forked from pool/kitty
* Support for an arbitrary number of internal clipboard buffers to copy/paste from, see (Multiple copy/paste buffers) * Allow using the new private internal clipboard buffers with the copy_on_select option (#1390) * Add an option disable_ligatures to disable multi-character ligatures under the cursor to make editing easier or disable them completely (#461) * Allow creating new OS windows in session files (#1514) * Allow setting OS window size in session files * Add an option tab_switch_strategy to control which tab becomes active when the current tab is closed (#1524) * Allow specifying a value of none for the selection_foreground which will cause kitty to not change text color in selections (#1358) * Make live resizing of OS windows smoother and add an option resize_draw_strategy to control what is drawn while a resize is in progress. * When a window is closed, switch focus to the previously active window (if any) instead of picking the previous window in the layout (#1450) * icat kitten: Add support for displaying images at http(s) URLs (#1340) * A new option strip_trailing_spaces to optionally remove trailing spaces from lines when copying to clipboard. * A new option tab_bar_min_tabs to control how many tabs must be present before the tab-bar is shown (#1382) * Automatically check for new releases and notify when an update is available, via the system notification facilities. Can be controlled by update_check_interval (#1342) * Fix using remote control to set cursor text color causing errors when creating new windows (#1326) * Fix window title for minimized windows not being updated (#1332) * Fix scrollback pager history not being cleared when clearing the main scrollback buffer (#1387) * Wayland: Use the kitty Wayland backend by default. Can be switched back to using XWayland by setting the environment variable: KITTY_DISABLE_WAYLAND=1 * Add a no-append setting to clipboard_control to disable the kitty copy concatenation protocol extension for OSC 52. * Update to using the Unicode 12 standard * Unicode input kitten: Allow using the arrow keys in code mode to go to next and previous unicode symbol. * Fix a regression in version 0.13.0 that caused background colors of space characters after private use unicode characters to not be respected (#1455) * Only update the selected text to clipboard when the selection is finished, not continuously as it is updated. (#1460) * Allow setting active_border_color to none to not draw a border around the active window (#805) * Use negative values for mouse_hide_wait to hide the mouse cursor immediately when pressing a key (#1534) * When encountering errors in kitty.conf report them to the user instead of failing to start. * Allow the user to control the resize debounce time via resize_debounce_time. * Remote control: Make the kitty @ set-font-size command more capable. It can now increment font size and reset it. It also only acts on the active top-level window, by default (#1581) * When launching child processes set the PWD environment variable (#1595) * X11: use the window manager's native full-screen implementation when making windows full-screen (#1605) OBS-URL: