Steven Hardy 8a93aae7c5
All checks were successful
OBS SCM/CI Workflow Integration started
OBS: akri-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: cdi-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: akri-dashboard-extension-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: crudini - standard/x86_64
OBS: baremetal-operator - standard/x86_64
OBS: endpoint-copier-operator-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: cluster-api-provider-metal3 - standard/x86_64
OBS: cri-tools - standard/x86_64
OBS: fakeroot - standard/x86_64
OBS: endpoint-copier-operator - standard/x86_64
OBS: baremetal-operator-image - images/x86_64
OBS: cosign - standard/x86_64
OBS: edge-image-builder - standard/x86_64
OBS: cluster-api-provider-metal3-image - images/x86_64
OBS: baremetal-operator - standard/aarch64
OBS: akri-agent-image - images/x86_64
OBS: frr-k8s - standard/x86_64
OBS: kubevirt-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: kubevirt-dashboard-extension-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: metal3-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: metallb-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: endpoint-copier-operator-image - images/x86_64
OBS: ip-address-manager - standard/x86_64
OBS: kiwi-builder-image - images/x86_64
OBS: rancher-turtles-airgap-resources-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: rancher-turtles-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: ironic-image - images/x86_64
OBS: sriov-crd-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: kube-rbac-proxy - standard/x86_64
OBS: upgrade-controller-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: sriov-network-operator-chart - charts/x86_64
OBS: hauler - standard/x86_64
OBS: kiwi-builder-image - images/aarch64
OBS: ip-address-manager-image - images/x86_64
OBS: metallb - standard/x86_64
OBS: upgrade-controller - standard/x86_64
OBS: kube-rbac-proxy-image - images/x86_64
OBS: cluster-api-provider-metal3 - standard/aarch64
OBS: metallb-controller-image - images/x86_64
OBS: metallb-speaker-image - images/x86_64
OBS: upgrade-controller-image - images/x86_64
OBS: cri-tools - standard/aarch64
OBS: crudini - standard/aarch64
OBS: cluster-api-provider-metal3-image - images/aarch64
OBS: cosign - standard/aarch64
OBS: baremetal-operator-image - images/aarch64
OBS: endpoint-copier-operator - standard/aarch64
OBS: akri-agent-image - images/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder - standard/aarch64
OBS: fakeroot - standard/aarch64
OBS: endpoint-copier-operator-image - images/aarch64
OBS: frr-k8s - standard/aarch64
OBS: ip-address-manager - standard/aarch64
OBS: kube-rbac-proxy - standard/aarch64
OBS: metallb - standard/aarch64
OBS: upgrade-controller - standard/aarch64
OBS: hauler - standard/aarch64
OBS: ip-address-manager-image - images/aarch64
OBS: kube-rbac-proxy-image - images/aarch64
OBS: metallb-controller-image - images/aarch64
OBS: metallb-speaker-image - images/aarch64
OBS: upgrade-controller-image - images/aarch64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - images/x86_64
OBS: edge-image-builder-image - images/aarch64
OBS: ironic-ipa-ramdisk - standard/x86_64
OBS: ironic-ipa-downloader-image - images/x86_64
kiwi-builder-image: Align with OBS latest version
Aligns with the latest fixes in isv:SUSE:Edge:KiwiBuilder/kiwi-builder-10
2024-12-02 18:19:04 +00:00
2024-11-15 13:48:36 +00:00
2024-11-15 13:48:36 +00:00
2024-11-15 13:48:36 +00:00
2024-11-15 13:48:36 +00:00

Kiwi SDK Image Instructions

Please ensure that you're running this on a registered SLE Micro 6.0 system, and make sure that SELinux is disabled:

# setenforce 0

Next, download the podman image:

# podman pull %%IMG_REPO%%/%%IMG_PREFIXkiwi-builder:

Make a local output directory (where the images will reside):

# mkdir output

Then, to build a standard "Base" image, run the following in podman:

# podman run --privileged -v /etc/zypp/repos.d:/micro-sdk/repos/ -v ./output:/tmp/output -it %%IMG_REPO%%/%%IMG_PREFIXkiwi-builder: build-image

To build a "Base" SelfInstall ISO, you can add additional flags, for example:

# podman run --privileged -v /etc/zypp/repos.d:/micro-sdk/repos/ -v ./output:/tmp/output -it %%IMG_REPO%%/%%IMG_PREFIXkiwi-builder: build-image -p Base-SelfInstall

Then, to build a standard "Default" image, run the following in podman:

# podman run --privileged -v /etc/zypp/repos.d:/micro-sdk/repos/ -v ./output:/tmp/output -it %%IMG_REPO%%/%%IMG_PREFIXkiwi-builder: build-image -p Default

To build a "Default" SelfInstall ISO, you can add additional flags, for example:

# podman run --privileged -v /etc/zypp/repos.d:/micro-sdk/repos/ -v ./output:/tmp/output -it %%IMG_REPO%%/%%IMG_PREFIXkiwi-builder: build-image -p Default-SelfInstall

To build an image with a RealTime kernel, e.g. a RAW disk image ("Default"), use the following:

# podman run --privileged -v /etc/zypp/repos.d:/micro-sdk/repos/ -v ./output:/tmp/output -it %%IMG_REPO%%/%%IMG_PREFIXkiwi-builder: build-image -p Base-RT

To build an image that supports a large block/sectorsize (4096), use the "-b" flag, for example:

# podman run --privileged -v /etc/zypp/repos.d:/micro-sdk/repos/ -v ./output:/tmp/output -it %%IMG_REPO%%/%%IMG_PREFIXkiwi-builder: build-image -p Default-SelfInstall -b

# mkdir mydefs/
# cp /path/to/SL-Micro.kiwi mydefs/
# cp /path/to/config.sh mydefs/
# podman run --privileged -v /etc/zypp/repos.d:/micro-sdk/repos/ -v ./output:/tmp/output -v ./mydefs/:/micro-sdk/defs/ -it %%IMG_REPO%%/%%IMG_PREFIXkiwi-builder: build-image

All output will be in the local $(pwd)/output directory, for example:

# ls -1 output/

Note, if you want to rebuild the image, you'll need to empty the output directory, or Kiwi will error due to existing output files:

# rm -rf output/*