commit 547a1e5a42cd99c1123ed32ae46ba72408fdac72bb1509774bb78bd078f51337
Author: OBS User unknown <>
Date:   Wed Jan 10 17:04:39 2007 +0000


diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b03811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+## Default LFS
+*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.bsp filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.bz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gem filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.jar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.lzma filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.obscpio filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.oxt filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.rpm filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tbz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tbz2 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.tgz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.ttf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.txz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.whl filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57affb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ready b/ready
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473a0f4
diff --git a/yaz-2.1.44.tar.gz b/yaz-2.1.44.tar.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fb010e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yaz-2.1.44.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:3b9d928161be7292cd3e12591c67e0ad337a14293f66dec95e03a7d970651216
+size 1588610
diff --git a/yaz-codecleanup.36.diff b/yaz-codecleanup.36.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f9a6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yaz-codecleanup.36.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+diff -ur yaz-2.1.36/client/client.c
+--- yaz-2.1.36/client/client.c	2006-10-04 09:26:00.000000000 +0200
++++	2006-10-25 07:19:51.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2297,6 +2297,7 @@
+         char *asn_buf = 0;
+         int noread = 0;
+         char oid_str[51];
++        union { unsigned char **ucp; char **cp; }pun;
+         int oid_value_xmles = VAL_XMLES;
+         Z_APDU *apdu = zget_APDU(out, Z_APDU_extendedServicesRequest);
+         Z_ExtendedServicesRequest *req = apdu->u.extendedServicesRequest;
+@@ -2309,7 +2310,7 @@
+         ext->indirect_reference = 0;
+         ext->descriptor = 0;
+         ext->which = Z_External_octet;
+-        ext->u.single_ASN1_type = (Odr_oct *) odr_malloc (out, sizeof(Odr_oct));        
++        ext->u.single_ASN1_type = (Odr_oct *) odr_malloc (out, sizeof(Odr_oct));
+         sscanf(arg, "%50s%n", oid_str, &noread);
+         if (noread == 0)
+         {
+@@ -2324,7 +2325,8 @@
+             return 0;
+         }
+-        if (parse_cmd_doc(&arg, out, &asn_buf,
++        pun.ucp = &ext->u.single_ASN1_type->buf;
++        if (parse_cmd_doc(&arg, out, pun.ucp,
+                           &ext->u.single_ASN1_type->len, 0) == 0)
+             return 0;
+Only in client.c.orig
+Only in client.c.rej
+Only in client.c.~1~
+diff -ur yaz-2.1.36/src/cqltransform.c
+--- yaz-2.1.36/src/cqltransform.c	2006-10-05 18:12:23.000000000 +0200
++++	2006-10-25 07:16:57.000000000 +0200
+@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
+                        void *client_data)
+ {
+     int exclusion = 0;
+-    int distance;               /* to be filled in later depending on unit */
++    int distance = 0;           /* to be filled in later depending on unit */
+     int distance_defined = 0;
+     int ordered = 0;
+     int proxrel = 2;            /* less than or equal */
+Only in nfaxml.c.orig
+Only in nfaxml.c.rej
+diff -ur yaz-2.1.36/src/zoom-c.c
+--- yaz-2.1.36/src/zoom-c.c	2006-10-05 17:10:34.000000000 +0200
++++	2006-10-25 07:16:57.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@
+ static zoom_ret ZOOM_connection_srw_send_search(ZOOM_connection c)
+ {
+     int i;
+-    int *start, *count;
++    int *start=0, *count=0;
+     ZOOM_resultset resultset = 0;
+     Z_SRW_PDU *sr = 0;
+     const char *option_val = 0;
+diff -ur yaz-2.1.36/zoom/zoom-benchmark.c
+--- yaz-2.1.36/zoom/zoom-benchmark.c	2006-10-05 09:35:09.000000000 +0200
++++	2006-10-25 07:16:57.000000000 +0200
+@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
+ /* naming events */
+-static char* zoom_events[10];
++static char* zoom_events[ZOOM_EVENT_END+1];
+ /* re-sorting event numbers to progress numbers */
+-static int zoom_progress[10];
++static int zoom_progress[ZOOM_EVENT_END+1];
+ /* commando line parameters */
+ static struct parameters_t { 
diff --git a/yaz-codecleanup.44.diff b/yaz-codecleanup.44.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9c252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yaz-codecleanup.44.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+--- yaz-2.1.44/util/yaz-xmlquery.c.~1~	2007-01-09 17:17:12.000000000 +0100
++++ yaz-2.1.44/util/yaz-xmlquery.c	2007-01-09 17:27:26.000000000 +0100
+@@ -62,19 +62,19 @@
+ 	}
+         else
+         {
+-            xmlChar *buf_out = 0;
++            union { char *cp; xmlChar *xmlp; }buf_out = { NULL };
+             int len_out = 0;
+-            xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, &buf_out, &len_out);
++            xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, &buf_out.xmlp, &len_out);
+-            if (!len_out || !buf_out)
++            if (!len_out || !buf_out.cp)
+ 	    {
+ 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: xmlDocDumpMemory failed for query %s\n",
+ 			prog, pqf);
+ 		exit(4);
+ 	    }
+ 	    else
+-		fwrite(buf_out, len_out, 1, stdout);
++              fwrite(buf_out.cp, len_out, 1, stdout);
+             xmlFreeDoc(doc);
+ 	}
+     }    
diff --git a/yaz.changes b/yaz.changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4234b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yaz.changes
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+Wed Jan 10 10:05:18 CET 2007 -
+- Version 2.1.44 (from the NEWS file since 2.1.36):
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * Rename yaz-marcdump options.
+  * Add ziffy, the promiscuous Z39.50 APDU sniffer (GPL v2).
+  * Updates for SRU Update,
+Wed Oct 25 07:38:48 CEST 2006 -
+- Version 2.1.36 (from the NEWS file since 2.1.32):
+  * Implemented yaz_filepath_comp which splits a path into file path
+    components (required by Zebra 2.0.3+).
+  * Bugfixes: Missing log lines; CQL to PQF translation: preserve
+    double-quote escaping; add SRU diagnostics; fix printf specifiers [#
+    214434, reported by David Binderman]; change type of optval from
+    long to int for invocation of setsockopt with the SO_REUSEADDR option.
+  * New ZOOM function, ZOOM_connection_is_idle, which checks
+    whether a connection is idle.
+  * Add support for specifying the max log file size for the Generic
+    Frontend Server. The size is given with option -r.
+- Update yaz-codecleanup.diff as yaz-codecleanup.36.diff
+Wed Oct 18 13:50:24 CEST 2006 -
+- Cleaned up the code a bit.
+- Fix an off-by-one error (#207880).
+Thu Sep 21 11:20:02 CEST 2006 -
+- Version 2.1.32 (from the NEWS file):
+  * Fix problem WRT unix sockets in the ZOOM code.
+Tue Sep 19 17:22:48 CEST 2006 -
+- Version 2.1.30 (for more information see the NEWS file):
+  * Fix bug in Generic Frontend Server that could cause a server to stop
+    accepting new connections.
+  * For the generic frontend server, the maximum record size is used as
+    maximum size of incoming packages (SRU + Z39.50).
+  * TCP/IP comstack uses getaddrinfo now to resolve names. It should be
+    IPV6 friendly now.
+  * Fix bug: Using Non Reentrant gethostbyname causes SIGSEGV.
+  * New option for yaz-marcdump -lpos=value which allows setting a portion
+    of MARC header to a certain value.
+  * Fixes for MARC generation when encoded as MARC-8.
+  * ZOOM-C reads option extraArgs. If set the value of extraArgs is
+    appended to SRU URI (POST/GET). Value must be URL encoded, such as
+    x-id-a=v1&x-id-b=v2 .
+Thu Aug 17 14:56:53 CEST 2006 -
+- Version 2.1.26: Two bug fixes.
+Mon Aug 14 12:02:51 CEST 2006 -
+- yaz-devel: Requires libxslt-devel.
+Thu Aug 10 17:48:40 CEST 2006 -
+- Update to 2.1.24 (from NEWS since 2.1.18):
+  * Fixed MARC ISO2709 encoding routines
+  * Change cql2pqf transformation to use a different evaluation order.
+  * For Libxml2 and friends, YAZ defines YAZ_HAVE_{XML2,XSLT,EXSLT) in the
+    compilation phase, but also for yaz-config --cflags output.
+  * Change SRU update structure bend_update_rr so that SRU diagnostics are
+    stored in uri, message and details.
+  * Add support for CCL, compiled on the client side, in ZOOM-C.
+  * Enhancements for yaz-client (sru).
+  * Documentation for YAZ is now based on the Docbook XML/XSLT using
+    xsltproc + N Walsh's stylesheets.
+  * Add retrieval handling support in Generic Frontend Server to support
+    conversion between MARC/XML as well as XSLTtransforms. See
+    etc/yazgfs.xml for an example.
+  * Add authentication support to Generic Frontend Server in SRU mode.
+  * Add support for a new character set MARC8s identical to MARC8 except
+    that it converts combined characters to single Unicode characters in the
+    Latin-1 range (when possible).
+  * And more bug fixes and new features.
+Thu Jun  1 11:21:52 CEST 2006 -
+- Update to version 2.1.18 (from NEWS):
+  * Improve MARC, ZOOM, and CQL; MARC-8 support.
+  * Better localization.
+  * Add ZiNG Update Support.
+  * Various Bug fixes.
+Wed Jan 25 21:43:41 CET 2006 -
+- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
+Wed Jun  8 17:11:08 CEST 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.1.8.
+Fri May 27 10:41:18 CEST 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.1.6 (from NEWS):
+  * Add support for SRW sort in Generic Frontend Server.
+  * Bugfixes (for more info see NEWS).
+Thu Apr 28 11:31:05 CEST 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.1.4 (from NEWS):
+  * Change include/yaz/diagbib1.h and added include/yaz/diagsrw.h with
+    diagnostic messages+codes for Bib-1 and SRW.
+  * Modify the yaz-marcdump utility to skip garbage bytes between MARC
+    records in a file.  Also skip garbage bytes between ISO2709 records
+    rather than abort.
+  * Program yaz-client now exits and produces an error message if multiple
+    Z39.50 servers are specified on the command line.
+- Remove expat from neededforbuild.
+Tue Apr  5 13:22:04 CEST 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.1.2 (from NEWS):
+  * Add support for virtual hosts and multiple backend servers for
+    the YAZ frontend server. The configution is XML based and
+    support specificition of CQL to RPN mappings and explain
+    information.  See section "Virtual Hosts" in the YAZ manual.
+  * Extended OPAC display utility. OPAC display utility renders
+    bibliographic (MARC) record as well.
+Thu Feb 10 09:24:31 CET 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.0.34:
+  * Fix bugs in the MARC-8 to UTF-8 conversion.
+  * Add support for the proposed MarcXchange format.
+Wed Jan 12 10:35:06 CET 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.0.32:
+  * Add support for SRW scan in yaz-client and Generic Frontend Server.
+Tue Jan  4 11:42:10 CET 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.0.30:
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * Change logging behavior.
+Tue Nov 16 13:16:54 CET 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.28; changes since 2.0.26:
+  * Various bug fixes.
+  * Improve documentation.
+- Add tcpd and tcpd-devel to neededforbuild.
+Fri Oct  8 14:35:07 CEST 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.26; changes since 2.0.22:
+  * Various bug fixes.
+  * Add YAZ GFS support for conversion from Z39.50 surrogate diagnostics
+    to SRW surrogate diagnostics.
+  * Fixes for MARC-8 in yaz_iconv character set utilies. The MARC-8
+    to UTF-8/UCS conversion is now only based on codetables.xml.
+Mon Aug  9 11:13:52 CEST 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.22; changes:
+  * Add support for more "commit changes" in ZOOM (uses Extended
+    Services).
+  * For yaz-client, command set_marcdump <file> / -m <file> dumps
+    SUTRS/XML/.. records as well.
+Fri May 28 16:00:01 CEST 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.21; changes:
+  * SSL comstack now uses yaz.pem certificate file on server side
+    by default. Certificate filename can be configured by calling
+    comstack function cs_set_ssl_certificate_file before cs_bind is used.
+  * Fix bug regarding multiple calls to ZOOM_connection_connect.
+  * Implement cs_set_ssl_ctx which sets SSL_CTX for SSL comstack.
+  * Do not create SSL_CTX in cs_create (ssl_type). Create in tcpip_bind,
+    tcpip_rcvconnect instead. This allows user to set custom SSL_CTX.
+  * ZOOM now allows inspection of X509 peer certificate for verification.
+    The X509 buffer is retrived by reading ZOOM option "sslPeerCert".
+  * Remove When SSL is enabled, has SSL support and
+    all programs have too (yaz-ztest, yaz-client, zoom..).
+  * Documentation about MARC decoding tools.
+  * Fix encoding of xsd:string to use text instead of CDATA.
+  * Fix endless loop in CQL parser with unbalanced ".
+  * Use a more compact way to store MARC-8 conversion tables.
+  * Fix a bug in yaz_iconv regarding conversion to UCS4 / UCS4LE.
+  * Update CQL parser to use new CQL 1.1 modifiers for booleans and
+    relations.
+  * Another fix for decoding of XML packed records.
+  * Fixes for Chunked encoding. White space not ignored after length spec.
+  * Implement chunked HTTP transfer.
+Wed May 12 17:56:36 CEST 2004 -
+- added -fno-strict-aliasing
+Tue Feb 17 15:45:35 CET 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.12; changes:
+  * Various enhancements to yaz-client.
+  * Fix various bugs (encoding related, memory leak, etc.).
+  * Fix compilation for SSL which wasn't properly enabled for all
+    platforms.
+  * MARC conversion can now generate ISO2709 output in another
+    character set.
+  * ZOOM-C enhancements.
+  * New utilities: yaz-iconv and yaz-marcdump.
+  * Enhancements to the generic front-end server.
+Sat Jan 10 22:10:30 CET 2004 -
+- add %defattr and %run_ldconfig
+Thu Oct 16 16:57:53 CEST 2003 -
+- Update to version 2.0.4; changes:
+  - Allow any CQL relation (not just all,any,exact,scr).
+  - Fixes for OCLC UI ASN.1 to make it work with SilverPlatter targets
+    that features the same UI.
+  - Implement command update0 in YAZ client which is equivalent to
+    update but uses old of Ext Update ASN.1.
+  - Use OID 1.2.840.10003.15.1000.81.1 for privately defined charsets
+    in charset negotiation. Added VAL_ID_CHARSET in oid.h.
+    Previously no OID was used for this info.
+  - ZOOM uses smallSetUpperBound=1 instead of 0 for piggyback searches.
+    It apparantely upsets EBSCO Publishing IR Z39.50 Server which
+    returns 'malformed search term' otherwise.
+  - SortResponse member resultCount now set to NULL in sort handler of
+    frontend server.
+  - OPAC support ZOOM. ZOOM_record_get returns OPAC info (as XML) if
+    type is "opac".
+  - Add three new utility functions for translating OIDs between various
+    formats -- symbolic name such as "Usmarc", minus-1-terminated int
+    arrays and dotted strings such as "1.2.840.10003.9.5.1".
+  - Revert modifications for ES Update definition for z_IU0Update
+    (OID 1.2.840.10003.9.5.1 and 1.2.840.10003.9.5). The definition
+    is back to YAZ 2.0.2.
+  - String value attributes for CCL parser.
+  - Support for OCLC's locally registered "OCLC-UserInformation" PDU,
+    which their FirstSearch server returns in Init responses, sometimes
+    carrying useful diagnostic information when Init fails.  This has the
+    OID 1.2.840.10003.10.1000.17.1 and is defined in the file
+    "z39.50/oclcui.asn", where its definition is somewhat different from
+    what OCLC document on their web-site, as required to interoperate with
+    their servers.
+  - Support for anonymous authentication in yaz-client.  Use the command
+    "auth -".
+  - Fix the OID of the Index Data-local "admin" Extended Service from
+    1.2.840.10003.9.81.1 to 1.2.840.10003.9.1000.81.1.  The omission of
+    the 1000, which indicates a locally-defined OID, was a mistake.
+Mon Jun 23 14:46:47 CEST 2003 -
+- Update to version 2.0.3; changes:
+  - Fix CCL directive @case handling so that it affects string match for
+    both CCL keywords and qualifiers.
+  - * ESFormat-Update updates. Packages with OID 1.2.840.10003.9.5.1 and
+    1.2.840.10003.9.5 are now handled by the same decoder z_IU0Update .
+    Decoder has been updated with ASN.1 changes as listed in
+  - ZOOM_record_get may now return a record in a specific character set.
+    For type use "form; charset=from[,to]" where form (render, xml, ..),
+    "from" is the character set of record as returned by target. "to" is
+    the character set to be returned. If omitted, "to" is UTF-8.
+  - YAZ ASN.1 compiler renamed from yaz-comp to yaz-asncomp
+  - New ODR utility, odr_getelement, which returns name of element for
+    which encoding/decoding failed.
+  - Fixed ODR so that it returns error code OREQUIRED rather than ONONE
+    in cases where a required element was omitted.
+  - Bug fix: some MARC8 sequences were not converted.
+  - New ZOOM option "step" which specifies number of records to be
+    retrieved in one chunk. Used in conjunction with "start" and "count".
+  - SRW support for yaz-client. Use scheme http: to use it, e.g.
+    http://host:port/db
+  - yaz-client no longer does (un)intelligent character set conversions
+    by default. Can be enabled with charset and marc_charset commands.
+  - New function, cql_strerror() translates SRW error codes, as returned
+    by cql_transform_error(), into human-readable English strings.  Used
+    in yaz-client diagnostics when appropriate.
+  - New CQL2RPN query-type for the command-line yaz-client, parses CQL and
+    converts it into a type-1 query which is sent to the server.  This
+    makes CQL available for use with all Z-servers, as opposed to the tiny
+    minority that can handle CQL queries themselves.
+Thu Jun 12 13:36:19 CEST 2003 -
+- Add missing directory to filelist
+Mon May 26 12:21:33 CEST 2003 -
+- Remove unwanted files from $RPM_BUILD_ROOT.
+Thu May 22 14:30:22 CEST 2003 -
+- Split subpackage libyaz into libyaz and libyaz-devel.
+Thu May 22 11:19:18 CEST 2003 -
+- Update to version 2.0.2; changes:
+  - New ZOOM events ZOOM_EVENT_RECV_{RECORD,SEARCH} for receiving a record
+    and search result respectively.
+  - New member 'schema' in struct bend_fetch_rr which the name of requested
+    schema (SRW/SRU) for record (or NULL if none was given). The fetch
+    handler MAY set this to reflect the schema of the returned record.
+  - New member 'display_term' in struct scan_entry. GFS now sets member entries
+    and allocates scan entries to be filled by user scan handler. In previous
+    version, entries member was allocated by the scan handler. That still
+    works,  but the GFS will ignore member display_term - assuming it was NOT
+    set by the handler. The fact that the GFS now allocates the entries both
+    allows for new members and makes a scan handler easier to write.
+  - SRW/SRU recordPacking. For SRW default recordPacking is string. For
+    SRU default recordPacking is string.
+  - SRU protocol support for frontend server.
+  - Add missing PQF transform rules for <= and >= .
+  - Added scan for the ZOOM shell (zoomsh).
+  - Bugfix: CQL lex buffer overflow.
+  - Split package into yaz and libyaz.
+Wed Mar 26 15:16:36 CET 2003 -
+- Update to version 2.0; changes:
+  Possible compatibility problems with earlier versions marked with '*'.
+  - * String Identifers for Schemas (Amendment 5).
+  - * resultCount parameter to Sort Response (Amendment 1).
+  - Support for SRW 1.0 over HTTP. This is an optional feature and
+    requires libxml2 to operate. Enable SOAP by specifying --with-xml2
+    for configure (not enabled on SuSE Linux).
+  - Generic frontend server supports HTTP/SOAP/SRW and Z39.50/BER
+    on the same port.  SRW SearchRetrieveRequests are mapped
+    to bend_init,bend_search,bend_fetch,bend_close.
+  - Add Z39.50 Query Type-104 - to facilitate CQL within Z39.50.
+  - CQL support. Source is directory 'cql'. CQL is supported in ZOOM
+    (both SRW and Z39.50) and the YAZ client (Z39.50 only).
+  - ZOOM connections are SRW based if schem http is used for hostname
+    in connect, e.g.  z = ZOOM_connection_new("http://myserver");
+    ZOOM_query may be of type CQL, e.g. ZOOM_query_cql(q, "dc.title=x");
+  - CCL proximity operators !n, %n converts to PQF @prox 0 n 1 2 k 2
+    and @prox 0 n 0 1 k 2 respectively, meaning: exlusion=false,
+    distance=n, order=true/false, relation=le, prox unit=word. If
+    n is omitted, distance 1 is used.
+  - New MARC decode API. All new functions operate on a yaz_marc_t
+    handle. The most important new functions are: yaz_marc_create,
+    yaz_marc_decode_{buf,wrbuf}, yaz_marc_destroy, .. to create handler,
+    decode and destroy respectively. Decoder can produce formats
+    MARC line, simple XML, OAI MARC and MARC XML (LoC). See
+    include/yaz/marcdisp.h.
+  - YAZ Iconv utility now supports MARC8 decoding (marc8.c). Converts
+    to UTF-8, UCS-32, wchar_t or Latin-1.
+  - * Prototypes for yaz_iconv_-functions moved to separate header 
+    include/yaz/yaz-iconv.h.
+  - Make a few private functions 'static' in unix.c. This prevents
+    duplicate unix_close in PHP with YAZ and imap. PHP Bug 20977.
+  - For ZOOM connection, the options targetImplementation{Id,Name,Version}
+    are set when Init Response is received.
+  - New function ZOOM_connection_error_x similar to ZOOM_connection_error
+    but returns diagnostic set as well.
+  - New function yaz_strerror which is a portable wrapper for
+    strerror/strerror_r/GetLastMessage.
+  - * ZOOM_record_get supports type "xml" in which case MARC XML (from LOC)
+    is returned for MARC. If type is "oai", then OAI MARC is returned.
+Fri Nov 29 11:52:00 CET 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.9.2; changes:
+  * yaz_marc_decode uses OAI MARC as XML format for ISO2709 records.
+  * Fix bad race conditions on SIGTERM and terminate gracefully in
+    frontend server.
+  * Move retrieval (data1) module to Zebra (now package "idzebra").
+  * Add GRS-1 render for ZOOM using same format as yaz-client.
+Fri Nov 22 15:12:46 CET 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.9.1; changes since 1.8.8:
+  * Add man pages: yaz-client(1), yaz-ztest(8), yaz(7), zoomsh(1).
+  * Bugfixes: ESpec handling in data1 module; handle PDU encoding
+    failures properly; ZOOM_record_get for type "database"; ZOOM C
+    record cache so that preferredRecordSyntax and elementSetName is
+    used to check for already fetched records.
+  * SGML reader parses comments and makes them part of the data1 tree.
+  * Add more Bib-1 diagnostics (approved extensions).
+  * PQF parser rejects bad queries - including those with extra
+    characters in them. PQF parser used to silently ignore that.
+    Cleaner API for PQF added, which allows you to get detailed
+    error information for bad queries (see yaz/pquery.h).
+  * Use iconv.
+  * Remov XML reader (d1_expat.c). It's part of Zebra instead.
+Mon Aug  5 13:06:58 CEST 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.8.8:
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * Modify data1 to handle XML and character set encodings.
+  * New COMSTACK type: local UNIX socket. It's useful if you have
+    a local service and/or want extreme performance.
+- Add expat and readline-devel to #neededforbuild to link against expat
+  and readline.
+Mon May 27 13:55:37 CEST 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.8.7:
+  - Bug fixes.
+  - Better i18n support (ZOOM API and YAZ client).
+Wed May  8 13:47:35 CEST 2002 -
+- Use %_libdir macro.
+Mon Apr  8 15:14:18 CEST 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.8.6.
+Mon Mar 11 14:57:41 CET 2002 -
+- New package: version 1.8.5.
diff --git a/yaz.spec b/yaz.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d66fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yaz.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+# spec file for package yaz (Version 2.1.44)
+# Copyright (c) 2007 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
+# package are under the same license as the package itself.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
+# norootforbuild
+Name:           yaz
+BuildRequires:  libxslt-devel openssl-devel readline-devel tcpd-devel
+# libxml2-devel
+Version:        2.1.44
+Release:        1
+License:        BSD License and BSD-like
+Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
+Patch0:         yaz-codecleanup.36.diff
+Patch1:         yaz-codecleanup.44.diff
+BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
+Summary:        Z39.50/SRW/SRU Programs
+This package contains both a test-server and clients (normal & ssl) for
+the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 protocol for Information Retrieval.  SRW and SRU
+clients and servers are also supported.
+    Adam Dickmeiss <>
+%package -n libyaz
+Summary:        Z39.50 Library
+Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
+# Requires: libxml2 openssl
+%description -n libyaz
+YAZ is a C library for developing client - and server applications
+using the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 protocol for Information Retrieval.
+    Adam Dickmeiss <>
+%package -n libyaz-devel
+Summary:        Z39.50 Library
+Group:          Development/Libraries/C and C++
+Requires:       libyaz = %{version}
+Requires:       openssl-devel libxslt-devel tcpd-devel
+%description -n libyaz-devel
+YAZ is a C library for developing client - and server applications
+using the ANSI/NISO Z39.50 protocol for Information Retrieval.
+    Adam Dickmeiss <>
+%setup -q
+%patch0 -p 1
+%patch1 -p 1
+#  --with-dsssl=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets \
+#  --with-dtd=/usr/share/sgml/db41xml
+export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -W"
+./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%_libdir --mandir=%{_mandir} \
+  --enable-shared --enable-tcpd --with-openssl
+rm -fr ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+make DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} install
+pushd doc
+  # make prefix=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr install
+  make DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} install
+# Unwanted doc stuff
+rm -fr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/doc
+rm -fr html
+mkdir html
+cp -a doc/*.html html
+# cp doc/*pdf .
+ln -sf introduction.html html/index.html
+# yaz.pdf
+  echo "<html><head><title>%{name} documentation directory</title></head>"
+  echo "<body><ul>"
+  echo "<li><a href=\"html/index.html\">%{name}</a>, official documentation (local)"
+  for f in %{DOCFILES}  ; do
+    if [ "http:" = "${f%%%%/*}" ]; then
+      echo "<li><a href=\"$f\">$f</a>"
+      continue
+    fi
+    [ -f $f ] || continue
+    echo "<li><a href=\"$f\">$f</a>"
+  done
+  echo "</li></body></html>"
+} >index.html
+/sbin/ldconfig -n $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
+rm -fr ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+%files -n libyaz
+%doc %{DOCFILES}
+%doc index.html html
+# %doc doc/yaz.pdf
+%dir %{_datadir}/yaz
+%files -n libyaz-devel
+%changelog -n yaz
+* Wed Jan 10 2007 -
+- Version 2.1.44 (from the NEWS file since 2.1.36):
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * Rename yaz-marcdump options.
+  * Add ziffy, the promiscuous Z39.50 APDU sniffer (GPL v2).
+  * Updates for SRU Update,
+* Wed Oct 25 2006 -
+- Version 2.1.36 (from the NEWS file since 2.1.32):
+  * Implemented yaz_filepath_comp which splits a path into file path
+  components (required by Zebra 2.0.3+).
+  * Bugfixes: Missing log lines; CQL to PQF translation: preserve
+  double-quote escaping; add SRU diagnostics; fix printf specifiers [#
+  214434, reported by David Binderman]; change type of optval from
+  long to int for invocation of setsockopt with the SO_REUSEADDR option.
+  * New ZOOM function, ZOOM_connection_is_idle, which checks
+  whether a connection is idle.
+  * Add support for specifying the max log file size for the Generic
+  Frontend Server. The size is given with option -r.
+- Update yaz-codecleanup.diff as yaz-codecleanup.36.diff
+* Wed Oct 18 2006 -
+- Cleaned up the code a bit.
+- Fix an off-by-one error (#207880).
+* Thu Sep 21 2006 -
+- Version 2.1.32 (from the NEWS file):
+  * Fix problem WRT unix sockets in the ZOOM code.
+* Tue Sep 19 2006 -
+- Version 2.1.30 (for more information see the NEWS file):
+  * Fix bug in Generic Frontend Server that could cause a server to stop
+  accepting new connections.
+  * For the generic frontend server, the maximum record size is used as
+  maximum size of incoming packages (SRU + Z39.50).
+  * TCP/IP comstack uses getaddrinfo now to resolve names. It should be
+  IPV6 friendly now.
+  * Fix bug: Using Non Reentrant gethostbyname causes SIGSEGV.
+  * New option for yaz-marcdump -lpos=value which allows setting a portion
+  of MARC header to a certain value.
+  * Fixes for MARC generation when encoded as MARC-8.
+  * ZOOM-C reads option extraArgs. If set the value of extraArgs is
+  appended to SRU URI (POST/GET). Value must be URL encoded, such as
+  x-id-a=v1&x-id-b=v2 .
+* Thu Aug 17 2006 -
+- Version 2.1.26: Two bug fixes.
+* Mon Aug 14 2006 -
+- yaz-devel: Requires libxslt-devel.
+* Thu Aug 10 2006 -
+- Update to 2.1.24 (from NEWS since 2.1.18):
+  * Fixed MARC ISO2709 encoding routines
+  * Change cql2pqf transformation to use a different evaluation order.
+  * For Libxml2 and friends, YAZ defines YAZ_HAVE_{XML2,XSLT,EXSLT) in the
+  compilation phase, but also for yaz-config --cflags output.
+  * Change SRU update structure bend_update_rr so that SRU diagnostics are
+  stored in uri, message and details.
+  * Add support for CCL, compiled on the client side, in ZOOM-C.
+  * Enhancements for yaz-client (sru).
+  * Documentation for YAZ is now based on the Docbook XML/XSLT using
+  xsltproc + N Walsh's stylesheets.
+  * Add retrieval handling support in Generic Frontend Server to support
+  conversion between MARC/XML as well as XSLTtransforms. See
+  etc/yazgfs.xml for an example.
+  * Add authentication support to Generic Frontend Server in SRU mode.
+  * Add support for a new character set MARC8s identical to MARC8 except
+  that it converts combined characters to single Unicode characters in the
+  Latin-1 range (when possible).
+  * And more bug fixes and new features.
+* Thu Jun 01 2006 -
+- Update to version 2.1.18 (from NEWS):
+  * Improve MARC, ZOOM, and CQL; MARC-8 support.
+  * Better localization.
+  * Add ZiNG Update Support.
+  * Various Bug fixes.
+* Wed Jan 25 2006 -
+- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
+* Wed Jun 08 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.1.8.
+* Fri May 27 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.1.6 (from NEWS):
+  * Add support for SRW sort in Generic Frontend Server.
+  * Bugfixes (for more info see NEWS).
+* Thu Apr 28 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.1.4 (from NEWS):
+  * Change include/yaz/diagbib1.h and added include/yaz/diagsrw.h with
+  diagnostic messages+codes for Bib-1 and SRW.
+  * Modify the yaz-marcdump utility to skip garbage bytes between MARC
+  records in a file.  Also skip garbage bytes between ISO2709 records
+  rather than abort.
+  * Program yaz-client now exits and produces an error message if multiple
+  Z39.50 servers are specified on the command line.
+- Remove expat from neededforbuild.
+* Tue Apr 05 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.1.2 (from NEWS):
+  * Add support for virtual hosts and multiple backend servers for
+  the YAZ frontend server. The configution is XML based and
+  support specificition of CQL to RPN mappings and explain
+  information.  See section "Virtual Hosts" in the YAZ manual.
+  * Extended OPAC display utility. OPAC display utility renders
+  bibliographic (MARC) record as well.
+* Thu Feb 10 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.0.34:
+  * Fix bugs in the MARC-8 to UTF-8 conversion.
+  * Add support for the proposed MarcXchange format.
+* Wed Jan 12 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.0.32:
+  * Add support for SRW scan in yaz-client and Generic Frontend Server.
+* Tue Jan 04 2005 -
+- Update to version 2.0.30:
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * Change logging behavior.
+* Tue Nov 16 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.28; changes since 2.0.26:
+  * Various bug fixes.
+  * Improve documentation.
+- Add tcpd and tcpd-devel to neededforbuild.
+* Fri Oct 08 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.26; changes since 2.0.22:
+  * Various bug fixes.
+  * Add YAZ GFS support for conversion from Z39.50 surrogate diagnostics
+  to SRW surrogate diagnostics.
+  * Fixes for MARC-8 in yaz_iconv character set utilies. The MARC-8
+  to UTF-8/UCS conversion is now only based on codetables.xml.
+* Mon Aug 09 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.22; changes:
+  * Add support for more "commit changes" in ZOOM (uses Extended
+  Services).
+  * For yaz-client, command set_marcdump <file> / -m <file> dumps
+  SUTRS/XML/.. records as well.
+* Fri May 28 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.21; changes:
+  * SSL comstack now uses yaz.pem certificate file on server side
+  by default. Certificate filename can be configured by calling
+  comstack function cs_set_ssl_certificate_file before cs_bind is used.
+  * Fix bug regarding multiple calls to ZOOM_connection_connect.
+  * Implement cs_set_ssl_ctx which sets SSL_CTX for SSL comstack.
+  * Do not create SSL_CTX in cs_create (ssl_type). Create in tcpip_bind,
+  tcpip_rcvconnect instead. This allows user to set custom SSL_CTX.
+  * ZOOM now allows inspection of X509 peer certificate for verification.
+  The X509 buffer is retrived by reading ZOOM option "sslPeerCert".
+  * Remove When SSL is enabled, has SSL support and
+  all programs have too (yaz-ztest, yaz-client, zoom..).
+  * Documentation about MARC decoding tools.
+  * Fix encoding of xsd:string to use text instead of CDATA.
+  * Fix endless loop in CQL parser with unbalanced ".
+  * Use a more compact way to store MARC-8 conversion tables.
+  * Fix a bug in yaz_iconv regarding conversion to UCS4 / UCS4LE.
+  * Update CQL parser to use new CQL 1.1 modifiers for booleans and
+  relations.
+  * Another fix for decoding of XML packed records.
+  * Fixes for Chunked encoding. White space not ignored after length spec.
+  * Implement chunked HTTP transfer.
+* Wed May 12 2004 -
+- added -fno-strict-aliasing
+* Tue Feb 17 2004 -
+- Update to version 2.0.12; changes:
+  * Various enhancements to yaz-client.
+  * Fix various bugs (encoding related, memory leak, etc.).
+  * Fix compilation for SSL which wasn't properly enabled for all
+  platforms.
+  * MARC conversion can now generate ISO2709 output in another
+  character set.
+  * ZOOM-C enhancements.
+  * New utilities: yaz-iconv and yaz-marcdump.
+  * Enhancements to the generic front-end server.
+* Sat Jan 10 2004 -
+- add %%defattr and %%run_ldconfig
+* Thu Oct 16 2003 -
+- Update to version 2.0.4; changes:
+  - Allow any CQL relation (not just all,any,exact,scr).
+  - Fixes for OCLC UI ASN.1 to make it work with SilverPlatter targets
+  that features the same UI.
+  - Implement command update0 in YAZ client which is equivalent to
+  update but uses old of Ext Update ASN.1.
+  - Use OID 1.2.840.10003.15.1000.81.1 for privately defined charsets
+  in charset negotiation. Added VAL_ID_CHARSET in oid.h.
+  Previously no OID was used for this info.
+  - ZOOM uses smallSetUpperBound=1 instead of 0 for piggyback searches.
+  It apparantely upsets EBSCO Publishing IR Z39.50 Server which
+  returns 'malformed search term' otherwise.
+  - SortResponse member resultCount now set to NULL in sort handler of
+  frontend server.
+  - OPAC support ZOOM. ZOOM_record_get returns OPAC info (as XML) if
+  type is "opac".
+  - Add three new utility functions for translating OIDs between various
+  formats -- symbolic name such as "Usmarc", minus-1-terminated int
+  arrays and dotted strings such as "1.2.840.10003.9.5.1".
+  - Revert modifications for ES Update definition for z_IU0Update
+  (OID 1.2.840.10003.9.5.1 and 1.2.840.10003.9.5). The definition
+  is back to YAZ 2.0.2.
+  - String value attributes for CCL parser.
+  - Support for OCLC's locally registered "OCLC-UserInformation" PDU,
+  which their FirstSearch server returns in Init responses, sometimes
+  carrying useful diagnostic information when Init fails.  This has the
+  OID 1.2.840.10003.10.1000.17.1 and is defined in the file
+  "z39.50/oclcui.asn", where its definition is somewhat different from
+  what OCLC document on their web-site, as required to interoperate with
+  their servers.
+  - Support for anonymous authentication in yaz-client.  Use the command
+  "auth -".
+  - Fix the OID of the Index Data-local "admin" Extended Service from
+  1.2.840.10003.9.81.1 to 1.2.840.10003.9.1000.81.1.  The omission of
+  the 1000, which indicates a locally-defined OID, was a mistake.
+* Mon Jun 23 2003 -
+- Update to version 2.0.3; changes:
+  - Fix CCL directive @case handling so that it affects string match for
+  both CCL keywords and qualifiers.
+  - * ESFormat-Update updates. Packages with OID 1.2.840.10003.9.5.1 and
+  1.2.840.10003.9.5 are now handled by the same decoder z_IU0Update .
+  Decoder has been updated with ASN.1 changes as listed in
+  - ZOOM_record_get may now return a record in a specific character set.
+  For type use "form; charset=from[,to]" where form (render, xml, ..),
+  "from" is the character set of record as returned by target. "to" is
+  the character set to be returned. If omitted, "to" is UTF-8.
+  - YAZ ASN.1 compiler renamed from yaz-comp to yaz-asncomp
+  - New ODR utility, odr_getelement, which returns name of element for
+  which encoding/decoding failed.
+  - Fixed ODR so that it returns error code OREQUIRED rather than ONONE
+  in cases where a required element was omitted.
+  - Bug fix: some MARC8 sequences were not converted.
+  - New ZOOM option "step" which specifies number of records to be
+  retrieved in one chunk. Used in conjunction with "start" and "count".
+  - SRW support for yaz-client. Use scheme http: to use it, e.g.
+  http://host:port/db
+  - yaz-client no longer does (un)intelligent character set conversions
+  by default. Can be enabled with charset and marc_charset commands.
+  - New function, cql_strerror() translates SRW error codes, as returned
+  by cql_transform_error(), into human-readable English strings.  Used
+  in yaz-client diagnostics when appropriate.
+  - New CQL2RPN query-type for the command-line yaz-client, parses CQL and
+  converts it into a type-1 query which is sent to the server.  This
+  makes CQL available for use with all Z-servers, as opposed to the tiny
+  minority that can handle CQL queries themselves.
+* Thu Jun 12 2003 -
+- Add missing directory to filelist
+* Mon May 26 2003 -
+- Remove unwanted files from $RPM_BUILD_ROOT.
+* Thu May 22 2003 -
+- Split subpackage libyaz into libyaz and libyaz-devel.
+* Thu May 22 2003 -
+- Update to version 2.0.2; changes:
+  - New ZOOM events ZOOM_EVENT_RECV_{RECORD,SEARCH} for receiving a record
+  and search result respectively.
+  - New member 'schema' in struct bend_fetch_rr which the name of requested
+  schema (SRW/SRU) for record (or NULL if none was given). The fetch
+  handler MAY set this to reflect the schema of the returned record.
+  - New member 'display_term' in struct scan_entry. GFS now sets member entries
+  and allocates scan entries to be filled by user scan handler. In previous
+  version, entries member was allocated by the scan handler. That still
+  works,  but the GFS will ignore member display_term - assuming it was NOT
+  set by the handler. The fact that the GFS now allocates the entries both
+  allows for new members and makes a scan handler easier to write.
+  - SRW/SRU recordPacking. For SRW default recordPacking is string. For
+  SRU default recordPacking is string.
+  - SRU protocol support for frontend server.
+  - Add missing PQF transform rules for <= and >= .
+  - Added scan for the ZOOM shell (zoomsh).
+  - Bugfix: CQL lex buffer overflow.
+  - Split package into yaz and libyaz.
+* Wed Mar 26 2003 -
+- Update to version 2.0; changes:
+  Possible compatibility problems with earlier versions marked with '*'.
+  - * String Identifers for Schemas (Amendment 5).
+  - * resultCount parameter to Sort Response (Amendment 1).
+  - Support for SRW 1.0 over HTTP. This is an optional feature and
+  requires libxml2 to operate. Enable SOAP by specifying --with-xml2
+  for configure (not enabled on SuSE Linux).
+  - Generic frontend server supports HTTP/SOAP/SRW and Z39.50/BER
+  on the same port.  SRW SearchRetrieveRequests are mapped
+  to bend_init,bend_search,bend_fetch,bend_close.
+  - Add Z39.50 Query Type-104 - to facilitate CQL within Z39.50.
+  - CQL support. Source is directory 'cql'. CQL is supported in ZOOM
+  (both SRW and Z39.50) and the YAZ client (Z39.50 only).
+  - ZOOM connections are SRW based if schem http is used for hostname
+  in connect, e.g.  z = ZOOM_connection_new("http://myserver");
+  ZOOM_query may be of type CQL, e.g. ZOOM_query_cql(q, "dc.title=x");
+  - CCL proximity operators !n, %%n converts to PQF @prox 0 n 1 2 k 2
+  and @prox 0 n 0 1 k 2 respectively, meaning: exlusion=false,
+  distance=n, order=true/false, relation=le, prox unit=word. If
+  n is omitted, distance 1 is used.
+  - New MARC decode API. All new functions operate on a yaz_marc_t
+  handle. The most important new functions are: yaz_marc_create,
+  yaz_marc_decode_{buf,wrbuf}, yaz_marc_destroy, .. to create handler,
+  decode and destroy respectively. Decoder can produce formats
+  MARC line, simple XML, OAI MARC and MARC XML (LoC). See
+  include/yaz/marcdisp.h.
+  - YAZ Iconv utility now supports MARC8 decoding (marc8.c). Converts
+  to UTF-8, UCS-32, wchar_t or Latin-1.
+  - * Prototypes for yaz_iconv_-functions moved to separate header
+  include/yaz/yaz-iconv.h.
+  - Make a few private functions 'static' in unix.c. This prevents
+  duplicate unix_close in PHP with YAZ and imap. PHP Bug 20977.
+  - For ZOOM connection, the options targetImplementation{Id,Name,Version}
+  are set when Init Response is received.
+  - New function ZOOM_connection_error_x similar to ZOOM_connection_error
+  but returns diagnostic set as well.
+  - New function yaz_strerror which is a portable wrapper for
+  strerror/strerror_r/GetLastMessage.
+  - * ZOOM_record_get supports type "xml" in which case MARC XML (from LOC)
+  is returned for MARC. If type is "oai", then OAI MARC is returned.
+* Fri Nov 29 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.9.2; changes:
+  * yaz_marc_decode uses OAI MARC as XML format for ISO2709 records.
+  * Fix bad race conditions on SIGTERM and terminate gracefully in
+  frontend server.
+  * Move retrieval (data1) module to Zebra (now package "idzebra").
+  * Add GRS-1 render for ZOOM using same format as yaz-client.
+* Fri Nov 22 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.9.1; changes since 1.8.8:
+  * Add man pages: yaz-client(1), yaz-ztest(8), yaz(7), zoomsh(1).
+  * Bugfixes: ESpec handling in data1 module; handle PDU encoding
+  failures properly; ZOOM_record_get for type "database"; ZOOM C
+  record cache so that preferredRecordSyntax and elementSetName is
+  used to check for already fetched records.
+  * SGML reader parses comments and makes them part of the data1 tree.
+  * Add more Bib-1 diagnostics (approved extensions).
+  * PQF parser rejects bad queries - including those with extra
+  characters in them. PQF parser used to silently ignore that.
+  Cleaner API for PQF added, which allows you to get detailed
+  error information for bad queries (see yaz/pquery.h).
+  * Use iconv.
+  * Remov XML reader (d1_expat.c). It's part of Zebra instead.
+* Mon Aug 05 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.8.8:
+  * Bug fixes.
+  * Modify data1 to handle XML and character set encodings.
+  * New COMSTACK type: local UNIX socket. It's useful if you have
+  a local service and/or want extreme performance.
+- Add expat and readline-devel to #neededforbuild to link against expat
+  and readline.
+* Mon May 27 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.8.7:
+  - Bug fixes.
+  - Better i18n support (ZOOM API and YAZ client).
+* Wed May 08 2002 -
+- Use %%_libdir macro.
+* Mon Apr 08 2002 -
+- Update to version 1.8.6.
+* Mon Mar 11 2002 -
+- New package: version 1.8.5.
diff --git a/yaz.test b/yaz.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d81c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yaz.test
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+yaz-client -m list
+find @attr 1=4 goethe
+show 1+10