeOutputProperty. * Ensure that crtc desired values track most recent mode. * Make pending properties force mode set. And, remove AttachScreen calls. * Set version to (1.3 RC3) * fbdevhw: Consolidate modeset ioctl calling, report failure if it modifies mode. * fbdevhw: Fix some issues with the previous commit. * fbdevhw: Use displayWidth for fbdev virtual width when appropriate. * fbdevhw: Override RGB offsets and masks after setting initial mode. * fbdevhw: Consider mode set equal to mode requested if virtual width is larger. * fbdevhw: Only deal with RGB weight if default visual is True- or DirectColor. * Add per-drawable Xv colour key helper function. * Bump video driver ABI version to 1.2. * Mon Mar 19 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - no longer apply bug-211314_mesa-context.diff, bug-211314_p_drawable_privclean.diff (Bug #211314, comment #114) - added different Mesa patches (Bug #211314, comments #114/#115) * Thu Mar 15 2007 - schwab@suse.de - Remove bug197190-ia64.diff, fix x86emu instead. * Wed Mar 14 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver release: * Xprint: shorten font filename to fit in tar length limit * Move xf86SetSingleMode into X server from intel driver. * Add xf86SetDesiredModes to apply desired modes to crtcs. * Use EDID data to set screen physical size at server startup. * Allow relative positions to use output names or monitor identifiers. * Add xf86CrtcScreenInit to share initialization across drivers. * Add hw/xfree86/docs/README.modes, documenting new mode setting APIs. * Remove stale monitor data when output becomes disconnected. * Revert "Xprint includes a filename which is too long for tar." * Revert "Xext: Update device's lastx/lasty when sending a motion event with XTest." * Xext: Update device's lastx/lasty when sending a motion event with XTest. * Wed Mar 14 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xf86crtc_allowdual.diff no longer required; replaced by xrandr_12_newmode.diff in xrandr (xorg-x11 package) * Wed Mar 14 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug197190-ia64.diff: * missing -DNO_LONG_LONG for IA64 (Bug #197190) * Fri Mar 09 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xf86crtc_allowdual.diff: * allows dualhead even when the second monitor is not yet connected during Xserver start * Tue Mar 06 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - %%post: replace "i810beta" with "intel" in existing xorg.conf * Mon Mar 05 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver release: * RandR 1.2 * EXA damage track * minor fixes * Mon Feb 19 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - use global permissions files for SUSE > 10.1 (Bug #246228) * Thu Feb 01 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - improved bug-197858_dpms.diff to fix Xserver crash (Bug #197858) * Mon Jan 29 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug-197858_dpms.diff: * finally fixed "X server wakes up on any ACPI event" issue (Bug #197858) * Thu Jan 25 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug-211314_p_drawable_privclean.diff: * fixed for cleaning up pointers * Wed Jan 24 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - fixed build * Wed Jan 24 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug-211314_p_drawable_privclean.diff: * fixes Xserver crash in Mesa software rendering path (Bug #211314) * Tue Jan 23 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver 1.2.0 release * Bug #9219: Return BadMatch when trying to name the backing pixmap of an unrealized window. * Bug #9219: Use pWin->viewable instead of pWin->realized to catch InputOnly windows too. * Fix BSF and BSR instructions in the x86 emulator. * Bug #9555: Always define _GNU_SOURCE in glibc environments. * Bug #8991: Add glXGetDrawableAttributes dispatch; fix texture format therein. * Bump video and input ABI minors. * Fix release date. * Fix syntax error in configure check for SYSV_IPC that broke with Sun cc * Map missing keycodes for Sun Type 5 keyboard on Solaris SPARC * Update pci.ids to 2006-12-06 from pciids.sf.net * Xorg & Xserver man page updates for 1.2 release * xorg.conf man page should say "XFree86-DGA", not "Xorg-DGA" * Xserver man page: remove bc, add -wr * Update pci.ids to 2007-01-18 snapshot * Update Xserver man page to match commit ed33c7c98ad0c542e9e2dd6caa3f84879c21dd61 * Fix Tooltip from minimized clients * Fix Xming fails to use xkb bug * Fix bad commit * Set Int10Current->Tag for the linux native int10 module * added mipmap.c * configure.ac: prepare for 1.2.0 (X11R7.2) * sparc: don't include asm/kbio.h -- it no longer exists in current headers. * Minor typos in Xserver man page. * Fix several cases where optimized paths were hit when they shouldn't be. * Try dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT) first when finding symbols. * Fix RENDER issues (bug #7555) and implement RENDER add/remove screen * For Xvfb, Xnest and Xprt, compile fbcmap.c with -DXFree86Server * Multiple integer overflows in dbe and render extensions * Require glproto >= 1.4.8 for GLX. * __glXDRIscreenProbe: Use drmOpen/CloseOnce. * xfree86/hurd: re-add missing keyboard support (bug #5613) * remove last remaning 'linux'isms (bug #5613) - obsoletes * Mesa-6.5.2.diff * xorg-server- * int10-fix.diff * cve-2006-6101_6102_6103.diff - disabled build of VNC server/module * Wed Jan 17 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug-211314_mesa-context.diff: * fixes Xserver crash in software rendering fallback (Bug #211314) * Tue Jan 16 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - 0018-vnc-support.txt.diff * fixed unresolved symbols vncRandomBytes/deskey in VNC module (terminated Xserver when client connected) * Tue Jan 16 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - bug227111-ddc_screensize.diff: * allow user overrides for monitor settings (Bug #227111) * Mon Jan 15 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - loadmod-bug197195.diff: * check the complete path (Bug #197195) * Sun Jan 14 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - added build of VNC support (0018-vnc-support.txt/ 0018-vnc-support.txt.diff); see 0018-vnc-support.txt.mbox for reference * Tue Jan 09 2007 - sndirsch@suse.de - cve-2006-6101_6102_6103.diff: * CVE-2006-6101 iDefense X.org ProcRenderAddGlyphs (Bug #225972) * CVE-2006-6102 iDefense X.org ProcDbeGetVisualInfo (Bug #225974) * CVE-2006-6103 iDefense X.org ProcDbeSwapBuffers (Bug #225975) * Tue Dec 19 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - int10-fix.diff * Set Int10Current->Tag for the linux native int10 module (X.Org Bug #9296) * obsoletes p_initialize-pci-tag.diff * Tue Dec 19 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - reverted latest change by schwab (Bug #197190, comment #67) * Mon Dec 18 2006 - schwab@suse.de - Fix off-by-one in pci multi-domain support [#229278]. * Wed Dec 13 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - libdrm.diff: * no longer fail when some driver tries to load "drm" module * Tue Dec 12 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - xorg-server- * hopefully fixes AIGLX issues (X.Org Bug #8991) * Fri Dec 08 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - another 64bit warning fix * Sat Dec 02 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - X.Org 7.2RC3 release * Add a -showDefaultModulePath option. * Add a -showDefaultLibPath option. * Add DIX_CFLAGS to util builds. * Fix release date, and tag * make X server use system libdrm - this requires libdrm >= 2.3.0 * DRI: call drmSetServerInfo() before drmOpen(). * add extern to struct definition * fixup configure.ac problems with DRI_SOURCES and LBX_SOURCES * bump to * remove CID support (bug #5553) * dri: setup libdrm hooks as early as possible. * Bug #8868: Remove drm from SUBDIRS now that the directory is gone. * Fix typo before the last commit. * Fix GL context destruction with AIGLX. * On DragonFLy, default to /dev/sysmouse (just like on FreeBSD). * ffs: handle 0 argument (bug #8968) * Bug #9023: Only check mice for "mouse" or "void" if identifier is != NULL. Fix potential NULL pointer access in timer code. - updated Mesa sources to 6.5.2 * Tue Nov 28 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - xserver-timers.diff: * fix null pointer reference in timer code (Bug #223718) * Mon Nov 20 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - p_pci-off-by-one.diff: * readded off by one fix, which has been dropped by accident (Bug #197190) * Mon Nov 20 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - acpi_events.diff: * distinguish between general and input devices also for APM (Bug #197858) * Tue Nov 14 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - removed /etc/X11/Xsession.d/92xprint-xpserverlist (Bug #220733) * Tue Nov 14 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - mouse-fix.diff: * prevent driver from crashing when something different than "mouse" or "void" is specified; only check mice for "mouse" or "void" if identifier is != NULL. (X.Org Bug #9023) * Tue Nov 14 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - X.Org 7.2RC2 release - adjusted p_enable-altrix.diff, p_pci-domain.diff - obsoletes p_pci-ia64.diff, xorg-xserver-ia64-int10.diff p_pci-legacy-mmap.diff - Changes in RC2 since RC1 Aaron Plattner: Fix standard VESA modes. Adam Jackson: Bug #6786: Use separate defines for server's Fixes support level. 'make dist' fixes. Fix distcheck. Include a forgotten ia64 header in the distball. Builds on ia64 now. configure.ac bump. Alan Coopersmith: Make sure xorgcfg files are included even when dist made with --disable-xorgcfg Use getisax() instead of asm code to determine available x86 ISA extensions on Solaris Pre-release message should tell users to check git, not CVS, for updates Fix automake error: BUILT_SOURCES was defined multiple times on Solaris Bug #1997: AUDIT messages should contain uid for local accesses If getpeerucred() is available, include pid & zoneid in audit messages too Make _POSIX_C_SOURCE hack work with Solaris headers Alan Hourihane: Small modification to blocking signals when switching modes. Bjorn Helgaas: Do not map full 0-1MB legacy range Bram Verweij: xfree86/linux acpi: fix tokenising Daniel Stone: GetTimeInMillis: spuport monotonic clock WaitForSomething: allow time to rewind Revert "WaitForSomething: allow time to rewind" Revert "GetTimeInMillis: spuport monotonic clock" add 'general socket' handler, port ACPI to use it WaitForSomething: allow time to rewind WaitForSomething: only rewind when delta is more than 250ms GetTimeInMillis: spuport monotonic clock GetTimeInMillis: simplify monotonic test GetTimeInMillis: use correct units for clock_gettime os: fix sun extensions test Eamon Walsh: Bug #8875: Security extension causes Xorg to core dump on server reset whitespace adjust More work on Bug #8875: revert previous fix and try using client argument Bug #8937: Extension setup functions not called on server resets Egbert Eich: Fixing mach64 driver bailing out on ia64 Make int10 fully domain aware. Erik Andren: remove XFree86 changelogs (bug #7262) Joshua Baergen: Create xorg.conf.example (Gentoo bug #138623). Laurence Withers: CreateColormap: fix return value (bug #7083) Matthias Hopf: Build with -D_PC on ix86 only. Added missing domain stripping in already domain aware code. Added linux 2.6 compatible domain aware device scanning code. Fixing domain support for ia64 Add domain support to linuxPciOpenFile(). Fix device path in altixPCI.c to be domain aware. Fix obviously wrong boundary checks + cleanup unused vars. Matthieu Herrb: kill GNU-make'ism. Handle building in a separate objdir Michel Dänzer: Fix __glXDRIbindTexImage() for 32 bpp on big endian platforms. Fix test for Option "IgnoreABI". Myron Stowe: xfree86: re-enable chipset-specific drivers for Linux/ia64 Rich Coe: CheckConnections: don't close down the server client (bug #7876) * Thu Nov 09 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - p_ppc_domain_workaround.diff: * ugly workaround for still missing domain support on ppc (Bug #202133) * Sat Nov 04 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated to snapshot of xserver-1.2-branch (soon to be released as X.Org 7.2RC2) * Make sure xorgcfg files are included even when dist made with --disable-xorgcfg * Small modification to blocking signals when switching modes. * Use getisax() instead of asm code to determine available x86 ISA extensions on Solaris * Pre-release message should tell users to check git, not CVS, for updates * Fix __glXDRIbindTexImage() for 32 bpp on big endian platforms. * Create xorg.conf.example (Gentoo bug #138623). * Fix test for Option "IgnoreABI". This option has plenty of potential for wasting the time of bug triagers without pretending it's always on. * kill GNU-make'ism. * Handle building in a separate objdir * Fix automake error: BUILT_SOURCES was defined multiple times on Solaris * Bug #1997: AUDIT messages should contain uid for local accesses * If getpeerucred() is available, include pid & zoneid in audit messages too * Wed Nov 01 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - added /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia * Wed Oct 25 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - xorg-xserver-ia64-int10.diff: * build int10 module with _PC only on %%ix86 (Bug #197190) * Mon Oct 23 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - added build of Xephyr; useful for debugging KDE apps (coolo) * Tue Oct 17 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - cfb8-undefined.diff: * fixes warning for undefined behaviour * Tue Oct 17 2006 - aj@suse.de - Own /etc/X11/Xsession.d directory. * Mon Oct 16 2006 - aj@suse.de - Use /etc/X11/Xsession.d. * Sat Oct 14 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated to X.Org 7.2RC1 * Fri Oct 13 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - only disable AIGLX by default on SUSE <= 10.1 (Bug #197093) - no longer fake release version for fglrx driver (Bug #198125) * Mon Oct 09 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - glx-align.patch: * reenabled -D__GLX_ALIGN64 on affected plaforms (X.Org Bug #8392) - Fixes to p_pci-domain.diff (Bug #197572) * internal domain number of by one (was supposed to be a cleanup, but other code dependet on this semantics) * fixed another long-standing of-by-1 error - p_enable-altrix.diff (Bug #197572) * This additional patch enables the build of the altrix detection routines, which have apparently not been included in Xorg 7.1 yet. This patch needs a autoreconf -fi after application. * Mon Sep 18 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - updated to Mesa 6.5.1 * Wed Sep 13 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - disable-fbblt-opt.diff: * Disable optimization (introduced by ajax) due to a general vesa driver crash later in memcpy (Bug #204324) * Sat Sep 09 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - removed two source files with imcompatible license from Mesa tarball (Bug #204110) - added a check to specfile to make sure that these will not be reintroduced with the next Mesa update again (Bug #204110) * Fri Sep 01 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - moved xf86Parser.h,xf86Optrec.h back to /usr/include/xorg, since SaX2 build issues have finally been resolved by making use of "-iquote /usr/include/xorg -I." * Thu Aug 31 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - disable-root-xorg_conf.diff: * no longer consider to read /root/xorg.conf * Tue Aug 29 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - only require xorg-x11-fonts-core ('fixed' + 'cursor' fonts) * Mon Aug 28 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - fake release version for fglrx driver again, since using IgnoreABI does not help (the check for the ABI version is in the binary-only fglrx driver) * Sun Aug 27 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - added Requires: xorg-x11-driver-{input,video} (Bug #202080) * Fri Aug 25 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - ignore-abi.diff: * adds IgnoreABI option for xorg.conf (same as -ignoreABI) - remove .la files - no longer fake release version for fglrx driver; use the new IgnoreABI option instead! * Fri Aug 25 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - PCI/IA64 Patches (Bug #197572): * apply new p_pci-domain.diff (mhopf) * apply new p_pci-ce-x.diff (mhopf) * Thu Aug 24 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - PCI/IA64 Patches (Bug #197572): * removed p_mappciBIOS_complete.diff (already applied upstream) * apply p_pci-ia64.diff * apply p_pci-legacy-mmap.diff only for IA64 (as before) * disabled for now: - p_pci-domain.diff: still issues with it - p_pci-ce-x.diff: sits on top of p_pci-domain.diff * Sun Aug 20 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - added PCI/IA64 patches, but disabled them for now (Bug #197572) - remove comp. symlinks in /usr/X11R6/bin for openSUSE >= 10.2 * Fri Aug 18 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - fixed build for s390/s390x, e.g. use configure options --disable-install-libxf86config --disable-aiglx --disable-dri --disable-xorg - changed os-name to "openSUSE" instead of "Linux" before - fake release version for fglrx driver :-( * Thu Aug 17 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - xinerama-sig11.diff: * prevents Xserver Sig11 with broken Xinerama config (Bug #135002) * Tue Aug 15 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - moved /usr/%%_lib/pkgconfig/xorg-server.pc to xorg-x11-server - added pkgconfig to Requires of xorg-x11-server * Sat Aug 12 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - disable-aiglx.diff: * disabled AIGLX by default (related to Bug #197093); enable it with 'Option "AIGLX" "true"' in ServerFlags section of xorg.conf * Wed Aug 09 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - enabled build of aiglx * Wed Aug 09 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - patch font path also in xorg.conf when set to /usr/lib/X11/fonts/ or /usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts * Tue Aug 08 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - patch xorg.conf in %%post: * radeonold/radeon10b driver --> radeon driver * Mon Aug 07 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - added "Requires: xorg-x11-fonts" to prevent issues like "could not open default font 'fixed'" for any Xserver * Mon Aug 07 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - make sure that symlinks /usr/bin/X --> /var/X11R6/bin/X /var/X11R6/bin/X --> /usr/bin/Xorg are packaged. - p_xorg_acpi.diff: * fixed for archs which don't have HAVE_ACPI defined, e.g. ppc * Mon Aug 07 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - p_xf86Mode.diff: * removes wrong warning (Bug #139510) - p_xorg_acpi.diff: * reconnect to acpid when acpid has been killed (Bug #148384) - p_xkills_wrong_client.diff: * This patch has unveiled two other problems. One is rather serious as there seems to be a non-zero possibility that the Xserver closes the wrong connection and this closes the wrong client when it looks for stale sockets of clients that have disappeared (eich, Bug #150869) - p_bug159532.diff: * X Clients can intentionally or unintenionally crash X11 by using composite on depth 4 pixmaps. This patch fixes this. (Bug #159532) - p_xnest-ignore-getimage-errors.diff: * ignores the X error on GetImage in Xnest (Bug #174228, X.Org Bug #4411) - p_initialize-pci-tag.diff: * initialize PCI tag correctly, which is used by an IA64 specific patch (see Bug #147261 for details); fixes Xserver crashes with fglrx driver - and possibly other drivers like vesa - during initial startup (!), VT switch and startup of second Xserver (SLED10 Blocker Bugs #180535, #170991, #158806) - p_ia64-console.diff: * fixes MCA after start of second Xserver (Bug #177011) * Sat Aug 05 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - p_mouse_misc.diff: * fix X server crashes with synaptics driver (Bug #61702) - pu_fixes.diff * Fixes not yet in the official version - p_bug96328.diff: * fallback mouse device checking - p_vga-crashfix.diff: * fixes vga driver crash (#133989) - p_xorg_rom_read.diff * read rom in big chunks instead of byte-at-a-time (Bug #140811) - ps_showopts.diff * Xserver "-showopts" option to print available driver options (Bug #137374) * Sat Aug 05 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - add /var/X11R6/bin directory for now (Bug #197188) * Wed Aug 02 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - fix setup line * Mon Jul 31 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - fixed fatal compiler warnings * Mon Jul 31 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - always (and only) patch xorg.conf if necessary * Mon Jul 31 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - update to xorg-server release * Fri Jul 28 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - use "-fno-strict-aliasing" * Thu Jul 27 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - use $RPM_OPT_FLAGS - remove existing /usr/include/X11 symlink in %%pre * Wed Jul 26 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - install xf86Parser.h,xf86Optrec.h to /usr/include instead of /usr/include/xorg, so it is no longer necessary to specify "-I/usr/include/xorg" which resulted in including a wrong "shadow.h" (by X.Org) when building SaX2 (strange build error) * Tue Jul 25 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - added permissions files * Tue Jul 25 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - add compatibility symlink /usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg * Fri Jul 21 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - p_ValidatePci.diff: * no longer call ValidatePci() to fix i810 driver issues (Bug #191987) * Fri Jul 21 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - fixed build * Tue Jun 27 2006 - sndirsch@suse.de - created package