forked from pool/xterm-console
133 lines
4.5 KiB
133 lines
4.5 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Convert PC Screen Font (PSF) font to Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF).
# Copyright (c) 2015 Kacper Gutowski
# Copyright (c) 2015 Susanne Oberhauser-Hirschoff
# The MIT License applies (
# with minor fixes
use strict;
use constant {
PSF1_MODE512 => 0x01,
push @ARGV, '-' unless scalar @ARGV;
for (@ARGV) {
my $fn = /^-$/ ? 'stdin' : $_;
eval {
my ($length, $width, $height);
my (@glyphs, @unicode);
my $unilen = 0;
open my $fh, $_ or die $!;
binmode $fh;
read $fh, $_, 4 or die $!;
if (0x0436 == unpack 'v') { # psf1
my ($mode, $size) = unpack 'x2CC';
$length = $mode & PSF1_MODE512 ? 512 : 256;
$height = $size;
$width = 8;
read $fh, $_, $length * $size;
@glyphs = unpack "(a$size)$length";
if ($mode & PSF1_MODEHASTAB) {
for my $i (0 .. $length - 1) {
my ($u, @u) = 0;
do {
read $fh, $_, 2;
$u = unpack 'v';
push @u, $u if $u < 0xFFFE;
} while $u < 0xFFFE;
while ($u != 0xFFFF) {
read $fh, $_, 2;
$u = unpack 'v';
warn 'Unicode sequence ignored' if $u == 0xFFFE;
$unicode[$i] = [@u];
$unilen += (scalar @u) - 1 if (scalar @u);
elsif (0x864ab572 == unpack 'V') { # psf2
read $fh, $_, 28 or die $!;
(my ($ver, $hlen, $flg), $length, my $size, $height, $width) = unpack 'V7';
die "Unknown version $ver\n" unless $ver == 0;
warn "Unexpected glyph size $size bytes for ${width}×$height px\n"
unless $size == $height * int(($width + 7) / 8);
read $fh, $_, $hlen - 32; # skip to data
read $fh, $_, $length * $size;
@glyphs = unpack "(a$size)$length";
if ($flg & PSF2_HAS_UNICODE_TABLE) {
my $buf = do { local $/; <$fh>; };
for my $i (0 .. $length - 1) {
$buf =~ m/\G([^\xfe\xff]*+)(?:\xfe[^\xfe\xff]++)*\xff/sg;
utf8::decode(my $str = $1);
$unicode[$i] = [map ord, split //, $str];
$unilen += (scalar @{$unicode[$i]}) - 1 if (scalar @{$unicode[$i]});
else {
die "Bad format\n";
print "STARTFONT 2.1\n";
printf "FONT %s\n", '-psf-';
printf "SIZE %u 72 72\n", $height;
printf "FONTBOUNDINGBOX %u %u 0 0\n", $width, $height;
printf "STARTPROPERTIES %u\n", 6 + 2 * !!@unicode;
printf "PIXEL_SIZE %u\n", $height;
printf "POINT_SIZE %u\n", 10 * $height;
printf "FONT_ASCENT %u\n", $height;
print "FONT_DESCENT 0\n";
print "RESOLUTION_X 72\n";
print "RESOLUTION_Y 72\n";
if (@unicode) {
print "CHARSET_REGISTRY \"ISO10646\"\n";
print "CHARSET_ENCODING \"1\"\n";
printf "CHARS %u\n", $length + $unilen;
for my $i (0 .. $length - 1) {
my @encodings = ($i);
my $is_unicode = 0;
if(@unicode && @{$unicode[$i]}) {
@encodings = @{$unicode[$i]};
$is_unicode = 1;
foreach my $e (@encodings) {
printf "STARTCHAR psf%03x-%04x\n", $i, $e;
if ($is_unicode) {
printf "ENCODING %u\n", $e;
else {
printf "ENCODING -1 %u\n", $e;
printf "SWIDTH %u 0\n", $width * 1000 / $height;
printf "DWIDTH %u 0\n", $width;
printf "BBX %u %u 0 0\n", $width, $height;
my $bw = (($width + 7) & ~7) >> 3;
printf "BITMAP\n%s\n", join "\n", map unpack('H*', $_), unpack "(a$bw)*", $glyphs[$i];
printf "ENDCHAR\n";
print "ENDFONT\n";
warn "$fn: $@" if $@;