Wed Sep 22 09:04:35 UTC 2010 - giecrilj@stegny.2a.pl

- Fix variable types (bnc#640417)

Mon Jun 28 06:38:35 UTC 2010 - jengelh@medozas.de

- use %_smp_mflags

Sun Dec  6 14:58:06 CET 2009 - jengelh@medozas.de

- enable parallel building

Wed Aug 26 12:53:54 CEST 2009 - mls@suse.de

- make patch0 usage consistent

Fri Jul  3 12:10:18 CEST 2009 - werner@suse.de

- Add provides for texi2html and texi2roff (bnc#469300)
- Update to texi2html 1.82 (2009-01-05)
  * Add new hooks for user functions, for simple @-commands, and at the start and
    end of special regions.
  * Don't use unidecode on unicode characters that are known not to have a good
    transliteration.  This corresponds with characters with an @-command that
    don't have a transliteration, like @exclamdown...
  * handle @alias, @quote*, @guillem*, @textdegree, @allowcodebreaks,
    @fonttextsize, @hyphenation, @click, @clickstyle, @click, @arrow, 
    @clicksequence, @geq, @leq, @*headingmarks, @*footingmarks, @smallquotation,
    Handle @columnfractions and row prototypes in @multitable better.
  * @documentlanguage is used to set the language each time it is seen (except
    if the language was set on the command line).
  * new option --css-ref, generate reference to a CSS URL.
  * new option --transliterate-file-names, produce file names in ASCII 
    transliteration (set in the default case).
  * --no-monolithic is reenabled.
  * @, followed by an argument without brace is now handled. Report from 
    Jorge Barros de Abreu.
  * @, is kept with --macro-expand.
  * @math is more compatible with makeinfo/texi2dvi when no external program
    is used. Using tex4ht for html generation should also lead to a correct
  * Handle right @end block commands followed by something else than a 
    spacing character.
  * Remove trailing end of line in @html block.
  * @itemize should produce bullets by default. Report from Reinhold Kainhofer.
  * handle frame files like other files. Report from Reinhold Kainhofer.
- Update to texinfo 4.13a (18 September 2008)
  * A reference card for Texinfo is now available, in doc/refcard.  For
    convenience, preformatted PDF's for letter-size and A4 paper are included.
  * makeinfo:
    . new option --internal-links for HTML output, to write a tsv file
      mapping indexed/toc terms to links, for easy reference from external
    . - as an input file name reads standard input. 
  * info:
    . support for multibyte encodings such as UTF-8.
    . new option --show-malformed-multibytes, to display malformed multibyte
    . new environment variable INFO_MAN_COMMAND sets the name of man binary
    (use it if you a need to override PATH settings).
  * install-info:
    . bug fix: support names with embedded periods (e.g., config.status) again.
  * Distribution:
    . autoconf 2.63.

Sun Jun 15 13:50:57 CEST 2008 - schwab@suse.de

- Update to texinfo 4.12.
  * Language:
    . new commands @clicksequence, @click, and @clickstyle for documenting
      GUI sequences, and @arrow for the default glyph used.
    . new commands @geq{} and @leq{} for the normal >= and <= relations.
  * install-info:
    . lzma compression supported.
    . Much work towards compatibility with Debian's independent
      implementation.  Changes in behavior:
      - new entries are formatted to start at column 34 by default.
      - existing entries are replaced by default.
      - new sections are alphabetized among existing sections.
      - if an entry being removed is the last one in a section, the
	section is also removed.
    . Also many new options:
      --section REGEX TITLE.
      --no-indent: disable formatting of new entries.
      --menuentry, --name: specify left-hand side of an entry.
      --dry-run: alias for --test.
      --regex REGEX: renamed from --section regex, adds to all sections
	matching REGEX by default.
      --add-once: add only to first specified or matching section.
      --align COL: start description at column COL.
      --calign COL: start continuation lines in description at COL.
      --max-width COL: wrap the description at COL.
    . New section in the Texinfo manual describing all this.
  * Info:
    Our goal with these changes to the default interface is to make Info
    documents more easily and quickly readable, especially by non-experts.
    . the PageUp and PageDown keys move through the whole document by
      default, instead of just the current node.
    . the h command shows the basic help, and H starts the Info tutorial.
    . the newly-bound x command deletes the current window, e.g., within help.
    . the scroll-step variable is set to 1 by default, for smooth scrolling.
    . the cursor-movement-scrolls-p variable is set to 1 by default, so
      link searches look through the whole document.
    . regular expression searches are supported, and are the default for
      both regular and incremental searches.
    . the new R command toggles between regexp and literal-string searches.
    . the new variable scroll-last-node controls scrolling at the end of
      the last node; by default, it now simply reports there are no more
      nodes.  To restore the old behavior, set scroll-last-node=Scroll.
    . the precise line number specified in index entries is used if available.
    . --usage=info shows usage for standalone Info.
    . lzma compression supported.
  * Distribution:
    . language support for no removed/renamed to nb, per Norwegian translators.
    . new translation: es.
    . bug fixes in make check (and elsewhere).
    . gettext 0.17, automake 1.10.1, autoconf 2.62.

Mon Mar 10 13:33:18 CET 2008 - werner@suse.de

- Update to texinfo version 4.11 (4.10 was omitted)
 * Language:
   . @documentlanguage now supports an optional country code
     specification after the language code, a la gettext.
   . new command @allowcodebreaks controls breaks at _ and - within @code.
   . new command @frenchspacing controls spacing after sentences.
   . new command @fonttextsize allows changing body text font size to 10pt.
   . new command @textdegree{} produces the normal degrees symbol.
   . new command @thischapternum can be used in TeX headers/footers.
   . new commands for quotes: @quotedblleft @quotedblright
      @quoteleft @quoteright  @quotedblbase @quotesinglbase
      @guillemetleft @guillemetright @guilsinglleft @guilsinglright.
   . new option @set txicodequoteundirected produces an undirected quote
     in code and example output, instead of the regular right quote.
   . new option @set txicodequotebacktick produces a grave accent in
     code and example output, instead of the regular left quote.
 * makeinfo:
   . The @documentlanguage locale is used to translate various document strings.
   . --enable-encoding is now the default, meaning Info and plain text
     output use 8-bit characters given a supported @documentencoding.
   . new option --css-ref=URL for creating a stylesheet <link> in HTML output.
   . new option --transliterate-file-names to use a reduction-to-ASCII
     algorithm for split HTML file names, useful for non-Latin-based languages.
   . @enddots{} outputs three dots instead of four, for consistency with
   . the Local Variables coding: setting written by --enable-encoding now
     comes at the very end, after the tags table, so that Emacs can find
     it in more cases.
   . @allow-recursion (never documented) is deprecated and produces a warning.
   . @quote-args (never documented) is now the default behavior.
   . centering and such take account of character widths.
   . the --reference-limit option is now a no-op.
   . improvements to XML and Docbook output and the DTD.
 * texinfo.tex:
   . @thissection can now be used in custom headings, and @thischapter
     works reliably even without @set chapternewpage.  Custom headings
     have additional flexibility as well.
 * texi2dvi:
   . pdftexi2dvi is a new wrapper to `texi2dvi --pdf', equal to texi2pdf,
     for the sake of AUC-TeX which prepends `pdf' to the compilation
     command when requested to produce PDF.
 * info:
   . look for info files in the current directory first, by default.
   . when calling man, use -a if no explicit section is found.
   . avoid showing the top(1) man page for nonexistent info files.
 * install-info:
   . new options --section-regex, --remove-exactly, --debug, --test.
 * Distribution:
   . autoconf 2.60, automake 1.10, gettext 0.16.1.
   . gettext support now [external].
   . new translations: hu (Hungarian), rw (Kinyarwandan), vi (Vietnamese).
   . most common sources imported from gnulib.

Wed Jul 11 13:13:29 CEST 2007 - werner@suse.de

- Update to texinfo version 4.9
  * GPLv3.
  * texi2dvi:
    . new mode --build=tidy which supports compilation in a separate
      directory, where intermediate files are preserved.
    . new option --build-dir, to specify where the tidy build will take
      place, either locally or globally.  This allows avoiding the clutter
      while preserving auxiliary files.
    . new support for AUC-TeX: texi2dvi (weakly) supports arguments a la
      TeX such as `\nonstopmode\input{file.tex}'.
      . new options --ps and --dvipdf, useful especially for pstricks documents.
    . new option --src-specials, passed to TeX.
    . pdftexi2dvi is a new wrapper to `texi2dvi --pdf', equal to texi2pdf,
      for the sake of AUC-TeX which prepends `pdf' to the compilation
      command when requested to produce PDF.
  * texinfo.tex:
    . Latin1, Latin2, Latin9, and UTF-8 are supported as well as Computer
      Modern can manage.
    . png and jpg images supported in pdf output.
    . new Russian, Serbian, and Ukrainian translations for texinfo.tex:
      txi-ru.tex, txi-sr.tex, txi-uk.tex.
    . section names with \ characters work properly in pdf outlines.
    . have .toc files use @ as the escape character, instead of \.
- Update to texi2html version 1.78
  * Transliterate accented characters in file names. Use Text::Unidecode
    if detected.
  * Handle @frenchspacing, @tie, @indent, @setcontentsaftertitlepage,
    @setshortcontentsaftertitlepage and the obsolete @allow-recursion 
    and @quote-arg.
  * With book style the Table of Contents is put where it is set.
  * Use more numeric entities, especially for accented letters.
  * The `examples' directory now contains an init file for Mediawiki output.
    Mediawiki is the GPL'd wiki used by Wikipedia.
  * new init file tex4ht.init. With this init file, httex or htlatex from 
    tex4ht is used to format @tex and @math.
  * Init files now have a chance to override all file names, rather than just
    page names.
  * Put the images under a double licence by adding back their original GPL
  * If SIMPLE_MENU is true the menu is simply enclosed in a preformatted 
  * The user can bypass the texi2html functions and provide his own function
    to do things similar that what is done for interfacing with LaTeX2HTML
    or tex4ht.
  * LaTeX2HTML stuff is moved out of texi2html.pl, to T2h_l2h.pm.
  * Add $USER and $DATE variables to override the defaults detected for the
  * $TOP_FILE and $TOC_FILE are only set if set by the user. The elements
    file names are in the hash reference $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'filename'}
    for use in init files.
  * The API for image, normal_text, paragraph and node_file_name has changed.
  * The $ENCODING variable is deprecated, replaced by $ENCODING_NAME
    and $OUT_ENCODING.
  * utf8 is used as default out file encoding. This should allow for utf8
    translations for languages which cannot use @-commands for non ascii
  * Use entities for ``, '', ---, -- and quotes used for some formatting
    @-commands if $USE_ISO is set. 
  * don't set unset MENU-ENTRY-NAME if it is similar with the NODE-NAME,
    it is useless as it is a construct that shouldn't happen.
  * avoid menu entry and description redundancy in the formatting function
    and not in the main program.
  * accept - in @-command names (compatibility with makeinfo)
  * in user-defined macro arguments a comma in brace is escaped (compatibility
    with makeinfo from texinfo 4.8.90)
  * don't add the section title to the html title when the document isn't split
  * When the file extension is set to the empty string, a trailing `.' will not
    be automatically added to file names.
  * The texi2html script is now created by make and not configure. 
  * It is possible to build the translation files from outside of the 
    build directory.
  * When configure detects that no Data::Dumper is present, the build scripts
    will simply copy the files instead of breaking.
  * remove handling of quotation second arg, quotation has only one arg.
  * handle nested ifset/ifclear.
  * Improved handling of @sc and @centerchap.
  * More flexible normal_text.
  * style_stack really contains the formatting @-commands. 
  * caching of html generated by latex2html reenabled.
  * when not split and no section navigation is output, the about page and
    navigation direction are not output for all the elements.

Mon Mar 26 11:43:30 CEST 2007 - rguenther@suse.de

- Add libbz2-devel, ncurses-devel and zlib-devel BuildRequires
- Exchange libzio for libzio-devel BuildRequires

Mon Feb 19 15:01:24 CET 2007 - werner@suse.de

- Avoid array subscript below array bounds (bug #246740)

Fri Nov 10 14:07:28 CET 2006 - werner@suse.de

- Fix buffer overflow in texi2dvi (bug #214920)

Mon Jul 24 17:39:22 CEST 2006 - adrian@suse.de

- add libzio as PreReq for info

Fri Jun 16 12:55:22 CEST 2006 - werner@suse.de

- Re-enable texi2pdf because now tetex does not install this

Wed Jan 25 21:31:01 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Mon Dec 19 13:17:13 CET 2005 - werner@suse.de

- Add missing sym link to file list

Thu Oct  6 16:48:27 CEST 2005 - werner@suse.de

- Use directory for the base of temporary index files (bug #120577)

Thu Mar 24 16:19:16 CET 2005 - uli@suse.de

- fixed to build with GCC4 

Thu Feb 10 15:25:59 CET 2005 - werner@suse.de

- Update to next bug fix release 1.76 of texi2html

Tue Feb  1 11:51:02 CET 2005 - werner@suse.de

- Update to bug fix release 1.74 of texi2html

Thu Jan 27 18:29:08 CET 2005 - werner@suse.de

- Fix texi2html to not loop around on broken texi files
- Remove texi2pdf from texinfo file list due already part of

Wed Jan 26 16:29:38 CET 2005 - schwab@suse.de

- Reenable strict aliasing.

Tue Jan 25 18:17:36 CET 2005 - werner@suse.de

- Move texi2html version to 1.72
- Update texinfo version to 4.8

Tue Oct 19 00:37:10 CEST 2004 - ro@suse.de

- drop no locale support, nb is already there

Mon Aug  9 18:14:05 CEST 2004 - werner@suse.de

- Info: check remaining buffer size before printing into echo area

Fri Jul  2 18:50:42 CEST 2004 - mfabian@suse.de

- apply makeinfo.patch received from Karl Berry
  <karl@freefriends.org> fixing the problem that makeinfo 4.7
  could not process groff.texinfo anymore. See 

Wed Apr 21 13:02:06 CEST 2004 - werner@suse.de

- Use libzio together with zlib and libbz2 to support bz2 info
  files to avoids pipe()/fork()/execve() calls in install-info.

Mon Apr 19 13:26:26 CEST 2004 - werner@suse.de

- Be sure that texi2html find all required tools

Fri Apr 16 16:30:44 CEST 2004 - werner@suse.de

- Update to texinfo 4.7
- Use -fno-strict-aliasing

Sun Mar 14 15:02:52 CET 2004 - schwab@suse.de

- Fix uses of snprintf and gzFile.

Sat Jan 10 21:27:05 CET 2004 - adrian@suse.de

- build as user

Wed Dec 10 13:27:29 CET 2003 - werner@suse.de

- Update to texinfo 4.6

Wed May 21 01:40:10 CEST 2003 - ro@suse.de

- fix filelist: package files in /usr/share/texinfo 

Thu Apr 24 12:20:23 CEST 2003 - ro@suse.de

- fix install_info --delete call and move from preun to postun

Sun Mar  9 23:03:00 CET 2003 - kukuk@suse.de

- Add zlib to info PreRequires [Bug #24954]

Tue Feb 11 11:21:41 CET 2003 - kukuk@suse.de

- Branch off info sub package
- Add /usr/share/info/dir

Sat Feb  8 10:55:18 CET 2003 - kukuk@suse.de

- Remove PreRequire for gzip, link against zlib instead (patched
  based on version from RH)

Sat Feb  8 01:38:58 CET 2003 - ro@suse.de

- fixed pre/post install scripts 

Fri Feb  7 12:11:37 CET 2003 - ro@suse.de

- removed self-prereq again 

Thu Feb  6 18:09:27 CET 2003 - aj@suse.de

- Use install_info.
- Update to texinfo 4.5.

Wed Jan 22 17:15:34 CET 2003 - werner@suse.de

- Request gzip before installing (bug #22992)

Fri Aug 30 13:48:24 CEST 2002 - werner@suse.de

- Add a warning on missed programs and say what todo (bug #18642)

Mon Jun 17 10:42:45 CEST 2002 - schwab@suse.de

- Update to texinfo 4.2.

Thu Mar  7 14:35:27 CET 2002 - schwab@suse.de

- Update to texinfo 4.1.

Wed Feb 13 22:34:05 CET 2002 - schwab@suse.de

- Fix verbose message of texi2dvi.

Thu Jan 24 13:43:25 CET 2002 - okir@suse.de

- fixed tempfile races in texindex (moved all tempfiles
  into a subdirectory of /tmp).

Wed Jan 16 15:33:00 CET 2002 - schwab@suse.de

- Fix bad free in "makeinfo --html".

Tue Jun 12 11:21:19 CEST 2001 - schwab@suse.de

- Fix directive inside macro call.

Thu Apr 12 18:48:02 CEST 2001 - werner@suse.de

- Use CVS snapshot of texi2html which works on glibc texinfo code

Thu Apr 12 02:30:10 CEST 2001 - ro@suse.de

- fixed glossary for texi2html 

Wed Apr 11 17:52:18 CEST 2001 - werner@suse.de

- Update of texi2html and texi2roff

Thu Sep 28 18:05:30 CEST 2000 - werner@suse.de

- Move /usr/bin/install-info to /sbin/install-info and
  set backward compatibility symlink.

Wed May 31 16:11:53 CEST 2000 - werner@suse.de

- use rpm macros for common paths

Mon Feb 28 21:27:24 CET 2000 - werner@suse.de

- Fix segmentation fault (close bug #1911)

Thu Feb  3 21:15:55 CET 2000 - werner@suse.de

- Fixed de.po

Wed Feb  2 21:53:18 CET 2000 - werner@suse.de

- Remove Makefile.Linux
- /usr/man -> /usr/share/man
- /usr/info -> /usr/share/info (man pages and main for info program)
- Install info pages of texinfo

Wed Dec  1 15:58:09 CET 1999 - werner@suse.de

- small changes

Mon Nov 29 19:59:29 CET 1999 - ke@suse.de

- update: version 4.0 (#600).
- use BuildRoot.
- install COPYRIGHT, etc.
- don't disable NLS.
Mon Sep 13 17:23:57 CEST 1999 - bs@suse.de

- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec.

Mon Jan 11 14:20:29 MET 1999 - ro@suse.de

- info/terminal.c : TIOCGETC and TIOCGLTC are defined on alpha,
                    but we can't access tchars and ltchars strutures,
                    so undef both
                    use tcgetattr and cfgetospeed to determine output

Fri Jul 17 15:36:35 MEST 1998 - werner@suse.de

- check exit satus of mkdir for temp directories

Tue Oct 14 12:55:47 MEST 1997 - ro@suse.de

- update to 3.12

Tue Oct 14 12:55:47 MEST 1997 - ro@suse.de

- ready for autobuild

Fri Oct 10 15:08:57 MEST 1997 - florian@suse.de

- update to texinfo 3.11

Sun Jun 22 18:57:49 MEST 1997 - florian@suse.de

- add debian-changes to support ANSI-cursor movements

- add texi2html 1.51

- add texi2roff 2.0

Sun Apr 13 23:04:29 MEST 1997 - florian@suse.de

- cosmetic changes, just done in preparation for glibc

Thu Oct 17 16:05:09 CEST 1996 - florian@suse.de

- Update auf neue Version 3.9.