diff --git a/file-4.16-python.dif b/file-4.16-python.dif
deleted file mode 100644
index 32d60e6..0000000
--- a/file-4.16-python.dif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- python/setup.py
-+++ python/setup.py	2006-02-10 09:51:18.000000000 +0100
-@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
- magic_module = Extension('magic',
-     libraries = ['magic'],
--    library_dirs = ['./','../','../src','/usr/lib/'],
--    include_dirs = ['./','../','../src','/usr/include/'],
-+    library_dirs = ['./','../','../src/.libs','/usr/lib/'],
-+    include_dirs = ['./','../','../src/','/usr/include/'],
-     sources = ['py_magic.c'])
- setup (name = 'Magic file extensions',
diff --git a/file-4.21-reiserfs.dif b/file-4.21-reiserfs.dif
deleted file mode 100644
index 71d2155..0000000
--- a/file-4.21-reiserfs.dif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- magic/Magdir/filesystems
-+++ magic/Magdir/filesystems	2008-03-13 19:10:55.050787490 +0100
-@@ -1109,6 +1109,7 @@
- # reiserfs - russell@coker.com.au
- 0x10034		string	ReIsErFs	ReiserFS V3.5
- 0x10034		string	ReIsEr2Fs	ReiserFS V3.6
-+0x10034		string	ReIsEr3Fs	ReiserFS V3.6.19
- >0x1002c 	leshort	x		block size %d
- >0x10032	leshort	&2		(mounted or unclean)
- >0x10000	lelong	x		num blocks %d
diff --git a/file-4.24-reg_dos.dif b/file-4.24-reg_dos.dif
deleted file mode 100644
index 42aae07..0000000
--- a/file-4.24-reg_dos.dif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- magic/Magdir/msdos
-+++ magic/Magdir/msdos	2008-04-14 16:49:45.464433688 +0200
-@@ -14,8 +14,10 @@
- # OS/2 batch files are REXX. the second regex is a bit generic, oh well
- # the matched commands seem to be common in REXX and uncommon elsewhere
--100	regex/c =^[\ \t]{0,10}call[\ \t]{1,10}rxfunc OS/2 REXX batch file text
--100	regex/c =^[\ \t]{0,10}say\ ['"]	     OS/2 REXX batch file text
-+100	search/0xffff	rxfuncadd
-+>100	regex/c =^[\ \t]{0,10}call[\ \t]{1,10}rxfunc	OS/2 REXX batch file text
-+100	search/0xffff	say
-+>100	regex/c =^[\ \t]{0,10}say\ ['"]			OS/2 REXX batch file text
- 0	leshort		0x14c	MS Windows COFF Intel 80386 object file
- #>4	ledate		x	stamp %s
diff --git a/file-5.04-awk.dif b/file-5.04-awk.dif
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d4fe41..0000000
--- a/file-5.04-awk.dif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- magic/Magdir/commands
-+++ magic/Magdir/commands	2010-02-05 14:32:12.093297356 +0000
-@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
- # update to distinguish from *.vcf files
- # this is broken because postscript has /EBEGIN{ for example.
- #0	search/Ww	BEGIN {			awk script text
-+0	regex		=^\\s*BEGIN\\s*[{]	awk script text
- # AT&T Bell Labs' Plan 9 shell
- 0	string/w	#!\ /bin/rc	Plan 9 rc shell script text
diff --git a/file-5.04-biorad.dif b/file-5.04-biorad.dif
deleted file mode 100644
index 56c4608..0000000
--- a/file-5.04-biorad.dif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
---- magic/Magdir/images
-+++ magic/Magdir/images	2010-11-24 12:11:01.520426341 +0000
-@@ -551,11 +551,18 @@
- # Bio-Rad .PIC is an image format used by microscope control systems
- # and related image processing software used by biologists.
- # From: Vebjorn Ljosa <vebjorn@ljosa.com>
--54	leshort 12345		Bio-Rad .PIC Image File
-->0	leshort >0		%hd x
-->2	leshort >0		%hd,
-->4	leshort =1		1 image in file
-->4	leshort >1		%hd images in file
-+# BOOL values are two-byte integers; use them to rule out false positives.
-+# http://web.archive.org/web/20050317223257/www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/ladic/text/biorad.txt
-+# Samples: http://www.loci.wisc.edu/software/sample-data
-+14	leshort	<2
-+>4	leshort >0
-+>49	byte 0
-+>62	leshort <2
-+>>54	leshort 12345		Bio-Rad .PIC Image File
-+>>>0	leshort >0		%hd x
-+>>>2	leshort >0		%hd,
-+>>>4	leshort =1		1 image in file
-+>>>4	leshort >1		%hd images in file
- # From Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas@fi.muni.cz>
- # The description of *.mrw format can be found at
diff --git a/file-5.04-exec.dif b/file-5.04-exec.dif
deleted file mode 100644
index ce97833..0000000
--- a/file-5.04-exec.dif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
---- magic/Magdir/commands
-+++ magic/Magdir/commands	2010-02-05 14:28:46.657297767 +0000
-@@ -4,73 +4,73 @@
- # commands:  file(1) magic for various shells and interpreters
- #
- #0	string		:			shell archive or script for antique kernel text
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/sh		POSIX shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/sh		POSIX shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/csh		C shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/csh		C shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
- # korn shell magic, sent by George Wu, gwu@clyde.att.com
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/ksh		Korn shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/ksh		Korn shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w 	#!\ /bin/tcsh		Tenex C shell script text executable
-+0	string/w 	#!\ /bin/tcsh		Tenex C shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w 	#!\ /usr/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
-+0	string/w 	#!\ /usr/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w 	#!\ /usr/local/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
-+0	string/w 	#!\ /usr/local/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
- #
- # zsh/ash/ae/nawk/gawk magic from cameron@cs.unsw.oz.au (Cameron Simpson)
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/zsh		Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/zsh		Paul Falstad's zsh script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/zsh	Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/zsh	Paul Falstad's zsh script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/zsh	Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/zsh	Paul Falstad's zsh script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/ash	Neil Brown's ash script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/ash	Neil Brown's ash script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/ae	Neil Brown's ae script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/ae	Neil Brown's ae script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/nawk		new awk script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/nawk		new awk script text
- !:mime	text/x-nawk
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/nawk	new awk script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/nawk	new awk script text
- !:mime	text/x-nawk
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/nawk	new awk script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/nawk	new awk script text
- !:mime	text/x-nawk
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/gawk		GNU awk script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/gawk		GNU awk script text
- !:mime	text/x-gawk
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/gawk	GNU awk script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/gawk	GNU awk script text
- !:mime	text/x-gawk
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/gawk	GNU awk script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/gawk	GNU awk script text
- !:mime	text/x-gawk
- #
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/awk		awk script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/awk		awk script text
- !:mime	text/x-awk
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/awk	awk script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/awk	awk script text
- !:mime	text/x-awk
- # update to distinguish from *.vcf files
- # this is broken because postscript has /EBEGIN{ for example.
- #0	search/Ww	BEGIN {			awk script text
- # AT&T Bell Labs' Plan 9 shell
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/rc	Plan 9 rc shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/rc	Plan 9 rc shell script text
- # bash shell magic, from Peter Tobias (tobias@server.et-inf.fho-emden.de)
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/bash		Bourne-Again shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/bash		Bourne-Again shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
--0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
- # using env
- 0	string		#!/usr/bin/env		a
-->15	string		>\0			%s script text executable
-+>15	string		>\0			%s script text
- 0	string		#!\ /usr/bin/env	a
-->16	string		>\0			%s script text executable
-+>16	string		>\0			%s script text
- # PHP scripts
- # Ulf Harnhammar <ulfh@update.uu.se>
-@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
- !:mime	text/x-php
- 0	search/1	=<?\r			PHP script text
- !:mime	text/x-php
--0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/php	PHP script text executable
-+0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/php	PHP script text
- !:mime	text/x-php
--0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/php	PHP script text executable
-+0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/php	PHP script text
- !:mime	text/x-php
- 0	string		Zend\x00		PHP script Zend Optimizer data
---- magic/Magdir/perl
-+++ magic/Magdir/perl	2009-05-05 12:01:34.000000000 +0000
-@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
- # The `eval' lines recognizes an outrageously clever hack.
- # Keith Waclena <keith@cerberus.uchicago.edu>
- # Send additions to <perl5-porters@perl.org>
--0	search/1/w	#!\ /bin/perl			Perl script text executable
-+0	search/1/w	#!\ /bin/perl			Perl script text
- !:mime	text/x-perl
- 0	search/1	eval\ "exec\ /bin/perl		Perl script text
- !:mime	text/x-perl
--0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/perl		Perl script text executable
-+0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/perl		Perl script text
- !:mime	text/x-perl
- 0	search/1	eval\ "exec\ /usr/bin/perl	Perl script text
- !:mime	text/x-perl
--0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/perl		Perl script text executable
-+0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/perl		Perl script text
- !:mime	text/x-perl
- 0	search/1	eval\ "exec\ /usr/local/bin/perl	Perl script text
- !:mime	text/x-perl
---- magic/Magdir/python
-+++ magic/Magdir/python	2010-02-05 14:29:13.101297655 +0000
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- #
- # From: David Necas <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
- # often the module starts with a multiline string
--0	string		"""	a python script text executable
-+0	string		"""	a python script text
- # MAGIC as specified in Python/import.c (1.5 to 2.6a1 and 3.1a0, assuming
- # that Py_UnicodeFlag is off for Python 2)
- # 20121  ( YEAR - 1995 ) + MONTH  + DAY (little endian followed by "\r\n"
-@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
- 0	belong		0x3b0c0d0a	python 3.0 byte-compiled
- 0	belong		0x4f0c0d0a	python 3.1 byte-compiled
--0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/python	Python script text executable
-+0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/python	Python script text
- !:mime text/x-python
--0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/python	Python script text executable
-+0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/python	Python script text
- !:mime text/x-python
--0	search/1	#!/usr/bin/env\ python	Python script text executable
-+0	search/1	#!/usr/bin/env\ python	Python script text
- !:mime text/x-python
--0	search/1	#!\ /usr/bin/env\ ruby	Python script text executable
-+0	search/1	#!\ /usr/bin/env\ ruby	Python script text
- !:mime text/x-python
---- magic/Magdir/varied.script
-+++ magic/Magdir/varied.script	2007-03-21 10:22:09.000000000 +0000
-@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
- # varied.script:  file(1) magic for various interpreter scripts
- 0	string		#!\ /			a
-->3	string		>\0			%s script text executable
-+>3	string		>\0			%s script text
- 0	string		#!\t/			a
-->3	string		>\0			%s script text executable
-+>3	string		>\0			%s script text
- 0	string		#!/			a
-->2	string		>\0			%s script text executable
--0	string		#!\ 			script text executable
-+>2	string		>\0			%s script text
-+0	string		#!\ 			script text
- >3	string		>\0			for %s
- # From: arno <arenevier@fdn.fr>
diff --git a/file-5.04-zip2.0.dif b/file-5.04-zip2.0.dif
deleted file mode 100644
index a603d61..0000000
--- a/file-5.04-zip2.0.dif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- magic/Magdir/archive
-+++ magic/Magdir/archive	2010-02-05 15:43:36.517302304 +0000
-@@ -581,6 +581,10 @@
- !:mime	application/zip
- >>4	byte		0x14		Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
- !:mime	application/zip
-+>>30	ubelong		0x6d696d65	Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
-+>>>34	ubelong		0x74797065	\b, mime type
-+>>>>38	regex		application/[a-z\+\-]+	\b %s
-+!:mime	application/unknown+zip
- # OpenOffice.org / KOffice / StarOffice documents
- # Listed here because they ARE zip files
diff --git a/file-5.04.tar.bz2 b/file-5.04.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e4ec1..0000000
--- a/file-5.04.tar.bz2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
-oid sha256:45631a0885784f83fa39c54c01afd23a24dbafb3428b27d1049a657f32f54874
-size 475598
diff --git a/file-5.07-biorad.dif b/file-5.07-biorad.dif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1782edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file-5.07-biorad.dif
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- magic/Magdir/images
++++ magic/Magdir/images	2011-06-14 14:09:58.779926039 +0000
+@@ -583,6 +583,8 @@
+ # http://web.archive.org/web/20050317223257/www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/ladic/text/biorad.txt
+ # Samples: http://www.loci.wisc.edu/software/sample-data
+ 14	leshort <2
++>4	leshort >0
++>49	byte 0
+ >62	leshort <2
+ >>54	leshort 12345		Bio-Rad .PIC Image File
+ >>>0	leshort >0		%hd x
diff --git a/file-5.07-clicfs.dif b/file-5.07-clicfs.dif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a880947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file-5.07-clicfs.dif
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- magic/Localstuff
++++ magic/Localstuff	2011-06-14 17:40:22.417764753 +0000
+@@ -53,3 +53,11 @@
+ 0	string		SOLV		Sat-solver solv file,
+ >4	belong		x		version %ld
++# coolo's clicfs
++0	string/b	CLIC	ClicFS
++>4	byte		x	\b Version %c
++>5	byte		x	\b%c
++>6	long		>0
++>>6	pstring/l	>0	\b, Target "%s"
diff --git a/file-4.24-elf.dif b/file-5.07-elf.dif
similarity index 73%
rename from file-4.24-elf.dif
rename to file-5.07-elf.dif
index 556d57b..aeb7c0d 100644
--- a/file-4.24-elf.dif
+++ b/file-5.07-elf.dif
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 --- src/readelf.c
-+++ src/readelf.c	2008-04-14 16:43:48.082574211 +0200
-@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ core:
++++ src/readelf.c	2011-06-14 13:58:06.424425742 +0000
+@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ core:
- 		if (xnh_type == NT_PRPSINFO) {
+ 		if (xnh_type == NT_PRPSINFO && *flags & FLAGS_IS_CORE) {
 -			size_t i, j;
 +			size_t i, j, m = 0;
  			unsigned char c;
  			 * Extract the program name.  We assume
-@@ -675,7 +675,9 @@ core:
+@@ -690,7 +690,9 @@ core:
  			 * If the characters aren't all printable,
  			 * reject it.
diff --git a/file-5.07-exec.dif b/file-5.07-exec.dif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af5098b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file-5.07-exec.dif
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+--- magic/Magdir/commands
++++ magic/Magdir/commands	2011-06-14 13:50:11.135927768 +0000
+@@ -4,71 +4,71 @@
+ # commands:  file(1) magic for various shells and interpreters
+ #
+ #0	string/w	:			shell archive or script for antique kernel text
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/sh		POSIX shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/sh		POSIX shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/csh		C shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/csh		C shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+ # korn shell magic, sent by George Wu, gwu@clyde.att.com
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/ksh		Korn shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/ksh		Korn shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt 	#!\ /bin/tcsh		Tenex C shell script text executable
++0	string/wt 	#!\ /bin/tcsh		Tenex C shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt 	#!\ /usr/local/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
++0	string/wt 	#!\ /usr/local/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+ #
+ # zsh/ash/ae/nawk/gawk magic from cameron@cs.unsw.oz.au (Cameron Simpson)
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/zsh		Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/zsh		Paul Falstad's zsh script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/zsh	Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/zsh	Paul Falstad's zsh script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/zsh	Paul Falstad's zsh script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/zsh	Paul Falstad's zsh script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/ash	Neil Brown's ash script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/ash	Neil Brown's ash script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/ae	Neil Brown's ae script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/ae	Neil Brown's ae script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/nawk		new awk script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/nawk		new awk script text
+ !:mime	text/x-nawk
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/nawk	new awk script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/nawk	new awk script text
+ !:mime	text/x-nawk
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/nawk	new awk script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/nawk	new awk script text
+ !:mime	text/x-nawk
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/gawk		GNU awk script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/gawk		GNU awk script text
+ !:mime	text/x-gawk
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/gawk	GNU awk script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/gawk	GNU awk script text
+ !:mime	text/x-gawk
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/gawk	GNU awk script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/gawk	GNU awk script text
+ !:mime	text/x-gawk
+ #
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/awk		awk script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/awk		awk script text
+ !:mime	text/x-awk
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/awk	awk script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/awk	awk script text
+ !:mime	text/x-awk
+ 0	regex		=^\\s*BEGIN\\s*[{]	awk script text
+ # AT&T Bell Labs' Plan 9 shell
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/rc	Plan 9 rc shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/rc	Plan 9 rc shell script text
+ # bash shell magic, from Peter Tobias (tobias@server.et-inf.fho-emden.de)
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+-0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
++0	string/wt	#!\ /usr/local/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text
+ !:mime	text/x-shellscript
+ # using env
+ 0	string/t	#!/usr/bin/env		a
+->15	string/t	>\0			%s script text executable
++>15	string/t	>\0			%s script text
+ 0	string/t	#!\ /usr/bin/env	a
+->16	string/t	>\0			%s script text executable
++>16	string/t	>\0			%s script text
+ # PHP scripts
+ # Ulf Harnhammar <ulfh@update.uu.se>
+@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
+ !:mime	text/x-php
+ 0	search/1	=<?\r			PHP script text
+ !:mime	text/x-php
+-0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/php	PHP script text executable
++0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/php	PHP script text
+ !:mime	text/x-php
+-0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/php	PHP script text executable
++0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/php	PHP script text
+ !:mime	text/x-php
+ # Smarty compiled template, http://www.smarty.net/
+ # Elan Ruusamäe <glen@delfi.ee>
+--- magic/Magdir/perl
++++ magic/Magdir/perl	2009-05-05 12:01:34.000000000 +0000
+@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
+ # The `eval' lines recognizes an outrageously clever hack.
+ # Keith Waclena <keith@cerberus.uchicago.edu>
+ # Send additions to <perl5-porters@perl.org>
+-0	search/1/w	#!\ /bin/perl			Perl script text executable
++0	search/1/w	#!\ /bin/perl			Perl script text
+ !:mime	text/x-perl
+ 0	search/1	eval\ "exec\ /bin/perl		Perl script text
+ !:mime	text/x-perl
+-0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/perl		Perl script text executable
++0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/perl		Perl script text
+ !:mime	text/x-perl
+ 0	search/1	eval\ "exec\ /usr/bin/perl	Perl script text
+ !:mime	text/x-perl
+-0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/perl		Perl script text executable
++0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/perl		Perl script text
+ !:mime	text/x-perl
+ 0	search/1	eval\ "exec\ /usr/local/bin/perl	Perl script text
+ !:mime	text/x-perl
+--- magic/Magdir/python
++++ magic/Magdir/python	2011-06-14 13:51:01.507926101 +0000
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ #
+ # From: David Necas <yeti@physics.muni.cz>
+ # often the module starts with a multiline string
+-0	string/t	"""	a python script text executable
++0	string/t	"""	a python script text
+ # MAGIC as specified in Python/import.c (1.5 to 2.7a0 and 3.1a0, assuming
+ # that Py_UnicodeFlag is off for Python 2)
+ # 20121  ( YEAR - 1995 ) + MONTH  + DAY (little endian followed by "\r\n"
+@@ -22,39 +22,39 @@
+ 0	belong		0x4f0c0d0a	python 3.1 byte-compiled
+ 0	belong		0x6c0c0d0a	python 3.2 byte-compiled
+-0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/python	Python script text executable
++0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/bin/python	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+-0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/python	Python script text executable
++0	search/1/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/python	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+-0	search/1	#!/usr/bin/env\ python	Python script text executable
++0	search/1	#!/usr/bin/env\ python	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+-0	search/1	#!\ /usr/bin/env\ python	Python script text executable
++0	search/1	#!\ /usr/bin/env\ python	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+ # from module.submodule import func1, func2
+-0	regex	\^from\\s+(\\w|\\.)+\\s+import.*$	Python script text executable
++0	regex	\^from\\s+(\\w|\\.)+\\s+import.*$	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+ # def __init__ (self, ...):
+ 0	search/4096	def\ __init__
+->&0	search/64 self	Python script text executable
++>&0	search/64 self	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+ # comments
+ 0	search/4096	'''
+->&0	regex	.*'''$	Python script text executable
++>&0	regex	.*'''$	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+ 0	search/4096	"""
+->&0	regex	.*"""$	Python script text executable
++>&0	regex	.*"""$	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+ # try:
+ # except: or finally:
+ # block
+ 0	search/4096	try:
+->&0	regex	\^\\s*except.*:	Python script text executable
++>&0	regex	\^\\s*except.*:	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+->&0	search/4096	finally:	Python script text executable
++>&0	search/4096	finally:	Python script text
+ !:mime text/x-python
+--- magic/Magdir/varied.script
++++ magic/Magdir/varied.script	2011-06-14 13:52:38.827926417 +0000
+@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
+ # varied.script:  file(1) magic for various interpreter scripts
+ 0	string/t		#!\ /			a
+->3	string		>\0			%s script text executable
++>3	string		>\0			%s script text
+ 0	string/t		#!\t/			a
+->3	string		>\0			%s script text executable
++>3	string		>\0			%s script text
+ 0	string/t		#!/			a
+->2	string		>\0			%s script text executable
+-0	string/t		#!\ 			script text executable
++>2	string		>\0			%s script text
++0	string/t		#!\ 			script text
+ >3	string		>\0			for %s
+ # From: arno <arenevier@fdn.fr>
diff --git a/file-5.03-iso9660.dif b/file-5.07-iso9660.dif
similarity index 72%
rename from file-5.03-iso9660.dif
rename to file-5.07-iso9660.dif
index 05d15a5..10b9439 100644
--- a/file-5.03-iso9660.dif
+++ b/file-5.07-iso9660.dif
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 --- magic/Magdir/filesystems
-+++ magic/Magdir/filesystems	2009-10-27 16:55:38.087429836 +0100
-@@ -1198,6 +1198,7 @@
- 32769	string    CD001
++++ magic/Magdir/filesystems	2009-10-27 15:55:38.000000000 +0000
+@@ -1236,6 +1236,7 @@
+ 32769	string    CD001     #
  !:mime	application/x-iso9660-image
  >38913	string   !NSR0      ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data
 +!:mime	application/x-iso9660-image
diff --git a/file-5.04-llvm.dif b/file-5.07-llvm.dif
similarity index 61%
rename from file-5.04-llvm.dif
rename to file-5.07-llvm.dif
index d0a03a1..60efc38 100644
--- a/file-5.04-llvm.dif
+++ b/file-5.07-llvm.dif
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 --- magic/Magdir/llvm
-+++ magic/Magdir/llvm	2010-04-19 14:13:15.518924957 +0000
-@@ -9,3 +9,6 @@
++++ magic/Magdir/llvm	2010-04-19 14:13:16.000000000 +0000
+@@ -9,5 +9,8 @@
  0	string	llvc0	LLVM byte-codes, null compression
  0	string	llvc1	LLVM byte-codes, gzip compression
  0	string	llvc2	LLVM byte-codes, bzip2 compression
 +0	string	BC\xc0\xde	    LLVM bitcode
 +0	string	\xde\xc0\x17\x0b    LLVM bitcode, wrapper
+ 0	string	\xde\xc0\x17\x0b	LLVM bitcode, wrapper
+ 0       string	BC\xc0\xde	LLVM bitcode
diff --git a/file-5.02-misc.dif b/file-5.07-misc.dif
similarity index 57%
rename from file-5.02-misc.dif
rename to file-5.07-misc.dif
index 3445ddd..216dcee 100644
--- a/file-5.02-misc.dif
+++ b/file-5.07-misc.dif
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
 --- magic/Magdir/audio
-+++ magic/Magdir/audio	2008-04-14 16:17:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
- # Real Audio (Magic .ra\0375)
- 0	belong		0x2e7261fd	RealAudio sound file
- !:mime	audio/x-pn-realaudio
--0	string		.RMF		RealMedia file
-+0	string		.RMF\0\0\0	RealMedia file
- !:mime	application/vnd.rn-realmedia
- #video/x-pn-realvideo
- #video/vnd.rn-realvideo
-@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
++++ magic/Magdir/audio	2008-04-14 14:17:59.000000000 +0000
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
  # Oct 31, 1995
  # fixed by <doj@cubic.org> 2003-06-24
  # Too short...
@@ -19,8 +10,8 @@
  #0	string		JN		Composer 669 Module sound data (extended format)
  0	string		MAS_U		ULT(imate) Module sound data
 --- magic/Magdir/bsdi
-+++ magic/Magdir/bsdi	2003-12-08 17:50:03.000000000 +0100
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
++++ magic/Magdir/bsdi	2003-12-08 16:50:03.000000000 +0000
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
  >32	byte		0x6a		(uses shared libs)
  # same as in SunOS 4.x, except for static shared libraries
@@ -29,7 +20,7 @@
  >0	byte		&0x80
  >>20	belong		<4096		shared library
  >>20	belong		=4096		dynamically linked executable
-@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
+@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@
  >16	belong		>0		not stripped
  >36	belong		0xb4100001	(uses shared libs)
@@ -45,33 +36,9 @@
  >0	byte		&0x80		dynamically linked executable
  >0	byte		^0x80		executable
  >16	belong		>0		not stripped
---- magic/Magdir/commands
-+++ magic/Magdir/commands	2009-05-05 13:57:30.778196178 +0200
-@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
- 0	string/w 	#!\ /bin/tcsh		Tenex C shell script text executable
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
-+0	string/w 	#!\ /usr/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
-+!:mime	text/x-shellscript
- 0	string/w 	#!\ /usr/local/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
- 0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/tcsh	Tenex C shell script text executable
-@@ -54,7 +56,11 @@
- 0	string/w	#!\ /bin/rc	Plan 9 rc shell script text executable
- # bash shell magic, from Peter Tobias (tobias@server.et-inf.fho-emden.de)
--0	string/w	#!\ /bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
-+0	string/w	#!\ /bin/bash		Bourne-Again shell script text executable
-+!:mime	text/x-shellscript
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
-+!:mime	text/x-shellscript
-+0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
- 0	string/w	#!\ /usr/local/bin/bash	Bourne-Again shell script text executable
- !:mime	text/x-shellscript
 --- magic/Magdir/mach
-+++ magic/Magdir/mach	2003-12-08 17:50:03.000000000 +0100
-@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
++++ magic/Magdir/mach	2003-12-08 16:50:03.000000000 +0000
+@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
  >4	belong		11		hppa
  >4	belong		12		acorn
  >4	belong		13		m88k
@@ -80,20 +47,9 @@
  >4	belong		15		i860-big
  >4	belong		16		i860
  >4	belong		17		rs6000
---- magic/Magdir/msdos
-+++ magic/Magdir/msdos	2005-07-25 15:24:04.000000000 +0200
-@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
- # a few unknown ZIP sfxes, no idea if they are needed or if they are
- # already captured by the generic patterns above
-->122		string		Windows\ self-extracting\ ZIP	\b, ZIP self-extracting archive
-+>0x7a		string		Windows\ self-extracting\ ZIP	\b, ZIP self-extracting archive
- >(8.s*16)	search/0x20	PKSFX \b, ZIP self-extracting archive (PKZIP)
- # TODO: how to add this? >FileSize-34 string Windows\ Self-Installing\ Executable \b, ZIP self-extracting archive
- #
 --- magic/Magdir/netbsd
-+++ magic/Magdir/netbsd	2003-12-08 17:50:03.000000000 +0100
-@@ -101,25 +101,25 @@
++++ magic/Magdir/netbsd	2003-12-08 16:50:03.000000000 +0000
+@@ -102,25 +102,25 @@
  0	belong&0377777777	045200507	a.out NetBSD/powerpc core
  >12	string			>\0		from '%s'
@@ -124,8 +80,8 @@
  >32	belong			!0		(signal %d)
 --- magic/Magdir/sun
-+++ magic/Magdir/sun	2006-11-22 15:49:20.000000000 +0100
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
++++ magic/Magdir/sun	2006-11-22 14:49:20.000000000 +0000
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  # Values for big-endian Sun (MC680x0, SPARC) binaries on pre-5.x
  # releases.  (5.x uses ELF.)
@@ -134,7 +90,7 @@
  >0	byte		&0x80
  >>20	belong		<4096		shared library
  >>20	belong		=4096		dynamically linked executable
-@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
+@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
  >0	byte		^0x80		executable
  >16	belong		>0		not stripped
diff --git a/file-5.02-option.dif b/file-5.07-option.dif
similarity index 68%
rename from file-5.02-option.dif
rename to file-5.07-option.dif
index 9fb37e2..9d1b6f4 100644
--- a/file-5.02-option.dif
+++ b/file-5.07-option.dif
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 --- src/file.c
-+++ src/file.c	2009-05-05 14:05:15.133901855 +0200
-@@ -214,6 +214,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
++++ src/file.c	2009-05-05 12:05:15.000000000 +0000
+@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
  		case 'e':
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
  			for (i = 0; i < sizeof(nv) / sizeof(nv[0]); i++)
  				if (strcmp(nv[i].name, optarg) == 0)
-@@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
  		case 'f':
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
  			if (magic == NULL)
  				if ((magic = load(magicfile, flags)) == NULL)
-@@ -234,6 +236,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+@@ -215,6 +217,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
  		case 'F':
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
  			separator = optarg;
  		case 'i':
-@@ -243,6 +247,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
- 			flags |= MAGIC_CONTINUE;
+@@ -227,6 +231,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 			action = FILE_LIST;
  		case 'm':
 +			if (!optarg)
diff --git a/file-5.04-visibility.patch b/file-5.07-visibility.patch
similarity index 66%
rename from file-5.04-visibility.patch
rename to file-5.07-visibility.patch
index d105a6c..a64eca3 100644
--- a/file-5.04-visibility.patch
+++ b/file-5.07-visibility.patch
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
---- src/Makefile.am.orig
-+++ src/Makefile.am
+--- src/Makefile.am
++++ src/Makefile.am	2011-06-14 14:05:18.691926054 +0000
 @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ libmagic_la_SOURCES = magic.c apprentice
  	encoding.c compress.c is_tar.c readelf.c print.c fsmagic.c \
- 	funcs.c file.h names.h patchlevel.h readelf.h tar.h apptype.c \
+ 	funcs.c file.h names.h readelf.h tar.h apptype.c \
  	file_opts.h elfclass.h mygetopt.h cdf.c cdf_time.c readcdf.c cdf.h
 -libmagic_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-info 1:0:0
 +libmagic_la_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--version-script=$(srcdir)/libmagic.map -no-undefined -version-info 1:0:0
- libmagic_la_LIBADD = $(LTLIBOBJS)
- file_SOURCES = file.c
---- /dev/null
-+++ src/libmagic.map
-@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ if MINGW
+ MINGWLIBS = -lgnurx -lshlwapi
+ else
+--- src/libmagic.map
++++ src/libmagic.map	2011-06-14 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
 +  magic_buffer;
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 +  magic_error;
 +  magic_file;
 +  magic_getpath;
++  magic_list;
 +  magic_load;
 +  magic_open;
 +  magic_setflags;
 +local: *;
-\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/file-5.07-zip2.0.dif b/file-5.07-zip2.0.dif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b90783c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file-5.07-zip2.0.dif
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- magic/Magdir/archive
++++ magic/Magdir/archive	2010-02-05 15:43:37.000000000 +0000
+@@ -564,6 +564,10 @@
+ # PKZIP multi-volume archive
+ 0	string		PK\x07\x08PK\x03\x04	Zip multi-volume archive data, at least PKZIP v2.50 to extract
+ !:mime	application/zip
++>>30	ubelong		0x6d696d65	Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
++>>>34	ubelong		0x74797065	\b, mime type
++>>>>38	regex		application/[a-z\+\-]+	\b %s
++!:mime	application/unknown+zip
+ # Zip archives (Greg Roelofs, c/o zip-bugs@wkuvx1.wku.edu)
+ 0	string		PK\003\004
diff --git a/file-5.04.dif b/file-5.07.dif
similarity index 77%
rename from file-5.04.dif
rename to file-5.07.dif
index fcc2c76..b1860c9 100644
--- a/file-5.04.dif
+++ b/file-5.07.dif
@@ -1,121 +1,6 @@
---- magic/Header
-+++ magic/Header	2006-03-27 13:29:19.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
- # Magic
- # Magic data for file(1) command.
--# Machine-generated from src/cmd/file/magdir/*; edit there only!
--# Format is described in magic(files), where:
--# files is 5 on V7 and BSD, 4 on SV, and ?? in the SVID.
-+# Format is described in magic(5).
-+# Note: If you have edited this file you may run `file -C'
-+#       to make a pre-compiled magic.mgc for faster execution
---- magic/Makefile.am
-+++ magic/Makefile.am	2010-02-05 16:37:45.805297766 +0100
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ MAGIC_FRAGMENT_BASE = Magdir
- MAGIC_DIR = $(top_srcdir)/magic
--pkgdata_DATA = magic.mgc
-+pkgdata_DATA = magic.mgc magic
- $(MAGIC_DIR)/Header \
-@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/amanda \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/amigaos \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/animation \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/applix \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/archive \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/asterix \
-@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/epoc \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/erlang \
--$(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/filesystems \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/fortran \
-@@ -98,19 +96,19 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/island \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/ispell \
-+$(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/filesystems \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/lecter \
--$(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/macintosh \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/mail.news \
-@@ -126,10 +124,10 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/misctools \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/motorola \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/mozilla \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/natinst \
-@@ -165,6 +163,8 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/pyramid \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/python \
- $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/revision \
-+$(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/macintosh \
-@@ -223,8 +223,20 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/xwindows \
-+RAW   = magic
- MAGIC = magic.mgc
-+CLEANFILES = ${MAGIC} $(MAGIC_DIR)/Localstuff ${RAW}
-+${RAW}: $(MAGIC_DIR)/Header $(MAGIC_DIR)/Localstuff $(EXTRA_DIST)
-+	cat /dev/null > $@
-+	for frag in $(EXTRA_DIST); do \
-+	    if test -f $(srcdir)/$$frag; then \
-+		f=$(srcdir)/$$frag; \
-+	    else \
-+		f=$$frag; \
-+	    fi; \
-+	    cat $$f; \
-+	done >> $@
- # FIXME: Build file natively as well so that it can be used to compile
- # the target's magic file
-@@ -236,7 +248,5 @@ FILE_COMPILE = $(top_builddir)/src/file
- endif
--	@mkdir magic && cp -p $(EXTRA_DIST) magic
--	$(FILE_COMPILE) -C -m magic
--	@rm -fr magic
-+	$(FILE_COMPILE) -C -m $(RAW)
 --- magic/Magdir/elf
-+++ magic/Magdir/elf	2006-11-22 15:57:15.000000000 +0100
-@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
++++ magic/Magdir/elf	2006-11-22 14:57:15.000000000 +0000
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
  >>18	leshort		47		Renesas H8/300H,
  >>18	leshort		48		Renesas H8S,
  >>18	leshort		49		Renesas H8/500,
@@ -124,7 +9,7 @@
  >>18	leshort		51		Stanford MIPS-X,
  >>18	leshort		52		Motorola Coldfire,
  >>18	leshort		53		Motorola M68HC12,
-@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
+@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
  >>18	beshort		47		Renesas H8/300H,
  >>18	beshort		48		Renesas H8S,
  >>18	beshort		49		Renesas H8/500,
@@ -134,8 +19,8 @@
  >>18	beshort		52		Motorola Coldfire,
  >>18	beshort		53		Motorola M68HC12,
 --- magic/Magdir/linux
-+++ magic/Magdir/linux	2009-05-05 14:25:20.898401425 +0200
-@@ -81,21 +81,43 @@
++++ magic/Magdir/linux	2009-05-05 12:25:21.000000000 +0000
+@@ -94,21 +94,43 @@
  # and Nicol�s Lichtmaier <nick@debian.org>
  # All known start with: b8 c0 07 8e d8 b8 00 90 8e c0 b9 00 01 29 f6 29
  # Linux kernel boot images (i386 arch) (Wolfram Kleff)
@@ -194,23 +79,8 @@
  # This also matches new kernels, which were caught above by "HdrS".
  0		belong	0xb8c0078e	Linux kernel
  >0x1e3		string	Loading		version 1.3.79 or older
---- magic/Magdir/modem
-+++ magic/Magdir/modem	2006-03-27 13:29:19.000000000 +0200
-@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
- # modem:  file(1) magic for modem programs
- #
- # From: Florian La Roche <florian@knorke.saar.de>
--4	string		Research,	Digifax-G3-File
-->29	byte		1		, fine resolution
-->29	byte		0		, normal resolution
-+1	string		PC\ Research,\ Inc	Digifax-G3-File
-+>29	byte		1		\b, fine resolution
-+>29	byte		0		\b, normal resolution
- 0	short		0x0100		raw G3 data, byte-padded
- 0	short		0x1400		raw G3 data
 --- magic/Magdir/msad
-+++ magic/Magdir/msad	2006-03-27 13:29:19.000000000 +0200
++++ magic/Magdir/msad	2006-03-27 11:29:19.000000000 +0000
 @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
 +# msad:  file(1) magic for msad
@@ -218,40 +88,124 @@
 +# This must precede the heuristic for raw G3 data
 +4	string	Standard\ Jet\ DB	Microsoft Access Database
 --- magic/Magdir/msdos
-+++ magic/Magdir/msdos	2009-05-05 14:29:29.646404153 +0200
-@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
- >>&0	leshort		0x290	PA-RISC
- >>&18	leshort&0x0100	>0	32-bit
- >>&18	leshort&0x1000	>0	system file
-+>>&228	lelong		>0	\b, Mono/.Net assembly
- >>&0xf4 search/0x140 \x0\x40\x1\x0
- >>>(&0.l+(4)) string MSCF \b, WinHKI CAB self-extracting archive
- >30		string	Copyright\ 1989-1990\ PKWARE\ Inc.	Self-extracting PKZIP archive
-@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
- >>>(0x3c.l+4)	leshort		0x200	Intel Itanium
- >>>(0x3c.l+22)	leshort&0x0100	>0	32-bit
++++ magic/Magdir/msdos	2011-06-14 14:36:26.175926257 +0000
+@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
+ >>>(0x3c.l+22)	leshort&0x0200	>0	(stripped to external PDB)
  >>>(0x3c.l+22)	leshort&0x1000	>0	system file
-->>>(0x3c.l+232) lelong	>0	Mono/.Net assembly
-+>>>(0x3c.l+232) lelong	>0	\b, Mono/.Net assembly
+ >>>(0x3c.l+24)	leshort		0x010b
+->>>>(0x3c.l+232) lelong	>0	Mono/.Net assembly
++>>>>(0x3c.l+232) lelong	>0	\b, Mono/.Net assembly
+ >>>(0x3c.l+24)	leshort		0x020b
+->>>>(0x3c.l+248) lelong	>0	Mono/.Net assembly
++>>>>(0x3c.l+248) lelong	>0	\b, Mono/.Net assembly
- >>>>(0x3c.l+0xf8)	string		UPX0 \b, UPX compressed
- >>>>(0x3c.l+0xf8)	search/0x140	PEC2 \b, PECompact2 compressed
-@@ -520,6 +521,13 @@
- # Acroread or something	 files wrongly identified as G3	 .pfm
- # these have the form \000 \001 any? \002 \000 \000
- # or \000 \001 any? \022 \000 \000
-+0	belong&0xffff00ff	0x00010012	PFM data
-+>4	string			\000\000
-+>6	string			>\060		- %s
+ # hooray, there's a DOS extender using the PE format, with a valid PE
+ # executable inside (which just prints a message and exits if run in win)
+--- magic/Makefile.am
++++ magic/Makefile.am	2011-06-14 14:32:37.504427061 +0000
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ MAGIC_FRAGMENT_BASE = Magdir
+ MAGIC_DIR = $(top_srcdir)/magic
+-pkgdata_DATA = magic.mgc
++pkgdata_DATA = magic.mgc magic
+ $(MAGIC_DIR)/Header \
+@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/amanda \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/amigaos \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/animation \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/applix \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/archive \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/asterix \
+@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/epoc \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/erlang \
+-$(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/filesystems \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/fortran \
+@@ -102,19 +100,19 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/ispell \
++$(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/filesystems \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/lecter \
+-$(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/macintosh \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/mail.news \
+@@ -131,10 +129,10 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/misctools \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/motorola \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/mozilla \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/msooxml \
+@@ -173,6 +171,8 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/pyramid \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/python \
+ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/revision \
++$(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/macintosh \
+@@ -238,8 +238,20 @@ $(MAGIC_FRAGMENT_DIR)/xwindows \
++RAW   = magic
+ MAGIC = magic.mgc
++CLEANFILES = ${MAGIC} $(MAGIC_DIR)/Localstuff ${RAW}
-+0	belong&0xffff00ff	0x00010002	PFM data
-+>4	string			\000\000
-+>6	string			>\060		- %s
- #0	string	\000\001 pfm?
- #>3	string	\022\000\000Copyright\	yes
- #>3	string	\002\000\000Copyright\	yes
++${RAW}: $(MAGIC_DIR)/Header $(MAGIC_DIR)/Localstuff $(EXTRA_DIST)
++	cat /dev/null > $@
++	for frag in $(EXTRA_DIST); do \
++	    if test -f $(srcdir)/$$frag; then \
++		f=$(srcdir)/$$frag; \
++	    else \
++		f=$$frag; \
++	    fi; \
++	    cat $$f; \
++	done >> $@
+ # FIXME: Build file natively as well so that it can be used to compile
+ # the target's magic file
+@@ -251,8 +263,5 @@ FILE_COMPILE = $(top_builddir)/src/file
+ endif
+-	@rm -fr magic
+-	@mkdir magic && cp -p $(EXTRA_DIST) magic
+-	$(FILE_COMPILE) -C -m magic
+-	@rm -fr magic
++	$(FILE_COMPILE) -C -m $(RAW)
 --- src/Makefile.am
-+++ src/Makefile.am	2008-04-14 17:14:56.000000000 +0200
++++ src/Makefile.am	2008-04-14 15:14:56.000000000 +0000
 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 -MAGIC = $(pkgdatadir)/magic
 +MAGIC = $(sysconfdir)/magic:$(pkgdatadir)/magic
@@ -259,7 +213,7 @@
  include_HEADERS = magic.h
 --- src/dcore.c
-+++ src/dcore.c	2006-03-27 13:29:19.000000000 +0200
++++ src/dcore.c	2006-03-27 11:29:19.000000000 +0000
 @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
 + * Show goo about ELF core files
diff --git a/file-5.07.tar.bz2 b/file-5.07.tar.bz2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..964f43f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/file-5.07.tar.bz2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:eac62f5c2f25628420279c6a36f2c14911c776cdad89043c8ab69c0a448192e5
+size 489733
diff --git a/file.changes b/file.changes
index d21eb31..b70b4ef 100644
--- a/file.changes
+++ b/file.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+Tue Jun 14 19:50:04 CEST 2011 - werner@suse.de
+- Update to file version 5.07
+  * Several regressions in magic were fixed. A buffer overflow was
+    corrected. The program version is now recorded in only one place.
+    Several documentation improvements were made.
+  * The Python bindings were updated and fixed. Magic support for
+    OCF (EPUB) files and for lrzip files was added. Zip file magic
+    was adapted for files with unsupported special types. Many
+    more magic updates and fixes were made.
+  * Several minor bugs were fixed.
+- Add magic for clicfs evne if upstream does not support it (bnc#681329)
 Wed Nov 24 13:17:11 CET 2010 - werner@suse.de
diff --git a/file.spec b/file.spec
index 381db39..7749660 100644
--- a/file.spec
+++ b/file.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# spec file for package file (Version 5.04)
+# spec file for package file (Version 5.07)
 # Copyright (c) 2010 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
@@ -30,37 +30,34 @@ Obsoletes:      file-64bit
 # Set Version also in python-magic.spec
-Version:        5.04
-Release:        8
+Version:        5.07
+Release:        1
 Summary:        A Tool to Determine File Types
 Source:         ftp://ftp.astron.com/pub/file/file-%{version}.tar.bz2
 Source2:        baselibs.conf
 Patch:          file-%{version}.dif
-Patch1:         file-5.02-misc.dif
-Patch3:         file-5.04-exec.dif
+Patch1:         file-5.07-misc.dif
+Patch3:         file-5.07-exec.dif
 Patch4:         file-4.24-autoconf.dif
 Patch5:         file-4.03-tex.dif
 Patch7:         file-4.20-ssd.dif
 Patch8:         file-4.20-xen.dif
-Patch9:         file-4.24-elf.dif
+Patch9:         file-5.07-elf.dif
 Patch10:        file-4.18-printf.dif
-Patch11:        file-4.24-reg_dos.dif
-Patch12:        file-5.02-option.dif
+Patch12:        file-5.07-option.dif
 Patch13:        file-4.21-scribus.dif
-Patch14:        file-5.04-awk.dif
 Patch15:        file-4.21-xcursor.dif
-Patch16:        file-4.21-reiserfs.dif
 Patch20:        file-4.24-mips.dif
-Patch21:        file-4.16-python.dif
 Patch22:        file-4.24-cromfs.dif
 Patch24:        file-4.24-warn.dif
 Patch25:        file-5.02-javacheck.dif
 Patch26:        file-4.24-solv.dif
-Patch27:        file-5.04-zip2.0.dif
-Patch28:        file-5.03-iso9660.dif
-Patch29:        file-5.04-llvm.dif
-Patch30:        file-5.04-visibility.patch
-Patch31:        file-5.04-biorad.dif
+Patch27:        file-5.07-zip2.0.dif
+Patch28:        file-5.07-iso9660.dif
+Patch29:        file-5.07-llvm.dif
+Patch30:        file-5.07-visibility.patch
+Patch31:        file-5.07-biorad.dif
+Patch32:        file-5.07-clicfs.dif
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
 %global         _sysconfdir /etc
 %global         _miscdir    %{_datadir}/misc
@@ -107,18 +104,12 @@ Authors:
 %patch8  -p0 -b .xen
 %patch9  -p0 -b .elf
 %patch10 -p0 -b .prtf
-%patch11 -p0 -b .reg
 %patch12 -p0 -b .opt
 %patch13 -p0 -b .scri
-%patch14 -p0 -b .awk
 %patch15 -p0 -b .xcur
-%patch16 -p0 -b .reiserfs
 %ifarch mips
 %patch20 -p0 -b .mips
-%if 0%{?build_python_bindings:1}
-%patch21 -p0 -b .python
 %patch22 -p0 -b .cromfs
 %patch24 -p0 -b .warn
 %patch25 -p0 -b .javacheck
@@ -128,6 +119,7 @@ Authors:
 %patch29 -p0 -b .llvm
 %patch30 -p0 -b .vis
 %patch31 -p0 -b .biorad
+%patch32 -p0 -b .clicfs
diff --git a/python-magic.spec b/python-magic.spec
index b55cbc5..b7522d9 100644
--- a/python-magic.spec
+++ b/python-magic.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# spec file for package python-magic (Version 5.04)
+# spec file for package python-magic (Version 5.07)
 # Copyright (c) 2010 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Url:            http://www.darwinsys.com/file/
 License:        BSD 3 Clause, BSD 4 Clause
 Group:          Development/Languages/Python
 AutoReqProv:    on
-Version:        5.04
-Release:        8
+Version:        5.07
+Release:        1
 Summary:        Python module to use libmagic
 Source99:       file.spec