63 lines
3.0 KiB
63 lines
3.0 KiB
{{- if .Values.global.enable_basicAuth }}
{{- $ironicUsername := "" -}}
{{- $ironicPassword := "" -}}
{{- $ironicSecretName := "ironic-basic-auth" -}}
# Check if the secret is deployed and has a password
{{- $oldIronicSecret := lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace $ironicSecretName }}
{{- if and $oldIronicSecret (index $oldIronicSecret.data "username") (index $oldIronicSecret.data "password") }}
{{- $ironicUsername = b64dec (index $oldIronicSecret.data "username" | toString) -}}
{{- $ironicPassword = b64dec (index $oldIronicSecret.data "password" | toString) -}}
# If not, check if a username and password are provided in values.yaml
{{- else if and (.Values.global.auth.ironicUsername) (.Values.global.auth.ironicPassword) }}
{{- $ironicUsername = .Values.global.auth.ironicUsername -}}
{{- $ironicPassword = .Values.global.auth.ironicPassword -}}
{{- else }}
# If no username and password are provided in values.yaml, generate new ones
{{- $ironicUsername = "ironic" -}}
{{- $ironicPassword = (randAlphaNum 20) -}}
{{- end }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ $ironicSecretName }}
type: Opaque
username: {{ $ironicUsername | b64enc }}
password: {{ $ironicPassword | b64enc }}
htpasswd: {{ b64enc (htpasswd $ironicUsername $ironicPassword) }}
auth-config: |
{{- printf "[ironic]\nauth_type=http_basic\nusername: %s\npassword: %s" $ironicUsername $ironicPassword | b64enc | nindent 4 }}
{{- $ironicInspectorUsername := "" -}}
{{- $ironicInspectorPassword := "" -}}
{{- $inspectorSecretName := "ironic-inspector-basic-auth" -}}
# Check if the secret is deployed and has a password
{{- $oldInspectorSecret := lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace $inspectorSecretName }}
{{- if and $oldInspectorSecret (index $oldInspectorSecret.data "username") (index $oldInspectorSecret.data "password") }}
{{- $ironicInspectorUsername = b64dec (index $oldInspectorSecret.data "username" | toString) -}}
{{- $ironicInspectorPassword = b64dec (index $oldInspectorSecret.data "password" | toString) -}}
# If not, check if a username and password are provided in values.yaml
{{- else if and (.Values.global.auth.ironicInspectorUsername) (.Values.global.auth.ironicInspectorPassword) }}
{{- $ironicInspectorUsername = .Values.global.auth.ironicInspectorUsername -}}
{{- $ironicInspectorPassword = .Values.global.auth.ironicInspectorPassword -}}
{{- else }}
# If no username and password are provided in values.yaml, generate new ones
{{- $ironicInspectorUsername = "ironic" -}}
{{- $ironicInspectorPassword = (randAlphaNum 20) -}}
{{- end }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ $inspectorSecretName }}
type: Opaque
username: {{ $ironicInspectorUsername | b64enc }}
password: {{ $ironicInspectorPassword | b64enc }}
htpasswd: {{ b64enc (htpasswd $ironicInspectorUsername $ironicInspectorPassword) }}
auth-config: |
{{- printf "[inspector]\nauth_type=http_basic\nusername: %s\npassword: %s" $ironicInspectorUsername $ironicInspectorPassword | b64enc | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}