From d6843cb50c986e7b78a6110b71cad057b1f98de48cbcda68e670b493d1bfdace Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OBS User unknown <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 11:16:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] OBS-URL:

 util-linux-2.12-misc_utils_hostid.patch       |   22 +-
 util-linux-2.12r-mount_by_uuid.patch          |   53 -
 util-linux-2.13-build_gnu_source.patch        |   12 -
 ...-linux-2.13-build_no_perl_dependency.patch |   48 -
 util-linux-2.13-misc_utils_cal_ncurses.patch  |   16 +
 util-linux-2.13-mount_volume_id.patch         | 3574 -----------------
 util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070509.tar.bz2       |    3 -
 util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530.tar.bz2       |    3 +
 util-linux.changes                            |   10 +
 util-linux.spec                               |   26 +-
 10 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 3711 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 util-linux-2.12r-mount_by_uuid.patch
 delete mode 100644 util-linux-2.13-build_gnu_source.patch
 delete mode 100644 util-linux-2.13-build_no_perl_dependency.patch
 create mode 100644 util-linux-2.13-misc_utils_cal_ncurses.patch
 delete mode 100644 util-linux-2.13-mount_volume_id.patch
 delete mode 100644 util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070509.tar.bz2
 create mode 100644 util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530.tar.bz2

diff --git a/util-linux-2.12-misc_utils_hostid.patch b/util-linux-2.12-misc_utils_hostid.patch
index 84ac6fa..1e3828b 100644
--- a/util-linux-2.12-misc_utils_hostid.patch
+++ b/util-linux-2.12-misc_utils_hostid.patch
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/hostid.1
+Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530/misc-utils/hostid.1
 --- /dev/null
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/hostid.1
++++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530/misc-utils/hostid.1
 @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
 +.TH hostid 1
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/hostid.1
 +gethostid(2), sethostid(2)
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/hostid.c
+Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530/misc-utils/hostid.c
 --- /dev/null
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/hostid.c
++++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530/misc-utils/hostid.c
 @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
 +/* Program hostid. Changed on 7.10.1997 <>
 +   New: - Hostid 0 is not permitted.
@@ -120,20 +120,20 @@ Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/hostid.c
 +	return 0;
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/
+Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530/misc-utils/
---- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412.orig/misc-utils/
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = 	README.* \
+--- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530.orig/misc-utils/
++++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530/misc-utils/
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = README.flushb
  bin_PROGRAMS =
  usrbinexec_PROGRAMS = cal ddate logger look mcookie \
 -	namei script whereis
 +	namei script whereis hostid
+ EXTRA_DIST += README.ddate README.namei README.namei2
- mcookie_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libmd5.a
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ scriptreplay:
+ mcookie_SOURCES = mcookie.c ../lib/md5.c
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ usrbinexec_SCRIPTS = chkdupexe scriptrep
  CLEANFILES = chkdupexe scriptreplay
  man_MANS = cal.1 chkdupexe.1 ddate.1 logger.1 look.1 mcookie.1 \
diff --git a/util-linux-2.12r-mount_by_uuid.patch b/util-linux-2.12r-mount_by_uuid.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f3775eb..0000000
--- a/util-linux-2.12r-mount_by_uuid.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330/mount/fstab.c
---- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330.orig/mount/fstab.c
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330/mount/fstab.c
-@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ has_uuid(const char *device, const char 
- 	const char *devuuid;
- 	int ret;
--	devuuid = mount_get_devname_by_uuid(device);
-+	devuuid = mount_get_volume_uuid_by_spec(device);
- 	ret = !strcmp(uuid, devuuid);
- 	/* free(devuuid); */
- 	return ret;
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330/mount/mount_blkid.c
---- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330.orig/mount/mount_blkid.c
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330/mount/mount_blkid.c
-@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ mount_blkid_put_cache(void) {
- }
- const char *
-+mount_get_volume_uuid_by_spec(const char *spec) {
-+	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "UUID", spec);
-+const char *
- mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
- 	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "LABEL", spec);
- }
-@@ -56,6 +61,11 @@ mount_blkid_put_cache(void) {
- }
- const char *
-+mount_get_volume_uuid_by_spec(const char *spec) {
-+	return xstrdup(get_volume_uuid_by_spec(spec));
-+const char *
- mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
- 	return xstrdup(get_volume_label_by_spec(spec));
- }
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330/mount/mount_blkid.h
---- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330.orig/mount/mount_blkid.h
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330/mount/mount_blkid.h
-@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ extern void mount_blkid_get_cache(void);
- extern void mount_blkid_put_cache(void);
- extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid);
- extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *label);
-+extern const char *mount_get_volume_uuid_by_spec(const char *spec);
- extern const char *mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec);
- extern const char *mount_get_devname(const char *spec);
- extern const char *mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec);
diff --git a/util-linux-2.13-build_gnu_source.patch b/util-linux-2.13-build_gnu_source.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 03174c6..0000000
--- a/util-linux-2.13-build_gnu_source.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330/
---- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330.orig/
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070330/
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(mount/mount.c)
diff --git a/util-linux-2.13-build_no_perl_dependency.patch b/util-linux-2.13-build_no_perl_dependency.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 763602f..0000000
--- a/util-linux-2.13-build_no_perl_dependency.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/
---- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412.orig/
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/
-@@ -244,6 +244,11 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE([partx],
- )
- AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_PARTX, test x$enable_partx = xyes)
-+  AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-perl-scripts], [install perl scripts (chkdupexe, scriptreplay)]),
-+  enable_perl_scripts=$enableval, enable_perl_scripts=no
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(INSTALL_PERL_SCRIPTS, test x$enable_perl_scripts = xyes)
- AC_ARG_ENABLE([raw],
-   AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-raw], [build raw]),
-Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/
---- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412.orig/misc-utils/
-+++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070412/misc-utils/
-@@ -11,9 +11,16 @@ bin_PROGRAMS =
- usrbinexec_PROGRAMS = cal ddate logger look mcookie \
- 	namei script whereis hostid
-+usrbinexec_SCRIPTS = 
-+man_MANS = cal.1 ddate.1 logger.1 look.1 mcookie.1 \
-+	namei.1 script.1 whereis.1 hostid.1
- mcookie_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libmd5.a
- usrbinexec_SCRIPTS = chkdupexe scriptreplay
-+man_MANS += chkdupexe.1 scriptreplay.1 
- chkdupexe:
- 	sed -e 's,[@]PERL[@],$(PERL),g' < > chkdupexe
-@@ -22,9 +29,7 @@ scriptreplay:
- 	sed -e 's,[@]PERL[@],$(PERL),g' < > scriptreplay
- CLEANFILES = chkdupexe scriptreplay
--man_MANS = cal.1 chkdupexe.1 ddate.1 logger.1 look.1 mcookie.1 \
--	namei.1 script.1 whereis.1 scriptreplay.1 hostid.1
- cal_LDADD = -lncurses
diff --git a/util-linux-2.13-misc_utils_cal_ncurses.patch b/util-linux-2.13-misc_utils_cal_ncurses.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73bea32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util-linux-2.13-misc_utils_cal_ncurses.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Index: util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530/
+--- util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530.orig/
++++ util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530/
+@@ -107,8 +107,9 @@ fi
+ have_ncurses=no
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS([ncurses.h ncurses/ncurses.h], [have_ncurses=yes])
+ case $have_ncurses in
+-yes) AC_MSG_NOTICE([you have ncurses]);;
+-no)  AC_MSG_NOTICE([you do not have ncurses]);;
++    yes) AC_MSG_NOTICE([you have ncurses])
++         AC_DEFINE([HAVE_NCURSES],, [define this if you have libncurses]);;
++    no)  AC_MSG_NOTICE([you do not have ncurses]);;
+ esac
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_NCURSES, test x$have_ncurses = xyes)
diff --git a/util-linux-2.13-mount_volume_id.patch b/util-linux-2.13-mount_volume_id.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e97aa1a..0000000
--- a/util-linux-2.13-mount_volume_id.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3574 +0,0 @@
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- mount/          |    8 ++--
- mount/fsprobe.h            |   12 +++++
- mount/fsprobe_blkid.c      |  111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- mount/fstab.c              |    2 +-
- mount/mount.c              |    2 +-
- mount/mount_blkid.c        |  111 --------------------------------------------
- mount/mount_blkid.h        |   12 -----
- mount/mount_guess_fstype.c |    2 +-
- mount/swapon.c             |    2 +-
- 9 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 131 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mount/ b/mount/
-index 95db3dd..930a0bf 100644
---- a/mount/
-+++ b/mount/
-@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ sbin_PROGRAMS = losetup swapon
- man_MANS = fstab.5 mount.8 swapoff.8 swapon.8 umount.8 losetup.8
- MNTHDRS = fstab.h linux_fs.h mount_mntent.h mount_constants.h my_dev_t.h \
--	mount_paths.h get_label_uuid.h lomount.h mount_blkid.h \
-+	mount_paths.h get_label_uuid.h lomount.h fsprobe.h \
- 	mount_guess_fstype.h realpath.h xmalloc.h \
- 	getusername.h loop.h mount_by_label.h mount_guess_rootdev.h \
- 	sundries.h
- mount_SOURCES = mount.c fstab.c sundries.c xmalloc.c realpath.c mount_mntent.c \
--	get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c mount_blkid.c mount_guess_fstype.c \
-+	get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c fsprobe_blkid.c mount_guess_fstype.c \
- 	getusername.c \
- 	lomount.c \
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ mount_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libenv.a $(top_srcdir)/lib/libsetproctitle.a
- umount_SOURCES = umount.c fstab.c sundries.c xmalloc.c realpath.c mount_mntent.c \
--	getusername.c get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c mount_blkid.c \
-+	getusername.c get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c fsprobe_blkid.c \
- 	lomount.c \
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ umount_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libenv.a
- umount_CFLAGS = $(SUID_CFLAGS)
- swapon_SOURCES = swapon.c xmalloc.c \
--	get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c mount_blkid.c \
-+	get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c fsprobe_blkid.c \
- 	swap_constants.h realpath.c
- losetup_SOURCES = lomount.c loop.h lomount.h
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe.h b/mount/fsprobe.h
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..c96ff8c
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-+#include <blkid/blkid.h>
-+extern blkid_cache blkid;
-+extern void mount_blkid_get_cache(void);
-+extern void mount_blkid_put_cache(void);
-+extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid);
-+extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *label);
-+extern const char *mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec);
-+extern const char *mount_get_devname(const char *spec);
-+extern const char *mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec);
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..0616945
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include "fsprobe.h"
-+blkid_cache blkid;
-+mount_blkid_get_cache(void) {
-+	blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
-+mount_blkid_put_cache(void) {
-+	blkid_put_cache(blkid);
-+const char *
-+mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
-+	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "LABEL", spec);
-+const char *
-+mount_get_devname(const char *spec) {
-+	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
-+const char *
-+mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
-+	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "UUID", uuid);
-+const char *
-+mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *label) {
-+	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "LABEL", label);
-+/* Also when no UUID= or LABEL= occur? No verbose? No warnings? */
-+const char *
-+mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
-+	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include "sundries.h"
-+#include "mount_by_label.h"
-+#include "nls.h"
-+mount_blkid_get_cache(void) {
-+mount_blkid_put_cache(void) {
-+const char *
-+mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
-+	return xstrdup(get_volume_label_by_spec(spec));
-+const char *
-+mount_get_devname(const char *spec) {
-+	if (!strncmp(spec, "UUID=", 5))
-+		return get_spec_by_uuid(spec+5);
-+	if (!strncmp(spec, "LABEL=", 6))
-+		return get_spec_by_volume_label(spec+6);
-+	return spec;
-+const char *
-+mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
-+	return get_spec_by_uuid(uuid);
-+extern char *progname;
-+const char *
-+mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *volumelabel) {
-+	const char *spec, *spec2;
-+	spec = get_spec_by_volume_label(volumelabel);
-+	spec2 = second_occurrence_of_vol_label(volumelabel);
-+	if (spec2)
-+		die (EX_FAIL,
-+		     _("%s: error: the label %s occurs on both %s and %s\n"),
-+		     progname, volumelabel, spec, spec2);
-+	return spec;
-+const char *
-+mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
-+	const char *nspec;
-+	if (!strncmp(spec, "UUID=", 5)) {
-+		nspec = mount_get_devname_by_uuid(spec+5);
-+		if (nspec && verbose > 1)
-+			printf(_("mount: going to mount %s by UUID\n"), spec);
-+	} else if (!strncmp(spec, "LABEL=", 6)) {
-+		nspec = mount_get_devname_by_label(spec+6);
-+		if (nspec && verbose > 1)
-+			printf(_("mount: going to mount %s by label\n"), spec);
-+	} else
-+		nspec = spec;
-+	return nspec;
-diff --git a/mount/fstab.c b/mount/fstab.c
-index 72c46f3..5267f62 100644
---- a/mount/fstab.c
-+++ b/mount/fstab.c
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- #include "fstab.h"
- #include "sundries.h"
- #include "xmalloc.h"
--#include "mount_blkid.h"
-+#include "fsprobe.h"
- #include "mount_paths.h"
- #include "nls.h"
-diff --git a/mount/mount.c b/mount/mount.c
-index 5058a7e..dfa44dc 100644
---- a/mount/mount.c
-+++ b/mount/mount.c
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- #include <selinux/context.h>
- #endif
--#include "mount_blkid.h"
-+#include "fsprobe.h"
- #include "mount_constants.h"
- #include "sundries.h"
- #include "xmalloc.h"
-diff --git a/mount/mount_blkid.c b/mount/mount_blkid.c
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 8fa30a1..0000000
---- a/mount/mount_blkid.c
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include "mount_blkid.h"
--blkid_cache blkid;
--mount_blkid_get_cache(void) {
--	blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
--mount_blkid_put_cache(void) {
--	blkid_put_cache(blkid);
--const char *
--mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
--	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "LABEL", spec);
--const char *
--mount_get_devname(const char *spec) {
--	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
--	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "UUID", uuid);
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *label) {
--	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "LABEL", label);
--/* Also when no UUID= or LABEL= occur? No verbose? No warnings? */
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
--	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
--#include <string.h>
--#include "sundries.h"
--#include "mount_by_label.h"
--#include "nls.h"
--mount_blkid_get_cache(void) {
--mount_blkid_put_cache(void) {
--const char *
--mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
--	return xstrdup(get_volume_label_by_spec(spec));
--const char *
--mount_get_devname(const char *spec) {
--	if (!strncmp(spec, "UUID=", 5))
--		return get_spec_by_uuid(spec+5);
--	if (!strncmp(spec, "LABEL=", 6))
--		return get_spec_by_volume_label(spec+6);
--	return spec;
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
--	return get_spec_by_uuid(uuid);
--extern char *progname;
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *volumelabel) {
--	const char *spec, *spec2;
--	spec = get_spec_by_volume_label(volumelabel);
--	spec2 = second_occurrence_of_vol_label(volumelabel);
--	if (spec2)
--		die (EX_FAIL,
--		     _("%s: error: the label %s occurs on both %s and %s\n"),
--		     progname, volumelabel, spec, spec2);
--	return spec;
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
--	const char *nspec;
--	if (!strncmp(spec, "UUID=", 5)) {
--		nspec = mount_get_devname_by_uuid(spec+5);
--		if (nspec && verbose > 1)
--			printf(_("mount: going to mount %s by UUID\n"), spec);
--	} else if (!strncmp(spec, "LABEL=", 6)) {
--		nspec = mount_get_devname_by_label(spec+6);
--		if (nspec && verbose > 1)
--			printf(_("mount: going to mount %s by label\n"), spec);
--	} else
--		nspec = spec;
--	return nspec;
-diff --git a/mount/mount_blkid.h b/mount/mount_blkid.h
-deleted file mode 100644
-index c96ff8c..0000000
---- a/mount/mount_blkid.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--#include <blkid/blkid.h>
--extern blkid_cache blkid;
--extern void mount_blkid_get_cache(void);
--extern void mount_blkid_put_cache(void);
--extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid);
--extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *label);
--extern const char *mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec);
--extern const char *mount_get_devname(const char *spec);
--extern const char *mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec);
-diff --git a/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c b/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c
-index f1637f1..51d8750 100644
---- a/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c
-+++ b/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include "linux_fs.h"
--#include "mount_blkid.h"
-+#include "fsprobe.h"
- #include "mount_guess_fstype.h"
- #include "sundries.h"		/* for xstrdup */
- #include "nls.h"
-diff --git a/mount/swapon.c b/mount/swapon.c
-index b6bcd75..af4ba96 100644
---- a/mount/swapon.c
-+++ b/mount/swapon.c
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- #include "swap_constants.h"
- #include "swapargs.h"
- #include "nls.h"
--#include "mount_blkid.h"
-+#include "fsprobe.h"
- #include "mount_by_label.h"
- #include "realpath.h"
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-This patch removes old FS detection code and enables
-blkid code only when HAVE_BLKID is defined.
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- mount/          |   12 +-
- mount/fsprobe_blkid.c      |   67 -------
- mount/get_label_uuid.c     |  221 ----------------------
- mount/get_label_uuid.h     |    1 -
- mount/linux_fs.h           |  292 -----------------------------
- mount/mount.c              |    1 -
- mount/mount_by_label.c     |  363 ------------------------------------
- mount/mount_by_label.h     |    4 -
- mount/mount_guess_fstype.c |  434 --------------------------------------------
- mount/swapon.c             |    1 -
- 10 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1389 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mount/ b/mount/
-index 930a0bf..6f63dcf 100644
---- a/mount/
-+++ b/mount/
-@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ sbin_PROGRAMS = losetup swapon
- man_MANS = fstab.5 mount.8 swapoff.8 swapon.8 umount.8 losetup.8
- MNTHDRS = fstab.h linux_fs.h mount_mntent.h mount_constants.h my_dev_t.h \
--	mount_paths.h get_label_uuid.h lomount.h fsprobe.h \
-+	mount_paths.h lomount.h fsprobe.h \
- 	mount_guess_fstype.h realpath.h xmalloc.h \
--	getusername.h loop.h mount_by_label.h mount_guess_rootdev.h \
-+	getusername.h loop.h mount_guess_rootdev.h \
- 	sundries.h
- mount_SOURCES = mount.c fstab.c sundries.c xmalloc.c realpath.c mount_mntent.c \
--	get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c fsprobe_blkid.c mount_guess_fstype.c \
-+	mount_guess_fstype.c \
- 	getusername.c \
- 	lomount.c \
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ mount_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libenv.a $(top_srcdir)/lib/libsetproctitle.a
- umount_SOURCES = umount.c fstab.c sundries.c xmalloc.c realpath.c mount_mntent.c \
--	getusername.c get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c fsprobe_blkid.c \
-+	getusername.c \
- 	lomount.c \
-@@ -30,13 +30,15 @@ umount_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libenv.a
- umount_CFLAGS = $(SUID_CFLAGS)
- swapon_SOURCES = swapon.c xmalloc.c \
--	get_label_uuid.c mount_by_label.c fsprobe_blkid.c \
- 	swap_constants.h realpath.c
- losetup_SOURCES = lomount.c loop.h lomount.h
- losetup_CFLAGS = -DMAIN
-+mount_SOURCES += fsprobe_blkid.c
-+umount_SOURCES += fsprobe_blkid.c
-+swapon_SOURCES += fsprobe_blkid.c
- mount_LDADD += -lblkid -luuid
- umount_LDADD += -lblkid -luuid
- swapon_LDADD = -lblkid -luuid
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-index 0616945..9ff4e31 100644
---- a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-@@ -41,71 +41,4 @@ mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
- }
--#include <string.h>
--#include "sundries.h"
--#include "mount_by_label.h"
--#include "nls.h"
--mount_blkid_get_cache(void) {
--mount_blkid_put_cache(void) {
--const char *
--mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
--	return xstrdup(get_volume_label_by_spec(spec));
--const char *
--mount_get_devname(const char *spec) {
--	if (!strncmp(spec, "UUID=", 5))
--		return get_spec_by_uuid(spec+5);
--	if (!strncmp(spec, "LABEL=", 6))
--		return get_spec_by_volume_label(spec+6);
--	return spec;
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
--	return get_spec_by_uuid(uuid);
--extern char *progname;
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *volumelabel) {
--	const char *spec, *spec2;
--	spec = get_spec_by_volume_label(volumelabel);
--	spec2 = second_occurrence_of_vol_label(volumelabel);
--	if (spec2)
--		die (EX_FAIL,
--		     _("%s: error: the label %s occurs on both %s and %s\n"),
--		     progname, volumelabel, spec, spec2);
--	return spec;
--const char *
--mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
--	const char *nspec;
--	if (!strncmp(spec, "UUID=", 5)) {
--		nspec = mount_get_devname_by_uuid(spec+5);
--		if (nspec && verbose > 1)
--			printf(_("mount: going to mount %s by UUID\n"), spec);
--	} else if (!strncmp(spec, "LABEL=", 6)) {
--		nspec = mount_get_devname_by_label(spec+6);
--		if (nspec && verbose > 1)
--			printf(_("mount: going to mount %s by label\n"), spec);
--	} else
--		nspec = spec;
--	return nspec;
- #endif
-diff --git a/mount/get_label_uuid.c b/mount/get_label_uuid.c
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 6d92e07..0000000
---- a/mount/get_label_uuid.c
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-- * Get label. Used by mount, umount and swapon.
-- */
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <fcntl.h>
--#include <unistd.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include "xmalloc.h"
--#include "linux_fs.h"
--#include "get_label_uuid.h"
--#include "../disk-utils/swapheader.h"
-- * See whether this device has (the magic of) a RAID superblock at the end.
-- * If so, it probably is, or has been, part of a RAID array.
-- *
-- * For the moment this test is switched off - it causes problems.
-- * "Checking for a disk label should only be done on the full raid,
-- *  not on the disks that form the raid array. This test causes a lot of
-- *  problems when run on my striped promise fasttrak 100 array."
-- */
--static inline int
--is_raid_partition(int fd) {
--#if 0
--	struct mdp_super_block mdsb;
--	int n;
--	/* hardcode 4096 here in various places, because that's
--	   what it's defined to be.  Note that even if we used
--	   the actual kernel headers, sizeof(mdp_super_t) is
--	   slightly larger in the 2.2 kernel on 64-bit archs,
--	   so using that wouldn't work. */
--	lseek(fd, -4096, SEEK_END);	/* Ignore possible error
--					   about return value overflow */
--	n = 4096;
--	if (sizeof(mdsb) < n)
--		n = sizeof(mdsb);
--	if (read(fd, &mdsb, n) != n)
--		return 1;		/* error */
--	return (mdsbmagic(mdsb) == MD_SB_MAGIC);
--	return 0;
--reiserfs_magic_version(const char *magic) {
--	int rc = 0;
--	if (!strncmp(magic, REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC_STRING,
--		rc = 1;
--	if (!strncmp(magic, REISER2FS_SUPER_MAGIC_STRING, 
--		rc = 2;
--	if (!strncmp(magic, REISER3FS_SUPER_MAGIC_STRING, 
--		rc = 3;
--	return rc;
--static void
--store_uuid(char *udest, char *usrc) {
--	if (usrc)
--		memcpy(udest, usrc, 16);
--	else
--		memset(udest, 0, 16);
--static void
--store_label(char **ldest, char *lsrc, int len) {
--	*ldest = xmalloc(len+1);
--	memset(*ldest, 0, len+1);
--	memcpy(*ldest, lsrc, len);
--static int
--is_v1_swap_partition(int fd, char **label, char *uuid) {
--	int n = getpagesize();
--	char *buf = xmalloc(n);
--	struct swap_header_v1_2 *p = (struct swap_header_v1_2 *) buf;
--	if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0
--	    && read(fd, buf, n) == n
--	    && !strncmp(buf+n-10, "SWAPSPACE2", 10)
--	    && p->version == 1) {
--		store_uuid(uuid, p->uuid);
--		store_label(label, p->volume_name, 16);
--		return 1;
--	}
--	return 0;
-- * Get both label and uuid.
-- * For now, only ext2, ext3, xfs, ocfs, ocfs2, reiserfs, swap are supported
-- *
-- * Return 0 on success.
-- */
--get_label_uuid(const char *device, char **label, char *uuid) {
--	int fd;
--	struct ext2_super_block e2sb;
--	struct xfs_super_block xfsb;
--	struct jfs_super_block jfssb;
--	struct ocfs_volume_header ovh;	/* Oracle */
--	struct ocfs_volume_label olbl;
--	struct ocfs2_super_block osb;
--	struct reiserfs_super_block reiserfssb;
--	int blksize;
--	int rv = 0;
--	fd = open(device, O_RDONLY);
--	if (fd < 0)
--		return -1;
--	/* If there is a RAID partition, or an error, ignore this partition */
--	if (is_raid_partition(fd)) {
--		rv = 1;
--		goto done;
--	}
--	if (is_v1_swap_partition(fd, label, uuid))
--		goto done;
--	if (lseek(fd, 1024, SEEK_SET) == 1024
--	    && read(fd, (char *) &e2sb, sizeof(e2sb)) == sizeof(e2sb)
--	    && (ext2magic(e2sb) == EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC)) {
--		store_uuid(uuid, e2sb.s_uuid);
--		store_label(label, e2sb.s_volume_name,
--			    sizeof(e2sb.s_volume_name));
--		goto done;
--	}
--	if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0
--	    && read(fd, (char *) &xfsb, sizeof(xfsb)) == sizeof(xfsb)
--	    && (strncmp(xfsb.s_magic, XFS_SUPER_MAGIC, 4) == 0)) {
--		store_uuid(uuid, xfsb.s_uuid);
--		store_label(label, xfsb.s_fname, sizeof(xfsb.s_fname));
--		goto done;
--	}
--	if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == 0
--	    && read(fd, (char *) &ovh, sizeof(ovh)) == sizeof(ovh)
--	    && (strncmp(ovh.signature, OCFS_MAGIC, sizeof(OCFS_MAGIC)) == 0)
--	    && (lseek(fd, 512, SEEK_SET) == 512)
--	    && read(fd, (char *) &olbl, sizeof(olbl)) == sizeof(olbl)) {
--		store_uuid(uuid, NULL);
--		store_label(label, olbl.label, ocfslabellen(olbl));
--		goto done;
--	}
--	if (lseek(fd, JFS_SUPER1_OFF, SEEK_SET) == JFS_SUPER1_OFF
--	    && read(fd, (char *) &jfssb, sizeof(jfssb)) == sizeof(jfssb)
--	    && (strncmp(jfssb.s_magic, JFS_MAGIC, 4) == 0)) {
--/* The situation for jfs is rather messy. The structure of the
--   superblock changed a few times, but there seems to be no good way
--   to check what kind of sb we have.
--   Old (OS/2 compatible) jfs filesystems don't have UUIDs and have
--   an 11-byte label in s_fpack[].
--   Kernel 2.5.6 supports jfs v1; 2.5.8 supports v2; 2.5.18 has label/uuid.
--   Kernel 2.4.20 supports jfs v2 with label/uuid.
--   s_version will be 2 for new filesystems using an external log.
--   Other new filesystems will have version 1.
--   Label and UUID can be set by jfs_tune. */
--/* Let us believe label/uuid on v2, and on v1 only when label agrees
--   with s_fpack in the first 11 bytes. */
--		if (assemble4le(jfssb.s_version) == 1 &&
--		    strncmp(jfssb.s_label, jfssb.s_fpack, 11) != 0) {
--			store_uuid(uuid, NULL);
--			store_label(label, jfssb.s_fpack,
--				    sizeof(jfssb.s_fpack));
--		} else {
--			store_uuid(uuid, jfssb.s_uuid);
--			store_label(label, jfssb.s_label,
--				    sizeof(jfssb.s_label));
--		}
--		goto done;
--	}
--	    && read(fd, (char *) &reiserfssb, sizeof(reiserfssb))
--	    == sizeof(reiserfssb)
--	    /* Only 3.6.x format supers have labels or uuids.
--	       Label and UUID can be set by reiserfstune -l/-u. */
--	    && reiserfs_magic_version(reiserfssb.s_magic) > 1) {
--		store_uuid(uuid, reiserfssb.s_uuid);
--		store_label(label, reiserfssb.s_label,
--			    sizeof(reiserfssb.s_label));
--		goto done;
--	}
--	for (blksize = OCFS2_MIN_BLOCKSIZE;
--	     blksize <= OCFS2_MAX_BLOCKSIZE;
--	     blksize <<= 1) {
--		int blkoff = blksize * OCFS2_SUPER_BLOCK_BLKNO;
--		if (lseek(fd, blkoff, SEEK_SET) == blkoff
--		    && read(fd, (char *) &osb, sizeof(osb)) == sizeof(osb)
--		    && strncmp(osb.signature,
--			       sizeof(OCFS2_SUPER_BLOCK_SIGNATURE)) == 0) {
--			store_uuid(uuid, osb.s_uuid);
--			store_label(label, osb.s_label, sizeof(osb.s_label));
--			goto done;
--		}
--	}
--	rv = 1;
-- done:
--	close(fd);
--	return rv;
-diff --git a/mount/get_label_uuid.h b/mount/get_label_uuid.h
-deleted file mode 100644
-index f52cc52..0000000
---- a/mount/get_label_uuid.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1 +0,0 @@
--int get_label_uuid(const char *device, char **label, char *uuid);
-diff --git a/mount/linux_fs.h b/mount/linux_fs.h
-index 430cbed..e47da2f 100644
---- a/mount/linux_fs.h
-+++ b/mount/linux_fs.h
-@@ -13,295 +13,3 @@
- #endif
- #endif
--#define MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC   0x137F         /* minix v1, 14 char names */
--#define MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2  0x138F         /* minix v1, 30 char names */
--#define MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC  0x2468	   /* minix v2, 14 char names */
--#define MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2 0x2478         /* minix v2, 30 char names */
--struct minix_super_block {
--	u_char   s_dummy[16];
--	u_char   s_magic[2];
--#define minixmagic(s)	assemble2le(s.s_magic)
--#define ISODCL(from, to) (to - from + 1)
--#define ISO_STANDARD_ID "CD001"
--struct iso_volume_descriptor {
--	char type[ISODCL(1,1)]; /* 711 */
--	char id[ISODCL(2,6)];
--	char version[ISODCL(7,7)];
--	char data[ISODCL(8,2048)];
--struct  hs_volume_descriptor {
--	char foo[ISODCL (  1,   8)]; /* 733 */
--	char type[ISODCL (  9,   9)]; /* 711 */
--	char id[ISODCL ( 10,  14)];
--	char version[ISODCL ( 15,  15)]; /* 711 */
--	char data[ISODCL(16,2048)];
--#define EXT_SUPER_MAGIC 0x137D
--struct ext_super_block {
--	u_char   s_dummy[56];
--	u_char   s_magic[2];
--#define extmagic(s)	assemble2le(s.s_magic)
--#define EXT2_PRE_02B_MAGIC  0xEF51
--#define EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC    0xEF53
--struct ext2_super_block {
--	u_char 	s_dummy1[56];
--	u_char 	s_magic[2];
--	u_char	s_dummy2[34];
--	u_char	s_feature_compat[4];
--	u_char	s_feature_incompat[4];
--	u_char	s_feature_ro_compat[4];
--	u_char	s_uuid[16];
--	u_char 	s_volume_name[16];
--	u_char	s_dummy3[88];
--	u_char	s_journal_inum[4];	/* ext3 only */
--#define ext2magic(s)	assemble2le(s.s_magic)
--struct reiserfs_super_block
--	u_char		s_block_count[4];
--	u_char		s_free_blocks[4];
--	u_char		s_root_block[4];
--	u_char		s_journal_block[4];
--	u_char		s_journal_dev[4];
--	u_char		s_orig_journal_size[4];
--	u_char		s_journal_trans_max[4];
--	u_char		s_journal_block_count[4];
--	u_char		s_journal_max_batch[4];
--	u_char		s_journal_max_commit_age[4];
--	u_char		s_journal_max_trans_age[4];
--	u_char		s_blocksize[2];
--	u_char		s_oid_maxsize[2];
--	u_char		s_oid_cursize[2];
--	u_char		s_state[2];
--	u_char		s_magic[10];
--	u_char		s_dummy1[10];
--	u_char		s_version[2]; /* only valid with relocated journal */
--	/* only valid in 3.6.x format */
--	u_char		s_dummy2[10];
--	u_char		s_uuid[16];
--	u_char		s_label[16];
--/* also known as REISER2FS_JR_SUPER_MAGIC_STRING */
--#define REISERFS_DISK_OFFSET_IN_BYTES (64 * 1024)
--/* the spot for the super in versions 3.5 - 3.5.10 (inclusive) */
--/* values of s_version when REISER3FS_SUPER_MAGIC_STRING is found */
--#define REISERFS_VERSION_1 0 /* 3.5.x disk format */
--#define REISERFS_VERSION_2 2 /* 3.6.x disk format */
--extern int reiserfs_magic_version(const char *magic);
--#define _XIAFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x012FD16D
--struct xiafs_super_block {
--    u_char     s_boot_segment[512];     /*  1st sector reserved for boot */
--    u_char     s_dummy[60];
--    u_char     s_magic[4];
--#define xiafsmagic(s)	assemble4le(s.s_magic)
--/* From Mon Mar 23 15:19:05 1998 */
--#define UFS_SUPER_MAGIC_LE 0x00011954
--#define UFS_SUPER_MAGIC_BE 0x54190100
--struct ufs_super_block {
--    u_char     s_dummy[0x55c];
--    u_char     s_magic[4];
--#define ufsmagic(s)	assemble4le(s.s_magic)
--/* From Wed Feb 24 08:05:27 1999 */
--struct ntfs_super_block {
--    u_char    s_dummy[3];
--    u_char    s_magic[4];
--/* From inspection of a few FAT filesystems - aeb */
--/* Unfortunately I find almost the same thing on an extended partition;
--   it looks like a primary has some directory entries where the extended
--   has a partition table: IO.SYS, MSDOS.SYS, WINBOOT.SYS */
--struct fat_super_block {
--    u_char    s_dummy[3];
--    u_char    s_os[8];		/* "MSDOS5.0" or "MSWIN4.0" or "MSWIN4.1" */
--				/* mtools-3.9.4 writes "MTOOL394" */
--    u_char    s_dummy2[32];
--    u_char    s_label[11];	/* for DOS? */
--    u_char    s_fs[8];		/* "FAT12   " or "FAT16   " or all zero   */
--                                /* OS/2 BM has "FAT     " here. */
--    u_char    s_dummy3[9];
--    u_char    s_label2[11];	/* for Windows? */
--    u_char    s_fs2[8];	        /* garbage or "FAT32   " */
--struct xfs_super_block {
--    u_char    s_magic[4];
--    u_char    s_dummy[28];
--    u_char    s_uuid[16];
--    u_char    s_dummy2[60];
--    u_char    s_fname[12];
--#define CRAMFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x28cd3d45
--#define CRAMFS_SUPER_MAGIC_BE 0x453dcd28
--struct cramfs_super_block {
--	u_char    s_magic[4];
--	u_char    s_dummy[12];
--	u_char    s_id[16];
--#define cramfsmagic(s)	assemble4le(s.s_magic)
--#define HFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0x4244
--struct hfs_super_block {
--	u_char    s_magic[2];		/* drSigWord */
--	u_char    s_dummy[18];
--	u_char    s_blksize[4];		/* drAlBlkSiz */
--#define hfsmagic(s)	assemble2be(s.s_magic)
--#define hfsblksize(s)	assemble4be(s.s_blksize)
--#define HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0xf995e849
--struct hpfs_super_block {
--	u_char    s_magic[4];
--	u_char    s_magic2[4];
--#define hpfsmagic(s)	assemble4le(s.s_magic)
--struct adfs_super_block {
--	u_char    s_dummy[448];
--	u_char    s_blksize[1];
--	u_char    s_dummy2[62];
--	u_char    s_checksum[1];
--#define adfsblksize(s)	((uint) s.s_blksize[0])
--/* found in first 4 bytes of block 1 */
--struct vxfs_super_block {
--	u_char	s_magic[4];
--#define vxfsmagic(s)	assemble4le(s.s_magic)
--#define VXFS_SUPER_MAGIC 0xa501FCF5
--struct jfs_super_block {
--	char	s_magic[4];
--	u_char	s_version[4];
--	u_char	s_dummy1[93];
--	char	s_fpack[11];
--	u_char	s_dummy2[24];
--	u_char	s_uuid[16];
--	char	s_label[16];
--#define JFS_SUPER1_OFF 0x8000
--#define JFS_MAGIC "JFS1"
--struct sysv_super_block {
--	u_char  s_dummy1[504];
--	u_char  s_magic[4];
--	u_char  type[4];
--#define sysvmagic(s)		assemble4le(s.s_magic)
--#define SYSV_SUPER_MAGIC	0xfd187e20
--struct mdp_super_block {
--	u_char	md_magic[4];
--#define MD_SB_MAGIC	0xa92b4efc
--#define mdsbmagic(s)	assemble4le(s.md_magic)
--struct ocfs_volume_header {
--	u_char  minor_version[4];
--	u_char  major_version[4];
--	u_char  signature[128];
--struct ocfs_volume_label {
--	u_char  disk_lock[48];
--	u_char  label[64];
--	u_char  label_len[2];
--#define ocfslabellen(o)	assemble2le(o.label_len)
--#define OCFS_MAGIC	"OracleCFS"
--struct ocfs2_super_block {
--	u_char  signature[8];
--	u_char  s_dummy1[184];
--	u_char  s_dummy2[80];
--	u_char  s_label[64];
--	u_char  s_uuid[16];
--#define OCFS2_MIN_BLOCKSIZE		512
--#define OCFS2_MAX_BLOCKSIZE		4096
--struct efs_volume_directory {	/* size 16 */
--	char    vd_name[8];
--	char    vd_lbn[4];
--	char    vd_nbytes[4];
--struct efs_partition_table {	/* size 12 */
--	char    pt_nblks[4];
--	char    pt_firstlbn[4];
--	char    pt_type[4];
--struct efs_volume_header {	/* size 512 */
--	char    vh_magic[4];
--	short   vh_rootpt;
--	short   vh_swappt;
--	char    vh_bootfile[16];
--	char    pad[48];
--	struct efs_volume_directory vh_vd[15];
--	struct efs_partition_table  vh_pt[16];
--	int     vh_csum;
--	int     vh_fill;
--struct efs_super {
--	char     fs_stuff[512+28];
--	char     fs_magic[4];
--	char     fs_fname[6];
--	char     fs_fpack[6];
--	/* ... */
--#define EFS_VHMAGIC	0x0be5a941	/* big endian */
--#define EFS_SBMAGIC	0x00072959	/* idem */
--#define EFS_SBMAGIC2	0x0007295a	/* idem */
--static inline int
--assemble2le(unsigned char *p) {
--	return (p[0] | (p[1] << 8));
--static inline int
--assemble2be(unsigned char *p) {
--	return (p[1] | (p[0] << 8));
--static inline int
--assemble4le(unsigned char *p) {
--	return (p[0] | (p[1] << 8) | (p[2] << 16) | (p[3] << 24));
--static inline int
--assemble4be(unsigned char *p) {
--	return (p[3] | (p[2] << 8) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[0] << 24));
-diff --git a/mount/mount.c b/mount/mount.c
-index dfa44dc..309e41e 100644
---- a/mount/mount.c
-+++ b/mount/mount.c
-@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
- #include "linux_fs.h"		/* for BLKGETSIZE */
- #include "mount_guess_rootdev.h"
- #include "mount_guess_fstype.h"
--#include "mount_by_label.h"
- #include "getusername.h"
- #include "mount_paths.h"
- #include "env.h"
-diff --git a/mount/mount_by_label.c b/mount/mount_by_label.c
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 4899f03..0000000
---- a/mount/mount_by_label.c
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-- * mount_by_label.c - aeb
-- *
-- * 1999-02-22 Arkadiusz Mi�kiewicz <misiek@pld.ORG.PL>
-- * - added Native Language Support
-- * 2000-01-20 James Antill <>
-- * - Added error message if /proc/partitions cannot be opened
-- * 2000-05-09 Erik Troan <>
-- * - Added cache for UUID and disk labels
-- * 2000-11-07 Nathan Scott <>
-- * - Added XFS support
-- * 2001-11-22 Kirby Bohling <>
-- * - Added support of labels on LVM
-- * 2002-03-21 Christoph Hellwig <>
-- * - Added JFS support
-- * 2002-07-11 Christoph Hellwig <>
-- * - Added JFS v2 format support
-- * 2002-07-26 Luciano Chavez <>
-- * - Added EVMS support
-- */
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
--#include <fcntl.h>
--#include <unistd.h>
--#include <errno.h>
--#include <sys/types.h>   /* needed for opendir */
--#include <dirent.h>
--#include "sundries.h"		/* for xstrdup */
--#include "linux_fs.h"
--#include "get_label_uuid.h"
--#include "mount_by_label.h"
--#include "nls.h"
--#define PROC_PARTITIONS "/proc/partitions"
--#define DEVLABELDIR	"/dev"
--#define VG_DIR          "/proc/lvm/VGs"
--#define EVMS_VOLUME_NAME_SIZE  127
--#define PROC_EVMS_VOLUMES "/proc/evms/volumes"
--extern char *progname;
--static struct uuidCache_s {
--	struct uuidCache_s *next;
--	char uuid[16];
--	char *label;
--	char *device;
--} *uuidCache = NULL;
--static void
--uuidcache_addentry(char *device, char *label, char *uuid) {
--	struct uuidCache_s *last;
--	if (!uuidCache) {
--		last = uuidCache = malloc(sizeof(*uuidCache));
--	} else {
--		for (last = uuidCache; last->next; last = last->next);
--		last->next = malloc(sizeof(*uuidCache));
--		last = last->next;
--	}
--	last->next = NULL;
--	last->device = device;
--	last->label = label;
--	memcpy(last->uuid, uuid, sizeof(last->uuid));
--/* LVM support - Kirby Bohling */
--static void
--uuidcache_init_lvm(void) {
--	char buffer[PATH_MAX];
--	char lvm_device[PATH_MAX];
--	DIR *vg_dir, *lv_list;
--	struct dirent *vg_iter, *lv_iter;
--	char uuid[16], *label;
--	vg_dir = opendir(VG_DIR);
--	if (vg_dir == NULL)	/* to be expected */
--		return;
--	seekdir(vg_dir, 2);
--	while ((vg_iter = readdir(vg_dir)) != 0) {
--		sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s/LVs", VG_DIR, vg_iter->d_name);
--		lv_list = opendir(buffer);
--		if (lv_list == NULL) {
--			perror("uuidcache_init_lvm");
--			continue;
--		}
--		seekdir(lv_list, 2);
--		while ((lv_iter = readdir(lv_list)) != 0) {
--			/* Now we have the file.. could open it and read out
--			 * where the device is, read the first line, second
--			 * field... Instead we guess.
--			 */
--			sprintf(lvm_device, "%s/%s/%s", DEVLABELDIR,
--				vg_iter->d_name, lv_iter->d_name);
--			if (!get_label_uuid(lvm_device, &label, uuid))
--				uuidcache_addentry(xstrdup(lvm_device),
--						   label, uuid);
--		}
--		closedir(lv_list);
--	}
--	closedir(vg_dir);
--static int
--uuidcache_init_evms(void) {
--	FILE *procvol;
--	char *label;
--	char uuid[16];
--	char volname[EVMS_VOLUME_NAME_SIZE+1];
--	char line[EVMS_VOLUME_NAME_SIZE+80];
--	procvol = fopen(PROC_EVMS_VOLUMES, "r");
--	if (!procvol)
--		return 0;
--	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), procvol)) {
--		if (sscanf(line, "%*d %*d %*d %*s %*s %[^\n]", volname) == 1) {
--			if (!get_label_uuid(volname, &label, uuid))
--				uuidcache_addentry(xstrdup(volname), label, uuid);
--		}
--	}
--	fclose(procvol);
--	return 1;
-- * xvm is a proprietary sgi volume manager, it goes into /proc/partitions
-- * like this:
-- *
-- *   4     0    2210817 xvm/local/vol/myvolume/data/block
-- *   4     1    2210817 xvm/local/vol/myvolume/rt/block
-- *   4     2    2210817 xvm/local/vol/myvolume/log/block
-- *   4     3    2210818 xvm/local/vol/discs3/data/block
-- *
-- * The heuristics here are that the device should start with "xvm,"
-- * but should not end in "log/block" or "rt/block" - those are
-- * special devices for the xfs filesystem external log & realtime device.
-- */
--/* Return 1 if this looks like an xvm device that should be scanned */
--static int
--is_xvm(char *ptname)
--	int len;
--	/* if it doesn't start with "xvm," we're done. */
--	if (strncmp(ptname, "xvm", 3))
--		return 0;
--	len = strlen(ptname);
--	/*
--	 * check for "log/block" or "rt/block" on the end,
--	 * these are special - don't scan.
--	 */
--	if (!strncmp(ptname+(len-9), "log/block", 9) ||
--	    !strncmp(ptname+(len-8), "rt/block", 8))
--	    	return 0;
--	return 1;
--static void
--uuidcache_init(void) {
--	char line[100];
--	char *s;
--	int ma, mi, sz;
--	static char ptname[100];
--	FILE *procpt;
--	char uuid[16], *label;
--	char device[110];
--	int firstPass;
--	int handleOnFirst;
--#if 0
--	char iobuf[32*1024];	/* For setvbuf */
--	if (uuidCache)
--		return;
--	if (uuidcache_init_evms())
--		return;
--	procpt = fopen(PROC_PARTITIONS, "r");
--	if (!procpt) {
--		static int warn = 0;
--		if (!warn++)
--		    error (_("%s: could not open %s, so UUID and LABEL "
--			     "conversion cannot be done.\n"),
--			   progname, PROC_PARTITIONS);
--		return;
--	}
--#if 0
--/* Ugly kludge - the contents of /proc/partitions change in time,
--   and this causes failures when the file is not read in one go.
--   In particular, one cannot use stdio on /proc/partitions.
--   Doing this ourselves is not easy either, since stat returns 0
--   so the size is unknown. We might try increasing buffer sizes
--   until a single read gets all. For now only pick a largish buffer size. */
--/* All these troubles are mainly caused by people who patch the kernel
--   to keep statistics in /proc/partitions. Of course, statistics belong
--   in some /proc/diskstats, not in some /proc file that happened to
--   exist already. */
--	setvbuf(procpt, iobuf, _IOFBF, sizeof(iobuf));
--	for (firstPass = 1; firstPass >= 0; firstPass--) {
--	    fseek(procpt, 0, SEEK_SET);
--	    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), procpt)) {
--		if (!index(line, '\n'))
--			break;
--		if (sscanf (line, " %d %d %d %[^\n ]",
--			    &ma, &mi, &sz, ptname) != 4)
--			continue;
--		/* skip extended partitions (heuristic: size 1) */
--		if (sz == 1)
--			continue;
--		/* look only at md devices on first pass */
--		handleOnFirst = !strncmp(ptname, "md", 2);
--		if (firstPass != handleOnFirst)
--			continue;
--		/* skip entire disk (minor 0, 64, ... on ide;
--		   0, 16, ... on sd) */
--		/* heuristic: partition name ends in a digit */
--		/* devfs has .../disc and .../part1 etc. */
--		for (s = ptname; *s; s++);
--		if (isdigit(s[-1]) || is_xvm(ptname)) {
--		/*
--		 * Note: this is a heuristic only - there is no reason
--		 * why these devices should live in /dev.
--		 * Perhaps this directory should be specifiable by option.
--		 * One might for example have /devlabel with links to /dev
--		 * for the devices that may be accessed in this way.
--		 * (This is useful, if the cdrom on /dev/hdc must not
--		 * be accessed.)
--		 */
--			sprintf(device, "%s/%s", DEVLABELDIR, ptname);
--			if (!get_label_uuid(device, &label, uuid))
--				uuidcache_addentry(xstrdup(device), label, uuid);
--		}
--	    }
--	}
--	fclose(procpt);
--	uuidcache_init_lvm();
--#define UUID   1
--#define VOL    2
--static const char *
--get_spec_by_x(int n, const char *t) {
--	struct uuidCache_s *uc;
--	uuidcache_init();
--	uc = uuidCache;
--	while (uc) {
--		switch (n) {
--		case UUID:
--			if (!memcmp(t, uc->uuid, sizeof(uc->uuid)))
--				return xstrdup(uc->device);
--			break;
--		case VOL:
--			if (uc->label && !strcmp(t, uc->label))
--				return xstrdup(uc->device);
--			break;
--		}
--		uc = uc->next;
--	}
--	return NULL;
--static u_char
--fromhex(char c) {
--	if (isdigit(c))
--		return (c - '0');
--	else if (islower(c))
--		return (c - 'a' + 10);
--	else
--		return (c - 'A' + 10);
--const char *
--get_spec_by_uuid(const char *s) {
--	u_char uuid[16];
--	int i;
--	if (strlen(s) != 36 ||
--	    s[8] != '-' || s[13] != '-' || s[18] != '-' || s[23] != '-')
--		goto bad_uuid;
--	for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
--	    if (*s == '-') s++;
--	    if (!isxdigit(s[0]) || !isxdigit(s[1]))
--		    goto bad_uuid;
--	    uuid[i] = ((fromhex(s[0])<<4) | fromhex(s[1]));
--	    s += 2;
--	}
--	return get_spec_by_x(UUID, uuid);
-- bad_uuid:
--	die(EX_USAGE, _("%s: bad UUID"), progname);
--	return NULL;		/* just for gcc */
--const char *
--get_spec_by_volume_label(const char *s) {
--	return get_spec_by_x(VOL, s);
--const char *
--get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
--        struct uuidCache_s *uc;
--        uuidcache_init();
--        uc = uuidCache;
--	while(uc) {
--		if (!strcmp(spec, uc->device))
--			return uc->label;
-- 		uc = uc->next;
--	}
--	return NULL;
-- * second_occurrence_of_vol_label()
-- * As labels are user defined they are not necessarily 
-- * system-wide unique. Make sure that they are.
-- */
--const char *
--second_occurrence_of_vol_label (const char *label) {
--  	struct uuidCache_s *last;
--        int occurrences = 0;
--        uuidcache_init();
--        for (last = uuidCache; last; last = last->next) {
--		if (last->label && !strcmp(last->label, label)) {
--			occurrences++;
--			if (occurrences == 2)
--				return last->device;
--		}
--        }
--        return NULL;
-diff --git a/mount/mount_by_label.h b/mount/mount_by_label.h
-deleted file mode 100644
-index f5c930d..0000000
---- a/mount/mount_by_label.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
--const char *get_spec_by_uuid(const char *uuid);
--const char *get_spec_by_volume_label(const char *volumelabel);
--const char *get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec);
--const char *second_occurrence_of_vol_label(const char *label);
-diff --git a/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c b/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c
-index 51d8750..01c3fc7 100644
---- a/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c
-+++ b/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c
-@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
- #define ETC_FILESYSTEMS		"/etc/filesystems"
- #define PROC_FILESYSTEMS	"/proc/filesystems"
- char *
- do_guess_fstype(const char *device) 
- {
-@@ -60,438 +58,6 @@ known_fstype(const char *fstype)
- 	return blkid_known_fstype(fstype);
- }
--#define SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
--/* Most file system types can be recognized by a `magic' number
--   in the superblock.  Note that the order of the tests is
--   significant: by coincidence a filesystem can have the
--   magic numbers for several file system types simultaneously.
--   For example, the romfs magic lives in the 1st sector;
--   xiafs does not touch the 1st sector and has its magic in
--   the 2nd sector; ext2 does not touch the first two sectors. */
--static inline unsigned short
--swapped(unsigned short a) {
--     return (a>>8) | (a<<8);
--    char *guess_fstype(const char *device);
--    Probes the device and attempts to determine the type of filesystem
--    contained within.
--    Original routine by <>; made into a function
--    for mount(8) by Mike Grupenhoff <>.
--    Corrected the test for xiafs - aeb
--    Read the superblock only once - aeb
--    Added a very weak heuristic for vfat - aeb
--    Added efs, iso9660, minix-v2, romfs, qnx4, udf, vxfs, swap - aeb
--    Added a test for high sierra (iso9660) -
--    Added ufs from a patch by jj. But maybe there are several types of ufs?
--    Added ntfs from a patch by Richard Russon.
--    Added xfs - 2000-03-21 Martin K. Petersen <>
--    Added cramfs, hfs, hpfs, adfs - Sepp Wijnands <>
--    Added ext3 - Andrew Morton
--    Added jfs - Christoph Hellwig
--    Added sysv - Tim Launchbury
--    Added udf - Bryce Nesbitt
--    Added ocfs, ocfs2 - Manish Singh -
--static char
--*magic_known[] = {
--	"adfs", "bfs", "cramfs", "efs", "ext", "ext2", "ext3",
--	"hfs", "hpfs", "iso9660", "jfs", "minix", "ntfs", "ocfs", "ocfs2",
--	"qnx4", "reiserfs", "romfs", "swap", "sysv", "udf", "ufs",
--	"vxfs", "xfs", "xiafs"
--static int
--known_fstype(const char *fstype) {
--	char **m;
--	for (m = magic_known; m - magic_known < SIZE(magic_known); m++)
--		if (!strcmp(*m, fstype))
--			return 1;
--	return 0;
-- * udf magic - I find that trying to mount garbage as an udf fs
-- * causes a very large kernel delay, almost killing the machine.
-- * So, we do not try udf unless there is positive evidence that it
-- * might work. Strings below taken from ECMA 167.
-- */
-- * It seems that before udf 2.00 the volume descriptor was not well
-- * defined.  For 2.00 you're supposed to keep scanning records until
-- * you find one NOT in this list.  (See ECMA 2/8.3.1).
-- */
--static char
--*udf_magic[] = { "BEA01", "BOOT2", "CD001", "CDW02", "NSR02",
--		 "NSR03", "TEA01" };
--static int
--may_be_udf(const char *id) {
--    char **m;
--    for (m = udf_magic; m - udf_magic < SIZE(udf_magic); m++)
--       if (!strncmp(*m, id, 5))
--	  return 1;
--    return 0;
--/* we saw "CD001" - may be iso9660 or udf - Bryce Nesbitt */
--static int
--is_really_udf(int fd) {
--	int j, bs;
--	struct iso_volume_descriptor isosb;
--	/* determine the block size by scanning in 2K increments
--	   (block sizes larger than 2K will be null padded) */
--	for (bs = 1; bs < 16; bs++) {
--		lseek(fd, bs*2048+32768, SEEK_SET);
--		if (read(fd, (char *)&isosb, sizeof(isosb)) != sizeof(isosb))
--			return 0;
--		if ([0])
--			break;
--	}
--	/* Scan up to another 64 blocks looking for additional VSD's */
--	for (j = 1; j < 64; j++) {
--		if (j > 1) {
--			lseek(fd, j*bs*2048+32768, SEEK_SET);
--			if (read(fd, (char *)&isosb, sizeof(isosb))
--			    != sizeof(isosb))
--				return 0;
--		}
--		/* If we find NSR0x then call it udf:
--		   NSR01 for UDF 1.00
--		   NSR02 for UDF 1.50
--		   NSR03 for UDF 2.00 */
--		if (!strncmp(, "NSR0", 4))
--			return 1;
--		if (!may_be_udf(
--			return 0;
--	}
--	return 0;
--static int
--may_be_swap(const char *s) {
--	return (strncmp(s-10, "SWAP-SPACE", 10) == 0 ||
--		strncmp(s-10, "SWAPSPACE2", 10) == 0);
--/* rather weak necessary condition */
--static int
--may_be_adfs(const u_char *s) {
--	u_char *p;
--	int sum;
--	p = (u_char *) s + 511;
--	sum = 0;
--	while (--p != s)
--		sum = (sum >> 8) + (sum & 0xff) + *p;
--	return (sum == p[511]);
--char *
--do_guess_fstype(const char *device) {
--    int fd;
--    char *type = NULL;
--    union {
--	struct xiafs_super_block xiasb;
--	char romfs_magic[8];
--	char qnx4fs_magic[10];	/* ignore first 4 bytes */
--	long bfs_magic;
--	struct ntfs_super_block ntfssb;
--	struct fat_super_block fatsb;
--	struct xfs_super_block xfsb;
--	struct cramfs_super_block cramfssb;
--	struct ocfs_volume_header ovh;
--	struct efs_volume_header efsvh;
--	struct efs_super efssb;
--    } xsb;			/* stuff at 0 */
--    union {
--	struct minix_super_block ms;
--	struct ext_super_block es;
--	struct ext2_super_block e2s;
--	struct vxfs_super_block vs;
--    } sb;			/* stuff at 1024 */
--    struct ufs_super_block ufssb;
--    union {
--	struct iso_volume_descriptor iso;
--	struct hs_volume_descriptor hs;
--    } isosb;
--    struct reiserfs_super_block reiserfssb;	/* block 64 or 8 */
--    struct jfs_super_block jfssb;		/* block 32 */
--    struct hfs_super_block hfssb;
--    struct hpfs_super_block hpfssb;
--    struct adfs_super_block adfssb;
--    struct sysv_super_block svsb;
--    struct ocfs2_super_block osb;
--    struct stat statbuf;
--    /* opening and reading an arbitrary unknown path can have
--       undesired side effects - first check that `device' refers
--       to a block device or ordinary file */
--    if (stat (device, &statbuf) ||
--	!(S_ISBLK(statbuf.st_mode) || S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)))
--      return 0;
--    fd = open(device, O_RDONLY);
--    if (fd < 0)
--      return 0;
--    /* do seeks and reads in disk order, otherwise a very short
--       partition may cause a failure because of read error */
--    if (!type) {
--	 /* block 0 */
--	 if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
--	     || read(fd, (char *) &xsb, sizeof(xsb)) != sizeof(xsb))
--	      goto try_iso9660;
--	 /* Gyorgy Kovesdi: none of my photocds has a readable block 0 */
--	 if (xiafsmagic(xsb.xiasb) == _XIAFS_SUPER_MAGIC)
--	      type = "xiafs";
--	 else if(!strncmp(xsb.romfs_magic, "-rom1fs-", 8))
--	      type = "romfs";
--	 else if(!strncmp(xsb.xfsb.s_magic, XFS_SUPER_MAGIC, 4))
--	      type = "xfs";
--	 else if(!strncmp(, OCFS_MAGIC, sizeof(OCFS_MAGIC)))
--	      type = "ocfs";
--	 else if(!strncmp(xsb.qnx4fs_magic+4, "QNX4FS", 6))
--	      type = "qnx4";
--	 else if(xsb.bfs_magic == 0x1badface)
--	      type = "bfs";
--	 else if(!strncmp(xsb.ntfssb.s_magic, NTFS_SUPER_MAGIC,
--			  sizeof(xsb.ntfssb.s_magic)))
--	      type = "ntfs";
--	 else if(cramfsmagic(xsb.cramfssb) == CRAMFS_SUPER_MAGIC ||
--		 cramfsmagic(xsb.cramfssb) == CRAMFS_SUPER_MAGIC_BE)
--	      type = "cramfs";
--	 else if (assemble4be(xsb.efsvh.vh_magic) == EFS_VHMAGIC)
--	      type = "efs";		/* EFS volume header */
--	 				/* might check checksum here */
--	 else if (assemble4be(xsb.efssb.fs_magic) == EFS_SBMAGIC ||
--		  assemble4be(xsb.efssb.fs_magic) == EFS_SBMAGIC2)
--		 type = "efs";		/* EFS partition */
--	 else if ((!strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_os, "MSDOS", 5) ||
--		   !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_os, "MSWIN", 5) ||
--		   !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_os, "MTOOL", 5) ||
--		   !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_os, "IBM", 3) ||
--		   !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_os, "DRDOS", 5) ||
--		   !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_os, "mkdosfs", 7) ||
--		   !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_os, "kmkdosfs", 8) ||
--		   /* Michal Svec: created by fdformat, old msdos utility for
--		      formatting large (1.7) floppy disks. */
--		   !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_os, "CH-FOR18", 8))
--		  && (!strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_fs, "FAT12   ", 8) ||
--		      !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_fs, "FAT16   ", 8) ||
--		      !strncmp(xsb.fatsb.s_fs2, "FAT32   ", 8)))
--	      type = "vfat";	/* only guessing - might as well be fat or umsdos */
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	    /* sector 1 */
--	    if (lseek(fd, 512 , SEEK_SET) != 512
--		|| read(fd, (char *) &svsb, sizeof(svsb)) != sizeof(svsb))
--		    goto io_error;
--	    if (sysvmagic(svsb) == SYSV_SUPER_MAGIC )
--		    type = "sysv";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	/* block 1 */
--	if (lseek(fd, 1024, SEEK_SET) != 1024 ||
--	    read(fd, (char *) &sb, sizeof(sb)) != sizeof(sb))
--		goto io_error;
--	/* ext2 has magic in little-endian on disk, so "swapped" is
--	   superfluous; however, there have existed strange byteswapped
--	   PPC ext2 systems */
--	if (ext2magic(sb.e2s) == EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC ||
--	    ext2magic(sb.e2s) == EXT2_PRE_02B_MAGIC ||
--	    ext2magic(sb.e2s) == swapped(EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC)) {
--		type = "ext2";
--	     /* maybe even ext3? */
--	     if ((assemble4le(sb.e2s.s_feature_compat)
--		 assemble4le(sb.e2s.s_journal_inum) != 0)
--		     type = "ext3";	/* "ext3,ext2" */
--	}
--	else if (minixmagic( == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC ||
--		 minixmagic( == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2 ||
--		 minixmagic( == swapped(MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2) ||
--		 minixmagic( == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC ||
--		 minixmagic( == MINIX2_SUPER_MAGIC2)
--		type = "minix";
--	else if (extmagic( == EXT_SUPER_MAGIC)
--		type = "ext";
--	else if (vxfsmagic(sb.vs) == VXFS_SUPER_MAGIC)
--		type = "vxfs";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	/* block 1 */
--        if (lseek(fd, 0x400, SEEK_SET) != 0x400
--            || read(fd, (char *) &hfssb, sizeof(hfssb)) != sizeof(hfssb))
--             goto io_error;
--        /* also check if block size is equal to 512 bytes,
--	   or a multiple. (I see 1536 here.) */
--        if (hfsmagic(hfssb) == HFS_SUPER_MAGIC &&	/* always BE */
--	    hfsblksize(hfssb) != 0 &&
--	    (hfsblksize(hfssb) & 0x1ff) == 0)
--             type = "hfs";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	/* block 3 */
--        if (lseek(fd, 0xc00, SEEK_SET) != 0xc00
--            || read(fd, (char *) &adfssb, sizeof(adfssb)) != sizeof(adfssb))
--             goto io_error;
--	/* only a weak test */
--        if (may_be_adfs((u_char *) &adfssb)
--            && (adfsblksize(adfssb) >= 8 &&
--                adfsblksize(adfssb) <= 10))
--             type = "adfs";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	 int mag;
--	 /* block 8 */
--	 if (lseek(fd, 8192, SEEK_SET) != 8192
--	     || read(fd, (char *) &ufssb, sizeof(ufssb)) != sizeof(ufssb))
--	      goto io_error;
--	 mag = ufsmagic(ufssb);
--	 if (mag == UFS_SUPER_MAGIC_LE || mag == UFS_SUPER_MAGIC_BE)
--	      type = "ufs";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	/* block 8 */
--	    || read(fd, (char *) &reiserfssb, sizeof(reiserfssb)) !=
--		sizeof(reiserfssb))
--	    goto io_error;
--	if (reiserfs_magic_version(reiserfssb.s_magic))
--	    type = "reiserfs";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	/* block 8 */
--        if (lseek(fd, 0x2000, SEEK_SET) != 0x2000
--            || read(fd, (char *) &hpfssb, sizeof(hpfssb)) != sizeof(hpfssb))
--             goto io_error;
--        if (hpfsmagic(hpfssb) == HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC)
--             type = "hpfs";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	 /* block 32 */
--	 if (lseek(fd, JFS_SUPER1_OFF, SEEK_SET) != JFS_SUPER1_OFF
--	     || read(fd, (char *) &jfssb, sizeof(jfssb)) != sizeof(jfssb))
--	      goto io_error;
--	 if (!strncmp(jfssb.s_magic, JFS_MAGIC, 4))
--	      type = "jfs";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	 /* block 32 */
--    try_iso9660:
--	 if (lseek(fd, 0x8000, SEEK_SET) != 0x8000
--	     || read(fd, (char *) &isosb, sizeof(isosb)) != sizeof(isosb))
--	      goto io_error;
--	 if (strncmp(, HS_STANDARD_ID, sizeof( == 0) {
--		 /* "CDROM" */
--		 type = "iso9660";
--	 } else if (strncmp(, ISO_STANDARD_ID,
--			  sizeof( == 0) {
--		 /* CD001 */
--		 type = "iso9660";
--		 if (is_really_udf(fd))
--			 type = "udf";
--	 } else if (may_be_udf(
--		 type = "udf";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	/* block 64 */
--	    || read(fd, (char *) &reiserfssb, sizeof(reiserfssb)) !=
--		sizeof(reiserfssb))
--	    goto io_error;
--	if (reiserfs_magic_version(reiserfssb.s_magic))
--	    type = "reiserfs";
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	    int blksize, blkoff;
--	    for (blksize = OCFS2_MIN_BLOCKSIZE;
--		 blksize <= OCFS2_MAX_BLOCKSIZE;
--		 blksize <<= 1) {
--		    blkoff = blksize * OCFS2_SUPER_BLOCK_BLKNO;
--		    if (lseek(fd, blkoff, SEEK_SET) != blkoff
--			|| read(fd, (char *) &osb, sizeof(osb)) != sizeof(osb))
--			    goto io_error;
--		    if (strncmp(osb.signature, OCFS2_SUPER_BLOCK_SIGNATURE,
--				sizeof(OCFS2_SUPER_BLOCK_SIGNATURE)) == 0)
--			    type = "ocfs2";
--	    }
--    }
--    if (!type) {
--	    /* perhaps the user tries to mount the swap space
--	       on a new disk; warn her before she does mke2fs on it */
--	    int pagesize = getpagesize();
--	    int rd;
--	    char buf[32768];
--	    rd = pagesize;
--	    if (rd < 8192)
--		    rd = 8192;
--	    if (rd > sizeof(buf))
--		    rd = sizeof(buf);
--	    if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0
--		|| read(fd, buf, rd) != rd)
--		    goto io_error;
--	    if (may_be_swap(buf+pagesize) ||
--		may_be_swap(buf+4096) || may_be_swap(buf+8192))
--		    type = "swap";
--    }
--    close (fd);
--    return(type);
--    if (errno)
--	 perror(device);
--    else
--	 fprintf(stderr, _("mount: error while guessing filesystem type\n"));
--    close(fd);
--    return 0;
- static struct tried {
- 	struct tried *next;
-diff --git a/mount/swapon.c b/mount/swapon.c
-index af4ba96..cb055b3 100644
---- a/mount/swapon.c
-+++ b/mount/swapon.c
-@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
- #include "swapargs.h"
- #include "nls.h"
- #include "fsprobe.h"
--#include "mount_by_label.h"
- #include "realpath.h"
- #define streq(s, t)	(strcmp ((s), (t)) == 0)
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-Signed-off-by: Kay Sievers <>
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- mount/          |   15 +--
- mount/fsprobe.c            |  164 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- mount/fsprobe.h            |   17 ++++
- mount/fsprobe_blkid.c      |   11 ++
- mount/mount.c              |   43 +++++++--
- mount/mount_guess_fstype.c |  225 --------------------------------------------
- mount/mount_guess_fstype.h |   16 ---
- mount/mount_paths.h        |    3 +
- 8 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mount/ b/mount/
-index 6f63dcf..b5b21b5 100644
---- a/mount/
-+++ b/mount/
-@@ -7,24 +7,17 @@ sbin_PROGRAMS = losetup swapon
- man_MANS = fstab.5 mount.8 swapoff.8 swapon.8 umount.8 losetup.8
- MNTHDRS = fstab.h linux_fs.h mount_mntent.h mount_constants.h my_dev_t.h \
--	mount_paths.h lomount.h fsprobe.h \
--	mount_guess_fstype.h realpath.h xmalloc.h \
--	getusername.h loop.h mount_guess_rootdev.h \
--	sundries.h
-+	mount_paths.h lomount.h fsprobe.h realpath.h xmalloc.h \
-+	getusername.h loop.h mount_guess_rootdev.h sundries.h
- mount_SOURCES = mount.c fstab.c sundries.c xmalloc.c realpath.c mount_mntent.c \
--	mount_guess_fstype.c \
--	getusername.c \
--	lomount.c \
-+	fsprobe.c getusername.c lomount.c $(MNTHDRS)
- mount_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libenv.a $(top_srcdir)/lib/libsetproctitle.a
- umount_SOURCES = umount.c fstab.c sundries.c xmalloc.c realpath.c mount_mntent.c \
--	getusername.c \
--	lomount.c \
-+	getusername.c fsprobe.c	lomount.c $(MNTHDRS)
- umount_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libenv.a
- umount_CFLAGS = $(SUID_CFLAGS)
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe.c b/mount/fsprobe.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..4b57802
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <fcntl.h>
-+#include <errno.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+#include <sys/stat.h>
-+#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include "mount_paths.h"
-+#include "linux_fs.h"
-+#include "fsprobe.h"
-+#include "sundries.h"		/* for xstrdup */
-+#include "nls.h"
-+/* list of already tested filesystems by fsprobe_procfsloop_mount() */
-+static struct tried {
-+	struct tried *next;
-+	char *type;
-+} *tried = NULL;
-+static int
-+was_tested(const char *fstype) {
-+	struct tried *t;
-+	if (fsprobe_known_fstype(fstype))
-+		return 1;
-+	for (t = tried; t; t = t->next) {
-+		if (!strcmp(t->type, fstype))
-+			return 1;
-+	}
-+	return 0;
-+static void
-+set_tested(const char *fstype) {
-+	struct tried *t = xmalloc(sizeof(struct tried));
-+	t->next = tried;
-+	t->type = xstrdup(fstype);
-+	tried = t;
-+static void
-+free_tested(void) {
-+	struct tried *t, *tt;
-+	t = tried;
-+	while(t) {
-+		free(t->type);
-+		tt = t->next;
-+		free(t);
-+		t = tt;
-+	}
-+	tried = NULL;
-+static char *
-+procfsnext(FILE *procfs) {
-+   char line[100];
-+   char fsname[100];
-+   while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), procfs)) {
-+      if (sscanf (line, "nodev %[^\n]\n", fsname) == 1) continue;
-+      if (sscanf (line, " %[^ \n]\n", fsname) != 1) continue;
-+      return xstrdup(fsname);
-+   }
-+   return 0;
-+/* Only use /proc/filesystems here, this is meant to test what
-+   the kernel knows about, so /etc/filesystems is irrelevant.
-+   Return: 1: yes, 0: no, -1: cannot open procfs */
-+fsprobe_known_fstype_in_procfs(const char *type)
-+    FILE *procfs;
-+    char *fsname;
-+    int ret = -1;
-+    procfs = fopen(PROC_FILESYSTEMS, "r");
-+    if (procfs) {
-+	ret = 0;
-+	while ((fsname = procfsnext(procfs)) != NULL)
-+	    if (!strcmp(fsname, type)) {
-+		ret = 1;
-+		break;
-+	    }
-+	fclose(procfs);
-+	procfs = NULL;
-+    }
-+    return ret;
-+/* Try all types in FILESYSTEMS, except those in *types,
-+   in case *types starts with "no" */
-+/* return: 0: OK, -1: error in errno, 1: type not found */
-+/* when 0 or -1 is returned, *types contains the type used */
-+/* when 1 is returned, *types is NULL */
-+fsprobe_procfsloop_mount(	int (*mount_fn)(struct mountargs *),
-+				struct mountargs *args,
-+				const char **types)
-+	char *files[2] = { ETC_FILESYSTEMS, PROC_FILESYSTEMS };
-+	FILE *procfs;
-+	char *fsname;
-+	const char *notypes = NULL;
-+	int no = 0;
-+	int ret = 1;
-+	int errsv = 0;
-+	int i;
-+	if (*types && !strncmp(*types, "no", 2)) {
-+		no = 1;
-+		notypes = (*types) + 2;
-+	}
-+	*types = NULL;
-+	/* Use PROC_FILESYSTEMS only when ETC_FILESYSTEMS does not exist.
-+	   In some cases trying a filesystem that the kernel knows about
-+	   on the wrong data will crash the kernel; in such cases
-+	   ETC_FILESYSTEMS can be used to list the filesystems that we
-+	   are allowed to try, and in the order they should be tried.
-+	   End ETC_FILESYSTEMS with a line containing a single '*' only,
-+	   if PROC_FILESYSTEMS should be tried afterwards. */
-+	for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
-+		procfs = fopen(files[i], "r");
-+		if (!procfs)
-+			continue;
-+		while ((fsname = procfsnext(procfs)) != NULL) {
-+			if (!strcmp(fsname, "*")) {
-+				fclose(procfs);
-+				goto nexti;
-+			}
-+			if (was_tested (fsname))
-+				continue;
-+			if (no && matching_type(fsname, notypes))
-+				continue;
-+			set_tested (fsname);
-+			args->type = fsname;
-+			if (verbose) {
-+				printf(_("Trying %s\n"), fsname);
-+				fflush(stdout);
-+			}
-+			if ((*mount_fn) (args) == 0) {
-+				*types = fsname;
-+				ret = 0;
-+				break;
-+			} else if (errno != EINVAL &&
-+				   fsprobe_known_fstype_in_procfs(fsname) == 1) {
-+				*types = "guess";
-+				ret = -1;
-+				errsv = errno;
-+				break;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		free_tested();
-+		fclose(procfs);
-+		errno = errsv;
-+		return ret;
-+	nexti:;
-+	}
-+	return 1;
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe.h b/mount/fsprobe.h
-index c96ff8c..cc429e1 100644
---- a/mount/fsprobe.h
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe.h
-@@ -10,3 +10,20 @@ extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *label);
- extern const char *mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec);
- extern const char *mount_get_devname(const char *spec);
- extern const char *mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec);
-+extern int fsprobe_known_fstype(const char *fstype);
-+extern const char *fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(const char *devname);
-+struct mountargs {
-+	const char *spec;
-+	const char *node;
-+	const char *type;
-+	int flags;
-+	void *data;
-+extern int fsprobe_known_fstype_in_procfs(const char *type);
-+extern int fsprobe_procfsloop_mount(int (*mount_fn)(struct mountargs *),
-+			struct mountargs *args,
-+			const char **types);
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-index 9ff4e31..7f8c362 100644
---- a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-@@ -41,4 +41,15 @@ mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
- }
-+fsprobe_known_fstype(const char *fstype)
-+	return blkid_known_fstype(fstype);
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(const char *devname) {
-+	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "TYPE", devname);
- #endif
-diff --git a/mount/mount.c b/mount/mount.c
-index 309e41e..be9e409 100644
---- a/mount/mount.c
-+++ b/mount/mount.c
-@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
- #include "loop.h"
- #include "linux_fs.h"		/* for BLKGETSIZE */
- #include "mount_guess_rootdev.h"
--#include "mount_guess_fstype.h"
- #include "getusername.h"
- #include "mount_paths.h"
- #include "env.h"
-@@ -656,6 +655,26 @@ check_special_mountprog(const char *spec, const char *node, const char *type, in
-   return 0;
- }
-+static const char *
-+guess_fstype_by_devname(const char *devname)
-+   const char *type = fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(devname);
-+   if (verbose) {
-+      printf (_("mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for %s\n"), devname);
-+      if (!type)
-+         printf (_("       I will try all types mentioned in %s or %s\n"),
-+      else if (!strcmp(type, "swap"))
-+         printf (_("       and it looks like this is swapspace\n"));
-+      else
-+         printf (_("       I will try type %s\n"), type);
-+   }
-+   return type;
- /*
-  * guess_fstype_and_mount()
-  *	Mount a single file system. Guess the type when unknown.
-@@ -675,7 +694,7 @@ guess_fstype_and_mount(const char *spec, const char *node, const char **types,
-       *types = "none";		/* random, but not "bind" */
-    if (!*types && !(flags & MS_REMOUNT)) {
--      *types = guess_fstype(spec);
-+      *types = guess_fstype_by_devname(spec);
-       if (*types) {
- 	  if (!strcmp(*types, "swap")) {
- 	      error(_("%s looks like swapspace - not mounted"), spec);
-@@ -711,7 +730,7 @@ guess_fstype_and_mount(const char *spec, const char *node, const char **types,
-       return do_mount_syscall (&args);
-    }
--   return procfsloop(do_mount_syscall, &args, types);
-+   return fsprobe_procfsloop_mount(do_mount_syscall, &args, types);
- }
- /*
-@@ -1147,8 +1166,10 @@ try_mount_one (const char *spec0, const char *node0, const char *types0,
-     case EIO:
-       error (_("mount: %s: can't read superblock"), spec); break;
-     case ENODEV:
--    { int pfs;
--      if ((pfs = is_in_procfs(types)) == 1 || !strcmp(types, "guess"))
-+    {
-+      int pfs = fsprobe_known_fstype_in_procfs(types);
-+      if (pfs == 1 || !strcmp(types, "guess"))
-         error(_("mount: %s: unknown device"), spec);
-       else if (pfs == 0) {
- 	char *lowtype, *p;
-@@ -1165,11 +1186,13 @@ try_mount_one (const char *spec0, const char *node0, const char *types0,
- 	    u++;
- 	  }
- 	}
--	if (u && is_in_procfs(lowtype) == 1)
-+	if (u && fsprobe_known_fstype_in_procfs(lowtype) == 1)
- 	  error (_("mount: probably you meant %s"), lowtype);
--	else if (!strncmp(lowtype, "iso", 3) && is_in_procfs("iso9660") == 1)
-+	else if (!strncmp(lowtype, "iso", 3) &&
-+			fsprobe_known_fstype_in_procfs("iso9660") == 1)
- 	  error (_("mount: maybe you meant 'iso9660'?"));
--	else if (!strncmp(lowtype, "fat", 3) && is_in_procfs("vfat") == 1)
-+	else if (!strncmp(lowtype, "fat", 3) &&
-+			fsprobe_known_fstype_in_procfs("vfat") == 1)
- 	  error (_("mount: maybe you meant 'vfat'?"));
- 	free(lowtype);
-       } else
-@@ -1741,8 +1764,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- 			   use only for testing purposes -
- 			   the guessing is not reliable at all */
- 		    {
--			char *fstype;
--			fstype = do_guess_fstype(optarg);
-+			const char *fstype;
-+			fstype = fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(optarg);
- 			printf("%s\n", fstype ? fstype : "unknown");
- 			exit(fstype ? 0 : EX_FAIL);
- 		    }
-diff --git a/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c b/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 01c3fc7..0000000
---- a/mount/mount_guess_fstype.c
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-- * Thu Jul 14 07:32:40 1994: added changes from Adam
-- * J. Richter ( so that /proc/filesystems is used
-- * if no -t option is given.  I modified his patches so that, if
-- * /proc/filesystems is not available, the behavior of mount is the same as
-- * it was previously.
-- *
-- * Wed Feb 8 09:23:18 1995: Mike Grupenhoff <kashmir@umiacs.UMD.EDU> added
-- * a probe of the superblock for the type before /proc/filesystems is
-- * checked.
-- *
-- * Fri Apr  5 01:13:33 1996:, fixed up iso9660 autodetect
-- *
-- * Wed Nov  11 11:33:55 1998:, try /etc/filesystems before
-- * /proc/filesystems
-- * [This was mainly in order to specify vfat before fat; these days we often
-- *  detect *fat and then assume vfat, so perhaps /etc/filesystems isnt
-- *  so useful anymore.]
-- *
-- * 1999-02-22 Arkadiusz Mi�kiewicz <misiek@pld.ORG.PL>
-- * added Native Language Support
-- *
-- * 2000-12-01 Sepp Wijnands <>
-- * added probes for cramfs, hfs, hpfs and adfs.
-- *
-- * 2001-10-26 Tim Launchbury
-- * added sysv magic.
-- *
-- * aeb - many changes.
-- *
-- */
--#include <stdio.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <fcntl.h>
--#include <errno.h>
--#include <unistd.h>
--#include <sys/stat.h>
--#include <sys/types.h>
--#include "linux_fs.h"
--#include "fsprobe.h"
--#include "mount_guess_fstype.h"
--#include "sundries.h"		/* for xstrdup */
--#include "nls.h"
--#define ETC_FILESYSTEMS		"/etc/filesystems"
--#define PROC_FILESYSTEMS	"/proc/filesystems"
--char *
--do_guess_fstype(const char *device) 
--	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "TYPE", device);
--static int
--known_fstype(const char *fstype) 
--	return blkid_known_fstype(fstype);
--static struct tried {
--	struct tried *next;
--	char *type;
--} *tried = NULL;
--static int
--was_tested(const char *fstype) {
--	struct tried *t;
--	if (known_fstype(fstype))
--		return 1;
--	for (t = tried; t; t = t->next) {
--		if (!strcmp(t->type, fstype))
--			return 1;
--	}
--	return 0;
--static void
--set_tested(const char *fstype) {
--	struct tried *t = xmalloc(sizeof(struct tried));
--	t->next = tried;
--	t->type = xstrdup(fstype);
--	tried = t;
--static void
--free_tested(void) {
--	struct tried *t, *tt;
--	t = tried;
--	while(t) {
--		free(t->type);
--		tt = t->next;
--		free(t);
--		t = tt;
--	}
--	tried = NULL;
--char *
--guess_fstype(const char *spec) {
--	char *type = do_guess_fstype(spec);
--	if (verbose) {
--	    printf (_("mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for %s\n"),
--		    spec);
--	    if (!type)
--	      printf (_("       I will try all types mentioned in %s or %s\n"),
--	    else if (!strcmp(type, "swap"))
--	      printf (_("       and it looks like this is swapspace\n"));
--	    else
--	      printf (_("       I will try type %s\n"), type);
--	}
--	return type;
--static char *
--procfsnext(FILE *procfs) {
--   char line[100];
--   char fsname[100];
--   while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), procfs)) {
--      if (sscanf (line, "nodev %[^\n]\n", fsname) == 1) continue;
--      if (sscanf (line, " %[^ \n]\n", fsname) != 1) continue;
--      return xstrdup(fsname);
--   }
--   return 0;
--/* Only use /proc/filesystems here, this is meant to test what
--   the kernel knows about, so /etc/filesystems is irrelevant.
--   Return: 1: yes, 0: no, -1: cannot open procfs */
--is_in_procfs(const char *type) {
--    FILE *procfs;
--    char *fsname;
--    int ret = -1;
--    procfs = fopen(PROC_FILESYSTEMS, "r");
--    if (procfs) {
--	ret = 0;
--	while ((fsname = procfsnext(procfs)) != NULL)
--	    if (!strcmp(fsname, type)) {
--		ret = 1;
--		break;
--	    }
--	fclose(procfs);
--	procfs = NULL;
--    }
--    return ret;
--/* Try all types in FILESYSTEMS, except those in *types,
--   in case *types starts with "no" */
--/* return: 0: OK, -1: error in errno, 1: type not found */
--/* when 0 or -1 is returned, *types contains the type used */
--/* when 1 is returned, *types is NULL */
--procfsloop(int (*mount_fn)(struct mountargs *), struct mountargs *args,
--	   const char **types) {
--	char *files[2] = { ETC_FILESYSTEMS, PROC_FILESYSTEMS };
--	FILE *procfs;
--	char *fsname;
--	const char *notypes = NULL;
--	int no = 0;
--	int ret = 1;
--	int errsv = 0;
--	int i;
--	if (*types && !strncmp(*types, "no", 2)) {
--		no = 1;
--		notypes = (*types) + 2;
--	}
--	*types = NULL;
--	/* Use PROC_FILESYSTEMS only when ETC_FILESYSTEMS does not exist.
--	   In some cases trying a filesystem that the kernel knows about
--	   on the wrong data will crash the kernel; in such cases
--	   ETC_FILESYSTEMS can be used to list the filesystems that we
--	   are allowed to try, and in the order they should be tried.
--	   End ETC_FILESYSTEMS with a line containing a single '*' only,
--	   if PROC_FILESYSTEMS should be tried afterwards. */
--	for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
--		procfs = fopen(files[i], "r");
--		if (!procfs)
--			continue;
--		while ((fsname = procfsnext(procfs)) != NULL) {
--			if (!strcmp(fsname, "*")) {
--				fclose(procfs);
--				goto nexti;
--			}
--			if (was_tested (fsname))
--				continue;
--			if (no && matching_type(fsname, notypes))
--				continue;
--			set_tested (fsname);
--			args->type = fsname;
--			if (verbose) {
--				printf(_("Trying %s\n"), fsname);
--				fflush(stdout);
--			}
--			if ((*mount_fn) (args) == 0) {
--				*types = fsname;
--				ret = 0;
--				break;
--			} else if (errno != EINVAL &&
--				   is_in_procfs(fsname) == 1) {
--				*types = "guess";
--				ret = -1;
--				errsv = errno;
--				break;
--			}
--		}
--		free_tested();
--		fclose(procfs);
--		errno = errsv;
--		return ret;
--	nexti:;
--	}
--	return 1;
-diff --git a/mount/mount_guess_fstype.h b/mount/mount_guess_fstype.h
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 63cb678..0000000
---- a/mount/mount_guess_fstype.h
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
--struct mountargs {
--	const char *spec;
--	const char *node;
--	const char *type;
--	int flags;
--	void *data;
--extern int verbose;
--char *guess_fstype(const char *device);
--char *do_guess_fstype(const char *device);
--int procfsloop(int (*mount_fn)(struct mountargs *), struct mountargs *args,
--	       const char **type);
--int is_in_procfs(const char *fstype);
-diff --git a/mount/mount_paths.h b/mount/mount_paths.h
-index fe84e1d..9093b10 100644
---- a/mount/mount_paths.h
-+++ b/mount/mount_paths.h
-@@ -12,4 +12,7 @@
- #endif
- #define LOCK_TIMEOUT	10
-+#define ETC_FILESYSTEMS		"/etc/filesystems"
-+#define PROC_FILESYSTEMS	"/proc/filesystems"
- #endif /* MOUNT_PATHS_H */
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- mount/fsprobe.h       |   41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
- mount/fsprobe_blkid.c |   27 +++++++++++++++------------
- mount/fstab.c         |    8 ++++----
- mount/mount.c         |   40 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
- mount/swapon.c        |   14 +++++++-------
- 5 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe.h b/mount/fsprobe.h
-index cc429e1..e59440e 100644
---- a/mount/fsprobe.h
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe.h
-@@ -1,18 +1,32 @@
--#include <blkid/blkid.h>
--extern blkid_cache blkid;
--extern void mount_blkid_get_cache(void);
--extern void mount_blkid_put_cache(void);
--extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid);
--extern const char *mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *label);
--extern const char *mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec);
--extern const char *mount_get_devname(const char *spec);
--extern const char *mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec);
--extern int fsprobe_known_fstype(const char *fstype);
-+ * This is the generic interface for filesystem guessing libraries.
-+ * Implementations are provided by
-+ *
-+ *    fsprobe_blkid.c for libblkid from e2fsprogs
-+ *    fsprobe_volumeid.c for libvolume_id from udev
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Kay Sievers <>
-+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Matthias Koenig <>
-+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Karel Zak <>
-+ */
-+extern void fsprobe_init(void);
-+extern void fsprobe_exit(void);
-+extern const char *fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid);
-+extern const char *fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(const char *label);
-+extern const char *fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(const char *devname);
-+extern const char *fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(const char *devname);
- extern const char *fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(const char *devname);
-+extern const char *fsprobe_get_devname(const char *spec);
-+extern const char *fsprobe_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec);
-+extern int fsprobe_known_fstype(const char *fstype);
- struct mountargs {
- 	const char *spec;
- 	const char *node;
-@@ -27,3 +41,4 @@ extern int fsprobe_procfsloop_mount(int (*mount_fn)(struct mountargs *),
- 			struct mountargs *args,
- 			const char **types);
-+#endif /* MOUNT_FSPROBE_H */
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-index 7f8c362..d25b973 100644
---- a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-@@ -1,43 +1,47 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
-+#include <blkid/blkid.h>
- #include "fsprobe.h"
--blkid_cache blkid;
-+static blkid_cache blkid;
- void
--mount_blkid_get_cache(void) {
-+fsprobe_init(void) {
- 	blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
- }
- void
--mount_blkid_put_cache(void) {
-+fsprobe_exit(void) {
- 	blkid_put_cache(blkid);
- }
- const char *
--mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) {
--	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "LABEL", spec);
-+fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(const char *devname) {
-+	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "LABEL", devname);
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(const char *devname) {
-+	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "UUID", devname);
- }
- const char *
--mount_get_devname(const char *spec) {
-+fsprobe_get_devname(const char *spec) {
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
- }
- const char *
--mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
-+fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "UUID", uuid);
- }
- const char *
--mount_get_devname_by_label(const char *label) {
-+fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(const char *label) {
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "LABEL", label);
- }
- /* Also when no UUID= or LABEL= occur? No verbose? No warnings? */
- const char *
--mount_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
-+fsprobe_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
- }
-@@ -52,4 +56,3 @@ fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(const char *devname) {
- 	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "TYPE", devname);
- }
-diff --git a/mount/fstab.c b/mount/fstab.c
-index 5267f62..c47f20d 100644
---- a/mount/fstab.c
-+++ b/mount/fstab.c
-@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ has_label(const char *device, const char *label) {
- 	const char *devlabel;
- 	int ret;
--	devlabel = mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(device);
-+	devlabel = fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(device);
- 	ret = !strcmp(label, devlabel);
- 	/* free(devlabel); */
- 	return ret;
-@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ has_uuid(const char *device, const char *uuid){
- 	const char *devuuid;
- 	int ret;
--	devuuid = mount_get_devname_by_uuid(device);
-+	devuuid = fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(device);
- 	ret = !strcmp(uuid, devuuid);
- 	/* free(devuuid); */
- 	return ret;
-@@ -745,8 +745,8 @@ int verbose;
- int mount_quiet;
- char *progname;
--const char *mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(const char *spec) { return NULL; }
--const char *mount_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) { return NULL; }
-+const char *fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(const char *spec) { return NULL; }
-+const char *fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(const char *spec) { return NULL; }
- struct my_mntent *my_getmntent (mntFILE *mfp) { return NULL; }
- mntFILE *my_setmntent (const char *file, char *mode) { return NULL; }
- void my_endmntent (mntFILE *mfp) { }
-diff --git a/mount/mount.c b/mount/mount.c
-index be9e409..12964ca 100644
---- a/mount/mount.c
-+++ b/mount/mount.c
-@@ -233,6 +233,11 @@ parse_string_opt(char *s) {
- 	return 0;
- }
-+static void
-+my_free(const void *s) {
-+	if (s)
-+		free((void *) s);
- /* Report on a single mount.  */
- static void
-@@ -245,11 +250,18 @@ print_one (const struct my_mntent *me) {
- 	if (me->mnt_opts != NULL)
- 		printf (" (%s)", me->mnt_opts);
- 	if (list_with_volumelabel) {
--		const char *label;
--		label = mount_get_volume_label_by_spec(me->mnt_fsname);
--		if (label) {
--			printf (" [%s]", label);
--			/* free(label); */
-+		const char *devname = fsprobe_get_devname(me->mnt_fsname);
-+		if (devname) {
-+			const char *label;
-+			label = fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(devname);
-+			my_free(devname);
-+			if (label) {
-+				printf (" [%s]", label);
-+				my_free(label);
-+			}
- 		}
- 	}
- 	printf ("\n");
-@@ -268,12 +280,6 @@ print_all (char *types) {
-      exit (0);
- }
--static void
--my_free(const void *s) {
--	if (s)
--		free((void *) s);
- /* reallocates its first arg */
- static char *
- append_opt(char *s, const char *opt, const char *val)
-@@ -1330,7 +1336,7 @@ mount_one (const char *spec, const char *node, const char *types,
- 	opts = append_opt(opts, cmdlineopts, NULL);
- 	/* Handle possible LABEL= and UUID= forms of spec */
--	nspec = mount_get_devname_for_mounting(spec);
-+	nspec = fsprobe_get_devname_for_mounting(spec);
- 	if (nspec)
- 		spec = nspec;
-@@ -1387,7 +1393,7 @@ mounted (const char *spec0, const char *node0) {
- 	int ret = 0;
- 	/* Handle possible UUID= and LABEL= in spec */
--	spec0 = mount_get_devname(spec0);
-+	spec0 = fsprobe_get_devname(spec0);
- 	if (!spec0)
- 		return ret;
-@@ -1669,7 +1675,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- 	if (fd > 2)
- 		close(fd);
--	mount_blkid_get_cache();
-+	fsprobe_init();
- 	initproctitle(argc, argv);
-@@ -1842,9 +1848,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- 	if (specseen) {
- 		if (uuid)
--			spec = mount_get_devname_by_uuid(uuid);
-+			spec = fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(uuid);
- 		else
--			spec = mount_get_devname_by_label(volumelabel);
-+			spec = fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(volumelabel);
- 		if (!spec)
- 			die (EX_USAGE, _("mount: no such partition found"));
-@@ -1922,7 +1928,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- 	if (result == EX_SOMEOK)
- 		result = 0;
--	mount_blkid_put_cache();
-+	fsprobe_exit();
- 	exit (result);
- }
-diff --git a/mount/swapon.c b/mount/swapon.c
-index cb055b3..025a6b5 100644
---- a/mount/swapon.c
-+++ b/mount/swapon.c
-@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ do_swapon(const char *orig_special, int prio) {
- 	if (verbose)
- 		printf(_("%s on %s\n"), progname, orig_special);
--	special = mount_get_devname(orig_special);
-+	special = fsprobe_get_devname(orig_special);
- 	if (!special) {
- 		fprintf(stderr, _("%s: cannot find the device for %s\n"),
- 			progname, orig_special);
-@@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ cannot_find(const char *special) {
- static int
- swapon_by_label(const char *label, int prio) {
--	const char *special = mount_get_devname_by_label(label);
-+	const char *special = fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(label);
- 	return special ? do_swapon(special, prio) : cannot_find(label);
- }
- static int
- swapon_by_uuid(const char *uuid, int prio) {
--	const char *special = mount_get_devname_by_uuid(uuid);
-+	const char *special = fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(uuid);
- 	return special ? do_swapon(special, prio) : cannot_find(uuid);
- }
-@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ do_swapoff(const char *orig_special, int quiet) {
- 	if (verbose)
- 		printf(_("%s on %s\n"), progname, orig_special);
--	special = mount_get_devname(orig_special);
-+	special = fsprobe_get_devname(orig_special);
- 	if (!special)
- 		return cannot_find(orig_special);
-@@ -293,13 +293,13 @@ do_swapoff(const char *orig_special, int quiet) {
- static int
- swapoff_by_label(const char *label, int quiet) {
--	const char *special = mount_get_devname_by_label(label);
-+	const char *special = fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(label);
- 	return special ? do_swapoff(special, quiet) : cannot_find(label);
- }
- static int
- swapoff_by_uuid(const char *uuid, int quiet) {
--	const char *special = mount_get_devname_by_uuid(uuid);
-+	const char *special = fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(uuid);
- 	return special ? do_swapoff(special, quiet) : cannot_find(uuid);
- }
-@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ swapon_all(void) {
- 		if (!streq(fstab->mnt_type, MNTTYPE_SWAP))
- 			continue;
--		special = mount_get_devname(orig_special);
-+		special = fsprobe_get_devname(orig_special);
- 		if (!special)
- 			continue;
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-The blkid supports NAME=value parsing, but use the library for
-this simple task is overkill. (The libblkid requires initialized
-blkid cache all time, for all calls.)
-This patch makes the fsprobe_get_devname_for_mounting() and
-fsprobe_get_devname() generic for all fsprobe implementations.
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- mount/     |    2 +-
- mount/fsprobe.c       |   61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- mount/fsprobe_blkid.c |   11 ---------
- mount/sundries.c      |   38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- mount/sundries.h      |    2 +
- mount/swapon.c        |    1 +
- 6 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mount/ b/mount/
-index b5b21b5..e61261f 100644
---- a/mount/
-+++ b/mount/
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ umount_LDADD = $(top_srcdir)/lib/libenv.a
- umount_CFLAGS = $(SUID_CFLAGS)
- swapon_SOURCES = swapon.c xmalloc.c \
--	swap_constants.h realpath.c
-+	swap_constants.h realpath.c fsprobe.c sundries.c
- losetup_SOURCES = lomount.c loop.h lomount.h
- losetup_CFLAGS = -DMAIN
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe.c b/mount/fsprobe.c
-index 4b57802..2629d0d 100644
---- a/mount/fsprobe.c
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe.c
-@@ -162,3 +162,64 @@ fsprobe_procfsloop_mount(	int (*mount_fn)(struct mountargs *),
- 	}
- 	return 1;
- }
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec)
-+	char *name, *value;
-+	if (!spec)
-+		return NULL;
-+	if (parse_spec(spec, &name, &value) != 0)
-+		return NULL;				/* parse error */
-+	if (name) {
-+		const char *nspec = NULL;
-+		if (!strcmp(name,"LABEL"))
-+			nspec = fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(value);
-+		else if (!strcmp(name,"UUID"))
-+			nspec = fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(value);
-+		if (nspec && verbose > 1)
-+			printf(_("mount: going to mount %s by %s\n"), spec, name);
-+		free((void *) name);
-+		return nspec;
-+	}
-+	/* no LABEL, no UUID, .. probably a path */
-+	if (verbose > 1)
-+		printf(_("mount: no LABEL=, no UUID=, going to mount %s by path\n"), spec);
-+	return canonicalize(spec);
-+/* like fsprobe_get_devname_for_mounting(), but without verbose messages */
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_devname(const char *spec)
-+	char *name, *value;
-+	if (!spec)
-+		return NULL;
-+	if (parse_spec(spec, &name, &value) != 0)
-+		return NULL;				/* parse error */
-+	if (name) {
-+		const char *nspec = NULL;
-+		if (!strcmp(name,"LABEL"))
-+			nspec = fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(value);
-+		else if (!strcmp(name,"UUID"))
-+			nspec = fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(value);
-+		free((void *) name);
-+		return nspec;
-+	}
-+	return canonicalize(spec);
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-index d25b973..2dc734e 100644
---- a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-@@ -25,11 +25,6 @@ fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(const char *devname) {
- }
- const char *
--fsprobe_get_devname(const char *spec) {
--	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
--const char *
- fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "UUID", uuid);
- }
-@@ -39,12 +34,6 @@ fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(const char *label) {
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "LABEL", label);
- }
--/* Also when no UUID= or LABEL= occur? No verbose? No warnings? */
--const char *
--fsprobe_get_devname_for_mounting(const char *spec) {
--	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, spec, 0);
- int
- fsprobe_known_fstype(const char *fstype)
- {
-diff --git a/mount/sundries.c b/mount/sundries.c
-index cdfbb42..45404c5 100644
---- a/mount/sundries.c
-+++ b/mount/sundries.c
-@@ -247,3 +247,41 @@ canonicalize (const char *path) {
- 	return xstrdup(path);
- }
-+ * Parses NAME=value, returns -1 on parse error, 0 success. The success is also
-+ * when the 'spec' doesn't contain name=value pair (because the spec could be
-+ * a devname too). In particular case the pointer 'name' is set to NULL.
-+ * The result is a new allocated string (the 'name' pointer).
-+ */
-+parse_spec(const char *spec, char **name, char **value)
-+	char *vl, *tk, *cp;
-+	*name = NULL;
-+	*value = NULL;
-+	if (!(cp = strchr(spec, '=')))
-+		return 0;				/* no name= */
-+	tk = xstrdup(spec);
-+	vl = tk + (cp - spec);
-+	*vl++ = '\0';
-+	if (*vl == '"' || *vl == '\'') {
-+		if (!(cp = strrchr(vl+1, *vl))) {
-+			free(tk);
-+			return -1;			/* parse error */
-+		}
-+		vl++;
-+		*cp = '\0';
-+	}
-+	*name = tk;
-+	*value = vl;
-+	return 0;
-diff --git a/mount/sundries.h b/mount/sundries.h
-index 0851145..85ccd85 100644
---- a/mount/sundries.h
-+++ b/mount/sundries.h
-@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ char *xstrndup (const char *s, int n);
- char *xstrconcat3 (char *, const char *, const char *);
- char *xstrconcat4 (char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
-+int parse_spec(const char *spec, char **name, char **value);
- void die (int errcode, const char *fmt, ...);
- /* exit status - bits below are ORed */
-diff --git a/mount/swapon.c b/mount/swapon.c
-index 025a6b5..3936790 100644
---- a/mount/swapon.c
-+++ b/mount/swapon.c
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- int all = 0;
- int verbose = 0;
- int priority = -1;	/* non-prioritized swap by default */
-+int mount_quiet = 0;
- /* If true, don't complain if the device/file doesn't exist */
- int ifexists = 0;
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-The blkid_get_cache() parses /etc/, it's better do it only
-when we really need to resolve a spec (label or uuid).
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- mount/fsprobe_blkid.c |   38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
- 1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-index 2dc734e..16a093a 100644
---- a/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe_blkid.c
-@@ -5,32 +5,50 @@
- static blkid_cache blkid;
- void
--fsprobe_init(void) {
--	blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
-+	blkid = NULL;
- }
- void
--fsprobe_exit(void) {
- 	blkid_put_cache(blkid);
- }
- const char *
--fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(const char *devname) {
-+fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(const char *devname)
-+	if (!blkid)
-+		blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
- 	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "LABEL", devname);
- }
- const char *
--fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(const char *devname) {
-+fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(const char *devname)
-+	if (!blkid)
-+		blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
- 	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "UUID", devname);
- }
- const char *
--fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid) {
-+fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid)
-+	if (!blkid)
-+		blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "UUID", uuid);
- }
- const char *
--fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(const char *label) {
-+fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(const char *label)
-+	if (!blkid)
-+		blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
- 	return blkid_get_devname(blkid, "LABEL", label);
- }
-@@ -41,7 +59,11 @@ fsprobe_known_fstype(const char *fstype)
- }
- const char *
--fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(const char *devname) {
-+fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(const char *devname)
-+	if (!blkid)
-+		blkid_get_cache(&blkid, NULL);
- 	return blkid_get_tag_value(blkid, "TYPE", devname);
- }
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-The functions have to check for NULL pointer.
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- mount/fstab.c |   10 ++++++++--
- 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mount/fstab.c b/mount/fstab.c
-index c47f20d..eee126e 100644
---- a/mount/fstab.c
-+++ b/mount/fstab.c
-@@ -293,8 +293,11 @@ has_label(const char *device, const char *label) {
- 	int ret;
- 	devlabel = fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(device);
-+	if (!devlabel)
-+		return 0;
- 	ret = !strcmp(label, devlabel);
--	/* free(devlabel); */
-+	my_free(devlabel);
- 	return ret;
- }
-@@ -304,8 +307,11 @@ has_uuid(const char *device, const char *uuid){
- 	int ret;
- 	devuuid = fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(device);
-+	if (!devuuid)
-+		return 0;
- 	ret = !strcmp(uuid, devuuid);
--	/* free(devuuid); */
-+	my_free(devuuid);
- 	return ret;
- }
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-The patch add new option --with-fsprobe=<name> (where the <name> is
-blkid or volume_id). The blkid is default. The mount cannot be
-compiled without a filesystem detection library.
-Signed-off-by: Kay Sievers <>
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- |   26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/ b/
-index d24ce09..e3ae318 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -56,8 +56,30 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LIBUTIL, test x$ac_cv_lib_util_openpty = xyes)
- AC_CHECK_LIB(termcap, tgetnum)
- AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_TERMCAP, test x$ac_cv_lib_termcap_tgetnum = xyes)
--AC_CHECK_LIB(blkid, blkid_known_fstype)
--AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_BLKID, test x$ac_cv_lib_blkid_blkid_known_fstype = xyes)
-+  AC_HELP_STRING([--with-fsprobe], [library to guess filesystems (blkid|volume_id), default is blkid]),
-+  with_fsprobe=$withval, with_fsprobe=blkid
-+if test x$with_fsprobe = xblkid; then
-+  AC_CHECK_LIB(blkid, blkid_known_fstype)
-+  if test x$ac_cv_lib_blkid_blkid_known_fstype = xyes; then
-+    fsprobe=blkid
-+  fi
-+elif test x$with_fsprobe = xvolume_id; then
-+  AC_CHECK_LIB(volume_id, volume_id_open_fd)
-+  if test x$ac_cv_lib_volume_id_volume_id_open_fd = xyes; then
-+    fsprobe=volume_id
-+  fi
-+if test -z "$fsprobe"; then
-+  AC_MSG_ERROR([Without blkid or volume_id you will not be able to build util-linux-ng.])
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_BLKID, test x"$fsprobe" = xblkid)
-+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_VOLUME_ID, test x"$fsprobe" = xvolume_id)
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-Signed-off-by: Matthias Koenig <>
-Signed-off-by: Kay Sievers <>
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- mount/        |    9 +++
- mount/fsprobe_volumeid.c |  123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- mount/mount.8            |    5 +-
- mount/mount_paths.h      |    4 ++
- 4 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/mount/ b/mount/
-index e61261f..4562b2d 100644
---- a/mount/
-+++ b/mount/
-@@ -37,6 +37,15 @@ umount_LDADD += -lblkid -luuid
- swapon_LDADD = -lblkid -luuid
- endif
-+mount_SOURCES += fsprobe_volumeid.c
-+umount_SOURCES += fsprobe_volumeid.c
-+swapon_SOURCES += fsprobe_volumeid.c
-+mount_LDADD += -lvolume_id
-+umount_LDADD += -lvolume_id
-+swapon_LDADD = -lvolume_id
- sbin_PROGRAMS += pivot_root
- man_MANS += pivot_root.8
-diff --git a/mount/fsprobe_volumeid.c b/mount/fsprobe_volumeid.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..8c13987
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/mount/fsprobe_volumeid.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <stddef.h>
-+#include <sys/mount.h>
-+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-+#include <fcntl.h>
-+#include <libvolume_id.h>
-+#include "fsprobe.h"
-+#include "realpath.h"
-+#include "mount_paths.h"
-+#include "sundries.h"
-+enum probe_type {
-+static char *probe(const char *device, enum probe_type type)
-+	int fd;
-+	uint64_t size;
-+	struct volume_id *id;
-+	char *value = NULL;
-+	fd = open(device, O_RDONLY);
-+	if (fd < 0)
-+		return NULL;
-+	id = volume_id_open_fd(fd);
-+	if (!id)
-+		return NULL;
-+	/* TODO: use blkdev_get_size() */
-+	if (ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64, &size) != 0)
-+		size = 0;
-+	if (volume_id_probe_all(id, 0, size) == 0) {
-+		switch(type) {
-+			value  = xstrdup(id->label);
-+			break;
-+		case VOLUME_ID_UUID:
-+			value  = xstrdup(id->uuid);
-+			break;
-+		case VOLUME_ID_TYPE:
-+			value  = xstrdup(id->type);
-+			break;
-+		default:
-+			break;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	volume_id_close(id);
-+	return value;
-+fsprobe_known_fstype(const char *fstype)
-+	/* TODO 
-+	if (volume_id_get_prober_by_type(fstype) != NULL)
-+		return 1;
-+	*/
-+	return 0;
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_uuid_by_devname(const char *devname)
-+	return probe(devname, VOLUME_ID_UUID);
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_label_by_devname(const char *devname)
-+	return probe(devname, VOLUME_ID_LABEL);
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_fstype_by_devname(const char *devname)
-+	return probe(devname, VOLUME_ID_TYPE);
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_devname_by_uuid(const char *uuid)
-+	char dev[PATH_MAX];
-+	if (!uuid)
-+		return NULL;
-+	snprintf(dev, sizeof(dev), PATH_DEV_BYUUID "/%s", uuid);
-+	return canonicalize(dev);
-+const char *
-+fsprobe_get_devname_by_label(const char *label)
-+	char dev[PATH_MAX];
-+	if (!label)
-+		return NULL;
-+	snprintf(dev, sizeof(dev), PATH_DEV_BYLABEL "/%s", label);
-+	return canonicalize(dev);
-diff --git a/mount/mount.8 b/mount/mount.8
-index 8ed5a11..be6e537 100644
---- a/mount/mount.8
-+++ b/mount/mount.8
-@@ -477,9 +477,8 @@ If no
- option is given, or if the
- .B auto
- type is specified, mount will try to guess the desired type.
--If mount was compiled with the blkid library, the guessing is done
--by this library. Otherwise, mount guesses itself by probing the
--superblock; if that does not turn up anything that looks familiar,
-+Mount uses the blkid or volume_id library for guessing the filesystem
-+type; if that does not turn up anything that looks familiar,
- mount will try to read the file
- .IR /etc/filesystems ,
- or, if that does not exist,
-diff --git a/mount/mount_paths.h b/mount/mount_paths.h
-index 9093b10..d726d06 100644
---- a/mount/mount_paths.h
-+++ b/mount/mount_paths.h
-@@ -15,4 +15,8 @@
- #define ETC_FILESYSTEMS		"/etc/filesystems"
- #define PROC_FILESYSTEMS	"/proc/filesystems"
-+/* udev paths */
-+#define PATH_DEV_BYLABEL	"/dev/disk/by-label"
-+#define PATH_DEV_BYUUID		"/dev/disk/by-uuid"
- #endif /* MOUNT_PATHS_H */
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
-The util-linux-ng tests have to be useful with blkid and also with
-Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <>
- tests/ts-cramfs-mkfs |   15 +++++++++++----
- tests/ts-mkswap-doit |   16 ++++++++++++----
- 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tests/ts-cramfs-mkfs b/tests/ts-cramfs-mkfs
-index 6a9e029..1f7156e 100755
---- a/tests/ts-cramfs-mkfs
-+++ b/tests/ts-cramfs-mkfs
-@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ IMAGE_RE=$( echo $IMAGE | sed 's:/:\\/:g' )
- LABEL="testCramfs"
- MOUNTPOINT="$TS_OUTDIR/cramfs-mnt"
-+ldd $TS_CMD_MOUNT | grep -q 'libvolume_id' 2>&1 >> $TS_OUTPUT
-+if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
- echo "create mountpoint dir" >> $TS_OUTPUT
- if [ ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then
- 	mkdir -p $MOUNTPOINT
-@@ -78,15 +83,17 @@ echo "create loop device from image" >> $TS_OUTPUT
- echo "check the image" >> $TS_OUTPUT
--blkid -c /dev/null -w /dev/null -s TYPE $DEVICE 2>&1 | grep -q 'TYPE="cramfs"' 2>&1 >> $TS_OUTPUT
--if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-+if [ "$($TS_CMD_MOUNT --guess-fstype $DEVICE)" != "cramfs" ]; then
- 	echo "Cannot found cramfs on $DEVICE" >> $TS_OUTPUT
- 	ts_finalize
- fi
-+if [ -n "$HAS_VOLUMEID" ] && [ ! -L "/dev/disk/by-label/$LABEL" ]; then
-+	ts_skip "udev ignores /dev/loop*"
- echo "mount the image" >> $TS_OUTPUT
-diff --git a/tests/ts-mkswap-doit b/tests/ts-mkswap-doit
-index 6e19b46..e4b5b76 100755
---- a/tests/ts-mkswap-doit
-+++ b/tests/ts-mkswap-doit
-@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ IMAGE="$TS_OUTDIR/loop-swap.img"
- IMAGE_RE=$( echo $IMAGE | sed 's:/:\\/:g' )
- LABEL="testSwap"
-+ldd $TS_CMD_SWAPON | grep -q 'libvolume_id' 2>&1 >> $TS_OUTPUT
-+if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
- dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMAGE bs=1M count=20 &> /dev/null
-@@ -54,14 +59,17 @@ $TS_CMD_LOSETUP $DEVICE $IMAGE 2>&1 >> $TS_OUTPUT
- # check it
--blkid -c /dev/null -w /dev/null -s TYPE $DEVICE 2>&1 | grep -q 'TYPE="swap"' 2>&1 >> $TS_OUTPUT
--if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-+if [ "$($TS_CMD_MOUNT --guess-fstype $DEVICE)" != "swap" ]; then
- 	echo "Cannot found Linux swap on $DEVICE" >> $TS_OUTPUT
- 	ts_finalize
- fi
-+if [ -n "$HAS_VOLUMEID" ] && [ ! -L "/dev/disk/by-label/$LABEL" ]; then
-+	ts_skip "udev ignores /dev/loop*"
- # try connect it to system (and found the device by label)
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe util-linux-ng" in
-the body of a message to
-More majordomo info at
diff --git a/util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070509.tar.bz2 b/util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070509.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index fa55b66..0000000
--- a/util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070509.tar.bz2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-oid sha256:be7bac40f6c1ba44b66cd829241f8c6368ff56e823d1c7f673c0321b3d980f99
-size 1504607
diff --git a/util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530.tar.bz2 b/util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530.tar.bz2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1831cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util-linux-ng-2.12r+git20070530.tar.bz2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+oid sha256:cead87afb0a8a4030b74d5875f0ccc91d6903094b1aad78ad7dccc97787e4f33
+size 1496916
diff --git a/util-linux.changes b/util-linux.changes
index bab20b5..32338d0 100644
--- a/util-linux.changes
+++ b/util-linux.changes
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+Wed Jun  6 16:15:43 CEST 2007 -
+- update to git20070530
+- removed patches
+  util-linux-2.13-mount_volume_id.patch  
+  util-linux-2.12r-mount_by_uuid.patch
+  util-linux-2.13-build_gnu_source.patch
+- fix build with ncurses
 Tue Jun  5 17:01:48 CEST 2007 -
diff --git a/util-linux.spec b/util-linux.spec
index 7cdb5e1..1341c84 100644
--- a/util-linux.spec
+++ b/util-linux.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# spec file for package util-linux (Version 2.12r+git20070509)
+# spec file for package util-linux (Version 2.12r+git20070530)
 # Copyright (c) 2007 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
 # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ PreReq:         %install_info_prereq permissions
 License:        BSD License and BSD-like, GNU General Public License (GPL)
 Group:          System/Base
 Autoreqprov:    on
-Version:        2.12r+git20070509
+Version:        2.12r+git20070530
 Release:        1
 Summary:        A collection of basic system utilities
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ Source30:       README.largedisk
 ## util-linux
-Patch0:         util-linux-2.13-mount_volume_id.patch
 # add hostid
 Patch1:         util-linux-2.12-misc_utils_hostid.patch
 # 27181 (suse12181) - wall adds newlines
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ Patch15:        util-linux-2.11q-fdisk_fs_mac.patch
 Patch16:        util-linux-mount_opt_hotplug.patch
 # 115129 - mount --move doesn't work as expected
 Patch18:        util-linux-2.12q-mount_--move.patch
-Patch20:        util-linux-2.12r-mount_by_uuid.patch 
 Patch21:        util-linux-2.12q-mount_umount2_not_static.patch
 # 148409 - df, mount, /proc/mounts show root mounted twice
 # TODO: Needs fix, because of 231599
@@ -97,9 +95,8 @@ Patch36:        util-linux-2.12r-mount_racy_loop.patch
 # TODO: Needs to be ported to new version
 Patch38:        util-linux-2.12r-mount_swapon_swsuspend_resume.patch
 Patch40:        util-linux-2.13-sys_utils_arch.patch
-Patch41:        util-linux-2.13-build_gnu_source.patch
 Patch42:        util-linux-2.13-build_fix_intel_check.patch
-Patch43:        util-linux-2.13-build_no_perl_dependency.patch
+Patch43:        util-linux-2.13-misc_utils_cal_ncurses.patch
 ## adjtimex
@@ -133,7 +130,6 @@ Authors:
 %setup -q -a 9 -b 10 -b 11 -b 12 -b 13 -n %name-ng-%version
-%patch0 -p1
 %patch1 -p1
 %patch2 -p1
 %patch5 -p0
@@ -144,7 +140,6 @@ Authors:
 %patch15 -p1
 %patch16 -p1
-#%patch20 -p1
 %patch23 -p1
@@ -158,7 +153,6 @@ Authors:
 %patch36 -p1
 #%patch38 -p1
 %patch40 -p1
-%patch41 -p1
 %patch42 -p1
 %patch43 -p1
@@ -233,7 +227,6 @@ CFLAGS=-DCONFIG_SMP
             --enable-partx \
             --enable-raw \
             --enable-rdev \
-            --enable-perl-scripts=no \
             --enable-write \
             --disable-use-tty-group \
@@ -302,6 +295,12 @@ ln -sf ../../etc/init.d/raw $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/rcraw
 # Following files we don't want to package, so remove them
 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/pg
 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/man/man1/pg.1*
+# Do not package these files to get rid of the perl dependency
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/chkdupexe
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/scriptreplay
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/man/man1/chkdupexe.1
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/man/man1/scriptreplay.1
+# arch dependent
 %ifarch s390 s390x
 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/fdprm
 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/cytune
@@ -554,6 +553,13 @@ fi
+* Wed Jun 06 2007 -
+- update to git20070530
+- removed patches
+  util-linux-2.13-mount_volume_id.patch
+  util-linux-2.12r-mount_by_uuid.patch
+  util-linux-2.13-build_gnu_source.patch
+- fix build with ncurses
 * Tue Jun 05 2007 -
 - update to git20070509
   mount: NFS code removed (use mount.nfs{,4} from nfs-utils)