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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2014,
# (C) 2014,
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
import logging
from osc.core import *
import yaml
class StagingApi(object):
Class containing various api calls to work with staging projects.
rings = ['openSUSE:Factory:Rings:0-Bootstrap',
ring_packages = dict()
apiurl = ""
def __init__(self, apiurl):
Initialize global variables
self.apiurl = apiurl
self.ring_packages = self._generate_ring_packages()
def _generate_ring_packages(self):
Generate dictionary with names of the rings
:return dictionary with ring names
ret = dict()
for prj in self.rings:
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', prj])
root = http_GET(url)
for entry in ET.parse(root).getroot().findall('entry'):
ret[entry.attrib['name']] = prj
return ret
def get_staging_projects(self):
Get all current running staging projects
:return list of known staging projects
projects = []
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['search', 'project', 'id?match=starts-with(@name,\'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:\')'])
projxml = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(projxml).getroot()
for val in root.findall('project'):
return projects
def staging_change_review_state(self, id, newstate, message):
Change review state of the staging request
:param id: id of the request
:param newstate: state of the new request
:param message: message for the review
""" taken from osc/osc/, improved:
- verbose option added,
- empty by_user=& removed.
- numeric id can be int().
query = {'cmd': 'changereviewstate',
'newstate': newstate,
'by_group': 'factory-staging',
'comment': message}
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['request', str(id)], query=query)
f = http_POST(url, data=message)
def accept_non_ring_request(self, request):
Accept review of requests that are not yet in
any ring so we don't delay their testing.
:param request: request to check
# Consolidate all data from request
request_id = int(request.get('id'))
action = request.findall('action')
if not action:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {0} has no action'.format(request_id))
# we care only about first action
action = action[0]
# Where are we targeting the package
target_project = action.find('target').get('project')
target_package = action.find('target').get('package')
# If the values are empty it is no error
if not target_project or not target_package:'no target/package in request {0}, action {1}; '.format(id, action))
# Verify the package ring
ring = self.ring_packages.get(target_package, None)
# DVD and main desktops are ignored for now
if ring is None:
# accept the request here
message = "No need for staging, not in tested ring project."
self.staging_change_review_state(request_id, 'accepted', message)
def get_open_requests(self):
Get all requests with open review for staging project
that are not yet included in any staging project
:return list of pending open review requests
requests = []
# xpath query, using the -m, -r, -s options
where = "@by_group='factory-staging'+and+@state='new'"
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['search','request'], "match=state/@name='review'+and+review["+where+"]")
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for rq in root.findall('request'):
return requests
def dispatch_open_requests(self):
Verify all requests and dispatch them to staging projects or approve them
# get all current pending requests
requests = self.get_open_requests()
# check if we can reduce it down by accepting some
for rq in requests:
# FIXME: dispatch to various staging projects automatically
def get_prj_pseudometa(self, project):
Gets project data from YAML in project description
:param project: project to read data from
:return structured object with metadata
url = make_meta_url('prj', project, self.apiurl)
data = http_GET(url).readlines()
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
description = root.find('description')
# If YAML parsing fails, load default
# FIXME: Better handling of errors
# * broken description
# * directly linked packages
# * removed linked packages
data = yaml.load(description.text)
data = yaml.load('requests: []')
return data
def set_prj_pseudometa(self, project, meta):
Sets project description to the YAML of the provided object
:param project: project to save into
:param meta: data to save
# Get current metadata
url = make_meta_url('prj', project, self.apiurl)
data = http_GET(url).readlines()
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
# Find description
description = root.find('description')
# Replace it with yaml
description.text = yaml.dump(meta)
# Find title
title = root.find('title')
# Put something nice into title as well
new_title = []
for request in meta['requests']:
title.text = ', '.join(new_title)
# Write XML back
url = make_meta_url('prj',project, self.apiurl, force=True)
f = metafile(url, ET.tostring(root))
http_PUT(f.url, file=f.filename)
def _add_rq_to_prj_pseudometa(self, project, request_id, package):
Records request as part of the project within metadata
:param project: project to record into
:param request_id: request id to record
:param package: package the request is about
data = self.get_prj_pseudometa(project)
append = True
for request in data['requests']:
if request['package'] == package:
request['id'] = request_id
append = False
if append:
data['requests'].append( { 'id': request_id, 'package': package} )
self.set_prj_pseudometa(project, data)
# FIXME Add sr to group request as well
def sr_to_prj(self, request_id, project):
Links sources from request to project
:param request_id: request to link
:param project: project to link into
# read info from sr
req = get_request(self.apiurl, request_id)
if not req:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Request {0} not found".format(request_id))
act = req.get_actions("submit")
if not act:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Request {0} is not a submit request".format(request_id))
src_prj = act.src_project
src_rev = act.src_rev
src_pkg = act.src_package
tar_pkg = act.tgt_package
# expand the revision to a md5
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', src_prj, src_pkg], { 'rev': src_rev, 'expand': 1 })
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
src_rev = root.attrib['srcmd5']
src_vrev = root.attrib['vrev']
#print "osc linkpac -r %s %s/%s %s/%s" % (src_rev, src_prj, src_pkg, project, tar_pkg)
# link stuff
self._add_rq_to_prj_pseudometa(project, int(request_id), src_pkg)
link_pac(src_prj, src_pkg, project, tar_pkg, force=True, rev=src_rev, vrev=src_vrev)
# FIXME If there are links in parent project, make sure that current