namespace: rancher-turtles-system questions: - variable: rancherTurtles.features.default default: "false" description: "Customize install settings" label: Customize install settings type: boolean show_subquestion_if: true group: "Rancher Turtles Extra Settings" subquestions: - variable: cluster-api-operator.cert-manager.enabled default: false type: boolean description: "Flag to enable or disable installation of cert-manager. If set to false then you will need to install cert-manager manually" label: "Enable Cert Manager" - variable: rancherTurtles.features.cluster-api-operator.cleanup default: true description: "Specify that the CAPI Operator post-delete cleanup job will be performed" type: boolean label: Cleanup CAPI Operator installation group: "CAPI Operator cleanup settings" show_subquestion_if: true subquestions: - variable: rancherTurtles.features.cluster-api-operator.kubectlImage default: "rancher/kubectl:v1.30.3" description: "Specify the image to use when cleaning up the Cluster API Operator manifests" type: string label: Cleanup Image group: "CAPI Operator cleanup settings" - variable: rancherTurtles.features.rancher-webhook.cleanup default: true description: "Specify that the Rancher embedded cluster api webhooks should be removed" type: boolean label: Cleanup Rancher Embedded CAPI Webhooks group: "Rancher webhook cleanup settings" show_subquestion_if: true subquestions: - variable: rancherTurtles.features.rancher-webhook.kubectlImage default: "rancher/kubectl:v1.30.3" description: "Specify the image to use when cleaning up the webhooks" type: string label: Webhook Cleanup Image group: "Rancher webhook cleanup settings" - variable: rancherTurtles.features.rancher-kubeconfigs.label default: false description: "(Experimental) Specify that the kubeconfigs generated by Rancher should be automatically patched to contain the CAPI expected labels" type: boolean label: Label Rancher Kubeconfigs group: "Rancher Turtles Features Settings" - variable: rancherTurtles.features.managementv3-cluster.enabled default: true description: "Use v3/management cluster manifest for import, instead of v1/provisioning" type: boolean label: Use management v3 cluster manifest group: "Rancher Turtles Features Settings" - variable: rancherTurtles.features.managementv3-cluster-migration.enabled default: false description: "Automatically migrate between provisioning and management clusters on upgrade" type: boolean label: All imported clusters will use new cluster manifest, replacing old cluster manifest. group: "Rancher Turtles Features Settings" - variable: cluster-api-operator.cluster-api.rke2.enabled default: "true" description: "Flag to enable or disable installation of the RKE2 provider for Cluster API. By default this is enabled." label: "Enable RKE2 Provider" type: boolean - variable: rancherTurtles.features.propagate-labels.enabled default: false description: "(Experimental) Specify that the labels from CAPI should be propagated to Rancher" type: boolean label: Propagate CAPI Labels group: "Rancher Turtles Features Settings" - variable: rancherTurtles.features.addon-provider-fleet.enabled default: false description: "Enable Fleet Addon Provider functionality in Rancher Turtles" type: boolean label: Seamless integration with Fleet and CAPI group: "Rancher Turtles Features Settings"