forked from pool/xterm-console

133 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Convert PC Screen Font (PSF) font to Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF).
# Copyright (c) 2015 Kacper Gutowski
# Copyright (c) 2015 Susanne Oberhauser-Hirschoff
# The MIT License applies (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# https://gist.github.com/mwgamera/6ad86e71e002e5aef1b8/01ffe8208b2763dd353ea7afacedf83072477372
# with minor fixes
use strict;
use constant {
PSF1_MODE512 => 0x01,
push @ARGV, '-' unless scalar @ARGV;
for (@ARGV) {
my $fn = /^-$/ ? 'stdin' : $_;
eval {
my ($length, $width, $height);
my (@glyphs, @unicode);
my $unilen = 0;
open my $fh, $_ or die $!;
binmode $fh;
read $fh, $_, 4 or die $!;
if (0x0436 == unpack 'v') { # psf1
my ($mode, $size) = unpack 'x2CC';
$length = $mode & PSF1_MODE512 ? 512 : 256;
$height = $size;
$width = 8;
read $fh, $_, $length * $size;
@glyphs = unpack "(a$size)$length";
if ($mode & PSF1_MODEHASTAB) {
for my $i (0 .. $length - 1) {
my ($u, @u) = 0;
do {
read $fh, $_, 2;
$u = unpack 'v';
push @u, $u if $u < 0xFFFE;
} while $u < 0xFFFE;
while ($u != 0xFFFF) {
read $fh, $_, 2;
$u = unpack 'v';
warn 'Unicode sequence ignored' if $u == 0xFFFE;
$unicode[$i] = [@u];
$unilen += (scalar @u) - 1 if (scalar @u);
elsif (0x864ab572 == unpack 'V') { # psf2
read $fh, $_, 28 or die $!;
(my ($ver, $hlen, $flg), $length, my $size, $height, $width) = unpack 'V7';
die "Unknown version $ver\n" unless $ver == 0;
warn "Unexpected glyph size $size bytes for ${width}×$height px\n"
unless $size == $height * int(($width + 7) / 8);
read $fh, $_, $hlen - 32; # skip to data
read $fh, $_, $length * $size;
@glyphs = unpack "(a$size)$length";
if ($flg & PSF2_HAS_UNICODE_TABLE) {
my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh>; };
for my $i (0 .. $length - 1) {
$buf =~ m/\G([^\xfe\xff]*+)(?:\xfe[^\xfe\xff]++)*\xff/sg;
utf8::decode(my $str = $1);
$unicode[$i] = [map ord, split //, $str];
$unilen += (scalar @{$unicode[$i]}) - 1 if (scalar @{$unicode[$i]});
else {
die "Bad format\n";
print "STARTFONT 2.1\n";
printf "FONT %s\n", '-psf-';
printf "SIZE %u 72 72\n", $height;
printf "FONTBOUNDINGBOX %u %u 0 0\n", $width, $height;
printf "STARTPROPERTIES %u\n", 6 + 2 * !!@unicode;
printf "PIXEL_SIZE %u\n", $height;
printf "POINT_SIZE %u\n", 10 * $height;
printf "FONT_ASCENT %u\n", $height;
print "FONT_DESCENT 0\n";
print "RESOLUTION_X 72\n";
print "RESOLUTION_Y 72\n";
if (@unicode) {
print "CHARSET_REGISTRY \"ISO10646\"\n";
print "CHARSET_ENCODING \"1\"\n";
printf "CHARS %u\n", $length + $unilen;
for my $i (0 .. $length - 1) {
my @encodings = ($i);
my $is_unicode = 0;
if(@unicode && @{$unicode[$i]}) {
@encodings = @{$unicode[$i]};
$is_unicode = 1;
foreach my $e (@encodings) {
printf "STARTCHAR psf%03x-%04x\n", $i, $e;
if ($is_unicode) {
printf "ENCODING %u\n", $e;
else {
printf "ENCODING -1 %u\n", $e;
printf "SWIDTH %u 0\n", $width * 1000 / $height;
printf "DWIDTH %u 0\n", $width;
printf "BBX %u %u 0 0\n", $width, $height;
my $bw = (($width + 7) & ~7) >> 3;
printf "BITMAP\n%s\n", join "\n", map unpack('H*', $_), unpack "(a$bw)*", $glyphs[$i];
printf "ENDCHAR\n";
print "ENDFONT\n";
warn "$fn: $@" if $@;