forked from jengelh/pari

Accepting request 243734 from science

- Update to new upstream release 2.7.1

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Stephan Kulow 2014-08-06 09:42:36 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
commit 11a415e86b
9 changed files with 68 additions and 963 deletions

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@ -1,929 +0,0 @@
# $Id$
Bug numbers refer to the BTS at
Done for version 2.7.0 (released 21/03/2014):
1- e = ellinit(E over Qp); ellztopoint(e, 3) --> SEGV
2- thue((x^2+1)^2*(x^2-2),-4) --> missing solutions [+-1, +-1]
BA 3- spaces in directory names were not supported
4- silent overflow when inputing t_REAL of huge exponent [#1526]
5- zeta(2+10^-101*I) -> overflow
6- RgX_mullow(f,g,n) could return a result of degree n (instead of < n)
Same with RgX_sqrlow
7- ellrootno(E) could lead to a SEGV [#1527]
8- issquare(Mod(3,22)) -> 0 [#1528]
JD 9- polcyclo(5, Mod(-1,3)) was the negative of correct value
JD 10- elltors(ellinit("90c3")) returned Z/12 but a generator of order 6
11- thue(thueinit(x^3-x-1),1578191) => oo loop [#1532]
12- catastrophic cancellation in eint1 (x moderately large)
13- SEGV in ellweilpairing [#1535]
14- factor(Mod(1,2)*Pol(1)) -> [Mod(0, 2) 1]
15- Mod(Pol(0), 2) -> 0, instead of Mod(0,2)
16- QXQ_to_mod was called with t_POLMOD arguments
17- ellwp(E, 'z) had stopped working for E not defined over C
18- nfdisc(T, t_MAT=partial discriminant factorization) => corruption [#1542]
19- norm(Mod(z,T)) where z is not a t_POL or in a different variable than T
=> wrong result [#1539]
20- polresultant(Pol(Mod(0,2)), x) -> 0 instead of Mod(0,2)
21- nffactor(T, pol) possibly wrong results when nfinit(T) is not rigorously
computed [#1545]
22- gmodgs(t_POLMOD,): incorrect implementation
BA 23- library functions Fp_pow/Fp_pow mishandled negative basis
24- gcd(1/(2^64*y),Mod(x^2,2^64*x^3)) --> inconsistent gcd [#1541]
25- matadjoint([x,0,0;0,0,0;0,0,0]) => wrong variables [#1547]
26- ellordinate(e, exact t_COMPLEX) => either a wrong result (no solution)
or a solution computed at an incorrect accuracy (DEFAULTPREC) [#1548]
27- weber(1.0*I,1) => SEGV [#1549]
28- primepi(2^32) => oo loop [on 32-bit machine]
29- primepi(N >= 2^32 or 2^64) off by 1
JD 30- [libpari] initprimetable(2^20): infinite recursion
31- very inefficient div_rfrac_pol() [#1537]
32- polresultantext(x+1,x^2) -> [-# + 1, 1, 1]
33- for(i=a, b, ) where a < 0, b < 0 : go through wrong indices if #a != #b
34- printf("%1.2f",Mat([1.,2.])) -> SEGV [#1550]
BA 1- library functions FlxX_to_FlxC, FlxXV_to_FlxM, polx_FlxX
BA 2- library function Flx_lead
3- library function RgV_to_RgM
Done for version 2.6.2 (released 30/01/2014):
1- eulerphi(t_INT factorization) corrupted the input
BA 2- 8bit chars were interpreted as end of input
3- Bernoulli numbers were no longer cached [2.6.0]
4- typo in Brillhart, Lehmer, Selfridge primality test [#1467]
5- [Configure] confusing error messages when C compiler doesn't work
6- scalar + t_SER = 0 => wrong valuation (1+O(x)-1 => O(x^2))
BA 7- squaring of t_REAL was not faster than multiply
8- 1+O(2^(2^18)) => O(2^0) (silent overflow)
PB 9- Mod(1, 2) - Mod(2, 4) => Mod(-1,2) [#1469]
10- memory corruption in subgrouplist: e.g. subgrouplist([53835600, 29], 5)
11- SEGV in zncoppersmith (when auxilliary polynomial was non-monic)
12- division by 0 in Fl_ellcard_Shanks [2.6.1, #1474]
13- ellwp([1,I]) -> stack overflow [2.6.0]
14- sumdedekind(h < 0, k < 0) wrong result; if gcd(h,k) > 0 as well
15- galoisexport(G, 1) -> SEGV
16- ??default(log) no longer worked
17- rnfalgtobasis, rnfbasistoalg, rnfeltup, rnfeltdown, rnfeltabstorel,
rnfeltreltoabs were not treating their inputs consistently, and
accepted (or crashed on) too many incorrect inputs.
18- rnfideal* did not handle correctly the 0 ideal
19- rnfidealtwoelt(non integral ideal) => crash
20- nfeltreducemodpr(K, non invertible elt mod pr,...) => wrong result
(now an e_INV error)
21- rnfbasis: wrong result due to a mistake in gen_if_principal
[2.6.0, revert d62f0de01]
22- nfsolvemodpr(nf,a,b,P): a must be invertible, as in matsolve
(was not documented, used to SEGV). Raise an error if not.
23- various bnrdisclist crashes
24- bnrclassno(bnf, prime ideal) -> SEGV
25- forpart(x=k,) raised an exception if k < 0 [ now empty loop ]
26- deriv(constant) now returns 0 in the base ring (not gen_0).
27- inconsistencies and mistakes in deriv / intformal of t_POLMOD: forbid
integration wrt the main variable of x.mod, deriv(Mod(x, x^2),x) was
Mod(1,x^2) and deriv(Mod(y,x^2),y) was 0 instead of respectively 0 and
28- idealchinese with t_POLMOD inputs -> input error
29- idealchinese with denominators -> SEGV
30- qflll(Mat(0)) returned Mat(1)
31- infinite loop in sumpos: sumpos(n=1,-log(cos(1/n))) [#1481]
BA 32- doing allocatemem in the break loop would corrupt the new break loop
33- relative error in eint1 was larger than expected
34- select(t_LIST,,1) [ indirect select ] didn't work
35- vecsort(List(),,4) -> SEGV
36- factorpadic / polrootspadic lost accuracy when converting output from
integers to t_PADICs (factorpadic(t^2 + 3^5, 3, 5) -> irreducible factor
(1 + O(3^5))*t^2 + O(3^5)*t + O(3^0)
37- Mod(0,0) is no longer valid => division by 0 (as Mod(x,0) for x != 0)
38- RgX_to_RgV no longer accepts other types than t_POL. Use Rg_to_RgV for
a more permissive function
39- broken Fq_sqrt when T != NULL and t_INT input
40- ispower(1009^11) -> 0 [2.6.0]
41- ellinit([0,1,1,0,1],2).group -> SEGV
42- nfroots(nf, deg 1 polynomial) -> wrong result
43- Configure --time=ftime: wrong reported timings
44- mateigen(rational matrix): inconsistent concatenation [#1489,2.6.0]
45- polroots(): wrong accuracy of (real) 0 components
46- randomprime(2) -> SEGV [#1493, 2.6.0]
47- forqfvec(v,[;],0,) -> SEGV [#1495]
48- poliscyclo(x^0) -> 2
49- truncation (precision) errors in bnfnarrow [#1491]
50- matadjoint assumed that n! is invertible. If this is not the case, now
use a safe algorithm
51- leading coefficient of elldivpol ignored the characteristic,e.g.
E=ellinit([a1,a2,a3,a4,a6*Mod(1,2)]); elldivpol(E,2)
52- gcd involving a t_FFELT -> SEGV
53- oo loop in ispower for huge arguments / oo loop in prime iterator
in congruence classes [#1498, 2.6.0]
54- L=[1,2,3]; apply(x->L=x,L) -> SEGV ( idem select and [|x<-] operators )
55- (k+1.)/k - (2*k+1.)/k -> incorrect object
56- gcd(x,0.) -> 1 but gcd(x,Pol(0.)) -> x [ the former is correct, since 0.
is inexact and may represent an arbitrary small non-zero real number ]
57- eint1 misbehaved at large precision [#1499]
58- polredbest(T,1) incorrect if T non-monic or degree 1
59- nfcertify might miss a factor to be certified, e.g.
nfcertify(nfinit(P, [2,3,5])) was empty
60- polresultantext(t_POL in y, t_POL in y,y) -> U/V as t_POL in x [#1509]
61- inconsistent handling of t_POL "divided by" scalar among the variants
of Euclidean division (%, divrem, \, ...). E.g. x % 2 is OK, but
x % Mod(2,3) was not. We now follow the semantic of
grem/gdeuc/poldivrem: a scalar is understood as a t_POL of degree 0
in the proper variable [#1510]
62- incorrect rounding in mulur
BA 63- Configure: --includedir was ignored
64- add GC in RgV_dotproduct / RgV_dotsquare
65- ZX equal was checking variables, contrary to the spirit of the
specification (and contrary to RgX_equal). Specify behaviour properly:
none of the internal .*[xX]_equal function check variable numbers.
66- arithmetic functions did not accept factorizations of negative integers
(whereas most of them are defined for negetive integers)
BA 67- Configure --time=ftime actually tested times, not ftime. Remove ftime
from the default list of timer functions (reports wallclock time, not
CPU time) [#1523]
68- polredabs() could (find then) forget some polynomials [#1511]
69- poldisc(x^3 + Mod(2,3)*x^2) --> e_INV
70- (Mod(4.,y^2+1)*(1 + O(x)))^(1/2) -> junk (= [2.0+O(x)),2.0+O(x)]~).
Worse if other t_POLMOD coefficients. Now exception.
71- sin(O(p)) returned 1+O(p) instead of O(p)
1- default help text for a user function is now as in \u:
fun =
2- after addhelp(f,...), ?f no longer include default help text for a
user function (function code). Type 'f' to see the function code.
3- primes([a,b]) now returns the primes in the interval [a,b]
4- install: add symbol name in library and GP prototype to default help
5- the rnf structure format
6- library functions: rename rnfelementxxx -> rnfeltxxx,
rnfidealhermite -> rnfidealhnf
7- allow mathnf(t_VEC) [ apply Mat() automatically ], gives acces to the
ZV_gcdext() routine.
8- mathnf(,2) (generic vs integral t_MAT) is deprecated: we always test
the matrix entries and choose the appropriate routine
9- bnrclassno: allow all standard ways to define class fiels (A,B,C),
not only bnf + module
10- bnrinit(bnf,f): allow using idealstar(bnf,f) in place of f
11- Let Set(t_VECSMALL v) behave as Set(Vec(v))
12- ffgen(T) now checks whether T is squarefree (testing for
irreducibility is too expensive)
13- variable() no longer raises exceptions: if no variable can be
associated to the object, return 0. Thus "if (!variable(x), )" may be
used to test wether x has a "variable".
JD 14- polcyclo(n, x) now works for all roots of 1
15- quadpoly no longer accepts vector/matrix arguments, see 2.6.0,C94
16- [libpari] renamed ZM_hnfremdiv -> ZM_hnfdivrem
17- x t_REAL * y t_INT: either convert y to t_REAL (as before) or use
integer multiplication (if lg(x) >> lg(y))
18- GP: all results are now stored in GP history, together with the time
to obtain them [ we used to only store non-gnil results, and no timings ]
19- chinese(t_POL,t_POL): allow polynomials of different degrees
20- deplin(): use FpM/Flm/F2m routines if possible (like all other generic
linear algebra routines)
21- FpM_gauss(a,b,) from modular kernel no longer allow all types of input:
split into FpM_FpC_gauss (b t_COL) and FpM_gauss (b t_MAT). Same for
all modular xxx_gauss functions
22- O(1/x^2) --> error [ now equivalent to O(x^-2) ]
23- faster evaluated polhermite/pollegendre
24- polhensellift / ZpX_liftfact: use quasi-linear ZXX_mul_Kronecker instead
of RgX_mul (~ Karatsuba)
25- [libpari] renamed gcmpX -> gequalX
26- [libpari] renamed ordred -> polredord
27- the prid structure returned by idealprimedec: the anti-uniformizer
tau (pr_get_tau) is now stored via its multiplication table
28- rnfpolredabs(x,3) did not conform to the documentation (which did not
make sense). Fix documentation and function, for rnfpolredbest as well.
29- [libpari] renamed recip -> serreverse
30- lift(x,'v) / centerlift(x,'v) now only lift t_POLMODs in variable v,
no longer (most) t_INTMOD / t_PADICs met along the way
31- lift / centerlift no longer raise an exception when they encounter
a non-arithmetic type (e.g. a t_REAL or even a t_STR) in a structure.
They just copy the offending sub-object as-is.
32- generic polynomial Euclidean division (grem, gmod, poldivrem): when
result is the zero polynomial, use RgX_get_0, not gen_0 / pol_0
33- rnf.pol (absolute defining polynomial / Q) is now called rnf.polabs,
rnf.pol is now the relative polynomial, defining the relative extension
over the base.
BA 34- FpXYQQ_pow: change order of moduli to be consstent with FpXQXQ_pow.
BA 35- FlxYqQ_pow: renamed to FlxYqq_pow, and moduli order changed.
36- idealstar(K,id), allow to input 'id' as a factorization into prime
ideals, as produced by idealfactor
37- define eulerphi(0) = 2 [ now eulerphi(n) = znstar(n).no for all n ]
38- allow subst(t_SER,x,exact 0): subst(2+O(x),x,Mod(0,3))->Mod(2,3) [#1513]
39- [libpari] rename gsh -> gsinh, gch -> gcosh, gth -> gtanh,
gash -> gasinh, gach -> gacosh, gath -> gatanh, ggamd -> ggammah
(follow GP names)
40- no longer naively use the Karatsuba/3M formula to multiply t_COMPLEX
of t_REALs: loss of accuracy is too important and unpredictable from the
user's point of view [ e.g. (1+ 1e-90*I)*(1e90+I) -> 1. E90 + 0.E52*I,
when the definition directly yields 1. E90 + 2*I ]. Could use it when
the exponents of real/imaginary parts are close, increasing the
precision by the exponent difference (increasing overhead...): not done
41- renamed mpexp1 -> mpexpm1, cxexp1 -> cxexpm1
42- change prototye of mpsincos1 and rename -> mpsincosm1
EP 1- Configure option for gcov/lcov support
2- libpari function FF_f, member function g.f for t_FFELT
(definition field has p^f elements)
3- libpari functions gprimepi_upper_bound, gprimepi_lower_bound,
primepi_lower_bound, primes_interval, primes_interval_zv,
primes_upto_zv, primes0
4- libpari functions rnf_get_absdegree, rnf_get_invzk, rnf_get_map,
rnf_get_nf, rnf_get_nfdegree, rnf_get_nfpol, rnf_get_nfvarn, rnf_get_pol,
rnf_get_polabs, rnf_get_zk, rnf_get_nfzk, rnf_get_varn, rnf_get_disc,
rnf_get_index, RgV_is_QV, RgX_equal_var
5- allow rnf.disc, rnf.index
6- functions rnfelttrace, rnfeltnorm
7- function ZV_gcdext, based on ZM_hnflll (simplified)
8- allow ffgen(p^f) instead of ffgen(ffinit(p,f))
9- [libpari] Fq_sqrtn
10- mathnfmodid(m, d): allow d an arbitrary vector of positive integers.
The old syntax (d an integer, representing a vector of equal integers)
is still allowed
LGr11- GP function Colrev
12- GP operator %#n to recover time used to compute history result %n
13- GP function getabstime()
14- [libpari] Rg_to_F2, RgV_to_F2v, RgM_to_F2m, F2c_to_mod, F2m_to_mod,
Flc_to_mod, Flm_to_mod, F2m_F2c_invimage, F2m_invimage, F2m_suppl,
Flm_suppl, F2m_rank, Flm_rank, F2m_rowslice, F2v_slice, F2v_ei
BA 15- Parallel GP support (parapply, pareval, parfor, parforprime, parselect,
parsum, parvector)
16- [libpari] residual_characteristic
17- GP function characteristic()
18- [libpari] muluui, diviuuexact
19- [libpari] Kronecker_to_ZXX, ZXX_mul_Kronecker
BA 20- conversion from matrices of FFELTs to low level (Fq/Flxq/F2xq) kernels
for faster treatment.
21- FqM_det, FlxqM_det, FlxqM_inv, F2xqM_det, F2xqM_inv, F2xqM_image,
F2xqM_image, F2xqM_rank, FFM_det, FFM_image, FFM_ker, FFM_rank, FFM_inv
22- ZM_rank, ZM_indexrank, ZM_indeximage
23- GP function normlp
BA 24- GP function vecsum
25- [libpari] pr_equal, ZC_nfval, ZC_nfvalrem, ZC_prdvd, ZV_Z_dvd
26- allow .p / .e / .f / .gen for modpr structures
27- function rnfpolredbest
28- functions qfnorm, qfbil
29- [libpari] ZM_multosym, RgM_multosym, RgMrow_RgC_mul, RgM_transmul,
RgM_transmultosym, ZM_transmultosym
30- [libpari] nf_rnfeq, nf_rnfeqsimple, eltreltoabs, eltabstorel,
eltabstorel_lift, nf_nfzk, nfeltup, QXV_QXQ_eval, QXX_QXQ_eval
31- [libpari] factor_pn_1_limit
32- [libpari] get_FpXQ_star, gener_FpXQ_local
BA 33- move gpinstall to libpari
34- liftall() lifts recursively all t_INTMOD/t_PADIC/t_POLMOD components
35- liftint() lifts recursively all t_INTMOD/t_PADIC components
36- liftpol() lifts recursively all t_POLMOD components
BA 37- GP function logint
PB 38- [libpari] gen_matmul, gen_matcolmul, FFM_mul, FqM_FqC_mul, FqM_mul,
F2xqM_mul, F2xqM_F2xqC_mul, FlxqM_FlxqC_mul, FlxqM_mul.
39- [libpari] Flx_equal, F2x_equal
BA 40- [libpari] FpM_powu/Flm_powu/F2m_powu
41- new GP function idealprincipalunits
42- [libpari] checkabgrp, abgrp_get_no, abgrp_get_cyc, abgrp_get_gen,
bid_get_grp, bid_get_no
43- [libpari] FpX_disc
44- [libpari] retmkcomplex
45- GP function expm1 (= exp - 1, avoiding cancellation)
1- optional flag to factorpadic() [ enabling Buchman-Lenstra + round2 ]
Use the default = round4
2- useless wrappers map_proto_GG, map_proto_GL, map_proto_lGG
3- [libpari] useless functions gand, gor
4- [libpari] useless function ratlift [ use Fp_ratlift ]
Done for version 2.6.1 (released 20/09/2013):
1- Allow compounding 1-letter flags to gp, e.g. qp -qf [ used to silently
ignore the 'f' ]
2- ellminimalmodel, followed by ellchangecurve ==> structure incorrectly
updated [wrong Q_MINIMALMODEL component] [2.6.0, #1416]
3- lift(1/2+O(2))=2/1 --> incorrect result + corrupt object [2.6.0, #1424]
4- local() could corrupt polynomial variable of the same name
5- write did not fclose() the output file handle [2.6.0, #1425]
PB 6- issquare(Mod(1,2)) -> domain error [2.6.0, #1429]
PB 7- issquare(Mod(0,2),&s); s -> Mod(2,0) error [2.6.0, #1430]
8- ellheight(E not given by minimal model,P) -> domain error [2.6.0, #1432]
9- ellchangecurve(E, [1,0,0,0]) lost Q_MINIMALMODEL ->SEGV later [2.6.0]
10- warning() would print "warning: user warning:"-> "user warning:" [2.6.0]
11- matinverseimage(A, t_MAT B) would treat individual columns B[,i]
independently and successively. Now use a single Gauss reduction.
12- Flm_Fl_mul returned a wrong result
13- ellinit(ellfromj(Mod(0,17))) -> curve defined over Z [2.6.0, #1436]
14- allocatemem: make sure fix_size() is called to avoid alignment
problems [#1437]
15- ellmodulareqn(2) did not clean the stack properly [2.6.0, #1442]
16- issquare(Mod(13,121)) --> not an n-th power residue in Qp_sqrt [2.6.0]
17- stack corruption in carberkowitz / charpoly(,,3) [ session crash ]
18- ellinit(E over Fp, t_FFELT) => error [2.6.0]
19- mateigen([5/3,7/45;0,21/10]) => precision error (missing eigenspace)
20- subst(O(x^2),x,0*x) => SEGV [#1447]
21- memory corruption in aprcl [2.6.0]
22- factormod(,2) => wrong result [2.6.0, #1451]
23- dirmul/dirdiv: incorrect result length when valuation > 1
24- x,y a t_PADIC, x === y always returned 0 [2.6.0]
25- bernpol(0) => memory corruption [2.6.0, #1458]
26- round((1e-40+x) / (1e-39+x)) would create the invalid object x/x
27- polgalois(x^11 + 627*x^4 - 584) -> F_110 instead of S_11 [#1460]
28- input lines with more than 2^31 characters (without \n) resulted in a
truncated read [#1461]
29- znlog(1,Mod(8,9)) -> division by 0 [#1463]
30- plot(x=1,2,x) gave a graph with 0<=y<=2, instead of ymin<=y<=ymax
31- ?= or even = would apparently hang GP (waiting for further input)
1- genus2red: an implementation of Liu's algorithm to determine the
reduction of a genus 2 curve (at p > 2). Based on genus2reduction-0.3, (Cohen & Liu, 1994)
mostly rewritten from scratch:
- adapted to pari-2.*
- somewhat modularized
- fixes all known instances of 'bug27' and 'bug28' (at p = 3, reported
through Sage users).
- bench 'genus2red' contains a check of at least one instance of each
of Namikawa-Ueno's types + all cases on which the original
genus2reduction was known to fail. [CAVEAT: the interface will change]
2- allow to startup gp with flags --default key=val (or -D key=val):
execute default(key,val) on startup
BA 3- functions Flm_center, Flv_center, zv_to_Flv, zm_to_Flm, zm_mul,
zm_zc_mul, scalar_Flm
BA 4- function minim_raw
5- function QX_complex_roots
PMo 6- function forpart for looping over partitions
7- [libpari] forcomposite_init / forcomposite_next, reimplement
forcomposite() using this iterator
8- Configure now generates a file 'config.log' to help debugging when it
makes a mistake (contains all messages from compilers)
9- [libpari] RgM_invimage, RgM_RgC_invimage, FpM_invimage,
FpM_FpC_invimage, Flm_invimage, Flm_Flc_invimage, Flm_neg
10- [libpari] serchop0, integser functions
11- psi(t_SER) using Luke's recursion, then lngamma, gamma, gammah
for t_SER arguments around an arbitrary complex z0 (was implemented
for z0 = 0,1 only)
PB 12- PARI functions FlxqM_gauss, FlxqM_inv and FqM_gauss
13- PARI functions FpM_hess, FpM_charpoly, charpoly, RgM_Rg_sub,
14- generic driver for GP's charpoly(): select appropriate algorith (flag)
depending on input type.
BA 15- allow ellsearch(t_VEC) : search for curve with given name, in given
isogeny class or with given conductor; alias for the existing
ellsearch(t_STR) as per the ellconvertname correspondance
16- option flag to mateigen: also return the eigenvalues
17- [libpari] Z_lvalrem_stop, u_lvalrem_stop
18- [libpari] ZX_rescale_lt
BA 19- Port of the program ISOM by Bernt Souvignier for computation of
automorphisms and isomorphisms of lattices.
New GP functions qfauto, qfisom, qfisominit, qfautoexport
20- [libpari] RgX_mullow, RgX_sqrlow
21- [libpari] embed_T2, embednorm_T2, embed_roots, embed_disc, embed_norm
22- arithmetic functions now accept factorization matrices, you can use any
of f(N), f(factor(N)) or f([N, factor(N)])
23- GP function readstr
24- allow lists of elements in chinese()
1- gp --primelimit lim (gp -p lim) is deprecated. Use the generic form
'gp -D primelimit=lim' (setting primelimit is now mostly useless, anyway)
2- gp --stacksize lim is deprecated. Use gp -s lim or the generic form
'gp -D parisize=lim'
3- partitions() interface to match forpart()
4- improve qfbred(t_QFI) for "small" inputs
5- bnfnewprec: ensure we recompute bnf from scratch at most once (could
happen many times in makematal())
6- [make bench] properly align results if 'printf' is available
7- [libpari] the *_invimage function no longer accept a t_COL second
argument: use the RgM_RgC_invimage variant. They now return NULL when
no solution exist (used to return a t_COL / t_MAT of length 1)
8- [libpari] replace the forvec_start() function by a standard
iterator: forvec_init() / forvec_next()
9- [libpari] Z_lvalrem would destroy its argument. No longer.
10- znprimroot(p^k) now always returns the smallest primitive root (was
only true for k = 1)
11- gmul / gsqr for t_SER with t_INTMOD coefficients: reduce to Z[X] +
Kronecker substititution (quasi-linear vs. Karatsuba)
12- Mulders/Hanrot-Zimmerman short products for power series
HC 13- new mpveceint1 implementation: faster and more precise
14- version string for development versions: added number of reachable
commits (as per git rev-list). Affects version() [#1346]
1- drop support for "gp -b buffersize" (obsolete since 2.2.10, 04/2005)
2- drop backward compatibility 'gp -emacs', 'gp -test'. Use the '--emacs'
and '--test' forms.
Done for version 2.6.0 (released 15/05/2013):
1- Euclidean chains were confused by t_POLs with t_INTMOD/t_POLMOD coeffs
[ because a 0 polynomial could have lg() == 3 ]
2- numerical instability in ellheightoo [#1204]
3- Flm_gauss(m, smallish p): fix and enable the OK_ulong switch [ faster ]
4- remi2n didn't allow negative arguments [native kernel] [#1215]
5- ellrootno(e, p) started by computing a global minimal model for e
instead of a local one at p.
6- qfbred(t_QFR) wrong when frac( sqrt(D) ) > 0.5
7- add GC in sumalt()
8- problems with diagnostic messages when changing a 'default', e.g. \o3
9- divru() could call bfffo(0) => overflow in expo()
AMe10- (t_FRAC<0) * t_INTMOD => wrong result
11- trace(t_POL or t_SER) could yield an unormalized object [0 leading term]
LGr12- off-by-1 error in primepi() when argument is = primelimit
13- bestappr(0.*x+1) -> incorrect object
14- znlog(3, Mod(3,8), 2) -> error
15- crash when default(prettyprinter,...) points to a non-existent command
16- qfperfection(): wrong result in unlucky cases [#1223]
17- allocatemem() did not reset parse error [#1226]
BA 18- (x->vector(1,j,x))(1) --> significant pointers lost [#1211]
VL 19- [makefile] Incorrect -I and -L flags order [#1212]
20- nfbasis / nfdisc(f,, partial factorization) would sometimes spend a
lot of time trying to factorize a discriminant [#1227]
21- numerical instability in qfgaussred / qfsign [#1232]
22- missing consistency checks in conjvec [#1231]
23- numerical instability in polredabs [#1228, #1229]
24- wrong result in bezoutres [#1233]
25- wrong sign in polresultant() [#1234]
26- change default(realprecision) so that it returns the internal precision
[ as precision(1.) ], not the number of printed digits. [#1235]
27- subst(Y/X,X,x) -> 0
PB 28- polrootsff(x^2-x-ffgen((v^2+1) * Mod(1,3))) -> SEGV [#1241]
29- intnum(t=[0,0],[1],(sin(t)/t)^2) -> "precision too low in mpsc1"
BA 30- functions ending by the x[y]=z construct could corrupt the stack.
31- nfbasis(pol, 0, factorization containing (-1)^1) -> wrong [#1244]
32- qfminim(): better type checks for matrix entries
33- qfminim(): incorrect GC in smallvectors()
34- padicappr(x^2+1+O(3), -1+O(5^10)) --> no error
35- tests test-kernel and test-ploth were broken
36- lots of missing sanity checks in hilbert(x,y,p)
[ e.g. hilbert(O(3), Pi, 5) -> 0 ]
BA 37- for(i=1,10^7,) + SIGINT -> SEGV [#1249]
38- ellwp: take flag into account also for t_SER output [ was: numerical
case only ]
39- factor(p) was much slower than isprime(p) for p a "small" prime
BA 40- mateigen precision error was not trappable.
41- accuracy problems in bnfisunit [#1253]
42- broken rnfeltup [#1255]
43- x===y was always wrong for x,y t_SER
BA 44- gamma(t_SER) with positive valuation did not work.
45- ispower(x < 0) could return an even value ! [#1259]
46- ispower(1 / n) return a wrong result [#1259]
BA 47- [breakloop] initial context could be lost.
BA 48- Ser([1+O(x)],x) returned an invalid object.
BA 49- ispseudoprime used too much stack for huge operands.
50- [rnfidealup doc] idealgentoHNF() was incorrect.
DS 51- elldivpol returned wrong result for degree n >=8.
52- overflow in mpbern(n) for huge n [#1256]
53- idealfactor(nf, non integral ideal) would remove a rational content
instead of factoring A/B with A,B coprime integer ideal. Which led
to costly factorizations [#1158]
LGr54- the global variables associated to the primetable _maxprime / diffptr
could become inconsistent
55- psdraw() ignored plot colors
BA 56- stack_base() was not C89 standard compliant.
BA 57- my(f(x)=x+1);f --> SEGV [#1273]
58- ellheight([0, 0, 1, -1, 0], [0., 0.]) -> BUG
59- allow bnrL1 over Q [#1279]
60- factorpadic(,,,1) => SEGV when linear factors/Q [#1278]
61- mathnf(..., 4) didn't remove 0 columns from HNF [#1271]
JD 62- possible SEGV in pari_init_opts [#1264]
BA 63- ellorder(E,P*Mod(1,p)) did not work if E was defined over Z
64- allow writebin to save user functions (t_CLOSURE) [#1171]
65- sqrtn(1+O(5),5) -> error, ispower(1+O(5),5) -> error [#1261]
66- parimacro.tex: pdftex --output-format dvi would produce a PDF
BA 67- pari_close failed to free all allocated memory [#1297]
BA 68- pari_close did not restore GMP memory functions
69- avoid outputing ANSI escape sequences to reset terminal state when
unnecessary [#1289]
BA 70- ellpointtoz was numerically unstable
71- issquarefree(0) => error [#1304]
72- sizebyte(t_LIST) returned the size of the wrapper type, not the list
itself [#1307]
73- ellgroup(E over Q, p) now returns the structure of the group of
non-singular points, when the curve has bad reduction at p.
74- factor_proven not taken into account in factor(n), where n is a
75- core(5*(huge composite)^2) was very slow [#1305]
76- sqrt(0.E-97-1.12-97*I) -> div by 0 [#1309]
BA 77- FpX_gcd(0,x) -> div by 0
78- x; y; p; q; subst(Mod(q,p), q, x + y) --> Mod(1, p)*x [#1321]
79- off-by-1 error when placing prime table sentinel after e.g.
default(primelimit, 2);
80- t_REAL with huge exponents print incorrectly [#1322]
81- a1;a2;a3;a4;a6;ellinit([a1,a2,a3,a4,a6],1) was very slow
BA 82- FpX_factorff and FpX_rootsff were not using standard argument order
PB 83- printf("%.6f", 5E-5) -> SEGV [#1328]
BA 84- diffop(Mod(y,x^2-y),[y],[1]) -> wrong result
BA 85- calling a GP function with a lot of omitted arguments could cause a crash
GH 86- missing solutions in thue(), e.g. thue(thueinit(x^3+92*x+1),3^3)
87- t_RFRAC == t_RFRAC could return a wrong result [#1339]
88- obscure bug in polroots() (sage #13314)
89- polinterpolate([1,2] * Mod(1,7), [2,3], 0) -> incorrect type in gabs
BA 90- printf() did not flush output
91- logint() used too much memory and could return a wrong result:
logint(3^64, 3) --> 33
92- eint1(x < 0) normalization. Now eint1(x) = incgam(0, x) [#418]
93- polrootsff(2*x+1,2,y) -> SEGV [#1350]
94- resultant(x,x,y) -> 0 and related problems
95- thue((x^4+1)^2, 4) -> no solution
BA 96- idealramgroups() and idealfrobenius() did not accept a bnf
97- using new operators with default(compatible,3) caused a crash
98- rare corruption in ECM [#1240] factorint(,1) => SEGV
99- add missing call to normalize() in lift(t_POL/t_SER) [#1359]
BA 100- listput was not SIGINT safe
BA 101- znorder(Mod(5,16),200) -> 5 instead of 4
102- e.tate lost accuracy
103- 2-adic ellinit
104- allow ellinit over C
105- ellpointtoz(E / Qp, ...) [ wrong result / error messages ]
JD 106- galoisinit(x^3+x^2-2*x-1) -> uninitialized read [#1389]
BA 107- polhermite(66) -> corrupted result [#1393]
108- nfhnf() would only accept matrices of maximal rank
BA 109- galoisfixedfield() could return a wrong result for polynomials with
large roots [#1406]
110- bnrdisc could return a wrong result if the modulus had more than
2 prime divisors [#1399]
111- a = Mod(1,2)*x; gcd(a,a) return x instead of Mod(1,2)*x
112- changing primelimit from within forprime loop yielded unpredictable
results (potential SEGV)
113- y;z;(x^2+y)*w/z/x -> significant pointers lost [#1248]
114- log(t_FRAC close to 1) => junk (idem lngamma) [#1238]
115- thue(thueinit(x^3-1493,1),3) -> error
LGr116- typo in modr_safe -> precision error [#1413]
117- nfhnfmod(non-integral module) => wrong result
nf=nfinit(y); A = [[1,1/2;0,1],[1,1]];
nfhnfmod(nf, A, nfdetint(nf,A))
BA 118- [native kernel] FFT mulii relied on unspecified order of evaluation
1- mathnf: swapped flag 3 and 5.
2- allow ellinit([a4,a6]) [#1213]
3- ellinit(... singular curve ...]): return [] instead of raising an error
4- GP set elements are no longer converted to t_STR (requiring "eval" to
recover the underlying object). Arbitrary GENs can be stored in a set.
5- moved Odos/* to relevant src/systems subdirectory
6- removed Odos directory
7- no longer allow Vec()/Vecrev(), Col(), Vecsmall(), without argument.
Use [], []~, Vecsmall([]), respectively.
8- allow specifying an optional dimension in Vec/Vecrev, Col, Vecsmall.
9- allow Vecsmall(t_POL or t_SER)
LGr10- nicer printout of small matrices: justify columns
11- improve gmul(t_REAL, t_FRAC) when numerator of t_FRAC is 1
BA 12- [darwin] do not use dylib_ prefix to ld options [#1210]
13- allow idealhnf(nf, t_QFI / t_QFR) for quadratic fields
14- no longer allow 3 arguments in bestappr() [useless], no longer
mix Pade approximants and continued fractions [too confusing: must a
t_SER be converted to a t_RFRAC or be treated coefficientwise?]
15- if znlog() has no solution, return [] instead of error
16- znlog(x, g): no longer assume that g is a primitive root, nor that the
underlying (Z/N)^* is cyclic
17- renamed gen_eltorder -> gen_order
18- logfile: strip properly color escape sequences [#1225]
19- change nfbasis(T, flag, fa) to nfbasis(T, listP). flag was used to invoke
round2 instead of round4 (inefficient=> useless) OR to only
partially factor poldisc(T), up to primelimit (very dangerous since
primelimit is a global variable). Now listP describes a list of primes,
and we return a basis of an order which is p-maximal at all those primes:
either a vector of primes, a factorisation (as fa before) or an integer
B to indicated {p <= B} (a safe and flexible version of nfbasis(T, 1)).
nfdisc() was changed similarly.
20- first call isanypower() in BPSP_psp_nosmalldiv() when input is > 2^512
[ < 1% of required time, 1 order of magnitude faster when it succeeds ]
[ #1074 ]
21- sort polroots() output so that it no longer depends on current precision
22- delete README-subversion, replace with README-git
23- move README.os2 to src/system/os2/README
24- change compiler version printout in gp header
25- much faster final divisibility test in nfgcd() [#1214]
26- error type sqrter5 "not a quadratic residue in sqrt" now generalized
to denote "not an n-th power residue in sqrtn"
BA 27- global_err_data is now a GEN.
BA 28- more usable form of alarm(s, code): evaluate code, aborting after s
seconds. Return the result or a t_ERROR object.
29- [non-Unix systems] the name of the preferences file is now "gprc.txt"
(it remains ".gprc" on Unix systems)
30- also look for the preferences file in PARI's "datadir"
31- removed rootsold() code : polroots(x, 1) is no longer accepted
32- rewrite ellan using C-longs + new function anellsmall()
33- renamed all libpari error codes [ pari_err() arguments ]
34- allow t_VECSMALL in vecextract
35- look for a few more short vectors in polred(), only return subfields
and the best primitive polynomial [wrt discriminant]
36- [library] remove precdl argument in ellwp0: use a t_SER argument like
in all other transcendental functions.
37- ellsigma / ellzeta: allow t_SER arguments, like ellwp.
38- polcoeff(x+2*y,1,y) -> 2 [ was 2*x^0 ]
39- quadhilbert / quadray: replace final polredabs call by polredbest [#1025]
40- listsort() now uses the cmp() comparison function, and becomes fully
compatible with setsearch() [#1167]
41- vecsort(,,2) [lexicographic order] is now always on. The flag is
now deprecated and ignored.
42- allow t_SER with integral coefficients to use asymptotically fast
(ZX_mul / ZX_sqr) polynomial multiplication
LGr43- let initprimes0 use an existing prime table
44- rename stackmalloc -> stack_malloc. Add stack_calloc
45- matimagecompl() now returns a permutation (t_VECMALL) no longer a t_VEC
46- remove config/gitversion from 'make snapshot' tarball
JM 47- Better implementation of ellweilpairing/elltatepairing
BA 48- agm now returns the optimal AGM
49- unify make_emacs_tags / make_vi_tags => make_tags + fix problems for
(exuberant-ctags)-based etags. Both tag files (emacs / vi) contain
the same tags now.
50- ellglobalred(E) now also returns the conductor factorization [4th compo]
51- library functions *_incremental_CRT no longer need the product of the
moduli, instead they compute it and update the running modulus.
52- factor_proven now affects all the factoring machinery, as documented, i.e
also multiplicative function (moebius, sumdiv,...)
53- allow t_VECSMALL in lex()
54- nfrootsof1(K) check whether K.pol is a translate of a cyclotomic pol.
[initial patch LGr, #1175]
55- format of cached Bernoulli table: now a t_VEC of t_FRAC / t_REALs.
Removed bern() macro. The new data must be accessed using bernfrac /
56- [libpari] simplify init_primepointer(n, p, &pd) interface
=> init_primepointer(n, &pd). Remove argument 'p', ignore the previous
value of pd [ remove assumption that it pointed into a prime table ]
and always set pd to a pointer into the private prime table.
57- forprime loop: no longer allow to modify the loop index
? forprime(p = 2, 10, p = [])
*** at top-level: forprime(p=2,10,p=[])
*** ^---
*** prime index read-only: was changed to [].
58- faster forparii() [ for() with t_INT lower bound ]
59- forprime(p = a, b, ...) now iterates over arbitrary ranges of primes,
independently of 'primelimit'. Parameter 'b' can be omitted (no upper
limit). More generally primelimit is no longer a true limit to iterate
over primes: all libpari functions use the forprime_t interface
60- rename ggval -> gvaluation
BA 70- GP function ellpow is renamed to ellmul
BA 71- rename powell->ellmul, addell->elladd, subell->ellsub
72- is_pth_power interface [ pass a forprime_t iterator ]
73- polrootsmod(, 4) is no longer accepted
74- revert to Ramanujan's formula to compute Pi [ + binary splitting ]
75- polinterpolate(,, 'x) use divide & conquer algorithm
BA 76- binary(0) now return []
77- polisirreducible() now avoids factoring in most cases
HC 78- reimplement incgam()
79- allow eint1(t_COMPLEX)
80- when 'echo = 1', no longer echo commands if they were entered
interactively [commands ended up printed twice]
81- unless 'echo = 1', no longer log commands entered non-interactively
when 'log = 1'. '\r file' used to log the entire content of 'file'.
82- allow thue(t_POL, rhs) for thue(thueinit(t_POL, rhs))
83- elltors now uses division polynomials by default
84- modified "Hit Return to Continue" message so that it becomes a comment
when copy-pasted
85- rnf_fix_pol() takes an extra argument, the calling function's name
86- fast gerepilecopy() for leaves
87- rename leftright_pow_fold -> gen_pow_fold, leftright_pow_fold_i
-> gen_pow_fold_i
88- upowuu now returns 0 on overflow
89- primes(n) no longer needs precomputed primes
90- prime(n) no longer needs precomputed primes
91- primepi(n) no longer needs precomputed primes
92- removed 3s delay when recompiling PARI after modifying a header
[ Was there to avoid problems on slightly out-of-synch NFS fileserver
host. Had become an annoyance on fast multicore servers, esp. when
bisecting to find a broken commit. ]
93- improve Configure --tune + let tune -t/-tt/-ttt print more and more
verbose messages [ old 'tune -t' corresponds to current 'tune -tt' ]
94- arithmetic functions no longer accept vector / matrix arguments [ to
later allow passing factorization matrices ]: use apply()
BA 95- rename RgX_check_ZXY -> RgX_check_ZXX, ZXY_max_lg -> to ZXX_max_lg
96- elleta() and elleisnum(e, 2) to use a theta series formula in
O~(prec^(3/2)) instead of O~(prec^2).
BA 97- zv_cmp0 renamed to zv_equal0
98- allow ellinit / Qp for arbitrary reduction type
99- ellpointtoz(E / Qp, ...), now return phi(P) [ used to return the same
result for phi(P) and phi(-P) [ split multiplicative reduction ],
resp. phi(P) + 1/phi(P) [ non-split reduction ]
100- ellinit(E / Qp).tate : the u component is now always a square root
of u2, also in the non-split case (in which case it lives in a
quadratic extension of Qp)
101- renamed library function divsum() => sumdivexpr()
102- listpop(empty list) => no-op [ was "domain error" ]
103- ellap, ellak, ellan: allow non-minimal model
104- when timer = 1, no longer print timing if the time is negligible;
in particular, no timing should be printed when defining a user function
or and alias.
105- The proper way to initialize an nf structure when the polynomial
discriminant is hard to factor is nfinit([T, listP]), where listP
specifies a list of primes (see ??nfinit). nfdisc, nfbasis, all the
polred functions allow analogous arguments (see Changed-19). This is
cleaner and more flexible than old flags relying on the value
primelimit (e.g. nfinit([T, nfbasis(T, 1)]), now deprecated). Also,
the nfinit function now sees the local specifications and can
take steps to avoid problems (instead of taking for granted a basis,
without knowing whether it is correct or not). The result can
also be certified (nfcertify)
106- polredabs() with (deprecated) nf_PARTIALFACT flag (or new [T,listP]
argument) now returns 0 if the resulting order cannot be proven to be
107- rename bezout() -> gcdext(), polresultant() -> polresultantext()
108- the prime table is now computed once and for all on startup and can
no longer be increased by modifying primelimit: the dynamic forprime
machinery allows fast primes up to primelimit^2 which is more than
enough even with a small table. The default value of 500.000 is already
larger than necessary
109- removed the mechanism allowing prime gaps larger than 255 in the
prime table: as a result it now limited to 436273290, allowing fast
primes up to 1.9 10^17
BA110- permtonum/numtoperm now use the standard lexicographic numbering
111- issquare(t_INTMOD), ispower(t_INTMOD): factor modulus incrementally,
in case we hit a local non-residue -> early abort [#1376]
112- gphelp + OS/X : make "open" the default PDF viewer (was "acroread")
113- renamed exp_Ir -> expIr
1- mathnf for matrices over K[X] [#41]
BA 2- GP function ellheegner
BA 3- asm inline macro addllx8 for faster addition
BA 4- Library function FpXQ_autpowers
5- GP default 'linewrap'
6- functions Fp_issquare, Fq_issquare.
7- GP function cmp [ universal comparison ]
8- library functions Fp_addmul, addmulii, addmulii_inplace, addmuliu,
addmuliu_inplace, lincombii, mulsubii, submulii, submuliu,
LGr 9- Catalan's constant [ Catalan() ]
BA 10- library functions F2x_issquare/F2x_sqrt
BA 11- [INSTALL] Documentation of RUNTEST
12- library function bestapprPade
13- library function gen_factored_order, Fp_factored_order
14- macros retmkvec, retmkvec2, retmkvec3, retmkvec4, retmkcol, retmkcol2,
retmkmat, retmkmat2, retmkintmod, retmkpolmod
retmkintmod, retmkpolmod, retconst_col, retconst_vec
15- allow Ser(t_VECSMALL)
BA 16- library function gsprintf/gvsprintf
BA 17- new PARI type t_ERROR (error messages)
BA 18- new error trapping system and GP functions iferr,iferrname
BA 19- implement lngamma(t_PADIC)
LGr20- new PARI functions F2m_gauss, F2m_inv, F2m_rank, F2m_image, matid_F2m,
F2m_mul, F2m_F2c_mul
BA 21- GP function getenv
22- new error class e_PRIME [ pari_err() ]
BA 23- low-level function int_bit
24- library function stack_strcat
25- function polredbest [ adapting a preliminary patch by BA ]
BA 26- library functions Fl_invsafe, F2x_halfgcd, Flx_Flxq_eval and Flx_FlxqV_eval.
BA 27- support for sparse matrix and Wiedemann algorithm
28- GP function vecsearch() [ use with vecsort() ]
BA 29- library function Z_issmooth
BA 30- linear sieve algorithm for Fp_log/znlog
BA 31- library functions Flx_to_FlxX, F2m_to_Flm, F2c_to_Flc, and Flxq_powu
32- GP function idealnumden()
LGr33- library function uprecprime()
34- library function ZM_pivots()
35- library functions nm_Z_mul, ZM_togglesign, ZM_nm_mul [ to improve Zlm_gauss ]
BA 36- [breakloop] GP functions dbg_up/dbg_down (like gdb up/down)
37- library functions rootsof1_Fp, rootsof1u_Fp, rootsof1_Fl
BA 38- GP functions dbg_x (like \x) and dbg_err (current error data)
39- matconcat()
BA 40- library functions Flm_Fl_add, Flm_invimage, FlxY_evalx
BA 41- library functions Flx_ffisom, Flx_ffintersect, Flxq_ffisom_inv
BA 42- library functions Flx_is_irred, Flx_is_smooth, F2x_is_irred
BA 43- accessors functions for t_CLOSURE: closure_arity,closure_codestr,closure_get_*
44- library functions ZMs_ZC_mul, ZpMs_ZpCs_solve, gen_ZpM_Dixon
BA 45- [breakloop] GP function breakpoint
BA 46- GP function ffnbirred
BA 47- cubic sieve algorithm for Flxq_log
BA 48- library functions F2x_F2xqV_eval, F2x_F2xq_eval
BA 49- forqfvec()
BA 50- library functions FqM_image, FqM_rank, FpXQXQ_powers, FpXQXQ_matrix_pow
BA 51- ellgroup(,,1): also return the generators
BA 52- library functions FpVV_to_mod, FpE_changepoint, FpE_changepointinv
BA 53- GP syntax [a..b] : [a,a+1,...,b]
BA 54- GP syntax [a(x)|x<-b,c(x)] : apply(a,select(c,b))
BA 55- GP syntax M[a..b,^c] : vecextract(M,"a..b","^c")
BA 56- library function FpE_log
57- select(f, v, 1) for indirect selection
58- hamming() function [initial implementation CG]
59- ispowerful() function
60- polgraeffe() function
61- functions poliscyclo(), poliscycloprod(), polcyclofactors()
62- function setbinop(f,X,Y) = { f(x,y), x in X, y in Y }
63- libpari function moebiusu()
64- sumdigits() function
65- libpari functions addiu, addui, subiu, subui, uissquare
66- randomprime() function. Allow random([a,b]) (return n, a <= n <= b)
67- ispolygonal() function
68- libpari functions uissquarefree, uposisfundamental, unegisfundamental
69- istotient() function
70- implement Haible/Papanikolaou binary splitting
BA 71- PARI functions FlxqX_nbroots, FpXQX_nbroots, FpXQX_nbfact.
BA 72- PARI function zv_search
BA 73- GP syntax: multiif if(a==1,b,a==2,c,default).
BA 74- GP syntax: multi assignement: [a,b,c]=V -> a=V[1];b=V[2];c=V[3]
BA 75- PARI functions gen_gener, gen_ellgroup, gen_ellgens, gen_powers
BA 76- FlxqE functions family (for elliptic curves over field of small characteristic>3)
BA 77- PARI functions Flxq_sqrt, FpXQ_sqrt
78- bernpol() function
79- sumformal() function
BA 80- PARI functions ZX_equal1, zvV_equal, ZXV_equal, FpXX_neg, FqX_neg
BA 81- FpXQE functions family (for elliptic curves over field of large characteristic)
BA 82- added GP function ellcard
BA 83- PARI functions FpXQ_powu, Fq_powu, FpXX_mulu, Fq_mulu, Fq_div
BA 84- PARI functions FqXQ_powers, FqXQ_matrix_pow, FqX_mulu, FqX_Fq_add
BA 85- PARI functions FqXY_eval, FqXY_evalx, FpXY_Fq_evaly
BA 86- SEA over non-prime finite field (for char p > 1000)
LGr87- Add clock_gettime timer option
88- add new error type e_DOMAIN
BA 89- Add black box finite fields for generic linear algebra
BA 90- PARI functions FlxqM_image, FlxqM_ker, FqM_deplin
BA 91- GP function ellneg
BA 92- PARI functions Fp_ellcard, FpXQ_ellcard, Flxq_ellcard
LGr93- vecmax / vecmin: add optional pointer argument (to hold index of a
largest/smallest entry)
94- printsep() function
CG 95- isprimepower() function
96- PARI functions F2v_to_F2x, F2x_valrem, F2x_deflate, F2x_shift
97- PARI function RgV_polint
BA 98- GP function digits
99- GP default 'sopath' [ rewritten from initial patch by GTo ]
LGr100- allow polylog(n, t_SER) around a != 0
BA 101- PARI functions ZX_shifti, ZX_remi2n, ZXV_remi2n
102- PARI functions cxexp1, mpsincos1
BA 103- GP function ellfromj
103- GP function forcomposite
104- new error class e_PRIORITY [ pari_err() ]
BA 105- Add black box algebra for Brent and Kung algorithm
106- PARI function RgM_dimensions()
BA 107- PARI functions RgX_splitting(), Flx_splitting()
108- made public the CATCH / TRY interface, renamed pari_CATCH / pari_TRY
PARI functions err_get_num(), err_get_compo(), pari_err_last()
109- PARI function stack_sprintf()
110- PARI function RgX_is_QX()
BA 111- PARI functions retmkmat2,retmkcol2,mkmat2,mkcol2,mkcols,mkcol2s et al.
BA 112- PARI functions ZXV_dotproduct(), ZXX_Z_divexact()
BA 113- PARI function gen_ZpX_Newton()
114- optional argument to contfracpnqn: return all convergents up to
p_n/q_n, not only the last 2
BA 115- PARI functions Flxq_autpow, F2xq_autpow
BA 116- PARI functions FpX_divrem_Barrett and unconditional FpX_rem_Barrett
BA 117- PARI functions F2xq_sqrt_fast, Flxq_lroot, Flxq_lroot_fast
BA 118- PARI functions FlxqV_dotproduct, FlxV_red
BA 119- PARI functions ZpXQ_inv, ZpXQ_invlift, ZpXQ_log
120- PARI functions absi_shallow, mpabs_shallow, absfrac_shallow,
BA 121- PARI functions FlxX_Flx_add, FlxX_Fl_mul, FlxX_Flx_mul, FlxX_neg
BA 122- PARI functions Fp_ellj, FpXQ_ellj, Flxq_ellj
BA 123- PARI functions FpX_mulu, Flx_mulu, ZX_mulu
BA 124- PARI functions FlxqXQV_autpow, FlxqXQV_autsum
BA 125- PARI functions FpXQXQV_autpow, FpXQXQV_autsum
BA 126- PARI functions FpXT_red, FlxT_red, ZXT_to_FlxT, ZXT_remi2n
BA 127- Support for preconditionned reduction in FpXQ/Flxq
128- PARI functions padic_to_Q, padic_to_Q_shallow, QpV_to_QV, Q_pvalrem,
ZX_Zp_root, Zp_appr, Fp_muls, retmkfrac
BA 129- Add safegel et al. for GP2C -C option
HC 130- Function sqrtnint
131- sumdivmult() to sum multiplicative functions
132- ?? online help: allow searching labels, e.g. ??"se:priority"@
133- PARI function ZpM_echelon, zlm_echelon
134- GP functions matqr and mathouseholder, PARI functions QR_init,
QgM_QR_init, gaussred_from_QR, R_from_QR, gtomp, RgC_gtomp, RgM_gtomp
135- PARI functions trivial_fact, prime_fact
136- PARI function rfrac_to_ser
137- PARI functions padic_lindep, Xadic_lindep
138- GP function seralgdep
BA 139- arm, mips and mips64 level0 inline assembly kernel
140- new error class e_COMPONENT
141- PARI functions init_primepointer_geq, init_primepointer_gt,
init_primepointer_leq, init_primepointer_lt
BA 142- new default strictargs for mandatory arguments
143- GP function nfcertify
144- GP function ellchangepointinv
145- optional 'variable' argument to polresultantext()
146- export part of the ifac_* interface (ifact_start, ifact_next,
ifac_read, ifac_skip, ifac_isprime)
147- PARI function expIxy
148- poor man's graphic engine 'plotps' (Configure --graphic=ps) when
no graphic library is available; dumps the hi-res plot to a temporary
PostScript file, then opens a PostScript viewer ('open -W' by default,
$GP_POSTSCRIPT_VIEWER otherwise). Works around #1354 on OS/X.
PMo149- GP function lambertw / library functions mplambertW, glambertW
1- dropped DOS support
2- qfrep(): bit 2 of flag is now meaningless, we now always return a
3- file language/errmsg.c and global errmessage[] array: all error
messages are now part of pari_err_display())
4- error types arither1,mattype1,notpoler (merged with typeer), matinv1
(merged with gdiver)
5- legacy lindep and PSLQ implementations [algdep/lindep with
negative flags]: now use LLL in all cases.
BA 6- [libpari] removed unusable functions dbg_close/dbg_release.
7- [libpari] gisfundamental, gkronecker, gbigomega, geulerphi,
gissquarefree, gmoebius, gnextprime, gnumbdiv, gomega, gprecprime,
gsumdiv, gdumdivk, znprimroot0
8- ellsigma: flags 3 and 4 [ inefficient algorithm using the product
formula ]
9- Member function 'w' (this is technical, and no longer needed:-)
10- obsolete function weipell(). Use ellwpseries()
11- [libpari] obsolete function Polred. Use polredbest
12- old logo misc/pari.xpm, see

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
oid sha256:ffe9940194b4a1274d8aa690d985e11539be36fcdd2215b74c39b30470a567c2
size 3142306

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

pari-2.7.1.changelog Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# $Id$
Bug numbers refer to the BTS at
Done for version 2.7.1 (released 16/05/2014):
[last column crossreferences current development release 2.8.0]
1- make install fails on OS/X: ln -s libpari.dylib libpari.dylib fails [F1]
2- Q_pvalrem(t_FRAC) => wrong result [F2]
3- [] == 0 but []~ != 0 (now []~ == 0 as well) [#1560] [F3]
BA 4- test-kernel did not work when using --mt=pthread [F4]
BA 5- ellheegner was using too much memory in some case [F5]
BA 6- ellap can overflow on 32-bit machine [#1558] (minimal fix) [F6]
7- nfhilbert(K,x,y, P above 2) could give wrong results [#1561] [F7]
8- gcd(1/2, 1+I*1.) -> SEGV [#1563] [F10]
9- mathnf(t_VEC) could corrupt input (change sign) [F11]
10- [libpari] RgM_transmul did not work [F12]
11- [libpari] Fq_issquare didn't support T=NULL [F13]
12- [libpari] nfpow_u didn't handle non-integral rational numbers [F14]
13- eint1(0) -> stack overflow [#1568] [F15]
14- nfroots(, t_POL with leading coeff -1) could miss solutions [F19]
15- precprime(1) -> invalid t_INT [#1576] [F20]

pari-2.7.1.tar.gz Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
oid sha256:cc637918f3c0b20dc9bbea99e639e7a288b89ea4d0e4e3f9b7110a115bcb41be
size 3140893

pari-2.7.1.tar.gz.asc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

View File

@ -4,23 +4,17 @@ Date: 2014-02-05 03:01:02.110857012 +0100
Kill __DATE__ from source, it's pointless and can cause rebuilds.
src/gp/gp.c | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
src/language/paricfg.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Index: pari-2.5.5/src/gp/gp.c
Index: pari-2.7.1/src/language/paricfg.c
--- pari-2.5.5.orig/src/gp/gp.c
+++ pari-2.5.5/src/gp/gp.c
@@ -823,9 +823,9 @@ print_version(void)
- buf = stackmalloc(strlen(__DATE__) + 32 + (ver? strlen(ver): 0));
- if (ver) (void)sprintf(buf, "compiled: %s, %s", __DATE__, ver);
- else (void)sprintf(buf, "compiled: %s", __DATE__);
+ buf = stackmalloc(strlen("yes") + 32 + (ver? strlen(ver): 0));
+ if (ver) (void)sprintf(buf, "compiled: %s, %s", "yes", ver);
+ else (void)sprintf(buf, "compiled: %s", "yes");
ver = what_readline();
buf = stackmalloc(strlen(ver) + 64);
--- pari-2.7.1.orig/src/language/paricfg.c
+++ pari-2.7.1/src/language/paricfg.c
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ const char *paricfg_version = PARIVERSIO
const char *paricfg_buildinfo = PARIINFO;
const long paricfg_version_code = PARI_VERSION_CODE;
const char *paricfg_vcsversion = PARI_VCSVERSION;
-const char *paricfg_compiledate = __DATE__;
+const char *paricfg_compiledate = "openSUSE";
const char *paricfg_mt_engine = PARI_MT_ENGINE;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
Wed Aug 6 05:14:57 UTC 2014 -
- Update to new upstream release 2.7.1
* Q_pvalrem(t_FRAC) returned a wrong result
* The "ellheegner" function was using too much memory in some cases
* nfhilbert(K,x,y, P above 2) could give wrong results
* nfpow_u didn't handle non-integral rational numbers
* nfroots(, t_POL with leading coeff -1) could miss solutions
Fri Apr 18 14:53:48 UTC 2014 -

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
Name: pari
%define lname libpari-gmp4
Version: 2.7.0
Version: 2.7.1
Release: 0
Summary: Computer Algebra System for fast computations in Number Theory
License: GPL-2.0
@ -30,17 +30,14 @@ Url:
Patch1: pari-nodate.diff
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires: fltk-devel
BuildRequires: gmp-devel
BuildRequires: libX11-devel
BuildRequires: libqt4-devel
BuildRequires: readline-devel
%if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1220
BuildRequires: libX11-devel
BuildRequires: xorg-x11-proto-devel
BuildRequires: xorg-x11-devel
PARI/GP is a computer algebra system designed for fast computations
@ -91,6 +88,7 @@ functions.
%setup -q
%patch -p 1 -P 1
./Configure --prefix="%_prefix" \