This patch is used on openSUSE versions older than 12.2.
Back then, /etc/localtime was either a hard link to a zone
file in /usr/share/zoneinfo or a copy of it.

By default, zic tries the following approaches to create

  1. Hard link
  2. Symbolic link
  3. File copy

This patch changes the order to:

  1. Hard link
  2. File copy
  3. Symbolic link

Index: timezone-2015d/zic.c
--- timezone-2015d.orig/zic.c
+++ timezone-2015d/zic.c
@@ -734,6 +734,23 @@ relname(char const *dir, char const *bas
+static int
+copy(fromname, toname)
+const char * const	fromname;
+const char * const	toname;
+	if (!fork()) {
+		execl("/bin/cp", "cp", fromname, toname, (char*) NULL);
+		_exit(1);
+	}
+	int s;
+	if (wait(&s) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	if (!WIFEXITED(s))
+		return -1;
+	return -WEXITSTATUS(s);
 static void
 dolink(const char *const fromfield, const char *const tofield)
@@ -763,6 +780,8 @@ dolink(const char *const fromfield, cons
 		result = link(fromname, toname);
+		if (result != 0)
+			result = copy(fromname, toname);
 		if (result != 0) {
 				const char *s = fromname;
 				const char *t;