Update HACKING file

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Hale 2017-11-17 15:51:22 +00:00 committed by Rico Tzschichholz
parent b31075a0d7
commit 22f0d95728

View File

@ -15,33 +15,34 @@ Join #elementary-dev on Freenode (irc.freenode.net).
Go through problem reports and check unconfirmed bugs or those lacking
information and mark any duplicates you spot.
Help getting Gala translated in your language!
Answer questions.
====== Check out the sources ======
bzr branch lp:gala
git clone https://github.com/elementary/gala.git
The development trunk (master, tip) is the latest iteration of the next
release. Browse it online and look for other branches at:
====== Build the code ======
Prepare the source and compile:
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
meson --prefix=/usr build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
Run Gala:
./src/gala --replace
./build/src/gala --replace
For more detailed instructions, please see the INSTALL file.
@ -152,107 +153,95 @@ Of course the best example is the current source code itself.
You can also have a look at this doc for some parts:
Keep in mind that neither the indentation rules or curly
bracket positions mentioned there apply for Gala.
====== Committing code ======
On Github, you should fork the Gala repo and then clone your fork.
Make a branch which will contain your changes for fixing bug 123456:
bzr branch lp:gala fix-123456
git branch fix-123456
git checkout fix-123456
Tell Bazaar your name if you haven't yet:
Tell Git your name and email if you haven't yet:
bzr whoami "Real Name <email@address>"
git config --global user.name "Real Name"
git config --global user.email email@address
See what you did so far:
bzr diff
bzr diff | less
git diff
Get an overview of changed and new files:
bzr status
git status
Add new files, move/ rename or delete:
bzr add FILENAME
git add FILENAME
Note: 'bzr add' should be used only when new source or data files are added
to Gala's source directory.
Note: 'git add' should be used when a file has been changed to add it to the commit.
After making your changes, you need to commit your work as a new revision.
bzr commit
git commit
Bazaar will open the default text editor (in most systems, nano) where you
will write the commit message, save the document, and close it. Bazaar will
Git will open the default text editor (in most systems, nano) where you
will write the commit message, save the document, and close it. Git will
use the commit message as commentary for the new revision, so it should be
a concise summary of what you did.
To change Bazaar's text editor, add the following line to Bazaar's
configuration file (usually located at ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf):
To change Git's text editor:
editor = your_text_editor_here
git config --global core.editor your_text_editor_here
For example:
editor = gedit
git config --global core.editor emacs
Commit your changes in small increments. It is better to keep different
changes in different commits.
If a commit fixes a reported bug in Launchpad, it is useful to make a
reference to that bug report when committing:
bzr commit --fixes lp:123456
Did you make changes to more than one file, but don't want to commit the
changes of all of them? You can specify which files you want to commit:
bzr commit file1 file2
To see the last 5 revisions in the current branch:
bzr log -l5
bzr log -l5 -p | less
git log -5
In the case you committed something wrong or want to ammend it:
In the case you added something wrong or want to ammend it:
bzr uncommit
git reset HEAD file
If you want to revert all the changes made after the last revision:
bzr revert
git checkout -- *
Remember to keep your branch updated:
bzr pull
git remote add upstream https://github.com/elementary/gala.git
git fetch upstream
git pull upstream master
As a general rule of thumb, 'bzr help COMMAND' gives you an explanation of any
command and 'bzr help commands' lists all available commands.
As a general rule of thumb, 'man git COMMAND' gives you an explanation of any
command and 'git help' lists all available commands.
====== Push proposed changes ======
If you haven't yet, https://launchpad.net/~/+editsshkeys check that Launchpad
has your SSH key - you can create an SSH key with Passwords and Keys aka
Seahorse or 'ssh-keygen -t rsa' - and use 'bzr launchpad-login' to make
youself known to bzr locally.
If you checked out trunk, and commited your patch(es), just push it under your
username in Launchpad and you can propose it for merging into trunk. This will
After you have commited your patch(es), just push it to your fork
on Github and you can propose it for merging into master by creating a pull request. This will
automatically request a review from other developers who can then comment on
it and provide feedback.
bzr push lp:~USERNAME/gala/fix-123456
bzr lp-open
git push --set-upstream origin fix-123456
The last command will open a summary of the current branch in your web
browser. There, you will be able to propose it for merging into trunk.
If a commit fixes a reported bug on Github, it is useful to make a
reference to that bug report in the pull request
On Github, you will be able to propose it for merging into master.
Your branch will be reviewed by another developer. At this stage, you may be
notified that changes need to be made to your branch, so keep an eye on your
email inbox!
@ -262,40 +251,25 @@ project's source code.
What happens to all the branches?
Leave the branches alone, approved branches are cleared automatically by
Leave the branches alone, approved branches will be removed after they
have been merged.
For larger feature branches, use the team in Launchpad to allow other
For larger feature branches, you can add collaborators on Github to allow other
developers to work on the code with you.
What if I want to help out on an existing merge request that I can't push to?
bzr branch lp:~OTHERPERSON/gala/fix-123456
cd fix-123456
# make commits
bzr push lp:~USERNAME/gala/fix-123456
bzr lp-open
And in the Launchpad web overview of your branch, propose your branch for
merging into lp:~OTHERPERSON/gala/fix-123456
Similarly to with master you can create pull requests to other branches on Github,
if the pull request is from a fork you will have to clone that fork first however.
Updating a branch that may be out of sync with trunk:
bzr pull
bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged
bzr merge lp:gala
git pull
git: Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
# Hand-edit conflicting changes
bzr resolve FILENAME
git add FILENAME
# If any conflicts remain continue fixing
bzr commit -m 'Merge changes from lp:gala'
Save a little bandwidth, branch from an existing local copy that you keep
bzr branch lp:gala gala
bzr branch gala/ gala-fix-123456
cd gala-fix-123456
bzr pull lp:gala
git commit -m 'Merge master into fix-123456'
====== License ======