diff --git a/util-linux-2.14.1-disk-utils_mkfs.minix_file_size_detection.patch b/util-linux-2.14.1-disk-utils_mkfs.minix_file_size_detection.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e86b994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util-linux-2.14.1-disk-utils_mkfs.minix_file_size_detection.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Index: util-linux-ng-2.14.1/disk-utils/mkfs.minix.c
+--- util-linux-ng-2.14.1.orig/disk-utils/mkfs.minix.c	2008-09-10 11:02:42.000000000 +0200
++++ util-linux-ng-2.14.1/disk-utils/mkfs.minix.c	2008-10-23 17:25:49.000000000 +0200
+@@ -653,9 +653,14 @@ main(int argc, char ** argv) {
+ 	    die(_("cannot determine sector size for %s"));
+     if (BLOCK_SIZE < sectorsize)
+ 	    die(_("block size smaller than physical sector size of %s"));
+-    if (!BLOCKS && blkdev_get_size(DEV, &BLOCKS) == -1)
+-	die(_("cannot determine size of %s"));
++    if (!BLOCKS) {
++	    if (blkdev_get_size(DEV, &BLOCKS) == -1)
++		die(_("cannot determine size of %s"));
++    }
+   } else if (!S_ISBLK(statbuf.st_mode)) {
++    if (!BLOCKS)
++	    BLOCKS = statbuf.st_size / BLOCK_SIZE;
+     check=0;
+   } else if (statbuf.st_rdev == 0x0300 || statbuf.st_rdev == 0x0340)
+     die(_("will not try to make filesystem on '%s'"));
diff --git a/util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_add_hypervisor_detection.patch b/util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_add_hypervisor_detection.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be07d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_add_hypervisor_detection.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+commit c8b64f6d7770d62065bdc4fa5c4f80cc2326e203
+Author: Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>
+Date:   Wed Oct 1 01:29:32 2008 +0200
+    lscpu: add Hypervisor detection
+    This patch adds two new fields:
+     * "Hypervisor vendor"  -- based on CPUID and hypervisor specific
+       PCI devices. lscpu(1) supports KVM, XEN, Microsoft HV now.
+     * "Virtualization type"
+    	- "none"	= Xen dom0
+    	- "full"	= full virtualization (KVM, Xen, ...)
+    	- "para"	= Xen paravirtualization
+    Co-Author: Ky Srinivasan <ksrinivasan@novell.com>
+    Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/sys-utils/lscpu.1 b/sys-utils/lscpu.1
+index 78da8a1..e0e9935 100644
+--- a/sys-utils/lscpu.1
++++ b/sys-utils/lscpu.1
+@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Print out in parsable instead of printable format.
+ The program at the moment does not handle the system installed with
+ different types of physical processors.
++Sometimes in Xen Dom0 kernel reports wrong data.
+ Cai Qian <qcai@redhat.com>
+diff --git a/sys-utils/lscpu.c b/sys-utils/lscpu.c
+index d6bb8b9..82972b3 100644
+--- a/sys-utils/lscpu.c
++++ b/sys-utils/lscpu.c
+@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@
+ /* /sys paths */
+ #define _PATH_SYS_SYSTEM	"sys/devices/system"
+ #define _PATH_SYS_CPU0		_PATH_SYS_SYSTEM "/cpu/cpu0"
+-#define _PATH_PROC_XENCAP	"proc/xen/capabilities"
++#define _PATH_PROC_XEN		"proc/xen"
++#define _PATH_PROC_XENCAP	_PATH_PROC_XEN "/capabilities"
+ #define _PATH_PROC_CPUINFO	"proc/cpuinfo"
++#define _PATH_PROC_PCIDEVS	"proc/bus/pci/devices"
+ int have_topology;
+ int have_cache;
+@@ -52,6 +54,33 @@ struct ca_desc {
+ 	int	camap;
+ };
++/* virtualization types */
++enum {
++	VIRT_NONE	= 0,
++const char *virt_types[] = {
++	[VIRT_NONE]	= N_("none"),
++	[VIRT_PARA]	= N_("para"),
++	[VIRT_FULL]	= N_("full")
++/* hypervisor vendors */
++enum {
++	HYPER_NONE	= 0,
++const char *hv_vendors[] = {
++	[HYPER_XEN]	= "Xen",
++	[HYPER_KVM]	= "KVM",
++	[HYPER_MSHV]	= "Microsoft"
+ /* CPU(s) description */
+ struct cpu_desc {
+ 	/* counters */
+@@ -67,6 +96,9 @@ struct cpu_desc {
+ 	char	*vendor;
+ 	char	*family;
+ 	char	*model;
++	char	*virtflag;	/* virtualization flag (vmx, svm) */
++	int	hyper;		/* hypervisor vendor ID */
++	int	virtype;	/* VIRT_PARA|FULL|NONE ? */
+ 	/* caches */
+ 	struct ca_desc	cache[CACHE_MAX];
+@@ -246,9 +278,130 @@ read_basicinfo(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
+ 		else
+ 			continue;
+ 	}
++	if (cpu->flags) {
++		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " %s ", cpu->flags);
++		if (strstr(buf, " svm "))
++			cpu->virtflag = strdup("svm");
++		else if (strstr(buf, " vmx "))
++			cpu->virtflag = strdup("vmx");
++	}
+ 	fclose(fp);
+ }
++static int
++has_pci_device(int vendor, int device)
++	FILE *f;
++	int num, fn, ven, dev;
++	int res = 1;
++	f = fopen(_PATH_PROC_PCIDEVS, "r");
++	if (!f)
++		return 0;
++	 /* for more details about bus/pci/devices format see
++	  * drivers/pci/proc.c in linux kernel
++	  */
++	while(fscanf(f, "%02x%02x\t%04x%04x\t%*[^\n]",
++			&num, &fn, &ven, &dev) == 4) {
++		if (ven == vendor && dev == device)
++			goto found;
++	}
++	res = 0;
++	fclose(f);
++	return res;
++#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
++ * This CPUID leaf returns the information about the hypervisor.
++ * EAX : maximum input value for CPUID supported by the hypervisor.
++ * EBX, ECX, EDX : Hypervisor vendor ID signature. E.g. VMwareVMware.
++ */
++#define HYPERVISOR_INFO_LEAF   0x40000000
++static inline void
++cpuid(unsigned int op, unsigned int *eax, unsigned int *ebx,
++			 unsigned int *ecx, unsigned int *edx)
++	__asm__("cpuid"
++		: "=a" (*eax),
++		  "=b" (*ebx),
++		  "=c" (*ecx),
++		  "=d" (*edx)
++		: "0" (op), "c"(0));
++static void
++read_hypervisor_cpuid(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
++	unsigned int eax = 0, ebx = 0, ecx = 0, edx = 0;
++	char hyper_vendor_id[13];
++	memset(hyper_vendor_id, 0, sizeof(hyper_vendor_id));
++	cpuid(HYPERVISOR_INFO_LEAF, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
++	memcpy(hyper_vendor_id + 0, &ebx, 4);
++	memcpy(hyper_vendor_id + 4, &ecx, 4);
++	memcpy(hyper_vendor_id + 8, &edx, 4);
++	hyper_vendor_id[12] = '\0';
++	if (!hyper_vendor_id[0])
++		return;
++	if (!strncmp("XenVMMXenVMM", hyper_vendor_id, 12))
++		cpu->hyper = HYPER_XEN;
++	else if (!strncmp("KVMKVMKVM", hyper_vendor_id, 9))
++		cpu->hyper = HYPER_KVM;
++	else if (!strncmp("Microsoft Hv", hyper_vendor_id, 12))
++		cpu->hyper = HYPER_MSHV;
++#else	/* ! __x86_64__ */
++static void
++read_hypervisor_cpuid(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
++static void
++read_hypervisor(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
++	read_hypervisor_cpuid(cpu);
++	if (cpu->hyper)
++		/* hvm */
++		cpu->virtype = VIRT_FULL;
++	else if (!access(_PATH_PROC_XEN, F_OK)) {
++		/* Xen para-virt or dom0 */
++		FILE *fd = fopen(_PATH_PROC_XENCAP, "r");
++		int dom0 = 0;
++		if (fd) {
++			char buf[256];
++			if (fscanf(fd, "%s", buf) == 1 &&
++			    !strcmp(buf, "control_d"))
++				dom0 = 1;
++			fclose(fd);
++		}
++		cpu->virtype = dom0 ? VIRT_NONE : VIRT_PARA;
++		cpu->hyper = HYPER_XEN;
++	} else if (has_pci_device(0x5853, 0x0001)) {
++		/* Xen full-virt on non-x86_64 */
++		cpu->hyper = HYPER_XEN;
++		cpu->virtype = VIRT_FULL;
++	}
+ static void
+ read_topology(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
+ {
+@@ -337,18 +490,6 @@ read_nodes(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
+ static void
+ check_system(void)
+ {
+-	FILE *fd;
+-	char buf[256];
+-	/* Dom0 Kernel gives wrong information. */
+-	fd = fopen(_PATH_PROC_XENCAP, "r");
+-	if (fd) {
+-		if (fscanf(fd, "%s", buf) == 1 && !strcmp(buf, "control_d"))
+-			errx(EXIT_FAILURE,
+-			     _("error: Dom0 Kernel is unsupported."));
+-		fclose(fd);
+-	}
+ 	/* Read through sysfs. */
+ 	if (access(_PATH_SYS_SYSTEM, F_OK))
+ 		errx(EXIT_FAILURE,
+@@ -432,8 +573,6 @@ print_parsable(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
+ static void
+ print_readable(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
+ {
+-	char buf[BUFSIZ];
+ 	print_s("Architecture:", cpu->arch);
+ 	print_n("CPU(s):", cpu->ct_cpu);
+@@ -455,15 +594,18 @@ print_readable(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
+ 		print_s(_("Stepping:"), cpu->stepping);
+ 	if (cpu->mhz)
+ 		print_s(_("CPU MHz:"), cpu->mhz);
+-	if (cpu->flags) {
+-		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " %s ", cpu->flags);
+-		if (strstr(buf, " svm "))
++	if (cpu->virtflag) {
++		if (!strcmp(cpu->virtflag, "svm"))
+ 			print_s(_("Virtualization:"), "AMD-V");
+-		else if (strstr(buf, " vmx "))
++		else if (!strcmp(cpu->virtflag, "vmx"))
+ 			print_s(_("Virtualization:"), "VT-x");
+ 	}
++	if (cpu->hyper) {
++		print_s(_("Hypervisor vendor:"), hv_vendors[cpu->hyper]);
++		print_s(_("Virtualization type:"), virt_types[cpu->virtype]);
++	}
+ 	if (have_cache) {
++		char buf[512];
+ 		int i;
+ 		for (i = cpu->ct_cache - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+@@ -545,6 +687,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	if (have_node)
+ 		read_nodes(cpu);
++	read_hypervisor(cpu);
+ 	/* Show time! */
+ 	if (parsable)
+ 		print_parsable(cpu);
diff --git a/util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_add_hypervisor_vendor_id.patch b/util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_add_hypervisor_vendor_id.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ff3960a..0000000
--- a/util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_add_hypervisor_vendor_id.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-X-Gnus-Coding-System: -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
-On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 11:01:05PM +0200, Karel Zak wrote:
-> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 03:17:28PM +0200, Matthias Koenig wrote:
-> > The tool has been written by Ky Srinivasan <ksrinivasan@novell.com>.
->  Do we really need a new tool? IMHO the hypervisor Vendor ID should
->  be exported by kernel in /sys or /proc -- or we can add this info to
->  lscpu(1) or so.
- The (untested) patch below introduces a new fields "Hypervisor vendor
- ID:" and "Para-Virtualized:" in lscpu(1).
- The "Hypervisor vendor ID:" field reports the raw ID, it means it works
- for all hypervisors (the same logic like CPU "Vendor ID:").
- I think this solution is a good compromise to avoid a new tool.
- (Note that lscpu(1) does not support XEN dom0 now. This problem will
- be resolved ASAP.)
- Comments?
-    Karel
->From 5a8e8f8b28eb6ea4bdce27ed6629dfb4fb1665b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 01:29:32 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] lscpu: add Hypervisor vendor ID
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>
- sys-utils/lscpu.c |  106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/sys-utils/lscpu.c b/sys-utils/lscpu.c
-index d6bb8b9..5f39ced 100644
---- a/sys-utils/lscpu.c
-+++ b/sys-utils/lscpu.c
-@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
- /* /sys paths */
- #define _PATH_SYS_SYSTEM	"sys/devices/system"
- #define _PATH_SYS_CPU0		_PATH_SYS_SYSTEM "/cpu/cpu0"
--#define _PATH_PROC_XENCAP	"proc/xen/capabilities"
-+#define _PATH_PROC_XEN		"proc/xen"
-+#define _PATH_PROC_XENCAP	_PATH_PROC_XEN "/capabilities"
- #define _PATH_PROC_CPUINFO	"proc/cpuinfo"
- int have_topology;
-@@ -67,6 +68,9 @@ struct cpu_desc {
- 	char	*vendor;
- 	char	*family;
- 	char	*model;
-+	char	*virtflag;	/* virtualization flag (vmx, svm) */
-+	char	*hvid;		/* hypervisor vendor ID */
-+	int	is_para;	/* is paravirtualized ? */
- 	/* caches */
- 	struct ca_desc	cache[CACHE_MAX];
-@@ -246,9 +250,94 @@ read_basicinfo(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
- 		else
- 			continue;
- 	}
-+	if (cpu->flags) {
-+		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " %s ", cpu->flags);
-+		if (strstr(buf, " svm "))
-+			cpu->virtflag = strdup("svm");
-+		else if (strstr(buf, " vmx "))
-+			cpu->virtflag = strdup("vmx");
-+	}
- 	fclose(fp);
- }
-+#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
-+ * This CPUID leaf returns the information about the hypervisor.
-+ * EAX : maximum input value for CPUID supported by the hypervisor.
-+ * EBX, ECX, EDX : Hypervisor vendor ID signature. E.g. VMwareVMware.
-+ */
-+#define HYPERVISOR_INFO_LEAF   0x40000000
-+static inline void
-+cpuid(unsigned int op, unsigned int *eax, unsigned int *ebx,
-+			 unsigned int *ecx, unsigned int *edx)
-+	__asm__("cpuid"
-+		: "=a" (*eax),
-+		  "=b" (*ebx),
-+		  "=c" (*ecx),
-+		  "=d" (*edx)
-+		: "0" (op), "c"(0));
-+static void
-+read_hypervisor_cpuid(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
-+	unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
-+	char hyper_vendor_id[13];
-+	memset(hyper_vendor_id, 0, sizeof(hyper_vendor_id));
-+	cpuid(HYPERVISOR_INFO_LEAF, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
-+	memcpy(hyper_vendor_id + 0, &ebx, 4);
-+	memcpy(hyper_vendor_id + 4, &ecx, 4);
-+	memcpy(hyper_vendor_id + 8, &edx, 4);
-+	hyper_vendor_id[12] = '\0';
-+	if (hyper_vendor_id[0])
-+		cpu->hvid = strdup(hyper_vendor_id);
-+#else	/* ! __x86_64__ */
-+static void
-+read_hypervisor_cpuid(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
-+static void
-+read_hypervisor(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
-+	read_hypervisor_cpuid(cpu);
-+	if (!cpu->hvid) {
-+		/* fallback for non-x86 archs */
-+		if (!access(_PATH_PROC_XEN, F_OK))
-+			/* XEN dom0 or domU */
-+			cpu->hvid = strdup("Xen");
-+	}
-+	if (!cpu->virtflag && cpu->hvid && !strncmp(cpu->hvid, "Xen", 3)) {
-+		FILE *fd = fopen(_PATH_PROC_XENCAP, "r");
-+		int dom0 = 0;
-+		if (fd) {
-+			char buf[256];
-+			if (fscanf(fd, "%s", buf) == 1 &&
-+			    !strcmp(buf, "control_d"))
-+				dom0 = 1;
-+			fclose(fd);
-+		}
-+		cpu->is_para = !dom0;
-+	}
- static void
- read_topology(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
- {
-@@ -344,6 +433,7 @@ check_system(void)
- 	fd = fopen(_PATH_PROC_XENCAP, "r");
- 	if (fd) {
- 		if (fscanf(fd, "%s", buf) == 1 && !strcmp(buf, "control_d"))
-+			/* !!!!!!!! TODO */
- 			errx(EXIT_FAILURE,
- 			     _("error: Dom0 Kernel is unsupported."));
- 		fclose(fd);
-@@ -455,13 +545,17 @@ print_readable(struct cpu_desc *cpu)
- 		print_s(_("Stepping:"), cpu->stepping);
- 	if (cpu->mhz)
- 		print_s(_("CPU MHz:"), cpu->mhz);
--	if (cpu->flags) {
--		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " %s ", cpu->flags);
--		if (strstr(buf, " svm "))
-+	if (cpu->virtflag) {
-+		if (!strcmp(cpu->virtflag, "svm"))
- 			print_s(_("Virtualization:"), "AMD-V");
--		else if (strstr(buf, " vmx "))
-+		else if (!strcmp(cpu->virtflag, "vmx"))
- 			print_s(_("Virtualization:"), "VT-x");
- 	}
-+	if (cpu->hvid) {
-+		print_s(_("Hypervisor vendor ID:"), cpu->hvid);
-+		print_s(_("Para-Virtualized:"),
-+			cpu->is_para ? _("Yes") : _("Not"));
-+	}
- 	if (have_cache) {
- 		int i;
-@@ -545,6 +639,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- 	if (have_node)
- 		read_nodes(cpu);
-+	read_hypervisor(cpu);
- 	/* Show time! */
- 	if (parsable)
- 		print_parsable(cpu);
diff --git a/util-linux-2.14.1-mount_swap_pagesize.patch b/util-linux-2.14.1-mount_swap_pagesize.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e423b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util-linux-2.14.1-mount_swap_pagesize.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Index: util-linux-ng-2.14.1/mount/swapon.c
+--- util-linux-ng-2.14.1.orig/mount/swapon.c	2008-09-10 11:02:43.000000000 +0200
++++ util-linux-ng-2.14.1/mount/swapon.c	2008-10-24 14:19:06.000000000 +0200
+@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/wait.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <byteswap.h>
+ #include "xmalloc.h"
+ #include "swap_constants.h"
+ #include "nls.h"
+@@ -39,6 +41,33 @@
+ #define QUIET	1
+ #define CANONIC	1
++#define MAX_PAGESIZE	(64 * 1024)
++static unsigned int page_size[] = {  4 * 1024,
++				     8 * 1024,
++				    16 * 1024,
++				    64 * 1024,
++				    0 };
++struct swap_info {
++	char		bootbits[1024];	/* Space for disklabel etc. */
++	uint32_t	version;
++	uint32_t	last_page;
++	uint32_t	nr_badpages;
++	unsigned char	sws_uuid[16];
++	unsigned char	sws_volume[16];
++	uint32_t	padding[117];
++	uint32_t	badpages[1];
++enum {
++	SWAP_V0 = 1,
++	SWAP_V1,
+ int all = 0;
+ int priority = -1;	/* non-prioritized swap by default */
+@@ -238,11 +267,114 @@ swap_reinitialize(const char *device) {
+ 	return -1; /* error */
+ }
++swap_detect_signature(const char *buf)
++	if (memcmp(buf, "SWAP-SPACE", 10) == 0)
++		return SWAP_V0;
++	else if (memcmp(buf, "SWAPSPACE2", 10) == 0)
++		return SWAP_V1;
++	else if	(memcmp(buf, "S1SUSPEND", 9) == 0)
++		return SWAP_SUSPEND;
++	else if	(memcmp(buf, "ULSUSPEND", 9) == 0)
++		return SWAP_ULSUSPEND;
++	else if (memcmp(buf, "\xed\xc3\x02\xe9\x98\x56\xe5\x0c", 8) == 0)
++	return 0;
++/* return the pagesize the swap format has been built with
++ * as swap metadata depends on the pagesize, we have to
++ * reinitialize if it does not match with the current pagesize
++ * returns 0 if not a valid swap format
++ */
++unsigned int
++swap_get_pagesize(const char *dev)
++	int fd;
++	char *buf;
++	unsigned int *page, last_page;
++	unsigned int pagesize = 0;
++	off_t size, swap_size;
++	int swap_version;
++	int flip = 0;
++	struct swap_info *s;
++	fd = open(dev, O_RDONLY);
++	if (fd == -1) {
++		perror("open");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	/* get size */
++	size = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
++	if (size == (off_t)-1) {
++		perror("lseek");
++		goto err;
++	}
++	/* rewind */
++	if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
++		perror("lseek");
++		goto err;
++	}
++	buf = malloc(MAX_PAGESIZE);
++	if (!buf) {
++		perror("malloc");
++		goto err;
++	}
++	if (read(fd, buf, MAX_PAGESIZE) == (ssize_t)-1) {
++		perror("read");
++		goto err1;
++	}
++	for (page = page_size; *page; ++page) {
++		char *off = buf + *page - 10;
++		if (swap_detect_signature(off)) {
++			pagesize = *page;
++			break;
++		}
++	}
++	if (pagesize) {
++		s = (struct swap_info *)buf;
++		if (s->version == 1)
++			last_page = s->last_page;
++		else if (bswap_32(s->version) == 1) {
++			flip = 1;
++			last_page = bswap_32(s->last_page);
++		}
++		if (verbose)
++			fprintf(stderr, _("found %sswap v%d signature string"
++					" for %d KiB PAGE_SIZE\n"),
++				flip ? "other-endian " : "", swap_version - 1,
++				pagesize / 1024);
++		swap_size = (last_page + 1) * pagesize;
++		if (swap_size > size) {
++			if (verbose)
++				fprintf(stderr, _("last_page 0x%08llx is larger"
++					" than actual size of swapspace\n"),
++					(unsigned long long)swap_size);
++			pagesize = 0;
++		}
++	}
++	free(buf);
++	close(fd);
++	return pagesize;
+ static int
+ do_swapon(const char *orig_special, int prio, int canonic) {
+ 	int status;
++	int reinitialize = 0;
+ 	struct stat st;
+ 	const char *special = orig_special;
++	unsigned int pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
++	unsigned int swap_pagesize = 0;
+ 	if (verbose)
+ 		printf(_("%s on %s\n"), progname, orig_special);
+@@ -260,6 +392,15 @@ do_swapon(const char *orig_special, int
+ 		return -1;
+ 	}
++	swap_pagesize = swap_get_pagesize(special);
++	if (swap_pagesize && (pagesize != swap_pagesize)) {
++		if (verbose)
++			fprintf(stderr, _("swap format pagesize does not match."
++				" Reinitializing the swap.\n"),
++				progname, special);
++		reinitialize = 1;
++	}
+ 	/* We have to reinitialize swap with old (=useless) software suspend
+ 	 * data. The problem is that if we don't do it, then we get data
+ 	 * corruption the next time an attempt at unsuspending is made.
+@@ -268,6 +409,10 @@ do_swapon(const char *orig_special, int
+ 		fprintf(stdout, _("%s: %s: software suspend data detected. "
+ 					"Reinitializing the swap.\n"),
+ 			progname, special);
++		reinitialize = 1;
++	}
++	if (reinitialize) {
+ 		if (swap_reinitialize(special) < 0)
+ 			return -1;
+ 	}
diff --git a/util-linux-2.14.1-sys-utils_lscpu_exit.patch b/util-linux-2.14.1-sys-utils_lscpu_exit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498e304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util-linux-2.14.1-sys-utils_lscpu_exit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Index: util-linux-ng-2.14.1/sys-utils/lscpu.c
+--- util-linux-ng-2.14.1.orig/sys-utils/lscpu.c	2008-10-20 15:00:44.000000000 +0200
++++ util-linux-ng-2.14.1/sys-utils/lscpu.c	2008-10-21 18:27:01.000000000 +0200
+@@ -647,5 +647,5 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	else
+ 		print_readable(cpu);
+-	return EXIT_FAILURE;
++	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
diff --git a/util-linux.changes b/util-linux.changes
index 932dd36..70863d8 100644
--- a/util-linux.changes
+++ b/util-linux.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+Thu Oct 23 17:58:28 CEST 2008 - mkoenig@suse.de
+- swapon: add swap pagesize detection [bnc#433028]
+- lscpu: fix return code [bnc#437367]
+- mkfs.minix: fix device size detection [bnc#437980]
+- lscpu: update to most recent version for hypervisor detection
 Thu Oct  2 11:10:11 CEST 2008 - mkoenig@suse.de
diff --git a/util-linux.spec b/util-linux.spec
index 73063f5..f84e0a1 100644
--- a/util-linux.spec
+++ b/util-linux.spec
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ License:        BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later
 Group:          System/Base
 AutoReqProv:    on
 Version:        2.14.1
-Release:        3
+Release:        4
 Requires:       %name-lang = %{version}
 Summary:        A collection of basic system utilities
 Source:         ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/%name-ng-%version.tar.bz2
@@ -73,7 +73,10 @@ Patch5:         util-linux-2.13.1-fdisk_cfdisk_yesno.patch
 Patch7:         util-linux-2.14-mount_retry_on_nomedium.patch
 Patch8:         util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu.patch
 Patch9:         util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_sysroot_option.patch
-Patch10:        util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_add_hypervisor_vendor_id.patch
+Patch10:        util-linux-2.14.1-lscpu_add_hypervisor_detection.patch
+Patch11:        util-linux-2.14.1-mount_swap_pagesize.patch
+Patch12:        util-linux-2.14.1-sys-utils_lscpu_exit.patch
+Patch13:        util-linux-2.14.1-disk-utils_mkfs.minix_file_size_detection.patch
 # crypto patch
 Patch20:        util-linux-mount_losetup_crypto.patch
@@ -120,6 +123,9 @@ Authors:
 %patch8 -p1
 %patch9 -p1
 %patch10 -p1
+%patch11 -p1
+%patch12 -p1
+%patch13 -p1
 %patch20 -p1
 cp %{SOURCE7} %{SOURCE8} .
@@ -587,6 +593,11 @@ fi
+* Thu Oct 23 2008 mkoenig@suse.de
+- swapon: add swap pagesize detection [bnc#433028]
+- lscpu: fix return code [bnc#437367]
+- mkfs.minix: fix device size detection [bnc#437980]
+- lscpu: update to most recent version for hypervisor detection
 * Thu Oct 02 2008 mkoenig@suse.de
 - add lscpu tool from current util-linux-ng git,
   needed for fate#303051